The Next Six Plagues

The Next Six Plagues

Moses and Aaron went to tell Pharaoh God’s message: ‘If you don’t let my people go, I will send gadflies to the land.’ Swarms of gadflies invaded the houses of the Egyptians, both rich and poor. The whole land was full of gadflies. But in the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, there were no gadflies. Starting with this fourth plague, the plagues hurt only the Egyptians. Pharaoh pleaded: ‘Beg Jehovah to take these flies away. Your people can go.’ But when Jehovah took the gadflies away, Pharaoh changed his mind. Would Pharaoh ever learn his lesson?

Jehovah said: ‘If Pharaoh does not let my people go, the animals of the Egyptians will become sick and die.’ The next day, the animals began to die. But the animals of the Israelites didn’t die. Still Pharaoh was stubborn, and he wouldn’t give in.

Then Jehovah told Moses to go back to Pharaoh and throw ashes into the air. The ashes became dust that filled the air and settled on all the Egyptians. The dust caused painful sores to break out on all of the Egyptians and their animals. Even so, Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go.

Jehovah sent Moses back to Pharaoh with His message: ‘Are you still refusing to send my  people away? Tomorrow hail will rain down on the land.’ The next day, Jehovah sent hail, thunder, and fire. It was the worst storm Egypt had ever seen. All the trees and crops were ruined, but not those in Goshen. Pharaoh said: ‘Beg Jehovah to make this stop! Then you can go.’ But as soon as the hail and the rain stopped, Pharaoh changed his mind.

Then Moses said: ‘Now locusts will eat any plants that were left over from the hailstorm.’ Millions of locusts ate up everything that was left in the fields and on the trees. Pharaoh pleaded: ‘Beg Jehovah to send these locusts away.’ But even after Jehovah stopped the locusts, Pharaoh was still stubborn.

Jehovah told Moses: ‘Stretch out your hand toward the sky.’ Immediately, the sky became completely dark. For three days, the Egyptians could not see anything or anybody. Only the Israelites had light in their houses.

Pharaoh said to Moses: ‘You and your people can go. Just leave your animals here.’ Moses said: ‘We must take our animals so that we can offer them to our God.’ Pharaoh was very angry. He shouted: ‘Get away from me! If I see you again, I will kill you.’

“You will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him.”​—Malachi 3:18


Orueghe Nogienẹ Ya Sẹ Nogie Ihinrin

Orueghe Nogienẹ Ya Sẹ Nogie Ihinrin

Osanobua keghi gie Mosis vbe Erọn ne iran ya tama e Fero wẹẹ: ‘Adeghẹ u ma kue ne emwa mwẹ kpa, I gha ruẹ ne ikian ne awa gba otọ ruẹ hia.’ Ikian ne awa keghi gba owa Ivbi Igipt hia ke ọghe ovbiogue kevbe ọghe ọdafẹn. Ọ na gba ehe hia vbe otọ Igipt. Sokpan ọ ma sẹ eke ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghaa ye vbe Gosiẹn. Ke orueghe nogienẹ kpa, Ivbi Igipt ọkpa ẹre avbe orueghe na ghi gha dekun. E Fero na ghi rinmwian e Mosis vbe Erọn wẹẹ: ‘Lahọ uwa gu mwẹ rinmwian e Jehova nọ ruẹ ne avbe ikian na kpa. I gha kue ne emwa ruẹ kpa.’ Sokpan e Jehova ghi ru ẹre ne avbe ikian nii kpa, e Fero ma ghi gi Ivbi Izrẹl kpa. De ẹghẹ ne Fero khian ya gha mwẹ ẹwaẹn?

E Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Deghẹ e Fero ma kue ne emwa mwẹ kpa, aranmwẹ ọghe Ivbi Igipt gha suẹn gha khuọnmwi, iran ghi vbe wulo.’ Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, aranmwẹ ọghe iran keghi suẹn gha wulo. Sokpan nọ wu vbe aranmwẹ ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl ma gha rrọọ. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, e Fero ma ye họn ẹmwẹ ne Osanobua.

Ẹre Jehova na ghi tama e Mosis nọ werriegbe bu e Fero. E Jehova keghi tama rẹn nọ sirra e Fero bọnmwẹ emuẹn ghee odukhunmwu. Emuẹn nii keghi khian ebubẹ. Nene ebubẹ keghi hoho gba ehe hia. Ugbẹnvbe ebubẹ nii ghi hoho sẹ eke ne Ivbi Igipt kevbe aranmwẹ ọghe iran ye, emwi keghi munọ iran egbe. Ọrheyerriọ, e Fero ma gi Ivbi Izrẹl kpa.

E Jehova keghi werriegbe gie Mosis bu e Fero, nọ ya tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘U ma ye kue ne emwa mwẹ kpa. Ẹdẹ nakhuẹ, I gha ruẹ ne esia rhọọ yan otọ ọghe uwa.’ Ẹdẹ  ghi gbe, e Jehova keghi tue esia kevbe erhẹn yan otọ nii hia. Egbe emwi vbenia ma he ka sunu vbe otọ Igipt ẹdẹ. Avannukhunmwu keghi munọ erhan hia gbotọ, ọ keghi rria emwi okọ ọghe Ivbi Igipt rua. Sokpan emwi rhọkpa ma sunu daa Ivbi Izrẹl vbe Gosiẹn. Ẹre Fero na ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Lahọ rinmwian e Jehova nọ ruẹ ne ena hia dobọ yi! Ọ gha dobọ yi nẹ, uwa sẹtin kpa.’ Sokpan avannukhunmwu nii kevbe amẹ nọ rhọọ ghi dobọ yi nẹ, e Fero keghi fi ekhọe werriẹ.

Vbe iyeke ọni, e Mosis keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Nia te irhiso khian rri emwi okọ ọghe uwa ni ghi dekẹ.’ Oghẹn ọghe irhiso keghi rri emwi okọ ọghe iran, ne avannukhunmwu ma mu rria. E Fero na ghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Lahọ rinmwian e Jehova nọ ruẹ ne avbe irhiso na kpa.’ Sokpan vbe Jehova ghi ruẹ nẹ, e Fero ma ye họn ẹmwẹ.

Ẹre Jehova na ghi khama e Mosis wẹẹ: ‘Niẹn obọ ruẹ daa iso.’ Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, ehe hia na so ebiebi kankankan. Vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ eha, Ivbi Igipt ma sẹtin bẹghe emwi rhọkpa. Sokpan ebiebi na ma sẹ eke ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghaa ye.

E Fero keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ: ‘Uwẹ kevbe Ivbi Izrẹl sẹtin gha khian. Sokpan uwa sẹ aranmwẹ ọghe uwa rae.’ Ẹre Mosis na wanniẹn e Fero wẹẹ: ‘Te ima gha viọ aranmwẹ ọghe ima lele egbe rhunmwuda ẹre ima khian ya zọ ese gie Osanobua.’ E Fero ghi họn ẹmwẹ na, ohu keghi muẹn. Ọ na tama e Mosis wẹẹ: ‘Ladian vbe odaro mwẹ rre! I gha ghi dọlegbe miẹn ruẹ mwa, I ghi gbuẹ rua.’

“Ẹghẹ nii, emwa nii gha dọlegbe miẹn alughaẹn ne ọ rre emwi ne ọ sunu vbe egbe ọmwa ata kevbe ọmwa dan. Vbe egbe ọmwa ne ọ ga mwẹ kevbe ọmwa ne ẹi ga mwẹ.”—Malakai 3:18