
Saturday, August 1

Osanobua rhiema ima nẹ vbene irẹn kakabọ hoẹmwẹ mwa sẹ hẹ, ẹghẹ ne ima na gha re emwa orukhọ ẹre Kristi na wu ne ima.—Rom 5:8.

Ẹghẹ hia, ẹre ima ya ruẹ vbekpae emwi ne Jehova kevbe Jesu he ru ne ima vbe iko. Ọyẹnmwẹ nọ sẹ ima ẹre ọ ya ima hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ, ne ima gha ya egbe tae Jesu vbe ẹdẹgbegbe. (2 Kọr 5:14, 15) Ekhọe ima vbe gua ima kpa ya rhie urhomwẹ ne Jehova rhunmwuda adẹwerriegbe nọ kpemehe ẹre. Ewanniẹn ne ima zẹ vbe iko keghi re odẹ ọkpa ne ima ya rhie urhomwẹ gie Jehova. Ma keghi rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima gele hoẹmwẹ e Jehova kevbe Jesu deghẹ ima mu egbe ne ima ya sẹ emwi hia rae rhunmwuda ugamwẹ ọghe Jehova. Ma keghi sẹ emwi eso rae ne ima mieke na sẹtin yo iko. Vbe ehe nibun, ẹghẹ ota ẹre etẹn ya do iko, ẹghẹ na, egbe wọọ enibun nẹ. Ufomwẹ uzọla ne emwa ya hẹwẹ ẹre ima ya do iko nọkẹre. Ne ima na ziga yo iko vbe egbe gha wọọ ima nẹ, e Jehova bẹghe ẹre ra? Ọ wa bẹghe ẹre! Vbene ẹmwata, e Jehova wa gbọyẹmwẹ ye ẹrhiọn ne ima loo ne ima ghẹ mieke na gbe ẹdẹ iko re.—Mak 12:41-44. w19.01 29 ¶12-13


Saturday, August 1

God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.​—Rom. 5:8.

At meetings we are regularly reminded of what Jehovah and Jesus have done for us. Filled with gratitude, we try to imitate Jesus by how we live each day. (2 Cor. 5:14, 15) In addition, our heart stirs us to praise Jehovah for providing the ransom. One way we can praise him is by making heartfelt comments at our meetings. We can show the depth of our love for Jehovah and his Son by being willing to make sacrifices for them. Often, we must make sacrifices of various kinds to attend our meetings. Many congregations hold one meeting at the end of a workday when we are most likely tired. And another meeting is held on the weekend when other people are resting. Does Jehovah notice that we attend our meetings even though we are tired? Certainly he does! In fact, the greater our struggle, the more Jehovah appreciates the love we show for him.​—Mark 12:41-44. w19.01 29 ¶12-13

Sunday, August 2

Ugbẹn vbe Nọyaẹnmwa ghi miẹn okhuo na, ohan rẹn to ẹre ẹsẹse.—Luk 7:13.

Jesu tobọre werriẹ aro daa isievẹn eso ne emwa nagbọn vbe werriẹ aro daa. Vbe igiemwi, a ma biẹ Jesu ye ẹgbẹe nọ fe. Vbe Jesu waan dee, Jọsẹf nọ muẹn ye ọmọ biẹ, ẹre ọ ghaa gu winna. Ọna ẹre ọ ye Jesu khian ọmwa nọ wegbe obọ. (Mat 13:55; Mak 6:3) Ọ gha kẹ, Jesu ye rre agbọn vbe Jọsẹfi wu. Ẹi mwẹ uwu ẹre ma da Jesu sẹ ugboloko. Jesu vbe rẹn ọlọghọmwa nọ rre ẹgbẹe ne emwa na rre ugamwẹ ughughan. (Jọn 7:5) Emwi eso na ya unu kaẹn na kevbe ọvbehe ne ima ma rẹn vbekpa re, ẹre ọ ye Jesu rẹn isievẹn ne emwa nagbọn la gberra. Emwi ọyunnuan ne Jesu ru, ẹre ọ wa mobọ suigiẹ yọ wẹẹ Jesu mwẹ amuroro daa emwa ọvbehe. Jesu ma ru emwi ọyunnuan rhunmwuda emwi ne ẹi mwẹ a ma ru nọ. “Itohan” ẹre ọ gua Jesu kpa ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni rri oya. (Mat 20:29-34; Mak 1:40-42) Jesu keghi zẹ emwi ru, rhunmwuda, ọ rẹn vbene emwi ghaa ye iran hẹ.—Mak 7:32-35; Luk 7:12-15. w19.03 16 ¶10-11

Sunday, August 2

When the Lord caught sight of her, he was moved with pity.​—Luke 7:13.

Jesus himself experienced some of the challenges people faced. For example, Jesus apparently grew up in a poor family. From working with his adoptive father, Joseph, Jesus learned how to do hard physical work. (Matt. 13:55; Mark 6:3) It seems that Joseph died sometime before the end of Jesus’ ministry. So Jesus likely felt the pain of losing a loved one in death. And Jesus knew what it was like to be in a family with differing religious views. (John 7:5) Those circumstances and others would have helped Jesus to understand the challenges and feelings of ordinary people. Jesus’ concern was especially evident when he performed miracles. Jesus did not perform miracles out of a mere sense of duty. He was “moved with pity” for those who were suffering. (Matt. 20:29-34; Mark 1:40-42) Jesus sympathized with people and wanted to help them.​—Mark 7:32-35; Luke 7:12-15. w19.03 16 ¶10-11

Monday, August 3

Gha mu emwi ne etẹn ru wuegbe.—Kọl 3:13, NW.

Umiẹn orhikhan ne Jesu ghaa ye vbe asọn nokiekie nọ gbe vbe agbọn! Akpawẹ Jesu ma gbe ibiẹ rrie vbe asọn nii, ọ gha te ru emwi nọ ma khẹke, ẹghẹ nii, emwa nagbọn ghẹ gha mwẹ ayayẹro ọghe arrọọ etẹbitẹ. (Rom 5:18, 19) Yevbesọni, akpawẹ Jesu ma da imudiase ọghẹe yi ya sẹ ufomwẹ, ọ gha te sa ọrho ye eni Erhae. (Job 2:4) Vbe Jesu ghi gu erhuanegbe ẹre rri evbare ota nokiekie, “imuanẹmwẹ keghi la ẹkpo avbe erhuanegbe ẹre,” iran kegha muan ẹmwẹ “ye ẹmwẹ ọmwa . . . nọ kpọlọ sẹ vbe uwu iran.” Sokpan, ohu ma mu Jesu, ọ keghi ya ekhọe ọmẹhẹ rhie adia ne iran, ọ na werriegbe gi iran rẹn odẹ nọ khẹke ne iran ya gha yin. Ọ ghi bu iran ude nẹ, ọ na vbe tian iran rhunmwuda ne iran ma na yangbe irẹn. (Luk 22:24-28; Jọn 13:1-5, 12-15) Ma gha sẹtin ya egbe tae Jesu vbe odẹ nọ ya gbe ibiẹ rrie uhiẹn vbe ọ rre uwu orriara, deghẹ ima na gha yerre wẹẹ ima tobọ ima vbe ta ẹmwẹ eso ra ma vbe ru emwi eso nọ sọnnọ emwa ọvbehe. (Itan 12:18; Jems 3:2, 5) Ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha tian etẹn ima ye emwi esi ne iran ru.—Ẹfis 4:29. w19.02 11-12 ¶16-17

Monday, August 3

Continue putting up with one another.​—Col. 3:13.

It was the final night of Jesus’ earthly life. Imagine the stress Jesus felt. Would he remain perfectly faithful until death? The lives of billions of people hung in the balance. (Rom. 5:18, 19) Even more important, his Father’s reputation was involved. (Job 2:4) Then, during his last meal with his closest friends, the apostles, their conversation degenerated into “a heated dispute” over “which one of them was considered to be the greatest.” Remarkably, Jesus did not become irritated. Instead, he responded with mildness. Kindly, but firmly, Jesus explained​—again—​the attitude they should have. And he then commended his friends for loyally sticking with him. (Luke 22:24-28; John 13:1-5, 12-15) We can imitate Jesus and remain mild-tempered even when we are under stress if we remember that we all say and do things that irritate others. (Prov. 12:18; Jas. 3:2, 5) And try to mention the good that you see in others.​—Eph. 4:29. w19.02 11-12 ¶16-17

Tuesday, August 4

E Nọyaẹnmwa ọrọre Ọba ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ, ọ vbe mu ẹkete ibuohiẹn ọghẹe gbọ nẹ.—Psm 9:7.

Emwamwa ọghe Uhi e Mosis keghi yae gha lọghọ ne ọmwa mu ẹzọ ohoghe kuan ọmwa ọvbehe. Ọmwa na ba re ifi ẹzọ mwẹ asẹ na ya rẹn ọmwa nọ ba irẹn ifi ẹzọ. (Diut 19:16-19; 25:1) Vbene a te vbe buohiẹn gbe ọmwa ne a ba re ifi ẹzọ, te ọ khẹke ne orhunmwu eva sẹ osẹe yọ. (Diut 17:6; 19:15) Sokpan, a na miẹn wẹẹ orhunmwu ọkpa ẹre aro ọre sọe vbe Ovbi Izrẹl rraa Uhi, de vbene iran ya gha buohiẹn vbenian hẹ? Ọmwa vberriọ ghaa roro ẹre wẹẹ, ai khian rri irẹn oya ye emwi nọ ru nii, te ọ mu egbe ẹre rẹrẹ rhunmwuda, e Jehova bẹghe ẹre. Vbe nọ dekaẹn obọ esi na ya mu emwa ọvbehe, igiemwi nọ gbae ẹre Jehova rhie yotọ. Ọ fiangbe emwa ni ya ẹkoata lele adia ọghẹe, nọ ne emwa ni loo asẹ ne iran mwẹ ghee ihan, ọ keghi rri iran oya. (2 Sam 22:21-23; Ẹzik 9:9, 10) Emwa eso ni mwẹ ekhọe ibisi sẹtin gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, obọ i ghi vba iran, sokpan, ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ ne Jehova khian ya rri iran oya, iran i sẹtin lọre ban. (Itan 28:13) Iran ma na fiwerriẹ, iran ghi gele do rẹn wẹẹ, “ọkpan udu nọ, deghẹ a defi Osanobua nọ rrọọ obọ!”—Hib 10:30, 31. w19.02 23-24 ¶20-21

Tuesday, August 4

Jehovah . . . has firmly established his throne for justice.​—Ps. 9:7.

