LESSON 32 A New Leader and Two Brave WomenAfter leading Jehovah’s people for many years, Joshua died at the age of 110. As long as he was alive, the Israelites worshipped Jehovah. But after Joshua died, they began to worship idols, as the Canaanites did. Because the Israelites did not keep following him, Jehovah allowed a Canaanite king named Jabin to make life hard for them. The people begged Jehovah for help. So Jehovah gave them a new leader, Barak. He would help the people return to Jehovah. Deborah, a prophetess, sent for Barak. She had a message for him from Jehovah: ‘Take 10,000 men, and go meet Jabin’s army at the stream of Kishon. There you will defeat Sisera, the chief of Jabin’s army.’ Barak told Deborah: ‘I will go but only if you come with me.’ She said: ‘I will go with you. But know that you are not the one who will kill Sisera. Jehovah has said that a woman will kill him.’ Deborah went with Barak and his army up to Mount Tabor to prepare for battle. As soon as Sisera heard about this, he gathered his war chariots and troops in the valley below. Deborah said to Barak: ‘Today is the day that Jehovah will give you victory.’ Barak and his 10,000 men charged down the mountain to meet Sisera’s powerful army. Jehovah then caused the stream of Kishon to flood. Sisera’s war chariots got stuck in the mud. Sisera left his chariot and began running. Barak and his soldiers defeated Sisera’s army, but Sisera escaped! He ran away and hid in the tent of a woman named Jael. She gave him milk to drink and then covered him with a blanket. The tired warrior fell asleep. Then Jael quietly crept toward him and drove a tent pin into his head. He died. Barak came looking for Sisera. Jael stepped out of her tent and said: ‘Come inside. I will show you the man you are looking for.’ Barak went inside and saw Sisera lying there dead. Barak and Deborah praised Jehovah in song for giving the Israelites victory over their enemies. For the next 40 years, Israel had peace. “The women proclaiming the good news are a large army.”—Psalm 68:11 |
IRUẸMWI 32 Ọkalotu Ọghe Ọgbọn Kevbe Ikhuo Eva Ni Mwẹ UdinmwẹUkpo nibun ẹre Jọsua ya su Ivbi Izrẹl; ọ ghi rre ukpo 110, ọ na wu. Ẹghẹ ne ọ ya gha su Ivbi Izrẹl, te iran hia wa gha ga e Jehova. Sokpan e Jọsua ghi wu nẹ, iran na suẹn gha ga ẹbọ, vbe na ghee Ivbi e Kenan. Rhunmwuda ne Ivbi Izrẹl na sẹ e Jehova rae, ọ na kue ne Jabin ne ọba ọghe Kenan gha ya agbọn lọghọ iran. Ivbi Izrẹl keghi rinmwia e Jehova nọ ru iyobọ ne iran. Ẹre Jehova na ghi rhie ọkaolotu ọghe ọgbọn ne iran; eni ọkaolotu nii ọre Barak. Irẹn ẹre ọ khian ru iyobọ ne iran ya werriegbe bu e Jehova gha dee. E Dẹbora ne akhasẹ keghi gie na tie Barak. E Jehova keghi tama e Dẹbora nọ tama e Barak wẹẹ: ‘Viọ ikpia 10,000, ne uwa bu e Jabin vbe ẹzẹ ọghe Kisiọn. Obọ uwa gha vba e Sisaria nọ re ọkaokuo ọghe Jabin.’ E Barak keghi tama e Dẹbora wẹẹ: ‘I gha yo deghẹ u na lele mwẹ.’ Ẹre Dẹbora na ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘I gha lele ruẹ yo. Sokpan, ọ khẹke ne u rẹn wẹẹ, ẹi re uwẹ ẹre ọ khian gbe Sisaria rua. E Jehova tae nẹ wẹẹ, okhuo ẹre ọ khian gbe ẹre rua.’ E Dẹbora keghi lele Barak kevbe ivbiyokuo ẹre gha rrie uhunmwu Oke Tabọ, ne iran ya muegbe okuo. Vbe Sisaria ghi họn vbekpa re, ọ na mwamwa ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe kevbe wẹẹ ọ na si ivbiyokuo ọghẹe koko vbe iya nọ rre ototọ oke nii. E Dẹbora keghi tama e Barak wẹẹ: ‘Ẹrẹna ẹre Jehova khian rhie akhọnmiotọ nuẹ.’ E Barak kevbe ikpia 10,000 ni lelẹe khian keghi tuorre vbe uhunmwu oke ne iran bu e Sisaria vbe ivbiyokuo ẹre. E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne ẹzẹ ọghe Kisiọn khian orogho. Ikẹkẹ okuo ọghe Sisaria na ziẹn ye uwu orogho nii. E Sisaria keghi lẹẹ sẹ ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe rae. E Barak kevbe ivbiyokuo ẹre, keghi gbele ivbiyokuo e Sisaria hia rua, sokpan obọ ma vba e Sisaria! Ọ na ya lẹre ye uwu ibọkpọ ọghe okhuo ọkpa na tiẹre Jaẹl. Okhuo na keghi sa e miliki nẹ wọn. E Jaẹl na vbe ya ukpọn gue ẹre vbe eke ne ọ lovbiẹ yi. Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, ovbe keghi rhie Sisaria rhunmwuda egbe nọ wọọ re. E Jaẹl na fẹko sikẹ e Sisaria, ọ na so ise ye ọre uhunmwu. Erriọ ẹre Sisaria ya wu. Vbe Barak ghi gualọ e Sisaria khian, e Jaẹl keghi ladian vbe uwu ibọkpọ ọghẹe, ọ na tama e Barak wẹẹ: ‘La uwu owa, ne u do ghee ọmwa ne u gualọ.’ Vbe Barak ghi la uwu ibọkpọ nii, ọ na bẹghe ikun e Sisaria vbe otọ. Ẹre Barak vbe Dẹbora na so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Jehova rhunmwuda akhọnmiotọ nọ rhie ne Ivbi Izrẹl. Vbe ọwara ukpo 40 nọ ghi lelẹe, ọfunmwegbe ẹre ọ ghi gha rre otọ ọghe Izrẹl. “Avbe ikhuo nibun ọ re ọ vbe na iyẹn nii.”—Psalm 68:11 |