Introduction to Section 2Why did Jehovah bring about a flood that destroyed the world of that time? Early in human history, a battle began—the battle between good and evil. Some individuals, such as Adam, Eve, and their son Cain, chose the side of evil. A few others, such as Abel and Noah, chose the side of good. Most people became so bad that Jehovah brought an end to that wicked world. This section will help us to learn that Jehovah sees which side we choose and that he will never allow the evil to conquer the good. IN THIS SECTIONLESSON 3 Adam and Eve Disobeyed GodWhat was special about one particular tree in the garden of Eden? Why did Eve eat the fruit from it? LESSON 4 From Anger to MurderGod accepted Abel’s offering but not Cain’s. When Cain found out, he was very angry and did a terrible thing. LESSON 5 Noah’s ArkWhen bad angels married women on earth, they had sons who were giant bullies. Violence was everywhere. But Noah was different—he loved and obeyed God. LESSON 6 Eight Survive Into a New WorldThe Flood brought 40 days and 40 nights of rain. Altogether, Noah and his family were in the ark for more than a year. Finally, they were able to go out. |
Omuso Ọghe Abọ 2Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na ya amẹ guọghọ uhunmwu otagbọn vbe ẹghẹ nii? Vbe Osanobua da yi emwa nagbọn, emwa keghi wannọ egbe ye ihe eva—emwa ni ru emwi esi kevbe emwa ni ru emwi dan. Emwa vbe na ghee Adam, Ivi kevbe ovbi iran ighẹ e Keni na gha rre obọ ọghe emwa dan. Ibozẹghẹ emwa vbe na ghee Ebẹl kevbe Noa ẹre ọ ghaa ru emwi esi. Vbene emwa ghi ru emwi dan sẹ vbe ẹghẹ nii, e Jehova na guọghọ iran rua. Abọ na gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya rẹn wẹẹ e Jehova keghi rẹn emwi nọ rre ima ekhọe, deghẹ ima hoo ne ima ru emwi esi ra emwi dan, kevbe wẹẹ irẹn i khian kue ne emwi dan ke ukhunmwu ne emwi esi. VBE AKO NAIRUẸMWI 3 Adam Vbe Ivi Keghi He Ẹmwẹ Ye Osanobua ObọVbọ ya ọmọ erhan ọkpa nọ ghaa rre ogba ọghe Idẹni lughaen ne nikẹre? Vbọsiẹ ne Ivi na rri ọmọ erhan nii? IRUẸMWI 4 Ohu Dan Nọ Muẹn Keghi Yae Do IzighaIzọese ọghe Ebẹl ẹre Osanobua miẹn yi, ẹi re ọghe Keni. Ọna keghi ya ohu mu e Keni sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na ru emwi nọ wegbe. IRUẸMWI 5 Okọ Ọghe NoaVbe ẹghẹ ne avbe odibosa dan ya ke ẹrinmwi rre do gha rhie ikhuo zẹvbe amwẹ, iran na biẹlẹ avbe arhuan. Olighi na gba ehe hia. Sokpan e Noa keghi lughaẹn—irẹn keghi hoẹmwẹ Osanobua, ọ na vbe họn ẹmwẹ nẹ. IRUẸMWI 6 Orhunmwu Erẹnrẹn Keghi Miẹn Fan La Agbọn ỌgbọnAmẹ nii keghi rrọọ vbe ikpẹdẹ 40 kevbe asọn 40. Ọ gberra ukpo ọkpa ne Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre ya gha rre uwu okọ nii. Vbe okiekie, iran na do ladian. |