Lesson 101

The Jews celebrated the Passover every year on the 14th day of the month of Nisan.
Ukpo ukpo, ẹre Ivbi e Ju ya gha do Ugie Alagberra vbe ikpẹdẹ nogie 14 vbe uki e Nisan.

This was to remind them of how Jehovah had set them free from slavery in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land.
Te iran ghaa do ugie na, ne iran ya gha yerre odẹ ne Jehova ya fan iran vbe otọ Igipt gha rrie otọ ne ọ yan rẹn wẹẹ iren gha mu ne iran.

In the year 33 C.E., Jesus and his apostles celebrated the Passover in an upper room in Jerusalem.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo 33 C.E., Jesu kevbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe keghi do Ugie Alagberra vbe ughugha ọghe egedege ọkpa nọ rre Jerusalẹm.

At the end of the meal, Jesus said:
Vbe iran ghi do ugie na fo nẹ, Jesu keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘One of you is going to betray me.’
‘Ọkpa vbuwe uwa gha ya mwẹ dẹ.’

The apostles were shocked, and they asked Jesus:
Ẹmwẹ na keghi kpa iran odin, iran na gha nọ Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Who is it?’
‘De ọmwa nọ khin yi?’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘It is the man to whom I give this bread.’
‘Ọmwaikọmwa ne I rhie ebrẹdi na, ẹre ọ khian ya mwẹ dẹ.’

Then he gave a piece of bread to Judas Iscariot.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi fian ebrẹdi ne Judas Iskariọt.

Immediately, Judas got up and left the room.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Judas na kpa sẹ iran rae.

Jesus then said a prayer, broke some bread into pieces, and handed it to the remaining apostles.
Ẹre Jesu na ghi na erhunmwu, ọ na bunnọ ebrẹdi nii, ọ na ghae re ne avbẹ ukọ ọghẹe.

He said:
Ọ keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Eat this bread.
‘Wa miẹn.

It represents my body, which I will give for you.’
Ọna mudia ye egbe mwẹ ne I khian ya zọ ese ne uwa.’

Then he prayed over some wine and gave it to his apostles.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi na erhunmwu ye ayọn ne ọ dayi mwẹ obọ, ọ na vbe mu ne avbe ukọ ọghẹe ne iran wọn vbọ.

He said:
Ọ na khama iran wẹẹ:

‘Drink this wine.
‘Wa wọn rẹn.

It represents my blood, which I will give so that sins can be forgiven.
Ọna mudia ye esagiẹn mwẹ ne I khian da kua, ne uwa mieke na miẹn ayabọ orukhọ ọghe uwa.

I promise that you will be kings with me in heaven.
I gu uwa ta ile wẹẹ, wa gha deba mwẹ kha vbe ẹrinmwi.

Do this every year to remember me.’
Wa gha ru ọna vbe ukpo ukpo, ne uwa ya gha yee mwẹ rre.’

Jesus’ followers still meet together on that evening every year.
Te erhuanegbe Jesu wa ye do ugie na, vbe ukpo ukpo.

That meeting is now called the Lord’s Evening Meal.
Ugie na, ẹre a ghi rẹn ye Evbare Ota Ọghe Nọyaẹnmwa ra Ugie Ayere.

After the meal, the apostles argued over which one of them was the most important.
Vbe iran ghi rri evbare fo nẹ, iran na suẹn imuaẹmwẹ. Iran kegha sinmwi ye ukpo ọghe ọmwa nọ hiunsi sẹ.

But Jesus told them:
Sokpan Jesu na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘The one who is greatest among you is the one who sees himself as the youngest, the least important one.
‘Ọmwa nọ hiunsi sẹ vbuwe ẹbu uwa, ọre ọmwa ne ọ ghee egbe ẹre zẹvbe ọmwa nọ ghi kanmwa sẹ.

‘You are my friends.
‘Ọse mwẹ ẹre uwa khin.

I tell you everything my Father wants me to tell you.
I gi uwa rẹn emwi hia ne Erha mwẹ wẹẹ ne I tama uwa.

Soon I’m going to my Father in heaven.
I gha rherhe bu Erha mwẹ vbe ẹrinmwi.

You will remain behind, and people will know that you are my disciples by the love that you have for one another.
I ghi sẹ uwa rae ye agbọn na. Sokpan deghẹ uwa na hoẹmwẹ egbe uwa, emwa gha rẹn wẹẹ erhuanegbe mwẹ ẹre uwa khin.

You must love one another just as I have loved you.’
Zẹvbe ne imẹ ya hoẹmwẹ uwa, erriọ ẹre ọ khẹke ne uwa ya hoẹmwẹ egbe uwa.’

Finally, Jesus prayed, asking Jehovah to protect all the disciples.
Ẹre Jesu na ghi na erhunmwu, ne Jehova gbogba ga erhuanegbe ẹre hia.

He asked Jehovah to help them to work together in peace.
Ọ na rinmwian e Jehova ne ọ ru iyobọ ne iran ya gha mwẹ akugbe.

He prayed for Jehovah’s name to be sanctified.
Ọ na vbe na erhunmwu, ne eni e Jehova khian na kpe huan.

Then Jesus and his apostles sang praises to Jehovah and went outside.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu kevbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe keghi so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Jehova. Iran ghi so ihuan fo nẹ, iran na gha rrie orere.

The time was near for Jesus to be arrested.
Ẹghẹ sẹ nẹ nia, ne eghian khian ya mu Jesu.

“Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom.”—Luke 12:32
“Wa ghẹ fian afianma, oghẹn kherhe. Rhunmwuda, ọ rre ekhọe Erha uwa nẹ, ne ọ rhie Arriọba ni ne uwa.”—Luk 12:32


What did Jesus promise the apostles?
De eyan ne Jesu ru ma avbe ukọ ọghẹe?

What important lessons did Jesus teach the apostles during his last supper with them?
De emwi kpataki ne Jesu maa avbe ukọ ọghẹe re, vbe asọn nokiekie ne ọ gbe vbe agbọn?