LESSON 5 What Is God’s Purpose for the Earth?1. Why did God create the earth?Jehovah gave the earth to men and women. It is our home. Therefore, the first human couple, Adam and Eve, were not created to populate the heavens Originally, only the garden of Eden was a paradise. The first human couple were to fill the earth with their offspring. In time, they were to subdue the entire globe and make it a paradise. (Genesis 1:28) The earth will never be destroyed. It will always be mankind’s home. 2. Why is the earth not a paradise now?Adam and Eve disobeyed God, so Jehovah put them out of the garden. Paradise was lost, and no man has succeeded in restoring it. The Bible says: “The earth has been handed over to the wicked.” Has Jehovah abandoned his original purpose for mankind? No! He is almighty. He cannot fail. (Isaiah 45:18) He will restore the human race to the way he meant it to be. 3. How will Paradise be restored?Paradise will be restored on earth during Jesus’ rule as God’s King. In a battle called Armageddon, Jesus will lead God’s angels and destroy all who oppose God. Then Jesus will imprison Satan for 1,000 years. God’s people will survive the destruction because Jesus will guide and protect them. They will enjoy everlasting life in Paradise on earth. 4. When will suffering end?When will God bring an end to evil on earth? Jesus gave a “sign” to indicate when the end would be near. Present world conditions threaten man’s survival and show that we now live in “the conclusion of the system of things.” During Jesus’ 1,000-year rule from heaven over the earth, he will bring all suffering to an end. (Isaiah 9:6, 7; 11:9) Besides serving as King, Jesus will act as High Priest and will cancel the sins of those who love God. Thus, by means of Jesus, God will eliminate sickness, aging, and death. 5. Who will live in the future Paradise?At the Kingdom Hall, you will meet people who love God and want to learn how to please him People who obey God will live in Paradise. (1 John 2:17) Jesus sent his followers to search for meek people and to teach them how to become acceptable to God. Today, Jehovah is preparing millions of people for life in the future Paradise on earth. (Zephaniah 2:3) At Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses, people learn to be better husbands and fathers and to be better wives and mothers. Children and parents worship together and learn how to benefit from the good news. |
Iruẹmwi 5 De Emwi Ne Osanobua Mwẹ Vbe Ekhọe Nọ Gu Yi Agbọn Na?1. Vbọzẹ ne Osanobua na yi agbọn na?Rhunmwuda ima ne emwa nagbọn ẹre Jehova na yi agbọn na. Owa ọghomwa ẹre nọ. Rhunmwuda ọni, Osanobua ma yi okpia vbe okhuo nokaro Adam kevbe Ivi ne iran biẹlẹ ye ẹrinmwi. Osanobua yi avbe odibosa ye ẹrinmwi nẹ. (Job 38: Vbe ẹghẹ okaro, ogba ọghe Idẹn ni ọkpa ẹre ọ gha re paradais. Okpia vbe okhuo nokaro keghi re na fonbọ na, ne iran biẹlẹ vuọn otagbọn. Vbe ne ẹghẹ ya khian, iran ghi do vẹlẹ kue otagbọn hia, a te miẹn wẹẹ iran ye ehe hia khian e paradais. (Gẹnẹsis 1:28) Ẹghẹ ọkpa i rrọọ na khian ya guọghọ otagbọn na. Owa ọghe emwa nagbọn khian gha nọ vbe ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.—Tie Psalm 104:5. 2. Vbọzẹ ne paradais na wii?Adam kevbe Ivi keghi sọtẹ dae Osanobua, rhunmwuda ọni, e Jehova na ghi khulo iran kua vbe ogba ni. Erriọ e paradais ya wii. Ke ẹghẹ ni gha dee, a ma ghi miẹn ọmwa ọkpa nọ ghi sẹtin werriegbe muẹn gbọọ. E Baibol khare wẹẹ: “Osanobua mu agbọn na ne emwa dan.” E Jehova miamia emwamwa ne irẹn mwẹ vbe ekhọe ke otọ gha de ne emwa nagbọn nẹ ra? Hiehie! Irẹn ọre Osa ne udazi. Ẹi re ọmwa nọ gha sẹtin gbokhuẹre. (Aizaia 45:18) Ọ gha werriegbe muẹn ne emwa nagbọn, arrọọ ne irẹn mwamwa khẹ iran ke otọ gha de.—Tie Psalm 37: 3. De vbene a khian ya werriegbe mu e paradais gbọọ hẹ?Ẹghẹ ne Jesu khian ya suẹn gha kha zẹvbe Ọba ne Osanobua mu ye ukpo, ẹre a khian ya werriegbe muẹn e paradais gbọọ. Vbe ẹghẹ okuo na tiẹre Amagẹdọn, Jesu gha viọ avbe odibosa ọghe Osanobua ba egbe, ya guọghọ emwa hia ni gbodan ghe Osanobua. Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu ghi mu e Setan ye eghan vbe ukpo 1,000. Emwa ọghe Osanobua gha miẹnfan rhunmwuda Jesu gha gbaroghe iran. Iran gha sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ etẹbitẹ vbe paradais vbe otagbọn na.—Tie Arhie Maan 20: 4. De ẹghẹ ne usẹ khian ya fo?De ẹghẹ ne Osanobua khian ya rhie ufomwẹ ye emwi dan vbe agbọn na? Jesu keghi tama ima ‘ama’ ne a khian ya rẹn wẹẹ ufomwẹ agbọn sotọ nẹ. Emwi nọ ghi sunnu vbe ẹghẹ na niạ, keghi mu arrọọ ọghe emwa nagbọn ye ikpadede, kevbe ọ vbe rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ‘ẹghẹ ufomwẹ agbọn na ẹre ima ghi ye na.’—Tie Matiu 24: Vbuwe ẹghẹ ukpo 1,000 ne Jesu gha ya kha zẹvbe ọba vbe ẹrinmwi yan agbọn, ọ gha rhie ufomwẹ ye usẹ. (Aizaia 9: 5. De aro emwa ni khian diẹya ighẹ paradais nọ de vbe odaro?U gha sẹ Ọgua Arriọba ọghe iran, u gha miẹ emwa ni hoẹmwẹ Osanobua kevbe ni vbe hoo niran rẹn emwi niran gha ru nọ gha ye ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn ọnrẹn Emwa ni họn ẹmwẹ ne Osanobua gha die paradais ya. (1 Jọn 2:17) Jesu gie erhuaengbe ọghẹe, ne iran ya gualọ emwa ọmẹhẹ, kevbe niran ma iran re emwi ne iran gha ru, ne Osanobua mieke na miẹn iran yi. Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, Jehova keghi mu ẹbo emwa nibun egbe khẹ arrọọ ne iran khian yin vbe paradais vbe otagbọn na. (Zefanaia 2:3) Vbe avbe Ọgua Arriọba ọghe avbe Osẹe Jehova, avbe erha emọ, iye emọ, kevbe avbe ọdọ vbe amwẹ, keghi ruẹ emwi nọ gha ye iran khian nọ rẹn enegbe sayọ vbe owa ne iran ye. Emọ kevbe evbibiemọ keghi ga vbuwe akugbe, kevbe wẹẹ, iran vbe ruẹ emwi nọ dekaẹn afiangbe niran khian miẹn vbe ne iyẹn nọma.—Tie Maika 4: