Lesson 001

Dear Fellow Believers:
Etẹn Ni Ghaan:

As worshippers of Jehovah, we love his Word, the Bible.
Ne ima na re eguọmwadia e Jehova, Ẹmwẹ ọghẹe nọ re Baibol keghi yẹẹ ima.

We are convinced that it provides accurate history, reliable guidance for living, and heartwarming evidence of Jehovah’s love for the human family.
Ma yayi wẹẹ, te okha hia ni rre uwu e Baibol gele sunu, ma vbe yayi wẹẹ, adia ni rre uwu ẹre keghi re ne ima gha gele sẹtin hẹnhẹn egbe yan kevbe wẹẹ, emwi hia ni rre uwu e Baibol, suigiẹ yọ wẹẹ, e Jehova hoẹmwẹ ima ne emwa nagbọn.

We deeply desire to help others learn the precious truths contained in God’s Word.
Ma wa hoo ne ima ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe, ne iran do rẹn ẹmwata ne kpataki ni rre Ẹmwẹ Ọghe Osanobua.

To that end, we are very pleased to make available this book, Lessons You Can Learn From the Bible.
Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ima na ya oghọghọ rhie ebe na ladian nọ re, “Iruẹmwi Ni Rre Uwu E Baibol.

Allow us to tell you a little about it.”
Lahọ gi ima tama uwa emwi eso ni rre uwu ebe na.

For the most part, this book has been prepared with children in mind.
Ibiẹka ẹre a wa rhunmwuda re gbẹn ebe na.

However, it can also be used to help adults who desire to learn more about the Bible.
Sokpan a gha vbe sẹtin yae ru iyobọ ne eniwanrẹn ni hoo ne iran rẹn e Baibol sayọ.

And since the Bible is a book for everyone, no doubt all of us will benefit from reviewing its lessons, which can help us to be truly happy.
Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ ebe ẹvbo ohoho ẹre Baibol khin, ima hia gha miẹn emwi nibun ruẹ vbọ, nọ gha ya ima gha sọyẹnmwẹ.

Using accounts from the Bible, this book tells the story of the human family from creation onward.
Okha ọghe ima ne emwa nagbọn ke ẹghẹ omuhẹn gha dee ẹre ebe na guan kaan.

Every effort has been made to present the Bible accounts in a clear and simple manner and, as far as possible, in the order in which they occurred.
Te a wa hia na gbẹn ebe na vbe odẹ ne khuẹrhẹ, ne emwa hia gha sẹtin rẹn otọre, kevbe wẹẹ te a wa mwamwa okha hia ni rrọọ zẹvbe nọ ya sunu ọkade ọkade.

This book, however, does more than merely relate Bible accounts.
Ẹi wa re okha ọkpa ẹre ọ rre ebe na.

Both the text and the artwork have been prepared in a way that brings the Bible accounts to life and captures the feelings of those depicted.
Evba gbẹnnẹ ye ebe na kevbe avbe efoto ni rrọọ keghi re na mwamwaẹn vbe odẹ nọ gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya gha ghee avbe okha na, vbene a miẹn wẹẹ ima ghaa rre evba vbe ọ sunu. Ọ gha vbe ru iyobọ ne ima ya rẹn vbene ọ ghaa ye iran hẹ ighẹ emwa ni rre nene okha.

This publication helps us to see how the Bible is a book about people—those who obeyed Jehovah and those who did not.
Ebe na gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya rẹn wẹẹ, emwa ẹre Baibol mobọ guan kaẹn—ke emwa ni họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova kevbe emwa ni ma họn ẹmwẹ nẹ.

And it prompts us to draw lessons from their examples.
Ebe na gha ru iyobọ ne ima, ne ima ya miẹn ẹwaẹn vbe igiemwi ọghe iran.

The book is divided into 14 sections.
Abọ 14 ẹre ọ rre ebe na.

At the beginning of each section is a summary of some of the lessons that we can learn.
Omuhẹn ọghe dọmwadẹ abọ ni rre ebe na keghi mwẹ ifiẹmwẹ eso na ya gbe ẹre ọrriẹ ighẹ emwi na khian miẹn ruẹ vbe nene abọ.

If you are a parent, you might read a lesson with your child and discuss the related artwork.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, u sẹtin tie iruẹmwi ọkpa ma ovbuẹ vbọ, uwa ghi vbe ziro yan avbe efoto ni rrọọ.

Then the two of you could read the Bible passages that the lesson is based on.
Vbe iyeke ọni, uwa sẹtin vbe tie ako ọghe Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn ne iruẹmwi nii hẹnhẹn egbe yan.

Help your child to connect what he or she reads in the Bible with the lesson in the book.
Ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ, ne ọ ya rẹn vbene emwi ne ọ tie re vbe Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn ya guaẹro hẹ ighẹ emwi nọ miẹn ruẹ vbe nene ebe.

A similar approach may be effective when helping an adult to get an overview of the Bible’s message.
A gha vbe sẹtin loo obẹlẹ na, vbe a gha ya ebe na gu enọwanrẹn ruẹ emwi.

It is our hope that this publication will help all righthearted ones—young and old—to learn from God’s Word and to apply its lessons in their life.
Ma yaro yọ wẹẹ ebe na gha ru iyobọ ne emwa hia ni mwẹ ekhọe esi—ke ibiẹka ke eniwanrẹn—ne iran ya gha ruẹ Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn kevbe ne iran gha rhie emwi ne iran ruẹ ye uyinmwẹ.

As a result, they too can worship him as members of his beloved family.
Ọna gha ru iyobọ ne iran, ne iran ya gha re ọkpa vbe ẹgbẹe ni koko ga Osanobua vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

Your brothers,
Etẹn uwa,

Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Ẹbu Nọ Su Ọghe Avbe Osẹe Jehova

Lesson 002

The Bible begins with its account of physical creation, opening our eyes to the beautiful things that Jehovah made, both in heaven and on earth.
Ebe Gẹnẹsis keghi guan kaẹn vbene Osanobua ya yi emwi hia ne mose mose ni rre agbọn kevbe ẹrinmwi.

If you are a parent, help your child to see the amazing diversity in creation.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ya rẹn emwi ughughan ne Osanobua yi.

Point out how God created humans to be far superior to animals, giving us the ability to talk, to reason, to invent things, to sing, and to pray.
U ghi gi ẹre rẹn wẹẹ te Osanobua yi emwa nagbọn ne iran lughaẹn ne aranmwẹ. Vbe igiemwi, ma sẹtin guan, ma sẹtin gha mu emwi roro, ma sẹtin kun emwi ọgbọn, ma sẹtin so ihuan, ma vbe sẹtin na erhunmwu.

Build appreciation for Jehovah’s power and wisdom and especially his love for all his creation—including each one of us.
U ghi vbe ru iyobọ nẹ, ne ọ ya rẹn vbene Jehova mwẹ ẹtin hẹ, vbene ọ mwẹ ẹwaẹn hẹ, vbene ọ hoẹmwẹ emwi hia ne ọ yi hẹ—uhiẹn ya sẹ egbe dọmwadọghẹ vbuwe ima.

Jehovah and his Son made the earth to be our home
Te Jehova vbe Ovbiẹre yi agbọn na ne ima

Jehovah made the family arrangement by creating man and woman and giving them the ability to have children
E Jehova keghi ru emwamwa ọghe ẹgbẹe lekpae ne ọ na yi okpia vbe okhuo ne iran sẹtin gha biẹlẹ

It is Jehovah’s purpose that humans live forever in peace and harmony
E Jehova keghi hoo ne emwa nagbọn gha rre agbọn na vbe etẹbitẹ vbuwe ọfunmwegbe kevbe ne iran gha mwẹ akugbe

Lesson 003

Jehovah God is our Creator.
Osanobua ne Jehova ọre Ayi ọghomwa.

He made everything, both the things we can see and the things we cannot see.
Irẹn ẹre ọ yi emwi hia ne ima bẹghe kevbe ne ima i bẹghe.

Before he made the things we can see, he made many, many angels.
A te miẹn wẹẹ ọ suẹn gha yi emwi hia ne ima bẹghe, ọ keghi yi avbe odibosa nibun.

Do you know what angels are?
U rẹn emwa ne avbe odibosa khin ra?

Angels are persons that Jehovah made who are like himself.
Iran keghi re emwa ne Jehova yi, nọ vbe yevbe na ghee irẹn.

We cannot see them, just as we cannot see God.
Ma i sẹtin bẹghe iran vbene ima i vbe sẹtin bẹghe Osanobua.

The first angel Jehovah made became his helper.
Odibosa nokaro ne Jehova yi na do gha ru iyobọ ne Jehova.

That angel helped when Jehovah made the stars, the planets, and all other things.
Odibosa nii ẹre ọ ghi ru iyobọ ne Jehova ya yi avbe orhọnmwẹ, e planẹt, kevbe emwi hia nikẹre.

One of those planets, the earth, is our beautiful home.
Ọkpa vbe planẹt ne Osanobua yi keghi re uhunmwu otagbọn na, ne ima ye.

Then Jehovah got the earth ready for animals and humans to live on.
E Jehova na do mwamwa uhunmwu otagbọn na, ne emwa nagbọn kevbe avbe aranmwẹ mieke na sẹtin gha rrọọ.

He made the sun’s light shine on the earth.
Irẹn keghi ru ẹre, ne ovẹn gha yunmwu sẹ uhunmwu otagbọn.

He made mountains, oceans, and rivers.
Ọ na vbe yi oke, okun kevbe ẹzẹ.

What happened next? Jehovah said:
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I am going to make grass and plants and trees.’
‘I gha ru ẹre ne avbe irunmwu, emwi okọ kevbe erhan zọọ ladian.’

Many different kinds of fruits, vegetables, and flowers began to grow.
Ẹre ọmọ erhan ughughan, emwi okọ kevbe avbe obobo na suẹn gha zọọ ladian.

Then Jehovah made all the animals—animals that fly, swim, crawl, and creep.
Iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi yi avbe aranmwẹ ughughan—ke ni tin khian vbe iso, ke ni rre uwu ẹzẹ kevbe ni kọn khian vbe otọ.

He made small ones, such as rabbits, and large ones, such as elephants.
Ọ keghi yi aranmwẹ nọ kanmwa vbe na ghee ọfiontọ, ọ na vbe yi nọ kpọlọ vbe na ghee eni.

What is your favorite animal?
De aranmwẹ nọ ghi yẹẹ ruẹ sẹ?

Then Jehovah said to the first angel: “Let us make man.”
E Jehova na ghi tama odibo nokaro wẹẹ, gia do yi “emwa nagbọn.”

Humans would be different from animals.
Te emwa nagbọn ne irẹn khian yi na, khian lughaẹn ne avbe aranmwẹ.

They could invent things.
Iran ghi sẹtin gha kun emwi ọgbọn.

They could speak, laugh, and pray.
Iran ghi sẹtin gha guan, iran ghi sẹtin gha giẹ, iran ghi vbe sẹtin gha na erhunmwu.

They would look after the earth and the animals.
Iran ẹre ọ khian vbe gha gbaroghe uhunmwu otagbọn na kevbe avbe aranmwẹ ni rrọọ.

Do you know who the first man was?
Uwẹ rẹn ọmwa nokaro ne Osanobua yi ra?

Let us see.
Ma gha ruẹ ọre vbe iruẹmwi nogieva.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”—Genesis 1:1
“Vbe omuhẹn, ... Osanobua yi agbọn kevbe emwi hia ni rre iso.”—Gẹnẹsis 1:1


Who is Jehovah God?
De ọmwa nọ re Osanobua ne Jehova?

What did Jehovah make?
De emwi ne Jehova yi?

Lesson 004

Jehovah planted a garden in a place called Eden.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne ogba gha rre eke ọkpa na tie ẹre Idẹni.

The garden was full of flowers, trees, and animals.
Avbe obobo, erhan kevbe aranmwẹ kegha rre ogba nii.

Then God made the first man, Adam, out of dust and blew into his nostrils.
Osanobua keghi loo ekẹn ya ma okpia nokaro nọ re Adam, ọ na vbe hiọnrọn ye ọre ihue.

Do you know what happened?
U rẹn emwi nọ ghi sunu ra?

The man became a living person!
Okpia nii na do gha rrọọ!

Jehovah put Adam in charge of the garden, and God told him to give names to all the animals.
E Jehova na tama Adam nọ gha gbaroghe ogba nii, ọ na wẹẹ ne Adam vbe mu eni ne aranmwẹ hia.

Jehovah gave Adam an important rule.
E Jehova keghi gbe uhi ne Adam.

He told Adam:
Ọ na tama Adam wẹẹ:

‘You can eat fruit from all the trees except for one special tree.
‘Gha rri avbe ọmọ erhan hia vbe ogba na, sokpan ghẹ rri ọkpa kẹkan vbọ.

If you eat fruit from that tree, you will die.’
Adeghẹ u na rri ọre, u gha wu.’

Later Jehovah said:
Vbọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Jehova na kha wẹẹ:

‘I am going to make a helper for Adam.’
‘I gha yi ọyobọ ne Adam.’

He made Adam fall into a deep sleep, and then God used one of Adam’s ribs to create a wife for Adam.
Osanobua keghi bọ re ye ovbe nọ dinmwi, iyeke ọni, ọ na rhie ọkpa vbe ifẹnmwẹ aguẹ ọghe Adam, ẹre ọ na yae yi okhuo nẹẹn.

Her name was Eve.
Eni okhuo na ọre Ivi.

Adam and Eve became the first family.
Adam vbe Ivi na do gha re ẹgbẹe nokaro.

How did Adam feel about his new wife?
Vbọ ghaa ye Adam hẹ vbe ọ bẹghe ọvbokhan rẹn?

Adam was so happy that he said:
Adam na gha ghọghọ. Vbene Adam ghi ghọghọ sẹ, ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘Look at what Jehovah made from my rib!
‘Ọmwa ne Jehova loo ifẹnmwẹ aguẹ mwẹ ya yi wa na khin na!

At last! This is someone like me.’
A ghi he vbe miẹn ọmwa ne ima gba re ọkpa!’

Jehovah told Adam and Eve to have children and fill the earth.
E Jehova keghi tama Adam vbe Ivi ne iran biẹlẹ vuọn agbọn na.

He wanted them to enjoy working together to make the whole earth a paradise, or beautiful park, just like the garden of Eden.
 Ọ na wẹẹ ne iran ru ẹre ne uhunmwu otagbọn hia khian e paradais vbene ogba ọghe Idẹni ghaa ye.

But things did not work out that way.
Sokpan ọ ma ghi sunu vberriọ.

Why not?

We will learn more in the next chapter.
Ma gha ziro yan ọni vbe uhunmwuta nọ lelẹe.

“The one who created them from the beginning made them male and female.”—Matthew 19:4
“Vbe omuhẹn, Ayi ne ọ yi ọmwa yi iran ọdọ vbe amwẹ.”—Matiu 19:4


What work did Jehovah give to Adam?
De iwinna ne Jehova mu ne Adam?

What would happen to Adam and Eve if they ate from the tree that God said they should not eat from?
De emwi nọ khian sunu daa Adam vbe Ivi deghẹ iran na rri ọmọ erhan ne Osanobua wẹẹ ne iran ghẹ re?

Lesson 005

Why did Jehovah bring about a flood that destroyed the world of that time?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na ya amẹ guọghọ uhunmwu otagbọn vbe ẹghẹ nii?

Early in human history, a battle began—the battle between good and evil.
Vbe Osanobua da yi emwa nagbọn, emwa keghi wannọ egbe ye ihe eva—emwa ni ru emwi esi kevbe emwa ni ru emwi dan.

Some individuals, such as Adam, Eve, and their son Cain, chose the side of evil.
Emwa vbe na ghee Adam, Ivi kevbe ovbi iran ighẹ e Keni na gha rre obọ ọghe emwa dan.

A few others, such as Abel and Noah, chose the side of good.
Ibozẹghẹ emwa vbe na ghee Ebẹl kevbe Noa ẹre ọ ghaa ru emwi esi.

Most people became so bad that Jehovah brought an end to that wicked world.
Vbene emwa ghi ru emwi dan sẹ vbe ẹghẹ nii, e Jehova na guọghọ iran rua.

This section will help us to learn that Jehovah sees which side we choose and that he will never allow the evil to conquer the good.
Abọ na gha ru iyobọ ne ima ya rẹn wẹẹ e Jehova keghi rẹn emwi nọ rre ima ekhọe, deghẹ ima hoo ne ima ru emwi esi ra emwi dan, kevbe wẹẹ irẹn i khian kue ne emwi dan ke ukhunmwu ne emwi esi.

We should be peaceable, not violent like the Devil and his followers
Ọ khẹke ne ima gha re ọmwa nọ gualọ ọfunmwegbe, ẹi re ọmwa nọ yin uyinmwẹ atosi vbe na ghee Esu vbe ikpayẹ ọre

If we listen to God and obey him, as Noah did, we can live forever in happiness
Adeghẹ ima na danmwehọ Osanobua vbene Noa ru ẹre, ma gha sọyẹnmwẹ arrọọ ọghe etẹbitẹ

Jehovah sees everything that happens.
E Jehova keghi bẹghe emwi hia nọ sunu.

Righteousness brings joy to his heart, but wickedness makes him sad
Ọmwa nọ ru emwi esi keghi ya irẹn sọyẹnmwẹ, sokpan ọmwa nọ ru emwi dan keghi ya ekhọe balọ ọre

Lesson 006

One day when Eve was by herself, a snake spoke to her. It said:
Vbe ọ ghi rre ẹdẹ ọkpa, ẹyẹn ọkpa na do gu Ivi guan. Adam ma gha rre evba. Ẹyẹn nii na nọ Ivi wẹẹ:

‘Is it true that God won’t let you eat from all of the trees?’
‘Ẹmwata gele nọ wẹẹ Osanobua wẹẹ ne uwa ghẹ rri avbe ọmọ erhan na hia ra?’

Eve said:
Ivi na kha wẹẹ:

‘We can eat from all of the trees except for one.
‘Ọkpa kẹkan ẹre Osanobua wẹẹ ne ima ghẹ re vbọ.

If we eat the fruit from that tree, we will die.’
Ọ wẹẹ ima gha rri ọre, ima ghi wu.’

The snake said:
Ẹyẹn nii na kha wẹẹ:

‘You will not die.
‘Uwa i wu.

In fact, if you eat from it, you will be like God.’
Vbene ẹmwata, te uwa khian gha yevbe Osanobua deghẹ uwa na rri ọre.’

Was that true?
Ẹmwata ẹre ọni gele khin ra?

No, it was a lie.
Hiehie! Ohoghe nọkhua wa gha nọ.

But Eve believed it.
Sokpan Ivi na yaeyi.

The more Eve looked at the fruit, the more she wanted it.
Ọmọ erhan nii na gha khọn Ivi zẹvbe ne ọ ya gha ghee ẹre.

She ate the fruit and gave some to Adam.
Ọ na rri ọmọ erhan nii, ọ na vbe rhie ne Adam vbọ.

He knew that they would die if they disobeyed God.
Adam rẹnrẹn wẹẹ iran gha wu deghẹ iran ma na họn ẹmwẹ ne Osanobua.

But Adam ate the fruit anyway.
Sokpan ọ na ye rri ọmọ erhan nii.

Later that day, Jehovah spoke to Adam and Eve.
Vbọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Jehova na do gu Adam vbe Ivi guan.

He asked them why they had disobeyed him.
Ọ na nọ iran evbọzẹe ne iran na he ẹmwẹ ye irẹn obọ.

Eve blamed the snake, and Adam blamed Eve.
Ivi na wẹẹ ẹyẹn nii ẹre ọ si ẹre, Adam na wẹẹ Ivi ẹre ọ si ẹre.

Because Adam and Eve had disobeyed him, Jehovah put them out of the garden.
E Jehova na ghi khulo iran hin ogba nii rre.

To make sure that they would never go back in, he put angels and a sword of fire at the entrance.
E Jehova keghi gie avbe odibosa eso ne iran ya mudia ye onurho ọghe ogba nii, ọ na vbe ru ẹre ne agbada gha fieghe lẹga vbe evba, ne Adam vbe Ivi ghẹ sẹtin laọ.

Jehovah said that the one who lied to Eve would also be punished.
E Jehova na wẹẹ te irẹn khian vbe rri ọre oya ighẹ ọmwa nọ mu Ivi rẹrẹ.

It was not really the snake that spoke to Eve.
Ẹi re ẹyẹn nii ẹre ọ gele gu Ivi guan.

Jehovah did not make snakes that could talk.
E Jehova ma yi ẹyẹn nọ gha guan.

It was a bad angel who made the snake speak. He did this to trick Eve.
Odibosa dan ẹre ọ loo ẹyẹn ya gu Ivi guan nọ mieke na muẹn rẹrẹ.

That angel is called Satan the Devil.
Odibosa dan nii ọre Setan.

In the future, Jehovah will destroy Satan so that he cannot keep tricking people into doing bad things.
Vbe odaro, e Jehova gha guọghọ e Setan rua, nẹ ghẹ ghi mieke na gha mu emwa rẹrẹ, ne iran gha ru emwi dan.

“The Devil ...was a murderer from the beginning, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him.”—John 8:44, footnote
“Esu ...izigha irẹn wa khin ke otọe gha dee. Ọ ma he mwẹ obọ vbe ẹmwata ẹdẹ, rhunmwuda ẹmwata i vbe rre uwu irẹn.”—Jọn 8:44


Why did Eve eat the fruit?
Vbọsiẹ ne Ivi na rri ọmọ erhan nii?

What happened to Adam and Eve after they disobeyed Jehovah?
Vbọ ghi sunu daa Adam vbe Ivi, vbe iran ghi he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ?

Who is Satan the Devil?
De ọmwa nọ re Setan?

Lesson 007

After Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden, they had many children.
Vbe Adam vbe Ivi ghi kpa hin ogba ọghe Idẹni rre nẹ, iran na do biẹlẹ emọ nibun.

Their first son, Cain, became a farmer, and their second son, Abel, became a shepherd.
Ovbi iran ne ọdiọn ighẹ e Keni na gha re ọgbugbo vbene ovbi iran nukpogieva ighẹ Ebẹl na gha re ọsuohuan.

One day Cain and Abel made offerings to Jehovah.
Ẹdẹ ọkpa ghi rre, e Keni vbe Ebẹl na do ru izọese gie Jehova.

Do you know what an offering is?
Uwẹ rẹn emwi nọ re izọese ra?

It is a special kind of gift.
Ọ keghi re ẹse ne kpataki.

Jehovah was happy with Abel’s offering, but he was not happy with Cain’s.
E Jehova keghi miẹn izọese ọghe Ebẹl yi, sokpan ọ ma miẹn ọghe Keni yi.

That made Cain very angry.
Ohu na do gha mu e Keni.

Jehovah warned Cain that his anger could make him do something bad.
E Jehova keghi ya obọ sekhae nẹ wẹẹ ohu dan nọ muẹn gha yae ru emwi nọ wegbe.

But Cain did not listen.
Sokpan e Keni ma họn.

Instead, Cain said to Abel:
Nọghayayerriọ, e Keni na tama Ebẹl wẹẹ:

‘Come over to the field with me.’
‘Do lele mwẹ gha rrie ugbo.’

While they were alone in the field, Cain attacked his brother and killed him.
Vbe iran eveva ghi sẹ ugbo, e Keni na gbe ovbi iyẹe rua.

What would Jehovah do about this?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ e Jehova khian ru e Keni hẹ?

Jehovah punished Cain by sending him far away from his family.
E Jehova keghi rri e Keni oya, ọ na khu ẹre gha rrie ẹvbo nọ rree.

Cain would never be allowed to come back.
E Keni i khian ghi sẹtin werriegbe bu ẹgbẹe ọre gha dee.

Is there a lesson here for us?
De emwi ne ima miẹn ruẹ vbe ọna?

We might start to feel angry if things don’t go the way we think they should.
Ohu sẹtin gha mu ima deghẹ emwi eso ma na sunu vbene ima te roro ẹre yi.

If we feel anger growing inside of us—or if others warn us because they notice our anger—we should quickly adjust and control our emotions before they control us.
Adeghẹ ima na bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ ohu mu ima—ra emwa ọvbehe na gi ima rẹn wẹẹ ọmwa ne ohu mu ẹre ima khin—ọ khẹke ne ima rherhe winna yan rẹn na ghẹ do miẹn wẹẹ ọviẹn ọghe ohu ẹre ima ghi khin.

Because Abel loved Jehovah and did what was right, Jehovah will always remember him.
Rhunmwuda ne Ebẹl na hoẹmwẹ e Jehova kevbe ne ọ na gha ru emwi esi, e Jehova i khian mianmiaẹn.

God will bring Abel back to life when He makes the earth a paradise.
Osanobua gha huẹn ọnrẹn kpaegbe vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ khian ya ye uhunmwu otagbọn na khian e paradais.

“First make your peace with your brother, and then come back and offer your gift.”—Matthew 5:24
“Wẹ vbe ọtuẹn ka ya dọlọ nẹ, u kegha dee do yo imuohan ruẹn gie Osanobua.”—Matiu 5:24


Who were Adam and Eve’s first two children?
Vba tie ovbi Adam vbe Ivi nokaro kevbe nukpogieva?

Why did Cain kill his brother?
Vbọsiẹ ne Keni na gbe ọtiọnrẹn rua?

Lesson 008

In time, there came to be many people on the earth.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, emwa na do gha bun vbe uhunmwu otagbọn.

Most of them were bad.
Emwa dan ẹre ọ bun sẹ.

Even some of the angels in heaven became bad.
Uhiẹn, odibosa eso na vbe do gha ru emwi dan.

They left their home in heaven and came down to the earth.
Iran na kpa vbe ẹrinmwi gha die agbọn; iran keghi mu akpa ọghe emwa nagbọn yọ.

Do you know why they did that?
U rẹn emwi nọ si ẹre ne iran na gha dee ra?

So that they could take on human bodies and marry women.
Te iran do gha munọ ikhuo ni rre otagbọn na, ne aro iran viẹn yi.

The angels and the women had sons together.
Ikhuo ne avbe odibosa nii rhie re na do biẹlẹ.

Those sons grew up to be very strong and became bullies.
Emọ ne iran biẹlẹ na do gha re arhuan.

They hurt people.
Iran na gha rhie ikuaengbe ne emwa.

Jehovah could not let those things continue to happen.
E Jehova ma hoo ne egbe emwi vberriọ gha sunu.

So he decided to destroy the bad people in a flood.
Ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na wẹẹ irẹn gha ya okuo amẹ guọghọ emwa dan nii rua.

But there was a man who was different.
Sokpan ọ ghaa mwẹ okpia ọkpa nọ ghaa ru emwi esi.

He loved Jehovah.
Okpia na keghi hoẹmwẹ e Jehova.

His name was Noah.
Eni okpia na ọre Noa.

He had a wife and three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, and each of his sons had a wife.
Okhuo ọkpa ẹre ọ ghaa mwẹ, okhuo nii na biẹlẹ emọ eha nẹ, eni ivbi ẹre ọre, Siẹm, Ham, kevbe Jafẹt. Ivbi ẹre eha na, na vbe gha mwẹ ikhuo ọkpa ọkpa.

Jehovah told Noah to build a big ark so that he and his family could survive the Flood.
E Jehova keghi tama e Noa nọ bọ okọ nọkhua, ne irẹn vbe ẹgbẹe ọre mieke na miẹn fan vbe Okuo Amẹ nii.

An ark is a huge box that can float on water.
Okọ nii keghi yevbe ẹkpẹti nọ gha sẹtin khian vbe uhunmwu amẹ.

Jehovah also told Noah to bring many animals inside the ark so that they could survive too.
E Jehova na vbe wẹẹ ne Noa viọ avbe aranmwẹ la uwu okọ nii, ne iran mieke na vbe miẹn fan.

Noah immediately started building the ark.
E Noa na wa suẹn okọ nii na bọ vbobọvbobọ.

It took Noah and his family about 50 years to build it.
Odẹ ukpo 50 ẹre Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre ya bọ okọ nii.

They built the ark exactly as Jehovah told them to.
Vbene Jehova wẹẹ ne iran ya bọ okọ nii, erriọ ẹre iran wa ya bọ ọre zẹẹ.

During that time, Noah warned the people about the Flood.
E Noa na vbe gha ya obọ sekhae ne emwa vbe ẹghẹ nii wẹẹ Okuo Amẹ dee.

But no one listened to him.
Sokpan iran ma rhie.

Finally, it was time to go into the ark.
Vbe okiekie, e Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre na do la uwu okọ.

Let’s find out what happened next.
Gia ghee emwi nọ ghi sunu.

“Just as the days of Noah were, so the presence of the Son of man will be.”—Matthew 24:37
“Te urremwẹ Ovbi Ọmwa ra ye vbe emwi ne ọ sunu vbe ẹghẹ ọghe Noa.”—Matiu 24:37


Why did Jehovah decide to bring the Flood?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na wẹẹ, irẹn khian mu Okuo Amẹ rre?

What instructions did Jehovah give Noah?
De emwi ne Jehova wẹẹ ne Noa ru?

Lesson 009

Noah, his family, and the animals went into the ark. Jehovah closed the door, and it began to rain.
Vbe Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre kevbe avbe aranmwẹ ghi la uwu okọ nẹ, e Jehova keghi khui urho okọ nii. Ẹre amẹ na ghi suẹn gha rhọọ.

It rained so much that the ark started to float.
Vbene amẹ nii ghi rhọọ sẹ, okọ ọghe Noa na suẹn gha khian vbe uhunmwu amẹ.

Eventually, the whole earth was covered with water.
Vbe amẹ ghi zẹ rhọọ, ọ na do ro gba uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

Outside the ark, all the bad people died.
Emwa dan hia na wulo.

But Noah and his family were safe inside.
Sokpan e Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre ni ghaa rre uwu nene okọ na miẹn fan.

Can you imagine how glad they were that they had obeyed Jehovah?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, ekhọe ọghe iran ghaa ye hẹ rhunmwuda ne iran na họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova?

Rain poured down for 40 days and 40 nights, and then it stopped.
Vbe amẹ nii ghi rhọọ nẹ vbe ikpẹdẹ 40 kevbe asọn 40, ọ na ka.

Slowly the water went down.
Amẹ nọ te ro vuọn ehe hia na suẹn gha ka kherhe kherhe.

Finally, the ark settled on the mountains.
Vbe okiekie, okọ nii na do mudia ye uhunmwu oke.

But there was still a lot of water everywhere, so Noah and his family could not leave the ark right away.
Ne amẹ na ye ro vuọn ehe hia, e Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre ma sẹtin ladian.

Little by little, the water dried up.
Kherhe kherhe ẹre amẹ ya ka vbe otọ.

Altogether Noah and his family were inside the ark for more than a year.
Ọ gberra ukpo ọkpa ne Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre ya gha rre uwu okọ nii.

Then Jehovah told them that they could go out of the ark into what seemed like a new world.
E Jehova keghi tama iran ne iran ladian vbuwe nene okọ, ne iran mieke na la agbọn ọgbọn.

They were very thankful that Jehovah had saved them, and they showed it by making an offering to Jehovah.
Iran keghi ru izọese gie Jehova, ne iran yae kpọnmwẹ ọnrẹn ye odẹ ne ọ ya miẹn iran fan.

Jehovah was happy with this offering.
E Jehova keghi miẹn izọese nii yi.

He promised that he would never again destroy everything on the earth in a flood.
E Jehova keghi yan rẹn wẹẹ, irẹn i khian ghi werriegbe ya amẹ guọghọ uhunmwu otagbọn na.

As a sign of that promise, he made the first rainbow appear in the sky.
Ne Jehova ya suigiẹ ye eyan ne irẹn ru na, ọ keghi ruẹ ne ikpin ladian vbe orere iso.

Have you ever seen a rainbow?
Uwẹ he bẹghe ikpin ẹdẹ ra?

Then Jehovah told Noah and his family to have children and fill the earth.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi tama e Noa vbe ẹgbẹe ọre ne iran biẹlẹ vuọn uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

“Noah entered into the ark, and [people] took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away.”—Matthew 24:38, 39
“Noa [keghi] la okọ zẹẹ. [Emwa] ma rẹn enaye uromwẹ amẹ te do kpolo ehia gha rrie.”—Matiu 24:38, 39


What happened after Jehovah closed the door of the ark?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe Jehova ghi khui urho ọghe okọ nii nẹ?

What should a rainbow remind us of?
De emwi nọ khẹke ne ima yerre deghẹ ima na bẹghe ikpin vbe odukhunmwu?

Lesson 010

In the years following the Flood, the Bible names very few people who served Jehovah.
E Baibol keghi sunu ye ibozẹghẹ emwa ni ga e Jehova vbe ukpo eso ghi gberra nẹ vbe iyeke Okuo Amẹ nii.

