LESSON 92 Jesus Appears to the FishermenSome time after Jesus appeared to the apostles, Peter decided to go fishing in the Sea of Galilee. Thomas, James, John, and some other disciples went with him. All night long they fished but did not catch anything. Early the next morning, they saw a man standing on the shore. He called to them across the water: ‘Did you catch any fish?’ They told him: “No!” The man said: “Cast your net on the right side of the boat.” When they did that, the net became filled with so many fish that they could not pull it aboard. John suddenly realized that the man was Jesus and said: “It is the Lord!” Immediately, Peter jumped into the water and swam to shore. The other disciples followed in the boat. When they arrived at the beach, they saw bread and fish cooking on a fire. Jesus told them to bring some of their fish to add to the meal. Then he said: ‘Come and have breakfast.’ After they finished breakfast, Jesus asked Peter: ‘Do you love me more than fishing?’ Peter said: ‘Yes, Lord, you know I do.’ Jesus said: ‘Then feed my lambs.’ Jesus again asked: ‘Peter, do you love me?’ Peter said: ‘Lord, you know I do.’ Jesus said: “Shepherd my little sheep.” Jesus asked a third time. Peter felt very sad. He said: ‘Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.’ Jesus said: “Feed my little sheep.” Then he told Peter: “Continue following me.” “[Jesus] said to them: ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they abandoned their nets and followed him.”—Matthew 4:19, 20 |
IRUẸMWI 92 Jesu Rhie Egbe Ma Avbe ỌgbehẹnJesu ghi rhie egbe ma avbe ukọ ọghẹe nẹ, e Pita keghi kha wẹẹ, irẹn khian ya gbe ehẹn vbe Okun e Galili. E Tọmọs, e Jems, e Jọn kevbe erhuanegbe ọvbehe keghi lelẹe. Ẹdẹ te do gbe, iran ma gbe ehẹn rhọkpa. Vbe ọ ghi rre owiẹ fioro, iran keghi miẹn okpia ọkpa nọ mudia vbe ọkpẹn ẹzẹ. Nene okpia na nọ iran wẹẹ: ‘Wa gbe ehẹn rhọkpa ra?’ Iran keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ: “Hiehie!” Ẹre nene okpia na tama iran wẹẹ: “Wa fi ọga fi obọ erha ọmwa okọ.” Iran ghi ru vberriọ, ehẹn ne ọga ọghe iran mu, bun sẹrriọ wẹẹ, iran ma ghi sẹtin si ẹre ladian vbe uwu amẹ. Vbe Jọn ghi miẹn emwi ọyunnuan na, ọ na ghi rẹn wẹẹ, Jesu ẹre ọ gu iran rre evba sin. E Jọn na ghi tama iran nikẹre wẹẹ: “Enọyaẹnmwa nọ!” Ugbẹnvbe e Pita ghi wa họn ẹmwẹ na, ọ keghi san fi uwu amẹ, ọ na khuẹ ladian bu Jesu. Sokpan iran nikẹre keghi gua okọ gha dee. Vbe iran ghi ladian vbuwe amẹ, iran na do vba ebrẹdi kevbe ehẹn vbe erhẹn. Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ: ‘Wa viọ rre vbe ehẹn ne uwa da gbe, na viọ bae nọ rre erhẹn.’ Vbe ọ ghi ga nẹ, Jesu keghi tie iran, ne iran do rri evbare. Vbe iran ghi rri evbare fo nẹ, Jesu keghi nọ e Pita wẹẹ: ‘Uwẹ hoẹmwẹ mwẹ sẹ ehẹn ne a gbe ra?’ E Pita keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ: “Ẹsẹse, Nọyaẹnmwa. U rẹnrẹn ighẹ I hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.” E Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Koko avbe ohuan mwẹ.’ Jesu keghi werriegbe nọ e Pita wẹẹ: ‘E Pita, uwẹ hoẹmwẹ mwẹ ra?’ Ẹre Pita na kha wẹẹ: “Enọyaẹnmwa, wẹ rẹnrẹn ighẹ I hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.” Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: “Gha gbe aro ghe avbe ohuan mwẹ.” Jesu ghi werriegbe nọ rẹn ukpogieha, ẹko ma ghi rhiẹnrhiẹn e Pita. Ẹre ọ na ghi tama Jesu wẹẹ: “Enọyaẹnmwa, wẹ rẹn emwi hia, wẹ rẹnrẹn ighẹ I hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.” Jesu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: “Gha gbe aro ghe avbe ohuan mwẹ.” Ọ na vbe tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Ye gha lele mwẹ khian.’ “Jesu tama iran wẹẹ, ‘Wa lele mwẹ, I gha ma uwa vbene a ya munọ emwa nagbọn hẹ.’ Iran keghi sẹ ọga iran rae vbe ọwarọkpa, iran keghi lelẹe.”—Matiu 4:19, 20 |