What Is God’s Kingdom?

What Is God’s Kingdom?

1. What is God’s Kingdom?

What makes Jesus an ideal King?MARK 1:40-42.

The Kingdom of God is a heavenly government. It will replace all other governments and will cause God’s will to be done in heaven and on earth. The news about God’s Kingdom is good. Soon God’s Kingdom will satisfy man’s need for good government. It will unite everyone living on earth.Read Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10; 24:14.

A kingdom must have a king. Jehovah appointed his Son, Jesus Christ, to be King of His Kingdom.Read Revelation 11:15.

2. Why is Jesus the ideal King?

God’s Son is the ideal King because he is kind and he is firm for what is right. (John 1:14) Also, he is powerful enough to help people because he will rule over the earth from heaven. After he was resurrected, he ascended to heaven and sat down to wait at Jehovah’s right hand. (Hebrews 10:12, 13) Finally, God gave him power to begin ruling.Read Daniel 7:13, 14.

3. Who will rule with Jesus?

A group called “the holy ones” will rule with Jesus in heaven. (Daniel 7:27) The first holy ones chosen were Jesus’ faithful apostles. Jehovah has continued to select faithful men and women as holy ones until now. Like Jesus, they are resurrected with a spiritual body.Read John 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 15:42-44.

 How many people go to heaven? Jesus called them a “little flock.” (Luke 12:32) They will finally number 144,000. They will rule over the earth with Jesus.Read Revelation 14:1.

4. What happened when Jesus began ruling?

God’s Kingdom began ruling in 1914. * Jesus’ first action as King was to throw Satan and his demons down to the earth. Satan became furious and began causing trouble throughout the earth. (Revelation 12:7-10, 12) Since then, mankind’s woes have severely increased. Wars, famines, epidemics, and earthquakes are all part of a “sign” that the Kingdom will soon take full charge of earth’s affairs.Read Luke 21:7, 10, 11, 31.

5. What does God’s Kingdom accomplish?

By means of a global preaching work, God’s Kingdom is already uniting a great crowd of people from all nations. Millions of meek people are becoming subjects of Jesus. God’s Kingdom will protect them when it destroys the present wicked system of things on earth. So all who want to benefit from God’s Kingdom should learn to be obedient subjects of Jesus.Read Revelation 7:9, 14, 16, 17.

During a period of 1,000 years, the Kingdom will accomplish God’s original purpose for mankind. The earth will become a global paradise. Finally, Jesus will hand the Kingdom back to his Father. (1 Corinthians 15:24-26) Do you know someone whom you would like to tell about God’s Kingdom?Read Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.


^ par. 6 For details of how Bible prophecy foretold the year 1914, see pages 215-218 of the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?

 Iruẹmwi 7

De Emwi Ne Arriọba Osanobua khin?

De Emwi Ne Arriọba Osanobua khin?

Vbọzẹ ne ukpo Ọba na khẹke Jesu? —MAK 1:40-42.

1. De emwi ne Arriọba Osanobua khin?

Ẹrinmwi ẹre Arriọba Osanobua ye. Evba ẹre ọ khian ke gha kha yan agbọn na. Ọ gha wabọre rua arriọba emwa nagbọn hia, kevbe Osanobua gha loo ẹre ya ru ahoo ọghẹe vbe ẹrinmwi kevbe agbọn. Ọ keghi re iyẹn nọma wẹẹ, Osanobua gha loo Arriọba na ya ru ahoo ọghẹe. Vbe nẹi khian kpẹ gbe, Arriọba Osanobua gha rhie ne emwa nagbọn, isọkẹn niran gualọ ke ẹghẹ nọ kpẹre gha de. Ọ gha ku emwa nagbọn hia kugbe.—Tie Daniẹl 2:44; Matiu 6:9, 10; 24:14.

Arriọba hia fẹrẹ keghi mwẹ ọba. E Jehova keghi zẹ ovbiẹre ghe Jesu, zẹvbe ọba nọ khian gha kha vbe arriọba ọghẹe.—Tie Arhie Maan 11:15.

2. Vbọzẹ ne ukpo Ọba na khẹke Jesu?

Ukpo ọba ni keghi khẹke ovbie Osanobua rhunmwuda, ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọesi, nọ vbe dobọ mu emwi nọ gbae ẹre nọ. (Jọn 1:14) Deba ọni, ọ mwẹ ẹtin nọ gha ya ru iyobọ ne emwa rhunmwuda, ẹrinmwi ẹre ọ khian ke gha kha yan agbọn na. Vbe iyeke vbe ọ rriọkpaegbe nẹ, ọ na gha rhie ẹrinmwi, ọ na ghi tota vbe oberhọmwa ọghe Osanobua gha khẹ. (Hibru 10:12, 13) Vbọ ghi se ẹghẹ, Osanobua na ghi rhie ẹtin nẹ, nọ ya suẹn gha kha.—Tie Daniẹl 7:13, 14.

3. De emwa ni khian deba Jesu kha zẹvbe Ọba?

Ẹbu na tiẹre ‘emwa ni huanrẹn’ gha deba Jesu kha zẹvbe Ọba vbe ẹrinmwi. (Daniẹl 7:27) Emwa ni rre ne usun vbe ẹbu emwa ni huanrẹn na ka wa gha zẹ, keghi re avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu ni mwẹ amuẹtinyan. Te Jehova ye hannọ zẹ, ikpia vbe ikhuo ni  mwẹ amuẹtinyan zẹvbe emwa ni huanrẹn do se ẹghẹ nima ye na. Vbene ọghe Jesu vbe gha ye, a gha huẹn iran zẹvbe emwa ni mwẹ egbe ọghe orhiọn.—Tie Jọn 14:1-3; 1 Kọrinti 15:42-44.

Inu emwa ẹre ọ rhie ẹrinmwi? Jesu keghi tie iran ‘oghẹn nekherhe.’ (Luk 12:32) Iran hia na gha re 144,000. Iran gha deba Jesu kha zẹvbe ọba yan agbọn na.—Tie Arhie Maan 14:1.

4. Vbọ sunnu vbe ẹghẹ ne Jesu ya suẹn gha kha zẹvbe Ọba?

Arriọba Osanobua suẹn gha kha vbe ukpo 1914. * Emwi ne Jesu ka wa ru vbe ọ rrie Ọba ọre wẹẹ, ọ na wa khue Setan kevbe avbe ugbogiorinmwi ọghẹe gha die otagbọn na. Ke ẹghẹ ni gha de, egbe na ghi kaẹn. Setan na ghi suẹn gha sie ẹti vbe ọlọghọmwa ye ehe hia vbe otagbọn. (Arhie Maan 12:7-10, 12) Ke ẹghẹ ni gha de, te orueghe ọghe emwa nagbọn ghi wa tua sayọ. Okuo, ohanmwẹ, emiamwẹ ọgbagbọn, kevbe ugbohiotọ, keghi deba usun ‘ama’ nọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ne Arriọba gha rherhe suẹn gha kha yan agbọn na.—Tie Luk 21:7, 10, 11, 31.

5. De emwi ne Arriọba Osanobua he ru?

Lekpae ikporhu na kpe vbe otagbọn hia, Arriọba ọghe Osanobua vbe ẹghẹ na nia, keghi ku oghẹn ne gbii ni ke agbọn ẹvbo ughughan rre kugbe. Emwa ọmẹhẹ nibun nia keghi rhie egbe iran ye ototọ ukhamwẹ ọghe Jesu. Arriọba ọghe Osanobua gha ye ugue gu iran vbe ẹghẹ nọ gha ya guọghẹ agbọn dan na. Emwa ni hoo niran miẹn afiangbe ọghe Arriọba ọghe Osanobua, ghi suẹn gha ruọre, emwi nọ khẹke niran ru zẹvbe emwa ni rre ototọ ukhamwẹ ọghe Jesu.—Tie Arhie Maan 7:9, 14, 16, 17.

Vbuwe ẹghẹ ukpo 1,000, ne Arriọba gha yae khian nọ mwẹ amusẹ, emwamwa ne Osanobua mwẹ ne emwa nagbọn ke otọ gha de. Otagbọn hia ghi do khian e paradais. Vbe okiekie, Jesu ghi werriegbe mue ne Arriọba nẹ erhae. (1 Kọrinti 15:24-26) De ọmwa nu hoo nu kporhu iyẹn nọma ọghe Arriọba Osanobua ma?—Tie Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.


^ okhuẹn 12 Adeghẹ u hoo nu rẹn sayọ vbene akhasẹ e Baibol ya tae yotọ hẹ emwi nọ khian sunnu vbe ukpo 1914, ya ghe ipapa 215-218 ọghe ne ebe What Does the Bible Really Teach?