LESSON 98 Christianity Spreads to Many NationsThe apostles obeyed Jesus’ command to spread the good news in all the earth. In 47 C.E., the brothers in Antioch sent Paul and Barnabas on a preaching tour. The two zealous preachers traveled all over Asia Minor to such places as Derbe, Lystra, and Iconium. Paul and Barnabas preached to everyone, whether rich or poor, young or old. Many people accepted the truth about Christ. When Paul and Barnabas preached to Sergius Paulus, the governor of Cyprus, a sorcerer tried to stop them. Paul told the sorcerer: ‘Jehovah is against you.’ Instantly, the sorcerer went blind. At seeing that, Governor Paulus became a believer. Paul and Barnabas preached everywhere, from house to house, in markets, on the road, and in synagogues. When they healed a lame man in Lystra, those who witnessed the miracle thought they were gods and tried to worship them. But Paul and Barnabas stopped them, saying: ‘Worship only God! We are just men.’ Then certain Jews came and turned the crowd against Paul. The crowd stoned him, dragged him outside the city, and left him for dead. However, Paul was still alive! Right away, the brothers came to his rescue and took him back into the city. Later, Paul returned to Antioch. In 49 C.E., Paul went on another tour. After returning to see the brothers in Asia Minor, he took the good news even farther, into Europe. He went to Athens, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, and other places. Silas, Luke, and a young man named Timothy joined Paul on his journey. They worked together to form congregations and help them become strong. Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, strengthening the brothers there. He preached, taught, and wrote letters to many congregations. He also did work as a tentmaker. In time, Paul returned to Antioch. Later, in 52 C.E., Paul went on a third tour, starting in Asia Minor. He traveled as far north as Philippi and then down into Corinth. Paul spent several years in Ephesus, teaching, healing, and helping the congregation. He also gave public talks every day in a school auditorium. Many people listened and changed their ways. Finally, after preaching the good news in many lands, Paul went to Jerusalem. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations.”—Matthew 28:19 |
IRUẸMWI 98 Emwa Nibun Vbe Agbẹnvbo Ughughan Khian Ivbiotu E KristiAvbe ukọ ọghe Jesu keghi lele iyi ne Jesu gbe ne iran, ọghe wẹẹ ne iran kporhu vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia. Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo 47 C.E., etẹn ni rre Antiọk keghi gie Pọl vbe Banabas ne iran ya kporhu vbe ẹvbo ughughan. Zẹvbe emwa ni zọghae, iran keghi mu okhian gha rrie ẹvbo ughughan ni rre otọ Asia Minor, vbe na ghee Listra, Dẹbi kevbe Aikọniọm. E Pọl vbe Banabas ma gha hannọ emwa ni iran kporhu ma. Emwa nibun keghi miẹn ẹmwata yi vbekpae Kristi. Vbe ẹghẹ ne Pọl vbe Banabas ya kporhu ma ukọ arriọba ọghe Saiprọs na tie ẹre Sẹgiọs Pọlọs, ọbo edunna ọkpa na gha hoo nọ da iran obọ yi. Ẹre Pọl na ghi tama ọbo edunna nii wẹẹ: ‘Te Jehova khian rri uwẹ oya.’ Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, ọbo edunna nii na rhu aro. Vbe Sẹgiọs Pọlọs ghi bẹghe emwi nọ sunu, ọ na khian Ovbiotu e Kristi. Ehe hia ẹre Pọl vbe Banabas na gha kporhu; ke owa ya sẹ owa, ẹki, odẹ kevbe sinagọg. Ọ ghaa mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne iran ya mu okpia ọkpa nọ re uke egbe rran vbe Listra. Vbe emwa ghi bẹghe emwi ọyunnuan nii, iran na gha roro wẹẹ osa ẹre iran khin, iran na gha hoo ne iran gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne iran. Sokpan e Pọl vbe Banabas keghi tama iran wẹẹ: ‘Osanobua ọkpa ẹre uwa gha ga! Emwa kẹkan ẹre ima khin.’ Vbe iyeke ọni, Ivbi e Ju eso na rre do fi ekhọe ọghe emwa ni gbẹbu nii werriẹ, iran na suẹn gha mu ohu e Pọl. Iran na gha filo ugbe gbe ẹre, iran na ghi si ẹre ladian vbe orere ẹvbo nii, vbene iran na gha roro wẹẹ ọ wu nẹ. Sokpan e Pọl ma wu! Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, etẹn keghi rre do ru iyobọ nẹ, iran na werriegbe muẹn gha rrie orere ẹvbo. Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Pọl na werriegbe gha rrie Antiọk. Vbe 49 C.E., e Pọl na werriegbe mu okhian gha rrie ẹvbo ọvbehe. Vbe ọ ghi ya miẹn etẹn ni rre Asia Minor nẹ, ọ na ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe otọ Europe. Ọ mu okhian gha rrie Atẹns, Ẹfisọs, Filipai, Tẹsalonaika kevbe ẹvbo ọvbehe. E Sailas, Luk kevbe igbama ọkpa na tie ẹre Timoti keghi deba e Pọl vbe okhian na. Iran na gha mu iko gbọ, iran na vbe gha rhie igiọdu ne etẹn. Ukpo ọkpa vbe ukhiọnmwẹ ẹre Pọl gbe vbe Kọrinti, vbene ọ na gha rhie igiọdu ne etẹn ni rre evba. Ọ ghaa kporhu, ọ vbe gha maa emwa emwi, ọ na vbe gha gbẹnnẹ elẹta gie iko ughughan. Iwinna owa ukpọn na bọ ẹre Pọl ya gha rri evbare. Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Pọl na werriegbe gha rrie Antiọk. Vbe 52 C.E., e Pọl keghi werriegbe mu okhian gha rrie ẹvbo ughughan, ọ ghi ke Asia Minor kpa, ọ na gha rrie Filipai. Ọ ghi ke evba kpa, ọ na gha rrie Kọrinti. Ukpo nibun ẹre Pọl gbe vbe Ẹfisọs, ọ na gha maa emwa emwi, ọ na gha mu emwa egbe rran, ọ na vbe gha ru iyobọ ne etẹn ni rre iko. Ẹdẹgbegbe ẹre ọ ya gha ya ọta azagba guan vbe ọgbẹlẹzẹ ọghe esuku. Emwa nibun ni danmwehọ keghi fiwerriẹ. Vbe Pọl ghi kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe ẹvbo nibun nẹ, ọ na gha rrie Jerusalẹm. “Wa bu emwa hia gha rrie ehe hia ne uwa ya . . . iran khian erhuanegbe mwẹ.”—Matiu 28:19 |