The Writing on the Wall

The Writing on the Wall

In time, Belshazzar became the king of Babylon. One night, he invited a thousand of the most important people in the land to a feast. He ordered his servants to bring out the gold cups that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jehovah’s temple. Belshazzar and his guests drank from the cups and praised their gods. Suddenly, a man’s hand appeared and began to write mysterious words on the wall of the dining hall.

Belshazzar was terrified. He called in his magicians and promised them: ‘If anyone can explain these words, I will make him the third most powerful man in Babylon.’ They tried, but none of them could explain the words. The queen then came in and said: ‘There is a man named Daniel who used to explain things to Nebuchadnezzar. He can explain these words to you.’

Daniel came in to the king. Belshazzar said to him: ‘If you can read and explain these words, I will give you a gold necklace and make you the third most powerful man in Babylon.’ Daniel said: ‘I don’t want your gifts, but I will tell you what these words mean. Your father Nebuchadnezzar was proud, and Jehovah humbled him. You know everything that happened to him, but you disrespected Jehovah by drinking wine out of the gold cups from His temple. So God has written these words: Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin. The words mean that the Medes and the Persians will conquer Babylon, and you will not be king anymore.’

It seemed as if nobody could conquer Babylon. This city was protected by thick walls and a deep river. But that very night, the Medes and the  Persians attacked. The Persian King Cyrus diverted the river so that his soldiers could march right up to the gates of the city. When they got there, the gates were open! The army stormed in, conquered the city, and killed the king. Then Cyrus became ruler of Babylon.

Within a year, Cyrus announced: ‘Jehovah has told me to rebuild his temple in Jerusalem. Any of his people who want to help are free to go.’ So just as Jehovah had promised, many of the Jews returned home 70 years after Jerusalem was destroyed. Cyrus sent back the gold and the silver cups and the utensils that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple. Can you see how Jehovah used Cyrus to help His people?

“She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons.”​—Revelation 18:2


Evba Gbẹnnẹ Ye Egbe Ekẹn

Evba Gbẹnnẹ Ye Egbe Ekẹn

Vbene ẹghẹ ya gha khian, e Bẹlsiaza na do gha kha yan e Babilọn. Vbe asọn ọkpa, ọ na gie na tie arriaisẹn emwa ni hiunsi vbe otọ nii, ne iran do deba irẹn rri evbare ọbọbọtizọ. Ọ na wẹẹ ne eguọmwadia ọghẹe viọ re ladian ighẹ ukpu igoru ne Nebukiadnẹza viọ ke ọgua Osa rre. Ukpu igoru nii ẹre Bẹlsiaza vbe emwa ne ọ gie na tie, ya gha wọn ayọn. Vbe udemwurri, obọ ọkpa keghi ladian, ọ na gha vinnọ emwi na ma rẹn otọre ye egbe ekẹn.

Orrirri na gbe kue Bẹlsiaza. Ọ na gie na tie avbe ọbo edunna ọghẹe hia, ọ na yan ma iran wẹẹ: ‘Ọmwaikọmwa nọ sẹtin rhan otọ ẹmwẹ na, I gha muẹn ye ukpo ọghe azukpogieha vbe Babilọn.’ Vbene iran hia sẹ, a ma miẹn ọmwa nọ sẹtin rhan otọ ẹmwẹ nii. Ẹre iye ọba na do tama ọba wẹẹ: ‘Ọ mwẹ okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Daniẹl nọ ghaa rhan otọ egbe emwi vbenia ma Ọba e Nebukiadnẹza vbe ẹghẹ nii. Ọ gha vbe sẹtin rhan otọre ma ruẹ.’

Vbe Daniẹl ghi sẹ eke ne ọba ye, ọba na tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Adeghẹ u na sẹtin tie ẹmwẹ na, u na vbe rhan otọre ma mwẹ, I gha mu emwi urhu ọghe igoru yọ ruẹ urhu, u ghi gha re azukpogieha vbe otọ arriọba mwẹ.’ E Daniẹl keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘I gha rhan otọre ma ruẹ, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ u ma san mwẹ ẹse. Ọmwa itengbemu ẹre erhaa e Nebukiadnẹza ghaa khin, sokpan e Jehova na gbe ẹre kotọ. Uwẹ tobọ ruẹ rẹn emwi nọ sunu daa erhaa, u na ye he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ, u na gha ya ukpu ọghe igoru na viọ ke ọgua ọghẹe rre wọn ayọn. Ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Osanobua na gbẹn ẹmwẹ na, nọ khare wẹẹ: Mẹnẹ, Mẹnẹ, Tẹkẹl, kevbe Parsin. Ẹmwẹ na rhiema wẹẹ Ivbi e Medis kevbe Pẹsia gha khọnmiotọ yan e Babilọn, iran ghi miẹn ruẹ ukpo ọba.’

Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, ọ na yevbe na miẹn wẹẹ, ai khian sẹtin khọnmiotọ yan e Babilọn. Te ogba ekẹn lẹga ẹvbo nii, erriọ amẹ vbe ya gbodin lẹga re. Asọn nii ẹre Ivbi e Medis kevbe Pẹsia la e Babilọn. E Sairọs ne ọba ọghe  Pẹsia keghi loo ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe ya si amẹ nọ gbodin lẹga e Babilọn, nọ gha lẹẹ ye ehe ọvbehe, ne iran mieke na sẹtin ya owẹ fian ẹzẹ nii rra. Vbe iran ghi sẹ onurho ẹvbo e Babilọn, ọ na kie yotọ! Iran keghi bi laọ, iran na khọn ẹvbo nii mu tan, iran na vbe gbe ọba ọghe iran rua. E Sairọs na do gha re ọba ọghe Babilọn.

Vbe ọ ma he sẹ ukpo ọkpa, e Sairọs keghi yae wewe wẹẹ: ‘E Jehova tama mwẹ ne I ya werriegbe bọ ọgua Osa nọ rre Jerusalẹm. Ọmwaikọmwa nọ hoo ne irẹn ya ru iyobọ, sẹtin werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm.’ Ivbi e Ju nibun keghi werriegbe gha rrie ẹvbo iran, vbe ọ ghi gba vbe ukpo 70 na guọghọ e Jerusalẹm; ọna keghi guaero ẹmwẹ akhasẹ ne Jehova tae yotọ. E Sairọs na werriegbe viọ re gha rrie ọgua Osa vbe Jerusalẹm ighẹ ukpu ọghe igoru kevbe esiliva ne Nebukiadnẹza te viọ. U ma bẹghe vbene Jehova ya loo e Sairọs ya ru iyobọ ne emwa rẹn hẹ?

“Ọ de guọghua nẹ! Babilọn nọkhua de guọghua, avbe orhiọn dan kevbe orhiọn ni ma huan, ọre ọ ghi lọyan yo lọyan rre vbọ.”—Arhie Maan 18:2