LESSON 23 A Promise to JehovahAbout two months after leaving Egypt, the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai and set up camp. Jehovah called to Moses, who went up on the mountain, and told him: ‘I saved the Israelites. If they obey me and keep my laws, they will become my special people.’ Moses went back down and told the Israelites what Jehovah had said. How did they respond? They answered: ‘We will do everything Jehovah tells us to do.’ Moses went up the mountain again. There, Jehovah said: ‘In three days, I will speak to you. Warn the people not to try to come up to Mount Sinai.’ Moses went down and told the Israelites to get ready to hear from Jehovah. Three days later, the Israelites saw lightning and a dark cloud on the mountain. They also heard loud thunder and the sound of a horn. Then Jehovah came down on the mountain in fire. The Israelites were so afraid that they trembled. The whole mountain shook violently and was covered in smoke. The sound of the horn got louder and louder. And then God said: ‘I am Jehovah. You must not worship any other gods.’ Moses went back up on the mountain, and Jehovah gave him laws for the people about how they should worship Him and how they should behave. Moses wrote down the laws and then read them to the Israelites. They promised: ‘We will do everything Jehovah tells us to do.’ Yes, they made a promise to God. But would they keep it? “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.”—Matthew 22:37 |
IRUẸMWI 23 Eyan Na Ru Ma E JehovaVbe ọ ghi rre odẹ uki eva ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpa hin Igipt rre, iran keghi sẹ Oke Sainai, ẹre iran na ghi bu agọ ye evba. E Jehova keghi tie Mosis gha die uhunmwu oke, ẹre ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Imẹ ẹre ọ miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan. Adeghẹ iran na lele uhi ne I gbe ne iran, iran ghi gha re emwa mwẹ ni ghaan.’ E Mosis na ya tama iran emwi ne Jehova khare. Uwẹ rẹn emwi ne iran ghi ta ra? Iran keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Ma gha ru emwi hia ne Jehova wẹẹ ne ima ru.’ E Mosis keghi werriegbe gha rrie uhunmwu oke. E Jehova na ghi tama rẹn vbe evba wẹẹ: ‘I gha gu ruẹ guan vbe irakhuẹ. Ya obọ sekhae ne emwa ruẹ ne iran ghẹ sikẹ Oke Sainai.’ E Mosis keghi ya tama Ivbi Izrẹl ne iran muegbe khẹ ẹmwẹ ne Jehova khian tama iran. Vbe ọ ghi sẹ ẹdẹrriọ, iran keghi bẹghe ayan kevbe okuku nọ mwẹ emi vbe uhunmwu oke. Iran na vbe gha họn vbe avannukhunmwu vannọ kevbe iran na vbe gha họn ulamwẹ okpe. E Jehova keghi tuorre gha die uhunmwu oke nii vbe na ghee erhẹn. Orhirhi keghi gbe ku Ivbi Izrẹl. Uhunmwu oke nii hia na mu rueghe, ighogho na gba ehe hia. Urhu okpe nii kegha la yọ la yọ. Ẹre Osanobua na ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Imẹ ọre Jehova. Uwa ghẹ ga osa ọvbehe.’ E Mosis keghi werriegbe gha rrie nene uhunmwu oke, evba ẹre Jehova na gbe uhi nẹ, nọ dekaan vbene Ivbi Izrẹl khian ya gha ga irẹn hẹ kevbe vbene iran khian ya gha yin hẹ. E Mosis keghi gbẹnnẹ uhi nii hia yotọ, ẹre ọ na ghi tie ẹre ma Ivbi Izrẹl. Iran na kha wẹẹ: ‘Ma gha ru emwi ke emwi hia ne Jehova wẹẹ ne ima ru.’ Ẹmwẹ ne iran ta na, keghi rhiema wẹẹ te iran ru eyan ma Osanobua. Iran gha muẹn sẹ ra? “Ye ekhọe ruẹ hia, orhiọn ruẹ hia, otọe ẹko ruẹ hia, kevbe ẹtin ruẹ hia hoẹmwẹ Nọ yan ruẹ Osanobua ruẹ.”—Matiu 22:37 |