Why Should You Continue?

Why Should You Continue?

1. How will continuing your Bible study benefit you?

No doubt, this overview of basic Bible teachings has strengthened your love for Jehovah. This love needs constant cultivation. (1 Peter 2:2) Your hope of everlasting life depends on whether you continue to draw close to God by studying his Word.Read John 17:3; Jude 21.

As you grow in knowledge of God, your faith will become stronger. Faith will help you to please God. (Hebrews 11:1, 6) It will move you to repent and to make beneficial changes in your way of life.Read Acts 3:19.

2. How could your knowledge of God benefit others?

You can enter into a special relationship with Jehovah

Naturally, you will want to share with others what you have learned—we all enjoy telling good news. As you continue studying the Bible, you will learn how to use the Bible to explain your faith in Jehovah and the good news.Read Romans 10:13-15.

Most people start by sharing the good news with friends or relatives. Be tactful. Rather than saying that their religion is mistaken, tell them about God’s promises. Also, remember that people are often more impressed by your kind behavior than by what you say.Read 2 Timothy 2:24, 25.

3. What relationship with God can you enjoy?

Studying God’s Word will help you to grow spiritually. Eventually, you may enter into a very special relationship with Jehovah. You can actually belong to him as a member of his family.Read 2 Corinthians 6:18.

 4. How can you continue to progress?

You can advance spiritually by continuing to study God’s Word. (Hebrews 5:13, 14) Ask one of Jehovah’s Witnesses to study the Bible with you using the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? The more you learn from God’s Word, the more successful your life will be.Read Psalm 1:1-3; 73:27, 28.

The good news comes from Jehovah, the happy God. You can draw closer to him by drawing closer to his people. (Hebrews 10:24, 25) By continuing your efforts to please Jehovah, you are reaching out for the real life—everlasting life. Drawing close to God is truly the best thing that you can do.Read 1 Timothy 1:11; 6:19.


 Iruẹmwi 15

Vbọzẹ Nọ Na Khẹke Nu Ye Gha Ruẹ Emwi sayọ Vbekpae E Jehova?

Vbọzẹ Nọ Na Khẹke Nu Ye Gha Ruẹ Emwi sayọ Vbekpae E Jehova?

1. De ere nu khian miẹn vbọ deghẹ u ma dobọ iruẹmwi ọghe Baibol yi?

Vbe nai na gbawawẹ, avbe olika ẹmwẹ nọ rre iruẹmwi ọghe Baibol na wa guan kaẹn kherhe na, wa yae wegbe ahoẹmwọmwa ne u mwẹ dae Jehova. Ọ khẹke na hia, na giẹ wegbe sayọ ighẹ ahoẹmwọmwa na. (1 Pita 2:2) Ayayẹro ọghe arrọọ etẹbitẹ nu mwẹ, keghi hẹnhẹn egbe yan a sikẹ egbe nu gu Osanobua mwẹ, lekpae ẹmwẹ ọghẹe nu ruẹ.—Tie Jọn 17:3; Jud 21.

Zẹvbe nu ya mwẹ alaghodaro vbuwe irẹnmwi ọghe Osanobua, amuẹtinyan ọghuẹ ghi do khian nọ wegbe sayọ. Amuẹtinyan gha ru iyobọ nuẹ, nu ya gha ru emwi nọ gha ye ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua. (Hibru 11:1, 6) Ọ gha gua ruẹ kpa nu ya ru afiwerriẹ nọ gha rhie afiangbe nuẹ vbe arrọọ ọghuẹ.—Tie Iwinna 3:19.

U gha sẹtin gu e Jehova gha mwẹ aguegbe muobọ ne kpataki

2. De vbene emwa ọvbehe khian ya miẹn afiangbe hẹ vbe irẹnmwi ọghe Osanobua nu mwẹ?

Vbe odẹ ọghe abiọmwabiẹ, ọ gha wa yẹẹ ruẹ nu tama emwa ọvbehe emwi nu he ruẹ. Ọ keghi re emwi nọ ye ima sọyẹnmwẹ, na gha na iyẹn nọma. Zẹvbe nu ya ruẹ e Baibol sayọ, u ghi do ruẹ vbene a ya loo e Baibol ya rhan otọre hẹ, amuẹtinyan nu mwẹ yan Jehova kevbe ne iyẹn nọma.—Tie Rom 10:13-15.

Avbe ọse kevbe ẹgbẹe, ẹre nibun ni da suẹn ikporhu ka kporhu ma. Gha re nọ gua mu ẹmwẹ ye owa. Ghẹ wa gha tama iran wẹẹ, ugamwẹ ohoghe iran ye, sokpan gha tama iran vbekpae avbe eyan ọghe Osanobua. Deba ọni, u ghi yerre wẹẹ, uyinmwẹ esi nu yin, ẹre ọ yẹẹ emwa sẹ ẹmwẹ nu ta.—Tie 2 Timoti 2:24, 25.

3. De aguegbe muobọ nu gha sẹtin gu Osanobua gha mwẹ, ne ọ gha ya ruẹ sọyẹnmwẹ?

Evba gbẹn nọhuanrẹn na ruẹ, gha ru iyobọ nuẹ nu ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ọ gha sẹtin sunnu wẹẹ, u do gha  gu Osanobua mwẹ aguegbe muobọ ne kpataki. U gha sẹtin do gha re ọkpa vbe ẹgbẹe ọghẹe.—Tie 2 Kọrinti 6:18.

4. De vbene u khian ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro hẹ vbe ẹghẹ hia?

U gha sẹtin gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, adeghẹ u na gha ruẹ ẹmwẹ ọghe Osanobua. (Hibru 5:13, 14) Tama ọkpa vbuwe avbe Osẹe Jehova, nọ ye ne ebe What Does the Bible Really Teach? gu ruẹ gha ruẹ e Baibol. Zẹvbe nu ya ruẹ ẹmwẹ ọghe Osanobua sayọ, erriọ u khian vbe ya gha mwẹ alaghodaro sayọ vbe arrọọ ọghuẹ.—Tie Psalm 1:1-3; 73:27, 28.

Obọ e Jehova ne Osanobua nọ mwẹ oghọghọ ẹre ne iyẹn nọma ke rrẹ. U gha sẹtin sikẹ irẹn, lekpae nu gha sikẹ emwa ọghẹe. (Hibru 10:24, 25) Adeghẹ u na gha hia sayo, nu ye ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova, te uwẹ ghi khuẹ khian arrọọ ọghe etẹbitẹ. Emwi nọ ghi maan sẹ nu gha ru, ọre nu sikẹ Osanobua.—Tie 1 Timoti 1:11; 6:19.