Lesson 090

After the Passover, Jesus and his disciples traveled through Samaria on their way back to Galilee.
Vbe iran ghi do Ugie Alagberra fo nẹ, Jesu vbe erhuanegbe ẹre keghi mu okhian la e Sameria vbe iran werriegbe rrie Galili.

Near the city of Sychar, Jesus stopped at a place called Jacob’s well. While he rested there, his disciples went into the city to buy food.
Jesu na gha hẹwẹ vbe ọkpẹn uhae ọghe Jekọb nọ rre ọkpẹn ẹvbo na tie ẹre Sika, vbene erhuanegbe ẹre na gha rrie orere ẹvbo ya dẹ evbare.

A woman came to the well to draw water. Jesus said to her:
Vbe okhuo ọkpa ghi rre do sa amẹ vbe uhae nii, Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Give me a drink.”
“Sa amẹ mẹ wọn.”

She said:
Okhuo nii keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Why are you talking to me? I’m a Samaritan woman. Jews don’t talk to Samaritans.’
‘Vbọzẹe ne u na wẹẹ ne imẹ ne Ovbi e Sameria sa amẹ nuẹ wọn? Uwẹ ma rẹn wẹẹ Ivbi e Ju kevbe Ivbi e Sameria i lẹro egbe?’

Jesus told her:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘If you knew who I am, you would ask me for a drink and I would give you living water.’
‘Akpawẹ te u rẹn aro ọmwa ne I khin, te u gha te nọ mwẹ ne I sa amẹ nuẹ wọn kevbe wẹẹ, I gha te sa amẹ arrọọ nuẹ.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked the woman. ‘You don’t even have a bucket.’
Okhuo nii keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Vbua khian ya sa amẹ mẹ hẹ, vbene u i na mwẹ ikoroba?’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Whoever drinks the water that I give him will never get thirsty again.’
‘Ọmwa nọ rhirhi wọn vbe amẹ ne I gha sa nẹẹn, ovbamẹ i ghi dọlegbe gbe ẹre ẹdẹ.’

The woman said:
Okhuo nii na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Sir, give me this water.”
“Enọwanrẹn, sa mẹ vbe nene amẹ.”

Jesus then told her:
E Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Bring your husband to the well.’
‘Ya tie ọdafẹn ruẹ rre.’

She said: ‘I don’t have a husband.’
Ọ na tama e Jesu wẹẹ irẹn i mwẹ ọdọ.

He said:
Jesu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You are telling the truth.
‘Ẹmwata ẹre u wa ta.

You’ve been married five times, and now you live with a man to whom you are not married.’
Ọdọ isẹn ẹre u he rọnmwẹ, ne u gue na i re ọdafẹn ruẹ.’

The woman said:
Okhuo nii keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I see that you are a prophet.
‘I bẹghe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ akhasẹ ẹre u khin.

My people believe that we can worship God on this mountain, but the Jews say that we can worship only in Jerusalem.
Ma ne Ivbi e Sameria yayi wẹẹ, ma gha sẹtin ga Osanobua vbe uhunmwu oke na, sokpan Ivbi e Ju khare wẹẹ, e Jerusalẹm ọkpa ẹre a khian na sẹtin ga Osanobua.

I believe that when the Messiah comes, he will teach us how to worship.’
I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ e Mezaia gha rre, ọ gha tama ima odẹ nọ khẹke na gha ya ga Osanobua.’

Then Jesus said something he had not told anyone else: ‘I am the Messiah.’
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Mẹ, ọre ne Mezaia.’ Okhuo na, ọre ọmwa okaro ne Jesu he ta ẹmwẹ na ma.

The woman hurried to her city and told the Samaritans:
Okhuo na keghi rhulẹ ya tama Ivbi e Sameria wẹẹ:

‘I think I have found the Messiah. He knows everything about me.
‘I miẹn okpia ọkpa nọ ta emwi hia ne I he ru ma mwẹ. I yayi wẹẹ irẹn ẹre ọ wa re Mezaia.

Come and see!’
Wa do ghee ẹre!’

They followed her back to the well and listened to Jesus teach.
Iran keghi lelẹe gha rrie nene uhae, ne iran do danmwehọ Jesu.

The Samaritans invited Jesus to stay in their city.
Ivbi e Sameria na wẹẹ ne Jesu dia ẹvbo iran ya.

For two days, he taught there, and many people put faith in him.
Jesu keghi maa iran emwi vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ eva, emwa nibun na mu ẹtin yan rẹn.

They told the Samaritan woman:
Iran na ghi tama okhuo nii, nọ do tie iran wẹẹ:

‘After listening to this man, we know that he really is the savior of the world.’
‘Rhunmwuda vbene okpia na ya guan, ma bẹghe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ, irẹn ọre ọmiọmwafan ọghe agbọn na.’

“‘Come!’ and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone who wishes take life’s water free.”—Revelation 22:17
“‘Gha dee!’ ọmwaikọmwa ne ovbamẹ gbe gha dee; wẹẹ ne ọmwa ne ọ hoo ne ọ wọn amẹ ọghe arrọọ gha dee do wọn ọghọhẹ.”—Arhie Maan 22:17, NW


Why was the Samaritan woman surprised that Jesus spoke to her?
Vbọsiẹ nọ na gha re ọkpaodin ne okhuo e Sameria vbe ọ bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, Jesu gu irẹn guan?

What did he tell her?
De emwi ne Jesu tama rẹn?