Cornelius Receives Holy Spirit

Cornelius Receives Holy Spirit

In Caesarea, there was an important Roman army officer named Cornelius. Although he was not a Jew, the Jews respected him. He generously helped poor and needy people. Cornelius believed in Jehovah and prayed to him continually. One day, an angel appeared to Cornelius and said: ‘God has heard your prayers. Now send men to the city of Joppa, where Peter is staying, and ask him to come to you.’ Immediately, Cornelius sent three men to Joppa, about 30 miles to the south.

Meanwhile, in Joppa, Peter had a vision. He saw animals that Jews were not allowed to eat, and he heard a voice telling him to eat. Peter refused, saying: ‘But I have never eaten an unclean animal in my life.’ The voice then told him: ‘Do not call these animals unclean. God has made them clean.’ Peter was also told: ‘There are three men at your door. Go with them.’ Peter went to the door and asked the men why they were there. They answered: ‘We have been sent by Cornelius, a Roman army officer. You are to come to his house in Caesarea.’ Peter  invited the men to stay overnight as his guests. The next day, he went with them to Caesarea, together with some brothers from Joppa.

When at last Cornelius saw Peter, he got down on his knees. But Peter said: ‘Get up! I am a man just like you. God told me to come to your house, even though Jews do not go into the homes of Gentiles. Now please tell me why you sent for me.’

Cornelius told Peter: ‘Four days ago I was praying to God, and an angel told me to send for you. Please teach us the words of Jehovah.’ Peter said: ‘I have learned that God is not partial. He accepts anyone who wants to worship him.’ Peter taught them many things about Jesus. Then holy spirit came upon Cornelius and those who were there with him, and all of them were baptized.

“In every nation the man who fears [God] and does what is right is acceptable to him.”​—Acts 10:35


Orhiọn Nọhuanrẹn Tuorre Yan e Kọniliọs

Orhiọn Nọhuanrẹn Tuorre Yan e Kọniliọs

Ọ ghaa mwẹ okpia ọkpa vbe Sisaria na tie ẹre Kọniliọs. Ọka iyokuo e Rom ghaa nọ. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ e Kọniliọs i re Ovbi e Ju, te Ivbi e Ju wa gha rhie ọghọ nẹ. Ọ wa gha ru iyobọ ne ivbiogue kevbe emwa ne obọ ma sẹ ọre. E Kọniliọs wa gha mwẹ amuẹtinyan dae Jehova, ọ vbe gha na erhunmwu gie ẹre vbe ẹghẹ hia. Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, odibosa ọkpa keghi rhie egbe ma e Kọniliọs, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Osanobua họn erhunmwu ruẹ nẹ. Gie emwa gha rrie Jopa, ne iran ya tie Pita rre.’ Vbe ọwarọkpa, e Kọniliọs keghi gie ikpia eha gha rrie Jopa nọ re okhian ibiriki 30.

Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, Osanobua keghi mu umian ma e Pita vbe Jopa. Vbe nene umian, e Pita keghi bẹghe aranmwẹ eso ne Ivbi e Ju wua. Urhu ọkpa na tama rẹn ne ọ rri ọre. Sokpan e Pita keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘I ma he rri aranmwẹ nọ ma huan ẹdẹ.’ Nene urhu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Ghẹ ghi tie iran, aranmwẹ nọ ma huan rhunmwuda Osanobua yae khian nọ huan rẹn nẹ.’ Ọ na vbe tama e Pita wẹẹ: ‘Ikpia eha rre onurho ruẹ. Lele iran.’ Ẹre Pita na bu iran, ọ keghi nọ iran wẹẹ ‘Vbe ọ ya uwa rre?’ Iran na wanniẹn ọnrẹn: ‘Ọka iyokuo e Rom ọkpa na tie ẹre Kọniliọs ẹre ọ gie ima rre. Ọ wẹẹ ne u lele ima gha die Sisaria.’ E Pita keghi viọ iran la owa, ne iran gbe  asọn vbe evba. Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Pita kevbe etẹn eso vbe Jopa na lele iran gha rrie Sisaria.

Vbe Kọniliọs ghi bẹghe Pita, ọ na wa fan fi iguẹ. Sokpan e Pita keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Kpaegbe! Ọmwa kẹkan ẹre imẹ tobọ mwẹ vbe khin. Osanobua ẹre ọ wẹẹ ne I bu ruẹ gha die owa, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ivbi e Ju kevbe emwa nẹ ẹi re Ju i lẹro egbe. Tama mwẹ, vbọzẹe ne u na gie na tie mwẹ?’

E Kọniliọs keghi tama e Pita wẹẹ: ‘Nẹghẹdẹnẹ vbe I ghaa na erhunmwu, odibosa ọkpa keghi rhie egbe ma mwẹ. Ọ na wẹẹ ne I gie na tie ruẹ. Lahọ, gu ima guan vbekpae Jehova.’ E Pita keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘I bẹghe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ, aro ọkpa ẹre Osanobua ya ghee emwa hia. Ọmwaikọmwa nọ hoo nọ ga irẹn, ẹre irẹn miẹn yi.’ E Pita keghi maa iran emwi nibun vbekpae Jesu. Vbe ọwarọkpa, orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghe Osanobua keghi tuorre yan e Kọniliọs kevbe emwa ni ghaa rre owa re. Vbe iyeke ọni, iran hia keghi dinmwiamẹ.

“Ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ mu ohan rẹn, ọ na vbe gha yin ẹse, te irẹn gha rhan obọ miẹn [ọnrẹn yi], ovbi ẹvbo ne ọ rhirhi gha khin.”​—⁠Iwinna 10:⁠35