Lesson 116

Paul’s third preaching tour ended in Jerusalem.
E Jerusalẹm ẹre Pọl ghi mu okhian gha rrie kiekie.

There he was arrested and thrown into prison.
Evba ẹre iran na muẹn ye eghan.

In a vision during the night, Jesus told him:
Vbe ọ ghi rre asọn ọkpa, Jesu keghi tama e Pọl vbe umian wẹẹ:

‘You will go to Rome and preach there.’
‘U gha yo e Rom ya kporhu.’

Paul was taken from Jerusalem to Caesarea, where he spent two years in prison.
Iran keghi mu e Pọl vbe Jerusalẹm gha rrie Sisaria; evba ẹre ọ na gbe ukpo eva vbe eghan.

When he was on trial before Governor Festus, Paul said:
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Fẹstọs ne ọka arriọba ghi ya guan ye ẹmwẹ e Pọl, e Pọl keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Let me be judged by Caesar, in Rome.’
‘Wa mu mwẹ gha rrie Rom ne Ọgbaisi (Ceaser) bu ohiẹn mwẹ.’

Festus said:
Ẹre Fẹstọs na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“To Caesar you have appealed; to Caesar you will go.”
‘Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ u tọn ẹzọ ruẹ mu gha rrie ọghe Ọgbaisi (Ceaser), I gha gu ruẹ gha khian.’

Paul was put on a ship bound for Rome, and two Christian brothers, Luke and Aristarchus, went with him.
Iran na ghi mu e Pọl ye uwu okọ nọ rrie Rom, vbene iran na ya ọgiọrọ gbalọ ọre obọ; etẹn eva nọ re Luk kevbe Aristakọs keghi lelẹe.

At sea, they were caught in a violent storm, which went on for many days.
Vbe iran ghi gua okọ khian, okpẹhoho na suẹn gha la; ọwara ikpẹdẹ nibun ẹre ọ ya gha la vbene ọ ma na fo, ọ ma vbiẹ.

Everyone thought that they were going to die.
Iran hia na gha roro wẹẹ ọghe iran wa fo nẹ.

But Paul said:
Sokpan e Pọl keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Men, an angel told me in a dream:
‘Ma i khian wu, ne uwa ghẹ mu ohan. Odibosa ọkpa tama mwẹ vbe imina wẹẹ:

“Don’t be afraid, Paul.
“Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn, Pọl.

You will get to Rome, and everyone on the ship with you will be safe.” Take courage! We will not die.’
Ke uwẹ ke emwa hia ni rre uwu okọ na gha sẹ e Rom vbe egbe hẹnẹdẹn.”’

The storm raged for 14 days.
Ọwara ikpẹdẹ 14 ẹre okpẹhoho na wa ya la.

Finally, land appeared. It was the island of Malta.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, iran na do gha bẹghe otọ ne amẹ gbodin lẹga ọghe Malta.

The ship ran aground and broke into pieces, but all 276 people on the ship made it safely to land.
Vbene ẹhoho ya bi okọ nii dee, ọ na dekun uzekhae, ẹre ọ na ghi ni, sokpan emwi rhọkpa ma ru orhunmwu 276 ni ghaa rre uwu okọ nii.

Some swam and others held onto pieces of the ship and floated to shore.
Eso vbuwe iran keghi khuẹ ladian, vbene eso na mudia yan oyọnmwẹ ra abọ nọ yan fua vbe okọ nii, nọ mieke na lẹẹ iran gha die otọ kẹkan.

The people of Malta took care of them and built a fire to warm them.
Ivbi e Malta keghi ya obọ esi mu iran; iran na vbe koko erhẹn ne iran, ne iran mieke na yegbe ghaa ẹre rhunmwuda oni nọ ghaa fi.

Three months later, the soldiers took Paul to Rome on another ship.
Vbe uki eha ghi gberra nẹ, ivbiyokuo keghi ya okọ ọvbehe mu e Pọl gha rrie Rom.

When he arrived, the brothers came to meet him.
Vbe ọ ghi sẹ e Rom, etẹn ni rre evba keghi do gbọbokhian nẹ.

On seeing them, Paul thanked Jehovah and took courage.
Orhiọn keghi la e Pọl iwu vbe ọ bẹghe iran, ọ na rhie ekpọnmwẹ ne Jehova.

Even though Paul was a prisoner, he was allowed to live in a rented house while being guarded by a soldier.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ oleghan ẹre Pọl ghaa khin, iran keghi kue ne Pọl mu owa, vbene ivbiyokuo na gha gbogba ga re, nẹ ghẹ lẹẹ fua.

He stayed there for two years.
Ukpo eva ẹre ọ gbe vbe evba.

People came to see him, and he preached to them about God’s Kingdom and taught them about Jesus.
Emwa gha rre do miẹn ọnrẹn, ọ ghi loo ẹkpotọ nii ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba Osanobua ma iran, ọ ghi vbe tama iran vbekpae Jesu.

Paul also wrote letters to the congregations in Asia Minor and Judea.
E Pọl vbe gha gbẹnnẹ elẹta gie etẹn ni rre iko vbe Asia Minor kevbe Judia.

Jehovah truly used Paul to spread the good news to the nations.
Vbene ẹmwata, e Jehova wa loo e Pọl ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ma agbẹnvbo nibun.

“In every way we recommend ourselves as God’s ministers, by the endurance of much, by tribulations, by times of need, by difficulties.”—2 Corinthians 6:4
“Sokpan vbe uwu emwi ne ima ru hia, ma ghi gha hia ne ima gha rhie maan wẹẹ, eguọmwadia Osanobua ma khin, vbe ekpa ne a na ye ẹgbodin zinegbe vbe uwu ọlọghọmwa, ukpokpo, kevbe orueghe.”—2 Kọrinti 6:4


Why did Festus send Paul to Rome?
Vbọsiẹ ne Fẹstọs na wẹẹ na mu e Pọl gha rrie Rom?

What happened to Paul on the way to Rome?
Vbọ sunu dae Pọl vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha rrie Rom?