The Mosaic Law limited the possibility that a person would be falsely accused of a crime. A defendant had the right to know who was accusing him. (Deut. 19:16-19; 25:1) And before he could be convicted, at least two witnesses had to give evidence. (Deut. 17:6; 19:15) What about an Israelite who committed a crime that was seen by only one witness? He could not assume that he would get away with his wrongdoing. Jehovah saw what he did. Yes, Jehovah sets the perfect example; nothing he does is unfair. He rewards those who loyally uphold his standards, but he punishes those who abuse their power. (2 Sam. 22:21-23; Ezek. 9:9, 10) Some may act wickedly and seem to escape punishment, but when Jehovah determines that the time is right, he brings them to justice. (Prov. 28:13) And if they do not repent, they soon learn that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”​—Heb. 10:30, 31. w19.02 23-24 ¶20-21

Wednesday, August 5

A ma he miẹn  akhasẹ ne ọ yevbe Mosis vbe Izrẹl, ọmwa ne Nọyaẹnmwa wa gu guan ghee aro mwẹ ghee aro ruẹ.—Diut 34:10.

Adia ọghe Jehova ẹre Mosis wa gha lele. Amuẹtinyan ọghẹe wegbe sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na “ye vbene a miẹn wẹẹ, irẹn bẹghe Osanobua ne a i bẹghe.” (Hib 11:24-27) Vbe ọ ma he sẹ uki eva ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpaa vbe Igipt rre, ọlọghọmwa keghi rhiegbe ma. Vbe ẹghẹ ne a kha na, iran ma he sẹ Oke Sainai. Ivbi Izrẹl kegha vian rhunmwuda amẹ ne iran ma miẹn wọn. Iran vian sẹrriọ wẹẹ, e Mosis na ghi tu tie Jehova wẹẹ: ‘Vbia khian ru iran na hẹ yi? Te iran ghi ra filo okuta ya gbe mwẹ uan.’ (Ẹks 17:4) E Jehova na ghi tama e Mosis emwi nọ gha ru. Ọ na wẹẹ nọ gbe ọkpọ ọghẹe yaẹn okuta e Horẹb, ne amẹ mieke na vẹ kua. E Baibol keghi kha wẹẹ: “E Mosis keghi sirra avbe ekaolotu Izrel nii ru vberrio.” Ivbi Izrẹl ma ghi gha vian rhunmwuda iran keghi miẹn amẹ wọn sẹ ọkẹn.—Ẹks 17:5, 6w18.07 13 ¶4-5

Wednesday, August 5

There has never again arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom Jehovah knew face-to-face.​—Deut. 34:10.

Moses certainly looked to Jehovah for direction and guidance. Indeed, “he continued steadfast as seeing the One who is invisible.” (Heb. 11:24-27) Less than two months after the Israelites left Egypt, a serious problem arose​—even before they arrived at Mount Sinai. The people started to complain about a lack of water. They began to murmur against Moses, and the situation became so serious that Moses cried out to Jehovah: “What should I do with this people? A little longer and they will stone me!” (Ex. 17:4) Jehovah responded by giving Moses clear instructions. He was to take his rod and strike the rock in Horeb, and then water would come gushing out. We read: “Moses did so before the eyes of the elders of Israel.” The Israelites drank their fill, and the problem was solved.​—Ex. 17:5, 6. w18.07 13 ¶4-5

Thursday, August 6

Ahoẹmwọmwa ẹre ọ de ọmwa igiẹ.—1 Kọr 8:1.

E Jehova vbe loo iko ọghe Ivbiotu e Kristi ya rhie ẹrhiọn ye ima iwu. Ma gha gele hoẹmwẹ etẹn ima, te ima khian gha ru iyobọ nọ khẹke ne iran. Ma ghaa ru vberriọ, te ima rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ Osanobua. (1 Jọn 4:19-21) Ukọ e Pọl keghi rhie adia na ne Ivbiotu e Kristi. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wa gha rhie ẹtin ye egbe iwu, wa gha ye egbe obọ zẹ vbene uwa wa ru ẹre na.” (1 Tẹs 5:11) Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, ẹi re ediọn ọkpa ẹre iwinna na bi ye iran izabọ, etẹn hia vbe iko gha sẹtin ya egbe tae Jehova kevbe Jesu vbe nọ dekaẹn ifuẹko ne a rhie ne etẹn. (Rom 15:1, 2) Etẹn eso vbuwe iko keghi khuọnmwi emianmwẹ nọ si akhiẹ vbe ẹghẹ hia, ne ebo tie ẹre depression. Avbe ọbo ebo ẹre ọ khẹke nọ gbaroghe etẹn vberriọ. (Luk 5:31) Ediọn kevbe etẹn vbe iko gha vbe sẹtin ru iyobọ ne etẹn vbenian ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ iran i re ọbo ebo. Iran gha sẹtin rhie igiọdu ne etẹn ne iro han rẹn kevbe ni vburriẹ, iran ghi vbe gha “mu ẹmwẹ emwa hia wo egbe.”—1 Tẹs 5:14. w18.09 14-15 ¶10-11

Thursday, August 6

Love builds up.​—1 Cor. 8:1.

One means by which Jehovah builds us up in love is the Christian congregation. Individually, we can reciprocate his love by loving and building up our spiritual brothers and sisters not only spiritually but also emotionally. (1 John 4:19-21) The apostle Paul urged Christians: “Keep encouraging one another and building one another up, just as you are in fact doing.” (1 Thess. 5:11) Yes, all in the congregation​—not just elders—​can imitate Jehovah and Jesus in comforting and building up the brothers and sisters. (Rom. 15:1, 2) Some in the congregation who have emotional disorders may need professional help and medication. (Luke 5:31) Elders and others in the congregation modestly recognize that they are not trained mental-health-care professionals. However, they and others in the congregation have a vital role to play​—to “speak consolingly to those who are depressed, support the weak, be patient toward all.”​—1 Thess. 5:14. w18.09 14 ¶10-11

Friday, August 7

Wa ghẹ fian afianma . . . , mẹ ọrọre Osanobua uwa.—Aiz 41:10.

Ma ghaa mwẹ irẹnmwi sayọ vbekpae Jehova, amuẹtinyan ne ima mwẹ daa re ghi vbe gha wegbe sayọ. Odẹ ọkpa ne ima khian ya sẹtin gele rẹn e Jehova, ọre Baibol na tie kevbe na ru erria yan. Okha ọghe vbene Jehova ya gbogba gae eguọmwadia re vbe ẹghẹ nẹdẹ ẹre ọ wa vuọn e Baibol. Avbe okha na, ẹre ọ ya ima mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, e Jehova gha vbe gbaroghe ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. Ẹmwẹ nọ mu ukhọmwẹ emwi ne Aizaia loo ro keghi rhiẹre ma, obọ esi ne Jehova ya mu ima. Ọ keghi kha wẹẹ: “Ọ gha gbaroghe avbe ohuan rẹn zẹvbe ne ọsuohuan ru. Ọ gha si avbe oteghe ohuan koko, ọ ghi munọ iran ye ekuaobọ ẹre, ọ ghi su avbe iye iran hẹnnẹhẹnnẹ.” (Aiz 40:11) Ma gha bẹghe vbene Jehova ya gbaroghe ima hẹ, orhiọn ima ghi sotọ. Ne u ghẹ mieke na gha si osi gberra egbe vbe u ghaa rre uwu ọlọghọmwa, gha ru erria yan ẹmwẹ igiọdu nọ rre ako ọghe evbagbẹn nọhuanrẹn ne ebe ẹdẹ ọghe ẹrẹna ke ladian. U ghaa ru vberriọ, u gha miẹn ẹrhiọn ya werriẹ aro daa ọlọghọmwa nọ rhirhi rhiegbe ma vbe arrọọ ruẹ. w19.01 7 ¶17-18

Friday, August 7

Do not be anxious, for I am your God.​—Isa. 41:10.

We deepen our trust in Jehovah by getting to know him better. And the only way we can really know God well is by reading the Bible carefully and then meditating on what we read. The Bible contains a reliable record of how Jehovah protected his people in the past. That record gives us confidence that he will care for us now. Consider an example of the beautiful word picture Isaiah uses to illustrate how Jehovah protects us. He refers to Jehovah as a shepherd and to God’s servants as lambs. Isaiah says of Jehovah: “With his arm he will gather together the lambs, and in his bosom he will carry them.” (Isa. 40:11) When we sense Jehovah’s strong arms wrapped around us, we feel protected and calm. To help you remain calm despite the problems you may face, meditate on the reassuring words mentioned in today’s text. They will strengthen you as you face the challenges that lie ahead. w19.01 7 ¶17-18

Saturday, August 8

U miẹn vbe iho ruẹ ne a ru yẹ mwẹ hẹ Osanobua mwẹ!—Psm 40:8.

Ọ mwẹ okhuo ne u fian ne egbuẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ra? A sẹtin miẹn wẹẹ, okhuo ne u fian ne egbuẹ ọre ne u gha tie ako eso vbe Baibol ẹdẹgbegbe ra ne u gha zẹ ewanniẹn vbe iko kevbe ne u gha mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ne u ya ya ọta guan. A sẹtin vbe miẹn wẹẹ, u hoo ne u gha ya ifuẹro ye Baibol maa emwa emwi vbe ikporhu. Te ọyẹnmwẹ khian gha sẹ ruẹ vbe u ghaa bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, u mwẹ alaghodaro vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn ra deghẹ etẹn na gha tama ruẹ wẹẹ, u mwẹ alaghodaro nẹ. Vbọzẹe? Rhunmwuda, ahoo ọghe Jehova ẹre u mu ye okaro vbe ẹdagbọn ruẹ vbene Jesu vbe ru ẹre. (Itan 27:11) Ma gha mu iwinna ugamwẹ e Jehova ye okaro vbe arrọọ ọghe ima, ọyẹnmwẹ ẹre ọ khian gha sẹ ima, arrọọ ọghe ima ghi vbe gha mwẹ evbọ demu. Ukọ e Pọl keghi kha wẹẹ: “Wa mudia gbain vbe ne ai na vbọ owẹ. Wa tua obọ ye iwinna ne uwa winna ne Nọyaẹnmwa, ugbẹnvbe uwa rẹn nẹ nian wẹẹ, iwinna ne uwa winna vbe uwu ugamwẹ Nọyaẹnmwa, ọkpa ne ẹi mwẹ esa, ẹi rrọọ.” (1 Kọr 15:58) Sokpan, emwa ni ya ẹdagbọn iran khu emwi ewe khian, ni hoo na gha họn usi iran rre i gele mwẹ ọyẹnmwẹ nọ sẹ otọ ẹko, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ iran fe ya obọ mu iso.—Luk 9:25. w18.12 22 ¶12-13

Saturday, August 8

To do your will, O my God, is my delight.​—Ps. 40:8.