Among those who did serve him was Abraham, who was known as Jehovah’s friend.
Ọkpa vbe iran na keghi re Ebraham, na wa rẹn ye ọse ọghe Jehova.

Why was he called Jehovah’s friend?
Vbọsiẹ ne a na gha tie ẹre ọse Jehova?

If you are a parent, help your child to see that Jehovah is interested in him personally and wants to help him.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ya rẹn wẹẹ e Jehova hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn kevbe wẹẹ ọ vbe hoo nọ ru iyobọ nẹẹn.

Like Abraham and other faithful men, such as Lot and Jacob, we can freely ask Jehovah for his help.
Ma gha vbe sẹtin nọ iyobọ vbe obọ e Jehova, vbene Ebraham, e Lọt kevbe Jekọb ni ghaa mwẹ amuẹtinyan ru ẹre.

We can be confident that Jehovah will keep every promise that he makes.
Ma gha sẹtin vbe gha mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, e Jehova gha mu eyan ọghẹe hia sẹ.

Do whatever Jehovah asks of you, even if it is not easy
Ru emwi hia ne Jehova rhirhi wẹẹ ne u ru, ọ gha khọnrẹn nọ gha lọghọ

Friendship with God is more valuable than anything else
Asikẹgbe na gu e Osanobua mwẹ, ẹre ọ ru ekpataki sẹ emwi ọvbehe hia

It is important to Jehovah that we forgive others and make peace as soon as possible
E Jehova keghi hoo ne ima gha yabọ kevbe ne ima gu emwa ọvbehe gha rrọọ vbe ọfunmwegbe

Lesson 011

After the Flood, Noah’s sons and their wives had many children.
Vbe iyeke Okuo Amẹ nii, ivbi e Noa keghi biẹlẹ emọ nibun.

Their families grew, and they began to spread to different parts of the earth, just as Jehovah had told them to do.
Vbene iran ya gha bun vbe ẹgbẹe, erriọ iran ya ghae egbe ye ehe ughughan vbe uhunmwu otagbọn zẹvbe ne Jehova wẹẹ ne iran ru ẹre.

But some of the families did not obey Jehovah.
Sokpan eso vbọ ma họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova.

They said:
Iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘Let’s build a city and stay here.
‘Gi ima bu ẹvbo ye emwa.

We’ll make a tower so tall that its top will reach all the way to heaven.
Ma ghi do bọ owa nọkhua nọ gha yo sẹ orere iso.

Then we will be famous.’
Emwa hia ghi do gha họn usi ima rre.’

Jehovah was not happy with what those people were doing, so he decided to stop them.
Ẹko ma rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova ye emwi ne iran ru na, rhunmwuda ọni, ọ na wẹẹ irẹn gha dobọ re yi.

Do you know how he did it?
Uwẹ rẹn vbene Jehova ya ru ẹre hẹ ra?

He suddenly made them speak different languages.
Ọ na ruẹ ne iran suẹn gha zẹ urhuẹvbo ughughan.

Since they could no longer understand one another, they stopped the building work.
Ugbẹnvbe iran ma ghi sẹtin gha gu egbe guan, iran na ghi dobọ iwinna nii yi.

The city that they had been building became known as Babel, which means “Confusion.”
A na do gha tie ẹvbo nii e Babẹl. Emwi ne eni ẹvbo nii rhiema ọre “Ezagha.”

People began to move away and live all over the earth.
Emwa na ghi kpa hin ẹvbo nii rre gha rrie ehe ughughan vbe uhunmwu otagbọn.

But they kept doing bad things in the new places where they lived.
Sokpan iran na ye gha ru emwi dan vbe ehe ne iran ye.

Were there any who still loved Jehovah?
Ọmwa ye gha rrọọ nọ hoẹmwẹ e Jehova vbe ẹghẹ nii ra?

We will find out in the next chapter.
Ma gha ziro yan ọni vbe uhunmwuta nọ lelẹe.

“Everyone who exalts himself will be humiliated, but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”—Luke 18:14
“Ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ tọn egbe ẹre mu, a gha muẹn rriotọ, ọmwa ne ọ mu egbe ẹre rriotọ, a gha tọn rẹn mu.”—Luk 18:14


What did the people of Babel do?
De emwi ne emwa ni ghaa rre ẹvbo e Babẹl ru?

How did Jehovah stop them?
De vbene Jehova ya da iran obọ yi hẹ?

Lesson 012

Not too far from Babel was a city called Ur, where people worshipped many gods other than Jehovah.
Ọ mwẹ ẹvbo ọkpa na ghaa tie ẹre Ọọ (Ur). Ẹvbo na keghi sikẹ e Babẹl kevbe wẹẹ emwa ni rre ẹvbo na i ga e Jehova.

But there was a man in Ur who worshipped only Jehovah.
Sokpan ọ ghaa mwẹ okpia ọkpa vbe Ọọ nọ ghaa ga e Jehova.

His name was Abraham.
Eni okpia na ọre Ebraham.

Jehovah said to Abraham:
E Jehova keghi tama Ebraham wẹẹ:

‘Leave your home and your relatives, and go to the land that I will show you.’
‘Kpa vbe ẹvbo ne u ye, ne u sẹ emwa ruẹ rae gha rrie ẹvbo ne I gha ma ruẹ re.’

Then God promised:
Vbe iyeke ọni, Osanobua keghi yan rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You will become a large nation, and I will do good things for many people all over the earth because of you.’
‘U gha khian agbẹnvbo nọkhua, I gha fiangbe emwa nibun vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia rhunmwuda ruẹ.’

Abraham did not know where Jehovah was sending him, but he trusted in Jehovah.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ebraham ma rẹn eke ne Jehova wẹẹ ne ọ gha rrie, ọ na ye mu ẹtin yan e Jehova.

So Abraham, his wife Sarah, his father Terah, and his nephew Lot packed their things and obediently began their long trip.
Rhunmwuda ọni, Ebraham vbe ọvbokhan rẹn ighẹ e Sera, erha Ebraham ighẹ e Tẹra, kevbe ovbi ọtiọnrẹn ighẹ e Lọt keghi kun ihẹ kpa gha rrie ẹvbo ne Osanobua wẹẹ ne iran gha rrie.

Abraham was 75 years old when he and his family finally arrived in the land that Jehovah wanted them to see.
Ukpo 75 ẹre Ebraham ghaa ye vbe irẹn vbe ẹgbẹe ọre sẹ ẹvbo ne Jehova wẹẹ ne iran gha rrie.

It was called the land of Canaan.
Eni ẹvbo nii ọre Kena.

There God spoke to Abraham and made this promise:
Osanobua keghi ru eyan na ma Ebraham vbe evba wẹẹ:

‘All this land you see around you, I will give to your children.’
‘I gha mu otọ na hia ne u bẹghe na, ne ivbuẹ.’

But Abraham and Sarah were old and did not have any children.
Na kha na, Ebraham vbe ọvbokhan rẹn ighẹ e Sera khian ọmaẹn nẹ vbene iran ma na he biẹ.

So how would Jehovah make his promise come true?
De vbene eyan ọghe Jehova khian ghi ya mwẹ amusẹ hẹ?

“By faith Abraham ... obeyed by going out to a place he was to receive as an inheritance; he went out, although not knowing where he was going.”—Hebrews 11:8
“Iyayi ọre ọ ye Ebraham họn vbe Osanobua tie ẹre, ọ na gha rrie ẹvbo ne Osanobua ve ẹre re wẹẹ, irẹn gha rhie nẹẹn.Irẹn keghi kpao vbe ẹvbo irẹn rre, vbe ne ọ ma na rẹn ehe ne ọ rrie.”—Hibru 11:8


What did Jehovah ask Abraham to do?
De emwi ne Jehova wẹẹ ne Ebraham ru?

What did Jehovah promise Abraham?
De eyan ne Jehova ru ma Ebraham?

Lesson 013

Abraham and Sarah had been married for many years.
Ẹi ghi re eban Ebraham vbe Sera ghi ya rọnmwẹ egbe.

They had left their comfortable home in Ur and were living in a tent.
Iran na kpa vbe ẹvbo nọ te fu iran egbe rre. Iran na gha rre ibọkpọ vbe ẹvbo ọvbehe.

But Sarah did not complain, because she trusted in Jehovah.
Ne Sera gha te ya gha vian, ọ keghi mu ẹtin yan e Jehova.

Sarah wanted a child so much that she told Abraham:
Ugbẹnvbe Sera zẹ gualọ ọmọ, ọ ma miẹn, ọ na ghi tama Ebraham wẹẹ:

‘If my servant Hagar has a child, it could be like my own.’
‘E Hega ne ọguọmwadia mwẹ gha biẹ, ovbimwẹ vbe nọ.’

In time, Hagar did have a son.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Hega na do biẹ.

His name was Ishmael.
Eni ovbi ẹre ọre Ismẹl.

Many years later, when Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 89, they had three visitors.
Vbe Ebraham ghi rre ukpo 99 kevbe vbe Sera rre ukpo 89, orhunmwu eha na do tuẹ iran.

Abraham invited them to rest under a tree and share a meal.
Ebraham na wẹẹ ne iran do tota ye ototọ erhan rri evbare.

Do you know who the visitors were?
U rẹn emwa ni do tuẹ iran ra?

They were angels!
Avbe odibosa ẹre iran ghaa khin!

They told Abraham:
Iran keghi tama Ebraham wẹẹ:

‘Next year at this time, you and your wife will have a son.’
‘Vbenia vbe ukpo nọ dee, ọvbokhan ruẹ gha biẹ ọmọ okpia.’

Sarah was listening from inside the tent.
E Sera na gha danmwehọ iran vbe uwu ibọkpọ nọ ghaa ye.

She laughed to herself and thought:
Ọ na fẹko giẹ kua, ẹre ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘Can I really have a child even though I am so old?’
‘Mẹ gha sẹtin ya egbe ọmaẹn biẹ ra?’

The next year, Sarah gave birth to a son, just as Jehovah’s angel had promised.
Vbe ukpo nọ lelẹe, e Sera na gele biẹ ọmọ okpia vbene odibosa tae yotọ.

Abraham named him Isaac, which means “Laughter.”
Ebraham na gha tie ọmọ nii Aizik. Emwi ne a ya eni nii kha ọre “Ogiẹ.”

When Isaac was about five years old, Sarah saw Ishmael making fun of him.
Vbe Aizik ghi rre odẹ ukpo isẹn, e Sera na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ Ismẹl ya ovbi irẹn gbogiẹ.

She wanted to protect her son, so she went to Abraham and asked him to send Hagar and Ishmael away.
Ne Sera mieke na gbogba ga ovbi ẹre, ọ na tama Ebraham nọ khu e Hega kevbe ovbi ẹre Ismẹl fua vbe owa.

At first, Abraham did not want to do that.
Ebraham ma te ka kue yọ.

But Jehovah said to Abraham:
Sokpan e Jehova na tama Ebraham wẹẹ:

‘Listen to Sarah.
‘Danmwehọ e Sera.

I will take care of Ishmael.
I gha gu ruẹ gbaroghe Ismẹl.

But it is through Isaac that my promises will come true.’
Sokpan egbe Aizik ẹre eyan mwẹ khian na mwẹ amusẹ.’

“By faith also Sarah received power to conceive offspring, ... since she considered Him faithful who made the promise.”—Hebrews 11:11
“Amuẹtinyan ne Sera ghaa mwẹ ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na sẹtin biẹ, ... rhunmwuda ọ kegha ghee ọmwa nọ ru eyan nii zẹvbe ọmwa nọ gia mu ẹtin yan.”—Hibru 11:11, NW


What did Sarah hear the angels tell Abraham?
De emwi ne Sera họn wẹẹ avbe odibosa tama Ebraham?

How did Jehovah protect Isaac?
De vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga Aizik hẹ?

Lesson 014

Lot lived with Abraham, his uncle, in the land of Canaan.
Otọ e Kena ẹre Ebraham vbe Lọt ghaa ye.

Eventually, Abraham and Lot had so many animals that there was not enough land for all of them.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, Ebraham vbe Lọt na do gha mwẹ emwi irri nibun. Rhunmwuda ọni, otọ ne iran mwẹ ma ghi sẹ aranmwẹ ọghe iran na gha kọn.

Abraham said to Lot:
Ebraham na ghi tama e Lọt wẹẹ:

‘We can no longer live together in one place.
‘Ma i khian ghi sẹtin gha rre eke ọkpa.

Please choose which way you would like to go, and I will go the other way.’
Lahọ, uwẹ zẹ eke ne uwẹ khian gha rrie vbọ, ne imẹ vbe zẹ obọ nọkpa.’

That was unselfish of Abraham, wasn’t it?
Ọna keghi rhiema wẹẹ ọmwa nọ mu ọghe emwa ọvbehe roro ẹre Ebraham ghaa khin, ra ẹi re erriọ?

Lot saw a beautiful part of the land near a city called Sodom.
E Lọt na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ otọ nọ rre ọkpẹn e Sọdom wa mose.

There was plenty of water as well as green grass.
Iran wa mwẹ amẹ vbe otọ nii, erriọ irunmwu wa vbe ya gba ehe hia.

So he chose that place and moved his family there.
Ẹre Lọt vbe ẹgbẹe ọre na gha rrie evba.

The people of Sodom and of the nearby city of Gomorrah were very bad.
Emwa dan ẹre ọ wa gha rre Sọdom kevbe Gomorra.

In fact, they were so bad that Jehovah decided to destroy those cities.
Vbene iran ghi ru emwi dan sẹ, Osanobua na wẹẹ irẹn khian guọghọ iran.

But God wanted to save Lot and his family, so he sent two angels to warn them:
Sokpan Osanobua hoo ne Lọt vbe ẹgbẹe ọre miẹn fan, rhunmwuda ọni, ọ na gie odibo eva ne iran do tama e Lọt vbe ẹgbẹe ọre, ne iran kpa hin ẹvbo nii rre. Avbe odibosa nii keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Hurry! Get out of this city!
‘Uwa zẹgiẹ kpa hin ẹvbo na rre!

Jehovah is going to destroy it.’
E Jehova khian guọghọe rua.’

Lot did not leave right away.
E Lọt ma wa kpa vbobọvbobọ.

He kept on delaying.
Ọ na gha siegbe.

So the angels took Lot, his wife, and his two daughters by the hand and rushed them out of the city, saying:
Ẹre avbe odibosa nii na ghi si iran ladian hin ẹvbo nii rre, vbene iran na tama e Lọt vbe ẹgbẹe ọre wẹẹ:

‘Run! Escape for your life, and do not look back.
‘Uwa rhulẹ ne uwa mieke na miẹn fan! Wa ghẹ ghee iyeke.

If you look back, you will die!’
Adeghẹ uwa na ghee iyeke, uwa gha wu!’

When they arrived at the city called Zoar, Jehovah made it rain fire and sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Vbe iran ghi sẹ e Zoa, e Jehova na ghi hihiẹ erhẹn kue Sọdom vbe Gomorra.

Those two cities were completely destroyed.
Ẹvbo nii na ghi guọghua.

When Lot’s wife disobeyed Jehovah and looked back, she turned into a pillar of salt!
Ọvbokhan e Lọt ma họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova, ọ na ghee iyeke, ẹre ọ na ghi khian orrẹ umwẹ!

But Lot and his daughters were safe because they had obeyed Jehovah.
E Lọt vbe ivbi ẹre nikhuo na miẹn fan rhunmwuda ne iran na họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova.

They must have been very sad that Lot’s wife had disobeyed.
Ẹi mwẹ ọ ma balọ iran wẹẹ iye iran ghee iyeke.

But they were glad that they had listened to Jehovah’s instructions.
Sokpan, iran wa ghọghọ wẹẹ, iran họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova.

“Remember the wife of Lot.”—Luke 17:32
“Ye amwẹ Lọt rre.”—Luk 17:32


Why did Jehovah destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na guọghọ e Sọdom vbe Gomorra?

Why did Lot’s wife turn into a pillar of salt?
Vbọsiẹ ne ọvbokhan e Lọt na khian orrẹ umwẹ?

Lesson 015

Abraham taught his son Isaac to love Jehovah and to trust all of Jehovah’s promises.
Ebraham keghi maa Aizik re, nọ hoẹmwẹ e Jehova kevbe nọ mu ẹtin yan eyan ne Osanobua rhirhi ru.

But when Isaac was about 25 years old, Jehovah asked Abraham to do something that would be very hard to do.
Vbe Aizik ghi rre ukpo 25, e Jehova keghi tama Ebraham nọ ru emwi ọkpa nọ lọghọ na ru.

What was it?
Uwẹ rẹn emwi ne ọni khin ra?

God told Abraham:
Osanobua keghi tama Ebraham wẹẹ:

‘Please, take your only son and offer him as a sacrifice on a mountain in the land of Moriah.’
‘Lahọ, ya ukpọmọkpa ne u mwẹ ru izọese gu mwẹ vbe uhunmwu oke ọghe Moraia.’

Abraham had no idea why Jehovah had asked him to do that. But he still obeyed Jehovah.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ebraham ma rẹn evbọzẹe ne Jehova na wẹẹ ne irẹn ru egbe emwi vberriọ, ọ na ye họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova.

Early the next morning, Abraham took Isaac and two servants and went toward Moriah.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, Ebraham keghi rhie Aizik kevbe eguọmwadia ọghẹe eva lele egbe gha rrie Moraia.

After three days, they could see the mountains in the distance.
Vbe iyeke ikpẹdẹ eha, iran na suẹn gha bẹghe oke Moraia vbe urria.

Abraham told his servants to wait while he and Isaac went off to offer a sacrifice.
Ebraham keghi tama eguọmwadia ọghẹe ne iran mudia khẹ irẹn vbe Aizik, ne iran ya ru izọese.

Abraham gave Isaac firewood to carry, and Abraham took a knife.
Ebraham na wẹẹ ne Aizik mu erhan lele irẹn, vbene irẹn na rhie abẹ mwẹ.

Isaac asked his father:
Aizik keghi nọ erhae wẹẹ:

‘Where is the animal that we will sacrifice?’
‘Baba o, aranmwẹ ne ima khian ya ru izọese vbo?’

Abraham answered:
Ebraham keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘My son, Jehovah will provide it.’
‘Ovbimwẹ, e Jehova gha kpemehe ẹre.’

When they finally arrived at the mountain, they built an altar.
Vbe iran ghi sẹ nene uhunmwu oke, iran na do bọ aka.

Then Abraham tied Isaac’s hands and feet and put him on the altar.
Ebraham na ghi gbalọ Aizik obọ vbe owẹ, ọ na muẹn ye uhunmwu nene aka.

Abraham picked up the knife. At that moment, Jehovah’s angel called from the heavens:
Ebraham keghi tọn abẹ mu, vbe ọwarọkpa nii, odibosa keghi da tie Ebraham wẹẹ:

‘Abraham! Do not harm the boy!
‘Ebraham! Ghẹ gbe ọvbokhan nii rua!

Now I know that you have faith in God because you were willing to sacrifice your son.’
I wa rẹn nia wẹẹ, u mwẹ amuẹtinyan daa Osanobua ẹre ọ si ẹre ne u na muegbe ne u ya ye ovbuẹ zọ ese.’

Then Abraham saw a ram caught by its horns in the bushes.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Ebraham keghi bẹghe ohuan ọkpa ne irri rhie ẹre igho.

He quickly untied Isaac and sacrificed the ram instead.
Ọ na zẹgiẹ fannọ emwi nọ ya gbalọ Aizik, ẹre ọ na ghi ya ohuan nii zọ ese.

From that day on, Jehovah called Abraham his friend.
Ke ẹdẹrriọ kpa, e Jehova na suẹn gha tie Ebraham ọsiọre.

Do you know why?
U rẹn emwi nọ si ẹre ra?

Abraham did whatever Jehovah wanted him to do, even when he didn’t understand why Jehovah had asked him to do it.
Ebraham keghi ru emwi hia ne Jehova wẹẹ nọ ru, uhiẹn vbe ọ ma rẹn evbọzẹ ne Jehova na wẹẹ nọ ru vberriọ.

Jehovah repeated his promise to Abraham:
E Jehova na werriegbe yan ma Ebraham wẹẹ:

‘I will bless you, and I will multiply your children, or offspring.’
‘I gha fiangbuẹ, I ghi vbe ya ivbuẹ khian nibun.’

This meant that Jehovah would bless all good people through Abraham’s family.
Ọni rhiema wẹẹ, ẹgbẹe ọghe Ebraham ẹre Jehova khian la fiangbe emwa esi hia.

“God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”—John 3:16
“Rhunmwuda Osanobua hoẹmwẹ agbọn na sẹrriọ zẹẹ, ọ na rhie Ovbi ẹre ukpọmọkpa ne ọmwa, ne ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ rhirhi ya ẹre yi ghẹ wirua, sokpan ne ọ gha mwẹ [arrọọ] ne ẹi mwẹ ọfo.”—Jọn 3:16


How did Abraham prove that he trusted in Jehovah?
De vbene Ebraham ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn mu ẹtin yan e Jehova?

What did Jehovah promise Abraham?
De eyan ne Jehova ru maa Ebraham?

Lesson 016

Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah.
Ukpo 40 ẹre Aizik ghaa ye vbe ọ rhie ọvbokhan rẹn ighẹ e Ribẹka.

He loved her very much.
Ọ wa hoẹmwẹ ọvbokhan rẹn na ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.

In time, they had two children—twin boys.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, iran na do biẹ ivin eva. Emọ ikpia ẹre iran ghaa khin.

The older boy was called Esau, and the younger one, Jacob.
Eni ọdiọn ọre Isọ, eni ọvbokhan na gha re Jekọb.

Esau loved being outdoors, and he was good at hunting animals.
Ohuẹ nọ gua gbe aranmwẹ ẹre Isọ ghaa khin, rhunmwuda ọni, ai kẹ miẹn ọnrẹn vbe owa.

But Jacob liked to stay at home.
Sokpan owa ẹre Jekọb wa gha dia.

In those days, the oldest son was given most of the land and money when his father died.
Vbe ẹghẹ nẹdẹ, ọmọ ọdiọn ẹre ọ mu otọ ọghe erhae ra igho ọghe erhae nọ ghi kpọlọ sẹ vbe erha iran gha wu.

That was called an inheritance.
Ọni ẹre a tie ẹre ukhu.

In Isaac’s family, the inheritance also included having a part in the promises that Jehovah had made to Abraham.
Ọmwa nọ khian rri ukhu ọmọ ọdiọn vbe ẹgbẹe ọghe Aizik keghi re ọmwa ne Jehova khian la egbe ẹre mu eyan nọ yan rẹn ma Ebraham sẹ.

Esau did not care much about those promises, but Jacob knew that they were very important.
Iwinna eyan nii ma zẹdẹ mu Isọ sokpan e Jekọb wa rẹn wẹẹ eyan na wa ru ekpataki.

One day Esau came home very tired from a long day of hunting.
Isọ ghi ke oha rre vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, egbe keghi wọọ re.

He smelled the good food Jacob was cooking and said:
Evbare ne Jekọb ghaa le na winrin ye ọre ihue, ẹre ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘I’m starving!
‘Ohanmwẹ khian gbe mwẹ ruan!

Give me some of that red stew!’
Fian mẹ vbe evbare ne u le!’

Jacob said:
E Jekọb keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I will, but first promise me that I can have your inheritance.’
‘I gha fian nuẹ deghẹ u na ka yan ma mwẹ wẹẹ, ne I mu ukhu ọghuẹ.’

Esau said:
Isọ keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I don’t care about my inheritance!
‘Iwinna ukhu ne I khian re ma mu mwẹ!

You can have it.
U sẹtin mu.

I just want to eat.’
Ohanmwẹ ẹre ọ wa gbe mwẹ na.’

Do you think that was a wise thing for Esau to do?
Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ ẹwaẹn rre emwi ne Isọ ru na ra?

No, it wasn’t.

Esau gave away something very precious, just for a bowl of stew.
Emwi kpataki ẹre Isọ mu fua na rhunmwuda evbare nọ ma sẹ emwi.

When Isaac was very old, it was time to give a blessing to his oldest son.
Vbe Aizik ghi khian ọmaẹn nẹ, ọ na wẹẹ ne irẹn fiangbe ovbi irẹn ne ọdiọn.

But Rebekah helped Jacob, the younger son, to get the blessing.
Sokpan e Ribẹka keghi ru iyobọ ne Jekọb ne ọvbokhan, ne erhae mieke na fiangbe ẹre.

When Esau found out, he was very angry and he planned to kill his twin brother.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Isọ ghi ya rẹn, ohu na suẹn gha muẹn, ọ na wẹẹ irẹn khian gbe Jekọb rua.

Isaac and Rebekah wanted to protect Jacob, so they told him:
Aizik vbe Ribẹka na gha hoo ne iran gbogba ga e Jekọb, ẹre iran na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go and stay with your mother’s brother, Laban, until Esau calms down.’
‘Rhulẹ bu ọtẹn iyuẹ nokpia ighẹ e Leban, a te miẹn wẹẹ ẹko fu Isọ rre.’

Jacob listened to his parents’ advice and ran for his life.
E Jekọb keghi họn ẹmwẹ ne evbibiẹ ọre, ẹre ọ na ghi lẹẹ fua.

“What good will it do a man to gain the whole world and to lose his life?
“De ere nọ rre ọmwa re, adeghẹ agbọn na hia sẹ ọre obọ, ighẹ ọ mu ẹdẹ agbọn rẹn fua?

What, really, would a man give in exchange for his life?”—Mark 8:36, 37
Emwi ọkpa i rrọọ ne ọmwa gha sẹtin ya dẹ ẹdẹ agbọn rẹn werriegbe.”—Mak 8:36, 37


What kind of person was Esau?
De aro ọmwa ne Isọ ghaa khin?

What kind of person was Jacob?
De aro ọmwa ne Jekọb ghaa khin?

Why did Jacob receive a blessing instead of Esau?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jekọb na miẹn afiangbe nọ te khẹke ne Isọ miẹn?

Lesson 017

Jehovah promised Jacob that he would protect him just as he had protected Abraham and Isaac.
E Jehova keghi yan ma e Jekọb wẹẹ irẹn gha gbogba ga re vbene ọ vbe gbogba ga Ebraham kevbe Aizik.

Jacob settled in a place called Haran, where he got married, had a big family, and became very rich.
E Jekọb na do gha rre ẹvbo ọkpa na tie ẹre Haran, evba ẹre ọ na rhie okhuo biẹlẹ, ẹgbẹe ọre na do gha kpọlọ kevbe wẹẹ e Jekọb na do fe ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.

Eventually Jehovah told Jacob:
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Jehova keghi tama e Jekọb wẹẹ:

‘Go back to your homeland.’
‘Werriegbe gha rrie ẹvbo ruẹ.’

So Jacob and his family began the long trip back.
Ẹre Jekọb vbe ẹgbẹe ọre na kun ihẹ.

On the road some people came to Jacob and said:
Vbe iran ghi khian vbe odẹ, emwa eso na do tama e Jekọb wẹẹ:

‘Your brother Esau is coming, and there are 400 men with him!’
‘Ọtuẹn ighẹ Isọ viọ ikpia 400 lele egbe dee vbe odẹ!’

Jacob was afraid that Esau wanted to hurt him and his family.
E Jekọb na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ te Isọ khian do gbele irẹn vbe ẹgbẹe ọre rua.

He prayed to Jehovah:
Ọ na ghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Please save me from my brother.’
‘Lahọ, miẹn mwẹ fan vbe obọ ọtẹnmwẹ.’

The next day Jacob sent Esau a gift of many sheep, goats, cows, camels, and donkeys.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Jekọb na gie emwa ne iran viọ ohuan, ẹwe, ẹmila kevbe ekẹtẹkẹtẹ nibun gie Isọ.

That night while Jacob was alone, he saw an angel!
Odibosa keghi rhie egbe ma e Jekọb vbe asọn nii!

The angel started wrestling with him. They wrestled until the morning.
Odibo nii na gu e Jekọb gbinna ne ẹdẹ gbe.

Even though Jacob got hurt, he would not give up.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ obọ vba e Jekọb, ọ ma gi ẹtin fo ẹre.

The angel said:
Odibosa nii na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Let me go.’
‘Gu mwẹ kpa.’

But Jacob said:
Sokpan e Jekọb keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘No, not until you bless me.’
‘I i kue ne u kpa, vbe ẹi re te u fiangbe mwẹ nẹ.’

The angel finally blessed Jacob.
Vbe okiekie, odibosa nii keghi fiangbe Jekọb.

Now Jacob knew that Jehovah wouldn’t let Esau hurt him.
Ẹghẹ nii, e Jekọb na ghi rẹn wẹẹ e Jehova i khian kue ne Isọ ru irẹn emwi rhọkpa.

That morning Jacob looked into the distance and saw Esau and the 400 men.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Jekọb keghi bẹghe Isọ kevbe ikpia 400 ni lelẹe khian.

Jacob went ahead of his family and bowed down before his brother seven times.
 E Jekọb na rhulẹ bu ẹre ya gbe uhunmwu kotọ nẹ vbe igba ihinrọn.

Esau ran to Jacob and threw his arms around him.
Isọ keghi rhulẹ bu e Jekọb ya muẹn dede.

The two brothers burst into tears and made peace.
Iran eveva na sa eve rua, ẹre iran na ghi ru adọlọ.

How do you think Jehovah felt about the way that Jacob handled this situation?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, ekhọe Jehova ghaa ye hẹ, vbe ọ bẹghe vbene Jekọb ya gu ọtiọnrẹn ru adọlọ?

Later Esau went back to his home, and Jacob went to his.
Vbe okiekie, dọmwadọghẹ na werriegbe gha rrie owa re.

Jacob had a total of 12 sons.
Emọ ikpia 12 ẹre Jekọb ghaa mwẹ.

Their names were Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.
Eni ivbi ẹre nikpia ọre Rubẹn, e Simiọn, e Livai, e Juda, e Dan, e Naftali, e Gad, Asia, Isaka, e Zebulọn, e Josẹf, kevbe Bẹnjamin.

One of those sons—Joseph—was used by Jehovah to save His people.
E Jehova keghi loo ọkpa vbe emọ na ya miẹn emwa rẹn fan—eni ọmọ na kegha re Josẹf.

Do you know how?
U rẹn vbene Jehova ya loo ẹre hẹ ra?

Let’s find out.
Gi ima ruẹ ọre sayọ.

“Continue to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens.”—Matthew 5:44, 45
“Gha hoẹmwẹ nọ khuiwu ruẹ, gha na erhunmwu ne iran ni zẹ uwẹ owẹ. Ne uwa miẹn ehe na gha re ivbi Erha uwa ne ọ rre ẹrinmwi.”—Matiu 5:44, 45


Why did Jacob receive a blessing?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jekọb na miẹn afiangbe?

How did he make peace with his brother?
De vbene ọ ya gu ọtiọnrẹn ru adọlọ hẹ?

Lesson 018

This section introduces us to Joseph, Job, Moses, and the Israelites.
Abọ na keghi guan kaan e Josẹf, e Job, e Mosis kevbe Ivbi Izrẹl.

All of them endured much at the hands of the Devil.
Iran na zin egbe ọlọghọmwa nibun vbe obọ Esu.

Some of them experienced injustice, imprisonment, slavery, and even death.
Nibun keghi werriẹ aro dae agbọmwa ekueku, a mu eso ye eghan, a ya eso khian eviẹn, eso vbe gha rrọọ ne emwa iran wulo.

In various ways, though, Jehovah protected them.
Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, odẹ ughughan ẹre Jehova ya gbogba ga iran.

If you are a parent, help your child to understand how those servants of Jehovah suffered evil without losing faith.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ya rẹn vbene eguọmwadia e Jehova ni werriẹ aro daa avbe ọlọghọmwa vberriọ, ya zin egbe hẹ vbene iran na ye da imudiase ọghe iran yi.

Jehovah used the Ten Plagues to show that he is more powerful than all the gods of Egypt.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne Orueghe Igbe dekun Ivbi Igipt ne ọ ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ẹtin sẹ ẹbọ hia ni rre otọ ọghe Igipt.

Highlight how Jehovah protected his people in the past and how he does so today.
Ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ, ne ọ ya rẹn vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga emwa rẹn hẹ vbe ẹghẹ nọ gberra kevbe vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga ima hẹ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ.

