Introduction to Section 12Jesus taught people about the Kingdom of the heavens. He also taught them to pray for God’s name to be sanctified, for his Kingdom to come, and for his will to take place on the earth. If you are a parent, explain to your child what this prayer means for us. Jesus did not allow Satan to break his loyalty. Jesus selected his apostles, and they became the foundation members of the Kingdom. Note Jesus’ zeal for true worship. Because he wanted to help others, Jesus cured the sick, fed the hungry, and even brought people back to life. By all these miracles, he demonstrated what the Kingdom will do for mankind. IN THIS SECTIONLESSON 75 The Devil Tests JesusThree times the Devil tests Jesus. What are his three temptations? How does Jesus respond? LESSON 76 Jesus Cleanses the TempleWhy does Jesus drive animals out of the temple and overturn money changers’ tables? LESSON 77 The Woman at the WellA Samaritan woman is surprised that Jesus speaks to her. Why? What does Jesus tell her that he has not shared with anyone else? LESSON 78 Jesus Preaches the Kingdom MessageJesus invites some of his disciples to become “fishers of men.” Later, he trains 70 of his followers to preach a message of good news. LESSON 79 Jesus Performs Many MiraclesWherever he goes, sick people come to him for help, and he cures them. He even brings a little girl back from the dead. LESSON 82 Jesus Teaches His Disciples How to PrayWhat kind of things does he tell his disciples to keep on asking for? LESSON 86 Jesus Resurrects LazarusWhen Jesus sees Mary crying, he also starts to cry. But their tears soon turn into joy. |
Omuso Ọghe Abọ 12Jesu keghi maa emwa emwi vbekpa Arriọba nọ rre ẹrinmwi. Ọ vbe maa emwa re ne iran gha na erhunmwu ne eni Osanobua gha re na kpe huan, ne Arriọba ọghẹe rre kevbe na ru ahoo ọghẹe vbe agbọn na. Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, rhan otọre ma ovbuẹ vbene erhunmwu na ya dekaan ima hẹ. Jesu ma kue ne Setan si irẹn hin odẹ ọghe Osanobua rre. Jesu keghi zẹ avbe ukọ ọghẹe, iran na do gha re ẹyotọ ọghe Arriọba Osanobua. U ghi yẹrẹro vbene Jesu ya rhie izọghae ma hẹ vbe ugamwẹ ẹmwata. Rhunmwuda ne Jesu na gha hoo ne ọ ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe, ọ keghi mu emwa egbe rran, ọ rhie evbare ne emwa ne ohanmwẹ gbe, ọ vbe huẹn emwa ni wulo kpaegbe. Emwi ọyunnua ne irẹn ru na, keghi rhiẹre ma emwi ne ọ khian ru ne emwa nagbọn vbe Arriọba Osanobua. VBE AKO NAIRUẸMWI 74 Osanobua Zẹ Jesu Zẹvbe MezaiaVbọzẹe ne Jọn na kha wẹẹ Jesu ọre Oteghe Ohuan ọghe Osanobua? IRUẸMWI 75 Esu Danmwẹ JesuIgba eha ẹre Esu danmwẹ Jesu. Vbọ re edanmwẹ eha nii? De vbene Jesu ya khuẹnniẹ yọ hẹ? IRUẸMWI 76 Jesu Kpe Ọgua Osa HuanVbọsiẹ ne Jesu na ya asan khulo avbe aranmwẹ hin ọgua Osa rre, kevbe ne ọ na vbe mu eteburu ọghe emwa ni fian igho gbotọ? IRUẸMWI 77 Okhuo Nọ Do Sa Amẹ Vbe UhaeOkhuo e Sameria nọ do sa amẹ vbe uhae ọghe Jekọb yan unu rua vbe ọ ghi bẹghe wẹẹ Jesu gu irẹn guan. Vbọsiẹ? De ẹmwẹ ne Jesu tama rẹn, ne ọ ma he ta ma ọmwa ọvbehe? IRUẸMWI 78 Jesu Keghi Kporhu Iyẹn Nọ Maan Ọghe ArriọbaỌ keghi tie erhuanegbe ẹre eso ne iran do khian ‘ọgbehẹn ọghe emwa nagbọn.’ Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, ọ na gie 70 vbe erhuanegbe ẹre ne iran ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan. IRUẸMWI 79 Jesu Ru Emwi Ọyunnuan NibunEmwa ni khuọnmwi gha bu Jesu rre vbe ehe ne ọ rhirhi gha ye, ọ ghi mu iran egbe rran. Ọ kue vbe huẹn ọvbokhan kherhe kpaegbe vbe uwu. IRUẸMWI 82 Jesu Maa Erhuanegbe Ẹre Vbene A Ya Na Erhunmwu HẹDe emwi eso ne Jesu wẹẹ ne erhuanegbe ẹre ye gha nọ Osanobua re? IRUẸMWI 83 Jesu Ya Evbare Koko Ọkhọngborrie EmwaDe emwi ne iwinna ọyunnuan na maa, ima re vbekpae Jesu kevbe Jehova? IRUẸMWI 84 Jesu Gha Khian Vbe Uhunmwu AmẹUwẹ rẹn vbene ekhọe ọghe avbe ukọ Jesu ghaa ye hẹ, vbe iran miẹn emwi ọyunnuan na ra? IRUẸMWI 86 Jesu Huẹn E Lazarọs KpaegbeJesu ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Meri viẹ, irẹn tobọ irẹn na vbe suẹn eve. Sokpan vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, eve ọghe iran keghi khian oghọghọ. |