SECTION 3 How to Solve Problems“Have intense love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.” As you and your mate start your life together, various problems will arise. They may result from differences in how each of you thinks, feels, and approaches life. Or problems may come from outside sources and unexpected events. It can be tempting to avoid reality, but we are advised in the Bible to face our problems. (Matthew 5:23, 24) You will find the best solutions to your problems by applying Bible principles. 1 DISCUSS THE PROBLEMWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “There is . . . a time to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 7) Make sure that you spend time talking about the problem. Honestly let your mate know how you feel and what you think on the subject. Always “speak truth” with your mate. (Ephesians 4:25) Even when strong emotions are involved, resist the urge to fight. A calm answer can keep what should be a simple discussion from escalating into a battle. Even if you disagree, remain gracious, never forgetting to show love and respect to your mate. (Colossians 4:6) Try to resolve the issue as soon as possible, and do not stop communicating. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
2 LISTEN AND UNDERSTANDWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Have tender affection for one another. In showing honor to one another, take the lead.” (Romans 12:10) How you listen is very important. Try to understand your mate’s point of view with “fellow feeling . . . and humility.” (1 Peter 3:8; James 1:19) Do not just pretend to listen. When possible, put aside what you are doing and give your mate your full attention, or ask if you can discuss this later. If you think of your marriage mate as your teammate rather than your opponent, you will “not be quick to take offense.” WHAT YOU CAN DO:
3 FOLLOW THROUGHWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “There is benefit in every kind of hard work, but mere talk leads to want.” (Proverbs 14:23) Agreeing on a good solution is not enough. You need to follow through on what you both decide. This may involve hard work and much effort, but it will be worth it. (Proverbs 10:4) If you work together as a team, you will “have a good reward” for your hard work. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
ABỌ 3 Vbene A Ya Sọfurre Ye Ọlọghọmwa Hẹ“Uwa gha ya ẹkoata hoẹmwẹ egbe, rhunmwuda ahoẹmwọmwa gbe ebe gue orukhọ nibun.” —1 Pita 4:8 Zẹvbe ne uwẹ vbe ọmwa ne uwa gba ru orọnmwẹ ya mu agbọn hẹn, uwa gha werriẹ aro daa ọlọghọmwa ughughan. Ọ sẹtin gha re rhunmwuda ne uwa eveva na lughaẹn vbe odẹ ne uwa ya roro emwi, kevbe odẹ ughughan ne uwa ya ghee ẹmwẹ agbọn. Ọ sẹtin vbe gha re ọlọghọmwa nọ ke orere rre ra emwi na ma hoo na ma kọ. Ọ sẹtin sunu wẹẹ ima gha hoo na lẹẹ ne ọlọghọmwa nọ rre otọ, sokpan e Baibol bu ima ude ne ima ghẹ lẹẹ ne ọlọghọmwa ọghe ima. (Matiu 5:23, 24) Odẹ nọ ghi maan sẹ ne u gha ya sẹtin sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ọghuẹ ọre ne u gha ya avbe ilele ọghe Baibol ru emwi. 1 UWA KOKO ZIRO YAN NE ỌLỌGHỌMWAEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Osanobua mwamwa . . . ẹghẹ yọ ne a ya guan.” (Asan-Ibo 3:1, 7) Ọ khẹke ne uwa gha koko ziro yan ọlọghọmwa nọ rre otọ. Gie ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ gele rẹn vbene ẹmwẹ nii ye hẹ vbe ekhọe ruẹ. “Gha ta ẹmwata” ma ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ vbe ẹghẹ hia. (Ẹfisọs 4:25) Ohu gha dobọ muẹn, u ghi hia ne u ghẹ giẹ si igbinna. Adeghẹ ẹmwẹ nọ khuẹrhẹ na gha ke ruẹ unu ladian, iro na gba fẹko zẹ i sẹtin khian ọghe ẹzọ.—Itan 15:4; 26:20. A gha dobọ miẹn wẹẹ uwa eveva ma kue ye ẹmwẹ nii, gie ẹmwẹ nọ maan ye gha ke ruẹ unu ladian, ghẹ miamia ne u ya rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ kevbe ne u ya rhie ọghọ nẹ. (Kọlose 4:6) Uwa hia ne uwa rherhe zuze ye ẹmwẹ nii, ọ ma khẹke ne uwa gha ya eghian su egbe.—Ẹfisọs 4:26. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
2 GHA DANMWEHỌ KEVBE NE U GIE ẸMWẸ NA TA GHA LA RUẸ EKHỌEEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Uwa kakabọ gha hoẹmwẹ egbe zẹvbe etẹn vbuwe Kristi, uwa giẹ gha bọbọ uwa egbe ighẹ ẹmwẹ ọghọ na rhie ne egbe.” (Rom 12:10) Emwi kpataki ẹre nọ ighẹ vbene u ya danmwehọ. Gha mwẹ ‘ekhọe itohan . . . kevbe imuegberriotọ’ ne u mieke na sẹtin rẹn ototọ iziro ọghe ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ. (1 Pita 3:8; Jems 1:19) Ghẹ ba ru vbene a miẹn wẹẹ te u danmwehọ. Adeghẹ ọ na guẹ ru, sẹrae, ighẹ emwi ne u ru, nu wa danmwehọ ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ vbe ọ gha gu ruẹ guan, ra khama rẹn wẹẹ, uwa gha guan kaan rẹn vbe ọ gha zẹ kpẹẹ. Gha ghee ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ zẹvbe ogieva ruẹ, ẹi re zẹvbe oghian ruẹ. Adeghẹ ọ na gha yerriọ, ‘ohu i khian rherhe gha muẹn.’—Asan-Ibo 7:9. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
3 RHIE OWẸ LELE IRO NE UWA GBA ZẸEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Gha winna, u gha vbe khuan okhuan ẹdẹ ruẹ, adeghẹ te u tota gbe ọta khian, u gha khian ovbiogue.” (Itan 14:23) Na wa kue ye iro nọ maan na mu rre kẹkan ma sẹ. Ọ khẹke ne u rhie owẹ lele emwi ne uwa gba ta. Ọna keghi gualọ ẹrhiọn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse, sokpan ẹrhiọn na loo yọ, i re na mu rria. (Itan 10:4) Adeghẹ uwa na gha ru emwi zẹvbe ọkpa, uwa gha wa ‘miẹn ere’ vbọ rhunmwuda ẹrhiọn ne uwa loo yọ.—Asan-Ibo 4:9. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU: