SECTION 7 How to Educate Your Child“These words that I am commanding you today must be on your heart, and you must inculcate them in your sons.” When Jehovah created the family arrangement, he put parents in charge of their children. (Colossians 3:20) It is your responsibility as a parent to train your child to love Jehovah and to become a responsible adult. (2 Timothy 1:5; 3:15) You must also learn what is in the heart of your son or daughter. Of course, your own example is very important. You can best teach Jehovah’s Word to your child if you first put it in your own heart. 1 MAKE IT EASY FOR YOUR CHILDREN TO TALK TO YOUWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Be quick to listen, slow to speak.” (James 1:19) You want your children to feel that they can talk to you freely. They must know that you are ready to listen when they need to speak. Create a peaceful environment so that they will find it easy to express themselves. (James 3:18) If they think that you will be harsh or judgmental, they may not be truly open with you. Be patient with your children, and frequently assure them of your love. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
2 TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY REALLY MEANWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “The one who shows insight in a matter will find success.” (Proverbs 16:20) Sometimes you will have to look beyond your children’s words to understand their true feelings. It is common for young people to exaggerate or to say things they do not really mean. “When anyone replies to a matter before he hears the facts, it is foolish.” (Proverbs 18:13) Do not be quick to get upset. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
3 PRESENT A UNITED FRONTWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Listen, my son, to the discipline of your father, and do not forsake the instruction of your mother.” (Proverbs 1:8) Jehovah has given authority over children to both father and mother. You must teach your children to respect and obey you. (Ephesians 6:1-3) Children can sense if their parents are not “completely united in the same mind.” (1 Corinthians 1:10) If you disagree, try not to do so in front of your children because this could undermine their respect for you as parents. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
4 HAVE A PLANWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Train a boy in the way he should go.” (Proverbs 22:6) Successful education of your children will not happen by accident. You need a training plan, which includes disciplining your children. (Psalm 127:4; Proverbs 29:17) Discipline does not simply mean punishment, but it involves helping your children to understand the reasons behind the rules. (Proverbs 28:7) Also, teach them to love Jehovah’s Word and to discern its principles. (Psalm 1:2) This will help them develop a healthy conscience. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
“Train a boy in the way he should go” |
ABỌ 7 Vbene U Khian Ya Ma Ovbuẹ Emwi Hẹ‘Ghẹ miamia avbe uhi ne I viọ ne uwa ẹdẹnẹrẹ na, kevbe te uwa gha vbe ma ivbi uwa re.’—Diuteronomi 6:6, 7 Vbe ẹghẹ ne Jehova ya ru emwamwa ẹgbẹe, irẹn keghi rhie asẹ ne evbibiemọ ne iran ya gha gbaroghe ivbiran. (Kọlose 3:20) Uwẹ ẹre ọ bi yọre egbe zẹvbe evbibiemọ ne u ya ma ovbuẹ re nọ hoẹmwẹ Jehova kevbe nọ waan rre zẹvbe ọmwa nọ rẹn enegbe. (2 Timoti 1:5; 3:15) Te u gha vbe rẹn emwi nọ rre ekhọe ọghe ovbuẹ. Vbene ẹmwata, igiemwi ọghuẹ keghi re emwi ne kpataki. Odẹ nọ ghi maan sẹ ne u gha ya ma ovbuẹ emwi vbekpae Jehova, ọre ne uwẹ ka ma egbe uwẹ re nẹ.—Psalm 40:8. 1 KIE ẸKPOTỌ YỌ NE IVBUẸ GHA GU RUẸ GUAN VBE ẸGHẸ KE ẸGHẸEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Uwa ghi gha re ne ọ rherhe danmwehọ ẹmwẹ, sokpan nẹi rherhe guan.” (Jems 1:19) Ọ khẹke ne ivbuẹ sẹtin gha gu ruẹ guan vbe ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ. Te u gha gie iran rẹn wẹẹ u muegbe ne u ya danmwehọ, vbe ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne iran khian ya gu ruẹ guan. Gha ru emwi nọ gha gua iran kpa ya sẹtin fannọ otọ ẹko iran ma ruẹ. (Jems 3:18) Iran gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, u gha van mu iran, ra u gha gu iran gui, iran i ghi ta ẹmwata ma ruẹ. Gha mwẹ iziengbe vbe iran gha gu ruẹ guan, kevbe gha tama iran vbe ẹghẹ hia wẹẹ u hoẹmwẹ iran.—Matiu 3:17; 1 Kọrinti 8:1. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
2 HIA NE U RẸN OTỌRE EMWI NE IRAN HOO NE IRAN TAEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Gha danmwehọ emwi ne a ma ruẹ re, ọ gha dunna nuẹ.” (Itan 16:20) Ugbẹnso, te ọ khẹke ne u rẹn otọ emwi ne iran khian ta, ẹi re vbene iran ya tae, ne u mieke na rẹn emwi nọ gele rre iran ekhọe. Emwi nọ wa gu igbama obọ ro nọ, ne iran gha fian ba ẹmwẹ, ugbẹnso iran keghi ta ẹmwẹ eso nẹi te gele rre iran orhiọn. “Gha danmwehọ ẹmwẹ nẹ, u kegha rhie ewanniẹ yọ, adeghẹ ẹi re vberriọ, te u ru emwi ọzuọ.” (Itan 18:13) Ghẹ gie ohu rherhe gha muẹn.—Itan 19:11. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
3 GIE IVBI UWA GHA DẸGHE ẸRE WẸẸ UWA MWẸ AKUGBEEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Ovbimwẹ, u ghi gha danmwehọ ẹmwẹ ne erha kevbe iyuẹ tama ruẹ.” (Itan 1:8) Erha ọmọ vbe iye ọmọ ẹre Jehova rhie asẹ na nọ gbaroghe emọ. Te u gha ma ivbuẹ re ne iran gha rhie ọghọ nuẹ kevbe ne iran vbe gha họn ẹmwẹ nuẹ. (Ẹfisọs 6:1-3) Adeghẹ evbibiemọ i na mwẹ iziro ọkpa, emọ ne iran biẹ gha rẹn. (1 Kọrinti 1:10) Uwa hia ne uwa ghẹ gha muan ẹmwẹ vbe odaro ivbi uwa, rhunmwuda deghẹ uwa na ru vberriọ, ẹkpẹn ne egbe uwa ẹre uwa yae mu fua zẹvbe evbibiemọ. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
4 UWA RU EMWAMWA YOTỌEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Ma ọmọ vbene ọ gha yin hẹ.” (Itan 22:6) Ne u sẹtin musọe vbe odẹ ne u ya ma ivbuẹ emwi, i re iwinna ẹdẹ ọkpa. Ọ khẹke ne uwa gha mwẹ emwamwa ne uwa lele, usun emwamwa nii, ọre na gha gbe emọ hin ọkhọ rre. (Psalm 127:4; Itan 29:17) Na gbe ọmwa hin ọkhọ rre ma wa rhiema wẹẹ te a khian wa gha rrie ọmwa oya, sokpan ọ keghi dekaan ne u gha ru iyobọ ne ivbuẹ ne iran rẹn evbọzẹ nọ na khẹke ne iran lele uhi na rhie yotọ. (Itan 28:7) Deba ọni, u ghi vbe ma iran re ne iran gha mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ daa ẹmwẹ ọghe Jehova kevbe ne iran rẹn ilele ọghẹe. (Psalm 1:2) Ọna gha ya iran gha mwẹ ekhọe ọguọmwaziro nọ huanrẹn.—Hibru 5:14. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
“Ma ọmọ vbene ọ gha yin hẹ” |