
Monday, June 1

Emwi ne uwa a rhirhi nọ Erha re vbe eni mwẹ, ọ gha rhie ẹre ne uwa.—Jọn 15:16.

U miẹn vbene eyan na gha rhie igiọdu ne erhuanegbe Jesu hẹ! Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, erhuanegbe Jesu ma rẹn wẹẹ ọvbi ẹghẹ kherhe ẹre ọ ghi kẹ ne Jesu wu, sokpan iran gha miẹn iyobọ. E Jehova mu egbe ne ọ ya họn erhunmwu ne iran rhirhi gha na nọ dekaan iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba. Asẹ nii, ẹre Jehova ya gele ru iyobọ ọyunnuan ne iran. (Iwinna 4:29, 31) Erriọ vbe ye ne ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. Ma gha rhiegba ye iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan, ma vbe gha re ọsie Jesu. Yevbesọni, ma ghi vbe gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, e Jehova mu egbe ne ọ ya ru iyobọ ne ima vbe ima gha werriẹ aro daa isievẹn vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan. (Fil 4:13) Ọ keghi sẹ ima ọyẹnmwẹ ne ima na re ọsie Jesu kevbe ne Osanobua na họn erhunmwu ima. Afiangbe nọkhua na khin! Avbe ẹse ọhẹ na ẹre ọ ya ima mwẹ ẹbo izinegbe vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan.—Jems 1:17. w18.05 21 ¶17-18


Monday, June 1

No matter what you ask the Father in my name, he [will] give it to you.​—John 15:16.

How strengthening this promise must have been for the apostles! Though they did not clearly grasp it, their Leader’s life on earth would soon end, but they would not be left without support. Jehovah was ready to answer their prayers for any help they needed to carry out the command to preach the Kingdom message. And indeed, shortly thereafter, they experienced how Jehovah answered their prayers for help. (Acts 4:29, 31) The same is true today. As we endure in bearing fruit, we enjoy Jesus’ friendship. Furthermore, we can be sure that Jehovah is ready to answer our prayers for help in overcoming obstacles that we may encounter as we preach the Kingdom good news. (Phil. 4:13) How grateful we are to be blessed with answered prayers and friendship with Jesus! These gifts from Jehovah strengthen us to keep on bearing fruit.​—Jas. 1:17. w18.05 21 ¶17-18

Tuesday, June 2

Wa gia gha rhie igiọdu ne egbe, kpataki vbene a na wa miẹn nia wẹẹ, Ẹdẹ Nọyaẹnmwa sẹ otọ fo nẹ.—Hib 10:24, 25.

Vbene ọ te sẹ ukpo isẹn, Ivbiọtu e Kristi ni rre Jerusalẹm na suẹn gha bẹghe ama eso ni rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ẹdẹ Nọyaẹnmwa sẹ otọ fo nẹ. Iran keghi yerre wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne iran lẹ hin e Jerusalẹm rre zẹvbe ne Jesu ya obọ sẹkhae ne iran. (Iwinna 2:19, 20; Luk 21:20-22) Ukpo 70 C.E. ọre ẹdẹ Nọyaẹnmwa ghi rre, vbe ivbiyokuo e Rom guọghọ e Jerusalam. Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, ẹdẹ ugborrirri ọghe Nọyaẹnmwa sẹ otọ fo nẹ vbe nọ ghaa ye vbe orre nokaro. (Joẹl 2:11) Zẹfanaia ne akhasẹ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ẹdẹ nọkhua ọghe Nọyaẹnmwa sikẹ otọ nẹ, ọ wa sẹẹ otọ fo, ọ wa dee ẹgiẹgiẹ!” (Zẹf 1:14) Ẹmwẹ akhasẹ na vbe kaẹn ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. Vbe na ghi na miẹn wẹẹ, ẹdẹ Nọyaẹmwa sẹ otọ fo nẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ima lele ẹmwẹ adia ọghe Pọl. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wa gie ima gha zẹ ye ẹmwẹ egbe, ne ima gha ye egbe obọ, ne a gha mwẹ ahoẹmwẹmwa, kevbe ne a gha ru emwi esi.” (Hib 10:24) Ọ khẹke ne ima gha ya ekhọe hia hoẹmwẹ avbe etẹn ima, ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha rhie igiọdu ne iran vbe ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ. w18.04 20 ¶1-2

Tuesday, June 2

Let us [encourage] one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.​—Heb. 10:24, 25.

Within just five years, Jewish Christians living in Jerusalem would see a “day of Jehovah” approaching and recognize the sign Jesus had given them to flee for their lives from that city. (Acts 2:19, 20; Luke 21:20-22) That day of Jehovah arrived in 70 C.E. when the Romans executed Jehovah’s judgment on Jerusalem. Today, we have every reason to believe that the “great and very awe-inspiring” day of Jehovah is near. (Joel 2:11) The prophet Zephaniah said: “The great day of Jehovah is near! It is near and it is approaching very quickly!” (Zeph. 1:14) That prophetic warning also applies to our time. In view of the proximity of Jehovah’s day, Paul tells us to “be concerned about one another so as to incite to love and fine works.” (Heb. 10:24, ftn.) We should, therefore, be increasingly interested in our brothers, so that we can encourage them whenever needed. w18.04 20 ¶1-2

Wednesday, June 3

Wegbe ne u vbe din. Ghẹ gie ohan muẹn, ghẹ gie ẹtin fuẹ, rhunmwuda mẹ ne Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua ruẹ rrọọ yaba ruẹ, vbe ehe ke ehe ne u gha rhirhi yo.—Jọs 1:9.

U miẹn igiọdu ne Jehova rhie ne Jọsua a te miẹn ighẹ Ivbi Izrẹl la Otọ Na Ru Eyan Rẹn! Ọ mwẹ ẹghẹ ne Jehova ya ya ẹmwẹ akhasẹ rhie igiọdu ne Ivbi e Ju ni ghaa rre imu vbe Babilọn. Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, e Jehova vbe gha ya uhukpa rhie igiọdu ne ẹbu emwa nibun. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wa ghẹ fian afianma, I gu uwa rrọọ. Mẹ ọrọre Osanobua uwa, wa ghẹ gie emwikemwi mu uwa ohan. I gha ya uwa wegbe, I gha yi uwa obọ. I gha degue uwa, I ghi miẹn uwa fan.” (Aiz 41:10) E Jehova vbe rhie igiọdu ne Ivbiotu e Kristi vbe orre nokaro, erriọ vbe rhie ne ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. (2 Kọr 1:3, 4) Jesu tobọre vbe miẹn igiọdu vbe obọ Erhae. Vbe Jesu dinmwiamẹ, urhu ọkpa keghi ke ẹrinmwi rre, ọ na kha wẹẹ: “Ọna ọre ovbimwẹ ni hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, ọmwa ne ekhọe mwẹ rhiẹnrhiẹn ghe ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.” (Mat 3:17) U miẹn ẹrhiọn ne ẹmwẹ igiọdu nii gha rhie ye Jesu iwu vbe ọ ye rre agbọn! w18.04 16 ¶3-5

Wednesday, June 3

Be courageous and strong. Do not be struck with terror or fear, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.​—Josh. 1:9.

What reassuring encouragement Jehovah gave Joshua before settling His people in the Promised Land! Not only did Jehovah encourage individuals but he also gave words of encouragement to his people as a group. In prophetic terms this would prove to be of comfort to the Jews held captive in Babylon, Jehovah stated: “Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be anxious, for I am your God. I will fortify you, yes, I will help you, I will really hold on to you with my right hand of righteousness.” (Isa. 41:10) The early Christians had the same assurance, and so do God’s people today. (2 Cor. 1:3, 4) Jesus himself received encouragement from his Father. At his baptism, Jesus heard a voice from heaven say: “This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved.” (Matt. 3:17) How those words must have strengthened Jesus throughout his earthly ministry! w18.04 16 ¶3-5

Thursday, June 4

Sokpan, ọnii ne ọ rhie ẹwaẹn ne a ya rẹn emwi nọ maan kevbe ne ẹi maan ne ọmwa, ghẹ rri ọmọ rẹn.—Gẹn 2:17.

Emwa eso sẹtin gha roro ẹre wẹẹ iyi ne Jehova yi ne Adam ma kie ẹkpotọ nẹẹn ya gha ru emwi ne ọ khọn rẹn. Emwa vberriọ ma rẹn alughaẹn nọ rre asẹ ne a ya zẹ ne egbe ọmwa kevbe asẹ ne a ya kha wẹẹ, ọ na ọre emwi nọ maan ra ne ẹi maan. Adam kevbe Ivi ghaa mwẹ asẹ ne a ya zẹ ne egbe ọmwa. Obọ iran ẹre ọ ghaa ye deghẹ iran gha họn ẹmwẹ ne Osanobua ra deghẹ iran gha sọtẹ daa re. Sokpan, e Jehova ọkpa ẹre ọ mwẹ asẹ ne a ya tae wẹẹ, emwi maan ra ẹi maan. Vbe ima ya rẹn hẹ? Rhunmwuda emwi nọ sunu vbe ogba ọghe Idẹn. E Jehova ẹre ọ tama Adam wẹẹ, ọ mwẹ erhan ọkpa vbuwe ogba nii, nọ mudia ye “ẹwaẹn ne a ya rẹn emwi nọ maan ke ne ẹi maan.” (Gẹn 2:9) Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Jehova na yi iyi ne Adam vbe Ivi. Te ọ yae maa iran emwi kpataki, ọni ọre wẹẹ, iran gha lele adia ọghe Osanobua, ẹre iran khian na gele gha mwẹ afanvbimu. Evbibiẹ ima nokaro keghi sọtẹ daa Osanobua. Iran gele do gha mwẹ afanvbimu ne iran te yaro yi ra? Hiehie! Afanvbimu ne gele gele keghi wii Adam kevbe Ivi rhunmwuda, te iran ghaa hoo ne iran kha yan egbe iran. w18.04 5-6 ¶9-12

Thursday, June 4

As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, you must not eat from it.​—Gen. 2:17.

Upon reading Jehovah’s command to Adam, many today would say that Adam was denied the freedom to do what he wanted. In saying so, they are confusing the exercise of one’s free will with the right to decide what is good and what is bad. Adam and Eve did have the freedom to choose whether they would obey God or not. However, only Jehovah has the right to decide in the absolute sense what is good and what is bad, as symbolized by “the tree of the knowledge of good and bad” in the garden of Eden. (Gen. 2:9) By means of his command, Jehovah lovingly taught Adam and Eve the way to exercise true freedom. As it turned out, our first parents chose to disobey. Did Adam and Eve’s choice eventually enhance their freedom in any way? Sadly, it did not. In striving for self-determination, they lost the true freedom they had been given. w18.04 5-6 ¶9-12

Friday, June 5

Ọ kegha dae vbe iran rri oya.—Aiz 63:9, NW.

Ẹi re te Jehova mwẹ ẹnina daa eguọmwadia re kẹkan, ọ keghi zẹ emwi ru vbe iran ghaa rre ọlọghọmwa. Vbe igiemwi, vbe Ivbi Izrẹl rri oya vbe Igipt, ọ ke gha da e Jehova vbe orhiọn, ọni ẹre ọ ya re zẹ emwi ru. Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ: “I miẹn obọ oya na ya mu emwa mwẹ vbe Igipt . . .  I họn utumwẹ ne iran tu . . . I wa miẹn oya ne iran re. Te I rre na, ne I do miẹn iran fan vbe obọ Ivbi Igipt.” (Ẹks 3:7, 8) Ẹnina ne Jehova ghaa mwẹ daa emwa rẹn, ẹre ọ ya re fan iran hin imu rre vbe Igipt. Orre nibun ghi gberra nẹ, vbe Ivbi Izrẹl rre Otọ Na Ru Eyan Rẹn, iran keghi werriẹ aro daa ukpokpo vbe obọ eghian. Vbe Jehova a ghi ru yọ? “E Nọyaẹnmwa keghi tohan iran rhunmwuda, iran da tie ẹre vbe ẹghẹ oya kevbe ukpokpo.” Ẹnina ẹre ọ vbe gua e Jehova kpa ya ru iyobọ ne iran. Ọ keghi gie avbe ọbuohiẹn kevbe ekaolotu ya miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan vbe obọ eghian.—Giọg 2:16, 18. w19.03 15 ¶4-5

Friday, June 5

During all their distress it was distressing to him.​—Isa. 63:9.

Jehovah does more than just feel compassion for his servants who suffer. He takes action to help them. For example, when the Israelites were suffering as slaves in Egypt, Jehovah understood their pain and felt moved to relieve it. Jehovah said to Moses: “I have certainly seen the affliction of my people . . . , and I have heard their outcry . . . I well know the pains they suffer. I will go down to rescue them out of the hand of the Egyptians.” (Ex. 3:7, 8) Because Jehovah felt compassion for his people, he freed them from slavery. Centuries later, in the Promised Land, the Israelites faced enemy attacks. How did Jehovah respond? He “was moved to pity over their groaning caused by those who oppressed them and those who were treating them abusively.” Again, empathy moved Jehovah to help his people. He sent judges to save the Israelites from their enemies.​—Judg. 2:16, 18. w19.03 15 ¶4-5

Saturday, June 6

Okhuo gha sẹtin mianmian ọmọ nọ biẹ ra nọ ghẹ hoẹmwẹ ovbi ẹre nọ biẹ? Ọ gha khọn rẹn ne okhuo sẹtin mianmian ovbi ẹre, mẹ i ra mianmian uwẹ ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.—Aiz 49:15.

Vbe Uhi nokaro kevbe nogieva vbuwe Uhi Igbe ne Osanobua yi ne Ivbi Izrẹl, ọ keghi tama iran, ne iran ghẹ ga osa ọvbehe vbọ gberra irẹn ọkpa. (Ẹks 20:3-6) Ẹi re te Jehova yi uhi na, ne irẹn tobọ irẹn miẹn ere vbọ. Rhunmwuda umamwẹ ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl ẹre Jehova na yi uhi eva na. Ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne Ivbi Izrẹl ya fi iyeke gbe Jehova, emwi ọhanabe keghi rruan iran. Vbe ẹghẹ ne Ivbi Izrẹl ya gha ye ẹkoata ga e Jehova, kevbe ẹghẹ ne iran na gha ya obọ esi mu ogieva iran, Jehova keghi fiangbe iran. (1 Ọba 10:4-9) Eguọmwadia e Jehova ghaa ya obọ dan mu egbe, ẹi re Jehova ẹre ọ si emwi vberriọ. E Jehova hoẹmwẹ ima, ọ vbe rẹn vbe ima ghaa rri oya. Ẹnina ne Osanobua mwẹ daa ima gberra ne iye ọmọ mwẹ daa ọmọ obọ nọ da biẹ. E Jehova sẹtin zinegbe vbe ima ghaa rri oya, sokpan, ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ, ọ gha buohiẹn emwa ni ya agbọn lọghọ ima kevbe emwa ni ma kie rre vbe orukhọ ọghe iran. w19.02 22 ¶13-15

Saturday, June 6

Can a woman forget her nursing child or have no compassion for the son of her womb? Even if these women forget, I would never forget you.​—Isa. 49:15.

The first two of the Ten Commandments required that the Israelites devote themselves exclusively to Jehovah and warned against the worship of idols. (Ex. 20:3-6) Those commandments were not for Jehovah’s benefit. Rather, they were for the benefit of his people. When they worshipped the gods of other nations, they suffered. By contrast, Jehovah blessed his people when they were loyal to him and treated one another justly. (1 Ki. 10:4-9) Jehovah is not to blame when those who claim to serve him ignore his standards and harm his people. However, Jehovah loves us and knows when we suffer injustice. He feels our pain more keenly than a mother feels the suffering of her baby. Although he may not intervene immediately, in due time he will hold unrepentant wrongdoers to account for the way they have treated others. w19.02 22 ¶13-15

Sunday, June 7

Ẹi re ne imẹ hoo sokpan ne uwẹ hoo ẹre a gha ru.—Luk 22:42.

Ọ ghaa bu ẹdẹ Ugie Ayere Ọghe Uwu E Kristi, igiemwi nọ maan ne Jesu rhie yotọ nọ dekaẹn imuegberriotọ nọ rhiema kevbe arrọọ ọghẹe nọ ya dẹ ima werriegbe ẹre ima mobọ guan kaẹn vbe iko. Ọ gua ima kpa ya ya egbe tae Jesu, ọ vbe ya ima ru ahoo ọghe Jehova uhiẹn vbe ima ghaa rre uwu ibavbaro. Ma keghi muẹn roro udinmwẹ ne Jesu rhiema vbọ ghi bu ẹghẹ nọ ya wu. Ọ wa rẹn wẹẹ avbe eghian gha ru irẹn emwi oya, iran gha gbe irẹn, iran gha vbe buohiẹn uwu gbe irẹn. (Mat 20:17-19) Ọrheyerriọ, ohan uwu ma muẹn. Ọ ghi bu ẹghẹ nọ ghi wegbe sẹ vbe arrọọ ọghẹe, ọ keghi tama erhuanegbe ẹre ni mwẹ ẹkoata vbe ogba ọghe Getsemani wẹẹ: “Wa kpaegbe ne uwa gia gha khian, ghee, ọmwa nọ ra rhie mwẹ ma, sẹ emwa na fo.” (Mat 26:36, 46) Ẹbu omurhia ghi dee do mu e Jesu khui, Jesu keghi khian ya vba iran, ọ na wẹẹ irẹn ọre Jesu, ọ na vbe tama iran, ne iran gi avbe ukọ ọghe irẹn gha rrie owa. (Jọn 18:3-8) U miẹn udinmwẹ ne Jesu rhiema vbe asọn nii! Vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, etẹn na hannọ zẹ kevbe oghẹn ni khian yin agbọn na vbe etẹbitẹ keghi hia ne iran gha ya egbe taa udinmwẹ ọghe Jesu. w19.01 27-28 ¶7-8

Sunday, June 7

Let, not my will, but yours take place.​—Luke 22:42.

In the weeks leading up to the Memorial, our meetings often focus on the example of Jesus and the humility he showed in giving his life as a ransom. We are moved to imitate his humble attitude and to do Jehovah’s will, even when it is difficult for us. We think about the courage he showed on the days before his death. He was fully aware that his enemies would soon humiliate, beat, and execute him. (Matt. 20:17-19) Still, he willingly faced death. When the time came, he said to his faithful apostles, who were with him in Gethsemane: “Get up, let us go. Look! My betrayer has drawn near.” (Matt. 26:36, 46) And when the armed mob came to arrest him, he stepped forward, identified himself, and ordered the soldiers to let his apostles go. (John 18:3-8) What outstanding courage Jesus displayed! Today, anointed Christians and those of the other sheep strive to imitate Jesus in showing courage. w19.01 27-28 ¶7-8

Monday, June 8

Wa gha mwẹ ekhọe ọmẹhẹ.—Zẹf 2:3, NW.

Owinna nọ mwẹ ifuẹro ọghe iwinna ona, keghi ku ẹmu ughughan kugbe, ọ ke do khian efoto ne mose mose. Erriọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha mwẹ akpa ughughan ni maan, ne ima mieke na gha re emwa ọmẹhẹ. Usun avbe akpa na ọre imuegberriotọ, ufumwẹ, udinmwẹ kevbe ekhọe na ya họn ẹmwẹ. Emwa ni mu egbe rriotọ ẹre ọ ru ahoo ọghe Osanobua. Ahoo ọghe Osanobua nọ ne ima gha re emwa ni fu. (Mat 5:5; Gal 5:23) Ẹko i zẹdẹ rhiẹnrhiẹn Esu vbe ima ghaa ru ahoo ọghe Osanobua. Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne emwa nibun vbe agbọn Esu na khọ ẹko ima, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ emwa ni mu egbe rriotọ kevbe ni fu ẹre ima khin. (Jọn 15:18, 19) Rhunmwuda ọni, ọ khẹke ne ima gha re emwa ni din ne ima mieke na sẹtin khọnmiotọ yan Esu. Ọmwa ne ẹi mwẹ ekhọe ọmẹhẹ keghi re nọ tọn egbe mu, ọ mu ohu gberra egbe, ẹi vbe lele adia ọghe Jehova. Erriọ Esu wa ye zẹẹ. Ẹi khabe nọ na khuiwu emwa ọmẹhẹ! Akpa esiesi ọghe emwa ọmẹhẹ keghi yae vẹẹ ne emwa rẹn wẹẹ, ọka ẹrhia ẹre Esu khin. Uyinmwẹ iran vbe rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọmwa ohoghe ẹre Esu khin. De odẹ nọkhin? Ẹi mwẹ vbene Esu gha kpokpo iran sẹ hẹ, te emwa ọmẹhẹ khian ye gha ga e Jehova!—Job 2:3-5. w19.02 8-9 ¶3-5

Monday, June 8

Seek meekness.​—Zeph. 2:3.

