Would You Like to Know the Truth?THE truth about what? About some of the most important questions that humans have ever asked. Perhaps you have wondered about such questions as these:
Where would you look for answers to these questions? If you went to libraries or bookstores, you might find thousands of books claiming to provide the answers. Often, though, one book contradicts another. Others seem valid at the moment but soon become outdated and are revised or replaced. There is, however, one book that contains reliable answers. It is a book of truth. Jesus Christ said in prayer to God: “Your word is truth.” (John 17:17) Today we know that Word as the Holy Bible. On the following pages, you will get a glimpse of the Bible’s clear, truthful answers to the above questions. Does God Really Care About Us?WHY THE QUESTION ARISES: We live in a world full of cruelty and injustice. Many religions teach that the sufferings we experience are God’s will. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES: God never causes what is wicked. “It is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong!” says Job 34:10. God has a loving purpose for humans. That is why Jesus taught us to pray: “Our Father in the heavens, let . . . your kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.” (Matthew 6:9, 10) God cares so deeply about us that he has gone to great lengths to make the fulfillment of his purpose a certainty. See also Genesis 1:26-28; James 1:13; and 1 Peter 5:6, 7. Will War and Suffering Ever End?WHY THE QUESTION ARISES: War continues to claim untold numbers of human lives. All of us have been touched by human suffering. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES: God foretells a time when he will establish peace earth wide. Under his Kingdom, a heavenly government, people will not “learn war anymore.” Instead, they will “beat their swords into plowshares.” (Isaiah 2:4) God will bring an end to all injustice and suffering. The Bible promises: “[God] will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things [including today’s injustices and sufferings] have passed away.” See also Psalm 37:10, 11; 46:9; and Micah 4:1-4. What Happens to Us When We Die?WHY THE QUESTION ARISES: Most of the world’s religions teach that something inside a person continues living after death. Some hold that the dead can harm the living or that God punishes the wicked by condemning them to eternal torment in a fiery hell. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES: At death, humans cease to exist. “The dead know nothing at all,” states Ecclesiastes 9:5. Since the dead cannot know, feel, or experience anything, they cannot harm See also Genesis 3:19 and Ecclesiastes 9:6, 10. Is There Any Hope for the Dead?WHY THE QUESTION ARISES: We want to live, and we want to enjoy life with those we love. It is only natural that we yearn to see our dead loved ones again. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES: Most people who have died will be resurrected. Jesus promised that “those in the memorial tombs will . . . come out.” (John 5:28, 29) In harmony with God’s original purpose, those resurrected as humans will have the opportunity to live on a paradise earth. (Luke 23:43) This promised future includes perfect health and everlasting life for obedient humans. The Bible says: “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” See also Job 14:14, 15; Luke 7:11-17; and Acts 24:15. How Can I Pray and Be Heard by God?WHY THE QUESTION ARISES: People in practically all religions pray. Yet, many feel that their prayers are not answered. