Lesson 052

Jehovah blessed Solomon with great wisdom and gave him the privilege of building the temple, but he gradually left Jehovah.
Te Jehova wa ya ẹwaẹn we Sọlomọn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse. E Sọlomọn ẹre Jehova loo ro ya bọ ọgua Osa. Sokpan vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, ọ keghi mianmian e Jehova.

If you are a parent, explain to your child how false worshippers turned Solomon away from God.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ, ne ọ ya rẹn vbene emwa igẹbọ ne Sọlomọn ghaa gu muobọ ya ye Sọlomọn sẹ e Jehova rae hẹ.

The kingdom was divided, and bad kings led the nation into apostasy and idol worship.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Osanobua keghi ghae arriọba ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl ye ihe eva. Avbe ọba dan ni ghaa kha vbe otọ Izrẹl, keghi si Ivbi Izrẹl la ugamwẹ igẹbọ.

During this time, many loyal prophets of Jehovah were persecuted and killed.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, a kegha zẹ avbe akhasẹ ọghe Jehova kpokpo vbene a na vbe gbele eso rua.

Queen Jezebel dragged the northern kingdom even deeper into apostasy.
Oloi e Jezibẹl keghi ya emwa ni rre odẹ okuọ vbe agbẹnvbo Izrẹl khian emwa igẹbọ.

It was a dark time in the history of Israel.
Ẹghẹ nọ wegbe kankankan ẹre ọna wa gha khin vbe otọ Izrẹl.

But there were still many faithful servants of Jehovah among the Israelites, including King Jehoshaphat and the prophet Elijah.
Sokpan emwa eso ye gha rrọọ ni ghaa ya ekhọe hia ga e Jehova. Usun iran ọre Ọba e Jehosiafat kevbe akhasẹ Elaija.

Serve Jehovah faithfully, even if your family and friends do not
Gha ya ekhọe hia ga e Jehova uhiẹn deghẹ ẹgbẹe ruẹ ra avbe ọse ruẹ i gae

If you leave Jehovah, everything will go wrong; but if you stick with him, he will bless you
Adeghẹ u na sẹ e Jehova rae, emwi rhọkpa i khian duna nuẹ; sokpan deghẹ u na rhikhan mu e Jehova, ọ gha fiangbuẹ

Often when you feel that there is no way out, Jehovah will show his power in ways that you cannot imagine
Ẹghẹ ne emwa ya roro ẹre wẹẹ, iran i khian ghi sẹtin miẹn uhunmwu vbe ọlọghọmwa ne iran ye, ẹre Jehova ya rhie ẹtin ẹnrẹn ma