Just as an artist combines a number of appealing colors to produce a painting, we must combine a number of appealing qualities to be meek. Prominent among those qualities are humility, submissiveness, mildness, and inner strength. Only humble people will submit to God’s will. Part of God’s will is that we be mild. (Matt. 5:5; Gal. 5:23) When we do God’s will, we make Satan furious. So even though we are humble and mild, many people who are part of Satan’s world hate us. (John 15:18, 19) As a result, we need inner strength to resist Satan. The opposite of a meek person is someone who is haughty, shows uncontrolled anger, and does not obey Jehovah. That describes Satan perfectly. No wonder he hates meek people! They expose the flaws in his personality. And even worse for Satan, they prove that he is a liar. Why? Because no matter what he says or does, he cannot stop meek people from serving Jehovah!​—Job 2:3-5. w19.02 8-9 ¶3-5

Tuesday, June 9

Mẹ ọrọre Osanobua uwa, wa ghẹ gie emwikemwi mu uwa ohan.—Aiz 41:10.

E Jehova rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, ọ ghaa bu ufomwẹ ukpo 70 ne Ivbi e Ju khian ya vbe Babilọn, ohan ghi suẹn gha mu Ivbi e Babilọn. Vbọzẹe? Rhunmwuda, ivbiyokuo e Medis kevbe Pẹsia gha mu okuo gha die Babilọn. Ivbiyokuo e Medis kevbe Pẹsia ẹre Jehova gele loo ya fan Ivbi Izrẹl hin imu ọghe Babilọn rre. (Aiz 41:2-4) Ivbi e Babilọn kevbe agbẹnvbo ni lẹgae iran ghi họn wẹẹ eghian mu okuo bu iran dee, ohan na suẹn gha mu iran. Iran kegha “rhie igiọdu ne egbe.” Iran na vbe gha kaa amazẹ ọghe ẹbọ nibun, rhunmwuda, iran yaro yọ wẹẹ, avbe ẹbọ nii gha miẹn iran fan. (Aiz 41:5-7) Vbuwe ẹghẹ na, e Jehova keghi tobọre rhie igiọdu ne Ivbi Izrẹl ni rre imu. Ọ keghi tama iran wẹẹ: “Izrẹl ne ọguọmwadia mwẹ . . . wa ghẹ gi emwikemwi mu uwa ohan, Mẹ ọrọre Osanobua uwa.” (Aiz 41:8-10) Vbọzẹe ne Jehova na tama eguọmwadia re wẹẹ irẹn ọre Osanobua iran? Te ọ yae kọe ye iran orhiọn wẹẹ, irẹn ma mianmian iran hiehie kevbe wẹẹ, eguọmwadia ọghe irẹn ẹre iran ye khin. Ọ na vbe tama iran wẹẹ: “I gha gbaroghe uwa . . . I ghi fannọ uwa vbe irri.” Ẹi mwẹ ẹmwẹ igiọdu na ma rhie ifuẹko ne Ivbi e Ju ni ghaa rre imu vbe Babilọn.—Aiz 46:3, 4w19.01 4 ¶8

Tuesday, June 9

Do not be anxious, for I am your God.​—Isa. 41:10.

Jehovah knew that the inhabitants of Babylon would become afraid. Babylon would be attacked by the mighty armies of Medo-Persia. Jehovah would use this army to free his people from captivity to Babylon. (Isa. 41:2-4) When the Babylonians and people of other nations knew that their enemy was approaching, they tried to maintain their courage by saying to one another: “Be strong.” They also made more idol gods, hoping that these would protect them. (Isa. 41:5-7) Meanwhile, Jehovah calmed the hearts of the Jewish exiles by saying: “You, O Israel, [unlike your neighbors] are my servant . . . Do not be anxious, for I am your God.” (Isa. 41:8-10) Note that Jehovah said: “I am your God.” With those words, Jehovah reassured his loyal worshippers that he had not forgotten them and that they were still his people. He told them: “I will carry you . . . and rescue you.” Those reassuring words no doubt strengthened the Jewish exiles.​—Isa. 46:3, 4. w19.01 4 ¶8

Wednesday, June 10

Urhu ọkpa keghi ke ẹrinmwi rre wẹẹ, “Wẹ ọrọre ovbi mwẹ ne I hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, ọmwa ne ekhọe mwẹ rhiẹnrhiẹn ghee, ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.”—Mak 1:11.

Ebe Mak 1:9-11 ẹre ọ guan kaẹn ẹghẹ okaro ne Jehova ya guan ke ẹrinmwi rre vbe Jesu rre agbọn. E Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wẹ ọrọre ovbi mwẹ ne I hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, ọmwa ne ekhọe mwẹ rhiẹnrhiẹn ghee ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.” Ẹmwẹ ne Jehova tae rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn hoẹmwẹ Jesu kevbe wẹẹ, irẹn mwẹ ilẹkẹtin yan rẹn. U miẹn vbene ẹko gha rhiẹnrhiẹn Jesu hẹ vbe ẹdẹrriọ! Emwi eha ẹre Jehova tae vbekpae Jesu. Okaro, ọ wẹẹ Ovbi irẹn ẹre Jesu khin. Nogieva, ọ wẹẹ irẹn hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn. Nogieha, ọ wẹẹ Jesu ọre ọmwa ne ekhọe irẹn rhiẹnrhiẹn ghee, ọni nọ wẹẹ, irẹn kpasẹ ye iwinna ne Jesu ru. Ne Jehova na kha wẹẹ, “Wẹ ọrọre Ovbi mwẹ,” te ọ ya ẹmwẹ na rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, asikẹgbe ne Jesu ghi gu irẹn mwẹ nia lughaẹn ne nọ ka gu irẹn mwẹ ọ ke dinmwiamẹ. Vbe Jesu rre ẹrinmwi, ọ kegha re ọkpa vbe usun emọ orhiọn ọghe Osanobua. Ọ ghi dinmwiamẹ, Osanobua keghi ya orhiọn nọhuanrẹn hannọẹn zẹ. Ẹghẹ na, ẹre Jesu ya werriegbe gha mwẹ ayayẹro wẹẹ, irẹn gha kpa gha rrie ẹrinmwi vbọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ, kevbe wẹẹ, irẹn gha ghi sẹ ẹrinmwi, irẹn ghi do gha re Ọba kevbe Ogiohẹn. (Luk 1:31-33; Hib 1:8, 9; 2:17) Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Osanobua na si agbada vbe unu tae vbe Jesu dinmwiamẹ wẹẹ: “Wẹ ọrọre Ovbi mwẹ.”—Luk 3:22. w19.03 8 ¶3-4

Wednesday, June 10

A voice came out of the heavens: “You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.”​—Mark 1:11.

Mark 1:9-11 records the first of three occasions when Jehovah spoke from heaven. Jehovah said: “You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.” How it must have touched Jesus’ heart to hear his Father’s voice expressing love and reassurance to him! Jehovah’s words confirmed three important facts about Jesus. First, Jesus is his Son. Second, Jehovah loves his Son. And third, Jehovah has approved his Son. By saying “You are my Son,” Jehovah indicated that his beloved Son, Jesus, had entered into a new relationship with Him. While Jesus was in heaven, he was a spirit son of God. However, at his baptism, he was anointed by holy spirit. At that time, God indicated that Jesus as His anointed Son now had the hope of returning to heaven to become God’s appointed King and High Priest. (Luke 1:31-33; Heb. 1:8, 9; 2:17) So at Jesus’ baptism, his Father had good reason to say: “You are my Son.”​—Luke 3:22. w19.03 8 ¶3-4

Thursday, June 11

Ẹwaẹn ọmwa nagbọn . . . rhọkpa i mwẹ esa nọ ye vbe a gha yae tae ọghe Jehova.—Itan 21:30, NW.

Ẹi re eban emwa ke gha rhie ibude dan ne emwa. E Setan ẹre ọ wa re ọmwa okaro nọ ka wa bu emwa ude dan. Ọ keghi tama e Ivi wẹẹ, irẹn vbe Adam gha bizugbe adia ọghe Osanobua, iran na gha ya ẹmwẹ obọ iran ru emwi, ẹre agbọn khian na maan iran. (Gẹn 3:1-6) Ọghe ne ẹmwata, ọghe enegbe ẹre, ẹre Esu ghaa mwẹ vbe orhiọn vbọ bu iran ude dan na. Te Esu ghaa hoo ne Adam vbe Ivi kẹ kevbe emọ ni iran gha biẹlẹ gha rhie ugamwẹ nọ khẹke Jehova ne irẹn. Sokpan, obọ e Jehova ẹre emwi hia ne iran ghaa sọyẹnmwẹ ọnrẹn ke rre. Irẹn ẹre ọ viọ iran ye ogba ne mose mose ne iran ghaa ye, irẹn ẹre ọ ya arrọọ nọgbae wee iran, nọ gha te ya iran gha rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ. E Jehova ẹre ọ vbe ku iran kugbe zẹvbe ọdọ vbe amwẹ. Ọ keghi re emwi da ọmwa wẹẹ, Adam vbe Ivi ye sọtẹ daa Osanobua, iran na ghi ya egbe iran khian oghian e Jehova. De emwi nọ ghi kẹrikian? Owẹ ihan ne iran zẹ keghi zẹ ẹbe. Vbe na ghee obobo na fian fua, iran keghi suẹn gha vbiẹvbiẹ, iran na vbe kakaa. De odẹ nọ khin? Iran na ghi do khian ọmaẹn, iran na vbe wulo. Erriọ uwu kevbe oya ghi ya sẹ egbe emọ ni iran biẹlẹ. (Rom 5:12) Ọrheyerriọ, emwa nibun i zẹdẹ lele adia ọghe Osanobua rhunmwuda, iran hoo ne iran gha loo arrọọ ọghe iran vbe nọ rhirhi khọn iran. (Ẹfis 2:1-3) Sokpan, vbene arrọọ ọghe iran ghi dee hẹ, gele rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ẹwaẹn ọmwa nagbọn . . . rhọkpa i mwẹ esa nọ ye vbe a gha yae tae ọghe Jehova. w18.12 20 ¶3-4

Thursday, June 11

There is no wisdom . . . in opposition to Jehovah.​—Prov. 21:30.

