Lesson 028

Two months after passing through the Red Sea, the Israelites came to Mount Sinai.
Uki eva ghi gberra nẹ, ne Ivbi Izrẹl fian Okun Nọ Baa gberra, iran keghi sẹ Oke Sainai.

There, Jehovah made a covenant with Israel to be his special nation.
Evba ẹre Jehova na ghi gu Ivbi Izrẹl ta ile wẹẹ agbẹnvbo ọghe irẹn ne kpataki ẹre iran ghi khin.

He protected them and provided everything they needed—manna to eat, clothing that did not wear out, and a safe place to live.
Ọ na gha gbogba ga iran, ọ na vbe gha kpemehe emwi hia ne iran—ọ ghaa rhie evbare ọkpa na tiẹre mana ne iran, ukpọn ọghe iran ma fafa kevbe wẹẹ iran vbe gha mwẹ eke ne iran rhie uhunmwu lẹre yi.

If you are a parent, help your child to understand why Jehovah gave the Israelites the Law, the tabernacle, and the priesthood.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ne ọ ya rẹn evbọzẹe ne Jehova na gbe Uhi ne Ivbi Izrẹl, evbọzẹe ne ọ na wẹẹ ne iran gha ga vbe ogiukpo kevbe evbọzẹe ne ọ na wẹẹ ne iran gha mwẹ ohẹn.

Emphasize the importance of keeping our word, remaining humble, and always being loyal to Jehovah.
Nianiaẹn vbene ọ ru ekpataki hẹ na gha mu eyan na ru sẹ, na gha mwẹ imuegberriotọ kevbe na gha mwẹ ẹkoata dae Jehova.

When you make a promise to Jehovah, be sure to keep it
U gha ru eyan ma e Jehova, ghẹ gia miẹn wẹẹ u ma muẹn sẹ

Pride, selfishness, and rebellion lead to disaster
Itengbemu, na gha mu enegbe ọmwa ọkpa roro kevbe uyinmwẹ isọtẹ keghi zẹ ẹbe

Jehovah was patient with the Israelites and took care of them even when they were unfaithful
E Jehova wa zin emwi nibun ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghaa ru, ọ na vbe gha gbaroghe iran uhiẹn vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha sọtẹ daa re