Joseph resisted immorality because he loved Jehovah
Rhunmwuda ne Josẹf na hoẹmwẹ e Jehova ẹre ọ zẹ ne ọ ma na ru alamoghẹ

Job did not allow intense suffering to drive him away from Jehovah
E Job ma rhunmwuda oya ne irẹn ghaa re sẹ e Jehova rae

No matter where he was, Moses never forgot that he was a servant of God
Vbe ehe hia ne Mosis ghaa ye, ọ ma mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne irẹn ya mianmian wẹẹ ọguọmwadia e Jehova ẹre irẹn khin

Lesson 019

Joseph was one of Jacob’s younger sons.
Vbuwe emọ ikpia 12 ne Jekọb biẹlẹ, nogie 11 ẹre Josẹf ghaa khin.

His older brothers saw that Joseph was their father’s favorite son. How do you think they felt about that? They were jealous of Joseph and hated him.
Etiọnrẹn ne ọdiọn ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Josẹf ẹre erha iran hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn sẹ, iran na gha gbọvo ẹre, uhiẹn iran na vbe gha khẹko ẹre.

When Joseph had some unusual dreams, he told his brothers about them.
Vbe Josẹf ghi mina imina eso vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, ọ keghi tama etiọnrẹn vbekpa re.

They thought the dreams meant that they would one day bow down to him.
Etiọnrẹn na gha roro wẹẹ emwi ne imina nii rhiema ọre wẹẹ, ototọ e Josẹf ẹre iran khian gha ye.

Now they hated him even more!
Rhunmwuda ọni nia, iran na kakabọ gha mu ohu ẹre!

One day Joseph’s brothers were looking after sheep near the city of Shechem.
Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, etiẹn e Josẹf na gha gbaroghe ohuan ọghe erha iran vbe ọkpẹn e Siẹkẹm.

Jacob sent Joseph to see how they were doing.
Ẹre erha iran ighẹ e Jekọb na gie Josẹf bu iran, nọ vbe ya ghee vbene iran ye hẹ vbe odọ.

From far away they saw Joseph coming and said to one another:
Iran ghi ke urria bẹghe Josẹf khian bu iran dee, iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘Here comes that dreamer.
‘Ya ghee ọni, nọ mina imina.

Let’s kill him!’
Uwa gia wa gbe ẹre rua!’

They grabbed him and threw him into a deep pit.
Iran na muẹn fi uwu uhae ne amẹ i ye.

But Judah, one of his brothers, said:
Sokpan e Juda keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Don’t kill him! Let’s sell him as a slave instead.’
‘Ai ghi wa khiẹn ọnrẹn zẹvbe ọviẹn, na gha te ya gbe ẹre rua?’

So they sold Joseph for 20 pieces of silver to Midianite merchants who were going to Egypt.
Iran keghi khiẹn e Josẹf ne Ivbi e Midian ni rrie otọ Igipt. Esiliva 20 ẹre iran ya khiẹn ọnrẹn.

Then Joseph’s brothers dipped his coat in the blood of a goat, sent the coat to their father, and said:
Etiẹn e Josẹf keghi gbe ẹwe, iran na fi ẹwu ne guọrọ ọghe Josẹf ye uwu esagiẹn ọnrẹn. Iran ghi rhie ẹwu nii gie erha iran, iran na nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Isn’t this your son’s coat?’
‘Ọna i re ẹwu ọghe ovbuẹ ra?’

So Jacob thought that a wild animal had killed Joseph.
Vbe Jekọb ghi miẹn ọnrẹn, ọ na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ aranmwẹ nọ khọọ gbe Josẹf nẹ.

He was heartbroken.
Ọ na suẹn gha khiẹ.

No one could comfort him.
Ọmwa rhọkpa ma sẹtin fu ẹre ẹko rre.

In Egypt, Joseph was sold as a slave to an important official named Potiphar.
Vbe a ghi mu e Josẹf sẹ Igipt nẹ, iran keghi khiẹn ọnrẹn ne okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Pọtifa nọ ghaa winna vbe ẹguae ọba.

But Jehovah was with Joseph.
Sokpan e Jehova ma sẹ e Josẹf rae.

Potiphar saw that Joseph was good at his work and that he could be trusted.
E Pọtifa na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, e Josẹf keghi re ọmwa nọ guẹ iwinna kevbe ọmwa na gha sẹtin gba ẹko ẹre.

Soon Joseph was put in charge of everything Potiphar owned.
Ẹre Pọtifa na mu emwi hia nọ mwẹ ne Josẹf, ne ọ gha gbaroghe.

Potiphar’s wife noticed that Joseph was handsome and strong. Day after day she asked Joseph to lie down with her.
Ugbẹnvbe amwẹ e Pọtifa ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Josẹf keghi re ọmọ nọ zọ ẹse kevbe nọ wa vbe mose, ọ na gha kpikpi ẹre vbe ẹghẹ hia nọ gu irẹn lovbiẹ.

What would Joseph do?
De emwi ne Josẹf gha ghi ru?

He refused and said:
Ọ keghi tama amwẹ e Pọtifa:

‘Ẹn o!

This is wrong.
I i khian sẹtin ru egbe emwi vberriọ.

My master trusts me, and you are his wife.
Te arowa mwẹ wa gba ẹko mwẹ kevbe wẹẹ ọvbokhan rẹn ẹre u khin.

If I lie down with you, I will sin against God!’
I gha gu ruẹ lovbiẹ, ọni nọ wẹẹ I ru orukhọ daa Osanobua!’

One day Potiphar’s wife tried to force Joseph to lie down with her. She grabbed him by his clothes, but he ran away.
Sokpan, ọ ghi sẹ ẹdẹ ọkpa, amwẹ e Pọtifa na dobọ mu ukpọn e Josẹf, ọ na khama rẹn wẹẹ nọ gu irẹn lovbiẹ. Sokpan e Josẹf keghi lẹẹ fua.

When Potiphar came home, she said that Joseph had attacked her. She was not telling the truth.
E Pọtifa ghi sẹ owa, ọvbokhan rẹn na ba e Josẹf ohoghe. Ọ na tama ọdafẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ, e Josẹf te mu irẹn yagha.

Potiphar was very angry, and he threw Joseph into prison.
Vbene ohu ghi mu e Pọtifa sẹ, ọ na mu e Josẹf fi uwu eghan.

But Jehovah did not forget about Joseph.
Sokpan e Jehova ma mianmian e Josẹf.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you in due time.”—1 Peter 5:6
“Rhunmwuda ọnii nian, gha mu egbe rriotọ vbe odaro obọ ẹtin nọkhua ọghe Osanobua, ne irẹn miẹn ehe na tọn ọn mu vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ keyi vbe aro ẹre.”—1 Pita 5:6


How did Joseph’s brothers treat him?
De obọ ne etiẹn e Josẹf ya mu e Josẹf?

Why did Joseph end up in prison?
De emwi nọ ye Josẹf gha rrie eghan?

Lesson 020

While Joseph was in prison, Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, had dreams that no one could explain.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Josẹf na gha rre eghan vbe otọ Igipt, e Fero ne ọba ọghe Igipt keghi mina imina ne ọmwa rhọkpa ma sẹtin rhan otọre.

One of his servants told Pharaoh that Joseph could tell him what his dreams meant.
Ọkpa vbe eguọmwadia e Fero keghi tama e Fero wẹẹ, e Josẹf ẹre ọ rhan otọ imina ne irẹn minaẹn.

Pharaoh immediately sent for Joseph.
Ẹre Fero na wẹẹ na ya tiẹre rre.

Pharaoh asked him:
E Fero keghi nọ e Josẹf wẹẹ:

‘Can you explain my dreams?’
‘U gha sẹtin rhan otọ imina ne I minaẹn ra?’

Joseph told Pharaoh:
Ẹre Josẹf na tama e Fero wẹẹ:

‘Egypt will have plenty of food for seven years, followed by seven years of famine.
‘Te evbare khian wa kpọ vbe otọ Igipt vbe ukpo ihinrọn sokpan vbe ukpo ihinrọn nọ khian ghi lelẹe, ukhunmwu gha fi.

Choose someone wise to store up food so that your people will not starve.’
 Gualọ ọmwa ẹwaẹn nọ gha koko evbare yotọ, ne ohanmwẹ ghẹ gbele emwa ruẹ rua.’

Pharaoh replied:
E Fero na ghi wanniẹn e Josẹf wẹẹ:

‘I choose you!
‘Uwẹ ẹre I wa zẹ!

You will be the second most powerful man in Egypt!’
Uwẹ ẹre ọ khian ghi gha zẹ lele mwẹ vbe otọ Igipt!’

How did Joseph know what Pharaoh’s dreams meant?
De vbene Josẹf ya rẹn emwi ne imina ọghe Fero rhiema?

Jehovah had helped Joseph.
E Jehova ẹre ọ ru iyobọ ne Josẹf ya rẹn.

Over the next seven years, Joseph stored up food.
Ukpo ihinrọn ẹre Josẹf wa ya si evbare koko.

Then there was famine over all the earth, just as Joseph had said.
Vbe iyeke ọni, ukhunmwu na suẹn gha fi vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia zẹvbe ne Josẹf tae yotọ.

People came from everywhere to buy food from Joseph.
Emwa kegha ke ehe ughughan rre do gha dẹ evbare vbe obọ e Josẹf.

His father, Jacob, heard that there was food in Egypt, so he sent ten of his sons there to buy some.
E Jekọb ghi họn wẹẹ evbare rre otọ Igipt, ọ keghi gie ivbi ẹre nikpia igbe ne iran ya dẹ evbare rre.

Jacob’s sons went to Joseph, who immediately recognized them.
Ivbi e Jekọb ghi sẹ Igipt, iran keghi bu e Josẹf.

But his brothers did not know that it was Joseph.
E Josẹf na wa ye iran ẹro sokpan iran ma ghi ye Josẹf ẹro.

They bowed down to him, just as he had dreamed when he was young.
Iran keghi gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne Josẹf zẹvbe ne Josẹf minaẹn vbe ọ ye kherhe.

Joseph wanted to know if his brothers were still hateful. So he said to them:
Rhunmwuda ne Josẹf na gha hoo nọ rẹn deghẹ etiọnrẹn fiwerriẹ nẹ, ọ na khama iran wẹẹ:

‘You are spies. You want to find out where our country is weak.’
‘Te uwa do ba ẹvbo na ghee, ne uwa mieke na rẹn deghẹ uwa gha sẹtin gu ima gbinna.’

They said:
Iran keghi wanniẹn e Josẹf wẹẹ:

‘Ẹn o!

We are 12 brothers from Canaan. One of our brothers is dead, and the youngest is with our father.’
Otọ e Kenan ẹre ima ke rre. Emọ ikpia 12 ẹre erha ima biẹlẹ sokpan ọkpa wu nẹ vbọ. Nekherhe nọ rrọọ gu erha ima vbe owa.’

Ẹre Josẹf na khama iran wẹẹ:
Joseph then said:

‘Uwa gha hoo ne I ya uwa yi, uwa ya rhie ọtiẹn uwa nekherhe rre.’
‘Bring your youngest brother to me, and I will believe you.’

Iran keghi kpa gha rrie owa.
So they went home to their father.

When the family ran out of food again, Jacob sent his sons back to Egypt.
Evbare ne iran dẹ ghi fo nẹ, e Jekọb na dọlegbe gie iran gha rrie Igipt.

This time they took Benjamin, their youngest brother, with them.
Iran keghi rhie alagbodẹ ọghe iran na tie ẹre Bẹnjamin lele egbe.

To test his brothers, Joseph hid his silver cup in Benjamin’s bag of grain and then accused his brothers of stealing it.
Iran ghi sẹ Igipt, e Josẹf keghi danmwẹ etiọnrẹn ghee. E Josẹf keghi rhie ukpu ọghe siliva ọghẹe lẹre ye uwu ẹkpo ne Bẹnjamin viọ evbare yi. E Josẹf keghi mu etiọnrẹn oyi.

When Joseph’s servants found the cup in Benjamin’s bag, his brothers were shocked.
Vbe eguọmwadia e Josẹf ghi miẹn nene ukpu vbe ẹkpo e Bẹnjamin, ọ na wa kpa etiọnrẹn odin.

They begged Joseph to punish them instead of Benjamin.
Iran keghi rinmwia e Josẹf nọ rri iran oya sokpan nọ sẹ e Bẹnjamin rae.

Now Joseph knew that his brothers had changed.
E Josẹf na do rẹn wẹẹ etiọnrẹn fiwerriẹ nẹ.

Joseph could not hold back his feelings any longer. He burst into tears and said:
E Josẹf na suẹn gha viẹ, ọ na khama iran wẹẹ:

‘I am your brother Joseph.
‘Mẹ ọre Josẹf ne ọtiẹn uwa.

Is my father still alive?’
Erha mwẹ ye rre agbọn ra?’

His brothers were very surprised. He told them:
Ẹmwẹ na keghi kpa iran odin sokpan e Josẹf na khama iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t feel bad because of what you did to me.
‘Wa ghẹ roro ẹre wẹẹ, uwa ya obọ dan mu mwẹ.

God sent me here to save your lives.
Osanobua ẹre ọ gie mwẹ gha die emwa ne I do miẹn uwa fan.

Now hurry and bring my father here.’
Lahọ uwa ya mu erha mwẹ rre.’

They went home to tell their father the good news and to bring him to Egypt.
Iran ghi sẹ owa, iran keghi na iyẹn ma erha iran. Ẹre iran na muẹn gha rrie Igipt.

After so many years, Joseph and his father were finally together again.
Vbe okiekie, e Josẹf vbe erhae na do dọlegbe miẹn egbe.

“If you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”—Matthew 6:15
“Sokpan, deghẹ uwa ma ya bọ emwa ni ru uwa khọọ, Erha uwa ne ọ rre ẹrinmwi i vbe ya orukhọ uwa bọ uwa.”—Matiu 6:15


How did Jehovah help Joseph?
De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne Josẹf hẹ?

How did Joseph show that he forgave his brothers?
De emwi ne Josẹf ru nọ ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, irẹn i ghi mu ohu etiọnrẹn?

Lesson 021

In the land of Uz, there lived a man who worshipped Jehovah.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ okpia ọkpa nọ ghaa ga e Jehova vbe otọ ọghe Uz.

His name was Job.
Eni ẹnrẹn ọre Job.

He was a very rich man with a large family.
Okpia na wa kakabọ fe, ọ vbe mwẹ emọ nibun.

He was kind, and he helped poor people, women whose husbands had died, and children who had no parents.
Ọ wa gha zẹ emwi obọ ne ivbiogue, ikhuo ni dẹgbẹ kevbe emọ nẹi mwẹ erha mwẹ iye.

But just because he did what was right, would Job himself never have any problems?
Ne a na miẹn wẹẹ ọmwa esi ẹre Job khin, te ọni ghi rhiema wẹẹ, ẹi khian ghi miẹn ọlọghọmwa ra?

Job did not know it, but Satan the Devil was watching him.
E Job ma rẹn wẹẹ e Setan ghee irẹn.

Jehovah said to Satan:
E Jehova keghi khama e Setan wẹẹ:

‘Have you noticed my servant Job?
‘U ma bẹghe ọguọmwadia mwẹ ighẹ e Job?

There is no one like him on the earth.
Orhunmwu ọkpa i rrọọ nọ yevbe ọre vbe uhunmwu otagbọn.

He listens to me and does what is right.’
Ọ họn ẹmwẹ mẹ, ọ vbe ru emwi esi.’

Satan replied:
Sokpan e Setan keghi wanniẹn Osanobua wẹẹ:

‘Of course Job obeys you.
‘Ẹmwata nọ wẹẹ e Job họn ẹmwẹ nuẹ.

You protect him and bless him. You give him land and animals.
Sokpan rhunmwuda ne u na fiangbe ẹre, ne u na gbaroghe ẹre, ne u na viọ otọ nibun kevbe aranmwẹ nibun nẹ, ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na ga ruẹ.

Take it all away, and he will stop worshipping you.’
U gha miẹn ẹre emwi nọ mwẹ, u gha miẹn wẹẹ ẹi khian ghi ga ruẹ.’

Jehovah said:
Ẹre Jehova na ghi tama e Setan wẹẹ:

‘You may test Job. But you are not allowed to kill him.’
‘U sẹtin danmwẹ e Job ghee, sokpan ghẹ gbe ẹre rua.’

Why did Jehovah let Satan test Job?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na kue ne Setan danmwẹ e Job ghee?

He was confident that Job would not fail.
E Jehova rẹnrẹn wẹẹ e Job i khian de ye edanmwẹ nii.

Satan began to test Job with a number of disasters.
E Setan na ya ọlọghọmwa ughughan danmwẹ e Job.

First he sent people called the Sabeans to steal Job’s cattle and donkeys.
Okaro, ọ na gie Ivbi e Sabia ne iran ya do ẹmila kevbe ekẹtẹkẹtẹ ọghe Job viọ.

Then fire destroyed all of Job’s sheep.
Vbe iyeke ọni, erhẹn na giẹn ohuan hia ne Job mwẹ.

Another group of people, the Chaldeans, stole his camels.
Ivbi e Kialdia na vbe do e kamẹl ọghẹe hia viọ.

The servants who were looking after those animals were killed.
Na kha na, iran na gbele eguọmwadia e Job hia ni ghaa gbaroghe emwi irri ọghẹe.

Next came the worst disaster. All of Job’s children died when the house where they were feasting fell on them.
Nọ ghi wa khọọ sẹ, ọre ne owa na wa de yan ivbi e Job hia vbe iran koko rri evbare. Iran hia na wulo.

Job was heartbroken, but he did not stop worshipping Jehovah.
Ena hia wa balọ e Job sẹ ugboloko sokpan ọ ma sẹ e Jehova rae.

Satan wanted Job to suffer even more, so he caused sores to break out all over Job’s body.
E Setan na wẹẹ e Job ma he rrioya sẹ, ẹre ọ na mu emianmwẹ kun ẹnrẹn. Ẹtẹ na do gba e Job egbe hia.

Job was in terrible pain.
Obalọ ne Job ghaa ye i re nekherhe.

He did not know why all these things were happening to him.
E Job ma rẹn eke ne ọlọghọmwa na hia ke rre.

Yet, Job still worshipped Jehovah.
Sokpan ọ na ye gha ga e Jehova.

God saw all of this, and he was very pleased with Job.
Ọna wa ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua.

Satan then sent three men to test Job.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Setan keghi gie ikpia eha bu e Job, ne iran ya danmwẹ ọnrẹn ghee.

They told him:
Iran keghi tama e Job wẹẹ:

‘You must have sinned and tried to hide it. God is punishing you.’
‘Rhunmwuda orukhọ ne u ru lẹre, ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Osanobua na rri ruẹ oya.’

Job said: ‘I have not done anything wrong.’
E Job keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ ‘I ma ru orukhọ rhọkpa.’

But then he started to think that Jehovah was causing these problems, and he said that God was not being fair to him.
Ẹre Job na suẹn gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, e Jehova ẹre ọ si avbe ọlọghọmwa na kevbe wẹẹ Osanobua ma ya obọ esi mu irẹn.

A young man named Elihu had been quietly listening to the conversation.
Igbama okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Elihu na fẹko gha danmwehọ emwi ne iran ta.

Then he spoke up and said:
Ẹre ọ na ghi khama iran wẹẹ:

‘What all of you have said is wrong.
‘Ẹmwẹ ne uwa hia ta sin ma gba.

Jehovah is greater than we can understand.
E Jehova ẹre ọ sẹ ima hia.

He could never do anything wicked.
Ẹi khian sẹtin ru emwi nọ ma gba.

He sees everything and helps people with their problems.’
Ọ bẹghe emwi hia ni sunu, ọ vbe ru iyobọ ne emwa, vbe iran ghaa rre uwu ọlọghọmwa.’

Then Jehovah spoke to Job. He said:
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi tama e Job wẹẹ:

‘Where were you when I made the heaven and the earth?
‘De eke ne uwẹ ghaa ye vbe I yi agbọn kevbe ẹrinmwi?

Why do you say that I am not fair?
Vbọsiẹ ne u na kha wẹẹ emwi ne I ru ma gba?

You speak, but you do not know why things happen.’
U gha guan vbene u ma na rẹn vbene emwi ya sunu hẹ.’

Job admitted his mistake and said:
E Job keghi miẹn kue wẹẹ ẹmwẹ ne irẹn ta ma khẹke. Ọ na khama Osanobua wẹẹ:

‘I was wrong.
‘Ọ ma te khẹke ne I ta emwi ne I tae.

I had heard about you, but now I really know you.
I te ka họn vbekpa ruẹ nẹ, sokpan eban ẹre imẹ ghi rẹn ruẹ.

Nothing is impossible for you.
Ai miẹn emwi ne uwẹ i sẹtin ru.

I am sorry for what I said.’
Lahọ yabọ mwẹ.’

When the test was over, Jehovah made Job healthy again and gave him much more than he had before.
E Setan ghi danmwẹ e Job fo nẹ, e Jehova keghi mu e Job egbe rran. Emwi ne Osanobua ghi viọ ne Job vbe okiekie, ẹre ọ bun sẹ emwi ne Job te ka gha mwẹ.

Job lived a long and happy life.
E Job keghi tọ ẹse wu ẹse.

Jehovah blessed Job for listening to him even when it was hard.
E Jehova keghi fiangbe Job rhunmwuda e Job họn ẹmwẹ ne irẹn agharhemiẹn wẹẹ emwi ghaa lọghọ.

Will you be like Job and keep worshipping Jehovah, come what may?
Adeghẹ ọ rhiẹnrhiẹn ra deghẹ ọ rriara, uwẹ gha ye gha ga e Jehova vbene Job ru ẹre ra?

“You have heard of the endurance of Job and have seen the outcome Jehovah gave.”—James 5:11
“Wa họn vbene Job zin egbe hẹ, wa vbe rẹn vbene Nọyaẹnmwa ghi fiangbẹe hẹ vbe okiekie.”—Jems 5:11


How did Satan test Job?
De vbene Setan ya danmwẹ e Job hẹ?

How did Jehovah reward Job?
De vbene Jehova ya san e Job ẹse hẹ?

Lesson 022

In Egypt, Jacob’s family became known as Israelites.
Ivbi Izrẹl ẹre a ghi gha tie Ivbi e Jekọb vbe otọ Igipt.

After Jacob and Joseph died, a new Pharaoh began to rule.
E Fero ọvbehe ẹre ọ ghi gha kha yan otọ Igipt vbe Jekọb vbe Josẹf ghi wu nẹ.

He was afraid that the Israelites were becoming more powerful than the Egyptians.
E Fero ọghe ọgbọn na, na gha mu ohan wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl gha do bun sẹ Ivbi Igipt.

So this Pharaoh made the Israelites slaves.
Ẹre ọ na ghi ya Ivbi Izrẹl khian eviẹn.

He forced them to make bricks and to work very hard in the fields.
Ọ na wẹẹ ne iran gha manọ e biriki ra e blọk kevbe ọ na vbe gha loo iran ya winna vbe ugbo.

But the more the Egyptians forced them to work hard, the more the Israelites grew in number.
Sokpan vbene Ivbi Igipt ya gha loo Ivbi Izrẹl, erriọ Ivbi Izrẹl ya gha bun sayọ.

Because Pharaoh did not like that, he commanded that all the newborn Israelite boys be killed.
Ọna keghi wa ya ohu mu e Fero. Ọ na gie wẹẹ, ne a wa gbele emọ ikpia ne Ivbi Izrẹl rhirhi biẹ.

Can you imagine how scared the Israelites must have been?
Uwẹ ma yayi wẹẹ, ọna ya ohan mu Ivbi Izrẹl ra?

An Israelite woman named Jochebed had a beautiful baby boy.
Ovbi Izrẹl ne okhuo ọkpa na tie ẹre Jokebẹd keghi biẹ ọmọ okpia ne mose mose.

To protect him, she put him in a basket and hid it in the reeds of the Nile River.
Rhunmwuda ọ ma hoo ne iran gbe irẹn ọmọ rua, ọ keghi mu nene ọmọ ye uwu okhuae. Ọ na mu okhuae nii lẹre ye uwu irunmwu nọ rre ọkpẹn Ẹzẹ e Nail.

The baby’s sister, Miriam, stayed nearby to see what would happen.
Ọtiẹn ọmọ na nokhuo na tie ẹre Miriam, keghi mudia ye ọkpẹn evba nọ mieke na rẹn emwi nọ khian ghi sunu.

Pharaoh’s daughter came to bathe in the river and saw the basket.
Ovbi e Fero nokhuo ghi do khuẹ vbe ẹzẹ, ọ na bẹghe nene okhuae.

Inside she found a crying baby, and she felt sorry for him.
Ọ ghi ghee uwu ẹre, ọ keghi bẹghe ọmọmọ ọkpa vbe ọ viẹ. Ohan nene ọmọ keghi to ẹre.

Miriam asked:
E Miriam na do nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Should I go find a woman who can nurse the child for you?’
‘Ne I ya gualọ okhuo nọ gha gu ruẹ koko ọmọ na ra?’

When Pharaoh’s daughter said yes, Miriam brought back her own mother, Jochebed.
Ugbẹnvbe ovbi Ọba ghi kueyọ, e Miriam na ya tie iyẹe ighẹ e Jokebẹd rre.

Pharaoh’s daughter said to her:
Ovbi e Fero keghi tama e Jokebẹd wẹẹ:

‘Take this baby, nurse him for me, and I will pay you.’
‘Mu ọmọ na, ne u ya koko ẹre mẹ, I gha ha ruẹ osa.’

When the child grew older, Jochebed brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, who named him Moses and raised him as her own son.
Nene ọmọ ghi waan sẹ nẹ, e Jokebẹd keghi muẹn gie ovbi e Fero. Ovbi e Fero ẹre ọ ghi tobọre koko ọmọ na, ọ na gha tie ẹre Mosis.

Moses grew up as a prince and could have anything he wanted.
Zẹvbe okoro, ai miẹn emwi ne Mosis gualọ ne ẹi khian sẹ ọre obọ.

But Moses never forgot Jehovah.
Sokpan e Mosis ma mianmian e Jehova.

He knew that he was really an Israelite, not an Egyptian.
ọ rẹnrẹn wẹẹ Ovbi Izrẹl ẹre irẹn gele khin, ighẹ irẹn i re Ovbi Igipt.

And he chose to serve Jehovah.
Ọ na wẹẹ e Jehova ẹre irẹn khian ga.

At the age of 40, Moses decided to help his people.
Vbe Mosis ghi rre ukpo 40, ọ kegha hoo nọ ru iyobọ ne emwa rẹn.

When he saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave, Moses hit the Egyptian so hard that he died.
Vbe ọ ghi miẹn Ovbi Igipt ọkpa gbe Ovbi Izrẹl, e Mosis keghi gbe Ovbi Igipt nii rua.

Moses hid the body in the sand.
Ọ na mu ikun ẹnrẹn lẹre ye uwu izekhae.

When Pharaoh found out, he tried to kill Moses. But Moses ran away to the land of Midian.
E Fero ghi họn emwi nọ sunu, ọ keghi hia nọ gbe Mosis rua sokpan e Mosis na lẹẹ gha rrie otọ e Midian.

Jehovah took care of him there.
E Jehova kegha gbaroghe Mosis vbe evba.

“By faith Moses ... refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing to be mistreated with the people of God.”—Hebrews 11:24, 25
“Rhunmwuda amuẹtinyan ne Mosis ghaa mwẹ ... ọ ma kue ne a tie irẹn ovbi ovbi e Fero ne okhuo. Irẹn keghi zẹ ne irẹn gu emwa Osanobua rrioya.”—Hibru 11:24, 25, NW


How were the Israelites treated in Egypt?
De obọ na ya gha mu Ivbi Izrẹl vbe Igipt?

Why did Moses run away from Egypt?
Vbọsiẹ ne Mosis na lẹẹ hin Igipt rre?

Lesson 023

Moses lived in Midian for 40 years.
Ukpo 40 ẹre Mosis gbe vbe otọ ọghe Midian.

He got married and had children.
Irẹn kegha mwẹ emọ vbe amwẹ.

One day while he was taking care of his sheep near Mount Sinai, he saw something amazing.
Ẹdẹ ọkpa, vbe irẹn ghi su ohuan ọghẹe khian vbe ọkpẹn Oke Sainai, ọ keghi miẹn emwi ọyunnuan.

A thornbush was on fire, but it was not burning up!
Oha na wa mu erhẹn, sokpan ebe ẹre ma gha giẹn!

When Moses went near to see why, he heard a voice from inside the bush say:
Ẹre Mosis na wẹẹ ne irẹn sikẹ evba ne irẹn mieke na bẹghe emwi nọ sunu. Ọ keghi họn urhu ọkpa vbuwe oha nii khare wẹẹ:

‘Moses! Do not come any closer.
‘E Mosis! Ghẹ sikẹ emwa.

Take off your sandals because you are standing on holy ground.’
Viọ ibata hin owẹ rre rhunmwuda otọ nọhuanrẹn ẹre u mudia yi na.’

It was Jehovah who was talking by means of an angel.
E Jehova ẹre ọ ghaa loo odibo ọghẹe ya gu e Mosis guan.

Moses was afraid, so he covered his face.
Ohan mu e Mosis sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na viọ obọ gue aro.

The voice said:
Odibo nii keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I have seen the suffering of the Israelites.
‘I bẹghe oya ne Ivbi Izrẹl re.

I will save them from the Egyptians and bring them to a good land.
I gha miẹn iran fan hin otọ Igipt rre kevbe wẹẹ I ghi viọ iran gha rrie otọ nọ maan.

You are the one who will lead my people out of Egypt.’
Uwẹ ẹre ọ khian su emwa mwẹ hin otọ Igipt rre.’

Don’t you think that must have surprised Moses?
Uwẹ ma ghee ẹre wẹẹ, emwi ọkpaodin ẹre ọna ghaa khin ne Mosis?

Moses asked:
E Mosis keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘What should I say when the people ask who sent me?’
‘Adeghẹ iran na nọ mwẹ ọmwa ne ọ gie mwẹ rre, vbia khian ghi tama iran hẹ?’

God replied:
Osanobua keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Tell them that Jehovah, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob has sent you.’
‘Tama iran wẹẹ Osanobua ọghe Ebraham, ọghe Aizik, kevbe ọghe Jekọb ẹre ọ gie ruẹ rre.’

Moses then said:
E Mosis keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘What if the people don’t listen to me?’
‘Adeghẹ iran ma na danmwehọ mwẹ vbo?’

Jehovah gave Moses proof that He would help him.
E Jehova keghi rhie ama eso ne Mosis nọ rhiema wẹẹ irẹn gha ru iyobọ nẹẹn.

He told Moses to throw his stick on the ground.
Ọ keghi tama e Mosis nọ fi ọkpọ ọghẹe fi otọ.

Then the stick became a snake!
Ọkpọ nii keghi khian ẹyẹn!

When Moses grabbed the snake by the tail, it became a stick again.
Vbe Mosis ghi rhie ẹyẹn nii ẹrhunrhun, ọ na werriegbe khian ọkpọ.

Jehovah said:
E Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘When you perform this sign, it will prove that I sent you.’
‘Adeghẹ u na ru ọna ma iran, iran gha rẹn wẹẹ imẹ ẹre ọ gie ruẹ rre.’

Moses said:
E Mosis keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I’m not a good speaker.’
‘ọmwa nọ bẹmwẹ ẹre I khin.’

Jehovah promised him:
E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I will tell you what to say, and I will send your brother Aaron to help you.’
‘I gha rhie ẹmwẹ ne u khian ta yọ ruẹ unu, I ghi vbe tama ọtuẹn ighẹ Erọn nọ ru iyobọ nuẹn.’

Knowing that Jehovah was with him, Moses took his wife and sons and headed back to Egypt.
Ugbẹnvbe Mosis ghi rẹn wẹẹ Osanobua gu irẹn rrọọ, ọ keghi viọ emọ vbe amwẹ werriegbe gha rrie Igipt.

“Do not become anxious about how or what you are to speak, for what you are to speak will be given you in that hour.”—Matthew 10:19
“Wa ghẹ mu udu kee ba ẹmwẹ ne uwa gha ta ra vbene uwa gha tae hẹ. Ọ gha se ẹghẹ, a gha rhie ẹmwẹ ne uwa gha ta ye uwa unu.”—Matiu 10:19


What did Moses see while he was taking care of his sheep?
De emwi ne Mosis bẹghe vbe ọ gbaroghe ohuan ọghẹe?

What did Jehovah want Moses to do?
De emwi ne Jehova ghaa hoo ne Mosis ru?

Lesson 024

The Israelites were forced to work hard as slaves.
Ivbi Igipt wa gha ya Ivbi Izrẹl winna iwinna nọ wegbe.

Jehovah sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh with this message:
E Jehova keghi gie Mosis kevbe Erọn bu e Fero ne iran ya tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Let my people go so that they can worship me in the wilderness.’
‘Gi emwa mwẹ kpa ne iran ya ga mwẹ vbuwe ato.’

