LESSON 90 Jesus Dies at GolgothaThe chief priests took Jesus to the governor’s palace. Pilate asked them: ‘What accusation do you have against this man?’ They said: ‘He claims to be a king!’ Pilate asked Jesus: “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus replied: “My Kingdom is no part of this world.” Then Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, the ruler of Galilee, to see if he could find anything against him. Herod could not find anything wrong with Jesus and sent him back to Pilate. Then Pilate told the people: ‘Neither Herod nor I find anything against this man. I will set him free.’ The crowd shouted: ‘Kill him! Kill him!’ Soldiers beat Jesus with a whip, spat on him, and hit him. They put a crown of thorns on his head and mockingly said: ‘Good day, King of the Jews.’ Again Pilate told the crowd: ‘I found nothing wrong in this man.’ But they shouted: “To the stake with him!” So Pilate handed him over to be executed. They took Jesus to a place called Golgotha, nailed him to a stake, and raised it up. Jesus prayed: ‘Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.’ People made fun of Jesus, saying: ‘If you are God’s Son, come down off that stake! Save yourself.’ One of the criminals hanging next to him said: “Remember me when you get into your Kingdom.” Jesus promised him: “You will be with me in Paradise.” In the afternoon, a darkness that lasted for three hours fell over the land. Some of the disciples stood near the stake, including Mary, Jesus’ mother. Jesus told John to take care of Mary as if she were his own mother. Finally, Jesus said: “It has been accomplished!” He bowed his head and took his last breath. At that moment, there was a powerful earthquake. In the temple, the heavy curtain between the Holy and the Most Holy was ripped in half. An army officer said: ‘This really was God’s Son.’ “No matter how many the promises of God are, they have become ‘yes’ by means of him.”—2 Corinthians 1:20 |
IRUẸMWI 90 Iran Gbe Jesu Rua Vbe GọlgọtaAvbe ogie ohẹn keghi mu Jesu gha rrie ẹguae ọghe Pailet. Iran ghi sẹ evba, e Pailet keghi nọ iran wẹẹ: ‘De emwi ne okpia na mobọ ru?’ Iran na kha wẹẹ: ‘Ọ wẹẹ ọba ẹre irẹn khin!’ Ẹre Pailet na ghi nọ Jesu wẹẹ: ‘Ọba ọghe Ivbi e Ju ẹre uwẹ khin ra?’ Jesu keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ: ‘Arriọba mwẹ i re ọghe agbọn na.’ Vbe iyeke ọni, e Pailet na wẹẹ ne iran mu Jesu gha rrie ọghe Hẹrọd ne ọ khaevbisẹ yan e Galili, ne Hẹrọd vbe tobọ re gualọ otọre deghẹ Jesu rriabe. Ugbẹnvbe Hẹrọd ma miẹn abakuru rhọkpa ne Jesu ru, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran werriegbe muẹn gha rrie ọghe Pailet. Ẹre Pailet na tama iran ni mu Jesu rre wẹẹ: ‘Mẹ vbe Hẹrọd ma miẹn emwi rhọkpa ne Jesu ya rriabe. I gha faẹn.’ Ẹre iran na datu wẹẹ: ‘Gbe ẹre rua! Gbe ẹre rua! Vbe iyeke ọni, ivbiyokuo keghi ya asan gbe Jesu, iran gie asẹn ku ọre, iran na vbe ya emwi kinmwi ẹnrẹn uhunmwu. Iran keghi ya erhan igban do ẹde mu ye ọre uhunmwu. Ẹre iran na gha yae gbogiẹ wẹẹ: ‘U gha tọ, u kpẹre, Ọba ọghe Ivbi e Ju.’ E Pailet keghi werriegbe tama emwa ni gbẹbu wẹẹ: ‘Okpia na ma rẹn ọkpa, rẹn eva.’ Sokpan iran na datu wẹẹ: ‘Wa kan rẹn mu erhan!’ Ẹre Pailet na ghi zẹ Jesu obọ, ne iran ya gbe ẹre rua. Ivbiyokuo nii keghi mu Jesu gha rrie ehe na tie ẹre Gọlgọta. Iran ghi sẹ evba, iran keghi kan Jesu mu erhan. Iran ghi kan rẹn nẹ, iran na ghi tọn nene erhan mu. Jesu keghi na erhunmwu wẹẹ: ‘Evbavba lahọ yabọ iran, iran ma rẹn emwi ne iran ru.’ Emwa na gha ya Jesu gbogiẹ wẹẹ: ‘Adeghẹ Ovbi Osanobua ẹre u gele khin, tuorre vbe erhan nii, ne u miẹn egbe ruẹ fan.’ Iran keghi kan izigan eva sikẹ Jesu. Ọkpa vbọ na tama Jesu wẹẹ: ‘Yee mwẹ rre vbe u gha sẹ Arriọba ọghuẹ.’ Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: “U gha gu mwẹ gha rre Paradais.” Vbe ọ ghi rre ẹghẹ avan, ebiebi keghi so vbe ẹvbo nii hia vbe ọwara ughaẹdẹ eha. Eso vbe erhuanegbe Jesu ghaa rre eke ne a na kan Jesu. Iye Jesu ighẹ e Meri vbe gha rre evba. Jesu keghi tama e Jọn ne ọ gbaroghe Meri, ne ọ gha ghee ẹre vbe na ghee iyẹe. FẸre Jesu na ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Ọ sẹ ufomwẹ nẹ!’ Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi vbokho ẹyaẹn, ọ na kpan udu. Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, igbohiotọ nọkhua keghi sunu. Ukpọn na ya ghae Ehe Nọhuanrẹn kevbe Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia vbe ọgua Osa keghi va ye ihe eva. Ẹre ovbiyokuo ọkpa na ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Ovbi Osanobua te gele nọ.’ “Rẹn keghi wa ya eyan ọghe Osanobua hia khian nọ mwẹ amusẹ.”—2 Kọrinti 1:20, NW |