LESSON 85 Jesus Cures on the SabbathThe Pharisees hated Jesus and wanted to find a reason to arrest him. They said that he should not heal sick people on the Sabbath. One Sabbath, Jesus found a blind man begging in the street. He told his disciples: ‘See how God’s power will help this man.’ Jesus mixed his own saliva with dirt to make a paste, and then he put it on the man’s eyes. Jesus told him: ‘Go and wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam.’ The man did that, and then for the first time in his life, he could see. People were shocked. They said: ‘Is this the man who used to sit and beg, or is it just someone who looks like him?’ The man said: ‘I was the one born blind!’ The people asked him: ‘Why aren’t you blind anymore?’ When he told them what had happened, they took him to the Pharisees. The man told the Pharisees: ‘Jesus put a paste on my eyes and told me to go and wash it off. I did, and now I can see.’ The Pharisees said: ‘If Jesus cures on the Sabbath, his power cannot be from God.’ But others said: ‘If his power were not from God, he would not be able to cure at all.’ The Pharisees called the man’s parents and asked: ‘How is it that your son can now see?’ His parents were afraid because the Pharisees had said that anyone who puts faith in Jesus would be thrown out of the synagogue. So they said: ‘We don’t know. Ask him yourself.’ The Pharisees asked the man more questions until he said: ‘I’ve told you all I know. Why do you keep asking me?’ The Pharisees were angry, and they threw him out. Jesus went to find the man, and asked him: ‘Do you have faith in the Messiah?’ The man said: ‘I would if I knew who he was.’ Jesus said: ‘I am the Messiah.’ Was that not kind of Jesus? Not only did he cure the man but he also helped him to have faith. “You are mistaken, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.”—Matthew 22:29 |
IRUẸMWI 85 Jesu Mu Ọmwa Egbe Rran Vbe Ẹdẹ IkẹtinRhunmwuda ne Ivbi e Farisi na gha khẹko Jesu, iran kegha gualọ vbene iran khian ya muẹn khui hẹ. Iran keghi tama rẹn, nẹ ghẹ ghi mu emwa egbe rran vbe Ẹdẹ Ikẹtin. Vbe ọ ghi sẹ Ẹdẹ Ikẹtin ọkpa, Jesu keghi miẹn arhuaro ọkpa nọ dabọ khian vbe abọ idunmwu. Jesu na tama erhuanegbe ẹre wẹẹ: ‘Wa ghee vbene Osanobua khian ya ru iyobọ ne okpia na hẹ.’ Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi tu asẹn yotọ ya fuẹn ekẹn kugbe, ọ na yae wuo okpia nii aro. Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Ya kpe aro ruẹ vbe ọghọdọ ọghe Siloam.’ Vbe nene okpia ghi kpe aro nẹ, aro ọre nọ te rhu ke ẹko rre keghi rran. Emwi nọ sunu na, keghi yan emwa unu ruan. Iran na gha kha wẹẹ: ‘Ẹi re ọna ọre okpia nii, ne ọ tota lele ada dabọ khian? Ra ọmwa nọ khọ ọre nọ?’ Nene okpia keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ: ‘Mẹ wa nọ. Ẹi re ọmwa ọvbehe!’ Ẹre iran na ghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ: ‘De vbene aro ruẹ ghi ya rran hẹ?’ Vbe ọ ghi tama iran emwi nọ sunu, iran keghi rhie ẹre bu Ivbi e Farisi. Nene okpia keghi tama Ivbi e Farisi wẹẹ: ‘Jesu ghi ya asẹn fuẹn ekẹn nẹ, ọ na yae wuo mwẹ aro. Ọ na wẹẹ ne I ya kpe aro vbe Siloam. I ghi ruẹ nẹ, I na suẹn gha bẹghe.’ Ivbi e Farisi keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Ne Jesu na mu ọmwa egbe rran vbe Ẹdẹ Ikẹtin rhiema wẹẹ ẹi re ẹtin Osanobua ẹre ọ loo.’ Ẹre emwa eso na wẹẹ: ‘Akpawẹ ẹi re ẹtin Osanobua, ẹi ghẹ te sẹtin gha mu emwa egbe rran.’ Ivbi e Farisi keghi nọ evbibiẹ nene okpia wẹẹ: ‘De vbene aro ovbi uwa ya rran hẹ?’ Ohan na gha mu evbibiẹ ọre rhunmwuda, te Ivbi e Farisi khu emwa ni mu ẹtin yan Jesu hin e sinagọg rre. Ẹre iran na ghi wanniẹn Ivbi e Farisi wẹẹ: ‘Ima ma rẹn. Wa tobọ uwa nọ rẹn.’ Ivbi e Farisi keghi dọlegbe suẹn gha zọlọ okpia nii ọta. Iran ghi zẹ nọ rẹn ọta, nene okpia keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ: ‘I ka tama uwa nẹ. Vbọsiẹ ne uwa na ye nọ mwẹ yi?’ Ohu na suẹn gha mu Ivbi e Farisi, iran keghi sua nene okpia fua. Jesu ghi miẹn okpia na, ọ na nọ rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Uwẹ mu ẹtin yan e Mezaia ra?’ Ọ na wanniẹn Jesu wẹẹ: ‘I kpa rẹn ọmwa nọ khin, I gha te mu ẹtin yan rẹn.’ Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Mẹ ọre Mezaia.’ Uwẹ ma bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe esi ẹre Jesu khin ra? Ọ ghi rran okpia nii aro nẹ, ọ na vbe ru iyobọ nẹ ya gha mwẹ amuẹtinyan. “Wa wa bae ku rhunmwuda ighẹ wa ma ren otọe Ebe nii, ra ẹtin Osanobua.”—Matiu 22:29 |