Lesson 031

When Moses was on Mount Sinai, Jehovah told him to build a special tent, called a tabernacle, where the Israelites could worship Him.
Vbe Mosis ghi rre Oke Sainai, e Jehova keghi tama rẹn nọ bọ ibọkpọ ne kpataki. Ibọkpọ na ọre ogiukpo ne Ivbi Izrẹl khian na gha ga Osanobua.

They would be able to carry the tabernacle with them as they moved around.
Iran gha vbe sẹtin mu ibọkpọ na lele egbe vbe iran gha rrie ehe ọvbehe.

Jehovah said:
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Tell the people to give what they can to help build the tabernacle.’
‘Tama iran, ne iran viọ emwi ne iran gha sẹtin viọ rre, ne iran ya bọ ibọkpọ na.’

The Israelites gave gold, silver, copper, precious stones, and jewelry.
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi viọ igoru, esiliva, oze, avbe okuta ighobioye kevbe emwi itegbe.

They also gave wool, linen, animal skins, and many other things.
Iran vbe viọ oru, eto ovbiohuẹ (e linẹn), ohian ọghe aranmwẹ kevbe emwi nibun ọvbehe rre.

They were so generous that Moses had to tell them:
Emwi ne iran viọ rre bun sẹrriọ wẹẹ e Mosis na do tama iran wẹẹ:

‘We have enough!
‘Ọni sẹ!

Do not bring any more.’
Uwa ghẹ ghi viọ emwi ọvbehe rre.’

Many skilled men and women helped to build the tabernacle.
Owinna nibun keghi deba iran bọ ibọkpọ nii.

Jehovah made them wise for the work.
E Jehova ẹre ọ rhie ẹwaẹn ne iran ya ru iwinna nii.

Some spun thread, wove fabric, or embroidered it. Others set stones, worked with gold, or carved wood.
Emwa eso kegha do oru kevbe ukpọn, vbene eso na gha mwamwa avbe okuta, eso na vbe gha ya igoru winna, vbene eso na gha kaa erhan.

The people built the tabernacle just as Jehovah had told them.
Iran keghi bọ ibọkpọ nii vbene Jehova wẹẹ ne iran bọe zẹẹ.

They made a beautiful curtain to separate the tabernacle into two sections, the Holy and the Most Holy.
Iran keghi ya ukpọn fiaẹn ye ihe eva, obọ ọkpa na gha re Ehe Nọhuanrẹn, ọbo nọkpa na gha re Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia.

In the Most Holy was the ark of the covenant, made of acacia wood and gold.
Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia vbọ, ẹre ẹkpẹti ile na ya erhan akesia kevbe igoru ru ghaa ye.

In the Holy was a golden lampstand, a table, and an altar for burning incense.
Erhan ọmukpa ọghe igoru, e teburu kevbe aka ne a na zọ ese kegha rre Ehe Nọhuanrẹn vbọ.

In the courtyard was a copper basin and a large altar.
Uwawa oze kevbe aka nọ kpọlọ kegha rre ẹghodo ọghe ibọkpọ nii.

The ark of the covenant reminded the Israelites of their promise to obey Jehovah.
Ivbi Izrẹl gha bẹghe ẹkpẹti ile nii, iran ghi yerre eyan ne iran ru ma e Jehova.

Do you know what a covenant is?
Uwẹ rẹn emwi nọ re ile ra?

It’s a special kind of promise.
Ọ keghi re eyan ne kpataki.

Jehovah chose Aaron and his sons to work at the tabernacle as priests.
E Jehova keghi zẹ Erọn vbe ivbi ẹre ne iran gha ga zẹvbe ohẹn vbe ibọkpọ nii.

They had to take care of it and make offerings there to Jehovah.
Iran ẹre ọ khian gha gbaroghe ẹre, iran ghi vbe gha ru izọese gie Jehova vba.

Only Aaron, the high priest, was allowed to enter the Most Holy.
Erọn ọkpa nọ re ogiohẹn ẹre ọ khian sẹtin la Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia vbe ibọkpọ nii.

He did this once a year to present a sacrifice for his sins, the sins of his family, and the sins of the whole nation of Israel.
Uhukpa vbe ukpo ẹre ọ ya la evba, nọ ya ru izọese gie Osanobua rhunmwuda orukhọ ọghẹe, ọghe ẹgbẹe ọre kevbe ọghe agbẹnvbo ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl.

The Israelites finished the tabernacle one year after they left Egypt.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo ọkpa ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpa hin Igipt rre, iran keghi bọ ibọkpọ nii fo.

Now they had a place to worship Jehovah.
Ibọkpọ ẹre ọ ghi gha re ako ne iran na ga e Jehova.

Jehovah filled the tabernacle with his glory and had a cloud appear above it.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne uyi ọghẹe vuọn ibọkpọ nii, vbene ọ na ya okuku gue ẹre.

As long as the cloud was above the tabernacle, the Israelites remained where they were.
Okuku gha gue ibọkpọ nii, Ivbi Izrẹl ghi gha rre eke ne iran ye zẹẹ.

But when the cloud lifted, they knew that it was time to move.
Okuku gha kpa vbe evba, iran ghi rẹn wẹẹ ọ khẹke ne iran vbe kpa vbe eke ne iran ye rre.

They would take the tabernacle apart and follow the cloud.
Iran ghi vbe mu ibọkpọ nii lele egbe gha rrie ehe ne okuku nii rhirhi gberra ghee.

“With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say:
“I keghi họn vbe urhu ọkpa wa datu ke uwu ẹkete rre wẹẹ,

‘Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people.
‘Banbanna nian, owa Osanobua rre ehe ne emwa ne agbọn ye. Irẹn gha gu iran yin, iran ghi vbe gha re emwa rẹn.

And God himself will be with them.’”—Revelation 21:3
Osanobua tobọ ẹre gha gu iran yin, irẹn ghi vbe gha re Osanobua iran.’”—Arhie Maan 21:3


What did Jehovah tell Moses to build?
De emwi ne Jehova wẹẹ ne Mosis bọ?

What responsibilities did Jehovah give Aaron and his sons?
De iwinna ne Jehova mu ne Erọn vbe ivbi ẹre?