Introduction to Section 7

Introduction to Section 7

This section covers the life histories of King Saul and King David, spanning about 80 years. At first, Saul was humble and God-fearing, but he soon changed and refused to follow Jehovah’s direction. Jehovah rejected him and, in time, instructed Samuel to anoint David as the next king of Israel. Jealous Saul tried many times to kill David, but David never took revenge. Saul’s son Jonathan knew that David was Jehovah’s choice, so he was loyal to David. David committed some serious sins, but he never rejected Jehovah’s discipline. If you are a parent, help your child to see the importance of always supporting God’s arrangements.



Israel’s First King

God had given the Israelites judges to lead them, but they wanted a king. Samuel anointed Saul as the first king, but later Jehovah rejected Saul. Why?


David and Goliath

Jehovah picks David to be the next king of Israel, and David shows why he is a good choice.


David and Saul

Why does one of these men hate the other, and how does the hated one behave?


Brave and Loyal Jonathan

The king’s son becomes a good friend to David.


The Sin of King David

A bad decision leads to a lot of trouble.

Omuso Ọghe Abọ 7

Omuso Ọghe Abọ 7

Abọ na keghi guan kaẹn emwi nọ sunu vbe arrọọ ọghe Ọba e Sọl kevbe Ọba e Devid vbe ọwara ukpo 80. Vbe okaro, ọmwa imuegberriotọ kevbe nọ mwẹ imuohan Osanobua ẹre Sọl ghaa khin, sokpan vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, ọ keghi suẹn gha he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ. E Jehova keghi he ẹre, ọ na ghi gie Samuẹl nọ ya hannọ e Devid zẹ nọ gha re ọba ọghe Izrẹl. Rhunmwuda ne Sọl na gha gbọvo e Devid ye ẹmwẹ na, ọ na gha gualọ odẹ ke odẹ nọ khian ya gbe Devid rua, sokpan e Devid ma rria ikhi ne egbe ẹre. Ovbi e Sọl nokpia na tie ẹre Jonatan keghi rẹn wẹẹ e Devid ẹre Jehova hannọ zẹ, ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na gha mwẹ ẹkoata dae Devid. E Devid keghi ru orukhọ nọ wegbe, sokpan ọ keghi miẹn adia ne Jehova rhie nẹ yi.  Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ya rẹn, vbene ọ ru ekpataki hẹ na gha ku obọ gbe ba emwamwa ọghe Osanobua vbe ẹghẹ hia.



Ọba Ọghe Izrẹl Nokaro

Ọbuohiẹn ẹre Jehova rhie ne Ivbi Izrẹl nọ gha su iran, sokpan iran na wẹẹ iran gualọ ọba nọ gha su iran. E Samuẹl keghi hannọ e Sọl nọ gha re ọba nokaro sokpan e Jehova keghi he ẹre vbe okiekie. Vbọsiẹ?


E Devid Vbe Golaiat

E Jehova keghi hannọ e Devid nọ gha re ọmwa nọ khian ghi rriọba yan Ivbi Izrẹl. E Devid keghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ọmwa esi ẹre irẹn khin.


E Devid Vbe Sọl

Vbọsiẹ ne Sọl na gha khẹko e Devid kevbe wẹẹ de emwi ne Devid ghi ru?


E Jonatan–Ọmwa Nọ Mwẹ Udinmwẹ Kevbe Ẹkoata

E Jonatan ne ovbi ọba keghi khian ọse Devid ne kankankan.


Orukhọ Ne Ọba e Devid Ru

Emwi na ma ru ẹse keghi si ọlọghọmwa nibun.