LESSON 4 Who Is Jesus Christ?1. How did Jesus’ life begin?What qualities made Jesus approachable? Unlike any other human, Jesus lived in heaven as a spirit person before he was born on earth. (John 8:23) He was God’s first creation, and he helped in the creation of all other things. He is the only one created directly by Jehovah and is therefore appropriately called God’s “only-begotten” Son. (John 1:14) Jesus served as God’s Spokesman, so he is also called “the Word.” 2. Why did Jesus come to the earth?God sent his Son to earth by transferring his life from heaven to the womb of a virgin Jewess named Mary. So Jesus did not have a human father. (Luke 1:30-35) Jesus came to the earth (1) to teach the truth about God, (2) to set us an example in how to do God’s will even when we are in difficulties, and (3) to give his perfect life as “a ransom.” 3. Why do we need a ransom?A ransom is the price paid to release a person from the threat of death. (Exodus 21:29, 30) Death and old age were not part of God’s original purpose for mankind. How do we know that? God told the first man, Adam, that if he committed what the Bible calls “sin,” he would die. So if Adam had not sinned, he would never have died. (Genesis 2:16, 17; 5:5) According to the Bible, death “entered” the world of mankind through Adam. Thus, Adam passed on to all his descendants sin and its penalty, death. We need a ransom to release us from the penalty of death that we inherited from Adam. Who could pay the ransom to free us from death? When we die, we pay the penalty only for our own sins. No imperfect man can pay for the sins of others. 4. Why did Jesus die?Unlike us, Jesus was perfect. So he did not need to die for his sins 5. What is Jesus doing now?When on earth, Jesus cured the sick, raised the dead, and rescued people in peril. He thereby demonstrated what he will do in the future for all obedient mankind. (Matthew 15:30, 31; John 5:28) After Jesus died, God restored him to life as a spirit person. (1 Peter 3:18) Jesus then waited at God’s right hand until Jehovah gave him power to rule as King over all the earth. (Hebrews 10:12, 13) Now Jesus is ruling as King in heaven, and his followers are announcing that good news worldwide. Soon, Jesus will use his power as King to bring an end to all suffering and to those who cause it. All who exercise faith in Jesus by obeying him will enjoy life in a paradise on earth. |
Iruẹmwi 4 De Ọmwa Ne Jesu Kristi Khin?De avbe akpa ne Jesu mwẹ, nọ ye emwa sikẹ ọre? 1. De vbene arrọọ ọghe Jesu ya suẹn hẹ?Nọ ya lughaẹn ne emwa nagbọn ọvbehe, Jesu ke gha rre ẹrinmwi zẹvbe ọmwa orhiọn, a te miẹn wẹẹ a biẹ ọre vbe otagbọn na. (Jọn 8:23) Irẹn ọre evbayi nokaro ọghe Osanobua, kevbe ọ vbe ru iyobọ ne Osabobua ya yi avbe emwi nikẹre hia fẹrẹ. Irẹn ọkpa ẹre Osanobua wa ye obọ re yi, ọni ẹre ọ siẹre ne ọ na guaero, ne a na tiẹre “ukpọmọkpa” ọghe Osanobua. (Jọn 1:14) Jesu wa vbe winna zẹvbe ọmunu ọghe Osanobua, ọni ẹre ọ siẹre ne a na vbe tiẹre ‘ne ẹmwẹ.’—Tie Itan 8: 2. Vbọzẹ ne Jesu na gha die otagbọn na?Osanobua keghi gie ovbiẹre gha die agbọn, lekpae nọ na fi arrọọ ọghẹe werriẹ vbe ẹrinmwi, ọ na muẹn ye uwẹ akuọmọ ọghe Meri, ovbie Ju ne uvbi. Rhunmwuda ọni, Jesu i mwẹ erha ọghe ọmwa nagbọn nọ biẹ ọre. (Luk 1: 3. Vbọzẹ ne ima na gualọ adẹwerriegbe?Adẹwerriegbe keghi re igho na hae, na ya miẹn ọmwa fan, na ghẹ mieke na gbẹrua. (Ẹksodọs 21: De ọmwa nọ gha sẹtin hae ne osa ne a gha ya fan ima hiẹn uwu rre? Ma gha wu, ọni ma hae osa ye orukhọ ọghe ima nẹ. Ọmwa nagbọn nọ ma gba ọkpa i rrọọ nọ gha sẹtin hae osa ye uwu ọghe emwa ọvbehe.—Tie Psalm 49: 4. Vbọzẹ ne Jesu na wu?Nọ ya lughaẹn ne ima, Jesu ke gha re ọmwa nọ gbae. Rhunmwuda ọni, ẹi re orukhọ ọghẹe ẹre ọ wu yi, ọ ma ru orukhọ rhọkpa. Nọghayayerriọ, irẹn keghi wu ye orukhọ ọghe emwa ọvbehe. Osanobua keghi rhiẹre ma ahoẹmwọmwa nọ ghi dinmwi sẹ ma emwa nagbọn, lekpae nọ na gie ovbiẹre gha de nọ do wu ne ima. Jesu vbe rhie ahoẹmwọmwa ma ima lekpae nọ na họn ẹmwẹ nẹ erhae, vbene ọ na wu ye orukhọ ọghe ima.—Tie Jọn 3:16; Rom 5: 5. De emwi ne Jesu ghi ru nia?Vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ na gha rre agbọn, Jesu mu emwa ni khuọnmwi egbe rhan, ọ huẹn emwa ni wulo kpaegbe, kevbe ọ vbe miẹn emwa fan vbuwe ẹbe. Odẹ vbe nia, ẹre irẹn ya rhiẹre ma emwi ne irẹn khian ru vbe odaro ne emwa nagbọn ni ru emwi esi. (Matiu 15: Vbe nẹi khian kpẹ gbe, Jesu gha loo ẹtin ọghẹe zẹvbe Ọba, ya rhie ufomwẹ ye usẹ hia, kevbe emwa ni siẹre. Emwa hia ni ghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, iran mwẹ amuẹtinyan dae Jesu, lekpae ne iran họn ẹmwẹ nẹ, gha sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ vbe paradais vbe otagbọn.—Tie Psalm 37: |