Bad advice has its roots very early in human history when Satan entered the scene. A presumptuous, self-appointed adviser, he told Eve that she and her husband would be happier if they chose their own course in life. (Gen. 3:1-6) Satan’s motives were selfish. He wanted Adam and Eve​—and their future offspring—​to submit to and worship him rather than worship Jehovah. But it was Jehovah who had given them everything they had​—each other, their beautiful garden home, and their perfect bodies with the potential of living forever. Sadly, Adam and Eve disobeyed God, cutting themselves off from him. The results, as you know, were tragic. Like flowers cut from a plant, they slowly began to wither and die. Their children also suffered from the curse of sin. (Rom. 5:12) Even so, most people still choose not to submit to God. They want to live life their own way. (Eph. 2:1-3) The results clearly show the truthfulness of today’s text. w18.12 20 ¶3-4

Friday, June 12

Ẹi re ẹwaẹn agbọn ma maa emwa re, sokpan, ẹmwata nọ dekaẹn orhiọn ẹre ima maa emwa re; ẹmwẹ orhiọn ẹre ima ya rhan otọ emwi nọ dekaẹn emwi orhiọn.—1 Kọr 2:13, NW.

Ọmwa nọ rhie egie ebe ẹre ukọ Pọl ghaa khin, urhuẹvbo eva ẹre ọ vbe gha zẹ. (Iwinna 5:34; 21:37, 39; 22:2, 3) Ọrheyerriọ, adia ni rre Baibol ẹre Pọl ya gha ru azẹ ne egbe ẹre, ọ ma hẹnhẹn egbe yan irẹnmwi ọghe owebe nọ yo. (Iwinna 17:2; 1 Kọr 2:6, 7) Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Pọl na gha mwẹ adogbannọ vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan, ẹre ọ vbe zẹe ighẹ ọ ghaa mwẹ ayayẹro ọghe arrọọ etẹbitẹ vbe ẹrinmwi. (2 Tim 4:8) Vbene ẹmwata, aro ne Osanobua ya ghee emwi ẹre ọ maan sẹ ọghe emwa nagbọn. Ma ghaa ya aro ne Jehova ya ghee emwi ghee ẹre, ọyẹnmwẹ ẹre ọ khian gha sẹ ima, erriọ emwi hia ne ima ru khian vbe ya gha dinna odẹ. E Jehova i gbagbae ye ima egbe ne ima gha mwẹ egbe iziro ekhọe ọghe irẹn. “Ọguọmwadia esi kevbe nọ wan” kẹ kevbe ediọn vbe iko i sẹtin dia iziro ọghe ima. (Mat 24:45; 2 Kọr 1:24) Dọmwadẹ ima ẹre ọ khian hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ, ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha ghee emwi vbene e Jehova ghee ẹre. w18.11 20-21 ¶12-13

Friday, June 12

We . . . speak, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with those taught by the spirit, as we explain spiritual matters with spiritual words.​—1 Cor. 2:13.

The apostle Paul was an intelligent and learned man, knowing at least two languages. (Acts 5:34; 21:37, 39; 22:2, 3) Yet, when it came to matters of principle, he rejected worldly wisdom. Instead, he based his reasoning on the Scriptures. (Acts 17:2; 1 Cor. 2:6, 7) As a result, Paul enjoyed a successful ministry and anticipated an eternal reward. (2 Tim. 4:8) Certainly, God’s thinking is superior to that of today’s world. Living by his thoughts will bring us the greatest happiness and success. But Jehovah will not force his thinking on us. “The faithful and discreet slave” does not exercise control over the thoughts of individuals, and neither do the elders. (Matt. 24:45; 2 Cor. 1:24) Rather, each Christian has the personal responsibility to bring his or her thinking into harmony with God’s. w18.11 20-21 ¶12-13

Saturday, June 13

Iran fe vbe obọ irhiaẹko kevbe akhiẹ.—Aiz 35:10.

Osanobua keghi loo Aizaia ya tae yotọ wẹẹ, Ivbi Izrẹl gha ghi ke Babilọn sẹ ẹvbo iran nẹ, ọfunmwegbe ẹre iran khian gha ye. Ohan emwi rhọkpa i khian vbe gha mu iran, vbe na ghee emwa dan kevbe aranmwẹ ni khọ. Ọmaẹn vbe ẹghele ghi gha mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ. (Aiz 11:6-9; 35:5-10; 51:3) Aizaia ye vbe tae yotọ wẹẹ, uhunmwu otagbọn hia, gha vuọn ne ‘irẹnmwi e Nọyaẹnmwa, zẹ vbe ne amẹ vuọn okun.’ Ẹi re otọ Izrẹl ọkpa. Aizaia keghi werriegbe ya unu kaan rẹn wẹẹ, aranmwẹ kevbe emwa dan i khian rhie ikuanegbe ne iran. Ọ na vbe kha wẹẹ, te otọ ọghe iran khian gha maan emwi okọ rhunmwuda, amẹ gha gbae ehe hia, zẹvbe ne ogba ọghe Idẹni vbe gha ye. (Gẹn 2:10-14; Jer 31:12) Ẹghẹ Ivbi Izrẹl ọkpa ẹre ẹmwẹ akhasẹ na ya mwẹ amusẹ ra? Yerre wẹẹ, ẹmwẹ akhasẹ nii vbe kha wẹẹ, avbe arhuaro ghi do gha bẹghe. Sokpan osẹe i rrọọ nọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, e Jehova mu Ivbi Izrẹl egbe rran vbe odẹ ọghe ọyunnuan, vbe iran ghi sẹ owa nẹ. De emwi ne ọna ghi rhiema? Ọni ọre wẹẹ, Osanobua gha mu emwa ni khuọnmwi egbe rran vbe odaro. w18.12 5 ¶11-12

Saturday, June 13

Grief and sighing will flee away.​—Isa. 35:10.

God foretold through Isaiah that after His people returned to their homeland, they would not have to struggle against harsh, dangerous elements; nor would they need to fear attacks from animals or beastlike men. Young and old would be safe. (Isa. 11:6-9; 35:5-10; 51:3) Isaiah also said that the whole earth​—not just the nation of Israel—​would “be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea.” Isaiah further emphasized that the returnees would not be threatened by animals or humans. Their land would produce abundant fruit, made possible by an ample supply of water, even as the garden of Eden was well-watered. (Gen. 2:10-14; Jer. 31:12) Would that be the only fulfillment? There is no evidence that those returning from exile were miraculously cured. For example, the blind did not regain their sight. So God was indicating that literal healings would yet occur. w18.12 5 ¶11-12

Sunday, June 14

Ye [gha] khian lele odẹ ọghe ẹmwata.—3 Jọn 3, NW.

Te ima khian gha rre odẹ ọghe ẹmwata vbe etẹbitẹ. Nọnaghiyerriọ, vbọ khian ya ima mudia gbain vbe odẹ ọghe ẹmwata na? Gha tie Baibol, u vbe gha ru erria yan emwi ne u tie. Gi ọna gha re emwi nọ gua ruẹ obọ ro. Zẹ vbene u ya ru ọna, u ghi do gha gbọyẹmwẹ ye ẹmwata ni rre Baibol sayọ, ọna ghi vbe ya ruẹ deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe ẹmwata. Ebe Itan 23:23 khare wẹẹ, ‘ẹmwata wa sẹ na ha osa yi, ọ ma khẹke na khiẹn ọnrẹn.’ Ọ ma fo ye evba. Uviẹn na ye vbe kha wẹẹ, ẹwaẹn, adia kevbe a rẹn otọ emwi sẹ na ha osa yi. Ne a gha mwẹ irẹnmwi ọghe Baibol kẹkan ma sẹ, te ọ khẹke ne irẹnmwi na gha rhiegbe ma vbe odẹ ne ima ya yin. A rẹn otọ emwi ẹre ọ ya ima rẹn vbene irẹnmwi ọghe ima sẹ hẹ. Ẹwaẹn ẹre ọ ghi ya ima rhie emwi ne ima rẹnrẹn ye uyinmwẹ. Imamwaemwi ẹmwata ni rre Baibol, ẹre ọ ya ima rẹn ako nọ khẹke ne ima na ru afiwerriẹ. Te ọ khẹke ne ima gha lele avbe adia na, rhunmwuda, e Baibol khare wẹẹ, ọ ru ekpataki sẹ esiliva.—Itan 8:10. w18.11 9 ¶3; 11 ¶13-14

Sunday, June 14

Go on walking in the truth.​—3 John 3.

Walking in the truth is an ongoing process, a path that we hope to follow throughout eternity. How can we strengthen our determination to go on walking in the truth? Continue to study the precious truths of God’s Word and meditate on them. Yes, buy truth by regularly setting aside time to feed on the precious truths of God’s Word. You will thus deepen your appreciation for the truth and strengthen your resolve never to sell it. In addition to buying truth, Proverbs 23:23 says that we should also buy “wisdom and discipline and understanding.” Knowledge alone is not enough. We must put the truth to work in our lives. With understanding, we discern the harmony of all of Jehovah’s sayings. Wisdom moves us to act on what we know. At times, the truth disciplines us, showing us where we need to make changes. May we always be responsive to such guidance. Its value is far more than silver.​—Prov. 8:10. w18.11 9 ¶3; 11 ¶13-14

Monday, June 15

Ẹmwata . . . sẹ ne a ha osa yi, sokpan, emwi ighobioye nọ ma kei na khiẹn nọ.—Itan 23:23.