Pharaoh proudly replied:
Ẹre Fero na khama iran wẹẹ:

‘I do not care what Jehovah says, and I will not let the Israelites go.’
‘Emwi ne Jehova khare ma kaan mwẹ, mẹ i khian zẹ Ivbi Izrẹl obọ.’

Then Pharaoh forced them to work even harder.
Rhunmwuda ọna, e Fero keghi dọlegbe mu iwinna ba iwinna ne Ivbi Izrẹl te ka ru.

Jehovah would teach Pharaoh a lesson.
Te Jehova khian rri e Fero oya.

Do you know how?
Uwẹ rẹn vbene ọ khian ya ru ọna hẹ ra?

He brought the Ten Plagues on Egypt.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne Orueghe Igbe dekun Ivbi Igipt.

Jehovah told Moses:
E Jehova na tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Pharaoh is not listening to me.
E Fero ma hoo nọ họn ẹmwẹ mẹ.

In the morning, he will be at the Nile River.
Vbene ọ ghi ye na, owiẹ nakhuẹ bu ẹre gha rrie Ẹzẹ e Nail.

Go to him and tell him that because he has not let my people go, all the water in the Nile will turn into blood.’
U ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ, ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ ọ ma kue ne emwa mwẹ kpa, I gha ruẹ ne Ẹzẹ e Nail khian esagiẹn esagiẹn.’

Moses obeyed and went to Pharaoh.
E Mosis na wa bu e Fero vbene Osanobua wẹẹ nọ ru zẹẹ.

Pharaoh watched as Aaron hit the Nile with his stick, and the river turned into blood. The river began to stink, the fish died, and there was no fresh water to drink from the Nile.
Ẹre Erọn na ya ọkpọ ọghẹe kaan Ẹzẹ e Nail sirra e Fero. Ẹzẹ nii keghi khian esagiẹn, ọ na gha wia, ehẹn hia ni rre uwu ẹre na wulọ. Iran ma ghi sẹtin sa amẹ na wọn vbe ẹzẹ nii.

Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go.
Ọrheyerriọ, e Fero ma ye kue ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpa.

Seven days later, Jehovah sent Moses back to Pharaoh with this message:
Ọ ghi rre ikpẹdẹ ihinrọn, e Jehova na dọlegbe gie Mosis nọ ya khama e Fero wẹẹ:

‘If you don’t send my people away, Egypt will be filled with frogs.’
‘Deghẹ u ma gi emwa mwẹ kpa, I gha ruẹ ne ẹkirẹ gba otọ Igipt hia.’

Aaron raised his stick, and frogs began to cover the land.
Erọn ghi niẹn ọkpọ ọghẹe ghee odukhunmwu, ẹkirẹ na gba ehe hia.

The people found frogs in their houses, in their beds, and in their bowls. There were frogs everywhere!
Ke ebẹdi ọghe iran ya sẹ egbe ọkpan ne iran ya rri evbare na vuọn ne ẹkirẹ.

Pharaoh had Moses beg Jehovah to end this plague.
Ẹre Fero na ghi tama e Mosis nọ rinmwia e Jehova nọ ruẹ ne avbe ẹkirẹ ghẹ ghi kpokpo iran.

Pharaoh promised that he would let the Israelites go.
Ọ na wẹẹ irẹn gha kue ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpa.

So Jehovah stopped the plague, and the Egyptians piled up the dead frogs, heap after heap.
Rhunmwuda ọni, e Jehova keghi ruẹ ne avbe ẹkirẹ nii wulo.

Ẹre Ivbi Igipt na ghi silo avbe ẹkirẹ ni wulo ladian.

The land began to stink.
Ehe hia na gha wia.

But, again, Pharaoh would not let the people go.
Sokpan e Fero ma ye gi Ivbi Izrẹl kpa.

Then Jehovah told Moses:
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Aaron must hit the ground with his stick, and the dust will turn into gnats, or small biting flies.’
‘U ghi wẹẹ ne Erọn ya ọkpọ ọghẹe fi otọ emwi. Ọ gha ruẹ nẹ, ekẹn ni rre otọ ghi khian ẹkhunkhun ra ikian negiẹrẹ ni sa ọmwa.’

Immediately there were gnats everywhere.
Vbe Erọn ghi ru ẹre nẹ, ẹkhunkhun na gele gba ehe ehia.

Some of Pharaoh’s own people told him:
Ẹre Ivbi Igipt eso na ghi tama e Fero wẹẹ:

‘This plague comes from God.’
‘Osanobua ẹre ọ ru emwi na.’

But, still, Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go.
Ọrheyerriọ e Fero ma ye kue ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpa.

“I will make them know my power and my might, and they will have to know that my name is Jehovah.”—Jeremiah 16:21
“I gha rhie ẹtin mwẹ ma avbe uhunmwu ẹvbo kevbe iwegbe mwẹ. Iran gha rẹn wẹ mẹ ọrọre Nọyaẹnmwa.”—Jerimaia 16:21


What were the first three plagues?
De orueghe eha nọ ka dekun Ivbi Igipt?

Why did Jehovah cause these plagues?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na ruẹ ne orueghe na dekun Ivbi Igipt?

Lesson 025

Moses and Aaron went to tell Pharaoh God’s message:
Osanobua keghi gie Mosis vbe Erọn ne iran ya tama e Fero wẹẹ:

‘If you don’t let my people go, I will send gadflies to the land.’
‘Adeghẹ u ma kue ne emwa mwẹ kpa, I gha ruẹ ne ikian ne awa gba otọ ruẹ hia.’

Swarms of gadflies invaded the houses of the Egyptians, both rich and poor.
Ikian ne awa keghi gba owa Ivbi Igipt hia ke ọghe ovbiogue kevbe ọghe ọdafẹn.

The whole land was full of gadflies.
Ọ na gba ehe hia vbe otọ Igipt.

But in the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, there were no gadflies.
Sokpan ọ ma sẹ eke ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghaa ye vbe Gosiẹn.

Starting with this fourth plague, the plagues hurt only the Egyptians.
Ke orueghe nogienẹ kpa, Ivbi Igipt ọkpa ẹre avbe orueghe na ghi gha dekun.

Pharaoh pleaded:
E Fero na ghi rinmwian e Mosis vbe Erọn wẹẹ:

‘Beg Jehovah to take these flies away.
‘Lahọ uwa gu mwẹ rinmwian e Jehova nọ ruẹ ne avbe ikian na kpa.

Your people can go.’
I gha kue ne emwa ruẹ kpa.’

But when Jehovah took the gadflies away, Pharaoh changed his mind.
Sokpan e Jehova ghi ru ẹre ne avbe ikian nii kpa, e Fero ma ghi gi Ivbi Izrẹl kpa.

Would Pharaoh ever learn his lesson?
De ẹghẹ ne Fero khian ya gha mwẹ ẹwaẹn?

Jehovah said:
E Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘If Pharaoh does not let my people go, the animals of the Egyptians will become sick and die.’
‘Deghẹ e Fero ma kue ne emwa mwẹ kpa, aranmwẹ ọghe Ivbi Igipt gha suẹn gha khuọnmwi, iran ghi vbe wulo.’

The next day, the animals began to die.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, aranmwẹ ọghe iran keghi suẹn gha wulo.

But the animals of the Israelites didn’t die.
Sokpan nọ wu vbe aranmwẹ ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl ma gha rrọọ.

Still Pharaoh was stubborn, and he wouldn’t give in.
Vbọrhirhighayehẹ, e Fero ma ye họn ẹmwẹ ne Osanobua.

Then Jehovah told Moses to go back to Pharaoh and throw ashes into the air.
Ẹre Jehova na ghi tama e Mosis nọ werriegbe bu e Fero. E Jehova keghi tama rẹn nọ sirra e Fero bọnmwẹ emuẹn ghee odukhunmwu.

The ashes became dust that filled the air and settled on all the Egyptians.
Emuẹn nii keghi khian ebubẹ. Nene ebubẹ keghi hoho gba ehe hia.

The dust caused painful sores to break out on all of the Egyptians and their animals.
Ugbẹnvbe ebubẹ nii ghi hoho sẹ eke ne Ivbi Igipt kevbe aranmwẹ ọghe iran ye, emwi keghi munọ iran egbe.

Even so, Pharaoh refused to let the Israelites go.
Ọrheyerriọ, e Fero ma gi Ivbi Izrẹl kpa.

Jehovah sent Moses back to Pharaoh with His message:
E Jehova keghi werriegbe gie Mosis bu e Fero, nọ ya tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Are you still refusing to send my people away?
‘U ma ye kue ne emwa mwẹ kpa.

Tomorrow hail will rain down on the land.’
Ẹdẹ nakhuẹ, I gha ruẹ ne esia rhọọ yan otọ ọghe uwa.’

The next day, Jehovah sent hail, thunder, and fire.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Jehova keghi tue esia kevbe erhẹn yan otọ nii hia.

It was the worst storm Egypt had ever seen.
 Egbe emwi vbenia ma he ka sunu vbe otọ Igipt ẹdẹ.

All the trees and crops were ruined, but not those in Goshen.
Avannukhunmwu keghi munọ erhan hia gbotọ, ọ keghi rria emwi okọ ọghe Ivbi Igipt rua. Sokpan emwi rhọkpa ma sunu daa Ivbi Izrẹl vbe Gosiẹn.

Pharaoh said:
Ẹre Fero na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Beg Jehovah to make this stop!
‘Lahọ rinmwian e Jehova nọ ruẹ ne ena hia dobọ yi!

Then you can go.’
Ọ gha dobọ yi nẹ, uwa sẹtin kpa.’

But as soon as the hail and the rain stopped, Pharaoh changed his mind.
Sokpan avannukhunmwu nii kevbe amẹ nọ rhọọ ghi dobọ yi nẹ, e Fero keghi fi ekhọe werriẹ.

Then Moses said:
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Mosis keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Now locusts will eat any plants that were left over from the hailstorm.’
‘Nia te irhiso khian rri emwi okọ ọghe uwa ni ghi dekẹ.’

Millions of locusts ate up everything that was left in the fields and on the trees.
Oghẹn ọghe irhiso keghi rri emwi okọ ọghe iran, ne avannukhunmwu ma mu rria.

Pharaoh pleaded:
E Fero na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Beg Jehovah to send these locusts away.’
‘Lahọ rinmwian e Jehova nọ ruẹ ne avbe irhiso na kpa.’

But even after Jehovah stopped the locusts, Pharaoh was still stubborn.
Sokpan vbe Jehova ghi ruẹ nẹ, e Fero ma ye họn ẹmwẹ.

Jehovah told Moses:
Ẹre Jehova na ghi khama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Stretch out your hand toward the sky.’
‘Niẹn obọ ruẹ daa iso.’

Immediately, the sky became completely dark.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, ehe hia na so ebiebi kankankan.

For three days, the Egyptians could not see anything or anybody.
Vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ eha, Ivbi Igipt ma sẹtin bẹghe emwi rhọkpa.

Only the Israelites had light in their houses.
Sokpan ebiebi na ma sẹ eke ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghaa ye.

Pharaoh said to Moses:
E Fero keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘You and your people can go.
‘Uwẹ kevbe Ivbi Izrẹl sẹtin gha khian.

Just leave your animals here.’
Sokpan uwa sẹ aranmwẹ ọghe uwa rae.’

Moses said:
Ẹre Mosis na wanniẹn e Fero wẹẹ:

‘We must take our animals so that we can offer them to our God.’
‘Te ima gha viọ aranmwẹ ọghe ima lele egbe rhunmwuda ẹre ima khian ya zọ ese gie Osanobua.’

Pharaoh was very angry.
E Fero ghi họn ẹmwẹ na, ohu keghi muẹn.

He shouted:
Ọ na tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Get away from me!
‘Ladian vbe odaro mwẹ rre!

If I see you again, I will kill you.’
I gha ghi dọlegbe miẹn ruẹ mwa, I ghi gbuẹ rua.’

“You will again see the distinction between a righteous person and a wicked person, between one serving God and one not serving him.”—Malachi 3:18
“Ẹghẹ nii, emwa nii gha dọlegbe miẹn alughaẹn ne ọ rre emwi ne ọ sunu vbe egbe ọmwa ata kevbe ọmwa dan. Vbe egbe ọmwa ne ọ ga mwẹ kevbe ọmwa ne ẹi ga mwẹ.”—Malakai 3:18


What plagues did Jehovah cause next?
De orueghe ọvbehe ne Jehova hẹ yan Ivbi Igipt?

How were they different from the first three plagues?
De vbene ọ ya lughaẹn ne orueghe nokaro ya sẹ nogieha hẹ?

Lesson 026

Moses promised Pharaoh that he would not try to see him again.
E Mosis keghi tama e Fero wẹẹ irẹn i khian ghi werriegbe rre.

But before he left, he told Pharaoh:
Sokpan e Mosis ke kpa, ọ na tama e Fero wẹẹ:

‘At midnight, every firstborn child in Egypt, from the son of Pharaoh to the sons of the slaves, will die.’
‘Emọ ikpia hia ni ghi re ọmọ ọdiọn nẹ vbe otọ Igipt gha wulo, ke ovbi e Fero ne ọdiọn ya sẹ egbe ivbi eviẹn ni rre Igipt.’

Jehovah told the Israelites to have a special meal.
E Jehova keghi tama Ivbi Izrẹl wẹẹ ne iran le evbare ne kpataki.

He said:
Ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Kill a one-year-old male sheep or goat, and put some of its blood on your doorway.
‘Uwa gbe oteghe ohuan ọkpa ra ovbi ẹwe ọkpa, ne uwa ya esagiẹn ọghẹe wuo onurho owa ọghe uwa.

Roast the meat, and eat it along with unleavened bread.
Uwa ghi tọn rẹn ya rri eka na ma gua.

Be dressed, with your sandals on, ready to go. This night I will set you free.’
Uwa rhọ emwi uwa yotọ rhunmwuda asọn na ẹre I khian miẹn uwa fan.’

Can you imagine how excited the Israelites must have been?
Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl gha sọyẹnmwẹ rhunmwuda iyẹn ne iran họn na ra?

At midnight, Jehovah’s angel went to every house in Egypt.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ogiasọn, e Jehova keghi gie odibo ọkpa gha rrie otọ Igipt.

In the houses that were not marked with blood on the doorway, the firstborn died.
Emọ ọdiọn ni rre owa na ma na ya esagiẹn wuo onurho keghi wulo.

But the angel passed over the houses marked with blood.
Sokpan odibosa ma ya obọ kaan ọmọ rhọkpa nọ rre owa ne a na ya esagiẹn wuo onurho.

Every Egyptian family, rich and poor, lost a child.
Emọ ọdiọn ọghe Ivbi Igipt hia keghi wulo, ke ovbi ọdafẹn ya sẹ egbe ovbiogue.

But not one of the Israelite children died.
Ọkpa nọ wu vbe Ivbi Izrẹl ma gha rrọọ.

Even Pharaoh’s own son was dead.
Uhiẹn, ovbi e Fero ne ọdiọn na wa vbe lae.

Pharaoh could not take it anymore.
E Fero ma ghi sẹtin zin ọna.

He immediately told Moses and Aaron:
Ẹre ọ na ghi tama e Mosis vbobọvbobọ:

‘Get up. Get out of here. Go and worship your God.
‘Uwa do kpa hin ẹvbo na rre, ne uwa ya ga Osa ọghe uwa.

Take your animals and go!’
Uwa viọ avbe aranmwẹ lele egbe ne uwa gha khian!’

Under a full moon, the Israelites marched out of Egypt, organized by family and tribe.
Vbe ogiasọn nii, Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ladian vbe otọ Igipt vbene iran na mwamwa egbe zẹvbe nọ gua dọmwadẹ ẹgbẹe ro.

There were 600,000 Israelite men and many women and children.
Ivbi Izrẹl hia ni kpa vbe otọ Igipt vbe ẹdẹrriọ kegha re ikpia 600,000 kevbe ibiẹka kevbe ikhuo nibun.

Also, a lot of other people went with them so that they could worship Jehovah too.
Emwa eso ne ẹi re Ivbi Izrẹl keghi vbe lele iran kpa, ne iran mieke na deba iran ga e Jehova.

The Israelites were free at last!
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ghọghua!

To remember how Jehovah had saved them, they would have that same special meal each year. It was called the Passover.
Iran kegha do Ugie Alagberra vbe ukpo ukpo, ne iran mieke na ya yee ẹre rre ẹdẹ ne Jehova miẹn iran fan.

“For this very reason I have let you remain: to show my power in connection with you and to have my name declared in all the earth.”—Romans 9:17
“Emwi ẹre ọ zẹẹ ne I na ya ruẹ ma ọba, ne I miẹn ehe na la egbe ruẹ rhie ẹtin mwẹ maa, kevbe ne I miẹn ehe na ya eni mwẹ khian ne a rẹnrẹn vbe uhunmwu otọ agbọn hia.”—Rom 9:17


What was the tenth plague?
De emwi nọ ghaa re orueghe nogie igbe?

What did the Israelites have to do to protect themselves from that plague?
De emwi ne Osanobua wẹẹ ne Ivbi Izrẹl ru ne orueghe nogie igbe ghẹ sẹ eke ne iran ye?

Lesson 027

As soon as Pharaoh heard that the Israelites had left Egypt, he changed his mind about sending them away.
Vbe Fero ghi họn wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl kpa nẹ, ọ na werriegbe fi ekhọe werriẹ.

He commanded his warriors:
Ọ na tama ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe wẹẹ:

‘Get all my war chariots ready, and let’s chase after them!
‘Uwa viọ avbe ikẹkẹ okuo mwẹ ladian, ne uwa gia zẹ iran khu!

We should not have let them go.’
Ma i ghẹ te kue ne iran kpa.’

He and his men began chasing the Israelites.
Ẹre Fero vbe emwa ọghẹe na suẹn gha khu Ivbi Izrẹl khian.

Jehovah was leading his people, using a cloud during the day and fire at night.
E Jehova kegha su emwa rẹn khian, vbene ọ na gha ya okuku gue iran vbe ẹghẹ avan, ọ na vbe gi erhẹn gha baa vbe ẹghẹ asọn ne iran mieke na gha bẹghe odẹ.

He led them to the Red Sea, and he told them to set up camp.
Vbe ọ ghi su iran sẹ Okun Nọ Baa, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran bu agọ ye evba.

Then the Israelites saw Pharaoh and his army chasing after them.
Evba ẹre Ivbi Izrẹl na ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Fero kevbe ivbi iyokuo ẹre khu iran dee.

They were trapped between the sea and the Egyptian army.
Ivbi Izrẹl ma ghi rẹn vbene iran khian ghi khian hẹ; ẹzẹ rre iran odaro, ivbi iyokuo Igipt rre iran iyeke.

They cried out to Moses:
Iran keghi kpee tie Mosis wẹẹ:

‘We are going to die!
‘Uwu ẹre ima miẹn na!

You should have left us in Egypt.’
U gha te fẹko sẹ ima rae ye otọ Igipt.’

But Moses said:
Sokpan e Mosis keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be afraid.
‘Uwa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.

Wait and see how Jehovah will save us.’
Uwa fẹko zin egbe ne uwa bẹghe vbene Jehova khian ya miẹn ima fan hẹ.’

Moses really trusted in Jehovah, didn’t he?
E Mosis gele wa mu ẹtin yan e Jehova, ra ẹi re erriọ?

Jehovah told the Israelites to break camp.
E Jehova keghi tama Ivbi Izrẹl ne iran fannọ ibọkpọ ọghe iran vbe eke ne iran bu agọ yi.

That night, Jehovah moved the cloud and placed it between the Egyptians and the Israelites.
Vbe asọn nii, e Jehova keghi ru ẹre ne okuku gha rre ẹkpo Ivbi Izrẹl kevbe Ivbi Igipt.

On the Egyptian side, there was darkness.
Ebiebi keghi so vbe obọ ọghe Ivbi Igipt.

But on the Israelite side, there was light.
Sokpan Ivbi Izrẹl na gha bẹghe odẹ vbe obọ ọghe iran.

Jehovah told Moses to stretch out his hand over the sea.
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis ne ọ niẹn ọkpọ re daa okun.

Then Jehovah made a strong wind blow all night long.
E Jehova keghi ru ẹre ne okpẹhoho la vbe asọn nii.

The sea was split in two, and there was a pathway down the middle.
Ẹre okun na ghi waa ye iheva, odẹ na ye gbodoo vbe adesẹneva okun.

The millions of Israelites marched on dry ground, between the walls of water, to the other side.
Ivbi Izrẹl hia ni re ẹbo nibun keghi fian okun nii gberra vbe otọ nọ kae, vbene amẹ na yevbe egbe ekẹn vbe obọ eveva.

Pharaoh’s army followed the Israelites into the dry seabed.
Ivbi iyokuo e Fero na wẹẹ ne iran vbe lele Ivbi Izrẹl lae.

Then Jehovah threw the army into confusion.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne iro han iran.

The wheels began to fall off their chariots.
Owẹ ọghe ikẹkẹ okuo ọghe iran na gha yannọ kua.

The soldiers shouted:
Ivbi iyokuo nii na gha solo, iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘Let’s get out of here!
‘Uwa gia werriegbe!

Jehovah is fighting for them.’
E Jehova ẹre ọ gbinna ne iran na.’

Jehovah told Moses:
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Stretch out your hand over the sea.’
‘Niẹn ọkpọ ruẹ daa okun.’

At once, the walls of water collapsed on the Egyptian army.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, amẹ keghi vba rhu ivbi iyokuo ọghe Igipt.

Pharaoh and all his men died.
E Fero vbe emwa rẹn na wulo ye uwu ẹzẹ.

Not one of them survived.
Ne ọ miẹn uhunmwu ma ghaa rrọọ.

On the other side of the sea, the large crowd of people praised God with a song:
Ivbi Izrẹl ni fian nene okun gberra kegha so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Osanobua vbenia wẹẹ:

“Sing to Jehovah, for he has become highly exalted.
“Uwa gi ima so ihuan gie Jehova ne Ọba ọghomwa.

The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.”
Ọkpa ma zẹdẹ kẹ vbe iyokuo ọghe Fero.”

While the people sang, the women danced and played tambourines.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha so ihuan, ikhuo ni rrọọ na gha kpee ukusẹ, iran na gha gbe.

Everyone was very happy that now they were truly free.
Iran hia na gha ghọghọ rhunmwuda ne iran na miẹn fan.

“So that we may be of good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid.
“Rhunmwuda ọni, wa gie ima din ne a kha wẹẹ, ‘Nọyaẹnmwa ọre ne ọ yọ mwẹ obọ, ohan i ghi mu mwẹ.

What can man do to me?’”—Hebrews 13:6
De emwi ne ọmwa gha sẹtin ru mwẹ re?’”—Hibru 13:6


What happened at the Red Sea?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe Okun Nọ Baa?

How did Jehovah save the Israelites?
De vbene Jehova ya miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan hẹ?

Lesson 028

Two months after passing through the Red Sea, the Israelites came to Mount Sinai.
Uki eva ghi gberra nẹ, ne Ivbi Izrẹl fian Okun Nọ Baa gberra, iran keghi sẹ Oke Sainai.

There, Jehovah made a covenant with Israel to be his special nation.
Evba ẹre Jehova na ghi gu Ivbi Izrẹl ta ile wẹẹ agbẹnvbo ọghe irẹn ne kpataki ẹre iran ghi khin.

He protected them and provided everything they needed—manna to eat, clothing that did not wear out, and a safe place to live.
Ọ na gha gbogba ga iran, ọ na vbe gha kpemehe emwi hia ne iran—ọ ghaa rhie evbare ọkpa na tiẹre mana ne iran, ukpọn ọghe iran ma fafa kevbe wẹẹ iran vbe gha mwẹ eke ne iran rhie uhunmwu lẹre yi.

If you are a parent, help your child to understand why Jehovah gave the Israelites the Law, the tabernacle, and the priesthood.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ne ọ ya rẹn evbọzẹe ne Jehova na gbe Uhi ne Ivbi Izrẹl, evbọzẹe ne ọ na wẹẹ ne iran gha ga vbe ogiukpo kevbe evbọzẹe ne ọ na wẹẹ ne iran gha mwẹ ohẹn.

Emphasize the importance of keeping our word, remaining humble, and always being loyal to Jehovah.
Nianiaẹn vbene ọ ru ekpataki hẹ na gha mu eyan na ru sẹ, na gha mwẹ imuegberriotọ kevbe na gha mwẹ ẹkoata dae Jehova.

When you make a promise to Jehovah, be sure to keep it
U gha ru eyan ma e Jehova, ghẹ gia miẹn wẹẹ u ma muẹn sẹ

Pride, selfishness, and rebellion lead to disaster
Itengbemu, na gha mu enegbe ọmwa ọkpa roro kevbe uyinmwẹ isọtẹ keghi zẹ ẹbe

Jehovah was patient with the Israelites and took care of them even when they were unfaithful
E Jehova wa zin emwi nibun ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghaa ru, ọ na vbe gha gbaroghe iran uhiẹn vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha sọtẹ daa re

Lesson 029

About two months after leaving Egypt, the Israelites arrived at Mount Sinai and set up camp.
Vbe ọ ghi rre odẹ uki eva ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpa hin Igipt rre, iran keghi sẹ Oke Sainai, ẹre iran na ghi bu agọ ye evba.

Jehovah called to Moses, who went up on the mountain, and told him:
E Jehova keghi tie Mosis gha die uhunmwu oke, ẹre ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I saved the Israelites.
‘Imẹ ẹre ọ miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan.

If they obey me and keep my laws, they will become my special people.’
Adeghẹ iran na lele uhi ne I gbe ne iran, iran ghi gha re emwa mwẹ ni ghaan.’

Moses went back down and told the Israelites what Jehovah had said.
E Mosis na ya tama iran emwi ne Jehova khare.

How did they respond?
Uwẹ rẹn emwi ne iran ghi ta ra?

They answered:
Iran keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘We will do everything Jehovah tells us to do.’
‘Ma gha ru emwi hia ne Jehova wẹẹ ne ima ru.’

Moses went up the mountain again.
E Mosis keghi werriegbe gha rrie uhunmwu oke.

There, Jehovah said:
E Jehova na ghi tama rẹn vbe evba wẹẹ:

‘In three days, I will speak to you.
‘I gha gu ruẹ guan vbe irakhuẹ.

Warn the people not to try to come up to Mount Sinai.’
Ya obọ sekhae ne emwa ruẹ ne iran ghẹ sikẹ Oke Sainai.’

Moses went down and told the Israelites to get ready to hear from Jehovah.
E Mosis keghi ya tama Ivbi Izrẹl ne iran muegbe khẹ ẹmwẹ ne Jehova khian tama iran.

Three days later, the Israelites saw lightning and a dark cloud on the mountain.
Vbe ọ ghi sẹ ẹdẹrriọ, iran keghi bẹghe ayan kevbe okuku nọ mwẹ emi vbe uhunmwu oke.

They also heard loud thunder and the sound of a horn.
Iran na vbe gha họn vbe avannukhunmwu vannọ kevbe iran na vbe gha họn ulamwẹ okpe.

Then Jehovah came down on the mountain in fire.
E Jehova keghi tuorre gha die uhunmwu oke nii vbe na ghee erhẹn.

The Israelites were so afraid that they trembled.
Orhirhi keghi gbe ku Ivbi Izrẹl.

The whole mountain shook violently and was covered in smoke.
Uhunmwu oke nii hia na mu rueghe, ighogho na gba ehe hia.

The sound of the horn got louder and louder.
Urhu okpe nii kegha la yọ la yọ.

And then God said:
Ẹre Osanobua na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I am Jehovah.
‘Imẹ ọre Jehova.

You must not worship any other gods.’
Uwa ghẹ ga osa ọvbehe.’

Moses went back up on the mountain, and Jehovah gave him laws for the people about how they should worship Him and how they should behave.
E Mosis keghi werriegbe gha rrie nene uhunmwu oke, evba ẹre Jehova na gbe uhi nẹ, nọ dekaan vbene Ivbi Izrẹl khian ya gha ga irẹn hẹ kevbe vbene iran khian ya gha yin hẹ.

Moses wrote down the laws and then read them to the Israelites.
E Mosis keghi gbẹnnẹ uhi nii hia yotọ, ẹre ọ na ghi tie ẹre ma Ivbi Izrẹl.

They promised:
Iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘We will do everything Jehovah tells us to do.’
‘Ma gha ru emwi ke emwi hia ne Jehova wẹẹ ne ima ru.’

Yes, they made a promise to God.
Ẹmwẹ ne iran ta na, keghi rhiema wẹẹ te iran ru eyan ma Osanobua.

But would they keep it?
Iran gha muẹn sẹ ra?

“You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.”—Matthew 22:37
“Ye ekhọe ruẹ hia, orhiọn ruẹ hia, otọe ẹko ruẹ hia, kevbe ẹtin ruẹ hia hoẹmwẹ Nọ yan ruẹ Osanobua ruẹ.”—Matiu 22:37


What happened at Mount Sinai?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe uhunmwu Oke Sainai?

What did the Israelites promise to do?
De emwi ne Ivbi Izrẹl yan rẹn wẹẹ iran gha ru?

Lesson 030

Jehovah said to Moses:
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Come up to me on the mountain.
‘Gha die uhunmwu oke.

I will write my laws on stone tablets and give them to you.’
I gha gbẹnnẹ avbe uhi mwẹ ye uhanhan okuta nuẹ.’

Moses climbed the mountain and stayed there for 40 days and nights.
E Mosis keghi ya gbe ikpẹdẹ 40 kevbe asọn 40 vbe evba.

While he was there, Jehovah wrote the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets and gave the tablets to Moses.
E Jehova keghi gbẹnnẹ Uhi Igbe ye uhanhan okuta, ẹre ọ na mu ne Mosis.

After some time, the Israelites thought that Moses had left them.
Ivbi Izrẹl ghi zẹ khẹ e Mosis, ọ ma rre, iran na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ ọ kpa sẹ iran rae nẹ.

They said to Aaron:
Ẹre iran na ghi tama Erọn wẹẹ:

‘We want someone to lead us.
‘Ma gualọ ọmwa nọ khian gha su ima.

Make a god for us!’
Do ma osa ne ima!’

Aaron said:
Erọn keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Give me your gold.’
‘Uwa viọ igoru ọghe uwa mẹ.’

He melted the gold and made a statue of a calf.
Ọ keghi ya avbe igoru nii ru ẹmila igoru.

The people said:
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘This calf is our God who led us out of Egypt!’
‘Ẹmila igoru na ọre Osa ọghe ima, nọ miẹn ima fan vbe Igipt!’

They began to worship the golden calf, and they had a celebration.
Iran keghi suẹn gha ga ẹmila igoru nii, iran na vbe do ugie nẹ.

Was that wrong?
Emwi ne Ivbi Izrẹl ru na maan ra?

Yes, because the people had promised to worship only Jehovah.
Ẹn o, iran ka yan rẹn nẹ wẹẹ e Jehova ọkpa ẹre iran khian ga.

But now they were breaking that promise.
Emwi ne iran ru na rhiema wẹẹ iran ma ghi mu eyan nii sẹ.

Jehovah saw what was happening, and he told Moses:
Vbe Jehova ghi bẹghe emwi ne iran ru, ọ na tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Go down to the people.
‘Do tuorre bu emwa ruẹ.

They are disobeying me and worshipping a false god.’
Iran ma ghi họn ẹmwẹ mẹ, iran gha ga ẹbọ.’

Moses went down the mountain, carrying the two tablets.
E Mosis keghi tuorre vbe uhunmwu oke bu iran, vbene ọ na da uhanhan okuta eva yi mwẹ obọ.

As he came close to the camp, Moses heard the people singing.
Vbe Mosis ghi sikẹ agọ ọghe iran, ọ na gha họn vbe iran so ihuan.

Then he saw them dancing and bowing down to the calf.
Ọ na bẹghe iran vbe iran gbe vbe odaro ẹmila igoru nii, iran na vbe gha mu uhunmwu gbotọ nẹ.

Moses was very angry.
Ohu keghi mu e Mosis.

He threw the two tablets to the ground, and they broke into pieces.
Ọ na ya ohu fi uhanhan okuta nii gbotọ, ẹre ọ na wagha.

He immediately destroyed the statue.
Ọ na wa zẹgiẹ ya guọghọ ẹmila igoru nii.

Then he asked Aaron:
Ọ na ghi nọ Erọn wẹẹ:

‘How did the people convince you to do this terrible thing?’
‘Vbe iran na ya sẹtin fi ruẹ ekhọe werriẹ hẹ, ne u na do ozere na?’

Aaron said:
Erọn keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be angry.
‘Lahọ ghẹ gui.