Do you have one or more spiritual goals that you are working toward? Perhaps you are trying to read portions of the Bible each day. Or you may be trying to improve your speaking and teaching abilities. Whatever the case, when you see positive results​—or others see them and commend you—​how do you feel? No doubt you feel a sense of achievement and joy. And so you should, in no small part because you are putting God’s will ahead of your own, in imitation of Jesus. (Prov. 27:11) By focusing on spiritual pursuits, you are also doing a work that is truly satisfying because it is not in the least futile. The apostle Paul wrote: “Be steadfast, immovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord.” (1 Cor. 15:58) By comparison, a life marked by secular ambitions and pursuits​—even if these seem very successful—​is ultimately a life of futility.​—Luke 9:25. w18.12 22 ¶12-13

Sunday, August 9

Ọmwata ẹre ọ ra yan otọe nii.—Psm 37:29.

Ẹghẹ ne Devid guan kaẹn mwa, ọre ẹghẹ ne emwa hia vbe uhunmwu otagbọn, khian ya gha lele ilele nọ gbae ọghe Osanobua. (2 Pit 3:13) Ebe Aizaia 65:22 keghi kha wẹẹ: “Emwa mwẹ gha wa tọ zẹvbe erhan.” Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, emwa nagbọn gha tọ sẹ ukpo arriasẹn nibun. Ebe Arhie Maan 21:1-4 vbe kha wẹẹ, Osanobua gha fiangbe emwa nagbọn. Usun afiangbe ne ako na guan kaẹn ọre wẹẹ, emwa i khian ghi gha wulo vbe agbọn ọgbọn nọ dee. Ọ vẹẹ ne ima rẹn nia wẹẹ, ma gha werriegbe miẹn e Paradais ne Adam kevbe Ivi mu fua vbe ẹghẹ omuhẹn. Osanobua yan rẹn wẹẹ, irẹn gha fiangbe emwa hia vbe uhunmwu otagbọn. E Devid keghi kha wẹẹ, emwa ọmẹhẹ kevbe emwa ata gha yin agbọn na vbe etẹbitẹ. (Psm 37:11) Te ọ khẹke ne ẹmwẹ akhasẹ ni rre ebe Aizaia ya ima rhie aro tua afiangbe nọ khẹ ima vbe odaro. (Aiz 11:6-9; 35:5-10; 65:21-23) De ẹghẹ ne ena hia khian ya sunu? Ọ gha sunu vbe ẹghẹ ne ẹmwẹ ne Jesu tama izigan nii khian ya mwẹ amusẹ. (Luk 23:43) U gha sẹtin gha rre Paradais nii. w18.12 7 ¶22-23

Sunday, August 9

The righteous will possess the earth.​—Ps. 37:29.

David was referring to a time when people on earth would live according to God’s righteous ways. (2 Pet. 3:13) The prophecy at Isaiah 65:22 says: “The days of my people will be like the days of a tree.” This implies that people will live for thousands of years. According to Revelation 21:1-4, God will turn his attention to mankind, and one of the promised blessings is that “death will be no more” for people serving God in his righteous new world. Adam and Eve lost Paradise back in Eden, but it was not lost forever. As God promised, people on earth are yet to be blessed. Under inspiration, David said that the meek and righteous will inherit the earth and live on it forever. (Ps. 37:11) The prophecies in the book of Isaiah should whet our appetite for the delightful conditions that will prevail. (Isa. 11:6-9; 35:5-10; 65:21-23) When? When Jesus’ promise to the Jewish criminal comes to pass. (Luke 23:43) You can be in that Paradise. w18.12 7 ¶22-23

Monday, August 10

Nọ ghi sẹ ehia vbuwe emwi hia fẹẹrẹ nọ khẹke ne u na gha yegbe, gha yegbe vbekpa iro ne u zẹ.—Itan 4:23, NW.

Ma i khian wa sẹtin gban egbe fo fẹẹrẹ ne iziro ọghe emwa nagbọn, rhunmwuda, agbọn Esu ẹre ima ye. (1 Kọr 5:9, 10) Uhiẹn vbe ima ghaa kporhu iyẹn nọ maan, ma keghi dekun emwa ni mwẹ iziro nọ ma gba. Nọnaghiyerriọ, ọ khẹke ne ima gha begbe, ne ima ghẹ do gha mwẹ egbe iziro vberriọ. Zẹvbe na ghee Jesu, te ọ khẹke ne ima giẹgiẹ hee iziro vberriọ yotọ. Yevbesọni, ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha tie ebe rhọkpa ra ne ima gha ghee ughe rhọkpa, nọ gha sẹtin mu iziro ekhọe ima rhia. Ọ khẹke ne ima gha ya ẹwaẹn zẹ ọse. E Baibol gi ima rẹn wẹẹ, ma ghaa gu emwa ne ẹi ga Jehova mu obọ, uyinmwẹ iran ghi mu ọghe ima rhia. (Itan 13:20; 1 Kọr 15:12, 32, 33) Ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha begbe vbe nọ dekaẹn odẹ ne ima ya sọyẹnmwẹ egbe. Ma ghi gha gban egbe ne ughe ọghe igbinnoguo, ọghe alama oghẹ kevbe nọ dekaẹn imamwaemwi ọghe umẹwaẹn nọ khare wẹẹ, te emwi hia didaghohi rre. Ma gha lele adia na, te ima gban egbe ne iziro dan ni gbodan ye “irẹnmwi Osanobua.”—2 Kọr 10:5. w18.11 21 ¶16-17

Monday, August 10

Above all the things that you guard, safeguard your heart.​—Prov. 4:23.

Can we avoid all contact with the world’s thinking? No, we cannot literally get out of the world. Some exposure to its ideas is inescapable. (1 Cor. 5:9, 10) The preaching work itself will bring us in contact with erroneous beliefs. However, where contact with ungodly views is unavoidable, we certainly need not entertain them or accept them. Like Jesus, we should be quick to reject thoughts that serve Satan’s purpose. Furthermore, we can protect ourselves from unnecessary exposure to the world’s thinking. For example, we should exercise caution when choosing our close friends. The Bible warns that if we keep close company with people who do not worship Jehovah, their thinking will rub off on us. (Prov. 13:20; 1 Cor. 15:12, 32, 33) Also, by rejecting entertainment that promotes the theory of evolution, violence, or immorality, we avoid poisoning our thinking with ideas that are “against the knowledge of God.”​—2 Cor. 10:5. w18.11 21 ¶16-17

Tuesday, August 11

I gha lele odẹ ọghe ẹmwata ruẹ.—Psm 86:11, NW.

Vbe ima khian ya ta mu olọ yan rẹn wẹẹ, adia ni rre Baibol ẹre ima khian ya gha ru emwi vbe arrọọ ima? Odẹ ọkpa ne ima khian ya sẹtin ru ọna ọre, ne ima gha mwẹ ọghae vbe iwinna ikporhu kevbe imamwaemwi ọghe ẹmwata ni rre Baibol. E Baibol vbe ya umozo gie “Ẹmwẹ Osanobua.” Zẹ vbene ovbiyokuo ya da umozo ọghẹe yi gbain, erriọ vbe khẹke ne ima ya da Ẹmwẹ Osanobua yi. (Ẹfis 6:17) Ọ khẹke ne ima gha ya ifuẹro loo Ẹmwẹ Osanobua, ma ghi gha “maa emwa re ẹse.” (2 Tim 2:15) Zẹ vbene ima ya ye Baibol maa emwa emwi, ne iran mieke na he ugamwẹ ohoghe yotọ, erriọ Ẹmwẹ Osanobua vbe ya gbọzinian vbe ekhọe ima, ọ ghi vbe ya ima deziẹn vbe odẹ nọ su rrie arrọọ ọghe etẹbitẹ. Imamwaemwi ọghe ẹmwata keghi re emwi ọhẹ nọ hiunsi nọ ke obọ e Jehova rre. Emwi ọhẹ na, ẹre ọ ya ima gu e Jehova mwẹ asikẹgbe ne khuankhuankhuan. Asikẹgbe na, ọre emwi nọ ghi ru ekpataki sẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe ima. Emwi kherhe ẹre ima he ruẹ vbe obọ e Jehova. Etẹbitẹ ẹre Jehova khian ya gha maa ima emwi. Nọnaghiyerriọ, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ghee odẹ ọghe ẹmwata vbe na ghee okuta ẹrọnmwọ ne ai miẹn egbọre. Ye gha “ha osa” ye ẹmwata, ghẹ khiẹn ọnrẹn.—Itan 23:23. w18.11 8 ¶2; 12 ¶15-17

Tuesday, August 11

I will walk in your truth.​—Ps. 86:11.

How can we strengthen our determination to go on walking in the truth? One way is to have as full a share as possible in teaching Bible truth to others. In this way you will keep a firm grip on our spiritual sword, which is “God’s word.” (Eph. 6:17) All of us can strive to improve our skills as teachers, “handling the word of the truth aright.” (2 Tim. 2:15) As we use the Bible to help others to buy truth and reject falsehoods, we embed God’s sayings in our own mind and heart. In this way, we strengthen our determination to go on walking in the truth. The truth is a precious gift from Jehovah. By means of this gift, we have our most prized possession, our intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. What he has taught us until now is only the beginning! God has promised us an eternity to add to the truth we have already bought. Therefore, cherish the truth like a fine pearl. Continue to “buy truth and never sell it.”​—Prov. 23:23. w18.11 8 ¶2; 12 ¶15-17

Wednesday, August 12

E Noa [kegha] kporhu ẹmwata.—2 Pit 2:5.