De emwi nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ vbe arrọọ ruẹ? Zẹvbe eguọmwadia e Jehova, emwi nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe ima, ọre asikẹgbe ne ima gu ẹre mwẹ. Ma i kue hiehie nọ fe ima obọ de. Aro nọ ghaan ẹre ima vbe ya ghee ẹmwata nọ rre Baibol, rhunmwuda, imamwaemwi ẹmwata ni rre Baibol ẹre ọ ya ima sikẹ Osanobua. (Kọl 1:9, 10) E Jehova nọ re Ọmamwaemwi Nọ Sẹre keghi ye Baibol maa ima emwi nibun. Vbe igiemwi, irẹn ẹre ọ maa ima re vbene eni irẹn hiunsi sẹ hẹ, irẹn ẹre ọ ya ima rẹn akpa ne mose mose ne irẹn mwẹ, irẹn ẹre ọ ya ima rẹn wẹẹ, ahoẹmwọmwa ẹre ọ gua irẹn kpa ya kpemehe izọese adẹwerriegbe. E Jehova ẹre ọ vbe ya ima rẹn vbekpae Arriọba e Mẹzaia, kevbe Paradais vbe uhunmwu otagbọn. Jehova ẹre ọ maa ima re, odẹ nọ khẹke ne ima ya gha yin. Aro nọ ghaan ẹre ima ya ghee avbe imamwaemwi ẹmwata na rhunmwuda, ọ ye ima sikẹ e Jehova, ẹre ọ vbe zẹe ighẹ arrọọ ọghe ima mwẹ evbọ demu. w18.11 3 ¶1-2

Monday, June 15

Buy truth and never sell it.​—Prov. 23:23.

What is your most precious possession? Would you be willing to exchange it for something of lesser value? For Jehovah’s dedicated worshippers, the answers to these questions are simple. Our most precious possession is our relationship with Jehovah, and we would not trade it for anything. We also treasure Bible truth, which made cultivating that bond with our heavenly Father possible. (Col. 1:9, 10) Just think of all that our Grand Instructor teaches us in his Word, the Bible! He reveals the truth about his meaningful name and his appealing qualities. He informs us about the outstanding provision of the ransom, which he lovingly provided for us by means of his Son, Jesus. Jehovah also informs us about the Messianic Kingdom and the hope of the earthly Paradise. He teaches us how we should conduct ourselves. We treasure these truths because they enable us to draw close to our Creator. They give meaning to our life. w18.11 3 ¶1-2

Tuesday, June 16

Wa ghẹ gha ta ohoghe ma egbe.—Kọl 3:9.

Ọ khẹke ne ima gha yerre wẹẹ, emwa ẹkẹ vbe iwẹnwẹn i sẹtin mu emwi rhọkpa lẹre ne Jehova rhunmwuda, “te a fannọ ehia, a na vbe waa ẹre ye otọ vbe odaro ẹre.” (Hib 4:13) Ananaias vbe Safira kegha hoo ne iran fi eki ma avbe ukọ. Iran ghi khiẹn otọ ọghe iran nẹ, iran na rhie igho eso lẹre vbọ, sokpan iran ghi sẹ eke ne avbe ukọ ye, iran na khama iran wẹẹ, igho hia ne iran khiẹn ẹre iran rhie rre. Iran na gha hoo ne emwa hia vbe iko gha ghee iran zẹvbe emwa esi ni gele ya ekhọe hia ru izọhẹ. Sokpan Jehova bẹghe uyinmwẹ ne iran yinrin, ọ na vbe rri iran oya yọ. (Iwinna 5:1-10) De aro ne Jehova ya ghee emwa ni ta ohoghe? “Odighi erhẹn” ẹre Esu kevbe emwa hia fẹẹrẹ ni mema ta ohoghe khian na ya mu ọmẹn. (Arhie 20:10; 21:8; Psm 5:6) Ma rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova “i ye vbe emwa ne agbọn ni ta ohoghe.” Uhiẹn e Baibol ye vbe kha wẹẹ: ‘Osanobua i sẹtin ta ohoghe.’ (Nọm 23:19; Hib 6:18) E Jehova keghi khuiwu “aranmwẹ ne ọ ta ohoghe.” (Itan 6:16, 17) Deghẹ ima hoo ne ima ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ta ẹmwata vbe ẹghẹ hia. w18.10 8 ¶10-13

Tuesday, June 16

Do not lie to one another.​—Col. 3:9.

Deceitful people cannot keep anything secret from Jehovah, for “all things are naked and openly exposed” to him. (Heb. 4:13) As an example, Ananias and Sapphira schemed in their hearts to deceive the apostles. They sold some property but brought only part of the proceeds of the sale to the apostles. The couple wanted to make themselves look good in the congregation, appearing to be more generous with their donation than they really were. Yet, Jehovah could see what they had done, and he punished them accordingly. (Acts 5:1-10) How does Jehovah feel about lying? Satan as well as all unrepentant, malicious liars who imitate him are heading for “the lake of fire.” (Rev. 20:10; 21:8; Ps. 5:6) We know that Jehovah “is not a mere man who tells lies.” In fact, “it is impossible for God to lie.” (Num. 23:19; Heb. 6:18) “Jehovah hates . . . a lying tongue.” (Prov. 6:16, 17) To have his approval, we must live by his standard of truthfulness. w18.10 8 ¶10-13

Wednesday, June 17

Gha ya avbe emwi na ru emwi.—1 Tim 4:15.

Vbene ọta ye, ọmwa nọ yan isiwinna ne u na winna, sẹtin wẹẹ ne u do zẹ igho rhunmwuda idugie nọ dekaẹn ugamwẹ okeke. Emwi vbenian gha sunu, vbọ khẹke ne u ru? Ọ ma khẹke ne edanmwẹ vbenian rhiegbe ma nẹ, ma ke do gha gualọ vbene ima gha lae hẹ. Ọ wa khẹke ne ima mu egbe yotọ nian, ne ima mieke na ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova. Ma ghaa ru erria yan evbọzẹe nọ na hiunsi ne ima gha mwẹ ẹkoata daa Jehova, ọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima vbe arrọọ ọghe ima ghaa rre ikpadede. Zẹvbe Ivbiotu e Kristi, ma i si esagiẹn ye egbe, ọ gha khọnrẹn nọ gha re ọkpa vbuwe abọ enẹ ọghe esagiẹn, nọ re plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells kevbe platelets. Sokpan, ọ mwẹ obẹlẹ eso ne avbe obọ ebo ya ruẹ, ne esagiẹn muan sayọ vbe egbe. Vbe nọ dekaẹn ọna, dọmwadẹ ima ẹre ọ khian zẹ ne egbe ima. Ọ khẹke ne azẹ ke azẹ ne ima ru, gha re nọ gua ilele ọghe Baibol ro. (Iwinna 15:28, 29) Ẹi re owa isiwinegbe ọ khẹke ne ima na ru azẹ vbenian, rhunmwuda, ma sẹtin gha rre uwu obalọ kevbe wẹẹ, azẹ ne ima khian ru ghi vbe gha re ọghe ẹgiẹgiẹ. Ẹghẹ na, ẹre ọ khẹke ne ima ya ru ezanzan, ma ghi vbe gbẹn ebe asẹ (DPA) ọghe vbene ima hoo ne a ya gbaroghe ima, vbe arrọọ ọghe ima ghaa rre ikpadede. Ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gu obọ ebọ ọghe ima guan nia. w18.11 24 ¶5; 26 ¶15-16

Wednesday, June 17

Ponder over these things.​—1 Tim. 4:15.

Suppose your employer asked you to contribute funds for an upcoming celebration connected with false religion. What would you do? Rather than wait for these situations to arise, why not give thought now to Jehovah’s thinking on such matters? Then, should any of these situations occur, you will find it easier to do and say the right thing. Giving advance thought to the need to remain loyal can also prove helpful in the event of a medical emergency. While we are firmly resolved to avoid the transfusion of whole blood or any of its four major components, some procedures involving blood require making a personal decision based on Bible principles that indicate Jehovah’s thinking. (Acts 15:28, 29) Surely the best time to weigh such matters is not in a hospital, possibly when we are in pain and under pressure to make a quick decision. Now would be the time to do research, complete a legal medical document indicating your wishes, and speak with your doctor. w18.11 24 ¶5; 26 ¶15-16

Thursday, June 18

Ọmwaikọmwa nọ rhie ehọ mẹ ta yi, ẹkun gha sẹ ọre otọ.—Itan 1:33.

E Jehova rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, te irẹn yevbe ọsuohan nọ ya obọ esi mu ohuan ọghẹe. Ọsuohuan i kue ne ẹbe rhuan avbe ohuan ne irẹn su khian. Ọna wa ya ima mwẹ ilẹkẹtin kevbe ifuẹko, katekate ne ima na sikẹ ufomwẹ ọghe agbọn Esu. E Jehova gha vbe gbogba ga eguọmwadia ẹre vbe ẹghẹ orueghe nọkhua nọ sikẹ otọ nẹ. (Arhie 7:9, 10) Nọnaghiyerriọ, esa i rrọọ ne ohan gha mu eguọmwadia e Jehova rhọkpa, ke ni khuọnmwi ke ne egbe rran rẹn. Iran i khian mianmian ẹmwẹ igiọdu ọghe Jesu vbe ọ khare wẹẹ: “Wa ghi kpaegbe mudia, ne uwa tọn uhunmwu mu, rhunmwuda ẹghẹ imiẹnfan uwa sẹ otọ fo.” (Luk 21:28) Afianma i khian fian eguọmwadia e Jehova vbe ẹghẹ ne Gọg, nọ re okulugbe ọghe agbẹnvbo hia kevbe ivbiyokuo ọghe iran, ne ọ wika khian ya werriẹ aro daa iran. (Ẹzik 38:2, 14-16) Vbọzẹe ne emwa Osanobua khian na gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin? Rhunmwuda iran rẹnrẹn wẹẹ Jehova ne ẹi fiwerriẹ, gha miẹn iran fan, vbene ọ miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan.—Aiz 26:20. w18.09 26-27 ¶15-16

Thursday, June 18

The one listening to me will dwell in security.​—Prov. 1:33.

Jehovah is a loving shepherd who tenderly embraces his people, protecting them from their enemies. How reassuring these truths are to us as we face the end of the present system of things! Jehovah will continue to care for his people during the fast-approaching great tribulation. (Rev. 7:9, 10) Hence, whether young or old, sound in body or disabled, God’s people will not panic or cower in fear during the tribulation. In fact, they will do the very opposite! They will bear in mind these words of Jesus Christ: “Stand up straight and lift up your heads, because your deliverance is getting near.” (Luke 21:28) They will maintain that confidence even in the face of the attack by Gog​—a coalition of powerful nations. (Ezek. 38:2, 14-16) Why will God’s people remain confident? They know that Jehovah does not change. He will always prove to be a caring and considerate Savior.​—Isa. 26:20. w18.09 26 ¶15-16

Friday, June 19

Ighobioye ọre u khin mwẹ re . . . , I hoẹmwẹ ruẹn.—Aiz 43:4.

U miẹn ọyẹnmwẹ nọ ghaa sẹ Ivbi Izrẹl vbe Jehova ta ẹmwẹ nọ rre ako ọghe evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn ne ebe ẹdẹ ọghe ẹrẹna ke ladian maa iran. Gha mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, e Jehova hoẹmwẹ ruẹ ẹsẹse rhunmwuda ọguọmwadia re ẹre u khin. Vbekpae emwa ni rre ugamwẹ ẹmwata, e Baibol keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘E Nọyaẹnmwa ne Osanobua mwẹ rrọọ yaba uwa, ẹtin ẹnrẹn ẹre ọ ra rhie akhọnmiotọ ne uwa.’ (Zẹf 3:16, 17) E Jehova yan rẹn wẹẹ, irẹn gha ru iyobọ ne ima vbe ọlọghọmwa ne ima rhirhi gha ye. E Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wa ghi yevbe ọmọ ne iyẹe koko, nọ mu mwẹ obọ, nọ vbe ya obọ ahoẹmwọmwa mu. I gha bọ uwa . . . zẹ vbene iye ọmọ bọ ovbiẹre.” (Aiz 66:12, 13) Ẹmwẹ ne Osanobua loo ro mwa keghi re nọ mu ọmwa orhiọn sotọ rhunmwuda, te egbe wa rọkhọ ọmọ obọ ne iyẹe mu ye ukegbe! Igiemwi na rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, e Jehova gele mwẹ ẹnina daa ima. Wa gi ima gha mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe orhiọn wẹẹ, e Jehova hoẹmwẹ ima. Ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha gbawawẹ.—Jer 31:3. w18.09 13-14 ¶6-7

Friday, June 19

You became precious in my eyes, . . . and I have loved you.​—Isa. 43:4.

How encouraging it must have been for faithful Israelites to hear Jehovah’s words above. As one of Jehovah’s servants, you too can be sure that Jehovah loves you most tenderly. God’s Word promises concerning those pursuing pure worship: “As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with great joy.” (Zeph. 3:16, 17) No matter what trials his people may face, Jehovah promises to sustain and comfort them. “You will nurse and be carried on the hip, and you will be bounced on the knees. As a mother comforts her son, so I will keep comforting you.” (Isa. 66:12, 13) What a heartwarming scene​—a loving mother carrying a baby on her hip or bouncing him on her knees! In this way Jehovah touchingly illustrates the intensity and tenderness of his love for true worshippers. Never doubt that you are personally very precious and dear to Jehovah.​—Jer. 31:3. w18.09 13 ¶6-7

Saturday, June 20

Banbanna nian, de ọmwa ọvbehe nọ hoo nọ zẹ ọhẹ ne ai na kokobọ rre ne Nọyaẹnmwa?—1 Krọ 29:5.

Vbe ẹghẹ nẹdẹ, ẹkpotọ wa gha kie ne Ivbi Izrẹl, ne iran ya rhiegbe ladian vbe iwinna ugamwẹ. (Ẹks 36:2; Neh 11:2) Erriọ vbe ye vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. Ẹkpotọ nibun wa vbe rrọọ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ ne ima ya ru iyobọ ne etẹn ima. Ma gha gele rhiegbe ladian vbenian, afiangbe nọkhua ẹre ima khian miẹn vbọ, erriọ ọyẹnmwẹ khian vbe ya gha sẹ ima. Etẹn ni rhiegbe ladian vbe iwinna ugamwẹ keghi zẹ ọse ọgbọn. Vbe igiemwi, ukpo 18 gbalaka ẹre ọtẹn nokhuo ọkpa ne a tie ẹre Margie ya rhiegbe ye iwinna owa ugamwẹ ne a bọlọ. Vbuwe ẹghẹ na, ọ keghi si etẹn nikhuo nibun ne irẹn diẹn ẹnrẹn kẹ egbe, ọ na maa iran iwinna ughughan ni dekaẹn owa ugamwẹ na bọlọ. Ọtẹn nokhuo na keghi kha wẹẹ, iwinna na, keghi re odẹ ne kpataki ne etẹn ya rhie igiọdu ne egbe. (Rom 1:12) Ẹghẹ ne ọtẹn nokhuo Margie ya werriẹ aro daa isievẹn eso, etẹn ne irẹn ka ru iyobọ na ẹre ọ ghi do gha rhie igiọdu nẹẹn. Wẹ he ka rhiegbe ladian vbe iwinna owa ugamwẹ ne a bọlọ ra? w18.08 25 ¶9; 26 ¶11

Saturday, June 20

Who volunteers to come forward today with a gift in hand for Jehovah?​—1 Chron. 29:5.

On various occasions in the history of ancient Israel, volunteers were needed. (Ex. 36:2; Neh. 11:2) Today, you also have many opportunities to volunteer your time, resources, and skills to help your brothers and sisters. And you will feel great joy and receive many blessings from making yourself available. Those who volunteer for theocratic projects often make new friends. Consider the example of Margie, a sister who has worked on Kingdom Hall construction projects for 18 years. Over the years, she has taken several younger sisters under her wing to give them training. She has found the experience to be an excellent way of encouraging one another spiritually. (Rom. 1:12) During trying periods of her life, Margie has received encouragement from those whose friendships she forged on construction projects. Have you ever volunteered for such a construction project? w18.08 25 ¶9, 11

Sunday, June 21

Ghẹ gie ọmwa rhọkpa ye aro tila ruẹ rua rhunmwuda ighẹ ọvbokhan ẹre u khin, sokpan gha re igiemwi ne eni yayi hia, vbe ẹmwẹ ne u guan, uyinmwẹ ruẹn, ahoẹmwọmwa ruẹn, iyayi kevbe ai mwẹ iruẹn.—1 Tim 4:12.

Ughaghe odẹ ukpo 33 ẹre Timoti ghaa ye vbe Pọl rhie ibude na nẹẹn. Ọrheyerriọ, iwinna nọkhua ẹre Pọl mu ne Timoti. Vbe ima miẹn ruẹ vbe ọna? Ọ ma zẹdẹ khẹke ne ima gha ya aro tila igbama rua. Ma ghẹ mianmian wẹẹ, igbama ẹre Jesu ghaa khin vbe ọ do winna iwinna ọyunnuan vbe uhunmwu otagbọn. Odẹ ukpo 30 ya muẹn 33 ẹre ọ ghaa ye. Vbe ihe eso, emwa i mobọ ka igbama yọ. Ọna sẹtin ya ediọn ni rre ehe vberriọ gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, igbama ni rre iko ma somwa ni gha ga zẹvbe eguọmwadia iwinna, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ iran te gbegba. Ọ khẹke ne ediọn gha yerre wẹẹ, e Baibol ma kha wẹẹ, ọ mwẹ inu ukpo ne okpia gha sẹ a ke zẹ ọre ye ukpo ediọn ra ọghe ọguọmwadia iwinna.—1 Tim 3:1-10, 12, 13; Taitọs 1:5-9. w18.08 11-12 ¶15-16

Sunday, June 21

Never let anyone look down on your youth. Instead, become an example to the faithful ones in speaking, in conduct, in love, in faith, in chasteness.​—1 Tim. 4:12.

At the time that Paul wrote these words, Timothy may have been in his early 30’s. Yet, Paul had assigned him to care for weighty responsibilities. Regardless of the underlying reason for this counsel, the point is clear. We must not judge younger brothers simply based on their age. We do well to remember that even our Lord Jesus carried out his entire earthly ministry while he was in his early 30’s. We may be part of a culture that tends to look down on younger men. If so, elders in the congregation may hesitate to recommend qualified young brothers to serve as ministerial servants or elders. All elders do well to remember that the Scriptures do not give a minimum age for a man to be recommended as a ministerial servant or an elder.​—1 Tim. 3:1-10, 12, 13; Titus 1:5-9. w18.08 11-12 ¶15-16

Monday, June 22

Ghẹ mwẹ obọ vbe . . . egbe emwi ne emwa ukọnmwẹ tie ẹre “irẹnmwi.”—1 Tim 6:20.

Ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha ru azẹ nọ maan, ọ khẹke ne ima rẹn ẹmwata nọ rre ẹmwẹ. Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na khẹke ne ima gha hannọ emwi ne ima tie. (Fil 4:8, 9) Ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha mu ẹghẹ rhia tie iyẹn nọ ma khian rẹn vbe Itanẹt ra e-mail ne emwa ya wewe iyẹn ohoghe khian. Ọ wa vbe khẹke ne ima gha gban egbe ne wẹbsait ọghe emwa okeke. Te emwa okeke hoo ne iran ya iyẹn ohoghe bibi ima odẹ ne ima mieke na worua vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. Ohoghe vbenian sẹtin ya ima zẹ owẹ ihan. Te ọ khẹke ne ima kakabọ gha begbe. Te ẹmwẹ ohoghe zẹ ẹbe. Vbe igiemwi, ma gha ye yerre, emwi nọ sunu vbe Mosis gie orhẹ 12 gha rrie Otọ Na Ru Eyan Rẹn, ne iran ya bae ghee. Sokpan, iyẹn nọ gbe orhiọn ye ọmwa iwu ẹre 10 vbọ do na sẹ owa. (Nọm 13:25-33) Iyẹn ne iran na sẹ owa, na ghi ye ohan gha mu Ivbi Izrẹl. (Nọm 14:1-4, 6-10) Ne iran gha te ya mu ẹtin yan e Jehova, iyẹn ohoghe ẹre iran ghi yayi. w18.08 4 ¶4-5

Monday, June 22

[Turn] away from . . . the falsely called “knowledge.”​—1 Tim. 6:20.

To make good decisions, we need solid facts. Therefore, we need to be highly selective and to choose carefully what information we will read. (Phil. 4:8, 9) We should not waste our time viewing questionable Internet news sites or reading unsubstantiated reports circulated via e-mail. It is especially important to avoid websites promoted by apostates. Their whole purpose is to tear down God’s people and to distort the truth. Poor quality information will lead to poor decisions. Never underestimate the powerful effect that misleading information can have on your mind and heart. Consider what happened in Moses’ time when 10 of the 12 spies who were sent to explore the Promised Land brought back a bad report. (Num. 13:25-33) Their exaggerated and outrageous account completely disheartened Jehovah’s people. (Num. 14:1-4, 6-10) Instead of getting the facts and showing confidence in Jehovah, they chose to believe the bad report. w18.08 4 ¶4-5

Tuesday, June 23

Wa ghẹ gie emwa do uwa ọzuọ. Otu dan ẹre ọ mu uyinmwẹ esi rhia.—1 Kọr 15:33.