You know how these people are.
U rẹn vbene emwa ruẹ ye hẹ.

They wanted a god, so I threw their gold into the fire and this calf came out!’
Te iran ghaa gualọ osa ne iran gha ga, ẹre I na ghi ranran igoru ọghe iran ya ru ẹmila igoru na!’

Aaron should not have done that.
Ọ ma te khẹke ne Erọn ru egbe emwi vberriọ.

Moses went back up the mountain and pleaded with Jehovah to forgive the people.
E Mosis keghi werriegbe gha rrie uhunmwu oke ne ọ ya rinmwia e Jehova ne ọ yabọ iran.

Jehovah forgave those who were willing to obey him.
E Jehova keghi yabọ emwa ni muegbe ne iran ya họn ẹmwẹ nẹ.

Can you see how important it was for the Israelites to follow Moses’ leadership?
U miẹn vbene ọ ru ekpataki hẹ ne Ivbi Izrẹl lele adia ọghe Mosis ra?

“Whenever you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it, for he finds no pleasure in the stupid ones.
“Rhunmwuda ọnii, u gha ve Osanobua emwi, zẹgiẹ ruẹ vbene u gha sẹtin rhulẹ ruẹ sẹ. Irẹn i mwẹ vbe ọ ya ọzuọ ru.

What you vow, pay.”—Ecclesiastes 5:4
Ru emwi ne u yanrẹn ighẹ u gha ru.”—Asan-Ibo 5:4


What did the Israelites do while Moses was away?
De emwi ne Ivbi Izrẹl ru vbe ẹghẹ ne Mosis ya gha rre uhunmwu oke?

What did Moses do when he came back?
De emwi ne Mosis ghi ru vbe ọ rre?

Lesson 031

When Moses was on Mount Sinai, Jehovah told him to build a special tent, called a tabernacle, where the Israelites could worship Him.
Vbe Mosis ghi rre Oke Sainai, e Jehova keghi tama rẹn nọ bọ ibọkpọ ne kpataki. Ibọkpọ na ọre ogiukpo ne Ivbi Izrẹl khian na gha ga Osanobua.

They would be able to carry the tabernacle with them as they moved around.
Iran gha vbe sẹtin mu ibọkpọ na lele egbe vbe iran gha rrie ehe ọvbehe.

Jehovah said:
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Tell the people to give what they can to help build the tabernacle.’
‘Tama iran, ne iran viọ emwi ne iran gha sẹtin viọ rre, ne iran ya bọ ibọkpọ na.’

The Israelites gave gold, silver, copper, precious stones, and jewelry.
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi viọ igoru, esiliva, oze, avbe okuta ighobioye kevbe emwi itegbe.

They also gave wool, linen, animal skins, and many other things.
Iran vbe viọ oru, eto ovbiohuẹ (e linẹn), ohian ọghe aranmwẹ kevbe emwi nibun ọvbehe rre.

They were so generous that Moses had to tell them:
Emwi ne iran viọ rre bun sẹrriọ wẹẹ e Mosis na do tama iran wẹẹ:

‘We have enough!
‘Ọni sẹ!

Do not bring any more.’
Uwa ghẹ ghi viọ emwi ọvbehe rre.’

Many skilled men and women helped to build the tabernacle.
Owinna nibun keghi deba iran bọ ibọkpọ nii.

Jehovah made them wise for the work.
E Jehova ẹre ọ rhie ẹwaẹn ne iran ya ru iwinna nii.

Some spun thread, wove fabric, or embroidered it. Others set stones, worked with gold, or carved wood.
Emwa eso kegha do oru kevbe ukpọn, vbene eso na gha mwamwa avbe okuta, eso na vbe gha ya igoru winna, vbene eso na gha kaa erhan.

The people built the tabernacle just as Jehovah had told them.
Iran keghi bọ ibọkpọ nii vbene Jehova wẹẹ ne iran bọe zẹẹ.

They made a beautiful curtain to separate the tabernacle into two sections, the Holy and the Most Holy.
Iran keghi ya ukpọn fiaẹn ye ihe eva, obọ ọkpa na gha re Ehe Nọhuanrẹn, ọbo nọkpa na gha re Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia.

In the Most Holy was the ark of the covenant, made of acacia wood and gold.
Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia vbọ, ẹre ẹkpẹti ile na ya erhan akesia kevbe igoru ru ghaa ye.

In the Holy was a golden lampstand, a table, and an altar for burning incense.
Erhan ọmukpa ọghe igoru, e teburu kevbe aka ne a na zọ ese kegha rre Ehe Nọhuanrẹn vbọ.

In the courtyard was a copper basin and a large altar.
Uwawa oze kevbe aka nọ kpọlọ kegha rre ẹghodo ọghe ibọkpọ nii.

The ark of the covenant reminded the Israelites of their promise to obey Jehovah.
Ivbi Izrẹl gha bẹghe ẹkpẹti ile nii, iran ghi yerre eyan ne iran ru ma e Jehova.

Do you know what a covenant is?
Uwẹ rẹn emwi nọ re ile ra?

It’s a special kind of promise.
Ọ keghi re eyan ne kpataki.

Jehovah chose Aaron and his sons to work at the tabernacle as priests.
E Jehova keghi zẹ Erọn vbe ivbi ẹre ne iran gha ga zẹvbe ohẹn vbe ibọkpọ nii.

They had to take care of it and make offerings there to Jehovah.
Iran ẹre ọ khian gha gbaroghe ẹre, iran ghi vbe gha ru izọese gie Jehova vba.

Only Aaron, the high priest, was allowed to enter the Most Holy.
Erọn ọkpa nọ re ogiohẹn ẹre ọ khian sẹtin la Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia vbe ibọkpọ nii.

He did this once a year to present a sacrifice for his sins, the sins of his family, and the sins of the whole nation of Israel.
Uhukpa vbe ukpo ẹre ọ ya la evba, nọ ya ru izọese gie Osanobua rhunmwuda orukhọ ọghẹe, ọghe ẹgbẹe ọre kevbe ọghe agbẹnvbo ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl.

The Israelites finished the tabernacle one year after they left Egypt.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo ọkpa ne Ivbi Izrẹl kpa hin Igipt rre, iran keghi bọ ibọkpọ nii fo.

Now they had a place to worship Jehovah.
Ibọkpọ ẹre ọ ghi gha re ako ne iran na ga e Jehova.

Jehovah filled the tabernacle with his glory and had a cloud appear above it.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne uyi ọghẹe vuọn ibọkpọ nii, vbene ọ na ya okuku gue ẹre.

As long as the cloud was above the tabernacle, the Israelites remained where they were.
Okuku gha gue ibọkpọ nii, Ivbi Izrẹl ghi gha rre eke ne iran ye zẹẹ.

But when the cloud lifted, they knew that it was time to move.
Okuku gha kpa vbe evba, iran ghi rẹn wẹẹ ọ khẹke ne iran vbe kpa vbe eke ne iran ye rre.

They would take the tabernacle apart and follow the cloud.
Iran ghi vbe mu ibọkpọ nii lele egbe gha rrie ehe ne okuku nii rhirhi gberra ghee.

“With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say:
“I keghi họn vbe urhu ọkpa wa datu ke uwu ẹkete rre wẹẹ,

‘Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people.
‘Banbanna nian, owa Osanobua rre ehe ne emwa ne agbọn ye. Irẹn gha gu iran yin, iran ghi vbe gha re emwa rẹn.

And God himself will be with them.’”—Revelation 21:3
Osanobua tobọ ẹre gha gu iran yin, irẹn ghi vbe gha re Osanobua iran.’”—Arhie Maan 21:3


What did Jehovah tell Moses to build?
De emwi ne Jehova wẹẹ ne Mosis bọ?

What responsibilities did Jehovah give Aaron and his sons?
De iwinna ne Jehova mu ne Erọn vbe ivbi ẹre?

Lesson 032

The Israelites left Mount Sinai and traveled through the desert of Paran to a place called Kadesh.
Vbe Ivbi Izrẹl ghi kpa hin Oke Sainai rre, iran keghi la ato ọghe Paran gberra gha rrie ako ọkpa na tie ẹre Kedẹs.

There Jehovah told Moses:
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Send 12 men, one from each tribe, to spy out Canaan, the land that I will give to the Israelites.’
‘Zẹ ọkpa ọkpa vbe uwu avbe ọkaolotu ẹwae 12 ne iran ya ba otọ e Kena ghee, rhunmwuda, ọni ọre otọ ne I ru eyan rẹn wẹẹ, I gha mu ne Ivbi Izrẹl.’

So Moses chose 12 men and said to them:
E Mosis keghi zẹ ikpia 12, ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Go to Canaan, and find out if the land is good for growing food.
‘Uwa gha rrie otọ e Kena, ne uwa ya ghee ẹre deghẹ ọ gha maan emwi okọ.

See whether the people are weak or strong and whether they live in tents or in cities.’
Uwa ghi vbe ghee ẹre, deghẹ emwa ni rre evba wegbe ra iran vburriẹ, kevbe deghẹ ibọkpọ ẹre iran ye ra deghẹ owa ekẹn nọ.’

The 12 spies, including Joshua and Caleb, left for Canaan.
Ikpia 12 na keghi kpa gha rrie Kena. Usun iran na keghi re Kelẹb vbe Jọsua.

After 40 days, the spies returned, bringing back figs, pomegranates, and grapes.
Vbe iyeke ikpẹdẹ 40, iran iweva na keghi werriegbe rre, vbene iran na kọlọ avbe ọmọ erhan nibun gha dee.

The spies reported:
Iran keghi tama e Mosis kevbe Ivbi Izrẹl nikẹre wẹẹ:

‘It is a good land, but the people are strong and the cities have high walls.’
‘Otọ nọ maan wa nọ, sokpan emwa ni rre ẹvbo nii wegbe gbe, erriọ ogba ekẹn ọghe iran wa vbe ya yo.’

Then Caleb said:
E Kelẹb keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘We can conquer them.
‘Ma gha sẹtin khọnmiotọ yan iran.

Let’s go right away!’
Gia wa gha khian nia!’

Do you know why Caleb said that?
Uwẹ rẹn evbọzẹe ne Kelẹb na ta ẹmwẹ na ra?

Because he and Joshua trusted in Jehovah.
Rhunmwuda wẹẹ e Kelẹb vbe Jọsua mu ẹtin yan e Jehova.

But the other ten spies said:
Sokpan iran igbe nikẹre keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Ẹn o!

The people there are huge, like giants!
Iran ni rre otọ nii zogọ gbe, te iran yevbe arhuan!

We seemed like grasshoppers next to them.’
Erriọ ima yevbe atete vbe eke ne iran ye.’

The Israelites were discouraged.
Iro keghi han Ivbi Izrẹl.

They began to complain and say to one another:
Iran na suẹn gha vian, iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘Let’s choose a different leader and go back to Egypt.
‘Gi ima zẹ ọmwa ọvbehe nọ su ima werriegbe gha rrie Igipt.

Why should we go to this place and be killed?’
Vbọsiẹ ne ima khian na gha rrie ẹvbo na khian na gbele ima rua?’

Joshua and Caleb said:
E Jọsua vbe Kelẹb keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Do not disobey Jehovah, and do not be afraid.
‘Uwa ghẹ he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ, uwa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.

Jehovah will protect us.’
E Jehova gha gbogba ga ima.’

But the Israelites would not listen.
Sokpan Ivbi Izrẹl ma họn.

They even wanted to kill Joshua and Caleb!
Iran na te gha hoo ne iran gbe Jọsua vbe Kelẹb rua!

What did Jehovah do?
De emwi ne Jehova ghi ru?

He said to Moses:
Ọ keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘After everything I have done for the Israelites, they still do not obey me.
‘Vbene I hia ne Ivbi Izrẹl sẹ, iran i ye họn ẹmwẹ mẹ.

So they will stay in the wilderness for 40 years, and here they will die.
Te I khian sẹ iran rae ye uwu ato na vbe ọwara ukpo 40, emwa ẹre iran khian wu yi.

Only their children and Joshua and Caleb will live in the land that I promised to give them.’
Ivbi iran ọkpa kevbe Jọsua vbe Kelẹb ẹre ọ khian gha rre otọ ne I ru eyan rẹn wẹẹ I gha mu ne iran.’

“Why are you so afraid, you with little faith?”—Matthew 8:26
“Vbọsiẹ ne ohan na mu uwa vbenia, uwa ne ẹi mwẹ amuẹtinyan?”—Matiu 8:26, NW


What happened when the 12 spies came back from Canaan?
Vbọ sunu vbe ẹghẹ ne orhunmwu 12 ni ya ba otọ e Kena ghee ya werriegbe rre?

How did Joshua and Caleb show that they trusted in Jehovah?
De vbene Jọsua vbe Kelẹb ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, iran mu ẹtin yan e Jehova?

Lesson 033

Some time later, while the Israelites were in the wilderness, Korah, Dathan, Abiram, and 250 others rebelled against Moses.
Ẹghẹ eso ghi gberra, vbe Ivbi Izrẹl ye rre uwu ato, e Kora, e Datan, Abiram, kevbe orhunmwu 250 ọvbehe keghi sọtẹ dae Mosis.

They said to him:
Iran keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘We have had enough of you!
‘Egbe ruẹ wọọ ima nẹ!

Why should you be our leader and Aaron be the high priest?
U ma sẹ nọ gha su ima, ẹi re Erọn ẹre ọ vbe khẹke nọ gha re ogiohẹn.

Jehovah is with all of us, not just you and Aaron.’
Ẹi re uwa ọkpa ọre eguọmwadia e Jehova, eguọmwadia ọghẹe ẹre ima nikẹre vbe khin.’

Jehovah was not pleased.
Ẹko ma rhiẹnrhiẹn e Jehova ye emwi ne iran ru na.

He viewed it as a rebellion against him!
 Te Jehova ghaa ghee ẹre wẹẹ, irẹn ẹre iran sọtẹ daa!

Moses told Korah and his supporters:
E Mosis keghi tama e Kora kevbe emwa ni yẹrike wẹẹ:

‘Come to the tabernacle tomorrow, and bring your fire holders filled with incense.
‘Uwa viọ ọkpan na ya wan erhẹn lele egbe gha die ibọkpọ vba akhuẹ, uwa ghi viọ eturari ye uwu ẹre.

Jehovah will show us whom he has chosen.’
E Jehova gha gi ima rẹn ọmwa ne irẹn zẹ, nọ gha su emwa rẹn.’

The next day, Korah and the 250 men went to meet Moses at the tabernacle.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Kora kevbe orhunmwu 250 ni yẹrike keghi bu e Mosis gha rrie nene ibọkpọ.

There they burned incense as if they were priests.
Iran na gha giẹn eturari vba vbene a miẹn wẹẹ ohẹn ẹre iran khin.

Jehovah told Moses and Aaron:
E Jehova keghi tama e Mosis vbe Erọn wẹẹ:

‘Separate yourselves from Korah and his men.’
‘Uwa wannọ egbe hin uwu ẹbu e Kora vbe ikpayẹ ọre rre.’

Although Korah had gone to Moses at the tabernacle, Dathan, Abiram, and their families had refused to go.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, e Kora bu e Mosis gha rrie ibọkpọ nẹ, e Datan vbe Abiram kevbe ẹgbẹe iran na ye gha rre owa.

Jehovah told the Israelites to get away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.
E Jehova keghi tama Ivbi Izrẹl ne iran wannọ egbe hin eke ne ibọkpọ ọghe Kora, Datan, kevbe Abiram ye rre.

Immediately, the Israelites moved away.
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ru vberriọ vbobọvbobọ.

Dathan, Abiram, and their families stood outside their tents.
E Datan, Abiram, kevbe ẹgbẹe iran na gha rre odaro ibọkpọ ọghe iran.

Suddenly the ground split apart and swallowed them up!
Otọ na wa vaa vbe udemwurri, ẹre ọ na minọ iran hia re!

At the tabernacle, a fire came down and burned up Korah and his 250 men.
Erhẹn na wa ke ẹrinmwi rre do giẹn e Kora kevbe orhunmwu 250 ni yẹrike vbe eke ne iran ghaa ye vbuwe ibọkpọ.

Jehovah then told Moses:
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi tama e Mosis wẹẹ:

‘Take a staff from the leader of each tribe, and write his name on it.
‘Wẹẹ ne ọkpa ọkpa vbuwe avbe ọkaolotu ẹwaẹ ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl viọ ọkpọ ọkpa ọkpa rre, iran ghi gbẹnnẹ eni iran yọ.

But on the staff of the tribe of Levi, write Aaron’s name.
Sokpan u ghi gbẹn eni Erọn ye ọkpọ nọ ke uniẹn ọghe Livai rre.

Put them inside the tabernacle, and the staff of the man whom I choose will grow flowers.’
U ghi viọ avbe ọkpọ nii hia ye uwu ibọkpọ, ọmwa ne ọkpọ ọre ghi zẹ obobo, ọre ọmwa ne I zẹ nọ gha re ogiohẹn.’

The next day, Moses brought out all the staffs and showed them to the leaders.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Mosis keghi viọ avbe ọkpọ ni ladian, ọ na do ma avbe ọkaolotu Izrẹl re.

Aaron’s staff had flowers growing, and there were ripe almonds on it.
Ọkpọ ọghe Erọn keghi zẹ obobo, ọ na vbe mọ ọmọ erhan almọnd nọ vboro.

In this way, Jehovah confirmed that he had chosen Aaron to be the high priest.
Odẹ vbenia, ẹre Jehova ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, Erọn ẹre irẹn zẹ nọ gha re ogiohẹn.

“Be obedient to those who are taking the lead among you and be submissive.”—Hebrews 13:17
“Wa gha họn ẹmwẹ ne avbe ọkaolotu uwa, wa gha ru vbene iran kha re.”—Hibru 13:17


Why did Korah and his supporters rebel against Moses?
Vbọsiẹ ne Kora kevbe ikpayẹ ọre na sọtẹ dae Mosis?

How do we know that Jehovah chose Aaron to be the high priest?
Vbọ rhiẹre ma wẹẹ Erọn ẹre Jehova zẹ nọ gha re ogiohẹn?

Lesson 034

The Israelites had been in the wilderness for almost 40 years.
Te ọ ghi bu ukpo 40 ne Ivbi Izrẹl ya rre uwu ato.

They had conquered many strong cities.
Iran khọn ẹvbo nibun mu tan.

Now, as they camped on the plains of Moab east of the Jordan River, it was time for them to enter the Promised Land.
Nia, te iran ghi rre ato ọghe Moab nọ rre ọkpẹn Ẹzẹ e Jọdan. Ẹghẹ na kha na, te iran khian ghi la Otọ Na Yan Rẹn.

Balak, the king of Moab, was scared that he was going to lose his land to them.
Ohan na gha mu e Balak ne ọba ọghe Moab wẹẹ te Ivbi Izrẹl khian vbe do khọnmiotọ yan iran.

So he invited a man named Balaam to come to Moab and curse the Israelites.
Ẹre ọ na ghi tie okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Balam nọ gha die Moab nọ do tie ihẹn ne Ivbi Izrẹl.

But Jehovah told Balaam:
Sokpan e Jehova keghi tama e Balam wẹẹ:

‘You must not curse the Israelites.’
‘Ghẹ tie ihẹn ne Ivbi Izrẹl.’

So Balaam refused to go.
Rhunmwuda ọni, e Balam ma ghi yo.

King Balak invited him a second time and promised to give him anything he wanted.
Ọba e Balak keghi werriegbe tie Balam vbene ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ irẹn gha viọ emwi ke emwi nọ gualọ nẹ.

Still, Balaam refused.
E Balam na wẹẹ irẹn i khian ye yo.

Then God said:
Osanobua keghi tama e Balam wẹẹ:

‘You may go, but you may say only what I tell you to say.’
‘U sẹtin gha khian, sokpan emwi ne I rhirhi tama ruẹ, ẹre u khian ta vbe u gha sẹ evba.’

Balaam got on his donkey and headed south to Moab.
E Balam keghi hin ekẹtẹkẹtẹ ọghẹe gha rrie Moab.

He planned to curse the Israelites, even though Jehovah had told him not to.
Ọ na gha mwẹ ọnrẹn vbe orhiọn wẹẹ te irẹn khian tie ihẹn ne Ivbi Izrẹl agharhemiẹn wẹẹ e Jehova tama rẹn nẹ ghẹ ru vberriọ.

Jehovah’s angel appeared on the road three times.
Odibo ọghe Jehova keghi rhiegbe ma igba eha vbe odẹ.

Balaam could not see the angel, but Balaam’s donkey could.
Sokpan e Balam ma bẹghe nene odibosa, ekẹtẹkẹtẹ ọghẹe ọkpa ẹre ọ ghaa bẹghe ẹre.

First the donkey went off the road into a field.
Vbe ẹghẹ okaro ne odibo nii ya rhiegbe ma, ekẹtẹkẹtẹ ọghẹe na la uwu oha.

Then the donkey moved up against a stone wall, jamming Balaam’s foot against it.
Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ na vbe lẹẹ la eke ne okuta ye, ẹre ọ na mu owẹ e Balam gbe okuta.

Finally the donkey lay down in the middle of the road.
Vbe okiekie, ekẹtẹkẹtẹ nii na wa de lovbiẹ ye adesẹneva ukpo.

Each time, Balaam hit the donkey with a stick.
Na kha na, e Balam na gha ya ukpokpo kinmwi ẹnrẹn.

After the third time, Jehovah made the donkey speak.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi ruẹ ne ekẹtẹkẹtẹ nii guan.

The donkey asked Balaam:
Ẹre ekẹtẹkẹtẹ nii na gha nọ e Balam wẹẹ:

‘Why do you keep hitting me?’
‘Vbọsiẹ ne u na fi mwẹ emwi vbenia?’

Balaam said:
E Balam keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘You made me look stupid.
‘Te u wa ya mwẹ ma.

I would kill you if I had a sword.’
Akpawẹ te agbada mwẹ gue mwẹ mwa, I gha te gbuẹ rua.’

The donkey said:
Ẹre ekẹtẹkẹtẹ nii na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘You’ve ridden me for years.
‘Ẹi imẹ ẹre uwẹ hin ke otọ gha dee?

Have I ever treated you this way before?’
I he ka ru ruẹ vbenia ẹdẹ ra?’

Then Jehovah let Balaam see the angel.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi ruẹ ne Balam bẹghe odibo nii.

The angel said:
Odibo nii na ghi nọ e Balam wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah warned you not to curse Israel.’
‘E Jehova ma tama ruẹ, ne u ghẹ tie ihẹn ne Ivbi Izrẹl?’

Balaam said:
E Balam keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘I did wrong.
‘Orukhọ ẹre I wa ru na.

I will go back home.’
I gha werriegbe gha rrie owa.’

But the angel said:
Sokpan odibosa nii keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You can go to Moab, but you may say only what Jehovah tells you to say.’
‘U sẹtin ye gha rrie Moab, sokpan emwi ne Jehova wẹẹ ne u ta ọkpa ẹre u khian ta.’

Had Balaam learned his lesson?
Ọna rhie ẹwaẹn ne Balam ra?


After that, Balaam tried to curse Israel three times, but each time Jehovah made him bless them instead.
Vbe Balam ghi sẹ e Moab, ọ na ye gha hoo nọ tie ihẹn ne Ivbi Izrẹl, sokpan ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne ọ ya gha hoo nọ tie ihẹn, ọ ghi gha na erhunmwu ne iran.

Eventually, the Israelites attacked Moab, and Balaam was killed.
Vbene ẹghẹ ghi ya gha khian, Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ya gu e Moab khọn, okuo nii ẹre Balam wu yi.

Would it not have been better if Balaam had listened to Jehovah in the first place?
U ma bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, akpawẹ e Balam họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova, ọni ẹre ọ gha te maan sẹ?

“Guard against every sort of greed, because even when a person has an abundance, his life does not result from the things he possesses.”—Luke 12:15
“Wa mwẹ ẹwaẹn ne uwa vbe gha ba egbe vbe egbe arovbẹmwẹ. Rhunmwuda, ẹi re ẹfe ne ọmwa mwẹ, ẹre ọ da arrọọ ọghẹe yi.”—Luk 12:15, NW


Why did Balaam go to Moab?
Vbọsiẹ ne Balam na gha rrie Moab?

What happened on his way there?
De emwi nọ ghi sunu vbe odẹ?

Lesson 035

When the Israelites finally reached the Promised Land, the tabernacle became the center of true worship there.
Ivbi Izrẹl ghi sẹ Otọ Na Yan Rẹn nẹ, ibọkpọ ẹre iran ghi gha loo ya ga e Jehova.

Priests taught the Law, and judges guided the nation.
Avbe ohẹn na gha maa emwa uhi, avbe ọbuohiẹn na gha dia emwa.

This section illustrates the profound impact that a person’s decisions and actions can have on others.
Abọ na keghi niania vbene atamuolọyan ne ima ru ya dekaan emwa ọvbehe hẹ.

Each Israelite had a personal responsibility toward Jehovah and his fellow man.
Emwi ne Ivbi Izrẹl rhirhi ru kegha mwẹ vbene ọ ya dekaan e Jehova hẹ kevbe ogieva iran.

Highlight the influence that Deborah, Naomi, Joshua, Hannah, Jephthah’s daughter, and Samuel had on their communities.
U ghi niania vbene igiemwi ọghe Debora, e Naomi, e Jọsua, e Hanna, ovbi e Jẹfta, kevbe Samuẹl ya ru iyobọ ne emwa ni ghaa rre ẹdogbo ne iran ye hẹ.

Emphasize that even some non-Israelites, such as Rahab, Ruth, Jael, and the Gibeonites, decided to side with the Israelites because they knew that God was with them.
U ghi vbe nianiaẹn wẹẹ, emwa eso ni ma gha re Ivbi Izrẹl, keghi do yegbe ba iran rhunmwuda ne iran na rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova gu Ivbi Izrẹl rrọọ. Usun iran na ọre Rehab, e Rut, e Jaẹl, kevbe Ivbi e Gibiọn.

Jehovah used the judges to save his people miraculously
E Jehova keghi loo avbe ọbuohiẹn ya miẹn emwa rẹn fan vbe odẹ ọghe ọyunnua

Faithful ones, young and old, were rewarded for their complete confidence in Jehovah
E Jehova keghi fiangbe emwa ni ghaa mwẹ amuẹtinyan daa irẹn, ke ọmaẹn ke ẹghele

God is not partial; he accepts people from every nation and background who love him and do what is right
Osanobua i gbe ewanmwẹ ghee obọ ọkpa; ọmwaikọmwa nọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn kevbe nọ ru ahoo ọghẹe ẹre irẹn miẹn yi

Lesson 036

After leading the nation of Israel for many years, Moses was near the end of his life. Jehovah told him:
Vbe ọ ghi bu ẹghẹ ne Mosis khian ya wu, iyeke vbe ọ ghi su Ivbi Izrẹl vbe ọwara ukpo nibun nẹ, e Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You are not the one who will bring the Israelites into the Promised Land.
‘Ẹi re uwẹ ẹre ọ khian su Ivbi Izrẹl la Otọ Na Yan Rẹn.

But I will let you see the land.’
Sokpan I gha gu ruẹ bẹghe otọ nii.’

Moses then asked Jehovah to choose a new leader to take care of the people.
E Mosis keghi tama e Jehova, ne ọ zẹ ọmwa nọ khian ghi gha su Ivbi Izrẹl.

Jehovah said to him:
E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go to Joshua, and tell him that he is the one.’
‘Bu e Jọsua, ne u ya tama rẹn wẹẹ irẹn nọ.’

Moses told the nation that he would die soon and that Jehovah had chosen Joshua as the one to lead them into the Promised Land.
E Mosis keghi tama Ivbi Izrẹl wẹẹ te irẹn khian ghi wu na, kevbe wẹẹ e Jọsua ẹre Jehova zẹ nọ khian ghi su iran la Otọ Na Yan Rẹn.

Moses then said to Joshua:
E Mosis keghi tama e Jọsua wẹẹ:

‘Do not be afraid.
‘Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn.

Jehovah will help you.’
E Jehova gha ru iyobọ nuẹ.’

Soon after that, Moses went to the top of Mount Nebo, where Jehovah showed him the land that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, e Mosis kegha rrie uhunmwu Oke Nebo, evba ẹre Jehova na ghi gie ẹre ma rẹn ighẹ otọ nọ yan rẹn ma Ebraham, Aizik kevbe Jekọb wẹẹ, irẹn gha mu ne ivbi iran.

Moses was 120 years old when he died.
Ukpo 120 ẹre Mosis ghaa ye vbe ọ wu.

Jehovah told Joshua:
E Jehova keghi tama e Jọsua wẹẹ:

‘Cross the Jordan River, and go into Canaan.
‘Fian Ẹzẹ e Jọdan rra, ne u gha rrie Kenan.

I will help you just as I helped Moses.
I gha ru iyobọ nuẹ vbene I vbe ru iyobọ ne Mosis.

Make sure that you read my Law every day.
Ghẹ gia miẹn ẹdẹ ọkpa ne u ma tie Uhi mwẹ.

Do not be afraid.
Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn.

Be brave.
Gha mwẹ udinmwẹ.

Go and do what I have commanded you to do.’
Gha khian ne u ya ru emwi ne I wẹẹ ne u ru.’

Joshua sent two spies to the city of Jericho.
E Jọsua keghi gie orhunmwu eva, ne iran ya ba otọ e Jẹriko ghee.

In the next story, we will learn more about what happened there.
Ma gha rẹn emwi nọ ghi sunu vba, vbe okha nọ lelẹe.

When they returned, they reported that it was a good time to go into Canaan.
Vbe iran ghi rre, iran keghi tama e Jọsua wẹẹ ẹghẹ sẹ nẹ, ne iran khian ya la otọ e Kenan.

The next day, Joshua told the nation to pack up the camp.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Jọsua keghi tama Ivbi Izrẹl ne iran kun emwi iran.

Then he sent the priests who were carrying the ark of the covenant on ahead to the Jordan River.
Ẹre ọ na ka gie avbe ohẹn ni ghaa dada ẹkpẹti ile khian, ne iran ka gha rrie Ẹzẹ e Jọdan.

The river was flooding.
Ẹzẹ nọ dinmwi ẹre nọ.

But as soon as the feet of the priests touched the water, the river stopped flowing and the water drained away!
Sokpan owẹ ọghe avbe ohẹn nii ghi wa dekaan nene ẹzẹ, ọ ma ghi lẹẹ, ẹre ẹzẹ nii na wa ka!

The priests walked to the middle of the riverbed and stood there while the whole nation of Israel crossed to the other side.
Avbe ohẹn nii keghi mudia ye otọ ẹzẹ nii, a te miẹn wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl fiaẹn rra fo.

Do you think that this miracle reminded them of what Jehovah had done at the Red Sea?
Uwẹ ma yayi wẹẹ emwi ọyunnua na, yee iran re rre ighẹ emwi ne Jehova ru ne iran, vbe Okun Nọ Baa ra?

Finally, after all those years, the Israelites were in the Promised Land.
Vbe okiekie, Ivbi Izrẹl na do sẹtin sẹ Otọ Na Yan Rẹn.

They could build houses and cities.
Iran na bọlọ owa ughughan.

They could plant fields, vineyards, and orchards.
Iran na vbe gha mu ugbo.

It was a land flowing with milk and honey.
Otọ nọ maan emwi okọ ẹsẹse, ẹre otọ nii ghaa khin.

“Jehovah will always lead you and satisfy you even in a parched land.”—Isaiah 58:11
“Ẹghẹ hia mẹ gha ya gha su uwa, I ghi ya emwi ni maan sẹ uwa ọkẹn.”—Aizaia 58:11


Who led the Israelites after Moses died?
De ọmwa nọ ghi gha su Ivbi Izrẹl, vbe Mosis ghi wu nẹ?

What happened at the Jordan River?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe Ẹzẹ e Jọdan?

Lesson 037

When the Israelite spies went to the city of Jericho, they stayed at the house of a woman named Rahab.
Vbe Ivbi Izrẹl ni ya ba otọ e Jẹriko ghee ghi sẹ evba, owa okhuo ọkpa na tie ẹre Rehab ẹre iran dia.

The king of Jericho found out and sent soldiers to Rahab’s house.
Ọba e Jẹriko ghi họn, ọ na gie ivbi iyokuo gha rrie owa e Rehab.

She hid the two spies on the roof and sent the soldiers in another direction.
E Rehab keghi viọ ikpia nii lẹre ye uhunmwu owa re, ẹre ọ na tama ivbi iyokuo nii wẹẹ iran kpa nẹ.

