SECTION 2 Be Loyal to Each Other“What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.” Jehovah requires us to “cherish loyalty.” (Micah 6:8) This is especially important in your marriage because without loyalty, there is no trust. And trust is essential for love to flourish. Today, loyalty in marriage is under attack. To protect your marriage, you must be determined to do two things. 1 MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE A PRIORITYWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Make sure of the more important things.” (Philippians 1:10) Your marriage is one of the most important things in your life. It deserves priority. Jehovah wants you to focus on your mate and “enjoy life” together. (Ecclesiastes 9:9) He makes it clear that you should never neglect your mate but, rather, you both should look for ways to make each other happy. (1 Corinthians 10:24) Make your mate feel needed and appreciated. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
2 SAFEGUARD YOUR HEARTWHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: “Everyone who keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Matthew 5:28) If someone keeps thinking about immoral things, in a sense, he is being unfaithful to his mate. Jehovah says that you need to “safeguard your heart.” (Proverbs 4:23; Jeremiah 17:9) To do this, you must guard your eyes. (Matthew 5:29, 30) Follow the example of the patriarch Job, who made a covenant with his eyes never to look with desire at another woman. (Job 31:1) Be determined never to view pornography. And be resolved to avoid any romantic attachment to a person other than your mate. WHAT YOU CAN DO:
ABỌ 2 Uwa Gha Ya Ekhọe Nẹi Beghe Gu Egbe Loo“Emwi ne Osanobua ku kugbe nẹ, ọmwa rhọkpa ghẹ wannọ iran.” E Jehovah hoo ne ima gha ‘ye aro nọ ghaan ghee ekhọe nẹi beghe.’ (Maika 6:8) Ọna keghi re emwi kpataki vbe orọnmwẹ ruẹ rhunmwuda, ai khian sẹtin mwẹ ilẹkẹtin yan ọmwa na ma gba ẹko ẹre. Ne ahoẹmwọmwa mieke na gha rre uwu ẹkpo ọdọ vbe amwẹ, ọ khẹke ne iran gba ẹko egbe. Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, orọnmwẹ nibun keghi rre ikpadede rhunmwuda wẹẹ ọdọ vbe amwẹ i ghi ya ekhọe nẹi beghe gu egbe loo. Ne u ya sẹtin gbogba ga orọnmwẹ ruẹ, te u gha ru atamuolọyan eva. 1 GHẸ YE ORỌNMWẸ RUẸ RHẸGHẸEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: ‘Muẹn karo emwi nọ ru ekpataki sẹ.’ (Filipai 1:10) Orọnmwẹ ruẹ keghi re usun emwi nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ vbe arrọọ ọghuẹ, rhunmwuda ọni, ghẹ yae rhẹghẹ. E Jehova hoo ne u ya ekhọe hia hoẹmwẹ ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ kevbe ne uwa gha ‘sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ’ kugbe. (Asan-Ibo 9:9) Ọ wa tae vbe odẹ nọ dewuarorua wẹẹ, ne u ghẹ yangbe ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ. Nọghayayerriọ, ọ khẹke ne uwa eveva ru emwi ke emwi ne uwa rẹnrẹn wẹẹ ọ gha ye uwa gha mwẹ oghọghọ. (1 Kọrinti 10:24) Gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ne ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ kevbe ne u gha gbọyẹmwẹ ye emwi nọ ru. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU:
2 GBOGBA GA ẸKOKOUDU RUẸEMWI NE BAIBOL KHARE: “Ọmwaikọmwa gha ghee okhuo sẹrriọ ighẹ te aro ẹre ghi viẹn yọ, ọ gu okhuo nii ru oghẹ nẹ sin vbe ekhọe re.” (Matiu 5:28) Adeghẹ ọmwa na gha muẹn roro vbe ẹghẹ hia ighẹ emwi nọ dekaan alamoghẹ, ọ gha gia na kha wẹẹ, te ọ ghẹẹ lẹga ọmwa ne iran gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ. E Jehova khare wẹẹ ọ khẹke ne u ‘gbogba ga ẹkokoudu ruẹ.’ (Itan 4:23; Jerimaia 17:9) Ne u mieke na sẹtin ru ọna, te u gha begbe vbe emwi ne u ghee. (Matiu 5:29, 30) Yegbe taa odede ighe Job, nọ gu aro ẹre tile wẹẹ irẹn i khian gia aro irẹn wu ye okhuo ọvbehe. (Job 31:1) Ru atamuolọyan wẹẹ, u i khian ghee ughe ne emwa na bannọ uan hiehie. U ghi vbe tamuolọyan rẹn wẹẹ, vbọ gberra ọmwa ne uwa gba rrọọ vbe orọnmwẹ ọkpa, u i khian gha gu ọmwa ọvbehe gbe ọkiẹkiẹ. EMWI NE U GHA SẸTIN RU: