The Tenth Plague

The Tenth Plague

Moses promised Pharaoh that he would not try to see him again. But before he left, he told Pharaoh: ‘At midnight, every firstborn child in Egypt, from the son of Pharaoh to the sons of the slaves, will die.’

Jehovah told the Israelites to have a special meal. He said: ‘Kill a one-year-old male sheep or goat, and put some of its blood on your doorway. Roast the meat, and eat it along with unleavened bread. Be dressed, with your sandals on, ready to go. This night I will set you free.’ Can you imagine how excited the Israelites must have been?

At midnight, Jehovah’s angel went to every house in Egypt. In the houses that were not marked with blood on the doorway, the firstborn died. But the angel passed over the houses marked with blood. Every Egyptian family, rich and poor, lost a child. But not one of the Israelite children died.

Even Pharaoh’s own son was dead. Pharaoh could not take it anymore. He immediately told Moses and Aaron: ‘Get up. Get out of here. Go and worship your God. Take your animals and go!’

 Under a full moon, the Israelites marched out of Egypt, organized by family and tribe. There were 600,000 Israelite men and many women and children. Also, a lot of other people went with them so that they could worship Jehovah too. The Israelites were free at last!

To remember how Jehovah had saved them, they would have that same special meal each year. It was called the Passover.

“For this very reason I have let you remain: to show my power in connection with you and to have my name declared in all the earth.”​—Romans 9:17


Orueghe Nogie Igbe

Orueghe Nogie Igbe

E Mosis keghi tama e Fero wẹẹ irẹn i khian ghi werriegbe rre. Sokpan e Mosis ke kpa, ọ na tama e Fero wẹẹ: ‘Emọ ikpia hia ni ghi re ọmọ ọdiọn nẹ vbe otọ Igipt gha wulo, ke ovbi e Fero ne ọdiọn ya sẹ egbe ivbi eviẹn ni rre Igipt.’

E Jehova keghi tama Ivbi Izrẹl wẹẹ ne iran le evbare ne kpataki. Ọ na tama iran wẹẹ: ‘Uwa gbe oteghe ohuan ọkpa ra ovbi ẹwe ọkpa, ne uwa ya esagiẹn ọghẹe wuo onurho owa ọghe uwa. Uwa ghi tọn rẹn ya rri eka na ma gua. Uwa rhọ emwi uwa yotọ rhunmwuda asọn na ẹre I khian miẹn uwa fan.’ Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl gha sọyẹnmwẹ rhunmwuda iyẹn ne iran họn na ra?

Vbe ọ ghi rre ogiasọn, e Jehova keghi gie odibo ọkpa gha rrie otọ Igipt. Emọ ọdiọn ni rre owa na ma na ya esagiẹn wuo onurho keghi wulo. Sokpan odibosa ma ya obọ kaan ọmọ rhọkpa nọ rre owa ne a na ya esagiẹn wuo onurho. Emọ ọdiọn ọghe Ivbi Igipt hia keghi wulo, ke ovbi ọdafẹn ya sẹ egbe ovbiogue. Ọkpa nọ wu vbe Ivbi Izrẹl ma gha rrọọ.

Uhiẹn, ovbi e Fero ne ọdiọn na wa vbe lae. E Fero ma ghi sẹtin zin ọna. Ẹre ọ na ghi tama e Mosis vbobọvbobọ: ‘Uwa do  kpa hin ẹvbo na rre, ne uwa ya ga Osa ọghe uwa. Uwa viọ avbe aranmwẹ lele egbe ne uwa gha khian!’

Vbe ogiasọn nii, Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ladian vbe otọ Igipt vbene iran na mwamwa egbe zẹvbe nọ gua dọmwadẹ ẹgbẹe ro. Ivbi Izrẹl hia ni kpa vbe otọ Igipt vbe ẹdẹrriọ kegha re ikpia 600,000 kevbe ibiẹka kevbe ikhuo nibun. Emwa eso ne ẹi re Ivbi Izrẹl keghi vbe lele iran kpa, ne iran mieke na deba iran ga e Jehova. Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ghọghua!

Iran kegha do Ugie Alagberra vbe ukpo ukpo, ne iran mieke na ya yee ẹre rre ẹdẹ ne Jehova miẹn iran fan.

“Emwi ẹre ọ zẹẹ ne I na ya ruẹ ma ọba, ne I miẹn ehe na la egbe ruẹ rhie ẹtin mwẹ maa, kevbe ne I miẹn ehe na ya eni mwẹ khian ne a rẹnrẹn vbe uhunmwu otọ agbọn hia.”—Rom 9:17