Lesson 094

After choosing the 12 apostles, Jesus came down the mountain to a place where a large crowd was gathered.
Vbe Jesu ghi zẹ ukọ ne 12 nẹ, ọ na ke uhunmwu oke tuorre gha die ehe ne emwa na gbẹbu.

They had come from Galilee, Judea, Tyre, Sidon, Syria, and the other side of the Jordan.
E Galili, e Judia, e Taia, e Saidọn, e Siria kevbe ẹvbo ni rre Jọdan ẹre iran na ke rre.

They brought people who were suffering from diseases and some who were tormented by demons.
Iran keghi viọ emwa ni khuọnmwi emianmwẹ ughughan kevbe emwa ne orhiọn dan loo bu e Jesu gha dee.

Jesus healed them all.
Jesu keghi mu iran hia egbe rran.

Then he sat down on the mountainside and began to speak.
Jesu keghi tota ye ọkpẹn oke gha gu iran guan.

He explained what we must do if we want to be friends of God.
Ọ keghi rhan otọ emwi ne a gha ru, na mieke na gha re ọse ọghe Osanobua.

We must realize that we need Jehovah and learn to love him.
Ọ khẹke ne ima rẹn wẹẹ ima gualọ adia ọghe Jehova, ọ vbe khẹke ne ima hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn.

But we cannot love God if we do not love other people.
Sokpan ma i sẹtin hoẹmwẹ Osanobua deghẹ ima ma na hoẹmwẹ emwa ọvbehe.

We must be kind and fair to everyone, even our enemies.
Ọ khẹke ne ima gha ya obọ esi mu emwa hia, uhiẹn ya sẹ egbe eghian ima.

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘It’s not enough to love just your friends.
‘Ẹi re ọse ruẹ ọkpa ẹre u khian hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn.

You also need to love your enemies and to forgive people from your heart.
Te ọ khẹke ne u vbe hoẹmwẹ eghian ruẹ kevbe ne u ya ekhọe hia yabọ iran.

If someone is upset with you, go to him right away and apologize.
Adeghẹ ọmwa na gha mu ohu ruẹ, u ghi ya rinmwiaẹn vbobọvbobọ, ne ọ yabọ ruẹ.

Treat others the way you want them to treat you.’
Gha ya obọ esi mu emwa ọvbehe vbene u hoo ne iran vbe ya ye obọ esi mu ruẹ.’

Jesus also gave the people good advice about material things.
Jesu vbe rhie ibude ne iran vbe nọ dekaan aro nọ khẹke na ya gha ghee emwi ewe.

He said:
Ọ khare wẹẹ:

‘It’s more important to be Jehovah’s friend than to have a lot of money.
‘Na gha re ọse ọghe Jehova ẹre ọ maan sẹ na gha mwẹ igho.

A thief can steal your money, but no one can steal your friendship with Jehovah.
Oyi sẹtin do ruẹ igho mu, sokpan ọmwa rhọkpa i sẹtin do ẹre mu ighẹ asikẹgbe ne u gu e Jehova mwẹ.

Stop worrying about what you will eat, drink, or wear.
Ghẹ ghi kpokpo egbe ba ẹmwẹ evba gha re, evba gha da, ra ukpọn na gha yọ.

Look at the birds.
U ma bẹghe avbe ahianmwẹ ni rre orere iso?

God always makes sure that they have enough to eat.
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre Osanobua ya kpemehe emwi ne iran gha re ne iran.

Worrying will not make you live one day longer.
Osi na si i khian rhie ẹdẹ ba ruẹ ẹdẹ.

Remember, Jehovah knows what you need.’
Yerre wẹẹ, e Jehova rẹn emwi ne u gualọ.’

The crowds had never heard anyone speak as Jesus did.
Emwa ni gbẹbu na yan unu ruan rhunmwuda iran ma he miẹn ọmwa nọ guan vbe na ghee Jesu ẹdẹ.

Their religious leaders had not taught them these things.
Emwa ni su vbe ugamwẹ ma he maa iran egbe emwi vbenia ẹdẹ.

Why was Jesus such a great teacher?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jesu na gha re ọmamwaemwi nọkhua?

Because everything he taught came from Jehovah.
Rhunmwuda, emwi hia ne irẹn maa emwa re keghi re nọ ke obọ e Jehova rre.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for yourselves.”—Matthew 11:29
“Wa rhie urọnghọn mwẹ ye urhu uwa, wa do ruẹ emwi vbe ehe ne I ye rhunmwuda, ọmwa ne ọ fu kevbe ne ọ mu egbe rriotọ ọre imẹ khin, wa gha miẹn otọ na hẹwẹ.”—Matiu 11:29


What must we do to become Jehovah’s friend?
De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha re ọse ọghe Jehova?

How does Jehovah want you to treat others?
De obọ ne Jehova hoo ne u ya gha mu emwa ọvbehe?