She said to the spies:
Ọ keghi tama ikpia ni do ba e Jẹriko ghee wẹẹ:

‘I will help you because I know that Jehovah is on your side and that you will conquer the land.
‘I gha ru iyobọ ne uwa rhunmwuda I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ e Jehova rre uwa iyeke kevbe wẹẹ, uwa gha khọnmiotọ yan otọ na.

Please promise me that you will save my family.’
Lahọ, uwa ru eyan ma mwẹ wẹẹ uwa gha miẹn ẹgbẹe mwẹ fan.’

The spies told Rahab:
Ikpia nii keghi ru eyan ma e Rehab wẹẹ:

‘We promise that no one inside your house will be hurt.’
‘Emwi rhọkpa i khian ru uwẹ vbe ẹgbẹe ruẹ.’

They said:
Iran na vbe kha wẹẹ:

‘Tie a red cord in your window, and your family will be spared.’
‘Rhi irri nọ baa ye ewindo ruẹ, ne ima ghẹ mieke na guọghọ uwa.’

Rahab let the spies down by a rope from her window.
E Rehab na ghi ya irri mu iran la ewindo tuorre.

They went to the mountains and hid for three days before going back to Joshua.
Iran na ya lẹre ye uhunmwu oke vbe ikpẹdẹ eha, a te miẹn wẹẹ iran werriegbe bu e Jọsua.

Then the Israelites crossed the Jordan River and prepared to take the land.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Ivbi Izrẹl keghi fian Ẹzẹ e Jọdan rra, ẹre iran na la otọ nii.

Jericho was the first city they conquered.
E Jẹriko ẹre iran ka guọghọ.

Jehovah told them to march around the city one time each day for six days.
E Jehova keghi tama iran ne iran la ẹvbo nii lẹga vbe ikpẹdẹ ehan, iran ghi lae uhukpa vbe ẹdẹ.

On the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times.
Vbe ikpẹdẹ nogie ihinrọn, iran na la ẹvbo nii lẹga vbe igba ihinrọn.

Then the priests blew their trumpets, and the soldiers shouted as loud as they could.
Ẹre avbe ohẹn na ghi kpee okpe, ivbi iyokuo na da tu gogogo.

The walls of the city came crashing down!
Ẹre ekẹn ni rre ẹvbo nii na gha dele!

But Rahab’s house, which was on the wall, remained standing.
Sokpan owa e Rehab nọ diakẹ ogba ekẹn ọghe ẹvbo nii ma de.

Rahab and her family were saved because she trusted in Jehovah.
E Rehab vbe ẹgbẹe ọre keghi miẹn fan rhunmwuda ne iran na mu ẹtin yan e Jehova.

“In the same manner, was not Rahab ... also declared righteous by works after she received the messengers hospitably and sent them out by another way?”—James 2:25
“Erriọ ọghe Rehab ... vbe gha ye. Emwi ne ọ ru ọre a ya kae ye ne ọ mudia ẹse vbe odaro Osanobua, ne ọ na miẹn iran yi ighẹ emwa ne avbe Ju giẹre uhunmwu, ne ọ na ma iran odẹ ọvbehe la gha rrie.”—Jems 2:25


Why did Rahab help the spies?
Vbọsiẹ ne Rehab na ru iyobọ ne ikpia ni do ba otọ e Jẹriko ghee?

How did the Israelites attack Jericho?
De vbene Ivbi Izrẹl ya guọghọ e Jẹriko hẹ?

What happened to Rahab and her family?
Vbọ ghi sunu daa e Rehab vbe ẹgbẹe ọre?

Lesson 038

News about Jericho spread to other nations in Canaan.
Okhekhe ọghe emwi nọ sunu daa e Jẹriko keghi gba agbẹnvbo hia ni ghi dekẹ vbe otọ e Kenan.

Their kings decided to come together to fight the Israelites.
Avbe ọba ọghe avbe agbẹnvbo nii, na si uhunmwu koko ne iran ya gu Ivbi Izrẹl khọn.

But the Gibeonites came up with a different plan.
Sokpan emwi ọvbehe ẹre Ivbi e Gibiọn wa gha mwẹ vbe ekhọe.

Wearing worn-out clothing, they went to Joshua and said:
Iran keghi yọ ukpọn ne yanghan yanghan, iran na bu e Jọsua ya tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘We come from a distant land.
‘Ẹvbo nọ rree ẹre ima ke dee na.

We have heard about Jehovah and all he did for you in Egypt and Moab.
Ma wa họn vbekpae emwi ne Jehova ru ne uwa vbe Igipt kevbe Moab.

Promise not to attack us, and we will become your servants.’
Ma gha khian eguọmwadia ọghe uwa, sokpan uwa ka ru eyan ma ima nẹ wẹẹ, uwa i khian guọghọ ima.’

Joshua believed them and agreed not to attack them.
E Jọsua keghi ya iran yi, ẹre ọ na vbe ru eyan ma iran.

Three days later, he found out that they were not from a distant land.
Ikpẹdẹ eso ghi gberra nẹ, e Jọsua na do rẹn wẹẹ ẹi re ẹvbo nọ rree ẹre iran ke rre.

They were from the land of Canaan.
Otọ e Kenan ẹre iran ke rre.

Joshua asked the Gibeonites:
E Jọsua keghi nọ Ivbi e Gibiọn wẹẹ:

‘Why did you lie to us?’
‘Vbọsiẹ ne uwa na ta ohoghe ma ima?’

They answered:
Iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘We were afraid!
‘Ohan ẹre ọ ghaa mu ima!

We know that Jehovah your God is fighting for you.
Ma rẹnrẹn wẹẹ e Jehova ne Osa ọghe uwa, ẹre ọ gbinna ne uwa.

Please do not kill us.’
Lahọ, uwa ghẹ gbe ima rua.’

Joshua kept his promise and let them live.
E Jọsua keghi mu eyan ọghẹe sẹ, ọ ma ghi gbe iran rua.

Before long, five Canaanite kings and their armies threatened the Gibeonites.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, ọba isẹn ọghe otọ e Kenan na wẹẹ iran khian guọghọ Ivbi e Gibiọn.

Joshua and his army marched all night long to rescue them.
Ẹre Jọsua vbe ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe na gha khian vbe asọn nii ya miẹn iran fan.

The fighting started early the next morning.
Okuo keghi suẹn vbe owiẹ nọ lelẹe.

The Canaanites began fleeing in all directions.
Ivbi e Kenan na suẹn gha lẹẹ fua.

Everywhere they ran Jehovah hurled huge hailstones down on them.
Ehe ke ehe ne iran rhirhi lẹẹ gha rrie, e Jehova keghi ru ẹre ne esia gha dele gbe iran.

Then Joshua asked Jehovah to make the sun stand still.
Ẹre Jọsua na ghi rinmwia e Jehova, ne ọ gi ovẹn mudia hii, nẹ ghẹ giẹ dero.

Why would he ask Jehovah to do that when the sun had never stood still before?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jọsua na wẹẹ ne Jehova ru egbe emwi vberriọ nọ ma he ka sunu ẹdẹ?

Because Joshua trusted in Jehovah.
Rhunmwuda wẹẹ, ọ mu ẹtin yan e Jehova.

The sun did not set for a whole day until the Israelites had conquered the Canaanite kings and their armies.
Ovẹn ma de vbe ẹdẹ ohoho, a te miẹn wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl khọnmiotọ yan avbe ọba ọghe Kenan kevbe ivbi iyokuo ọghe iran.

“Let your word ‘Yes’ mean yes, your ‘No,’ no, for what goes beyond these is from the wicked one.”—Matthew 5:37
“Deghẹ ‘Ẹẹn’ nọ wẹẹ ‘Ẹẹn,’ deghẹ ‘Ẹn o’ nọ wẹẹ ‘Ẹn o,’ ẹmwẹ ne ọ ghi gberra vberriọ, Esu mwẹ obọ vbọ, obọ ọmwa dan nii ẹre ọ ke rre.”—Matiu 5:37


What did the Gibeonites do to protect themselves?
De emwi ne Ivbi e Gibiọn ru ne iran ghẹ mieke na guọghua?

How did Jehovah help the Israelites?
De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne Ivbi Izrẹl hẹ?

Lesson 039

After leading Jehovah’s people for many years, Joshua died at the age of 110.
Ukpo nibun ẹre Jọsua ya su Ivbi Izrẹl; ọ ghi rre ukpo 110, ọ na wu.

As long as he was alive, the Israelites worshipped Jehovah.
Ẹghẹ ne ọ ya gha su Ivbi Izrẹl, te iran hia wa gha ga e Jehova.

But after Joshua died, they began to worship idols, as the Canaanites did.
Sokpan e Jọsua ghi wu nẹ, iran na suẹn gha ga ẹbọ, vbe na ghee Ivbi e Kenan.

Because the Israelites did not keep following him, Jehovah allowed a Canaanite king named Jabin to make life hard for them.
Rhunmwuda ne Ivbi Izrẹl na sẹ e Jehova rae, ọ na kue ne Jabin ne ọba ọghe Kenan gha ya agbọn lọghọ iran.

The people begged Jehovah for help.
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi rinmwia e Jehova nọ ru iyobọ ne iran.

So Jehovah gave them a new leader, Barak.
Ẹre Jehova na ghi rhie ọkaolotu ọghe ọgbọn ne iran; eni ọkaolotu nii ọre Barak.

He would help the people return to Jehovah.
Irẹn ẹre ọ khian ru iyobọ ne iran ya werriegbe bu e Jehova gha dee.

Deborah, a prophetess, sent for Barak.
E Dẹbora ne akhasẹ keghi gie na tie Barak.

She had a message for him from Jehovah:
E Jehova keghi tama e Dẹbora nọ tama e Barak wẹẹ:

‘Take 10,000 men, and go meet Jabin’s army at the stream of Kishon.
‘Viọ ikpia 10,000, ne uwa bu e Jabin vbe ẹzẹ ọghe Kisiọn.

There you will defeat Sisera, the chief of Jabin’s army.’
Obọ uwa gha vba e Sisaria nọ re ọkaokuo ọghe Jabin.’

Barak told Deborah:
E Barak keghi tama e Dẹbora wẹẹ:

‘I will go but only if you come with me.’
‘I gha yo deghẹ u na lele mwẹ.’

She said:
Ẹre Dẹbora na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I will go with you.
‘I gha lele ruẹ yo.

But know that you are not the one who will kill Sisera.
Sokpan, ọ khẹke ne u rẹn wẹẹ, ẹi re uwẹ ẹre ọ khian gbe Sisaria rua.

Jehovah has said that a woman will kill him.’
E Jehova tae nẹ wẹẹ, okhuo ẹre ọ khian gbe ẹre rua.’

Deborah went with Barak and his army up to Mount Tabor to prepare for battle.
E Dẹbora keghi lele Barak kevbe ivbiyokuo ẹre gha rrie uhunmwu Oke Tabọ, ne iran ya muegbe okuo.

As soon as Sisera heard about this, he gathered his war chariots and troops in the valley below.
Vbe Sisaria ghi họn vbekpa re, ọ na mwamwa ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe kevbe wẹẹ ọ na si ivbiyokuo ọghẹe koko vbe iya nọ rre ototọ oke nii.

Deborah said to Barak:
E Dẹbora keghi tama e Barak wẹẹ:

‘Today is the day that Jehovah will give you victory.’
‘Ẹrẹna ẹre Jehova khian rhie akhọnmiotọ nuẹ.’

Barak and his 10,000 men charged down the mountain to meet Sisera’s powerful army.
E Barak kevbe ikpia 10,000 ni lelẹe khian keghi tuorre vbe uhunmwu oke ne iran bu e Sisaria vbe ivbiyokuo ẹre.

Jehovah then caused the stream of Kishon to flood.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne ẹzẹ ọghe Kisiọn khian orogho.

Sisera’s war chariots got stuck in the mud.
Ikẹkẹ okuo ọghe Sisaria na ziẹn ye uwu orogho nii.

Sisera left his chariot and began running.
E Sisaria keghi lẹẹ sẹ ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe rae.

Barak and his soldiers defeated Sisera’s army, but Sisera escaped!
E Barak kevbe ivbiyokuo ẹre, keghi gbele ivbiyokuo e Sisaria hia rua, sokpan obọ ma vba e Sisaria!

He ran away and hid in the tent of a woman named Jael.
Ọ na ya lẹre ye uwu ibọkpọ ọghe okhuo ọkpa na tiẹre Jaẹl.

She gave him milk to drink and then covered him with a blanket. The tired warrior fell asleep.
Okhuo na keghi sa e miliki nẹ wọn. E Jaẹl na vbe ya ukpọn gue ẹre vbe eke ne ọ lovbiẹ yi. Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, ovbe keghi rhie Sisaria rhunmwuda egbe nọ wọọ re.

Then Jael quietly crept toward him and drove a tent pin into his head. He died.
E Jaẹl na fẹko sikẹ e Sisaria, ọ na so ise ye ọre uhunmwu. Erriọ ẹre Sisaria ya wu.

Barak came looking for Sisera. Jael stepped out of her tent and said:
Vbe Barak ghi gualọ e Sisaria khian, e Jaẹl keghi ladian vbe uwu ibọkpọ ọghẹe, ọ na tama e Barak wẹẹ:

‘Come inside. I will show you the man you are looking for.’
‘La uwu owa, ne u do ghee ọmwa ne u gualọ.’

Barak went inside and saw Sisera lying there dead.
Vbe Barak ghi la uwu ibọkpọ nii, ọ na bẹghe ikun e Sisaria vbe otọ.

Barak and Deborah praised Jehovah in song for giving the Israelites victory over their enemies.
Ẹre Barak vbe Dẹbora na so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Jehova rhunmwuda akhọnmiotọ nọ rhie ne Ivbi Izrẹl.

For the next 40 years, Israel had peace.
Vbe ọwara ukpo 40 nọ ghi lelẹe, ọfunmwegbe ẹre ọ ghi gha rre otọ ọghe Izrẹl.

“The women proclaiming the good news are a large army.”—Psalm 68:11
“Avbe ikhuo nibun ọ re ọ vbe na iyẹn nii.”—Psalm 68:11


How did Deborah help the Israelites?
De vbene Dẹbora ya ru iyobọ ne Ivbi Izrẹl hẹ?

How did Jael show courage?
De vbene Jaẹl ya rhie udinmwẹ ma hẹ?

Lesson 040

During a time of famine in Israel, an Israelite named Naomi moved to the land of Moab with her husband and their two sons.
Vbe asẹ ọkpa, ukhunmwu kegha fi vbe otọ Izrẹl. Okhuo ọkpa na tiẹre Naomi, ọdafẹn ọnrẹn kevbe emọ ikpia eva ne iran mwẹ, keghi kpa gha rrie otọ e Moab.

Later Naomi’s husband died.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, ọdafẹn e Naomi keghi wu.

Her sons married Ruth and Orpah, who were Moabites.
Ivbi iran nikpia eva keghi viọ ikhuo e Moab rọnmwẹ. Eni ikhuo nii ọre Rut kevbe Ọfa.

Sadly, in time, Naomi’s sons died.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, ivbi ẹre nikpia na, na vbe wulo.

When Naomi heard that the famine in Israel was over, she decided to return home.
Vbe Naomi ghi họn wẹẹ, ukhunmwu nọ te fi vbe otọ Izrẹl fo nẹ, ọ na wẹẹ irẹn rrie owa.

Ruth and Orpah traveled with her, but while on the road, Naomi told them:
E Rut kevbe Ọfa keghi lele Naomi. Sokpan vbe iran ghi zẹ khian, e Naomi na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘You were good wives to my sons and good daughters-in-law to me.
‘Ikhuo esi ẹre uwa ghaa khin ne ivbi mwẹ kevbe wẹẹ uwa wa vbe gha ya obọ esi mu mwẹ.

I want you both to marry again. Go home to Moab.’
I hoo ne uwa werriegbe gha rrie Moab, ne uwa ya rọnmwẹ ọdọ.’

The women said:
Iran keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘We love you!
‘Ma hoẹmwẹ ruẹ!

We don’t want to leave you.’
Ima ma hoo ne ima sẹ ruẹ rae.’

Naomi kept telling them to go.
Sokpan e Naomi na ye gha tama iran wẹẹ, ne iran gha rrie owa.

Finally, Orpah went back, but Ruth stayed.
Vbe okiekie, Ọfa na gele gha rrie owa sokpan e Rut ma kpa.

Naomi told her:
E Naomi keghi tama e Rut wẹẹ:

‘Orpah is going back to your people and your gods. Go with her.’
‘Ọfa ne ọrue ruẹ kpa nẹ, uwẹ wa vbe lelẹe, ne uwa bu emwa uwa kevbe ẹbọ ọghe uwa.’

But Ruth said:
Sokpan e Rut keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I will not leave you.
‘I i khian sẹ ruẹ rae.

Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.’
Emwa ruẹ ẹre ọ khian gha re emwa mwẹ, Osa ruẹ ghi vbe gha re Osa mwẹ.’

How do you think Naomi felt when Ruth said that?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, ọ ghaa ye Naomi hẹ, vbe ọ họn ẹmwẹ na?

Ruth and Naomi arrived in Israel at the beginning of the barley harvest.
E Rut vbe Naomi keghi sẹ otọ Izrẹl vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha fian ọka irhuarhua (ẹghẹ ọka).

One day, Ruth went to collect leftover grain in the field of a man named Boaz, who was the son of Rahab.
Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Rut na ya rhọ emwiokọ na rhọ sẹrae vbe ugbo ọghe okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Boaz ne ovbi e Rehab.

He heard that Ruth was a Moabitess who had loyally stayed with Naomi.
Na kha na, e Boaz họn nẹ wẹẹ e Rut keghi re ovbi e Moab nọ lele Naomi rre.

He told his workers to leave a little extra grain in the field for Ruth to gather.
Ọ na tama emwa ni winna lelẹe wẹẹ, ne iran sẹ ọka eso rae ye otọ ne Rut miẹn rhọ.

That evening, Naomi asked Ruth:
E Rut ghi sẹ owa vbe ota nii, e Naomi keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Whose field did you work in today?’
‘De ugbo ọmwa ne u yo vbe ẹrẹna?’

Ruth said:
E Rut keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘The field of a man named Boaz.’
‘Ugbo ọghe okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Boaz nọ.’

Naomi told her:
E Naomi keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Boaz is one of my husband’s relatives.
‘Ọtiẹn arowa mwẹ ẹre Boaz khin.

Keep working in his field with the other young women.
Wa gha lele ibiẹka ikhuo nikẹre yo ugbo ọghẹe.

You will be safe there.’
Emwi rhọkpa i khian sunu daa ruẹ.’

Ruth continued to work in Boaz’ field until the harvest was over.
E Rut na ye gha yo ugbo e Boaz, a te miẹn wẹẹ ẹghẹ emwiorhọ fo.

Boaz noticed that Ruth worked hard and was an excellent woman.
Aro e Boaz keghi dae wẹẹ, okhuo nọ wegbe obọ kevbe nọ mwẹ uyinmwẹ esi ẹre Rut khin.

In those days, if a man died and had no sons, his relative would marry his widow.
Vbe ẹghẹ nii, deghẹ okpia na wu vbene ọ ma na biẹ, ọkpa vbe etiọnrẹn ghi rrie ọvbokhan rẹn rọnmwẹ.

So Boaz married Ruth.
Ọni ẹre ọ siẹre ne Boaz na rhie Rut.

They had a son named Obed, who later became King David’s grandfather.
E Rut keghi biẹ ọmọ okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Obẹd nọ ghi do gha re erha Ọba e Devid nọkhua.

Naomi’s friends were delighted.
Avbe ọse Naomi na gha ghọghọ.

They said:
Iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘First, Jehovah gave you Ruth, who has been very good to you, and now you have a grandson.
‘Vbe okaro, e Jehova keghi rhie Rut nuẹ, ne ọ wa ru iyobọ nuẹ ke ẹghẹ gha dee. Nia, u mu eyẹ nẹ.

May Jehovah be praised.’
Ekpọnmwẹ vbe urhomwẹ nọ ne Jehova.’

“There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”—Proverbs 18:24
“Avbe ọse eso rrọọ ni maan sẹ etẹn.”—Itan 18:24


How did Ruth show her love for Naomi?
De vbene Rut ya rhie ẹre ma wẹẹ, irẹn hoẹmwẹ Naomi?

How did Jehovah care for Ruth and Naomi?
De vbene Jehova ya gbaroghe Rut vbe Naomi hẹ?

Lesson 041

In time, Israel again turned away from Jehovah and began to worship false gods.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ asẹ ọkpa ne Ivbi Izrẹl ya werriegbe suẹn gha ga ẹbọ.

For seven years, the Midianites stole the Israelites’ animals and destroyed their crops.
Ọwara ukpo ihinrọn ẹre Ivbi e Midian ya gha do ẹre viọ ighẹ emwi irri ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl, iran na vbe gha guọghọ emwi okọ ọghe iran.

To escape from the Midianites, the Israelites hid in caves and in the mountains.
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi ya lẹre ye uvun okuta kevbe uhunmwu oke, ne obọ Ivbi e Midian ghẹ mieke na vba iran.

They begged Jehovah to save them.
Iran keghi rinmwia e Jehova nọ miẹn iran fan.

So Jehovah sent an angel to a young man named Gideon.
Ẹre Jehova na ghi gie odibo ọghẹe gie okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Gidiọn.

The angel said:
Odibosa nii keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah has chosen you to be a mighty warrior.’
‘E Jehova zẹ ruẹ nẹ, ne u gha re ovbi iyokuo nọ wegbe.’

Gideon asked:
E Gidiọn keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘How can I save Israel? I am nothing.’
‘De vbene imẹ ne ẹi re ọmwa agbọn, khian ya miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan hẹ?’

How would Gideon know that Jehovah had chosen him? He put a piece of wool on the ground and said to Jehovah:
Ne Gidiọn ya rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova gele zẹ irẹn, ọ na rhie iku oru ye otọ, ọ na tama e Jehova wẹẹ:

‘In the morning, if the wool is wet from the dew but the ground is dry, I will know that you want me to save Israel.’
‘Adeghẹ amẹ na gha rre iku oru na vbe owiẹ ne akhuẹ, vbe evbu gha tuo yan rẹn, sokpan otọ nọ ye na ka, I ghi rẹn wẹẹ uwẹ ẹre ọ gele zẹ mwẹ ne I miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan.’

The next morning, the wool was soaking wet and the ground was dry!
Vbe ẹdẹ ghi gbe, amẹ na vuọn iku oru nii, vbene otọ nọ ye na ka!

But then Gideon asked that the next morning the wool be dry and the ground wet.
Sokpan e Gidiọn na vbe kha wẹẹ, ne iku oru nii ka, ne amẹ gha rre otọ vbe ẹdẹ gha vbe gbe.

When that happened, Gideon was finally convinced that Jehovah had chosen him.
Ọ ghi vbe sunu vberriọ, e Gidiọn na do yayi wẹẹ, e Jehova gele zẹ irẹn.

He gathered his soldiers to fight the Midianites.
Ẹre ọ na si ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe koko ne iran ya gu Ivbi e Midian khọn.

Jehovah told Gideon:
E Jehova keghi tama e Gidiọn wẹẹ:

‘I will give the Israelites victory.
‘I gha ruẹ ne Ivbi Izrẹl khọn miotọ.

But because you have so many soldiers, you might think that you won the battle by yourselves.
Sokpan ne ivbi iyokuo ruẹ na wa bun, uwa sẹtin gha roro ẹre wẹẹ uwa tobọ uwa ẹre ọ khọn miotọ.

Tell anyone who is afraid that he should go home.’
Tama ọmwaikọmwa ne ohan mu, ne ọ gha rrie owa.’

So 22,000 soldiers went home, and 10,000 remained.
Ẹre ivbi iyokuo 22,000 na gha rrie owa, sokpan 10,000 na mudia.

Jehovah then said:
E Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘There are still too many soldiers.
‘Ivbi iyokuo ni dekẹ ye bun gbe.

Bring them to the stream, and tell them to drink the water.
Viọ iran gha rrie ẹzẹ, ne u gi iran ya wọn amẹ.

Keep with you only those who watch out for the enemy while they drink.’
Ọmwaikọmwa nọ ghi wọn amẹ, ọ na vbe gha bodẹ, ẹre ọ khian lele ruẹ gha rrie nene okuo.’

Only 300 of the men stayed alert while they drank.
Ivbi iyokuo 300 ọkpa kẹkan ẹre ọ ghaa bodẹ vbe iran wọn amẹ.

Jehovah promised that these few men would conquer the 135,000 Midianite soldiers.
E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ ivbi iyokuo na, ẹre ọ khian khọn miotọ yan ivbi iyokuo e Midian ni re 135,000.

During that night, Jehovah told Gideon:
Vbe asọn nii, e Jehova keghi tama e Gidiọn wẹẹ:

‘Now is the time to attack the Midianites!’
‘Ọna ẹre ọ wa re ẹghẹ ne uwa khian ya guọghọ Ivbi e Midian!’

Gideon gave his men horns and large jars with torches hidden inside.
E Gidiọn keghi viọ okpe, ovbieluba kevbe ukpa ne ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe.

He told them:
Ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Watch me, and do exactly what I do.’
‘Wa gha ghee mwẹ, ne uwa ru emwi ne I rhirhi ru.’

Gideon blew his horn, smashed his jar, waved his torch, and shouted:
E Gidiọn keghi kpee okpe, ọ na gbe ovbieluba ọghẹe, ọ na vbe fieghe ukpa nọ mu mwẹ obọ, ẹre ọ na datu wẹẹ:

‘The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon!’
‘Umozo ọghe Jehova kevbe ọghe Gidiọn!’

All of his 300 men did the same.
Ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe ni re 300 na vbe ru vberriọ zẹẹ.

The Midianites were terrified and ran wildly in all directions.
Orrirri keghi gbe kue Ivbi e Midian, ẹre iran na gha lẹẹ gbe egbe.

In the chaos, they began to attack one another.
Rhunmwuda ezagha nọ la iran egbe, iran na suẹn gha gbele egbe rua.

Once again, Jehovah helped the Israelites conquer their enemies.
E Jehova keghi werriegbe ru iyobọ ne Ivbi Izrẹl ya khọn miotọ yan eghian ọghe iran.

“So that the power beyond what is normal may be God’s and not from us.”—2 Corinthians 4:7
“Ne a miẹn ehe na rhie ma wẹ, ẹtin ne ọ sẹ ehia, ọghe Osanobua nọ, ighẹ ẹi re ọghe ọmwa.”—2 Kọrinti 4:7


How did Jehovah prove to Gideon that He had chosen him?
De vbene Jehova ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ irẹn ẹre ọ zẹ e Gidiọn?

Why did Gideon’s army have only 300 men?
Vbọsiẹ ne Gidiọn na viọ ivbi iyokuo 300 ọkpa lele egbe?

Lesson 042

An Israelite named Elkanah had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah, but he loved Hannah more.
Ovbi Izrẹl ọkpa na tie ẹre Elkana kegha mwẹ okhuo eva na tie ẹre Hanna kevbe Penina, sokpan Hanna ẹre ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn sẹ.

Peninnah mocked Hannah all the time because Hannah had no children and Peninnah had many children.
Rhunmwuda ne Penina na gha re umọbiẹ, ẹghẹ hia ẹre ọ ya gha giẹ Hanna nọ ma miẹn ọmọ biẹ.

Each year, Elkanah took his family to worship at the tabernacle in Shiloh.
Ukpo ukpo, ẹre Elkana ya gha viọ ẹgbẹe ọre yo ibọkpọ nọ rre Siailo.

One time when they were there, he noticed that his beloved Hannah was very sad.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne iran yo e Siailo, Elkana na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ Hanna i ghọghọ.

He said:
Ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Please don’t cry, Hannah.
‘Ghẹ ghi viẹ Hanna.

You have me.
I rre emwa nuẹ.

I love you.’
I hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.’

Later, Hannah went off on her own to pray.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, Hanna keghi ya na erhunmwu.

She could not stop crying as she begged Jehovah to help her.
Vbene Hanna ya gha na erhunmwu gie Jehova, erriọ amẹ eve ya gha rhọọ kua vbe aro ọre.

She promised:
Ẹre ọ na ghi ru eyan ma e Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, if you give me a son, I will give him to you, and he will serve you all his life.’
‘Adeghẹ u na rhie ọmọ okpia mẹ, I gha yae fiohan nuẹ, ne ọ ya ẹdẹ agbọn rẹn hia ga ruẹ.’

High Priest Eli saw Hannah sobbing, and he thought that she was drunk.
Vbe Ogiohẹn ighẹ Elai ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ Hanna guọ vbe unu, ọ na gha roro wẹẹ te ọ da ayọn.

Hannah answered:
Hanna keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘No, my lord, I am not drunk.
‘Ẹn o, nọyaenmwẹ, I ma wọn ayọn.

I have a serious problem, and I am talking with Jehovah about it.’
Ọlọghọmwa ne I ye ẹre I mu ma e Jehova.’

Eli realized that he was wrong and told her:
Ẹghẹ nii, ẹre Elai ghi ya rẹn wẹẹ, ẹi re vbene irẹn te roro ẹre, ọ na ghi tama e Hanna wẹẹ:

‘May God give you what you want.’
‘Te Osanobua gha rhie emwi ne u gualọ nuẹ.’

Hannah felt better and went on her way.
Orhiọn na ghi vbe la Hanna iwu, ẹre ọ na gha rrie owa.

In less than a year, she had a son and named him Samuel.
Vbe ọ ma he sẹ ukpo ọkpa, Hanna keghi biẹ ọmọ okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Samuẹl.

Can you imagine how happy Hannah must have been?
Ọna keghi ya e Hanna gha sọyẹnmwẹ ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.

Hannah did not forget her promise to Jehovah.
Hanna ma mianmian eyan nọ ru ma e Jehova.

As soon as she stopped nursing Samuel, she brought him to serve at the tabernacle.
Vbe Samuẹl ghi fian ewẹn nẹ, Hanna keghi muẹn gha rrie ibọkpọ ọghe ugamwẹ nọ ya ga e Jehova vba.

She told Eli:
Hanna keghi tama Elai wẹẹ:

‘This is the boy I prayed for.
‘Ọmọ ne I rinmwian Osanobua re vbe ẹghẹ nii ẹre na khin.

For all his days, I lend him to Jehovah.’
I yae fiohan ne Jehova.’

Elkanah and Hannah visited Samuel each year and brought him a new sleeveless coat.
Ukpo ukpo ẹre Elkana kevbe Hanna ya gha mu otuẹ gie Samuẹl; iran ghaa khian, iran ghi se ukpọn ọkpa ne ẹi mwẹ obọ giẹ.

Jehovah gave Hannah three more sons and two daughters.
E Jehova keghi ya emọ ikpia eha ọvbehe kevbe emọ ikhuo eva we Hanna.

“Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find.”—Matthew 7:7
“Nọọn, ọ gha suọ obọ, gualọ, u gha miẹn.”—Matiu 7:7


Why was Hannah distressed?
De emwi nọ ghaa kpokpo e Hanna vbe orhiọn?

How did Jehovah bless Hannah?
De vbene Jehova ya fiangbe Hanna hẹ?

Lesson 043

The Israelites again abandoned Jehovah and began to worship false gods.
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi werriegbe suẹn gha ga ẹbọ.

When the Ammonites attacked and fought the Israelites, those false gods did nothing to help them.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Ivbi Amọn ghi ya mu okuo gie Ivbi Izrẹl, ẹbọ ne Ivbi Izrẹl ga ma sẹtin miẹn iran fan.

For many years, the Israelites suffered.
Ọwara ukpo nibun ẹre Ivbi Izrẹl ya rrioya.

Finally they said to Jehovah:
Vbe okiekie, iran na ghi rinmwia e Jehova, iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘We have sinned.
‘Ma wa ru orukhọ daa ruẹ nẹ.

Please save us from our enemies.’
Lahọ miẹn ima fan vbe obọ eghian ima.’

The Israelites destroyed their idols and began to worship Jehovah again.
Ivbi Izrẹl keghi guọghọ avbe ẹbọ ọghe iran hia, iran na ghi werriegbe suẹn gha ga e Jehova.

Jehovah did not want to see them continue to suffer.
E Jehova ma ghi hoo ne Ivbi Izrẹl gha rrioya.

A warrior named Jephthah was chosen to lead the people in battle against the Ammonites.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ovbi iyokuo ọkpa na tie ẹre Jẹfta, ne Ivbi Izrẹl zẹ nọ gha re ọkaolotu ọghe ivbi iyokuo nọ khian gu Ivbi Amọn khọn.

He said to Jehovah:
E Jẹfta keghi tama e Jehova wẹẹ:

‘If you help us win this battle, I promise that when I return home, I will give you the first person who comes out of my house to meet me.’
‘Adeghẹ u na mudia ne ima, ne ima ya khọn miotọ, ọmwa nọ ka ladian vbe owa mwẹ do gbe ọbokhian mẹ, I gha yae fiohan nuẹ.’