Emwa eso ne ẹi ga e Jehova sẹtin gha mwẹ uyinmwẹ nọ maan, a sẹtin vbe miẹn wẹẹ iran i mwẹ obọ vbe uyinmwẹ atosi. Deghẹ emwa vbenian ẹre ima gu mu obọ, ọ gha gi ima na kha wẹẹ, ọse ni maan ẹre iran khin ra? Inọta nọ khẹke ne ima nọ egbe ima re ọre wẹẹ, ‘Iran ru iyobọ mẹ ya sikẹ e Jehova sayọ ra? Vbọ rre iran ekhọe? De emwi ne iran mobọ guan kaẹn? Ẹmwẹ igho, emwi nọ rre atẹ, iku isasa egbe ra irọkhegbe ẹre iran mobọ guan kaẹn ra? Ẹmwẹ ekpọ ra ẹmwẹ nọ kẹkẹ ẹre ọ mobọ ke iran unu ladian ra?’ Jesu keghi ya obọ sekhae ne ima wẹẹ: “Emwi nọ rre ekhọe ọre unu na ta ladian.” (Mat 12:34) U gha bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ emwa ne u gu mu obọ sẹtin si ruẹ ghee iyeke vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, ọ khẹke ne u gban egbe ne iran ra u wa da obọ re yi ighẹ ọse ne u gu iran ru.—Itan 13:20. w18.07 19 ¶11

Tuesday, June 23

Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits.​—1 Cor. 15:33.

Most people have some good qualities, and many outside the congregation do not engage in blatant misconduct. If that is true of your acquaintances, can you assume that they are good associations? Ask yourself what effect their companionship will have on your relationship with Jehovah. Will they improve it? What is in their heart? For example, are their conversations almost exclusively about fashion, money, gadgets, entertainment, or other material pursuits? Does their speech often include disparaging comments about others or obscene jesting? Jesus aptly warned: “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Matt. 12:34) If you realize that your associates pose a threat to your good standing with Jehovah, act decisively by limiting and if necessary ending such friendships.​—Prov. 13:20. w18.07 19 ¶11

Wednesday, June 24

E Mosis keghi re ọmwa nọ mu egbe rriotọ, ọ mu egbe rriotọ sẹ emwa hia ni rre agbọn na.—Nọm 12:3.

Vbe Mosis rre ukpo 80, e Jehova keghi wẹẹ ne Mosis ya fan Ivbi Izrẹl hin imu rre vbe Igipt. (Ẹks 3:10) Sokpan, e Mosis kegha si egbe. Ọrheyerriọ, Osanobua keghi mwẹ izinegbe. Ọ na yevbe rhie ẹtin ne Mosis ya ru emwi ọyunnuan. (Ẹks 4:2-9, 21) E Jehova keghi re Osa nọ mwẹ izinegbe kevbe itohan. Akpawẹ te Osanobua ya ohan mu e Mosis, ohan i ghẹ gi ẹre muan Osanobua ẹmwẹ, ọ gha te wa gha rrie uhunmwu ne Osanobua gie ẹre vbe ọwarọkpa nii. Obọ ne Osanobua ya mu e Mosis keghi biẹ ọmọ esi. Ọ ghi sẹ ẹghẹ, e Mosis na do gha re ọkaolotu ne kpataki. Obọ esi ne Osanobua ya mu e Mosis, ẹre Mosis vbe ya gha mu Ivbi Izrẹl. Adeghẹ ọ mwẹ emwa eso ne u mwẹ asẹ yan, zẹvbe na ghee Jehova, te ọ wa khẹke ne u gha mwẹ amuroro kevbe izinegbe vbe egbe iran. (Kọl 3:19-21; 1 Pit 5:1-3) U ghaa ya egbe tae Jehova kevbe Jesu Kristi, u do gha re ọmwa ne ẹi lọghọ na gu guan.—Mat 11:28, 29. w18.09 24-25 ¶7-10

Wednesday, June 24

Moses was by far the meekest of all the men.​—Num. 12:3.

When Moses was 80 years old, Jehovah assigned him to deliver Israel from bondage in Egypt. (Ex. 3:10) Several times, Moses tried to excuse himself. But Jehovah remained patient and even empowered Moses to perform miracles. (Ex. 4:2-9, 21) He could have frightened Moses into speedy submission. Instead, Jehovah was patient and kind, making an effort to reassure his modest and humble servant. Did this considerate approach work? Absolutely! Moses became an outstanding leader who tried to deal with others in the same mild and considerate way that Jehovah dealt with him. If you have a measure of authority, how important it is that you imitate Jehovah by being considerate, kind, and patient when dealing with those under your care! (Col. 3:19-21; 1 Pet. 5:1-3) When you strive to imitate Jehovah and the Greater Moses, Jesus Christ, you will be both approachable and refreshing to others.​—Matt. 11:28, 29. w18.09 24-25 ¶7-10

Thursday, June 25

U miẹn vbene ọ maan hẹ. U miẹn vbe ọ vbe rhiẹnrhiẹn hẹ, ne emwa Osanobua gha gu egbe yin vbe ọfunmwegbe.—Psm 133:1.

Te ọ khẹke ne uyinmwẹ ima kevbe ẹmwẹ nọ ke ima unu ladian gha rhie igiọdu ne emwa ọvbehe, ne akugbe ne ima mwẹ mieke na gha wegbe sayọ. Wa gi ima hia ne ima gu obọ etẹn sayọ vbe iko ne ima ye ra vbe ẹdogbo ne ima ye. (2 Kọr 6:11-13) Ukpa ima gha sẹtin gha ba ẹse vbe ẹdogbo ne ima rhirhi gha ye. Ẹmwẹ nọ maan nọ ke ima unu ladian kevbe obọ esi ne ima ya mu emwa ọvbehe sẹtin ya iran miẹn odẹ ọghe ẹmwata yi. Inọta nọ khẹke ne dọmwadẹ ima nọ egbe ẹre ọre wẹẹ: ‘De aro ne emwa ni rre ẹdogbo ne I ye ya ghee mwẹ? I dọlọ owa mwẹ yi ra? I kpolo ẹre vbene ọ khẹke ra? I vbe dọlọ olẹga ọghe owa mwẹ yi ra? I ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe ra, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ iran ma nọ iyobọ vbe obọ mwẹ?’ Uwa vbe etẹn ghaa guan, u sẹtin nọ iran, vbene ọ he ya biẹ ọmọ esi hẹ ighẹ obọ esi ne iran ya mu emwa vbuwe ẹgbẹe, emwa ni rre ẹdogbo ne iran ye, emwa ne iran gba winna kevbe emwa ne iran gba yo owebe.—Ẹfis 5:9. w18.06 24 ¶13-14

Thursday, June 25

How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!​—Ps. 133:1.

Why not be resolved to have a positive influence, promoting unity among your brothers and sisters? If you are already doing so, that is commendable. Could you “widen out,” that is, do it to a greater extent and more consistently? (2 Cor. 6:11-13, ftn.) What about increasing your efforts to let the light of Bible truth shine in your neighborhood? Your kind words and deeds may well attract a neighbor to the truth. Ask yourself: ‘How do my neighbors view me? Do I keep my home and property tidy, thus reflecting well on the neighborhood? Do I take the initiative to be helpful to others?’ When you are in conversation with other Witnesses, why not draw them out on how their kindness and good conduct have affected relatives, neighbors, workmates, or schoolmates? It is quite likely that you will hear positive experiences.​—Eph. 5:9. w18.06 24 ¶13-14

Friday, June 26

Ẹghẹ dee ne ọmwa nọ de uwa izigha gha na ro ighẹ Osanobua ọre irẹn ya ehia ga.—Jọn 16:2.

Egbe iziro vbenian ẹre emwa ni gbe Stivin rua ghaa mwẹ. Emwa nibun ye mwẹ iziro vbenian do fi ẹghẹ na. (Iwinna 6:8, 12; 7:54-60) Iziro ọghe emwa vberriọ ma zẹdẹ gba rhunmwuda, ozere kevbe izigha ne iran do i ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua. Sokpan, iran mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe orhiọn wẹẹ Osanobua ẹre iran yae ga. (Ẹks 20:13) Te ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghe emwa vbenian wa gele winna ghee ihan. De emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru ne ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghe ima mieke na gha winna ẹse? Avbe uhi kevbe ilele ni rre Ẹmwẹ Osanobua keghi re “ne a ya maa emwa emwi ẹmwata, ne a ya gbe ọmwa hin ọkhọ rre, ne a ya rhie emwi ne a ma ru ẹse ye vbe ne ọ te kei yi, kevbe ne a ya bu ọmwa ude ne a gha yin ẹse.” (2 Tim 3:16) Nọnaghiyerriọ, ma ghaa tie Baibol vbe ẹghẹ hia, ma na gha ru erria yan rẹn, ima na vbe gha rhiẹre ye uyinmwẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe ima, ekhọe ọguọmwaziro ọghe ima ghi gha winna ẹse, ọ vbe gha dia ima ye uviẹn nọ khẹke. w18.06 17 ¶3-4

Friday, June 26

The hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he has offered a sacred service to God.​—John 16:2.

That warning was true of those who murdered the disciple Stephen, and it has been true of others like them. (Acts 6:8, 12; 7:54-60) How ironic that in committing such evil crimes as murder, religious fanatics violate the very laws of the One whom they claim to worship! (Ex. 20:13) Clearly, their consciences are treacherous guides! How can we prevent our conscience from becoming ineffective? The laws and principles contained in God’s Word are “beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness.” (2 Tim. 3:16) Therefore, by diligently studying the Bible, meditating on what it says, and applying it in our lives, we can train our conscience to be more sensitive to God’s thinking, and it can thus serve as a reliable guide. w18.06 16-17 ¶3-4

Saturday, June 27

Rhan obọ miẹn . . . ẹmwẹ Osanobua zẹvbe umozo ne nene orhiọn rhie nuẹn.—Ẹfis 6:17.

