LESSON 38 Jehovah Made Samson StrongMany of the Israelites had again gone back to worshipping idols, so Jehovah allowed the Philistines to control their land. But there were some Israelites who loved Jehovah. One such man was Manoah. He and his wife had no children. One day Jehovah sent an angel to Manoah’s wife. The angel told her: ‘You will have a son. He will rescue Israel from the Philistines. He will be a Nazirite.’ Do you know who the Nazirites were? They were special servants of Jehovah. Nazirites were not allowed to cut their hair. In time, Manoah’s son was born, and he named him Samson. When Samson grew up, Jehovah made him very strong. He could kill a lion with his bare hands. On one occasion, Samson killed 30 Philistines all by himself. The Philistines hated him and kept looking for ways to kill him. One night while Samson was sleeping in Gaza, they went to the gate of the city and waited there so that they could kill him in the morning. But in the middle of the night, Samson got up, went to the city gate, and ripped it out of the wall. He carried the gate on his shoulders all the way to the top of a mountain near Hebron! Later, the Philistines went to Samson’s girlfriend, Delilah, and said: ‘We will pay you thousands of silver pieces if you find out why Samson is so strong. We want to catch him and put him in prison.’ Delilah wanted the money, so she agreed. At first, Samson refused to tell her why he was so strong. But she nagged him until he gave in and revealed his secret. ‘My hair has never been cut because I am a Nazirite,’ he told her. ‘If my hair is cut, I will lose my strength.’ Samson made a big mistake by telling her that, didn’t he? Delilah immediately told the Philistines: ‘I know his secret!’ She made Samson fall asleep on her lap, and then she had someone cut off his hair. Delilah shouted: ‘Samson, the Philistines are here!’ Samson woke up, and his strength was gone. The Philistines grabbed him, blinded him, and put him in prison. One day thousands of Philistines gathered in the temple of their god Dagon, shouting: ‘Our god has given us Samson! Bring Samson out! Let’s have some fun with him.’ They made him stand between two pillars, and they mocked him. Samson called out: ‘O Jehovah, please give me strength one more time.’ By now, Samson’s hair had grown long again. He pushed the pillars of the temple with all his might. The whole building came crashing down, killing all the people in the temple, and Samson also died. “For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.”—Philippians 4:13 |
IRUẸMWI 38 E Jehova Keghi Ya E Samsin WegbeIvbi Izrẹl nibun na werriegbe suẹn gha ga ẹbọ, ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Jehova na zinegbe ne Ivbi e Filistin rhie obọ yan iran uhunmwu. Sokpan Ivbi Izrẹl eso ye gha rrọọ ni hoẹmwẹ e Jehova. Ọkpa vbe iran na ọre Manoa. Irẹn vbe ọvbokhan rẹn i mwẹ ọmọ. Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Jehova keghi gie odibo ọghẹe bu ọvbokhan e Manoa. Odibosa nii keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘U gha biẹ ọmọ okpia. Irẹn ẹre ọ khian miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan vbe obọ Ivbi e Filistin. E Nazarait khian gha nọ.’ U rẹn emwa ni ghaa re Nazarait ra? Iran kegha re eguọmwadia e Jehova ne kpataki. Avbe Nazarait i gbe eto ọghe iran. Vbe ẹghẹ ghi sẹ, ọvbokhan e Manoa keghi biẹ ọmọ okpia, a na gha tie ẹre Samsin. Vbe Samsin ghi waan nẹ, e Jehova keghi yae wegbe. Ọ wegbe sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na ya obọ re eveva gbe oduma rua. Ọ vbe gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne Samsin ya gbe Ivbi e Filistin 30 rua. Ivbi e Filistin na gha mu ohu ẹre, iran na gha gualọ vbene iran khian ya gbe ẹre rua. Vbe Ivbi e Filistin ghi họn wẹẹ e Samsin vbiẹ vbe Gaza vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, iran na ya gba khẹ ọre vbe onurho orere ẹvbo, ne iran mieke na gbe ẹre rua vbe ẹdẹ gha gbe. Sokpan vbe ogiasọn, e Samsin keghi vu urho nii mu ye izabọ gha rrie uhunmwu oke, vbe ọkpẹn Hibrọn! Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, Ivbi e Filistin keghi bu egbakhian ọghe Samsin na tie ẹre Delila, iran na tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Ma gha hae ruẹ igho nọkhua deghẹ u na gu ima gualọ otọ emwi nọ ya e Samsin wegbe. Ma hoo ne ima muẹn ye eghan.’ Igho nii keghi viẹn ye Delila aro, ọ na ghi kue ye emwi ne iran khare. Vbe okaro, e Samsin ma tama rẹn emwi nọ ya irẹn wegbe. Sokpan ọ ma gi egbe rọkhọ e Samsin ba ẹmwẹ na; vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Samsin na do vẹ oro nii ma rẹn. Ọ keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Rhunmwuda ne I na re Nazarait, a ma he gbe mwẹ eto ke na ya biẹ mwẹ. Adeghẹ a na wa gbe mwẹ eto nia, ẹtin mwẹ ghi wa fo.’ U miẹn abakuru nọkhua ne Samsin ru! E Delila keghi ya tama Ivbi e Filistin vbobọvbobọ wẹẹ: ‘I miẹn otọre nẹ!’ E Delila keghi bọ e Samsin ye ovbe, ẹre ọ na ghi wẹẹ ne ọmwa gia re eto. E Delila keghi datu wẹẹ: ‘Samsin, ghee vbe Ivbi e Filistin rre!’ Vbe Samsin ghi kpaegbe, ẹtin na wa fo ẹre. Ivbi e Filistin keghi rhu ẹre aro eveva, iran na ya muẹn ye eghan. Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, Ivbi e Filistin nibun keghi si egbe koko vbe ogiukpo ọghe ẹbọ ne iran gho na tie ẹre Dagọn, iran na gha kha wẹẹ: ‘osa ọghe ima mu e Samsin ye ima obọ nẹ! Rhie Samsin ladian, ne u gi ima yae gbogiẹ kherhe!’ Iran keghi muẹn mudia ye ẹkpo orrẹ eva, iran na gha yae gbogiẹ. E Samsin keghi da tie Jehova wẹẹ: ‘Eo Jehova, rhie ẹtin mẹ vbe uhukpa na.’ Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, eto ọghe Samsin werriegbe zọọ nẹ. E Samsin keghi loo ẹtin ẹnrẹn hia ya rhua orrẹ ọghe ogiukpo nii gbotọ. Owa nii hia keghi dele gbotọ, emwa hia ni ghaa rrọọ keghi wulo ya sẹ egbe Samsin. “I mwẹ ẹtin ne I ya ye egbe miẹn emwi hia vbe ekpa ẹtin ne [Osanobua] rhie mẹ.”—Filipai 4:13 |