Jehovah listened to Jephthah’s prayer and helped him win the battle.
E Jehova keghi họn erhunmwu ọghe Jẹfta, ọ na ru iyobọ nẹ nọ ya khọn miotọ.

When Jephthah returned home, the first person to come out to meet him was his daughter, his only child.
Vbe Jẹfta ghi sẹ owa, ovbi ẹre nokhuo, nọ re ukpọmọkpa nọ mwẹ, ẹre ọ ka ladian do gbe ọbokhian nẹ.

She was dancing and playing the tambourine.
Ọ na gha gbe, ọ na gha kpee ukusẹ.

What would Jephthah do?
De emwi ne Jẹfta khian ghi ru?

He remembered his promise and said:
Ọ keghi yerre wẹẹ irẹn ru eyan ma e Jehova, ẹre ọ na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Oh no, my daughter!
‘Eo, ovbimwẹ!

You have broken my heart.
U gbe mwẹ rua.

I made a promise to Jehovah.
I ru eyan ma e Jehova nẹ.

To keep it, I must send you to serve at the tabernacle in Shiloh.’
Adeghẹ I gha mu eyan na sẹ, ọni nọ wẹẹ te u khian gha rrie ibọkpọ nọ rre Siailo ne u ya gha ga Osanobua vba.’

But his daughter said to him:
Ovbi ẹre keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Father, if you made a promise to Jehovah, you must keep it.
‘Adeghẹ u ru eyan ma e Jehova, te ọ khẹke ne u muẹn sẹ.

All I ask is that I can spend two months in the mountains with my female friends.
Lahọ rhie ẹghẹ kherhe mẹ, ne I viọ avbe ọse mwẹ nikhuo lele egbe gha rrie uhunmwu oke, ne ima ya gbe uki eva vba.

Then I will go.’
Iyeke ọni, I ghi do gha khian.’

Jephthah’s daughter served faithfully at the tabernacle for the rest of her life.
Ẹdẹ agbọn rẹn hia ẹre ovbi e Jẹfta nokhuo ya ga e Jehova vbe ibọkpọ ọghe ugamwẹ.

Every year, her friends went to Shiloh to visit her.
Ukpo ukpo ẹre avbe ọsiọre ya gha mu otuẹ giẹ.

“Whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me.”—Matthew 10:37
“Ọmwa ne ọ vbe hoẹmwẹ ovbiẹre nokpia ra nokhuo sẹ mwẹ, ọ ma ke vbe ọghomwẹ.”—Matiu 10:37


What promise did Jephthah make?
De eyan ne Jẹfta ru?

How did Jephthah’s daughter react to her father’s promise?
De emwi ne ovbi e Jẹfta nokhuo ru vbe ọ ghi rẹn vbekpae eyan ne erhae ru?

Lesson 044

High Priest Eli had two sons who served as priests at the tabernacle.
Elai ghaa mwẹ emọ ikpia eva ni vbe gha ga zẹvbe ohẹn vbe ibọkpọ ọghe ugamwẹ.

Their names were Hophni and Phinehas.
Eni iran ọre Hofnai kevbe Finihaz.

They did not obey Jehovah’s laws, and they treated the people very badly.
Iran ma gha lele uhi ọghe Jehova, iran na vbe gha ya obọ dan mu emwa.

When the Israelites brought sacrifices for Jehovah, Hophni and Phinehas would take the best meat for themselves.
Ivbi Izrẹl gha do ya aranmwẹ ru izọese gie Jehova, e Hofnai kevbe Finihaz ghi rri abọ nọ maan sẹ vbọ.

Eli heard about what his sons were doing, but he did nothing about it.
Vbe Elai ghi họn vbekpae orukhọ ne ivbi ẹre ru, ọ ma gbe iran hin ọkhọ rre.

Would Jehovah let this keep happening?
E Jehova gha kue ne ọna wa gha sunu khian ra?

Although Samuel was much younger than Hophni and Phinehas, he did not imitate them.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, ọvbokhan kherhe ẹre Samuẹl ghaa khin vbe ehe ne Hofnai vbe Finihaz ye, ọ ma yegbe taa iran.

Jehovah was pleased with Samuel.
E Jehova keghi hoẹmwẹ e Samuẹl.

One night while he was sleeping, Samuel heard a voice call his name.
E Samuẹl ghi vbiẹ vbe asọn ọkpa, ọ keghi họn vbe ọmwa tie eni ẹnrẹn.

He got up, ran to Eli, and said:
Ẹre ọ na kpaegbe rhulẹ bu Elai ya tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Here I am!’
‘Ghee mwẹ mwa!’

But Eli said:
Sokpan Elai keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I did not call you.
‘I ma tie ruẹ.

Go back to sleep.’
Ya lovbiẹ.’

Samuel went back to bed.
E Samuẹl na ya lovbiẹ.

Then it happened again.
E Samuẹl na werriegbe họn urhu nii igbava.

When Samuel heard the voice a third time, Eli realized that it was Jehovah who was calling Samuel.
Vbe Samuẹl ghi bu Elai vbe nogieha, Elai na ghi rẹn wẹẹ e Jehova ẹre ọ tie ẹre na.

He told Samuel that if he heard the voice again, he should say:
Ẹre Elai na ghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ, deghẹ ọ na ghi werriegbe họn urhu nii, ne ọ wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘Speak, Jehovah.
‘Ghee mwẹ mwa e Jehova.

Your servant is listening.’
Mẹ ne ọguọmwadia ruẹ danmwehọ ruẹ.’

Samuel went back to bed.
E Samuẹl na werriegbe ya lovbiẹ.

Then he heard:
Ẹre ọ na werriegbe họn vbe ọmwa tie ẹre wẹẹ:

‘Samuel! Samuel!’
‘Samuẹl! Samuẹl!’

He answered:
Ẹre Samuẹl na ghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘Speak, for your servant is listening.’
‘Ghee mwẹ mwa. Mẹ ne ọguọmwadia ruẹ danmwehọ ruẹ.’

Jehovah told him:
E Jehova na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Tell Eli that I am going to punish him and his family.
‘Tama Elai wẹẹ te I khian rri irẹn vbe ẹgbẹe ọre oya.

He knows that his sons are doing bad things in my tabernacle, but he does nothing about it.’
Ọ rẹnrẹn wẹẹ emwi ne ivbi irẹn ru vbe ibọkpọ mwẹ i maan, sokpan ọ ma sẹtin dia iran.’

The next morning Samuel opened the doors to the tabernacle, as he always did.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Samuẹl na ya kie urho ọghe ibọkpọ zẹvbe ne ọ ka ruẹ.

He was afraid to tell the high priest what Jehovah had said.
Ohan ma gi ẹre tama Elai uhunmwu ne Jehova gie ẹre.

But Eli called for him and asked:
Sokpan Elai keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘My son, what did Jehovah say to you? Tell me everything.’
‘Ovbimwẹ, tama mwẹ emwi hia ne Jehova tama ruẹ.’

So Samuel told Eli everything.
Ẹre Samuẹl na ghi ta emwi hia ma Elai.

As Samuel grew up, Jehovah continued to be with him.
Vbene Samuẹl ya gha waan, erriọ e Jehova ya gha ru iyobọ nẹ.

From one end of the land to the other, all the Israelites knew that Jehovah had chosen Samuel to be a prophet and a judge.
Emwa hia ni ghaa rrọọ vbe ẹghẹ nii keghi rẹn wẹẹ, e Samuẹl ẹre Jehova zẹ nọ gha re akhasẹ kevbe ọbuohiẹn.

“Remember, then, your Grand Creator in the days of your youth.”—Ecclesiastes 12:1
“Yee Ayi ne ọ yii ruẹ rre vbe ne u he na re ọvbokhan na.”—Asan-Ibo 12:1


How was Samuel different from Hophni and Phinehas?
De vbene Samuẹl ya lughaẹn ne Hofnai kevbe Finihaz hẹ?

What message did Jehovah give to Samuel?
De uhunmwu ne Jehova gie Samuẹl re?

Lesson 045

Many of the Israelites had again gone back to worshipping idols, so Jehovah allowed the Philistines to control their land.
Ivbi Izrẹl nibun na werriegbe suẹn gha ga ẹbọ, ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Jehova na zinegbe ne Ivbi e Filistin rhie obọ yan iran uhunmwu.

But there were some Israelites who loved Jehovah.
Sokpan Ivbi Izrẹl eso ye gha rrọọ ni hoẹmwẹ e Jehova.

One such man was Manoah.
Ọkpa vbe iran na ọre Manoa.

He and his wife had no children.
Irẹn vbe ọvbokhan rẹn i mwẹ ọmọ.

One day Jehovah sent an angel to Manoah’s wife.
Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Jehova keghi gie odibo ọghẹe bu ọvbokhan e Manoa.

The angel told her:
Odibosa nii keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You will have a son.
‘U gha biẹ ọmọ okpia.

He will rescue Israel from the Philistines.
Irẹn ẹre ọ khian miẹn Ivbi Izrẹl fan vbe obọ Ivbi e Filistin.

He will be a Nazirite.’
E Nazarait khian gha nọ.’

Do you know who the Nazirites were?
U rẹn emwa ni ghaa re Nazarait ra?

They were special servants of Jehovah.
Iran kegha re eguọmwadia e Jehova ne kpataki.

Nazirites were not allowed to cut their hair.
Avbe Nazarait i gbe eto ọghe iran.

In time, Manoah’s son was born, and he named him Samson.
Vbe ẹghẹ ghi sẹ, ọvbokhan e Manoa keghi biẹ ọmọ okpia, a na gha tie ẹre Samsin.

When Samson grew up, Jehovah made him very strong.
Vbe Samsin ghi waan nẹ, e Jehova keghi yae wegbe.

He could kill a lion with his bare hands.
Ọ wegbe sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na ya obọ re eveva gbe oduma rua.

On one occasion, Samson killed 30 Philistines all by himself.
Ọ vbe gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne Samsin ya gbe Ivbi e Filistin 30 rua.

The Philistines hated him and kept looking for ways to kill him.
Ivbi e Filistin na gha mu ohu ẹre, iran na gha gualọ vbene iran khian ya gbe ẹre rua.

One night while Samson was sleeping in Gaza, they went to the gate of the city and waited there so that they could kill him in the morning.
Vbe Ivbi e Filistin ghi họn wẹẹ e Samsin vbiẹ vbe Gaza vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, iran na ya gba khẹ ọre vbe onurho orere ẹvbo, ne iran mieke na gbe ẹre rua vbe ẹdẹ gha gbe.

But in the middle of the night, Samson got up, went to the city gate, and ripped it out of the wall. He carried the gate on his shoulders all the way to the top of a mountain near Hebron!
Sokpan vbe ogiasọn, e Samsin keghi vu urho nii mu ye izabọ gha rrie uhunmwu oke, vbe ọkpẹn Hibrọn!

Later, the Philistines went to Samson’s girlfriend, Delilah, and said:
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, Ivbi e Filistin keghi bu egbakhian ọghe Samsin na tie ẹre Delila, iran na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘We will pay you thousands of silver pieces if you find out why Samson is so strong.
‘Ma gha hae ruẹ igho nọkhua deghẹ u na gu ima gualọ otọ emwi nọ ya e Samsin wegbe.

We want to catch him and put him in prison.’
Ma hoo ne ima muẹn ye eghan.’

Delilah wanted the money, so she agreed.
Igho nii keghi viẹn ye Delila aro, ọ na ghi kue ye emwi ne iran khare.

At first, Samson refused to tell her why he was so strong.
Vbe okaro, e Samsin ma tama rẹn emwi nọ ya irẹn wegbe.

But she nagged him until he gave in and revealed his secret.
Sokpan ọ ma gi egbe rọkhọ e Samsin ba ẹmwẹ na; vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Samsin na do vẹ oro nii ma rẹn.

‘My hair has never been cut because I am a Nazirite,’ he told her.
Ọ keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Rhunmwuda ne I na re Nazarait, a ma he gbe mwẹ eto ke na ya biẹ mwẹ.

‘If my hair is cut, I will lose my strength.’
Adeghẹ a na wa gbe mwẹ eto nia, ẹtin mwẹ ghi wa fo.’

Samson made a big mistake by telling her that, didn’t he?
U miẹn abakuru nọkhua ne Samsin ru!

Delilah immediately told the Philistines:
E Delila keghi ya tama Ivbi e Filistin vbobọvbobọ wẹẹ:

‘I know his secret!’
‘I miẹn otọre nẹ!’

She made Samson fall asleep on her lap, and then she had someone cut off his hair.
E Delila keghi bọ e Samsin ye ovbe, ẹre ọ na ghi wẹẹ ne ọmwa gia re eto.

Delilah shouted:
E Delila keghi datu wẹẹ:

‘Samson, the Philistines are here!’
‘Samsin, ghee vbe Ivbi e Filistin rre!’

Samson woke up, and his strength was gone.
Vbe Samsin ghi kpaegbe, ẹtin na wa fo ẹre.

The Philistines grabbed him, blinded him, and put him in prison.
Ivbi e Filistin keghi rhu ẹre aro eveva, iran na ya muẹn ye eghan.

One day thousands of Philistines gathered in the temple of their god Dagon, shouting:
Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, Ivbi e Filistin nibun keghi si egbe koko vbe ogiukpo ọghe ẹbọ ne iran gho na tie ẹre Dagọn, iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘Our god has given us Samson!
‘osa ọghe ima mu e Samsin ye ima obọ nẹ!

Bring Samson out! Let’s have some fun with him.’
Rhie Samsin ladian, ne u gi ima yae gbogiẹ kherhe!’

They made him stand between two pillars, and they mocked him.
Iran keghi muẹn mudia ye ẹkpo orrẹ eva, iran na gha yae gbogiẹ.

Samson called out:
E Samsin keghi da tie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘O Jehovah, please give me strength one more time.’
‘Eo Jehova, rhie ẹtin mẹ vbe uhukpa na.’

By now, Samson’s hair had grown long again.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, eto ọghe Samsin werriegbe zọọ nẹ.

He pushed the pillars of the temple with all his might.
E Samsin keghi loo ẹtin ẹnrẹn hia ya rhua orrẹ ọghe ogiukpo nii gbotọ.

The whole building came crashing down, killing all the people in the temple, and Samson also died.
Owa nii hia keghi dele gbotọ, emwa hia ni ghaa rrọọ keghi wulo ya sẹ egbe Samsin.

“For all things I have the strength through the one who gives me power.”—Philippians 4:13
“I mwẹ ẹtin ne I ya ye egbe miẹn emwi hia vbe ekpa ẹtin ne [Osanobua] rhie mẹ.”—Filipai 4:13


Why was Samson so strong?
Vbọsiẹ ne Samsin na gha re ọmwa nọ wegbe?

What happened to Samson when he told Delilah why he was so strong?
Vbọ sunu dae Samsin vbe ọ ghi tama e Delila emwi nọ ya irẹn wegbe?

Lesson 046

This section covers the life histories of King Saul and King David, spanning about 80 years.
Abọ na keghi guan kaẹn emwi nọ sunu vbe arrọọ ọghe Ọba e Sọl kevbe Ọba e Devid vbe ọwara ukpo 80.

At first, Saul was humble and God-fearing, but he soon changed and refused to follow Jehovah’s direction.
Vbe okaro, ọmwa imuegberriotọ kevbe nọ mwẹ imuohan Osanobua ẹre Sọl ghaa khin, sokpan vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, ọ keghi suẹn gha he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ.

Jehovah rejected him and, in time, instructed Samuel to anoint David as the next king of Israel.
E Jehova keghi he ẹre, ọ na ghi gie Samuẹl nọ ya hannọ e Devid zẹ nọ gha re ọba ọghe Izrẹl.

Jealous Saul tried many times to kill David, but David never took revenge.
Rhunmwuda ne Sọl na gha gbọvo e Devid ye ẹmwẹ na, ọ na gha gualọ odẹ ke odẹ nọ khian ya gbe Devid rua, sokpan e Devid ma rria ikhi ne egbe ẹre.

Saul’s son Jonathan knew that David was Jehovah’s choice, so he was loyal to David.
Ovbi e Sọl nokpia na tie ẹre Jonatan keghi rẹn wẹẹ e Devid ẹre Jehova hannọ zẹ, ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne ọ na gha mwẹ ẹkoata dae Devid.

David committed some serious sins, but he never rejected Jehovah’s discipline.
E Devid keghi ru orukhọ nọ wegbe, sokpan ọ keghi miẹn adia ne Jehova rhie nẹ yi.

If you are a parent, help your child to see the importance of always supporting God’s arrangements.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ya rẹn, vbene ọ ru ekpataki hẹ na gha ku obọ gbe ba emwamwa ọghe Osanobua vbe ẹghẹ hia.

Our loving obedience is the most important thing that we can give to Jehovah
Emwi ne ima gha sẹtin ru ne Jehova ọre na gha họn ẹmwẹ nẹ

Do not take revenge, but wait on Jehovah to correct injustices
Ghẹ rria ikhi ne egbuẹ, sokpan zin egbe khẹ e Jehova nọ do tobọre dia emwi hia

If we commit a serious sin, we should not try to hide it
Adeghẹ ima na ru orukhọ nọ wegbe, ọ ma khẹke ne ima muẹn lẹre

Lesson 047

Jehovah had given the Israelites judges to lead them, but they wanted a king.
Ọbuohiẹn ẹre Jehova rhie ne Ivbi Izrẹl nọ gha su iran, sokpan iran na wẹẹ, iran gualọ ọba nọ gha su iran.

They said to Samuel:
Iran keghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ:

‘All the nations around us have kings.
‘Agbẹnvbo hia ni lẹga ima mwẹ avbe ọba ni kha yan iran.

We want one too.’
Ma vbe hoo ne ima gha mwẹ ọba.’

Samuel felt that this was wrong, so he prayed to Jehovah about it.
E Samuẹl keghi mu ẹmwẹ na ma e Jehova vbe erhunmwu rhunmwuda, irẹn ghee ẹre zẹvbe iziro nọ ma gba.

Jehovah said to him:
E Jehova keghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ:

‘The people are not rejecting you.
‘Ẹi re uwẹ Ivbi Izrẹl he.

They are rejecting me.
Mẹ tobọ imẹ ẹre iran he.

Tell them that they can have a king but that the king will demand many things from them.’
Tama iran wẹẹ, I gha rhie ọba ne iran, sokpan ọ gha ya agbọn lọghọ iran.’

Even so, the people said:
Vbe ọ ghi tama iran vberriọ, iran na ye kha wẹẹ:

‘We don’t care.
‘Ọ gha khọnrẹn.

We want a king!’
Ma hoo ne ima gha mwẹ ọba!’

Jehovah told Samuel that a man named Saul would be the first king.
E Jehova keghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ, e Sọl ẹre ọ khian gha re ọba nokaro ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl.

When Saul went to visit Samuel in Ramah, Samuel anointed Saul as king by pouring oil over his head.
Vbe Sọl ghi ya tuẹ e Samuẹl vbe Rama, ọ keghi hannọ e Sọl zẹ lekpae ne ọ na tue ori ye ọre uhunmwu.

Later Samuel called the Israelites together to show them their new king.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, e Samuẹl keghi si Ivbi Izrẹl hia koko nọ mieke na ma iran ọba ọghe iran.

But they could not find Saul anywhere.
Sokpan iran ma miẹn e Sọl.

Do you know why?
U rẹn emwi nọ si ẹre ra?

Because he was hiding among the luggage.
E Sọl na ya lẹre ye ehe na viọ ihẹ yi.

When they finally found Saul, they brought him out and stood him in the middle of the people.
Vbe iran ghi sẹtin miẹn e Sọl, iran na rhiẹre gha die adesẹneva ọghe ikọbikẹvbo.

Saul was taller than everyone else, and he was very handsome.
E Sọl ẹre ọ ghi taan sẹ vbe ẹvbo nii hia, kevbe wẹẹ ọ wa vbe mose ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.

Samuel said:
E Samuẹl keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘See the one whom Jehovah has chosen.’
‘Ọna ẹre Jehova zẹ ne ọ gha re ọba ọghe uwa.’

The people shouted:
Ivbi Izrẹl hia na kha wẹẹ:

‘Long live the king!’
‘Ọba gha tọ, ọ kpẹẹ re!’

At first King Saul listened to Samuel and obeyed Jehovah.
Vbe Sọl da khian ọba, ọ na wa gha họn ẹmwẹ ne Samuẹl kevbe Jehova.

But then he changed.
Sokpan vbe ẹghẹ ghi zẹ khian, ọ na do fiwerriẹ.

For example, the king was not supposed to offer sacrifices.
Vbe igiemwi, a ma kpasẹ yọ ne ọba gha zọ ese.

On one occasion, Samuel told Saul to wait for him to come, but Samuel did not come immediately.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Samuẹl ya tama e Sọl ne ọ mudia khẹ irẹn, ne irẹn do zọ ese, e Samuẹl ma rherhe rre.

So Saul decided to offer the sacrifices himself.
Rhunmwuda ọni, e Sọl na wa tobọre zọ nene ese.

How did Samuel react?
De emwi ne Samuẹl ghi ru?

He told him:
Ọ keghi tama e Sọl wẹẹ:

‘You should not have disobeyed Jehovah.’
‘U ghẹ te he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ.’

Would Saul learn from his mistake?
Ọna gha rhie ẹwaẹn ne Sọl ra?

Later, when Saul went to fight the Amalekites, Samuel told Saul not to keep any of them alive.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, e Samuẹl keghi tama e Sọl wẹẹ, nọ gbele emwa hia rua vbe ọ gha ya khọn Ivbi Amalẹk.

But Saul decided not to kill King Agag.
Sokpan e Sọl na sẹ Ọba Agag rae.

Jehovah told Samuel:
E Jehova keghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ:

‘Saul has left me, and he does not listen to me.’
‘E Sọl yangbe mwẹ nẹ, ẹi ghi họn ẹmwẹ mẹ.’

Samuel was very sad, and he told Saul:
Ọna keghi balọ e Samuẹl vbe ekhọe, ọ na ghi tama e Sọl wẹẹ:

‘Because you have stopped obeying Jehovah, he will choose another king.’
‘Rhunmwuda wẹẹ u i ghi họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova, ọ gha zẹ ọba ọvbehe.’

As Samuel turned to leave, Saul grabbed him and the hem of Samuel’s coat ripped.
Vbe Samuẹl khian ghi kpa, e Sọl na da re ukpọn yi, ẹre ehọ ukpọn rẹn na sọọ.

Then Samuel told Saul:
E Samuẹl keghi tama e Sọl wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah has ripped the kingdom away from you.’
‘E Jehova miẹn ruẹ arriọba ọghuẹ nẹ.’

Jehovah was going to give the kingdom to someone who would love and obey him.
Ọmwa nọ gha hoẹmwẹ e Jehova kevbe nọ gha họn ẹmwẹ nẹ, ẹre Jehova khian ghi mu arriọba nii na.

“To obey is better than a sacrifice.”—1 Samuel 15:22
“A họn ẹmwẹ nẹẹn, ọre ọ maan sẹẹ ne a gha gbe ohuan ne ọ maan sẹẹ nẹẹn.”—1 Samuẹl 15:22


What did the Israelites ask for?
De emwi ne Ivbi Izrẹl wẹẹ iran gualọ?

Why did Jehovah reject Saul as king?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na he Sọl zẹvbe ọba?

Lesson 048

Jehovah told Samuel:
E Jehova keghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ:

‘Go to the house of Jesse.
‘Gha rrie owa e Jese.

One of his sons will be the next king of Israel.’
Ọkpa vbe ivbi ẹre nikpia ẹre ọ khian ghi rriọba yan otọ Izrẹl.’

So Samuel went to Jesse’s house.
Samuẹl na gele gha khian.

When he saw the oldest son, he thought:
Ọ ghi miẹn ovbi e Jese ne ọdiọn, e Samuẹl na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ:

‘This young man must be the one.’
‘Ọna ẹre Jehova khian wa zẹ.’

But Jehovah told Samuel that this was not the one.
Sokpan e Jehova keghi gi e Samuẹl rẹn wẹẹ, ẹi re ọni irẹn zẹ.

Jehovah said:
E Jehova na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I see what is in a person’s heart, not just what he looks like on the outside.’
‘Ẹi re ose ẹre imẹ ghee, sokpan emwi nọ rre ọmwa ekhọe ẹre I ghee.’

Jesse brought six more of his sons to Samuel.
Ẹghẹ nii, e Jese keghi tie ivbi ẹre nikpia ehan ladian, ne iran do miẹn e Samuẹl.

But Samuel said:
Sokpan e Samuẹl na tama e Jese wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah has not chosen any of them.
‘E Jehova ma zẹ iran rhọkpa.

Do you have other sons?’
Erriọ iran wa sẹ ra?’

Jesse said:
E Jese keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘I have one more, my youngest boy, David.
‘Nọ kherhe sẹ vbọ ẹre ọ ghi kẹ.

He’s out taking care of my sheep.’
Eni ẹnrẹn ọre Devid sokpan ọ su ohuan mwẹ gha rrie eke ne iran khian na rri evbare.’

When David came in, Jehovah told Samuel:
Vbe Devid ghi sẹ owa, e Jehova keghi tama e Samuẹl wẹẹ:

‘He is the one!’
‘Ọna wa nọ zẹẹ!’

Samuel poured oil on David’s head, anointing him as the future king of Israel.
Samuẹl na ghi nọnọ ori ye ọre uhunmwu, nọ rhiema wẹẹ irẹn ẹre Jehova zẹ nọ khian ghi rriọba yan otọ Izrẹl.

Some time later, the Israelites were at war with the Philistines, who had a giant warrior named Goliath fighting for them.
Vbọ ghi kpẹẹ fua, okuo keghi de ne Ivbi Izrẹl kevbe Ivbi e Filistin. Arhuan ọkpa na tiẹre Golaiat ẹre ọ ghaa re ọkaokuo ọghe Ivbi e Filistin.

Day after day, Goliath mocked the Israelites.
E Golaiat kegha ya Ivbi Izrẹl gbogiẹ vbe ẹdẹgbegbe.

He shouted:
Ọ na gha tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Send me a man who will fight me.
‘Uwa zẹ okpia ọkpa ladian, ne ọ do gu mwẹ gbinna.

If he wins, we will be your slaves.
Obọ re gha ke ukhunmwu mẹ, ma ghi khian eviẹn ọghe uwa.

But if I win, you will be our slaves.’
Sokpan obọ mwẹ gha ke ukhunmwu nẹ, uwa ghi gha re eviẹn ọghe ima.’

David came to the Israelite army camp with food for his brothers who were soldiers.
E Devid keghi viọ evbare gie etiọnrẹn ne ivbiyokuo vbe agọ ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl.

He heard Goliath and said:
Ọ ghi họn ẹmwẹ ne Golaiat tae, ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘I will fight him!’
‘I gha gu ẹre gbinna!’

King Saul said:
Ọba e Sọl na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘But you are just a boy.’
‘Uwẹ ne ọvbokhan kherhe, uwẹ gha sẹtin?’

David replied:
E Devid keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah will help me.’
‘E Jehova gha ru iyobọ mẹ.’

Saul tried to let David use his armor, but David said:
E Sọl keghi yọ e Devid ẹwu igbinna ọghẹe sokpan e Devid keghi khama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I can’t fight in this armor.’
‘I i khian sẹtin ya ọna gbinna.’

David took his sling and went to a stream.
E Devid na rhie umọvọn ọghẹe gha rrie ọkpẹn ẹzẹ.

He chose five smooth stones and put them in a pouch.
Ọ ghi sẹ evba, ọ na hannọ ikpokuta isẹn viọ ye ẹkpo.

Then David ran toward Goliath.
E Devid keghi rhulẹ bu e Golaiat.

The giant shouted:
E Golaiat ghi bẹghe Devid, ọ na wa ya urhu nọ la tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Come here, little boy.
‘Bu mwẹ gha dee, uwẹ ne ovbi amimi.

I will feed you to the birds of the sky and to the wild animals.’
I gha mu ikun ruẹ ne avbe ahianmwẹ ni rre iso kevbe avbe aranmwẹ oha ne iran rri ọre.’

David wasn’t afraid.
Sokpan ohan ma mu e Devid.

He shouted back:
Ọ na tama e Golaiat wẹẹ:

‘You come with a sword and a spear, but I come in the name of Jehovah.
‘Umozo kevbe asoro ẹre uwẹ ya bu imẹ dee, sokpan eni e Jehova ẹre imẹ ya bu ruẹ dee.

You are not fighting against us; you are fighting against God.
Ẹi re ima uwẹ khian gu gbinna, sokpan Osanobua ẹre u khian gu gbinna.

Everyone here will see that Jehovah is more powerful than a sword or a spear.
Emwa hia fẹrẹ ni rre emwa, gha bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, e Jehova sẹ umozo kevbe asoro.

He will give all of you into our hand.’
Te obọ ima gha ke ukhunmwu ne uwa.’

David slipped a stone into his sling and swung it as hard as he could.
Ẹre Devid na ghi rhie ikpokuta ọkpa ye umọvọn ọghẹe, ọ na ya ẹtin hia fi ẹre.

With Jehovah’s help, the stone shot out and sank into Goliath’s forehead.
E Jehova keghi ruẹ ne ikpokuta nii vba e Golaiat vbe uharo.

The giant fell dead to the ground.
E Golaiat keghi de gbe otọ, ọ na wu.

Then the Philistines ran for their lives.
Ivbi e Filistin ghi miẹn emwi nọ sunu, iran keghi lẹẹ fua.

Do you trust in Jehovah, as David did?
Uwẹ mu ẹtin yan e Jehova vbene Devid ghaa ye ra?

“With men it is impossible but not so with God, for all things are possible with God.”—Mark 10:27
“Emwi ne ẹi gie a ru nọ, ne emwa ne agbọn ighẹ ẹi re Osanobua, ai miẹn emwi ne ẹi gie Osanobua ru.”—Mak 10:27


Who did Jehovah choose as the next king of Israel?
De ọmwa ne Jehova zẹ, nọ khian ghi rriọba yan otọ Izrẹl?

How did David defeat Goliath?
De vbene Devid ya gbe Golaiat rua hẹ?

Lesson 049

After David killed Goliath, King Saul put him in charge of his army.
Vbe Devid ghi gbe Golaiat rua nẹ, Ọba e Sọl keghi ya e Devid khian ọkaolotu ọghe ivbiyokuo ọghẹe.

David won many battles, and he became very popular.
Ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne Devid ya yo okuo, obọ re kegha ke ukhunmwu.

Whenever David came home from war, the women would come out dancing and singing:
Rhunmwuda ọni, okhekhe ẹre keghi gba ehe ehia. E Devid gha ghi ke okuo rre, ikhuo ni rre ẹvbo nii ghi gha gbe, iran ghi vbe gha sihuan wẹẹ:

‘Saul has struck down thousands, and David has struck down tens of thousands!’
‘E Sọl gbele emwa arriaisẹn sokpan e Devid gbele arriaisẹn vbe ihe igbe igbe!’

Saul became jealous of David and wanted to kill him.
E Sọl keghi suẹn gha gbọvo e Devid. Ọ na gha hoo nọ gbe Devid rua.

David could play the harp very well.
E Devid wa guẹ akpata na kpee.

One day while David was playing the harp for Saul, the king hurled his spear at him.
Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Devid ghi kpee akpata, e Sọl keghi fi asoro nọ rre ọre obọ gie Devid ne ọ gbe ẹre rua.

David dodged it just in time, and the spear shot into the wall.
Sokpan e Devid keghi gbaẹngbe nẹ, ẹre nene asoro na ya so egbe ekẹn.

After that, Saul tried many more times to kill David.
Ẹi re avbiẹ inugba Sọl te hia nọ gbe Devid rua sokpan ọ ma gba re.

Eventually, David ran away and hid in the desert.
Ẹre Devid na ghi lẹẹ gha rrie uwu ato.

Saul took an army of 3,000 men and went hunting for David.
E Sọl na viọ ivbiyokuo 3,000 lele egbe gha gualọ e Devid khian.

He happened to enter the very cave where David and his men were hiding.
E Sọl keghi domian la uwu uvun okuta ne Devid vbe ivbiyokuo ẹre lẹre yi.

David’s men whispered:
Ivbiyokuo e Devid keghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘This is your chance to kill Saul.’
‘Wa loo ẹkpotọ na ya gbe Sọl rua.’

David crept toward Saul and cut off a piece of the king’s coat.
E Devid na fẹko do ya fian vbe ehọ ukpọn ne Ọba e Sọl yọ.

