LESSON 3 Is the Good News Really From God?1. Who is the Author of the Bible?The good news that people will live forever on earth is written in the Bible. (Psalm 37:29) The Bible is made up of 66 smaller books. God used about 40 faithful men to write them. The first five books were written by Moses about 3,500 years ago. The last book was written by the apostle John over 1,900 years ago. Whose ideas did Bible writers present? God communicated with the Bible writers by means of his holy spirit. (2 Samuel 23:2) They wrote down the thoughts of God, not their own thoughts. So Jehovah is the Author of the Bible. 2. How can we be sure the Bible is true?We know that the Bible is from God because it accurately foretells the future in detail. No man can do that. (Joshua 23:14) Only Almighty God can accurately foresee mankind’s future. We would expect a book from God to be unique, and it is. Billions of copies of the Bible have been distributed in hundreds of languages. Though ancient, the Bible is in harmony with proved science. Also, its 40 writers did not contradict one another. * Furthermore, the Bible bears the unmistakable stamp of God’s love, and it still has the power to change people’s lives for the better. These facts convince millions that the Bible is God’s Word. 3. What is the Bible about?The Bible centers on the good news that God has a loving purpose for mankind. The Scriptures explain how man’s privilege of living on a paradise earth was lost early in human history and how a paradise will finally be restored. God’s Word also contains laws, principles, and advice. In addition, the Bible records the history of God’s dealings with mankind 4. How can you understand the Bible?This brochure will help you to understand the Bible by using the same method that Jesus used. He referred to one Bible text after another and explained “the meaning of the Scriptures.” Few things are as fascinating as the good news from God. Yet, some people are indifferent to it, and others are even annoyed by it. Do not be discouraged. Your hope of enjoying everlasting life depends on your getting to know God. ^ par. 3 See the brochure A Book for All People. |
Iruẹmwi 3 Obọ Osanobua Ẹre Iyẹn Nọma nọ rre uwe Baibol Gele Ke Rre Ra?1. De obọ Ọmwa ne Baibol ke rre?Ne iyẹn nọma nọ guan kan rẹn wẹẹ, emwa gha die agbọn na ya vbe etẹbitẹ, keghi re na gbẹn ye uwe Baibol. (Psalm 37:29) Ebe ne giẹrẹ 66 ẹre ọ rre uwe Baibol. Osanobua keghi loo ikpia 40 ya gbẹnnọẹn yotọ. E mozis ẹre ọ gbẹn ebe isẹn nokaro vbe odẹ ukpo 3,500 nọ gberra. Ukọ Jọn ẹre ọ gbẹn ebe nokiekie vbe odẹ ukpo 1,900 nọ gberra. De iziro ọghe ọmwa ne iran 40 gbẹnnẹ ye uwe Baibol? Osanobua keghi loo orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghẹe ya gu emwa ni gbẹn e Baibol guan. (2 Samuẹl 23:2) Iziro ọghe Osanobua ẹre iran gbẹnnẹ yotọ, ẹi re ọghe obọ iran. Ọni rhiema wẹẹ, obọ e Jehova ẹre Baibol ke rre.—Tie 2 Timoti 3:16; 2 Pita 1: 2. De emwi nọ khian ye ima yayi wẹẹ, ebe ẹmwata ẹre Baibol khin?Ma rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, obọ Osanobua ẹre Baibol ke rre, rhunmwuda te ọ wa tae yotọ zẹẹ, emwi nibun nọ khian sunnu vbe odaro. Ọmwa nagbọn ọkpa i rrọọ nọ gha sẹtin ta egbe emwi vberriọ. (Jọsua 23:14) Osanobua ne udazi ọkpa ẹre ọ khian sẹtin bẹghe ẹre yotọ, emwi nọ khian gele sunnu dae emwa nagbọn vbe odaro.—Tie Aizaia 42:9; 46:10. Ọ khẹke nima yarọ yọ wẹẹ, ebe nọ ke obọ Osanobua rre gha wa lughaẹn, erriọ gele wa ye. Ẹbo nibun ọghe Baibol ẹre a he ghae vbe urhuẹvbo iyisẹn nibun. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ ebe nẹdẹ ẹre nọ, emwi ne Baibol tae keghi guaero emwi ne umẹwaẹn gualọ otọre miẹn. Deba ọni, ẹmwẹ ne iran 40 na gbẹnnẹ ma gbodan ghe egbe. * Yevbesọni, e Baibol keghi suigiẹ yọ wẹẹ, Osanobua keghi re Osa ọghe ahoẹmwọmwa, kevbe wẹẹ, ọ wa ye mwẹ ẹtin nọ ya fie emwa werriẹ, ne iran do khian ọmwa nọ rẹn enegbe. Ena hia, ẹre ọ ye emwa nibun yayi wẹẹ, ẹmwẹ ọghe Osanobua ẹre Baibol khin.—Tie 1 Tẹsalonaika 2:13. 3. De emwi ne Baibol guan kaẹn?Emwi ne Baibol wa mobọ niania, keghi re emwamwa nọma ne Osanobua mwẹ ne emwa nagbọn. Evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn rhan otọre vbene paradais ya wii emwa nagbọn hẹ vbe ẹghẹ omuhẹn, ọ na vbe tama ima vbene a khian ya werriegbe miẹ nẹ e paradais hẹ.—Tie Arhie Maan 21: Avbe uhi, ilele, kevbe ibude keghi rre uwe Baibol. Deba ọni, e Baibol keghi gbọẹn yotọ okha ọghe obọ ne Osanobua ya mu emwa nagbọn ke otọ gha de. Okha na keghi rhiẹre ma akpa ọghe Osanobua. Ọni ẹre ọ siẹre ne Baibol gha na sẹtin ru iyobọ nuẹ ya rẹn Osanobua. Ọ vbe rhan otọre vbene u khian ya gha re ọse ọghe Osanobua hẹ.—Tie Psalm 19: 4. De vbene u khian ya rẹn ototọ e Baibol hẹ?Ebe ẹmu na gha ru iyobọ nuẹ ya rẹn ototọ e Baibol, adeghẹ u na lele igiemwi ọghe Jesu. Irẹn keghi sunnu ye ako ọghe evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn nibun, kevbe wẹẹ, ọ vbe rhan otọre ‘evba ye ne evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn kha.’—Tie Luk 24: Emwi nọ gbọmwa otiti vbe na ghe iyẹn nọma nọ ke obọ Osanobua rre i rrọọ. Ọrheyerriọ, emwa eso i mwẹ ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ da re, eso rrọọ nẹi kue hoo nọ ye ehọ họn ne iyẹn nọma. Ghẹ gie ọna ye egbe wọọ ruẹ. Adeghẹ u yaro yọ nu gha rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ, ọ khẹke nu rẹn Osanobua.—Tie Jọn 17:3. ^ okhuẹn 7 Ya ghe ne ebe ẹmu A Book for All People. |