Utanmwẹ umozo ọghe ivbiyokuo e Rom keghi rrie odẹ ibata eva (20 inches), umozo na ẹre ivbiyokuo ya khọn vbe iran gha werriẹ aro daa egbe. Ivbiyokuo e Rom wa guẹ vbene a loo umozo na hẹ rhunmwuda, ẹdẹgbegbe ẹre iran ya ruẹ vbene a loo ẹre hẹ. E Pọl keghi ya Ẹmwẹ Osanobua gie umozo. Sokpan, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ya ifuẹro loo umozo na vbe ima ghaa sinmwi oseghe ne ugamwẹ ẹmwata kevbe vbe ima ghaa yae dia iziro ọghomwa. (2 Kọr 10:4, 5; 2 Tim 2:15) Esa i rrọọ ne ima ya gha mu ohan Esu kevbe avbe ugbogiorinmwi. Ẹmwata nọ wẹẹ iran mwẹ ẹtin, sokpan e Jehova mwẹ ẹtin sẹ iran. Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, e Jehova gha sẹtin guọghọ iran rua. Vbe Ukpo Arriaisẹn Ọkpa Ne Kristi Khian Ya Kha, te a khian hẹ Esu vbe ekpayẹ ọre ye ehe ne iran i khian na sẹtin gha zẹ obọ zẹ owẹ. Vbe iyeke ọni, a ghi fuẹn iran ruan. (Arhie 20:1-3, 7-10) Vbene ẹmwata, ma rẹn oghian ima, ma rẹn odẹ ughughan nọ ya mu emwa rẹrẹ, ma vbe rẹn emwi nọ mwamwaẹn. Vbe ẹtin e Jehova, ma gha sẹtin khọnmiotọ yan oghian ima! w18.05 30 ¶15; 31 ¶19-21

Saturday, June 27

Accept . . . the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word.​—Eph. 6:17.

The sword used by Roman infantrymen at the time Paul wrote his letter was about 20 inches (50 cm) long and was designed for hand-to-hand combat. One reason that Roman soldiers were so effective is that they practiced with their weapons every day. Paul likens God’s Word to a sword that Jehovah has given us. But we must learn to use it skillfully when defending our beliefs​—or when adjusting our own thinking. (2 Cor. 10:4, 5; 2 Tim. 2:15) There is no need to feel intimidated by Satan and the demons. They are formidable but not unbeatable. And they are mortal. Soon, during the Thousand Year Reign of Christ, they will be confined to a state of complete inactivity, after which they will be destroyed. (Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10) We know our enemy, his tactics, and his intentions. With Jehovah’s help, we can stand firm against him! w18.05 30 ¶15; 31 ¶19-21

Sunday, June 28

Ẹyẹn keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ: “Ọnii i re ẹmwata; wa i wulo.”—Gẹn 3:4.

Adam wa rẹn wẹẹ ẹyẹn i guan. Vbe Ivi tama rẹn wẹẹ ẹyẹn gu irẹn guan, ughaghe Adam la evba rẹn wẹẹ, ọmwa orhiọn ẹre ọ gu e Ivi guan. (Gẹn 3:1-6) Adam kevbe Ivi ma zẹdẹ rẹn emwi rhọkpa vbekpae ọmwa orhiọn na, ọrheyerriọ, iran keghi deba orhunmwuyẹn ne iran ma rẹn, sọtẹ dae Jehova ne Erha iran. (1 Tim 2:14) Awarọkpani, ẹre Jehova ya suẹn gha tama emwa nagbọn aro ọmwa ne eghian na khin. Osanobua tae sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ, irẹn gha wabọ eghian na rua. E Jehova ye vbe kha wẹẹ, vbe ọwara ẹghẹ eso, eghian na, nọ ya ẹyẹn mu e Ivi rẹrẹ, gha kpokpo emwa ni hoẹmwẹ Osanobua. (Gẹn 3:15) E Jehova ẹre ọ mwẹ ẹwaẹn sẹ emwa hia, rhunmwuda ọni, ọ ma gi ima rẹn eni odibo nọ sọtẹ daa re. Ukpo 2,500 ye vbe gberra nẹ, Osanobua ke do gi emwa nagbọn rẹn ovan ra eni ne a ya gie odibo dan na.—Job 1:6. w18.05 22 ¶1-2

Sunday, June 28

The serpent said to the woman: “You certainly will not die.”​—Gen. 3:4.

Adam no doubt knew that serpents cannot talk. So he may have surmised that a spirit creature had spoken with Eve through the serpent. (Gen. 3:1-6) Adam and Eve knew virtually nothing about this spirit. Even so, Adam made a conscious choice to turn his back on his loving heavenly Father and join this stranger in resisting God’s will. (1 Tim. 2:14) Immediately, Jehovah began to reveal information about this enemy who had corrupted Adam and Eve, promising that this wicked one would eventually be destroyed. But Jehovah also warned that for a time, the spirit creature who spoke through the serpent would have the power to oppose those who love God. (Gen. 3:15) In his wisdom, Jehovah has never told us the personal name of the angelic son who rebelled against him. And God chose not to reveal even the descriptive name of that enemy until some 2,500 years after the initial rebellion.​—Job 1:6. w18.05 22 ¶1-2

Monday, June 29

Emwiokọ ni dele ye otọ nọ maan, mudia ye iran ni . . . ya izinegbe mọ ọmọ erhan.—Luk 8:15, NW.

Deghẹ orhiọn ka gbe yọ ruẹ iwu nẹ, rhunmwuda ne emwa i na gbọyẹmwẹ ye ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe ako ne u na kporhu, u ghi gele rẹn vbe nọ ghaa ye ukọ Pọl hẹ. Vbe odẹ ukpo 30 ne ọ ya kporhu, ọ keghi ru iyobọ ne emwa nibun ya do khian erhuanegbe Kristi. (Iwinna 14:21; 2 Kọr 3:2, 3) Vbene ọ hia sẹ, Ivbi e Ju nibun ma kue deba odẹ ọghe ẹmwata. Te eso vbuwe iran ghaa zẹ e Pọl kpokpo amaiwẹ. (Iwinna 14:19; 17:1, 4, 5, 13) Uyinmwẹ ne iran yinrin dae Pọl ma zẹdẹ ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn ọnrẹn. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: ‘Ẹmwata ne I tae vbekpae Kristi . . . keghi ya mwẹ khiẹ, u miẹn vbene ekhọe mwẹ vuọn ne orriara ne ẹi fo hẹ.’ (Rom 9:1-3) Vbọzẹe ne ekhọe Pọl na vuọn ne orriara? Rhunmwuda ekhọe hia ẹre ọ ya gha kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ma Ivbi e Ju. Ọ gele hoẹmwẹ iran. Ọna ẹre ọ zẹe ne ọ na da e Pọl vbe iran fiyekegbe itohan ọghe Osanobua. Zẹvbe na ghee Pọl, ahoẹmwọmwa ne ima mwẹ daa emwa, ẹre ọ ya ima kporhu ma iran.—Mat 22:39; 1 Kọr 11:1. w18.05 13 ¶4-5

Monday, June 29

These are the ones who . . . bear fruit with endurance.​—Luke 8:15.

If you have ever felt discouraged when preaching in less responsive territories, you will relate to the apostle Paul. During his approximately 30-year-long ministry, he helped numerous individuals to become disciples of Christ. (Acts 14:21; 2 Cor. 3:2, 3) Still, he did not succeed in moving many Jews to become true worshippers. On the contrary, most rebuffed Paul, and some even persecuted him. (Acts 14:19; 17:1, 4, 5, 13) How did that adverse reaction from the Jews affect Paul? He freely admitted: “I am telling the truth in Christ . . . I have great grief and unceasing pain in my heart.” (Rom. 9:1-3) Why did Paul experience such feelings? His heart was in the preaching work. He preached to the Jews out of deep concern for them. So it pained Paul to see them reject God’s mercy. Like Paul, we preach to people out of heartfelt concern.​—Matt. 22:39; 1 Cor. 11:1. w18.05 13 ¶4-5

Tuesday, June 30

Ohawa sẹtin rhie ọyẹnmwẹ hin ọmwa obọ rre, sokpan, ẹmwẹ itohan ghi gha ya ọyẹnmwẹ sẹ ọmwa.—Itan  12:25.

E Pọl keghi gi ima rẹn wẹẹ, emwa ne iwinna ọghe ne a rhie igiọdu ne ọmwa bi ye ọre izabọ wa vbe gualọ igiọdu. Vbe ebe ne Pọl gbẹn gie Ivbiotu e Kristi ni rre Rom, ọ keghi kha: “Rhunmwuda, I wa ho ne I miẹn uwa aro ẹsẹse ne I miẹn ehe na gu uwa ghae vbe uwu afiangbe ọghe orhiọn ne ọ ya uwa wo vbe egbe. Emwi ne I yae kha ọrọre wẹẹ ne a gba ru iyobọ ne egbe, ne iyayi mwẹ ya uwa obọ kevbe ne ọghe uwa vbe ye imẹ obọ.” (Rom 1:11, 12) Ọna ya ima rẹn wẹẹ, E Pọl nọ ghaa rhie igiọdu ne emwa vbe gha gualọ igiọdu. (Rom 15:30-32) Te ọ khẹke ne ima gha rhie etian ne etẹn ni rhiegbe ye iwinna ugamwẹ ẹghẹ hia. Etẹn nọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha rhie igiọdu na ọre etẹn ni ye re okhiọnkpa rhunmwuda iran hoo ne iran lele ilele nọ rre e Baibol nọ khare wẹẹ, ne a gha rọnmwẹ etẹn ne a gba ga vbe otu e Jehova. (1 Kọr 7:39) Te ọ vbe khẹke ne ima vbe gha tian etẹn ni zinegbe ukpokpo kevbe emianmwẹ nọ wegbe.—2 Tẹs 1:3-5. w18.04 21 ¶3-5

Tuesday, June 30

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a good word cheers it up.​—Prov. 12:25.

Paul showed that even one who has the responsibility of encouraging others needs to be built up himself. To Christians living in Rome, he wrote: “I am longing to see you, that I may impart some spiritual gift to you for you to be made firm; or, rather, that we may have an interchange of encouragement by one another’s faith, both yours and mine.” (Rom. 1:11, 12) Yes, Paul, who gave outstanding encouragement to others, at times needed to be built up himself. (Rom. 15:30-32) Those who live a life of self-sacrifice should be commended. Brothers and sisters who remain single because they want to obey the admonition to marry “only in the Lord” make up another group that merits encouragement. (1 Cor. 7:39) Also, Christians who remain faithful through persecution or illness need to hear encouragement.​—2 Thess. 1:3-5. w18.04 21 ¶3-5