Introduction to Section 6

Introduction to Section 6

When the Israelites finally reached the Promised Land, the tabernacle became the center of true worship there. Priests taught the Law, and judges guided the nation. This section illustrates the profound impact that a person’s decisions and actions can have on others. Each Israelite had a personal responsibility toward Jehovah and his fellow man. Highlight the influence that Deborah, Naomi, Joshua, Hannah, Jephthah’s daughter, and Samuel had on their communities. Emphasize that even some non-Israelites, such as Rahab, Ruth, Jael, and the Gibeonites, decided to side with the Israelites because they knew that God was with them.



Jehovah Chose Joshua

God gave Joshua instructions that can help us today, as well.


Rahab Hid the Spies

The walls of Jericho came crashing down. But Rahab’s house remained standing, even though it was built in the wall.


Joshua and the Gibeonites

Joshua prayed to God: “Sun, stand still!” Did God answer?


A New Leader and Two Brave Women

After Joshua died, the Israelites began to worship idols. Life got hard, but help came from Judge Barak, from the prophetess Deborah, and from Jael with her tent peg!


Ruth and Naomi

Two women whose husbands had both died returned to Israel. One of the women, Ruth, went to work in the fields, where she was noticed by Boaz.


Gideon Conquered the Midianites

After the Midianites made life miserable for them, the Israelites begged Jehovah for help. How did Gideon’s small army then conquer 135,000 enemy soldiers?


Hannah Prays for a Son

Elkanah took Hannah and Peninnah and the family to worship at the tabernacle in Shiloh. There, Hannah prayed for a son. A year later, she gave birth to Samuel!


Jephthah’s Promise

What promise did Jephthah make, and why? How did Jephthah’s daughter react to her father’s promise?


Jehovah Speaks to Samuel

High Priest Eli’s two sons served as priests at the tabernacle, but they did not obey God’s laws. Young Samuel was different, and Jehovah spoke to him.


Jehovah Made Samson Strong

God made Samson strong to fight the Philistines, but when Samson made a bad decision, the Philistines captured him.

Omuso Ọghe Abọ 6

Omuso Ọghe Abọ 6

Ivbi Izrẹl ghi sẹ Otọ Na Yan Rẹn nẹ, ibọkpọ ẹre iran ghi gha loo ya ga e Jehova. Avbe ohẹn na gha maa emwa uhi, avbe ọbuohiẹn na gha dia emwa. Abọ na keghi niania vbene atamuolọyan ne ima ru ya dekaan emwa ọvbehe hẹ. Emwi ne Ivbi Izrẹl rhirhi ru kegha mwẹ vbene ọ ya dekaan e Jehova hẹ kevbe ogieva iran. U ghi niania vbene igiemwi ọghe Debora, e Naomi, e Jọsua, e Hanna, ovbi e Jẹfta, kevbe Samuẹl ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni ghaa rre ẹdogbo ne iran ye hẹ. U ghi vbe nianiaẹn wẹẹ, emwa eso ni ma gha re Ivbi Izrẹl, keghi do yegbe ba iran rhunmwuda ne iran na rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova gu Ivbi Izrẹl rrọọ. Usun iran na ọre Rehab, e Rut, e Jaẹl, kevbe Ivbi e Gibiọn.



E Jehova Zẹ E Jọsua

Osanobua keghi rhie adia ne Jọsua, adia vberriọ gha vbe sẹtin ru iyobọ ne ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ.


E Rehab Viọ Emwa Ni Do Ba Otọ Ghee Lẹre

Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ogba ekẹn ọghe Jẹriko ẹre owa e Rehab ghaa ye, ọ na ye mudia vbe ẹghẹ ne ekẹn ni rre Jẹriko ya gha dele.


E Jọsua Kevbe Ivbi e Gibiọn

E Jọsua keghi na erhunmwu gie Osanobua wẹẹ: “Owẹn, mudia hii!” Osanobua họn erhunmwu nii ra?


Ọkalotu Ọghe Ọgbọn Kevbe Ikhuo Eva Ni Mwẹ Udinmwẹ

Vbe Jọsua ghi wu nẹ, Ivbi Izrẹl na suẹn gha ga ẹbọ. Emwi kegha baa so iran, sokpan Osanobua keghi ru iyobọ ne iran lekpae Barak ne ọbuohiẹn, e Dẹbora ne akhasẹ kevbe Jaẹl!


E Rut Vbe Naomi

Ikhuo eva ni dẹgbẹe keghi werriegbe gha rrie otọ Izrẹl. Ọkpa vbe ikhuo na, na tie ẹre Rut keghi ya winna vbe ugbo ọghe Boaz, evba ẹre Boaz na miẹn ọnrẹn.


E Gidiọn Keghi Khọn Miotọ Yan Ivbi E Midian

Vbe Ivbi e Midian ghi zẹ ya agbọn lọghọ Ivbi Izrẹl, iran keghi rinmwia e Jehova nọ bu iran rre. De vbene ivbi iyokuo nekherhe ọghe Gidiọn ya khọn miotọ yan ivbi iyokuo 135,000 hẹ?


Hanna Keghi Na Erhunmwu Ne Osanobua Rhie Ọmọ Okpia Ne Irẹn

Elkana keghi viọ ẹgbẹe ọre gha rrie ibọkpọ nọ rre Siailo ne iran ya ga Osanobua. Evba ẹre Hanna na na erhunmwu gie Osanobua nọ rhie ọmọ okpia ne irẹn. Vbe ọ ma he sẹ ukpo ọkpa, Hanna keghi biẹ e Samuẹl!


Eyan Ne Jẹfta Ru

De eyan ne Jẹfta ru kevbe de emwi nọ yae ru eyan nii? De emwi ne ovbi e Jẹfta nokhuo ru vbe ọ ghi rẹn vbekpae eyan ne erhae ru?


E Jehova Keghi Gu E Samuẹl Guan

Ivbi Elai eva kegha ga zẹvbe ohẹn vbe ibọkpọ ọghe ugamwẹ, sokpan iran ma gha lele uhi ọghe Jehova. E Samuẹl ne ovbi ọvbokhan kherhe wa lughaẹn ne iran, ẹre Jehova na guẹ guan.


E Jehova Keghi Ya E Samsin Wegbe

Osanobua keghi ya e Samsin wegbe nọ mieke na gu Ivbi e Filistin khọn, sokpan vbe ẹghẹ ne Samsin ghi ya ru atamuolọyan nọ ma khẹke, obọ Ivbi e Filistin keghi vba re.