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES: Jesus taught us to avoid repeating set formulas in our prayers. “When praying,” he said, “do not say the same things over and over again.” (Matthew 6:7) If we want God to listen to our prayers, we must pray in the way that he approves. To do that, we need to learn what God’s will is and then pray accordingly. First John 5:14 explains: “No matter what we ask according to [God’s] will, he hears us.” See also Psalm 65:2; John 14:6, 14; and 1 John 3:22. How Can I Find Happiness in Life?WHY THE QUESTION ARISES: Many people believe that money, fame, or beauty will make them happy. Hence, they pursue such things WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES: Jesus identified the key to happiness when he said: “Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need.” (Matthew 5:3) True happiness can be found only if we take steps to fill our greatest need See also Proverbs 3:5, 6, 13-18 and 1 Timothy 6:9, 10. This has been just a brief look at the Bible’s answers to six questions. Do you want to know more than that? If you are among those “conscious of their spiritual need,” no doubt you do. You may wonder about other questions, such as: ‘If God cares about us, why has he allowed so much evil and suffering throughout history? How can I improve the quality of my family life?’ The Bible gives full and satisfying answers to these and many more questions. However, many today hesitate to look into the Bible. They see it as a lengthy book that is sometimes hard to understand. Would you like help to find the answers in the Bible? Jehovah’s Witnesses offer two tools that can assist you. First, the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? is designed to help busy people to examine the Bible’s clear answers to vital questions. The second tool is a free program of home Bible study. Without charge, a friendly neighbor qualified to teach the Bible can come to your home or another convenient location and spend a little time each week discussing the Bible with you. Millions of people the world over have benefited from this program. Many of them have come to this thrilling conclusion: “I have found the truth!” There is no greater treasure to be found. Bible truth liberates us from superstition, confusion, and morbid fear. It gives us hope, purpose, and joy. Jesus said: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” |
Ọ Gha Yẹ Ruẹ Ne U Rẹn Ne Ẹmwata Ra?NE ẹmwata vbekpa emwi nọ khin? Vbekpa usun avbe inọta eso nọ ru ekpataki sẹ ne emwa nagbọn ghi he nọ. Ughaghe ọ vbe kpa uwẹ odin vbekpa egbe avbe inọta ni ye vbenian:
De ehe ne u gha na gualọ avbe ewanniẹn ye avbe inọta na? Adeghẹ u na yo avbe aza ọghe ebe ra avbe owa ne a na dẹ ebe, gha sẹtin miẹn avbe ebe arriasẹn inu nọkhin nọ khawẹ iran mwẹ ne avbe ewanniẹn. Ẹghẹ hia, agharhemiẹn, te ebe ọkpa gbodan dae nọkpa. Eso ọvbehe yevbe ne ọ gbae vbe ẹghẹ na sokpan vbe nọ ma kpẹgbe ọ do gha re nei rre atẹ kevbe na dọlọ gbẹn ra a ye ọvbehe rri ihe ẹre. Ebe ọkpa rrọọ vbọrhirhighayehẹ, nọ mwẹ avbe ewanniẹn na sẹtin mu ẹtin yan. Ọ keghi rre ebe ọghe ẹmwata. Jesu Kristi khare vbe ọ na erhunmwu gie Osanobua: “Ẹmwata ọre ẹmwẹ ruẹn khin.” (Jọn 17:17) Ẹdẹnẹrẹ ma rẹn ne Ẹmwẹ zẹvbe e Baibol Nọhuanrẹn. Vbe avbe ipapa ebe ni lelẹe, u gha fi aro muẹn avbe ewanniẹn ata nọ rriẹe ọghe Baibol ye avbe inọta ne ban. Osanobua Gele Zẹ Ye Ima Re Ra?![]() EVBỌZẸE NE A NA NỌ ỌTA NA: Ma keghi rre agbọn nọ vọẹn ne uyinmwẹ atosi kevbe ai bu ohiẹn ata. Ugamwẹ nibun ma emwa re wẹ avbe usẹ ne ima sẹ keghi re ahoo ọghe Osanobua. EMWI NE BAIBOL MAMWA RE: Osanobua ma si emwi dan ẹdẹ. “Osanobua ne Udazi gha ru emwi ne ọ ma gba ra vbene!” Job 34:10 khare. Osanobua mwẹ emwamwa ahoẹmwọmwa ne emwa nagbọn. Ọna siẹe ne Jesu na ma ima re ne a gha na erhunmwu: “Erha mwa ne ọ rre ẹrinmwi,…gie arriọba ruẹ rre. Gia ru iho ọwuẹ vbe agbọn vbe ne iran ru vbe ẹrinmwi.” (Matiu 6:9, 10) Osanobua mwẹ igbaro ghe nọ dinmwi vbekpae ima serriọ wẹ Irẹn rhumwudọni rhie egbe tua yọ nọ ya ru amusẹ ye emwamwa ọghẹ e vbe ne ai gbe awawẹ yi.—Jọn 3:16. Vbe ya ghe Gẹnẹsis 1:26-28; Jemis 1:13; kevbe 1 Pita 5:6, 7. Okuo kevbe Usẹ Gha Sẹtin Sẹ Ufomwẹ Ra?![]() EVBỌZẸE NE A NA NỌ ỌTA NA: Okuo wa ye viọ arrọọ ọghe emwa nagbọn nibun ne ai sẹtin ta. Ma hia keghi re ne usẹ ẹmwẹ agbọn ye obọ kaẹn. EMWI NE BAIBOL MAMWA RE: Osanobua taẹ yotọ ẹghẹ ne Irẹn gha ya mu ọfumwegbe gbọọ vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia. Vbe ototọ Arriọba ọghẹe, arriọba ẹrinmwi, emwa i ghi ra “mu egbe okuo ọvbehe.” Nọghaya gha yerriọ, iran gha “ya umozo iran dunmwu emwi nọ yevbe ẹguẹ.” (Aizaia 2:4) Osanobua gha sẹ ọfo ye ai buohiẹn ata hia kevbe usẹ. Ne e Baibol yanrẹn: “[Osanobua] gha khiẹn ameve hia hin aro iran rre, uwu i ghi arrọọ ọvbehe, ra akhiẹ ra obalọ. A ho emwi nẹdẹ [debae avbe aibuohiẹn ata kevbe usẹ ọghe ẹdẹnẹrẹ bẹkun nẹ].”—Arhie Maan 21:3, 4. Vbe ya ghe Psalm 37:10, 11; 46:9; kevbe Maika 4:1-4. Vbọ Sunu Dae Ima Vbe A Gha Wu?![]() EVBỌZẸE NE A NA NỌ ỌTA NA: Nibun sẹhia vbe ugamwẹ ọghe agbọn na ma emwa ẹre wẹ emwi eso vbuwe ọmwa ye gha rrọọ khian vbe iyeke uwu. Eso yaeyi wẹ ni wulo nẹ sẹtin kuan ni rrọọ ra Osanobua rhie irioya ne emwa dan lekpa ne ọ fi iran fi obalọ ọghe etẹbitẹ vbuwe ẹrinmwi erhẹn. EMWI NE BAIBOL MAMWA RE: Vbe uwu, arrọọ ọghe emwa nagbọn ghi wa sẹ ufomwẹ. “Iran ni wulo nẹ ma rẹn emwi rhọkpa,” vbene Asan-Ibo 9:5 khare. Ugbẹn vbe a miẹn wẹ iran ni wulo i ra sẹtin rẹn, mwẹ orrirri egbe, ra miẹn emwi ẹwaẹn rhọkpa, iran i sẹtin kuan emwa ra ru iyobọ ne iran ni rrọọ.—Psalm 146:3, 4. Vbe ya ghe Gẹnẹsis 3:19 kevbe Asan-Ibo 9:6, 10. Ayayẹro Rhọkpa Rrọọ Ne Emwa Ni Wulo Ra?![]() EVBỌZẸE NE A NA NỌ ỌTA NA: Ma ho nima gha rrọọ, ne ima gha sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ deba emwa nima hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn. Emwi abiọmwabiẹ nọ ne ima gha mwẹ ekhọẹ ọyẹmwẹ na ya dọlegbe miẹn emwa ne ima hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn ni wulo. EMWI NE BAIBOL MAMWA RE: Emwa nibun sẹhia ni he wa wulo gha do gha re nọ rhiọkpaegbe. Jesu ru eyan wẹ “avbe orinmwi ni rre idin gha…ladian.” (Jọn 5:28, 29) Vbe ne ọ gu emwamwa nokaro ọghe Osanobua ro, enii na huẹn kpaegbe zẹvbe emwa nagbọn gha mwẹ ẹkpotọ ne ọ do gha rrọọ vbe agbọn vbe paradais. (Luk 23:43) Eyan ọghe odaro na debae egberranmwẹ nọgbae kevbe arrọọ ọghe etẹbitẹ ne emwa nagbọn ni hẹnmwẹ. Ne Baibol khare: “Ọmwata ọ re ọ ra yan otọe nii ọ ghi vbe yin ẹnrẹn rhinrin ẹdẹ.”