SECTION 5 How to Keep Peace With Your Relatives“Clothe yourselves with . . . kindness, humility, mildness, and patience.” Marriage creates a new family. Though you will always love and respect your parents, your mate is now the most important person on earth for you. This may be difficult for some of your relatives to accept. But Bible principles can help you to find a balance, so that you can keep peace with your relatives as you work hard to build your new family relationship. 1 MAINTAIN A PROPER VIEW OF YOUR RELATIVESWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Honor your father and your mother.” (Ephesians 6:2) Regardless of how old you are, you always need to honor and respect your parents. Recognize that your mate too, as a son or a daughter, needs to give attention to his or her parents. “Love is not jealous,” so never feel threatened by the relationship your mate has with them. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
2 BE FIRM WHEN NECESSARYWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “A man will leave his father and his mother and he will stick to his wife, and they will become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24) When you marry, your parents may feel that they are still responsible for you, and they may want to be more involved in your marriage than they should be. It is up to you and your mate to agree on what boundaries you will set for them and then lovingly let them know. You can be open and direct without being rude. (Proverbs 15:1) Humility, mildness, and patience will help you build a warm relationship with your relatives and continue “putting up with one another in love.” WHAT YOU CAN DO:
ABỌ 5 Vbene Uwẹ Vbe Emwa Vbuwe Ẹgbẹe Khian Ya Gu Obọ Egbe Hẹ“Uwa gha mwẹ . . . itohan, imuegberriotọ, ọmẹhẹ, kevbe iziengbe.”—Kọlose 3:12 A gha ru orọnmwẹ nẹ, ẹgbẹe ọgbọn ẹre a ghi mwẹ. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ u gha ye gha rhie ọghọ ne evbibiẹ ruẹ kevbe u gha ye hoẹmwẹ iran, ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ ẹre ọ ghi sikẹ ru ẹ sẹ vbe agbọn na. Emwa eso vbe ẹgbẹe ruẹ i khian ghee ẹre vberriọ. Sokpan ilele nọ rre Baibol gha sẹtin ru iyobọ nuẹ ya ru emwi hia ye oreghe, ne u mieke na gu obọ emwa vbuwe ẹgbẹe, zẹvbe ne u ya hia ne asikẹgbe ne khuankhuankhuan gha rre ẹgbẹe ọghe ọgbọn ne u mwẹ. 1 GHA YE ARO NỌ KHẸKE GHEE EMWA NI RRE ẸGBẸE RUẸEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Ye ọghọ ne erha kevbe iyuẹ.” (Ẹfisọs 6:2) Ẹi mwẹ vbene u khian waan sẹ hẹ, ọ khẹke ne u rhie uyi kevbe ọghọ ne evbibiẹ ruẹ. U ghi vbe rẹn wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ne evbibiẹ ọre. ‘Ahoẹmwọmwa i gbọvo,’ rhunmwuda ọni, ghẹ fian afianma ye asikẹgbe ne ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ gu evbibiẹ ọre mwẹ.—1 Kọrinti 13:4; Galatia 5:26. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
2 MUDIA YE ẸMWẸ OBỌ RUẸ VBE ẸGHẸ NỌ KHẸKEEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Ọna ẹre ọ zẹe ne okpia gha na sẹ erhae kevbe iyẹe raẹ, ọ ghi rhikhan mu amwẹ ọnrẹn, iran ghi gha re ọkpa.” (Gẹnẹsis 2:24) U gha ru orọnmwẹ nẹ, evbibiẹ ruẹ sẹtin ye gha roro ẹre wẹẹ ototọ iran ẹre u ye ye, rhunmwuda ọni, iran sẹtin ye gha hoo ne iran gha guan ye ẹmwẹ orọnmwẹ ruẹ nọ ma te kaan iran. Uwẹ vbe ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ ẹre ọ khian tae, ẹmwẹ uwa nọ gha gie evbibiẹ uwa guan yi, kevbe uwa ghi tae ma iran vbe odẹ ne khuẹrhẹ. U gha sẹtin ta ẹmwẹ nọ rrọọ ruẹ orhiọn kevbe u wa vbe suigiẹ yọ vbene u i na ze vbe udu. (Itan 15:1) Imuegberriotọ, ekhọe ọmẹhẹ kevbe iziengbe gha ru iyobọ nuẹ ya gha gu emwa ni rre uwu ẹgbẹe loo vbe ọyẹnmwẹ kevbe ne u vbe sẹtin ‘ya ekhọe ahoẹmwọmwa gha mu emwi wuegbe vbe ẹghẹ hia.’—Ẹfisọs 4:2. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU: