Introduction to Section 14The early Christians spread the good news of the Kingdom to the most distant part of the earth. Jesus directed them where to preach and miraculously enabled them to teach people in their own languages. Jehovah gave them boldness and the power to overcome vicious persecution. Jesus gave the apostle John a vision of Jehovah’s glory. In another vision, John saw the Kingdom of the heavens conquer Satan and end his domination forever. John saw Jesus ruling as King and his 144,000 corulers with him. John also saw the whole earth become a paradise where everyone worships Jehovah in peace and unity. IN THIS SECTIONLESSON 95 Nothing Could Stop ThemThe religious leaders who had Jesus killed now try to silence his disciples. But they cannot. LESSON 96 Jesus Chooses SaulSaul is a violent enemy of the Christians, but that is about to change. LESSON 97 Cornelius Receives Holy SpiritWhy does God send Peter to the house of this man, who is not a Jew? LESSON 98 Christianity Spreads to Many NationsThe apostle Paul and his missionary companions begin the preaching work in distant lands. LESSON 99 A Jailer Learns the TruthHow are a demon, an earthquake, and a sword all involved in this story? LESSON 100 Paul and TimothyThe two men work together as friends and fellow servants for many years. LESSON 101 Paul Is Sent to RomeThe journey is full of dangers, but no difficulty can slow down this apostle. LESSON 103 “Let Your Kingdom Come”The Revelation to John shows how God’s Kingdom will change life on earth. |
Omuso Ọghe Abọ 14Ivbiotu e Kristi ni ghaa rrọọ vbe orre nokaro, keghi kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba Osanobua sẹ eke nọ ghi rree sẹ vbe agbọn na. Jesu ẹre ọ ghaa rhie adia ne iran, vbe nọ dekaan eke ne iran khian na kporhu. Ọ vbe rhie ẹtin ne Ivbiotu e Kristi, ne iran sẹtin gha ya urhuẹvbo ọghe emwa ọvbehe kporhu ma iran. E Jehova keghi rhie udinmwẹ ne iran, ne iran mieke na sẹtin mudia ẹse vbe iran gha werriẹ aro daa ukpokpo nọ wegbe. Jesu keghi mu umian ọghe ẹkete ọghe Jehova ma ukọ e Jọn. Vbe umian ọvbehe ne Jọn miẹn, ọ keghi bẹghe vbene Arriọba Osanobua khian ya khọnmiotọ yan Setan hẹ vbe etẹbitẹ. E Jọn vbe miẹn umian ọghe vbene Jesu kevbe orhunmwu 144,000 khian ya gha kha yan uhunmwu otagbọn na hẹ. E Jọn vbe bẹghe vbene otagbọn hia khian ya khian e paradais hẹ. Ẹghẹ nii, emwa hia ghi koko gha ga Jehova vbuwe ọfunmwegbe. VBE AKO NAIRUẸMWI 94 Orhiọn Nọhuanrẹn Tuorre Yan Avbe Erhuanegbe JesuDe ẹtin ne orhiọn nọhuanrẹn rhie ne iran? IRUẸMWI 95 Emwi Rhọkpa Ma Sẹtin Da Iran Obọ YiAvbe ọkaolotu ugamwẹ ni gbe Jesu rua te gha hia ne iran ruẹ, ne erhuanegbe Jesu ghẹ ghi kporhu. Sokpan iran ma sẹtin. IRUẸMWI 96 Jesu Keghi Zẹ E SọlOghian ọghe Ivbiotu e Kristi ẹre Sọl ghaa khin, sokpan emwi eso sunu no khian ghi fi arrọọ ọghẹe werriẹ. IRUẸMWI 97 Orhiọn Nọhuanrẹn Tuorre Yan e KọniliọsVbọzẹe ne Jehova na wẹẹ ne Pita gha rrie owa ọmwa ne ẹi re Ovbi e Ju? IRUẸMWI 98 Emwa Nibun Vbe Agbẹnvbo Ughughan Khian Ivbiotu E KristiUkọ e Pọl kevbe emwa ni lelẹe khian keghi mu okhian gha rrie ẹvbo nọ rree ya kporhu. IRUẸMWI 99 Eseghan Keghi Khian Ovbiotu E KristiDe vbene orhiọn dan, ugbohiotọ kevbe agbada ya dekaan okha na hẹ? IRUẸMWI 100 E Pọl Kevbe TimotiỌwara ukpo nibun ẹre ikpia eva na, ya winna kugbe kevbe wẹẹ ọse kankankan ẹre iran ghaa khin. IRUẸMWI 101 Iran Mu E Pọl Gha Rrie RomAgharhemiẹn wẹẹ ẹbe wa vuọn odẹ, emwi rhọkpa i khian sẹtin mu idobo ye iwinna ọghe ukọ na. IRUẸMWI 103 “Gie Arriọba Ruẹ Rre”Umian ne Jọn miẹn ya ima rẹn vbene Arriọba Osanobua khian ya fi agbọn na werriẹ hẹ. |