LESSON 15 Jehovah Never Forgot JosephWhile Joseph was in prison, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had dreams that no one could explain. One of his servants told Pharaoh that Joseph could tell him what his dreams meant. Pharaoh immediately sent for Joseph. Pharaoh asked him: ‘Can you explain my dreams?’ Joseph told Pharaoh: ‘Egypt will have plenty of food for seven years, followed by seven years of famine. Choose someone wise to store up food so that your people will not starve.’ Pharaoh replied: ‘I choose you! You will be the second most powerful man in Egypt!’ How did Joseph know what Pharaoh’s dreams meant? Jehovah had helped Joseph. Over the next seven years, Joseph stored up food. Then there was famine over all the earth, just as Joseph had said. People came from everywhere to buy food from Joseph. His father, Jacob, heard that there was food in Egypt, so he sent ten of his sons there to buy some. Jacob’s sons went to Joseph, who immediately recognized them. But his brothers did not know that it was Joseph. They bowed down to him, just as he had dreamed when he was young. Joseph wanted to know if his brothers were still hateful. So he said to them: ‘You are spies. You want to find out where our country is weak.’ They said: ‘No! We are 12 brothers from Canaan. One of our brothers is dead, and the youngest is with our father.’ Joseph then said: ‘Bring your youngest brother to me, and I will believe you.’ So they went home to their father. When the family ran out of food again, Jacob sent his sons back to Egypt. This time they took Benjamin, their youngest brother, with them. To test his brothers, Joseph hid his silver cup in Benjamin’s bag of grain and then accused his brothers of stealing it. When Joseph’s servants found the cup in Benjamin’s bag, his brothers were shocked. They begged Joseph to punish them instead of Benjamin. Now Joseph knew that his brothers had changed. Joseph could not hold back his feelings any longer. He burst into tears and said: ‘I am your brother Joseph. Is my father still alive?’ His brothers were very surprised. He told them: ‘Don’t feel bad because of what you did to me. God sent me here to save your lives. Now hurry and bring my father here.’ They went home to tell their father the good news and to bring him to Egypt. After so many years, Joseph and his father were finally together again. “If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”—Matthew 6:15 |
IRUẸMWI 15 E Jehova Ma Mianmian E JosẹfVbe ẹghẹ ne Josẹf na gha rre eghan vbe otọ Igipt, e Fero ne ọba ọghe Igipt keghi mina imina ne ọmwa rhọkpa ma sẹtin rhan otọre. Ọkpa vbe eguọmwadia e Fero keghi tama e Fero wẹẹ, e Josẹf ẹre ọ rhan otọ imina ne irẹn minaẹn. Ẹre Fero na wẹẹ na ya tiẹre rre. E Fero keghi nọ e Josẹf wẹẹ: ‘U gha sẹtin rhan otọ imina ne I minaẹn ra?’ Ẹre Josẹf na tama e Fero wẹẹ: ‘Te evbare khian wa kpọ vbe otọ Igipt vbe ukpo ihinrọn sokpan vbe ukpo ihinrọn nọ khian ghi lelẹe, ukhunmwu gha fi. Gualọ ọmwa ẹwaẹn nọ gha koko evbare yotọ, ne ohanmwẹ ghẹ gbele emwa ruẹ rua.’ E Fero na ghi wanniẹn e Josẹf wẹẹ: ‘Uwẹ ẹre I wa zẹ! Uwẹ ẹre ọ khian ghi gha zẹ lele mwẹ vbe otọ Igipt!’ De vbene Josẹf ya rẹn emwi ne imina ọghe Fero rhiema? E Jehova ẹre ọ ru iyobọ ne Josẹf ya rẹn. Ukpo ihinrọn ẹre Josẹf wa ya si evbare koko. Vbe iyeke ọni, ukhunmwu na suẹn gha fi vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia zẹvbe ne Josẹf tae yotọ. Emwa kegha ke ehe ughughan rre do gha dẹ evbare vbe obọ e Josẹf. E Jekọb ghi họn wẹẹ evbare rre otọ Igipt, ọ keghi gie ivbi ẹre nikpia igbe ne iran ya dẹ evbare rre. Ivbi e Jekọb ghi sẹ Igipt, iran keghi bu e Josẹf. E Josẹf na wa ye iran ẹro sokpan iran ma ghi ye Josẹf ẹro. Iran keghi gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne Josẹf zẹvbe ne Josẹf minaẹn vbe ọ ye kherhe. Rhunmwuda ne Josẹf na gha hoo nọ rẹn deghẹ etiọnrẹn fiwerriẹ nẹ, ọ na khama iran wẹẹ: ‘Te uwa do ba ẹvbo na ghee, ne uwa mieke na rẹn deghẹ uwa gha sẹtin gu ima gbinna.’ Iran keghi wanniẹn e Josẹf wẹẹ: ‘Ẹn o! Otọ e Kenan ẹre ima ke rre. Emọ ikpia 12 ẹre erha ima biẹlẹ sokpan ọkpa wu nẹ vbọ. Nekherhe nọ rrọọ gu erha ima vbe owa.’ Ẹre Josẹf na khama iran wẹẹ: ‘Uwa gha hoo ne I ya uwa yi, uwa ya rhie ọtiẹn uwa nekherhe rre.’ Iran keghi kpa gha rrie owa. Evbare ne iran dẹ ghi fo nẹ, e Jekọb na dọlegbe gie iran gha rrie Igipt. Iran keghi rhie alagbodẹ ọghe iran na tie ẹre Bẹnjamin lele egbe. Iran ghi sẹ Igipt, e Josẹf keghi danmwẹ etiọnrẹn ghee. E Josẹf keghi rhie ukpu ọghe siliva ọghẹe lẹre ye uwu ẹkpo ne Bẹnjamin viọ evbare yi. E Josẹf keghi mu etiọnrẹn oyi. Vbe eguọmwadia e Josẹf ghi miẹn nene ukpu vbe ẹkpo e Bẹnjamin, ọ na wa kpa etiọnrẹn odin. Iran keghi rinmwia e Josẹf nọ rri iran oya sokpan nọ sẹ e Bẹnjamin rae. E Josẹf na do rẹn wẹẹ etiọnrẹn fiwerriẹ nẹ. E Josẹf na suẹn gha viẹ, ọ na khama iran wẹẹ: ‘Mẹ ọre Josẹf ne ọtiẹn uwa. Erha mwẹ ye rre agbọn ra?’ Ẹmwẹ na keghi kpa iran odin sokpan e Josẹf na khama iran wẹẹ: ‘Wa ghẹ roro ẹre wẹẹ, uwa ya obọ dan mu mwẹ. Osanobua ẹre ọ gie mwẹ gha die emwa ne I do miẹn uwa fan. Lahọ uwa ya mu erha mwẹ rre.’ Iran ghi sẹ owa, iran keghi na iyẹn ma erha iran. Ẹre iran na muẹn gha rrie Igipt. Vbe okiekie, e Josẹf vbe erhae na do dọlegbe miẹn egbe. “Sokpan, deghẹ uwa ma ya bọ emwa ni ru uwa khọọ, Erha uwa ne ọ rre ẹrinmwi i vbe ya orukhọ uwa bọ uwa.”—Matiu 6:15 |