Emwi nọ ya ima kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọre wẹẹ, ma hoo ne ima ya obọ sekhae ne emwa rhunmwuda, ẹdẹ ibuohiẹn sẹ otọ nẹ. E Baibol gi ima rẹn wẹẹ, erriọ e Noa vbe ya “kporhu” ma emwa vbe ẹghẹ nẹdẹ. Jesu khare wẹẹ: ‘Zẹvbe na miẹn wẹẹ, ọ te do sẹ ẹghẹ uromwẹ amẹ, emwa kegha re, iran na gha da, ikpia kevbe ikhuo na gha rọnmwẹ egbe, rhinrin ya sẹ ikpẹdẹ ne Noa la okọ zẹẹ. Iran ma rẹn enaye uromwẹ amẹ te do kpolo ehia gha rrie. Erriọ khian gha ye vbe Ovbi Ọmwa gha rre.’ (Mat 24:38, 39) Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, emwa ma rhie ehọ ne Noa ta yi vbe ẹghẹ nii, te ọ ye gha ya igiuhunmwu ọghe ayobọsekhae wewe. Evbọzẹe ne ima na kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, ọre wẹẹ, ma hoo ne emwa do rẹn emwamwa ne Osanobua mwẹ ne emwa nagbọn. Zẹvbe na ghee Jehova, ma hoo ne emwa miẹn odẹ ọghe ẹmwata yi, ne iran mieke na “dia agbọn ya.” (Ẹzik 18:23) Ne ima na kporhu iyẹn nọ maan, te ima kie ẹkpotọ ne emwa nibun ya do rẹn wẹẹ, Arriọba Osanobua sikẹ otọ nẹ kevbe wẹẹ, ọ gha do guọghọ agbọn Esu ne ima ye na.—Ẹzik 3:18, 19; Dan 2:44; Arhie 14:6, 7w18.05 19 ¶8-9

Wednesday, August 12

Noah [was] a preacher of righteousness.​—2 Pet. 2:5.

Noah’s preaching work prior to the Flood evidently included a warning of coming destruction. Note what Jesus stated: “For as they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.” (Matt. 24:38, 39) Despite the people’s indifference, Noah faithfully proclaimed the warning message that he had been given. Today, we preach the Kingdom message to give people an opportunity to learn about God’s will for mankind. Like Jehovah, we dearly wish that people would respond to the message and “keep living.” (Ezek. 18:23) At the same time, when we preach from house to house and in public areas, we warn as many people as possible that God’s Kingdom will come and bring an end to this ungodly world.​—Ezek. 3:18, 19; Dan. 2:44; Rev. 14:6, 7. w18.05 19 ¶8-9

Thursday, August 13

U ghaa ta ẹmwata, iwinna ẹmwata ẹre u winnaẹn nii.—Itan 12:17.

Deghẹ arriọba mu awua ye iwinna ọghomwa vbe ẹvbo ne u ye, de emwi nọ khẹke ne u ru deghẹ iran na nọ ruẹ ọta vbekpa etẹn? Ọ khẹke ne u ta emwi hia ma iran ra? De emwi ne Jesu ru vbe Gọvina ọghe Rom zọlọ re ọta? Ọ mwẹ ẹghẹ ne Jesu ma ya ta ẹmwẹ rhọkpa, zẹvbe nọ gua ilele ọghe Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn ro, nọ khare wẹẹ, ẹghẹ rrọọ “na ya hunwan” kevbe “na ya guan.” (Asan 3:1, 7; Mat 27:11-14) Ma gha vba egbe ima vbe ihe vbenian, ọ khẹke ne ima loo ẹwaẹn ne ima ghẹ mieke na mu arrọọ ọghe etẹn ima ye ikpadede. (Itan  10:19; 11:12) U gha rẹn vbekpae orukhọ nọ wegbe ne ọtẹn ru, de emwi nọ khẹke ne u ru? Ọmwa ne ọ ru orhukhọ na sẹtin gha re ọse ruẹ ne khuankhuankhuan. Ọrheyerriọ, ọ khẹke ne u “ta ẹmwata.” Ọni rhiema wẹẹ, ẹmwata ẹre ọ khẹke ne u tama ediọn, ọ ma khẹke ne u fian ba re. Ọ khẹke ne ediọn rẹn ẹmwata nọ rre ẹmwẹ, ne iran mieke na sẹtin ru iyobọ nọ khẹke ne ọmwa nọ ru orukhọ.—Jems 5:14, 15. w18.10 10 ¶17-18

Thursday, August 13

The one who testifies faithfully will tell the truth.​—Prov. 12:17.

What should you do if the authorities restrict the Kingdom activity in your land and you are called in for questioning about your brothers? Must you tell them everything you know? What did Jesus do when he was interrogated by the Roman governor? In line with the Scriptural principle that there is “a time to be silent and a time to speak,” Jesus at times said nothing at all! (Eccl. 3:1, 7; Matt. 27:11-14) In such a setting, discretion is the better course, so that we do not put our brothers at risk. (Prov. 10:19; 11:12) What will you do if a close friend or relative has committed a serious sin and you know about the matter? “Tell the truth.” You have a responsibility to tell the elders the whole truth, and you must not distort it. They have a right to know the facts so that they can determine the best way to help the wrongdoer restore his or her relationship with Jehovah.​—Jas. 5:14, 15. w18.10 10 ¶17-18

Friday, August 14

Wa gha rhie ẹtin ye egbe iwu, wa gha ye egbe obọ zẹ vbene uwa wa ru ẹre na.—1 Tẹs 5:11.

Vbe ima khian ya gha rhie ahoẹmwọmwa nọ de ọmwa igiẹ ma? Odẹ ọkpa ne ima khian ya ru ọna ọre ne ima gha rhie ehọ ne emwa ta yi. (Jems 1:19) Ma gha gbe ehọ kotọ danmwehọ emwa nọ rre uwu ibavbaro, te ima rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima hoẹmwẹ iran. Ya ẹwaẹn nọ ọta eso, ne u mieke na rẹn emwi ne iran gele la gberra. Ẹghẹ nii, ẹre u khian na sẹtin ru iyobọ ne iran. Gi ugbaro ruẹ gha maan vbe uhunmwu ne iran mieke na rẹn wẹẹ, u gele mwẹ agiẹngiẹn daa iran. Deghẹ iran mwẹ ẹmwẹ ne iran khian ta vbe nọ wa rre iran ekhọe, u ghi mwẹ izinegbe, ghẹ gbe eta ye iran unu. Odẹ vbenian ẹre u khian ya gele rẹn vbene ọ ye iran hẹ vbe ekhọe. U ghaa re ọmwa nọ rhie ehọ ne emwa ta yi, iran ghi do gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin yan ruẹ. Ibude ne u rhirhi rhie ne iran, iran ghi vbe miẹn ọnrẹn yi. Orhiọn iran ghi vbe sẹ otọ rhunmwuda iran rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, u gele hoo ne u ru iyobọ. w18.09 14 ¶10; 15 ¶13

Friday, August 14

Keep encouraging one another and building one another up.​—1 Thess. 5:11.

How can we build up others in love? One way is to be a good listener. (Jas. 1:19) To listen with empathy is an act of love. You may ask tactful and sympathetic questions with the aim of understanding the feelings of a sufferer. You will then be able to show empathy and to build up your fellow servant. Let your facial expressions reflect your sincere, loving concern. If the other Christian feels the need to explain things in greater detail, be patient and resist any urge to interrupt. By listening patiently, you will more likely understand the feelings involved. That can help your suffering brother or sister to have confidence in you and thus be more inclined to listen to what you say as you strive to be upbuilding. When you show that you truly care, your loving concern can be very comforting. w18.09 14 ¶10; 15 ¶13

Saturday, August 15

Ẹmwata . . . sẹ na ha osa yi.—Itan 23:23.

Ẹghẹ ẹre a ya danmwehọ iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba, ẹre ima ya tie Baibol kevbe avbe ebe ughughan ne otu gbẹnnẹ ladian, ẹghẹ ẹre ima ya mu egbe iko, ẹre ima vbe ya yo iko. Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre nọ na khẹke ne ima zẹ ẹghẹ kọ vbuwe ẹghẹ ne ima loo ye emwi ni ma mobọ ru ekpataki. (Ẹfis 5:15, 16) Inu ẹghẹ ẹre ọ rhie ma ke do gha mwẹ irẹnmwi ọghe Baibol nọ somwa? Dọmwadẹ ima lughaẹn ne egbe, erriọ ẹghẹ nọ rhie vbe ya lughaẹn. Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, etẹbitẹ ẹre ima hia khian ya gha ruẹ vbekpae Jehova, odẹ ne ọ ya ru emwi kevbe emwi hia ne ọ yi. (Rom 11:33) Ebe Owa Ọkhẹ nokaro nọ ladian keghi kha wẹẹ: “Te ẹmwata yevbe obobo nekherhe. Ghẹ gi obobo ọghe ẹmwata ọkpa sẹ ruẹ ọkẹn. Akpawẹ obobo ọkpa ọghe ẹmwata gha sẹ ima ọkẹn, ẹmwata ọkpa kẹkan ẹre Jehova gha te gie ma ima. Gha gualọ ba re, ghẹ gie egbe wọọ ruẹ.” Vbene ẹmwata, te ima khian gha ruẹ vbekpae Jehova vbe etẹbitẹ. Emwi nọ wa ru ekpataki nia, ọre ne ima hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ, ne ima loo ẹghẹ nọ somwa, ya gha ruẹ emwi vbekpae Jehova. w18.11 4 ¶7

Saturday, August 15

Buy truth.​—Prov. 23:23.

Time is a price everyone who buys truth must pay. It takes time to listen to the Kingdom message, read the Bible and Bible literature, have a personal Bible study, and prepare for and attend congregation meetings. We must ‘buy out,’ or take, that time from some other less important activity. (Eph. 5:15, 16, ftn.) How much time will it take for us to gain an accurate knowledge of basic Bible teachings? That depends on our circumstances. There is no limit to what we can learn about Jehovah’s wisdom, ways, and works. (Rom. 11:33) The first issue of the Watch Tower likened the truth to “a modest little flower” and stated: “Be not content with one flower of truth. Had one been sufficient there would have been no more. Gather ever, seek for more.” Even with an eternity of time, we can always learn more about Jehovah. Today, the important thing is that we use our time wisely so as to buy as much truth as our circumstances allow. w18.11 4 ¶7

Sunday, August 16

Wa ne avbe ọdọ, wa gha hoẹmwẹ amwẹ uwa.—Ẹfis 5:25.

E Baibol rhie ibude ne avbe ọdọ ne iran gha ya ẹwaẹn gu ọvbokhan iran loo. Ọni rhiema wẹẹ, ne iran gha hia, ne iran rẹn vbene emwi ye ọvbokhan iran hẹ. (1 Pit 3:7) Ọdọ nọ gele mwẹ amuroro rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, irẹn vbe ọvbokhan rẹn lughaẹn ne egbe, irẹn ma hiunsi sẹ ọvbokhan rẹn. (Gẹn 2:18) Nọnaghiyerriọ, te ọ khẹke ne ọdọ gha ya obọ esi mu amwẹ ọnrẹn, ọ ghi vbe gha mwẹ amuroro daa re. Ọ khẹke ne ọdọ nọ gele mwẹ amuroro daa ọvbokhan rẹn, gha begbe vbe odẹ ne ọ ya gu ikhuo ọvbehe loo. Ọ ma khẹke ne ọ gha gu iran gbe ọkiẹkiẹ nọ ma khianrẹn. Ọ ma vbe khẹke ne ọ gha do ẹki vberriọ vbe intanẹt. (Job 31:1) Te ọ khẹke ne ọdọ gha mwẹ ẹkoata daa amwẹ ọnrẹn, ẹi wa re rhunmwuda ahoẹmwọmwa nọ mwẹ ne ọvbokhan rẹn. Sokpan rhunmwuda ne ọ na hoẹmwẹ Jehova, kevbe ne ọ na khuiwu emwi dan.—Psm 19:14; 97:10. w18.09 29 ¶3-4

Sunday, August 16

Husbands, continue loving your wives.​—Eph. 5:25.

