A Kingdom Like a Big Tree

A Kingdom Like a Big Tree

One night, Nebuchadnezzar had a frightening dream. He called his wise men in to tell him what it meant. But none of them could explain his dream. Finally, the king spoke to Daniel.

Nebuchadnezzar told Daniel: ‘In my dream, I saw a tree. It grew so tall that it reached the sky. It could be seen from anywhere on earth. It had beautiful leaves and lots of fruit. Animals rested in its shade, and birds made their nests in its branches. Then an angel came down from heaven. He called out: “Chop the tree down, and cut off its branches. But leave the stump with its roots in the ground, and put bands of iron and copper around it. The heart of the tree will change from that of a human to that of a beast, and seven times will pass over it. All people will learn that God is Ruler and that he can give a kingdom to whomever he wants.”’

Jehovah revealed to Daniel what the dream meant. When Daniel understood the dream, he became frightened. He said: ‘O king, I wish that this dream was about your enemies, but it is about you. The big tree that was chopped down is you. You will lose your kingdom, and you will eat grass in the field just like a wild animal. But because the angel said to leave the stump with its roots, you will become king again.’

A year later, Nebuchadnezzar was walking on the flat roof of his palace, admiring Babylon. He said: ‘Look at this magnificent city I have built. See how great I am!’ As he was speaking, a voice from heaven said: ‘Nebuchadnezzar! Now you have lost your kingdom.’

At that moment, Nebuchadnezzar lost his mind and became like a wild animal. He was forced to leave his palace and live with the wild animals in the field. Nebuchadnezzar’s hair grew long like an eagle’s feathers, and his nails were like a bird’s claws.

 After seven years had passed, Nebuchadnezzar became normal again and Jehovah made him king of Babylon. Then Nebuchadnezzar said: ‘I praise Jehovah, the King of the heavens. Now I know that Jehovah is Ruler. He humbles proud people, and he can give a kingdom to whomever he wants.’

“Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.”​—Proverbs 16:18


Arriọba Nọ Yevbe Okperhan

Arriọba Nọ Yevbe Okperhan

Vbe asọn ọkpa, e Nebukiadnẹza keghi mina imina nọ gbe orrirri. Ọ na wẹẹ ne avbe umẹwaẹn ọghẹe tama irẹn emwi ne imina nii demu. Sokpan iran rhọkpa ma sẹtin rhan otọ imina nii. Vbe okiekie, ọ na do ta nene imina ma e Daniẹl.

E Nebukiadnẹza keghi tama e Daniẹl wẹẹ: ‘I mina miẹn erhan ọkpa nọ wa taan sẹ orere iso. Te a wa gha bẹghe erhan na vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia. Ọ ghaa mwẹ ebe ne mose mose, erriọ ẹre ọ wa vbe ya mọ ọmọ erhan nibun. Ototọ erhan na ẹre avbe aranmwẹ oha hia do gha rhuẹ yi, avbe ahianmwẹ na gha bọlọ oko ye abọ re. I ghi ghee, odibosa ọkpa tuorre vbe ẹrinmwi. Ọ keghi ya urhu nọ lae datu wẹẹ: “Wa tọn erhan na gbotọ, ne uwa giagia abọ ọghẹe kua. Sokpan, wa sẹ utunkunmwu ẹnrẹn rae ye otọ, ne a ya ọgiọrọ ematọn kevbe oze gbalọ ọre. Vbe ọwara ukpo ihinrọn, ẹkokoudu ọghe erhan na, nọ te re ọghe ọmwa nagbọn gha khian ọghe aranmwẹ oha. Emwa hia gha rẹn wẹẹ Osanobua ẹre ọ mwẹ asẹ yan otagbọn hia kevbe wẹẹ, ọ gha sẹtin rhie asẹ na ya kha ne ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ hoo ne ọ rhie na.”’

Vbe Jehova ghi tama e Daniẹl emwi ne imina nii demu, ohan na gha muẹn. Ọ na ghi tama ọba wẹẹ: ‘Umogun, ọ gha te maan gbe, akpawẹ egbe eghian ruẹ ẹre imina na khian na mwẹ amusẹ, sokpan ọkpa nọ, egbe ruẹ ẹre ọ khian na mwẹ amusẹ. Uwẹ ọre okperhan na tọn gbotọ nii. A gha miẹn ruẹ arriọba ruẹ, u ghi gha rri irunmwu vbe na ghee aranmwẹ oha. Sokpan ne odibosa na wẹẹ, na sẹ utukunmwu erhan nii rae, rhiema wẹẹ u gha werriegbe khian ọba.’

Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo ọkpa, e Nebukiadnẹza na gha ke uhunmwu ẹguae ọghẹe ghee orere ẹvbo e Babilọn. Ọ na kha wẹẹ: ‘U miẹn vbene Babilọn ne ẹvbo mwẹ kpọlọ hẹ. Mẹ mwẹ ẹtin gbe!’ Vbene ọ wa ya tae nii, urhu keghi ke orere ẹrinmwi rre, ọ na kha wẹẹ: ‘E Nebukiadnẹza! A miẹn ruẹ arriọba ruẹ nẹ.’

Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Nebukiadnẹza na suẹn gha rhie fua, ọ na gha yin vbe aranmwẹ oha. Iran keghi khuẹ hin ẹguae ọghẹe rre, ne ọ ya deba avbe aranmwẹ oha. Eto ọghe Nebukiadnẹza na do sọn vbe na ghee ifuẹn ọghe oghohọn, ihiẹn ọghẹe na taan vbe na ghee ọghe ahianmwẹ.

 Vbe ukpo ihinrọn ghi gberra nẹ, aro na do gbannọ e Nebukiadnẹza; e Jehova na do werriegbe yae khian ọba ọghe Babilọn. Ẹre Nebukiadnẹza na ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Ekpọnmwẹ vbe urhomwẹ ọghe Jehova ne Ọba nọ rre ẹrinmwi. Eban ẹre I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ e Jehova ẹre ọ mwẹ asẹ yan otagbọn hia. Ọ keghi gbe iran kotọ ighẹ emwa ni tengbemu, ọ ghi vbe rhie asẹ na ya kha ne ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ hoo ne ọ rhie na.’

“Te uhiomwẹ khian rrie odẹ ọfuan, itengbemu ẹre ọ vbe si udemwẹ.”—Itan 16:18