LESSON 100 Paul and TimothyTimothy was a young brother in the congregation at Lystra. His father was Greek, and his mother was Jewish. His mother, Eunice, and grandmother Lois taught Timothy about Jehovah from the time he was little. When Paul visited Lystra during his second preaching tour, he noticed that Timothy really loved the brothers and was eager to help them. Paul invited Timothy to join him on his journey. Over time, Paul trained Timothy to be a fine preacher and teacher of the good news. Holy spirit guided Paul and Timothy wherever they went. One night, in a vision, a man told Paul to come to Macedonia and help them. So Paul, Timothy, Silas, and Luke went there to preach and to form congregations. In the Macedonian city of Thessalonica, many men and women became Christians. But some of the Jews were jealous of Paul and his companions. They rounded up a mob and dragged the brothers to the city rulers, shouting: ‘These men are enemies of the Roman government!’ Paul’s and Timothy’s lives were in danger, so they fled to Beroea during the night. The people in Beroea were eager to learn the good news, and both Greeks and Jews there became believers. But when some Jews came from Thessalonica and stirred up trouble, Paul left for Athens. Timothy and Silas stayed in Beroea to strengthen the brothers. In time, Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to help the brothers deal with the intense persecution there. Later, Paul sent Timothy to visit many other congregations and encourage them. Paul told Timothy: ‘Those who want to serve Jehovah will be persecuted.’ Timothy was persecuted and imprisoned for his faith. He was happy for the opportunity to prove his loyalty to Jehovah. Paul told the Philippians: ‘I am sending Timothy to you. He will teach you what it means to walk in the truth, and he will train you in the ministry.’ Paul knew that he could rely on Timothy. They worked together as friends and fellow servants for many years. “I have no one else of a disposition like his who will genuinely care for your concerns. For all the others are seeking their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.”—Philippians 2:20, 21 |
IRUẸMWI 100 E Pọl Kevbe TimotiIgbama ẹre Timoti ghaa khin vbe iko nọ rre Listra. Ovbi e Grik ẹre erhae ghaa khin, iyẹe na gha re Ovbi e Ju. Ke egbe ọvbokhan ẹre iyẹe ighẹ Yunis kevbe iyẹe nọkhua ighẹ Luis ya suẹn gha maa re emwi vbekpae Jehova. Vbe ẹghẹ ne Pọl ya werriegbe mu okhian gha rrie Listra, ọ na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, Timoti wa hoẹmwẹ etẹn kevbe wẹẹ ọ hoo nọ ru iyobọ ne iran. Ẹre Pọl na ghi wẹẹ ne Timoti lele irẹn gha mu okhian yo ẹvbo ughughan. Vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha mu okhian yo ẹvbo ughughan, e Pọl keghi ru iyobọ ne Timoti, ne ọ ya gha re ọmwa nọ gbegba vbe ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan kevbe nọ sẹtin gha maa emwa emwi. Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ẹre ọ ghaa su e Pọl vbe Timoti vbe ehe ne iran rhirhi yo. Vbe Pọl ghi miẹn umian vbe asọn ọkpa, okpia ọkpa keghi tama e Pọl nọ gha die Masidonia ne ọ do ru iyobọ ne iran. Ẹre Pọl, Timoti, Sailas, kevbe Luk na gha rrie evba ya kporhu, iran na vbe mu iko nibun gbọ. Emwa nibun keghi khian Ivbiotu e Kristi vbe ẹvbo ọkpa na tie ẹre Tẹsalonaika vbe Masidonia. Sokpan Ivbi e Ju eso na gha gbọvo e Pọl vbe emwa ne iran gba khian. Iran keghi tie iko ye iran uhunmwu. Usun emwa dan ni gbẹbu na ghi silo etẹn na gha rrie ehe ne emwa ni khaevbisẹ ye vbe ẹvbo nii, vbene iran na gha kha wẹẹ: ‘Eghian ọghe arriọba e Rom ẹre ikpia na khin!’ Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ arrọọ ọghe Pọl kevbe Timoti rre ikpadede, iran keghi lẹẹ gha rrie Beria vbe asọn. Emwa ni rre Beria wa gha danmwehọ iyẹn nọ maan, rhunmwuda ọni, Ivbi e Grik kevbe Ivbi e Ju ni rre evba keghi khian Ivbiotu e Kristi. Sokpan vbe ẹghẹ ne Ivbi e Ju eso ni ke Tẹsalonaika rre ya suẹn gha ho ẹmwẹ, e Pọl keghi kpa gha rrie Atẹns. Timoti kevbe Sailas na ye gha rre Beria ne iran mieke na rhie igiọdu ne etẹn. Vbene ẹghẹ ya gha khian, e Pọl keghi gie Timoti werriegbe gha rrie Tẹsalonaika, ne ọ ya ru iyobọ ne etẹn ni rre evba rhunmwuda ukpokpo ne iran ghaa werriẹ aro daa. Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Pọl keghi gie Timoti gha rrie iko ughughan ne ọ ya rhie igiọdu ne iran. E Pọl keghi tama e Timoti wẹẹ: ‘Emwa ni hoo ne iran ga e Jehova gha miẹn ukpokpo.’ E Timoti gele wa miẹn ukpokpo; a vbe muẹn ye eghan ba ẹmwẹ emwi ne ọ yayi. Irẹn keghi ghọghọ ye ẹkpotọ nọ kie ne irẹn, ne irẹn ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ẹkoata dae Jehova. E Pọl keghi tama etẹn ni rre Filipai wẹẹ: ‘I khian gie Timoti bu uwa gha dee. Ọ gha ru iyobọ ne uwa ya rẹn vbene uwa gha ya khian lele odẹ ọghe ẹmwata hẹ, ọ ghi vbe gie odẹ ughughan na ya kporhu ma uwa.’ E Pọl rẹnrẹn wẹẹ irẹn gha sẹtin hẹnhẹn egbe yan e Timoti. Ọwara ukpo nibun ẹre iran ya winna kugbe kevbe wẹẹ ọse kankankan ẹre iran ghaa khin. “Irẹn ọkpa ọre I miẹn ne emwi ne ọ rre imẹ ekhọe vbe rre ọre ekhọe, kevbe ne ọ vbe zẹ ye ẹmwẹ uwa. Emwa nekpa hia, ẹmwẹ ne egbe iran ọre iran rhie aro daa, ẹi zẹdẹ re ẹmwẹ iwinna Jesu Kristi.”—Filipai 2:20, 21 |