Husbands are exhorted to dwell with their wives “according to knowledge”​—an expression that could also be rendered “showing them consideration; understanding them.” (1 Pet. 3:7; ftn.) Understanding and consideration go hand in hand. For instance, an understanding husband knows that his wife, as his complement, is different from him in many respects, but she is by no means inferior. (Gen. 2:18) He thus shows thoughtful regard for her feelings, treating her with dignity and honor. A thoughtful husband also takes his wife’s feelings into account when he interacts with other women. Never does he flirt with them or show an improper interest in them; nor does he show such interest when using social media or the Internet. (Job 31:1) Yes, he remains loyal to his wife, not just because of his love for her but also because of his love for God and his hatred for what is bad.​—Ps. 19:14; 97:10. w18.09 29 ¶3-4

Monday, August 17

Nọ kanmwa sẹ vbuwe uwa hia, ọrọre nọ kpọlọ sẹ ehia.—Luk 9:48.

Vbozẹe nọ na lọghọ ne ima rhie emwi ne ima ruẹ vbe Ẹmwẹ Osanobua ye uyinmwẹ? Rhunmwuda ọmwa nọ mu egbe rriotọ ẹre ọ sẹtin lele adia ni rre Baibol. Ọ keghi lọghọ na sẹtin gha mu egbe rriotọ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ, rhunmwuda emwa ni lẹga ima keghi re emwa “ni rẹn enegbe iran ọkpa, iran ni hoẹmwẹ igho, iran ni rhuọ, iran ni tọn egbe mu kevbe iran ni yin pirhipirhi.” (2 Tim 3:1-3, NW) Ma ne eguọmwadia e Jehova rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, uyinmwẹ vbenian i maan sokpan ugbẹnso, ọ ye vbe ne emwi dunna ne emwa ni yin uyinmwẹ dan vberriọ. (Psm 37:1; 73:3) Ọna sẹtin ya ima gha roro ẹre wẹẹ: ‘Esa rrọọ ne I ya gha mu ọghe emwa ọvbehe ye okaro ra? I ghaa mu egbe rriotọ, emwa gha ye gha rhie ọghọ mẹ ra?’ Deghẹ ima ma begbe, ma sẹtin vbe suẹn gha yin uyinmwẹ akhaẹn ọghe emwa ni lẹga ima. Ọna sẹtin si ighaegbe ye uwu iko, ẹghẹ nii, ma ghi do yevbe emwa ni rre uwu agbọn. Ma ghaa ru erria yan igiemwi esi ọghe emwa ni rre Baibol, ima na vbe gha ya egbe taa iran, ma gha miẹn ere vbọ. w18.09 3 ¶1

Monday, August 17

The one who conducts himself as a lesser one among all of you is the one who is great.​—Luke 9:48.

Why is it a challenge to apply what we learn from God’s Word? One reason is that it takes humility to do what is right, and our ability to remain humble is under assault. In these “last days,” we are surrounded by people who are “lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty,” and “without self-control.” (2 Tim. 3:1-3) When selfish behavior is reported and even celebrated, a servant of God might despise such conduct but envy the results. (Ps. 37:1; 73:3) One might even wonder: ‘Is there any point in my putting others’ interests ahead of my own? If I conduct myself “as a lesser one,” might people lose respect for me?’ Allowing the world’s selfish spirit to influence us could harm the loving relationships we enjoy in the congregation and our identity as Christians. But we are rewarded when we study the good examples set out in the Bible and imitate them. w18.09 3 ¶1

Tuesday, August 18

Na gha rhie ne emwa ọvbehe ẹre [oghọghọ] ye sẹ.—Iwinna 20:35.

Ọ mwẹ ẹghẹ ne Jehova ọkpa ya gha rrọọ. Ọ ghi sẹ ẹghẹ, ọ na yi emwa orhiọn kevbe emwa nagbọn. Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, Osanobua i mwẹ akhaẹn. Irẹn ọre Osa nọ sọyẹnmwẹ, ne emwi esi hia ke obọ re rre. (1 Tim 1:11; Jems 1:17) Irẹn hoo ne ima vbe gha sọyẹnmwẹ, ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na wẹẹ ne ima gha zẹ emwi obọ. (Rom 1:20) Te Osanobua yi ima ne ima yevbe na ghee irẹn. (Gẹn 1:27) Ọni rhiema wẹẹ, te irẹn yi avbe akpa ne irẹn mwẹ ye uwu ima, ne ima mieke na sẹtin gha rhiẹre ma. Ne arrọọ ọghe ima mieke na gha mwẹ evbọ demu, te ọ khẹke ne ima ya egbe tae Jehova, ma ghi gha mwẹ ahoẹmwọmwa daa emwa ọvbehe, ma ghi vbe gha zẹ emwi obọ. (Fil 2:3, 4; Jems 1:5) Vbọzẹe? Rhunmwuda erriọ e Jehova ya yi emwa nagbọn. Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ emwa ni ma gba ẹre ima khin, ma gha sẹtin ya egbe tae Jehova vbe odẹ ne ọ ya zẹ emwi obọ. E Jehova hoo ne ima gha ya egbe tae irẹn. Ma ghaa zẹ emwi obọ, ọ keghi yae ghọghọ.—Ẹfis 5:1. w18.08 18 ¶1-2; 19 ¶4

Tuesday, August 18

There is . . . happiness in giving.​—Acts 20:35.

Even though Jehovah was completely alone before he began to create, he was not thinking only of himself. On the contrary, he gave the gift of life to intelligent creatures, both spirit and human. “The happy God,” Jehovah, loves to give good things. (1 Tim. 1:11; Jas. 1:17) And since he also wants us to be happy, he teaches us to be generous. (Rom. 1:20) God made man in his image. (Gen. 1:27) That is, we were created to reflect his personality. In order to attain happiness and fulfillment, then, we need to follow Jehovah’s example by being interested in others and by being generous givers. (Phil. 2:3, 4; Jas. 1:5) Why? Quite simply because Jehovah lovingly designed humans that way. Despite our imperfection, we can succeed in imitating Jehovah’s generosity. Jehovah wants his human creation to imitate him, so it makes him happy when we are generous.​—Eph. 5:1. w18.08 18 ¶1-2; 19 ¶4

Wednesday, August 19

Avbe ohuan mwẹ danmwehọ urhu mwẹ.—Jọn 10:27.

Odẹ ne Ivbiotu e Kristi ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ iran họn ẹmwẹ ne Jesu, ọre ne iran na rhie emwi nọ maa iran re ye uyinmwẹ, ẹi re ne iran gha danmwehọ kẹkan. “Osi ẹmwẹ agbọn na” i vbe rhie iran ekhọe ghee ihe ọvbehe. (Luk 21:34) Imamwaemwi ọghe Jesu ẹre ọ ru ekpataki sẹ vbe arrọọ ọghe iran, iran i rhie obọ gberra adia ọghẹe, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ iran rre uwu ibavbaro. Vbuwe ena hia, iran ye ya ẹkoata ga e Jehova. Odẹ ọvbehe ne ima ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ ima họn ẹmwẹ ne Jesu, ọre ne ima na ku obọ gbe ba emwa ne irẹn zẹ ye ukpo. (Hib 13:7, 17) Vbọ ma he kpẹẹ gbe na, afiwerriẹ nibun wa rhiegbe ma vbe otu e Jehova. Usun afiwerriẹ na keghi re emadogua kevbe odẹ ughughan ne ima ghi ya kporhu, afiwerriẹ nọ rre iko na do vbuwe uzọla, odẹ ne ima ghi ya bọlọ Ọgua Arriọba, odẹ na ya dọlọe yi kevbe emwamwa ọgbọn na ghi ya gbaroghe ẹre. Ma wa ya ekhọe hia gbọyẹmwẹ ye afiwerriẹ ni rhiegbe ma vbe otu e Jehova. E Jehova gha fiangbe ima zẹvbe ne ima ya hia, ne ima gha lele adia nọ ke obọ otu ọghẹe rre. w19.03 10-11 ¶11-12

Wednesday, August 19

My sheep listen to my voice.​—John 10:27.

Christ’s followers show that they listen to Jesus by not only paying attention to his words but also acting on them. They are not distracted by the “anxieties of life.” (Luke 21:34) Rather, they make obeying Jesus’ commands a priority in life, even in the face of challenging circumstances. Through it all, our brothers remain faithful to Jehovah, cost what it may. Another way we can show that we are listening to Jesus is by cooperating with those whom he has appointed to take the lead among us. (Heb. 13:7, 17) God’s organization has made many adjustments in recent years, including the use of new tools and methods in our ministry, the format of our midweek meeting, and the way we build, renovate, and maintain our Kingdom Halls. How we appreciate the loving and carefully thought-out guidance! We can be sure that Jehovah will bless our efforts to follow the organization’s timely direction. w19.03 10-11 ¶11-12

Thursday, August 20

Ọ ma khẹke ne ima gha re emọ obọ ne . . . iruẹmwi emwa erẹrẹ bi yo bi rre.—Ẹfis 4:14.

