Lesson 058

From the window of his palace in Jezreel, King Ahab could see a vineyard that belonged to a man named Naboth.
Ewindo ẹguae ọghẹe nọ rre Jezrẹl, ẹre Ọba Ehab ke gha ghee ugbo emwiokọ ọghe okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Nabọt.

Ahab wanted this vineyard, and he tried to buy it from Naboth.
Ehab na gha hoo nọ gu e Nabọt dẹ otọ na.

But Naboth refused to sell it to him because it was against Jehovah’s Law to sell inherited land.
Sokpan e Nabọt ma kue, rhunmwuda e Jehova ma kpasẹ yọ na gha khiẹn otọ na re vbe ukhu.

Did Ahab respect Naboth for doing the right thing?
Sokpan Ehab wa hẹwẹ vberriọ ra, ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ erriọ uhi ọghe Osanobua khare?

Ẹn o.

Ahab was very angry.
 Ohu na gha muẹn.

He was so upset that he would not leave his bedroom, and he refused to eat.
Ohu muẹn sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na khui egbe ẹre ye ughugha, ọ ma ghi rri evbare.

Ahab’s wife, wicked Queen Jezebel, told him:
Ọvbokhan Ehab na tie ẹre Jezibẹl keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You are the king of Israel.
‘Uwẹ ọre ọba ọghe Izrẹl.

You can have anything you want.
Ọ khẹke ne emwi ne u rhirhi gha gualọ sẹ ruẹ obọ.

I will get that land for you.’
I gha ruẹ ne otọ nii sẹ ruẹ obọ.’

She wrote letters to the elders of the city, telling them to accuse Naboth of having cursed God and to stone him to death.
Ọ keghi gbẹn elẹta gie ediọn ni rre ẹvbo nii, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran mu ohoghe ba e Nabọt wẹẹ, ọ tie ihẹn ne Osanobua, na mieke na ya ugbe gbe ẹre rua.

The elders did what Jezebel told them to do, and then Jezebel said to Ahab:
Vbe iran ghi ru vberriọ, e Jezibẹl na ya tama Ehab wẹẹ:

‘Naboth is dead.
‘E Nabọt wu nẹ.

The vineyard is yours.’
Otọ ọghẹe khian ọghuẹ nẹ.’

Naboth was not the only innocent person whom Jezebel murdered. She murdered many people who loved Jehovah.
Gberra e Nabọt, e Jezibẹl vbe gbele eguọmwadia e Jehova nibun ni ma rẹn ọkpa rẹn eva.

She worshipped idols and did other bad things.
Ẹbọ ẹre irẹn wa gha ga, ọ na vbe gha ru emwi dan nibun.

Jehovah saw all the bad things that Jezebel did. What would he do about her?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, e Jehova khian ru e Jezibẹl hẹ?

After Ahab died, his son Jehoram became king.
Vbe Ehab ghi wu nẹ, ovbi ẹre ighẹ e Jehoram na rri ọba lelẹe.

Jehovah sent a man named Jehu to punish Jezebel and her family.
E Jehova keghi gie Jehu nọ ya rri e Jezibẹl vbe ẹgbẹe ọre oya.

Jehu rode his chariot to Jezreel, where Jezebel lived.
E Jehu keghi fi ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe gha rrie Jezrẹl nọ re ẹvbo ne Jezibẹl ye.

Jehoram came by chariot to meet Jehu and asked him:
E Jehoram keghi fi ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe ya vba e Jehu, ẹre ọ na nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Is there peace between us?’
‘Okhian kue maan yi?’

Jehu said:
E Jehu keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘There will be no peace as long as your mother, Jezebel, is doing wicked things.’
‘Vbọ khian ya okhian gha maan, vbe iyuẹ ne ọmwa dan ye rre agbọn?’

Jehoram tried to turn his chariot around and get away. But Jehu shot Jehoram with an arrow, and he died.
E Jehoram na te gha hoo nọ lẹẹ, sokpan e Jehu keghi ya ifẹnmwẹ hae, ẹre ọ na wu.

Then Jehu went to Jezebel’s palace.
E Jehu na gha rrie ẹguae Jezibẹl.

When she heard that he was coming, she put on makeup, did her hair, and waited by her upstairs window.
Vbe ọ ghi họn wẹẹ e Jehu dee, e Jezibẹl na ya muegbe ẹsẹse, ọ na vbe ba aro. Ẹre ọ na ya tota ye ewindo nọ rre uhunmwu egedege ọghẹe.

When Jehu arrived, she greeted him rudely.
Vbe Jehu ghi rre, e Jezibẹl na ya ukpẹ ihue tuẹ ọre.

Jehu shouted to her servants who were standing next to her:
E Jehu keghi tama eguọmwadia e Jezibẹl wẹẹ:

“Throw her down!”
“Uwa sua re fua!”

They pushed Jezebel out of the window, and she fell to the ground and died.
Iran keghi sua e Jezibẹl fua, erriọ e Jezibẹl ya wu.

After that, Jehu killed Ahab’s 70 sons and cleansed the land of Baal worship.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehu keghi gbele ivbi Ehab 70, ọ na guọghọ e Bel ne ẹvbo nii te ga.

Can you see that Jehovah knows everything and that at the right time, he punishes those who do bad things?
Uwẹ ma bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Jehova rẹn emwi hia, kevbe wẹẹ ọ gha rri emwa dan oya vbe ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ ra?

“An inheritance obtained first by greed will not be a blessing in the end.”—Proverbs 20:21
“Adeghẹ ọmwa na ya arovbẹmwẹ si ẹfe koko, ẹi rri ere ẹre sẹ ota.”—Itan 20:21, NW


What did Jezebel do to get Naboth’s vineyard?
De emwi ne Jezibẹl ru, nọ mieke na mu ugbo emwiokọ ọghe Nabọt?

Why did Jehovah punish Jezebel?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na rri e Jezibẹl oya?