The Miracle at the Red Sea

The Miracle at the Red Sea

As soon as Pharaoh heard that the Israelites had left Egypt, he changed his mind about sending them away. He commanded his warriors: ‘Get all my war chariots ready, and let’s chase after them! We should not have let them go.’ He and his men began chasing the Israelites.

Jehovah was leading his people, using a cloud during the day and fire at night. He led them to the Red Sea, and he told them to set up camp.

Then the Israelites saw Pharaoh and his army chasing after them. They were trapped between the sea and the Egyptian army. They cried out to Moses: ‘We are going to die! You should have left us in Egypt.’ But Moses said: ‘Don’t be afraid. Wait and see how Jehovah will save us.’ Moses really trusted in Jehovah, didn’t he?

Jehovah told the Israelites to break camp. That night, Jehovah moved the cloud and placed it between the Egyptians and the Israelites. On the Egyptian side, there was darkness. But on the Israelite side, there was light.

Jehovah told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea.  Then Jehovah made a strong wind blow all night long. The sea was split in two, and there was a pathway down the middle. The millions of Israelites marched on dry ground, between the walls of water, to the other side.

Pharaoh’s army followed the Israelites into the dry seabed. Then Jehovah threw the army into confusion. The wheels began to fall off their chariots. The soldiers shouted: ‘Let’s get out of here! Jehovah is fighting for them.’

Jehovah told Moses: ‘Stretch out your hand over the sea.’ At once, the walls of water collapsed on the Egyptian army. Pharaoh and all his men died. Not one of them survived.

On the other side of the sea, the large crowd of people praised God with a song: “Sing to Jehovah, for he has become highly exalted. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.” While the people sang, the women danced and played tambourines. Everyone was very happy that now they were truly free.

“So that we may be of good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’”​—Hebrews 13:6


Emwi Ọyunnuan Nọ Sunu Vbe Okun Nọ Baa

Emwi Ọyunnuan Nọ Sunu Vbe Okun Nọ Baa

Vbe Fero ghi họn wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl kpa nẹ, ọ na werriegbe fi ekhọe werriẹ. Ọ na tama ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe wẹẹ: ‘Uwa viọ avbe ikẹkẹ okuo mwẹ ladian, ne uwa gia zẹ iran khu! Ma i ghẹ te kue ne iran kpa.’ Ẹre Fero vbe emwa ọghẹe na suẹn gha khu Ivbi Izrẹl khian.

E Jehova kegha su emwa rẹn khian, vbene ọ na gha ya okuku gue iran vbe ẹghẹ avan, ọ na vbe gi erhẹn gha baa vbe ẹghẹ asọn ne iran mieke na gha bẹghe odẹ. Vbe ọ ghi su iran sẹ Okun Nọ Baa, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran bu agọ ye evba.

Evba ẹre Ivbi Izrẹl na ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Fero kevbe ivbi iyokuo ẹre khu iran dee. Ivbi Izrẹl ma ghi rẹn vbene iran khian ghi khian hẹ; ẹzẹ rre iran odaro, ivbi iyokuo Igipt rre iran iyeke. Iran keghi kpee tie Mosis wẹẹ: ‘Uwu ẹre ima miẹn na! U gha te fẹko sẹ ima rae ye otọ Igipt.’ Sokpan e Mosis keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Uwa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa. Uwa fẹko zin egbe ne uwa bẹghe vbene Jehova khian ya miẹn ima fan hẹ.’ E Mosis gele wa mu ẹtin yan e Jehova, ra ẹi re erriọ?

E Jehova keghi tama Ivbi Izrẹl ne iran fannọ ibọkpọ ọghe iran vbe eke ne iran bu agọ yi. Vbe asọn nii, e Jehova keghi ru ẹre ne okuku gha rre ẹkpo Ivbi Izrẹl kevbe Ivbi Igipt. Ebiebi keghi so vbe obọ ọghe Ivbi Igipt. Sokpan Ivbi Izrẹl na gha bẹghe odẹ vbe obọ ọghe iran.

 E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis ne ọ niẹn ọkpọ re daa okun. E Jehova keghi ru ẹre ne okpẹhoho la vbe asọn nii. Ẹre okun na ghi waa ye iheva, odẹ na ye gbodoo vbe adesẹneva okun. Ivbi Izrẹl hia ni re ẹbo nibun keghi fian okun nii gberra vbe otọ nọ kae, vbene amẹ na yevbe egbe ekẹn vbe obọ eveva.

Ivbi iyokuo e Fero na wẹẹ ne iran vbe lele Ivbi Izrẹl lae. E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne iro han iran. Owẹ ọghe ikẹkẹ okuo ọghe iran na gha yannọ kua. Ivbi iyokuo nii na gha solo, iran na kha wẹẹ: ‘Uwa gia werriegbe! E Jehova ẹre ọ gbinna ne iran na.’

E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ: ‘Niẹn ọkpọ ruẹ daa okun.’ Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, amẹ keghi vba rhu ivbi iyokuo ọghe Igipt. E Fero vbe emwa rẹn na wulo ye uwu ẹzẹ. Ne ọ miẹn uhunmwu ma ghaa rrọọ.

Ivbi Izrẹl ni fian nene okun gberra kegha so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Osanobua vbenia wẹẹ: “Uwa gi ima so ihuan gie Jehova ne Ọba ọghomwa. Ọkpa ma zẹdẹ kẹ vbe iyokuo ọghe Fero.” Vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha so ihuan, ikhuo ni rrọọ na gha kpee ukusẹ, iran na gha gbe. Iran hia na gha ghọghọ rhunmwuda ne iran na miẹn fan.

“Rhunmwuda ọni, wa gie ima din ne a kha wẹẹ, ‘Nọyaẹnmwa ọre ne ọ yọ mwẹ obọ, ohan i ghi mu mwẹ. De emwi ne ọmwa gha sẹtin ru mwẹ re?’”—Hibru 13:6