—Psalm 37:29. Vbe ya ghe Job 14:14, 15; Luk 7:11-17; kevbe Iwinna 24:15. De Vbene I Gha Ya Na Erhunmwu ne Osanobua Họn Hẹ?![]() EVBỌZẸE NE A NA NỌ ỌTA NA: Emwa ni rre owa ugamwẹ nobụn sẹ ehia na erhunmwu. Ọrheyerriọ, nibun rorẹe wẹ erhunmwu iran i re na rhie ewanniẹn yi. EMWI NE BAIBOL MAMWA RE: Jesu ma ima re na sobọ ẹre rua i ghẹ na gha lele ilele ẹmwẹ ọkpọkpa na ta vbe uwu erhunmwu ima. Irẹn khare, “U gha na erhunmwu,” “ghẹ gha ta ẹmwẹ ọkpa yangbe yangbe.” (Matiu 6:7) Adeghẹ ima ho ne Osanobua họn erhunmwu ọghomwa, te ima gha na erhunmwu vbe odẹ ne irẹn kue yi. Na do ru ọnii, evba gualọ nọ ne ima ruẹ emwi ne ahoo ọghe Osanobua khin kevbe vbe ẹghẹ nii, na erhunmwu vberriọ. Ebe Nokaro Ne Jọn gbẹn 5:14 rhan otọre: “Rẹn gha ru ẹe a deghẹ ma nọ rẹn emwi zẹ vbene ọ gua egbe emwi ne irẹn [Osanobua] ho ro.” Vbe ya ghe Psalm 65:2; Jọn 14:6, 14; kevbe 1 Jọn 3:22. De Vbene I Gha Ya Miẹn Oghọghọ Hẹ Vbe Arrọọ?![]() EVBỌZẸE NE A NA NỌ ỌTA NA: Emwa nibun yaeyi wẹ igho, otiti, ra ose gha ye iran gha mwẹ oghọghọ. Rhunmwudọni, iran ghi gha khu egbe emwi vberriọ iran ghi miẹn wẹ oghọghọ wi iran. EMWI NE BAIBOL MAMWA RE: Jesu yẹrẹro isanrẹn ọghe ne oghọghọ vbe ẹghẹ ne irẹn na kha wẹẹ: “Oghọghọ nọ ne iran ni mu ẹmwẹ emwi orhiọn ọghiran roro.” (Matiu 5:3) Oghọghọ ọghe ẹmwata keghi re ne a gha sẹtin miẹn ọkpa nọ adeghẹ ima na zowẹ ne a ya vọẹn evba gualọ ọghomwa nọ kpọlọ sẹ, ọni ọre, hanmwẹ ọghomwa ye ẹmwata ọghe orhiọn vbekpa Osanobua kevbe emwamwa ọghẹe nima. Ẹmwata nii keghi re na miẹn vbuwe Baibol. Na do rẹn ẹmwata nii sẹtin ru iyobọ nima nẹ a ya rẹn emwi nọ gele hiunsi kevbe nẹi rọ re. Na gha gie ẹmwata e Baibol gha dia avbe atamuolọyan ọghomwa kevbe avbe emwi ne ima ru keghi su rhie arrọọ nọ mwẹ evbọdemu sayọ.—Luk 11:28. Vbe ya ghe Itan 3:5, 6, 13-18 kevbe 1 Timoti 6:9, 10. Enen kegha re a rhie aro lae kuẹi avbe ewanniẹn e Baibol ye avbe inọta ehan. Wẹ gualọ nọ ye sẹ ọni ra? Adeghẹ u rre usun enii ni “mu ẹmwẹ emwi orhiọn ọghiran roro,” vbe ne ai na gbe awawẹ u gualọ. Ughaghe avbe inọta ọvbehe kpa ruẹ odin, zevbe: ‘Adeghẹ Osanobua zẹye ima re, vbọzẹ ne irẹn na ye kue yọ ne emwi dan kevbe usẹ nọbun serriọ wa gha rrọọ ke ẹghẹ okha gha de? De vbene I gha ya sẹtin guaẹkpao hẹ umamwẹ arrọọ ọghe ẹgbẹe mwẹ?’ E Baibol rhie ewanniẹn nọ somwa kevbe nọ sọkẹn ye enena kevbe avbe inọta ọvbehe nibun. Vbọrhirhigha ye hẹ, emwa nibun vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ siegbe rẹrẹ ne a do tie ne Baibol. Iran ghe ẹre zẹvbe ebe negbiriri ne ọ lọghọ na rẹn ọtọre vbe ugbẹnso. Ọ gha yẹ ruẹ ne a ru iyobọ nuẹn ne u ya miẹn ne avbe ewanniẹn vbuwe Baibol ra? Avbe Osẹe Jehova wa rhie ne emwa emwi ilo eva nọ gha sẹtin ru iyobọ nuẹn. Nokaro, ne ebe ẹmu De Emwi ne Osanobua Hoo Vbe Obọ Mwa? keghi re emwi na mwamwaẹn na ya ru iyobọ ne emwa nẹi miẹn ẹghẹ ya zanzan avbe ewanniẹn Baibol ni de waro rua ye avbe inọta kpataki. Ne emwi ilo nogieva keghi re emwamwa ọhẹ ọghe a ruẹ e Baibol vbe owa. Vbene ai na fian igho, ọkpa vbe usun avbe Osẹe Jehova ni rre ẹdogbo ruẹ kevbe nọ gbegba nọ ya ma ọmwa ne Baibol sẹtin bu ruẹ gha die owa ra ehe ọvbehe nọ yẹ ruẹ kevbe ẹghẹ kherhe vbe izọla ya sẹ izọla gha guẹ ziro yan ne Baibol. Ẹbo inu nọkhin vbe uhun otagbọn wa miẹn ere nẹ vbe emwamwa na. Nibun vbuwe iran do tae atamuolọyan nọ ye ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn ọmwa: “I miẹn ne ẹmwata nẹ!” Emwi ewe rhọkpa ọvbehe nọkpọlọ sẹ i rrọọ ne a khian miẹn. Ẹmwata ọghe Baibol rhie afevbiwe nima hin a mu idandan rre, ekhọe nọ lighii, kevbe ohan ọghe amakan. Ọ rhie ayayẹro nima, emwamwa kevbe ọyẹnmwẹ. Jesu keghi khawẹ: “Wa gha rẹn ne ẹmwata kevbe ne ẹmwata gha miẹn uwa fan.”—Jọn 8:32. ![]() |