Iyẹn eso mwẹ vbene ọ ye hẹ. Abọ ọkpa sẹtin gha re ẹmwata, abọ nọkẹre ghi gha re ohoghe. Te iyẹn vbenian bibi ọmwa odẹ, ẹi gia ya ru azẹ nọ khẹke. Gi ima guan kaẹn emwi nọ sunu daa Ivbi Izrẹl ni ghaa rre odẹ orrie ọghe Ẹzẹ Jọdan vbe ẹghẹ Jọsua. (Jọs 22:9-34) Iran keghi họn iyẹn eso wẹẹ, ivbi uniẹn Riubẹn, Gad kevbe abọ ọkpa vbe uniẹn e Manasẹ, ni rre odẹ ekẹn, gbe aka ne ghete. Ẹmwata gele gha nọ wẹẹ iran gbe aka ye evba, sokpan emwa ni ya na iyẹn na ma wa ya unu kaẹn emwi hia nọ sunu. Ọna ẹre ọ ghi ya Ivbi Izrẹl ni rre odẹ orrie gha roro wẹẹ, etẹn iran sọtẹ dae Jehova nẹ. Rhunmwuda ọni, iran keghi ru emwamwa ne iran ya gu iran khọn. (Jọs 22:9-12) Sokpan vbene iran te ru vberriọ, iran keghi gie ikpia eso na gba ẹko ẹre bu etẹn iran, ne iran mieke na gele rẹn ẹmwata nọ rre ẹmwẹ na. Ikpia nii ghi sẹ odọ, iran keghi do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ẹi re te Ivbi Izrẹl ni rre odẹ ekẹn gbe aka nii, ne iran yae gha zọ ese ne ẹbọ. Te iran gbe aka nii, nọ gha re ayere ne Ivbi Izrẹl wẹẹ, iran vbe ya ẹkoata gha ga e Jehova. Ẹghẹ ne Ivbi Izrẹl ni ghaa rre odẹ orrie loo ro ya gualọ otọ ẹmwẹ nii, wa biẹ ọmọ esi. Ẹi re ọyẹnmwẹ nekherhe ẹre ọ ghaa sẹ iran rhunmwuda, iran ma ghi gu etẹn iran khọn. w18.08 5 ¶9-10

Thursday, August 20

We should no longer be . . . carried here and there . . . by means of the trickery of men.​—Eph. 4:14.

A story that is only 10 percent true is 100 percent misleading. Consider what happened to the Israelites dwelling on the western side of the Jordan River in the days of Joshua. (Josh. 22:9-34) They received a report that the Israelites living on the eastern side had constructed a large, impressive altar. That portion of the report was true. Based on this incomplete information, those on the western side concluded that their brothers had rebelled against Jehovah. (Josh. 22:9-12) Thankfully, before attacking, they sent a delegation of trustworthy men to get all the facts. What did the men learn? The altar was built, not for sacrifices, but as a memorial, so that in the future all would know that they too were faithful servants of Jehovah. How thankful those Israelites must have been that they did not massacre their brothers based on incomplete information but took the time to get the facts! w18.08 5 ¶9-10

Friday, August 21

Ọmwa nọ roro ighẹ irẹn mudia nẹ, ọ mwẹ ẹwaẹn nẹ ghẹ ya de.—1 Kọr 10:12.

Ẹmwẹ ne Pọl tae vbe ebe 1 Kọrinti 10:12 rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, eguọmwadia Osanobua sẹtin de ye orukhọ. Emwa vberriọ sẹtin ye gha roro ẹre wẹẹ iran ye gu e Jehova mwẹ asikẹgbe nọ maan. Sokpan ne a gha mwẹ ahoo na ya ẹkoata ga Osanobua, ra na ba gha ru ighẹ a ya ẹkoata gae, ma rhiema wẹẹ ima gele ya ẹkoata gae. Irẹn i miẹn ugamwẹ vberriọ yi. (1 Kọr 10:1-5) Zẹ vbene osi ya gha si Ivbi Izrẹl rhunmwuda ne Mosis ma na rherhe ke uhunmwu Oke Sainai rre, Ivbiotu e Kristi sẹtin vbe gha si osi rhunmwuda, agbọn ọgbọn ma rre vbe ẹghẹ ne iran te yaro yi. Ma sẹtin vbe gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, ọ gha ye rhie ẹghẹ e Jehova ke do mu avbe eyan rẹn sẹ ra ẹi khian ghi muẹn sẹ hiehie. Deghẹ ima ma begbe, iziro vbenian sẹtin ya ima mu ahoo ọghe ikpakpa ye okaro vbe arrọọ ọghe ima. Zẹ vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, ma ghi fẹko gha khian rree ne Jehova. Ma sẹtin do gha yin uyinmwẹ eso ne ima i ghẹ te yin deghẹ ima ye mudia gbain vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. w18.07 20-21 ¶17-18

Friday, August 21

Let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall.​—1 Cor. 10:12.

As Paul pointed out, even true worshippers could become involved in wrong practices. Those who give in to temptation may think that they still have a good standing with Jehovah. But merely wanting to be Jehovah’s friend or claiming to be loyal to him does not always mean that one is actually approved by Jehovah. (1 Cor. 10:1-5) Just as the Israelites became anxious over Moses’ delay in coming down from Sinai, Christians today may feel anxious over the seeming delay of Jehovah’s day of judgment and the coming of the new world. The fulfillment of these promises may seem too far off in the future or too good to be true. Left unchecked, such thinking can lead us to put fleshly pursuits ahead of Jehovah’s will. In time, we could drift away from Jehovah and eventually engage in practices that we would never have considered being involved in when we were in good spiritual health. w18.07 21 ¶17-18

Saturday, August 22

I gha ru vbene u khare na, rhunmwuda ẹko mwẹ rhiẹnrhiẹn ghee ruẹ, I keghi vbe rẹn ruẹn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.—Ẹks 33:17.

Ma gha miẹn afiangbe nibun vbe Jehova gha rẹn ima ẹsẹsẹmwẹse. Sokpan, de emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru ne Jehova mieke na gele rẹn ima? Ọ khẹke ne ima ya ekhọe hia hoẹmwẹ e Jehova, ma ghi vbe ya arrọọ ọghe ima fiohan nẹẹn. (1 Kọr 8:3) Ọ ma khẹke ne ima gi emwi rhọkpa ya ima khian rree ne Jehova. Ọ khẹke ne ima ya egbe taa Ivbiotu e Kristi ne Pọl gbẹn ebe gie vbe Galatia. De odẹ nọkhin? Ọ khẹke ne ima biegbe ne avbe emwi nọ “vburriẹ” ra ne ẹi mwẹ esa. Ọna vbe kaẹn uyi nọ ma khẹke na gualọ. (Gal 4:9) Eguọmwadia e Jehova ẹre etẹn ni rre Galatia ne Pọl gbẹn ebe gie ghaa khin. Sokpan, e Pọl keghi kha wẹẹ, iran dọlegbe ya gha mwẹ obọ vbe avbe emwi ne ẹi mwẹ esa. Emwi ne Pọl ghaa tama iran ọre wẹẹ, “Wa ni deziẹn nẹ vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn, vbọ ghi zẹ ne uwa na werriegbe de ghee iyeke vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn?” w18.07 8 ¶5-6

Saturday, August 22

I will also do this thing that you request, because you have found favor in my eyes and I know you by name.​—Ex. 33:17.

We can receive wonderful blessings when Jehovah comes to know us personally. But how can we put ourselves in a position to be known by Jehovah? We do that when we come to love him and dedicate our life to him. (1 Cor. 8:3) However, we need to maintain our treasured relationship with our heavenly Father. Like the Galatian Christians to whom Paul wrote, we too need to avoid slaving for “the weak and beggarly elementary things” of this world, including seeking its acclaim. (Gal. 4:9) Those first-century Christians had progressed to the point of being known by God. However, Paul said that the very same brothers were “turning back again” to empty things. Paul was, in effect, saying: “After you have come so far, why would you return to the foolish, valueless things you left behind?” w18.07 8 ¶5-6

Sunday, August 23

Ọmwa nọ waan ẹre ọ rhie ibude.—Itan 1:5, NW.

Okha nibun ọghe eguọmwadia Osanobua ni rri oya rhunmwuda uhi Osanobua ne iran rra re wa bun vbe Baibol. Igiemwi ọghe iran sẹ nọ gha ya ima gha mwẹ ẹwaẹn, ne ima ghẹ mieke na rri egbe oya ne iran re. Vbene ẹmwata, ibude nọ ghi maan sẹ ẹre ima miẹn vbe obọ Osanobua. Vbe igiemwi, muẹn roro oya ne Devid re rhunmwuda ne ọ na gu e Batsiẹba ru emwi ọdọ vbe amwẹ. (2 Sam 12:7-14) Ma ghaa ru erria yan ako na vbe Baibol, ma sẹtin nọ egbe ima ọta vbenian: ‘De emwi ne Devid gha te ru vbe ọ bẹghe Batsiẹba? I gha miẹn edanmwẹ vberriọ, I gha sẹtin lae gberra ra? I gha lẹfua vbe na ghee Josẹf ra, ra I gha de ye edanmwẹ nii vbe na ghee Devid?’ (Gẹn 39:11-15) Ma ghaa ru erria yan ẹbe nọ kẹrikian vbe ima gha ru orukhọ, emwi dan ghi do gha “sọnnọ” ima.—Emọs 5:15. w18.06 17 ¶5, 7

Sunday, August 23

A wise person listens and takes in more instruction.​—Prov. 1:5.

Thankfully, we do not need to suffer the consequences of breaking God’s laws to learn valuable lessons. We can learn from the mistakes of others whose transgressions are recorded in God’s Word. Indeed, we receive the very best instruction from God, such as when we read and meditate on real-life Bible accounts. For example, think of the pain that King David experienced after he disobeyed Jehovah’s command and committed adultery with Bath-sheba. (2 Sam. 12:7-14) While reading and meditating on this account, we might ask ourselves: ‘How could King David have avoided the heartache he suffered because of his adulterous act with Bath-sheba? If I faced a similar temptation, would I have the strength to turn away? Would I flee like Joseph, or would I give in like David?’ (Gen. 39:11-15) By reflecting on the bad consequences of sin, we can strengthen our heart to “hate what is bad.”​—Amos 5:15. w18.06 17 ¶5, 7

Monday, August 24

Wa rhie nọ re ọghe Nọgbaisi nẹẹn, ne uwa vbe rhie nọ re ọghe Osanobua ne Osanobua.—Mat 22:21.

