LESSON 55 Jehovah’s Angel Protected HezekiahThe Assyrian Empire had taken over the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel. Now Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, wanted to take over the two-tribe kingdom of Judah. He began taking the cities of Judah one by one. But the city he wanted most was Jerusalem. What Sennacherib did not know was that Jehovah was protecting Jerusalem. Hezekiah, the king of Judah, paid Sennacherib a lot of money to leave Jerusalem alone. Although Sennacherib took the money, he still sent his powerful army to attack Jerusalem. The people in the city were scared because the Assyrians were getting closer and closer. Then Hezekiah told them: ‘Don’t be afraid. The Assyrians are strong, but Jehovah will make us even stronger than they are.’ Sennacherib sent his messenger, the Rabshakeh, to Jerusalem to make fun of the people. The Rabshakeh stood outside the city and shouted: ‘Jehovah cannot help you. Don’t let Hezekiah trick you. There is no god that can protect you from us.’ Hezekiah asked Jehovah what he should do. Jehovah answered: ‘Don’t be scared by what the Rabshakeh says. Sennacherib will not take Jerusalem.’ Next, Hezekiah received some letters from Sennacherib. The letters said: ‘Just give up. Jehovah can’t save you.’ Hezekiah prayed: ‘Please, Jehovah, save us, so that everyone will know that you are the only true God.’ Jehovah told him: ‘The king of Assyria will not come into Jerusalem. I will protect my city.’ Sennacherib felt sure that Jerusalem would soon be his. But one night, Jehovah sent an angel to where the soldiers were camped outside the city. The angel killed 185,000 soldiers! King Sennacherib lost his mightiest soldiers. He had no choice but to go home defeated. Jehovah protected Hezekiah and Jerusalem, just as he had promised. If you had been there in Jerusalem, would you have trusted in Jehovah? “The angel of Jehovah camps all around those fearing Him, and he rescues them.”—Psalm 34:7 |
IRUẸMWI 55 Odibo Ọghe Jehova Keghi Gbogba Ga E HẹzekaiaArriọba ọghe Asiria keghi khọn miotọ yan uniẹn igbe ọghe Izrẹl. Nia, te Senakẹrib ne ọba ọghe Asiria ghi vbe hoo nọ khọn miotọ yan uniẹn eva ọghe Juda. Ọ na suẹn gha khọn miotọ yan ẹvbo ni rre Juda ọkpa ọkpa. Sokpan ẹvbo nọ gele gha rre ọre orhiọn nọ khọn mu keghi re Jerusalẹm. Ọ ma gi e Senakẹrib rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova ẹre ọ ghaa gbogba ga e Jerusalẹm. Hẹzekaia ne ọba ọghe Juda keghi hae igho ọrhẹnrhẹn ne Senakẹrib, ne ọ mieke na sẹ ẹvbo irẹn rae. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ e Senakẹrib miẹn ọnrẹn igho nii, ọ na ye gha hoo nọ guọghọ e Jerusalẹm rua. Vbe Ivbi e Jerusalẹm ghi họn wẹẹ Ivbi Asiria sikẹ ẹvbo iran nẹ, orrirri na gbe kue iran. Hẹzekaia keghi tama iran wẹẹ: ‘Wa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa. Ivbi Asiria wa wegbe, sokpan e Jehova gha ya ima wegbe sẹ iran.’ Senakẹrib keghi gie Rabsakẹ gha rrie Jerusalẹm ne ọ ya ye iran gbogiẹ. E Rabsakẹ keghi mudia ye orere ẹvbo nii gha kha wẹẹ: ‘E Jehova i khian sẹtin miẹn uwa fan. Wa ghẹ gi e Hẹzekaia mu uwa rẹrẹ. Osa ọkpa i rrọọ nọ khian sẹtin miẹn uwa fan vbe obọ ima.’ Hẹzekaia keghi nọ e Jehova emwi nọ khẹke ne irẹn ru. E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Ghẹ gi ohan mu ruẹ rhunmwuda emwi ne Rabsakẹ khare. Senakẹrib i khian sẹtin khọn miotọ yan e Jerusalẹm.’ Iyeke ọni, e Senakẹrib keghi gbẹn elẹta gie Hẹzekaia. Ọ na kha wẹẹ: ‘Wa fẹko ze egbe obọ ne ima. E Jehova i khian sẹtin miẹn uwa fan.’ Hẹzekaia keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ: ‘E Jehova lahọ miẹn ima fan, ne emwa hia mieke na rẹn wẹẹ, uwẹ ọkpa ọre Osa ọghe ẹmwata.’ E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Ọba ọghe Asiria i khian sẹtin la e Jerusalẹm. I gha gbogba ga ẹvbo mwẹ.’ E Senakẹrib na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, vbene ẹi khian ghi kpẹẹ gbe, e Jerusalẹm gha khian ọghe irẹn. Sokpan vbe asọn ọkpa, e Jehova keghi gie odibo ọghẹe ọkpa gha rrie ehe ne ivbi iyokuo Asiria bu agọ yi. Odibosa nii keghi gbele ivbi iyokuo ọghe Asiria 185,000! Ivbabọ ẹre Ọba e Senakẹrib ghi ya gha rrie owa. E Jehova keghi gbogba ga e Hẹzekaia kevbe Jerusalẹm zẹ vbene ọ ru eyan rẹn. Deghẹ uwẹ nọ, u gha mu ẹtin yan e Jehova ra? “Avbe odibosa ẹre ọ gbaroghe iran ni ya ọghọ ne Nọyaẹnmwa, ọ ghi vbe miẹn iran fan vbe ẹbe.”—Psalm 34:7 |