Uyinmwẹ a gbe ọmwa ekueku ẹre ọ mobọ ya emwa nibun deba otu azẹ. Vbe Jesu ye rre agbọn, ẹmwẹ igho uhunmwu na hae, ẹre ọ ya emwa nibun rhiegba ye ẹmwẹ otu azẹ. Usun emwi ne iran ghaa hae igho uhunmwu yi ọre emwi ne iran mwẹ, otọ kevbe owa. Ibeleku ne avbe emwa ni koko igho uhunmwu ghaa fi, ẹre ọ ya ẹmwẹ igho uhunmwu na hae gha lọghọ emwa nibun. Vbe iran ya gha do ẹki ero na hẹ? Eso vbuwe iran sẹtin mu igho ọrhẹnrhẹn gie arriọba ne arriọba mieke na mu ukpo nọ yo ne iran. Iran ghi do gha loo asẹ nii ya miẹn emwa igho ọrhẹnrhẹn. Odẹ vbenian ẹre Zaikiọs ya khian ọmwa nọ fe. Irẹn ẹre ọ ghaa re ọkaolotu ọghe emwa ni koko igho uhunmwu vbe Jẹriko. (Luk 19:2, 8) Te Zaikiọs wa gele gha gbe emwa rhu. Eghian Jesu kegha gualọ ehe ne iran khian la lae Jesu egbe. Iran keghi ya ẹmwẹ igho uhunmwu ne a hae danmwẹ ọnrẹn ghee. Igho uhunmwu na kha na ọre ikọbọ “igho” na tie ẹre dinariọs. Ọna ẹre ọ ghaa re ighọ uhunmwu ne arriọba e Rom fian ne Ivbi e Ju. (Mat 22:16-18) Te igho uhunmwu na, wa gha ya ẹko khọ Ivbi e Ju rhunmwuda, te ọ ghaa ye iran re rre wẹẹ, ototọ arriọba e Rom ẹre iran ye. w18.06 5-6 ¶8-10

Monday, August 24

Pay back . . . Caesar’s things to Caesar, but God’s things to God.​—Matt. 22:21.

Injustice often inflames political passions. Taxation was a hot political issue in Jesus’ time. Subjects of Rome, including those who listened to Jesus, were required to pay many taxes, such as on goods, land, and houses. And the corruption of the tax collectors increased the sense of being under a heavy burden. Tax collectors might purchase a position of authority at a public auction and then profit from what was collected. Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector in Jericho, had become rich by extorting money from the people. (Luke 19:2, 8) His course was probably typical of that of many. Jesus’ enemies tried to trap Jesus by getting him to take sides on a taxation issue. The tax in question was the “head tax,” a tax of one denarius levied on Roman subjects. (Matt. 22:16-18) The Jews especially resented this tax. It represented their subjection to Rome. w18.06 5-6 ¶8-10

Tuesday, August 25

Emwi ne ọmwa kọe zẹẹ, ẹre ọ gha vbe rhọọ.—Gal 6:7.

Vbene ẹmwata, ọmwa gha ya egbe ba Esu, ẹbe nọ lelẹe khian ẹre ọ sẹ orhiẹnrhiẹn ne a miẹn vbọ. (Job 21:7-17; Gal 6:8) Vbọ ya ru iyobọ ne ima hẹ, ne ima na rẹn wẹẹ, ẹtin Esu mwẹ ehe nọ sẹ? Ọ keghi ya ima rhie ọghọ nọ khẹke ne arriọba emwa nagbọn, erriọ vbe ya ima zọghae vbe iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan. (1 Pita 2:17) Ma rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova hoo ne ima gha lele uhi arriọba sokpan, ọni ọre deghẹ uhi arriọba emwa nagbọn ma gbodan ye ilele ọghe Osanobua. (Rom 13:1-4) Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha rre idiaghe vbe nọ dekaẹn otu azẹ ra oseghe ẹvbo ne emwa sinmwi. (Jọn 17:15, 16; 18:36) Rhunmwuda ne Esu na hoo nọ mu eni Osanobua rhia, ọna ẹre ọ ya ima rhiegba ya iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan ne emwa mieke na rẹn ẹmwata vbekpae Osanobua. Te ima ya eni Osanobua ne ima ya waengbe hio rhunmwuda ma rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, ai ya afiangbe ne ima miẹn vbe ugamwẹ e Jehova gie igho ra emwi ewe ne a khu khian.—Aiz 43:10; 1 Tim 6:6-10. w18.05 24 ¶8-9

Tuesday, August 25

Whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap.​—Gal. 6:7.

The costs of siding with Satan always outweigh any seeming benefits that he may offer. (Job 21:7-17; Gal. 6:8) What advantage do we gain from knowing the extent of Satan’s influence? It helps us keep a balanced view of secular authorities and motivates us in our witnessing work. We understand that Jehovah wants us to respect governmental authorities. (1 Pet. 2:17) And he expects us to obey the laws of human governments as long as those laws do not conflict with his standards. (Rom. 13:1-4) But we realize that we must remain neutral, never favoring one political party or human leader over another. (John 17:15, 16; 18:36) Because we see what Satan is trying to do to Jehovah’s name and reputation, we feel more compelled to teach others the truth about our God. We proudly bear and use his name, knowing that loving him is far more rewarding than loving money or things.​—Isa. 43:10; 1 Tim. 6:6-10. w18.05 24 ¶8-9

Wednesday, August 26

Wẹẹ ne okhuo nọ rre owa ọdọ ghẹ kpa sẹ ọdọ ẹre rae.—1 Kọr 7:10.

Ọlọghọmwa gha rhiegbe ma vbe orọnmwẹ, ọ khẹke ne ọdọ vbe amwẹ wannọ egbe ra? E Baibol ma wa sunu yọ taara, emwi nọ gha sẹtin ya ọdọ vbe amwẹ wannọ egbe. E Pọl keghi kha wẹẹ: “Adeghẹ okhuo nọ yayi rọnmwẹ ọdọ nọ ma yayi, ighẹ okpia nii kue ne iran gba gha rrọọ, wẹẹ ne okhuo nii ghẹ sẹ ọre rae.” (1 Kọr 7:12, 13) Ibude na wa vbe kaẹn ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ. Vbe orọnmwẹ eso, etẹn nikhuo keghi rri oya rhunmwuda, arowa iran ne ẹi ga e Jehova keghi ya obọ atosi mu iran. Ọ sẹtin wa gha gbe ọtẹn nokhuo ugbemwẹ a gha wu a rrie, a sẹtin vbe miẹn wẹẹ, ẹi kpemehe emwi ikpakpa ne ẹgbẹe ọre ra ẹi zẹdẹ gi ọtẹn nokhuo ga e Jehova. Etẹn nikhuo eso ni ka werriẹ aro daa ọlọghọmwa vbenian keghi kpa sẹ arowa iran rae, vbene eso na mwẹ izinegbe, iran na vbe hia vbene ẹtin iran sẹ, ne ọfunmwegbe do gha rre uwu ẹgbẹe nii. w18.12 13 ¶14; 14 ¶16-17

Wednesday, August 26

A wife should not separate from her husband.​—1 Cor. 7:10.

In the event of marital problems, is separation a justifiable solution? The Scriptures do not outline various grounds for separation. Paul wrote: “If a woman has an unbelieving husband and he is agreeable to staying with her, let her not leave her husband.” (1 Cor. 7:12, 13) That applies in our day too. Admittedly, there have been instances where an “unbelieving husband” seems to prove that he is not “agreeable to staying with her.” He might be extremely physically abusive, even to the point that she feels that her health or life is in danger. He might refuse to support her and the family or severely endanger her spirituality. In such cases, some Christians have personally decided that, despite what he might say, the mate is not “agreeable to staying” together and that a separation is necessary. But other Christians in comparably difficult situations have not; they have endured and tried to work at improving matters. w18.12 13 ¶14, 16; 14 ¶17

Thursday, August 27

Emwiokọ ni dele ye otọ nọ maan mudia ye ihe . . . iran ni ya izinegbe mọ ọmọ erhan.—Luk 8:15, NW.

Vbe erre ọghe ọkemwiokọ nọ rre ebe Luk 8:5-8, 11-15, emwiokọ ra ikpẹ keghi mudia ye ihe “ẹmwẹ Osanobua” ra iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba. Otọ na kọ emwi yi keghi mudia ye ekhọe ọghe emwa nagbọn. Ikpẹ ni dele ye otọ nọ maan keghi gbọzinian, ọ na zọọ, ọ na vbe waan do khian ọka nọ mọ. Ikpẹ ni rre ọmọ ọkpọkpa nọ mọẹn kegha re “iyisẹn iyisẹn.” Ẹghẹ okaro na ya maa ima emwi vbekpae Arriọba Osanobua, te ọ yevbe na kọ emwiokọ ra ikpẹ ye otọ nọ maan. Ikpẹ nii na gha waan. Ọ ghi sẹ eghẹ, ọ na vbe sẹ nọ mọ. Yerre wẹẹ, erhan ọka na ka guan kaẹn ban ma mọ erhan ọka ọvbehe, ikpọka ọgbọn ẹre ọ mọẹn. Erriọ ima vbe ye, ọmọ erhan ne ima mọ i re erhuanegbe ọvbehe, ọ keghi re ikpẹ ọgbọn. De odẹ nọ khin? Ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne ima ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba ma ọmwa ọvbehe, te ọ yevbe ne ima mọ ikpẹ ọgbọn ọvbehe, te ọ vbe yevbe ne ima kọe lele ehe hia. (Luk 6:45; 8:1) Emwi kpataki ne ima miẹn ruẹ vbe erre na ọre wẹẹ, ma ghaa kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba, te ima ‘ya izinegbe mọ ọmọ erhan.’ w18.05 14 ¶10-11

Thursday, August 27

These are the ones who . . . bear fruit with endurance.​—Luke 8:15.

In the illustration of the sower found at Luke 8:5-8, 11-15, the seed is “the word of God,” or the Kingdom message. The soil represents man’s figurative heart. The seed that fell on the fine soil took root, sprouted, and “produced 100 times more fruit.” Just as the fine soil in Jesus’ illustration retained the seed, we accepted the message and held on to it. As a result, the seedlike Kingdom message took root and grew, as it were, into a wheat stalk that, in time, was ready to bear fruit. And just as a wheat stalk produces as fruit, not new stalks, but new seed, we are producing as fruit, not new disciples, but new Kingdom seed. How do we produce new Kingdom seed? Each time we in one way or another proclaim the Kingdom message, we duplicate and scatter, so to speak, the seed that was planted in our heart. (Luke 6:45; 8:1) Hence, this illustration teaches us that as long as we keep on proclaiming the Kingdom message, we “bear fruit with endurance.” w18.05 14 ¶10-11

Friday, August 28

Ọmwa ne I hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn ẹre I gu gui, ẹre I vbe gbe hin ọkhọ rre.Arhie 3:19.

E Pọl keghi wa rhie igiọdu ne etẹn, sokpan ọ ma dobọ yi vba. Ọ keghi ya ‘ẹkorhiẹnrhiẹnmwẹ loo emwi ne ọ mwẹ hia’ kevbe ẹrhiọn hia ne ọ mwẹ ya ru iyobọ ne etẹn. (2 Kọr 12:15) Te ọ vbe khẹke ne ediọn gha zẹ emwi ru. Ọna ẹre ọ khian ghi gele rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, iran hoẹmwẹ etẹn iran. (1 Kọr 14:3) Adia ne a rhie ne etẹn keghi re odẹ ọkpa ne a ya rhie ẹrhiọn ye iran iwu sokpan, te ọ khẹke ne ediọn lele igiẹmwi ni rre Baibol, vbe iran ghaa rhie adia ne etẹn. Vbe nọ dekaan ọna, Jesu keghi rhie igiemwi esi yotọ vbe ọ ghi rhiọkpaegbe nẹ. Ọ mwẹ ako ne etẹn ni ghaa rre iko Ẹfisọs, Pẹgamọm kevbe Tiatira vbe Asia Minor na gha vburriẹ, rhunmwuda ọni, Jesu keghi rhie adia nọ wegbe ne iran. Sokpan, te ọ ka tian iran ye ako ne iran na musọe, ọ ke rhie adia ne iran. (Arhie 2:1-5, 12, 13, 18, 19) Ọna ọre igiemwi nọ khẹke ne ediọn gha lele vbe iran ghaa gbe emwa hin ọkhọ rre. w18.04 21-22 ¶8-9

Friday, August 28

All those for whom I have affection, I reprove and discipline.​—Rev. 3:19.

Paul was willing not only to encourage his brothers but also to “spend and be completely spent for” them. (2 Cor. 12:15) Similarly, elders should not only encourage and console their brothers with words but also build them up by showing sincere personal interest. (1 Cor. 14:3) Building one another up may involve giving counsel, but here again, elders should follow the example given in the Bible about how to give counsel in an encouraging way. An outstanding example in this respect was given by Jesus himself after his death and resurrection. He had some firm counsel to give to certain congregations in Asia Minor, but notice how he went about it. Before giving them counsel, he gave warm commendation to the congregations in Ephesus, Pergamum, and Thyatira. (Rev. 2:1-5, 12, 13, 18, 19) Elders would do well to imitate Christ’s example when they need to give counsel. w18.04 22 ¶8-9

Saturday, August 29

Evbibiẹ emọ, . . . wa dia [ivbi uwa] ye odẹ, ne uwa vbe gha ma iran emwi zẹvbe ọmwa nọ ya e Kristi yi.—Ẹfis 6:4.

Evbibiẹ emọ, uwa keghi hia vbe odẹ ke odẹ ne emianmwẹ dan ghẹ dekun ivbi uwa. Odẹ ọkpa ne uwa ya ru ọna, ọre ne uwa na kpe owa uwa huan vbe ẹghẹ hia. Erriọ vbe khẹke ne uwa ya viẹn uwu ne ivbi uwa vbe nọ dekaẹn ikueta na ghee, ẹkpẹti ughe, e vidio gem, intanẹt kevbe emwi ke emwi ne Esu gha ya sẹtin mu iran ekhọe rhia. Iwinna ne Jehova waa uwa re, ọre ne uwa koko ivbi uwa, ne iran do gha re emwa ni deziẹn vbe odẹ ọghe orhiọn. (Itan 1:8) Nọnaghiyerriọ, wa yi uhi eso ni gua ilele ọghe Baibol ro, ni gha ru iyobọ ne ivbi uwa ya rẹn ehe nọ khẹke ne iran gha khian sẹ. Ọna dekaẹn ughe nọ khẹke ne iran ghee kevbe nọ ma khẹke ne iran gha ghee, u ghi vbe gi iran rẹn evbọzẹe ne u na yi uhi vberriọ. (Mat 5:37) Zẹ vbene emọ ya waan dee, wa gha ya ilele ni rre Baibol ru iyobọ ne iran ya rẹn alughaẹn nọ rre uwu ẹkpo emwi dan kevbe emwi esi. (Hib 5:14) Wa ghẹ mianmian wẹẹ, uyinmwẹ uwa ẹre ivbi uwa khian na miẹn emwi ruẹ sẹ.—Diut 6:6, 7; Rom 2:21. w19.01 16 ¶8

Saturday, August 29

Fathers, . . . go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and admonition of Jehovah.​—Eph. 6:4.

Parents, you no doubt do all you can to protect your children from literal diseases. You keep your home clean, and you throw out anything that might cause you or your children to get sick. In the same way, you need to protect your children from movies, TV shows, electronic games, and websites that are likely to infect them with Satan’s thinking. Jehovah has given you the authority to care for the spiritual health of your children. (Prov. 1:8) So do not be afraid to set household rules that are based on Bible standards. Tell your young children what they can and cannot watch, and help them to understand the reasons for your decisions. (Matt. 5:37) As your children get older, train them to discern for themselves what is right and what is wrong according to Jehovah’s standards. (Heb. 5:14) And remember, your children will learn even more from what you do.​—Deut. 6:6, 7; Rom. 2:21. w19.01 16 ¶8

Sunday, August 30

Avbe ọmaẹn kevbe ibiẹka. Gi iran hia rho eni e Nọyaẹnmwa!—Psm 148:12, 13.

Igbama gha vbe sẹtin ya akugbe ọghe etẹn vbe iko wegbe sayọ. De odẹ nọ khin? Odẹ ọkpa ne igbama khian ya sẹtin ru ọna ọre wẹẹ, iran ghi hia ne iran gu etẹn ni khian eniwanrẹn nẹ ru ọse. Igbama sẹtin nọ iran vbe odẹ ọghe ọghọ, emwi ẹwaẹn eso ne iran he miẹn vbe ugamwẹ e Jehova. Avbe igbama gha wa miẹn ere vbe emwi ẹwaẹn ọghe iran. Etẹn ni khian eniwanrẹn nẹ ghi vbe gha mwẹ igiọdu rhunmwuda ne avbe igbama na gbe egbe iran. Ọ wa vbe khẹke ne etẹn hia vbe iko gha ya oyaya gbe ọbokhian ne erhunmwuyẹn ni rrie iko. Etẹn ni siẹnro iko ọghe emwamwa ikporhu, gha sẹtin ru iyobọ ne etẹn ni khian eniwanrẹn nẹ, ne iran mieke na gha mwẹ ọghae vbe ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan. Ako nọ ma rree gbe, ne iran khian na sẹtin winna, ẹre ọ khẹke na ghae iran yi. Ugbẹnso, a sẹtin wẹẹ ne igbama deba iran winna rhunmwuda, igbama gha sẹtin ru iyobọ nọ khẹke ne etẹn ni kakabọ khian ọmaẹn nẹ. Orhiọn keghi zẹdia gbe ye iran iwu ighẹ etẹn ni khian eniwanrẹn nẹ kevbe etẹn ne egbe ma sasa rhunmwuda, iran i ghi sẹtin ya ikporhu vbene iran ka yo. Te ọ khẹke ne ima gha gbọyẹmwẹ ye ẹrhiọn ne etẹn vbenian loo vbe ugamwẹ e Jehova. Ma ghaa ya obọ esi mu etẹn hia ne ima gba ga, ọ gha ru iyobọ ne iran ya rhiegba ye iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan.—Lẹv 19:32. w18.06 23-24 ¶10-12

Sunday, August 30

Old men and young together. Let them praise the name of Jehovah.​—Ps. 148:12, 13.

If you are a Christian youth, why not make it your aim to take an interest in older ones? You might respectfully ask them to relate an experience from their years of service. You will find this very upbuilding, and both you and they will be even more motivated to let the light of truth shine. And all of us can make it a point to welcome those who attend meetings at the Kingdom Hall. If you are assigned to handle a meeting for field service, you can do much to help older ones to have a share in the ministry. Do they have suitable territory? In some cases, you may choose to assign them to work with a younger companion who can provide physical support. You can also show understanding to those whose health and circumstances limit what they can do. Yes, your consideration and discernment can help young and old, experienced and less experienced, to preach the good news with zeal.​—Lev. 19:32. w18.06 23-24 ¶10-12

Monday, August 31

Wa ghẹ rhunmwuda afanvbimu ne uwa mwẹ gha yin uyinmwẹ nọ ma khẹke, sokpan wa gha yin vbe na ghee eviẹn Osanobua.—1 Pit 2:16, NW.

Ọ khẹke ne ima gha gbọyẹmwẹ ye emwamwa ọghe izọese adẹwerriegbe ne Jehova ru ya fan ima hin imu ọghe orukhọ kevbe uwu rre. Ọna ẹre ọ zẹe ne ima na sẹtin ya ekhọe ọguọmwaziro nọ hianrẹn ga Osanobua. Ọna ẹre ọ ya ima sọyẹnmwẹ. (Psm 40:8) Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ te ọ khẹke ne ima gha gbọyẹmwẹ ye afanvbimu nọ ke obọ Osanobua rre, ọ vbe khẹke ne ima gha begbe ne ima ghẹ ya loo ẹre ghee ihan. Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ukọ e Pita na ya obọ sekhae ne ima wẹẹ, ne ima ghẹ rhunmwuda afanvbimu ne ima mwẹ gha yin uyinmwẹ nọ ma khẹke. Ọna keghi ye ima re rre emwi nọ sunu daa Ivbi Izrẹl vbe ato. Emwi nọ sunu daa iran sẹtin vbe sunu daa ima vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ deghẹ ima ma begbe rhunmwuda, Esu sẹtin ya oyọnyọn ọghe ukpọn ne a yọ, evbare, irọkhegbe kevbe emwi ọvbehe mu ima rẹrẹ. Ọna ọre obẹlẹ ne emwa ni do okpe ẹki okpe ere loo. Emwa ni mose ẹre iran loo ya wewe emwi ne iran khiẹn. Iran ghi gha yae wewe vbene a miẹn wẹẹ, a ma na dẹ emwi ne iran khiẹn, egbe i ghi rọkhọ ọmwa. Deghẹ ima ma begbe vbe emwi vbenian, ma sẹtin loo afanvbimu ne ima mwẹ ghee ihan. w18.04 10 ¶7-8

Monday, August 31

[Use] your freedom, not as a cover for doing wrong, but as slaves of God.​—1 Pet. 2:16.

We should never take for granted that Jehovah liberated us from the bondage of sin and of death. By means of the ransom, we can serve our God with a clean conscience and find real delight in doing so. (Ps. 40:8) In addition to expressing gratitude, however, we should be mindful of never misusing our precious freedom. The apostle Peter warned against using our freedom as an excuse for catering to our fleshly desires. Does that warning not remind you of what befell the Israelites in the wilderness? And the danger is still with us, perhaps even more so. Satan and his world offer ever more alluring choices in dress and grooming, food and drink, recreation and entertainment, and a host of other things. Clever advertisers often feature attractive people deceptively promoting as must-haves many things we really do not need. How easy it is to fall prey to these ploys and to misuse our freedom! w18.04 10 ¶7-8