Saul did not notice.
E Sọl ma rẹn ẹghẹ ne Devid ya ru ẹre.

Afterward, David felt very bad that he had not shown respect for Jehovah’s anointed king.
Vbe iyeke ọni, ekhọe e Devid na gha bu abe gbe ẹre, rhunmwuda wẹẹ ọ ma rhie ọghọ ne ọba ne Jehova hannọ zẹ.

He did not allow his men to attack Saul.
E Devid ma kue ne ivbiyokuo ẹre gbe Sọl rua.

He even called out to Saul, saying that he could have killed Saul when he had the chance.
E Devid keghi tama e Sọl wẹẹ irẹn gha te sẹtin gbe ẹre rua sokpan irẹn ma ru vberriọ.

Would Saul change his mind about David?
E Sọl gha rhunmwuda ọna, sẹ e Devid rae ra?

Ẹn o.

Saul kept hunting for David.
 E Sọl na ye gha khu e Devid khian.

One night David and his nephew Abishai sneaked into Saul’s camp.
Vbe asọn ọkpa, e Devid vbe Abisiai ne ovbi ọtiọnrẹn keghi do la agọ ọghe Sọl.

Even Abner, Saul’s bodyguard, was sleeping.
E Sọl vbe emwa rẹn na gha vbiẹ uhiẹn ya sẹ egbe Abna ne ọkaokuo ọghe Sọl.

Abishai said:
Abisiai keghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘This is our chance!
‘Ẹkpotọ nọkhua ẹre ọ wa kie ne ima na!

Let me kill him.’
Gu mwẹ wa gbe ẹre rua.’

David replied:
Sokpan e Devid keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah will deal with Saul.
‘E Jehova ẹre ọ khian bu ohiẹn e Sọl.

Let’s just take his spear and his water jug and go.’
Gi ima wa rhie asoro kevbe ọgọ amẹ ọghẹe kpa.’

David climbed a nearby mountain that overlooked Saul’s camp.
E Devid keghi hin oke nọ rre ọkpẹn eke ne Sọl bu agọ yi.

He shouted:
E Devid keghi ke evba datu wẹẹ:

‘Abner, why didn’t you protect your king?
‘Abna, vbọsiẹ ne u ma na gbogba ga ọba?

Where are Saul’s jug and spear?’
Ọgọ amẹ kevbe asoro ọghẹe vbo?’

Saul recognized David’s voice and said:
E Sọl ghi họn urhu na, ọ na rẹn wẹẹ e Devid nọ. Ọ keghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘You could have killed me, but you did not.
‘Ẹkpotọ te kie nuẹ ne u ya gbe mwẹ rua, sokpan u ma ru vberriọ.

I know that you will be the next king of Israel.’
I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, uwẹ ẹre ọ khian rriọba lele mwẹ vbe otọ Izrẹl.’

Saul went back to his palace.
E Sọl na ghi werriegbe gha rrie ẹguaẹ ọghẹe.

But not all in Saul’s family hated David.
Sokpan ẹi wa re emwa hia vbe ẹgbẹe ọghe Sọl ẹre ọ ghaa khẹko e Devid.

“If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men.
“Zẹ vbene ọ kan ruẹn, hia vbe odẹkodẹ ne uwa vbe emwa hia gba gha ma ẹko egbe.

Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath.”—Romans 12:18, 19
Ọse mwẹ, ghẹ rria ikhi, sokpan, gie izohu Osanobua ruẹe.”—Rom 12:18, 19


Why did Saul want to kill David?
Vbọsiẹ ne Sọl na gha hoo ne ọ gbe Devid rua?

Why did David refuse to kill Saul?
Vbọsiẹ ne Devid ma na gbe Sọl rua?

Lesson 050

King Saul’s oldest son, Jonathan, was a brave warrior.
E Jonatan ẹre ọ ghaa re ovbi Ọba e Sọl ne ọdiọn. Ovbiyokuo nọ mwẹ udinmwẹ ẹre Jonatan ghaa khin.

David said that Jonathan was faster than an eagle and stronger than a lion.
E Devid keghi kha wẹẹ, okhian kẹ e Jonatan sẹ oghohọn kevbe wẹẹ ọ wegbe sẹ oduma.

One day Jonathan saw 20 Philistine soldiers on a hill.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Jonatan keghi miẹn ivbiyokuo e Filistin eso vbe uhunmwu oke ọkpa.

He said to his armor-bearer:
E Jonatan keghi tama ọguọmwadia ọghẹe nọ viọ emwi igbinna lelẹe wẹẹ:

‘We will attack them only if Jehovah gives us a sign.
‘E Jehova gha rhie ama ne ima, ẹre ima khian na gu Ivbi e Filistin na gbinna.

If the Philistines tell us to come up, then we know to attack.’
Iran gha wẹẹ ne ima bu iran gha dee, ma ghi gu iran gbinna.’

The Philistines shouted:
Ẹre Ivbi e Filistin na ghi khama iran wẹẹ:

‘Come up and fight!’
‘Wa larre ne uwa do gu ima gbinna!’

So the two men climbed up the hill and conquered the soldiers.
Iran keghi gbele orhunmwu 20 vbe ivbiyokuo e Filistin. E Jonatan kevbe ọguọmwadia ẹre keghi hin oke nii ya gu iran gbinna.

Because he was Saul’s oldest son, Jonathan would have been next in line to be king.
E Jonatan ẹre ọ te khẹke nọ rriọba lele Sọl, zẹvbe ọmọ ọdiọn.

But Jonathan knew that Jehovah had chosen David to be the next king of Israel; yet, he was not jealous.
Sokpan ọ rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova zẹ e Devid nọ gha re ọmwa nọ khian ghi rriọba yan Ivbi Izrẹl; ọrheyerriọ, ọ ma gha gbọvo e Devid.

Jonathan and David became close friends.
E Jonatan vbe Devid na ghi khian ọse ne kankankan.

They promised to protect and defend each other.
Iran keghi ru eyan ma egbe wẹẹ, te iran khian gha ru iyobọ ne egbe kevbe wẹẹ, iran gha vbe gha sinmwi oseghe ne egbe.

Jonathan gave David his own coat, sword, bow, and belt as a sign of friendship.
E Jonatan keghi rhie ẹwu, umozo, uhanbọ kevbe ukugba ọghẹe ne Devid ne ọ ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ, ọse kankankan ẹre irẹn vbe Devid khin.

When David was running away from Saul, Jonathan went to him and said:
Vbe Sọl ghi khu e Devid khian, e Jonatan keghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘Be strong, and have courage.
‘Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn, gha mwẹ udinmwẹ.

Jehovah has chosen you to be king.
E Jehova ma ruẹ ọba nẹ.

Even my father knows that.’
Uhiẹn erha mwẹ vbe rẹn wẹẹ, uwẹ ẹre ọ khian gha re ọba.’

Would you like to have a good friend like Jonathan?
Uwẹ vbe hoo ne u gha mwẹ ọse nọ maan vbe na ghee Jonatan ra?

More than once, Jonathan risked his life to help his friend.
Ẹi re avbiẹ inugba e Jonatan mu arrọọ ọghẹe ye ikpadede nọ ya miẹn e Devid fan.

He knew that King Saul wanted to kill David, so he said to his father:
Ọ rẹnrẹn wẹẹ erhae ighẹ Ọba e Sọl ghaa hoo nọ gbe Devid rua. Ẹre Jonatan na ghi tama erhae wẹẹ:

‘It would be a sin for you to kill David; he has done nothing wrong.’
‘U gha gbe Devid rua, te u rri abe esagiẹn rhunmwuda e Devid ma rẹn ọkpa rẹn eva.’

Saul was furious with Jonathan.
Rhunmwuda ọna, e Sọl kegha mu ohu e Jonatan.

Some years later, Saul and Jonathan died together in battle.
Ukpo eso ghi gberra, e Sọl vbe Jonatan keghi wu vbe okuo.

After Jonathan died, David searched for Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth.
Vbe Jonatan ghi wu nẹ, e Devid na ya gualọ ovbi e Jonatan ighẹ e Mẹfibosiẹt.

When David found him, he told Mephibosheth:
Vbe Devid ghi miẹn e Mẹfibosiẹt, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Because your father was a good friend to me, I will take care of you for the rest of your life.
‘Ke ẹdẹnẹrẹ kpa, te I khian gha koko ruẹ rhunmwuda wẹẹ erha maan mẹ gbe.

You will live in my palace and eat at my table.’
Ẹguaẹ mwẹ ẹre u khian gha ye. Eke ọkpa ẹre ima khian na gha rri evbare.’

David never forgot his friend Jonathan.
E Devid ma mianmian ọsiọre ighẹ e Jonatan.

“Love one another just as I have loved you.
“Wa gha ho ẹmwẹ egbe zẹ vbene imẹ ho ẹmwẹ uwa.

No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends.”—John 15:12, 13
Ahoẹmwọmwa ne ọ ghi kpọlọ sẹ, ne ọmwa gha sẹtin mwẹ ghe avbe esiọre, ọre ne ọ wu ba ẹmwẹ iran.”—Jọn 15:12, 13


How did Jonathan show that he was brave?
De vbene Jonatan ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn mwẹ udinmwẹ?

How did Jonathan show that he was loyal?
De vbene Jonatan ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn mwẹ ẹkoata?

Lesson 051

When Saul died, David became king.
Vbe Sọl ghi wu nẹ, e Devid na ghi khian ọba.

He was 30 years old.
Ukpo 30 ẹre ọ ghaa ye vbe ọ khian ọba.

After he had been king for some years, one night from the rooftop of his palace, he saw a beautiful woman.
Ukpo eso ghi gberra, e Devid keghi ru abakuru. E Devid ghi rre egedege vbe ẹguaẹ ọghẹe vbe asọn ọkpa, ọ keghi miẹn okhuo ọkpa ne mose mose.

David found out that her name was Bath-sheba and that she was married to a soldier named Uriah. David had Bath-sheba come to his palace.
Vbe iran ghi tama e Devid wẹẹ Batsiẹba ẹre a tie okhuo na, kevbe wẹẹ Uraia ne ọkpa vbe ivbiyokuo ọghẹe ọre ọdafẹn ọnrẹn, e Devid na wẹẹ na tie nene okhuo gie irẹn.

They had sexual relations, and she became pregnant.
Ọ ghi rre, e Devid na lovbiẹ kẹ. E Batsiẹba na do gha hanmwa ne Devid.

David tried to hide what he had done.
E Devid ma hoo ne ọmwa rhọkpa rẹn vbekpa emwi nọ sunu.

He told his general to put Uriah on the front lines of the battle and then to retreat from behind him.
Ọ na tama ọkaokuo ọghẹe nọ gi Uraia ọkpa gha rre odaro okuo ne obọ mieke na vba re.

After Uriah was killed in battle, David married Bath-sheba.
Uraia ghi wu nẹ, e Devid keghi rhie Batsiẹba la owa.

But Jehovah saw all the bad things that had happened.
Sokpan e Jehova wa bẹghe emwi dan hia nọ sunu.

What would he do?
De emwi ne Jehova khian ghi ru?

Jehovah sent the prophet Nathan to David.
E Jehova keghi gie akhasẹ ọghẹe ighẹ e Natan bu e Devid.

Nathan said:
E Natan na tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘A rich man had many sheep, and a poor man had only one small lamb that he loved very much.
‘Ọ mwẹ ọdafẹn ọkpa nọ mwẹ ohuan nibun kevbe ovbiogue ọkpa nọ mwẹ ohuan ọkpa kẹkan. Ovbiogue nii wa hoẹmwẹ ohuan ọghẹe ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.

The rich man took the poor man’s only lamb.’
Sokpan ọdafẹn nọ rrọọ keghi miẹn ovbiogue nii ohuan ọghẹe.’

David was angry and said:
Ẹmwẹ na keghi wa mu e Devid ohu, ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘That rich man deserves to die!’
‘Te a khian wa gbe ọdafẹn nii rua!’

Nathan then told David:
E Natan na ghi tama e Devid wẹẹ:

‘You are that rich man!’
‘Uwẹ ọre nene ọdafẹn!’

David was heartbroken, and he admitted to Nathan:
Ẹmwẹ na keghi wa gbe Devid egbe. Ẹre Devid na ghi tama e Natan wẹẹ:

‘I have sinned against Jehovah.’
‘I ru orukhọ dae Jehova nẹ.’

This sin brought a lot of trouble on David and his family.
Orukhọ ne Devid ru keghi si ọlọghọmwa nibun ye ẹgbẹe ọghẹe.

Jehovah punished David but allowed him to live because he was honest and humble.
E Jehova rri e Devid oya ye orukhọ nọ ru sokpan ọ na ye gie Devid gha rrọọ rhunmwuda ẹkoata kevbe imuegberriotọ ọghẹe.

David wanted to build a temple for Jehovah, but Jehovah chose David’s son Solomon to build the temple.
E Devid te gha hoo nọ bọ Ọgua Osa, sokpan e Jehova keghi kha wẹẹ, ovbi ẹre ighẹ e Sọlomọn ẹre ọ khian bọ ẹre.

David started to get things ready for Solomon and said:
Ẹre Devid na suẹn gha ru emwamwa yotọ ne ovbiẹre mieke na sẹtin bọ ẹre. E Devid keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah’s temple must be magnificent.
‘Te ọ khẹke ne Ọgua Osa nii hionkhuan.

Solomon is still young, but I will help him by getting things ready.’
Ọvbokhan ẹre Sọlomọn ye khin, rhunmwuda ọni, I gha gu ẹre ru emwamwa yotọ.’

David donated a lot of his own money for the building work.
E Devid keghi mwamwa igho nọ kpọlọ yotọ na ya ru iwinna na.

He found skilled workers.
Ọ na vbe gualọ emwa ni guẹ iwinna ni khian winna vbe nene Ọgua Osa.

He collected gold and silver, and he had cedars brought from Tyre and Sidon.
Ọ vbe mwamwa igoru kevbe esiliva yotọ kevbe wẹẹ ọ na viọ erhan e sida ke Taia kevbe Saidọn rre.

Near the end of his life, David gave Solomon the plans for building the temple.
Vbe Devid ghi khian ọmaẹn nẹ, ọ keghi rhie ebe nọ gie vbene nene Ọgua Osa khian gha ye hẹ ne Sọlomọn.

He said:
Ọ na tama e Sọlomọn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah had me write these things down for you.
‘E Jehova ẹre ọ wẹẹ ne I gbẹnnẹ emwi na yotọ nuẹ.

Jehovah will help you.
E Jehova gha ru iyobọ nuẹ.

Don’t be afraid.
Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn.

Be strong and get to work.’
Ya udinmwẹ winna iwinna na.’

“The one covering over his transgressions will not succeed, but whoever confesses and abandons them will be shown mercy.”—Proverbs 28:13
“U gha gbe gue orukhọ ruẹ, agbọn i maan ruẹn ẹdẹ, miẹn iran kue, ne u vbe zobọ vbọ, Osanobua gha tohan ruẹn.”—Itan 28:13


What was David’s sin?
De orukhọ ne Devid ru?

What did David do to help his son Solomon?
De vbene Devid ya ru iyobọ ne ovbiẹre ighẹ Sọlomọn hẹ?

Lesson 052

Jehovah blessed Solomon with great wisdom and gave him the privilege of building the temple, but he gradually left Jehovah.
Te Jehova wa ya ẹwaẹn we Sọlomọn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse. E Sọlomọn ẹre Jehova loo ro ya bọ ọgua Osa. Sokpan vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, ọ keghi mianmian e Jehova.

If you are a parent, explain to your child how false worshippers turned Solomon away from God.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ, ne ọ ya rẹn vbene emwa igẹbọ ne Sọlomọn ghaa gu muobọ ya ye Sọlomọn sẹ e Jehova rae hẹ.

The kingdom was divided, and bad kings led the nation into apostasy and idol worship.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Osanobua keghi ghae arriọba ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl ye ihe eva. Avbe ọba dan ni ghaa kha vbe otọ Izrẹl, keghi si Ivbi Izrẹl la ugamwẹ igẹbọ.

During this time, many loyal prophets of Jehovah were persecuted and killed.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, a kegha zẹ avbe akhasẹ ọghe Jehova kpokpo vbene a na vbe gbele eso rua.

Queen Jezebel dragged the northern kingdom even deeper into apostasy.
Oloi e Jezibẹl keghi ya emwa ni rre odẹ okuọ vbe agbẹnvbo Izrẹl khian emwa igẹbọ.

It was a dark time in the history of Israel.
Ẹghẹ nọ wegbe kankankan ẹre ọna wa gha khin vbe otọ Izrẹl.

But there were still many faithful servants of Jehovah among the Israelites, including King Jehoshaphat and the prophet Elijah.
Sokpan emwa eso ye gha rrọọ ni ghaa ya ekhọe hia ga e Jehova. Usun iran ọre Ọba e Jehosiafat kevbe akhasẹ Elaija.

Serve Jehovah faithfully, even if your family and friends do not
Gha ya ekhọe hia ga e Jehova uhiẹn deghẹ ẹgbẹe ruẹ ra avbe ọse ruẹ i gae

If you leave Jehovah, everything will go wrong; but if you stick with him, he will bless you
Adeghẹ u na sẹ e Jehova rae, emwi rhọkpa i khian duna nuẹ; sokpan deghẹ u na rhikhan mu e Jehova, ọ gha fiangbuẹ

Often when you feel that there is no way out, Jehovah will show his power in ways that you cannot imagine
Ẹghẹ ne emwa ya roro ẹre wẹẹ, iran i khian ghi sẹtin miẹn uhunmwu vbe ọlọghọmwa ne iran ye, ẹre Jehova ya rhie ẹtin ẹnrẹn ma

Lesson 053

After Solomon became the king of Israel, Jehovah asked him:
Vbe Sọlomọn ghi khian ọba ọghe Izrẹl nẹ, e Jehova keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘What would you like me to give you?’
‘De emwi ne u hoo ne I ru nuẹ?’

Solomon said:
E Sọlomọn keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I am young, and I do not know what I am doing.
‘Ọvbokhan kherhe ẹre I khin, I ma rẹn emwi rhọkpa.

Please give me wisdom to take care of your people.’
Lahọ ya ẹwaẹn we mwẹ, ne I mieke na sẹtin gbaroghe emwa ruẹ.’

Jehovah said:
E Jehova na kha wẹẹ:

‘Because you asked to be wise, I will make you the wisest man on earth.
‘Rhunmwuda ne u na wẹẹ, ne I ya ẹwaẹn we ruẹ, I gha ya ruẹ khian ọmwa nọ ghi mwẹ ẹwaẹn sẹ vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

I will also make you very rich.
I gha vbe zẹ ẹfe kuọ ruẹ.

And if you obey me, you will have a long life.’
U gha họn ẹmwẹ mẹ, u gha tọ.’

Solomon started building the temple.
E Sọlomọn keghi suẹn Ọgua Osa na bọ.

He used the finest gold, silver, wood, and stone.
Ọ loo igoru, esiliva, erhan, kevbe okuta ni ghi maan sẹ ya bọ nene Ọgua Osa.

Thousands of skilled men and women worked on the temple.
Ikpia vbe ikhuo nibun ni wa guẹ iwinna ẹre ọ bọ Ọgua Osa na.

After seven years, the temple was ready to be dedicated to Jehovah.
Ukpo ihinrọn ẹre iran ya bọ Ọgua Osa na; vbe iran ghi bọe nẹ, iran na yae fiohan gie Jehova.

It had an altar, and there were offerings on it.
Iran keghi viọ emwi izọhẹ ye uhunmwu aka.

Solomon knelt in front of the altar and prayed:
E Sọlomọn keghi fan fi iguẹ vbe odaro aka nii, ọ na na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘O Jehovah, this temple is not big enough or beautiful enough for you, but please accept our worship and listen to our prayers.’
‘Eo Jehova, ma rẹnrẹn wẹẹ ọgua na, ma mose sẹ, ọ ma vbe kpọlọ sẹ, lahọ miẹn ugamwẹ ọghomwa yi, ne u vbe họn erhunmwu ima.’

What did Jehovah think of the temple and of Solomon’s prayer?
De aro ne Jehova ya ghee ọgua ne iran bọ na kevbe erhunmwu ne Sọlomọn na?

As soon as Solomon finished his prayer, fire came down from the sky and burned up the offerings on the altar.
E Sọlomọn ghi wa na erhunmwu fo, erhẹn keghi ke orere iso rre, do giẹn emwi izọhẹ ni rre uhunmwu aka nii.

Jehovah approved of the temple.
Evbọ sunu na sosẹ yọ wẹẹ, e Jehova miẹn Ọgua Osa nii yi.

When the Israelites saw this, they rejoiced.
Vbe Ivbi Izrẹl ghi bẹghe emwi nọ sunu na, iran na gha ghọghọ.

King Solomon was known for his wisdom throughout Israel and even in faraway places.
Rhunmwuda ẹwaẹn ne Osanobua ya we Ọba e Sọlomọn, a kegha họn usi ẹre rre vbe otọ nibun.

People came to Solomon for help with their problems.
Emwa kegha bu ẹre rre, ne ọ sọfurre ye ọlọghọmwa ọghe iran.

Even the queen of Sheba came to test him with difficult questions.
Uhiẹn oloi ọghe Siẹba keghi mu okhian gha die ẹguaẹ e Sọlomọn, ne ọ do nọ rẹn ọta eso ni wegbe.

When she heard his replies, she said:
Ọ ghi rhie ewanniẹn ye inọta ọghẹe nẹ, oloi nii keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I did not believe what people had told me about you, but now I see that you are even wiser than they said.
‘I ma te ka yaeyi ighẹ ẹmwẹ ne I họn vbekpa ruẹ, sokpan I bẹghe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ, u mwẹ ẹwaẹn sẹ vbene a gie ruẹ yi.

Your God, Jehovah, has blessed you.’
Te Jehova ne Osa ruẹ wa gele fiangbuẹ.’

Life was good for the nation of Israel, and the people were happy.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Sọlomọn ya gha kha, ọfunmwegbe ẹre ọ wa gha rre otọ Izrẹl.

But things were about to change.
Sokpan emwi eso keghi ya egbe kaẹn egbe.

“Look! something more than Solomon is here.”—Matthew 12:42
“Ne I tama uwa, emwi ne ọ sẹ Sọlomọn rre emwa na.”—Matiu 12:42


Why did Jehovah give Solomon special wisdom?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na ya ẹwaẹn we Sọlomọn?

How did Jehovah show that he approved of the temple?
De vbene Jehova ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn miẹn Ọgua Osa ne iran bọ yi?

Lesson 054

As long as Solomon worshipped Jehovah, there was peace in Israel.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Sọlomọn ya gha ga e Jehova, ọfunmwegbe wa gha rre otọ Izrẹl.

But Solomon married many women from other lands, and these wives worshipped idols.
Sokpan e Sọlomọn keghi viọ ikhuo nibun, ni ga ẹbọ rọnmwẹ.

Little by little, Solomon changed, and he began to worship idols too.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, e Sọlomọn keghi deba iran gha ga ẹbọ.

Jehovah was angry.
Ọna keghi ya ohu mu e Jehova.

He told Solomon:
Ọ na tama e Sọlomọn wẹẹ:

‘Israel will be ripped away from your family and divided in two.
‘I gha mu arriọba na hin obọ ruẹ rre, I ghi ghae re ye ihe eva.

I will give the large part to one of your servants, and your family will rule only the small part.’
I ghi mu abọ nọ kpọlọ sẹ ne ọkpa vbe eguọmwadia ruẹ, sokpan I ghi mu abọ nekherhe nọ rrọọ ne ẹgbẹe ruẹ.’

Jehovah made his decision clear in another way too.
E Jehova keghi rhan otọ ẹmwẹ na sayọ.

One of Solomon’s servants, Jeroboam, was traveling on the road when he met Ahijah the prophet.
Ẹdẹ ọkpa, vbe Jeroboam nọ re ọkpa vbe eguọmwadia e Sọlomọn ghi mu okhian rrie ehe, ọ keghi dekun akhasẹ Ahija vbe odẹ.

Ahijah ripped his own robe into 12 pieces and told Jeroboam:
Ahija keghi sirra e Jeroboam sọọ ẹwu ọghẹe ye ihe 12, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah will take the kingdom of Israel away from Solomon’s family and divide it in two.
‘E Jehova gha mu arriọba ọghe Izrẹl hin obọ e Sọlomọn rre, ọ ghi ghae re ye ihe eva.

Take ten of these pieces because you will be king over ten tribes.’
Viọ abọ igbe vbe ẹwu na sọọ re na, rhunmwuda uwẹ ẹre ọ khian rri ọba yan uniẹn igbe ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl.

King Solomon heard about this and wanted to kill Jeroboam!
Ọba e Sọlomọn ghi họn ẹmwẹ na, ọ na gha hoo ne ọ gbe Jeroboam rua!

So Jeroboam ran away to Egypt.
E Jeroboam na lẹẹ gha rrie otọ Igipt.

In time, Solomon died and his son Rehoboam became king.
Vbe Sọlomọn ghi wu nẹ, ovbiẹre ighẹ e Rehoboam ẹre ọ ghi rriọba lelẹe.

Then Jeroboam felt that it was safe to return to Israel.
Ẹghẹ nii, ẹre Jeroboam ya werriegbe gha die otọ Izrẹl.

The elders of Israel told Rehoboam:
Eniwanrẹn ni rre otọ Izrẹl keghi bu e Rehoboam ude wẹẹ:

‘If you treat the people well, they will be loyal to you.’
‘Adeghẹ u na gha ya obọ esi mu emwa ruẹ, iran gha họn ẹmwẹ nuẹ.’

But Rehoboam’s younger friends said:
Sokpan avbe ihua re keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You need to be harsh with the people!
‘Te ọ khẹke ne u gha ya obọ nọ tọn mu emwa ruẹ!

Make them work even harder!’
U vbe mu iwinna ba iran iwinna!’

Rehoboam followed his young friends’ advice.
E Rehoboam keghi rhie ude ne ihua re bu ẹre.

He was cruel to the people, and they rebelled.
Ọ na gha ya obọ nọ tọn mu emwa rẹn, rhunmwuda ọni iran keghi sọtẹ daa re.

They made Jeroboam king of the ten tribes, which became known as the kingdom of Israel.
Iran keghi ma e Jeroboam ọba, ne ọ gha kha yan uniẹn igbe ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl. Uniẹn igbe na ẹre a ghi do rẹn ye arriọba ọghe Izrẹl.

The other two tribes became known as the kingdom of Judah, and they stayed loyal to Rehoboam.
E Rehoboam ẹre ọ ghi gha kha yan uniẹn eva nikẹre, na ghi do rẹn ye arriọba ọghe Juda. Uniẹn eva na, keghi wa rhikhan mu e Rehoboam.

The 12 tribes of Israel were now divided.
Erriọ a ghi ya ghae uniẹn 12 ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl ye ihe eva.

Jeroboam did not want his people to go to worship in Jerusalem, which was in Rehoboam’s kingdom.
E Jeroboam ma hoo ne emwa rẹn gha yo ọgua Osa nọ rre Jerusalẹm.

Do you know why?

Jeroboam was afraid that they would turn on him and support Rehoboam.
E Rehoboam ẹre ọ ghaa kha yan e Jerusalẹm, rhunmwuda ọni e Jeroboam na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, emwa irẹn sẹtin rhie egbe ba arriọba ọghe Rehoboam.

So he made two golden calves and told his people:
Ẹre Jeroboam na ghi ma ẹkhuia ẹmila igoru eva, ọ na tama emwa rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jerusalem is too far away.
‘E Jerusalẹm rree gbe.

You can worship here.’
Wa sẹtin gha ga mwa.’

The people began to worship the golden calves and to forget Jehovah again.
Ẹre iran na ghi suẹn gha ga amazẹ nii. Iran na werriegbe mianmian e Jehova.

“Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers.
“Wa ghẹ gha gu iran ni ma yayi winna kugbe, vbene a miẹn wẹ ọkpa wa khin, rhunmwuda ẹi gie a ru.

For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have?
De vbene emwi nọ gbae kevbe nọ ma gba khian ya sẹtin gha si egbe obọ khian hẹ yi?

...Or what does a believer share in common with an unbeliever?”—2 Corinthians 6:14, 15
...De vbene enọ yayi kevbe enọ ma yayi ya re ọkpa hẹ?”—2 Kọrinti 6:14, 15, NW


Why was Israel divided?
Vbọsiẹ ne a na ghae arriọba Izrẹl ye ihe eva?

What bad things did King Rehoboam and King Jeroboam do?
De emwi dan ne Ọba e Rehoboam kevbe Ọba e Jeroboam ru?

Lesson 055

The ten-tribe kingdom of Israel had many bad kings, but Ahab was one of the worst.
Ehab keghi re ọkpa vbe usun avbe ọba dan ni kha yan uniẹn igbe ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl.

He married an evil woman who worshipped Baal. Her name was Jezebel.
E Jezibẹl ne okhuo dan nọ rhie re kegha ga e Bel.

Ahab and Jezebel filled the land with Baal worship and murdered Jehovah’s prophets.
Iran keghi ya ẹbọ gba otọ Izrẹl hia, iran na vbe gbele akhasẹ e Jehova nibun rua.

What did Jehovah do?
De emwi ne Jehova ghi ru?

He sent the prophet Elijah to give Ahab a message.
Ọ keghi gie Elaija bu Ehab.

Elijah told King Ahab that because of his badness, there would be no rain in Israel.
Elaija keghi tama Ọba Ehab wẹẹ, amẹ i khian ghi rhọọ vbe otọ Izrẹl rhunmwuda orukhọ ọghẹe.

For more than three years, crops did not grow and the people went hungry.
Ọ gberra ukpo eha, ne amẹ ma ya rhọọ vbe otọ Izrẹl. Rhunmwuda ọni, otọ ọghe iran ma ghi maan emwi okọ, Ivbi Izrẹl na gha rre ohanmwẹ.

Jehovah later sent Elijah back to Ahab.
E Jehova keghi werriegbe gie Elaija bu Ehab.

The king said:
Ọba Ehab keghi tama Elaija wẹẹ:

‘You are a troublemaker!
‘U hoo ẹmwẹ gbe!

This is all your fault.’
Uwẹ ẹre ọ si ena hia na.’

Elijah answered:
Elaija keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘I didn’t cause this drought.
‘Ẹi re imẹ ẹre ọ si ẹre, ne amẹ ma na rhọọ.

You did by worshipping Baal.
Ne u na ga e Bel ẹre ọ si ẹre.

We will make a test. Gather the nation and the Baal prophets on the top of Mount Carmel.’
Tama emwa hia ne iran gha rrie uhunmwu Oke Kamẹl. U ghi vbe wẹẹ ne avbe akhasẹ ọghe Bel gha rre evba. Evba ẹre ima khian na ghi rẹn Osa ọghe ẹmwata.’

The people gathered on the mountain.
Emwa hia keghi si egbe koko vbe uhunmwu Oke Kamẹl.

Elijah said:
Elaija keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Make up your minds.
‘Uwa zẹ ne egbe uwa.

If Jehovah is the true God, follow him.
Adeghẹ e Jehova ọre Osa ọghe ẹmwata, uwa lelẹe.

If Baal is, then follow him.
Adeghẹ Bel ẹre nọ, uwa vbe lelẹe.

I make this challenge.
Wa gi ima gele ghee nọ re Osa ọghe ẹmwata.

The 450 Baal prophets should prepare an offering and call to their god, and I will prepare an offering and call to Jehovah.
Gi avbe akhasẹ e Bel 450 mwamwa izọhẹ ọghe iran ye uhunmwu aka, ne iran datie osa ọghe iran. Mẹ gha vbe mwamwa izọhẹ ọghomwẹ ye uhunmwu aka, I ghi vbe datie Osa mwẹ ighẹ e Jehova.

The one who answers with fire is the true God.’
Nọ rhirhi gie erhẹn rre, ọre Osa ọghe ẹmwata.’

The people agreed.
Iran hia keghi kue yọ.

The prophets of Baal prepared an offering.
Avbe akhasẹ e Bel keghi mwamwa izọhẹ ọghe iran ye uhunmwu aka.

All day long they called to their god:
Ẹdẹ ohoho ẹre iran ya kpee tie osa ọghe iran. Iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘O Baal, answer us!’
‘Eo Bel, uwẹ khuẹnniẹn ima!’

When Baal didn’t answer, Elijah made fun of him.
Ugbẹnvbe Bel ma khuẹnniẹn iran, Elaija na gha ya iran gbogiẹ.

He said:
Ọ na khama iran wẹẹ:

‘Call as loud as you can.
‘Egbọre te ọ vbiẹ.

Maybe he has fallen asleep, and someone needs to wake him up.’
Wa kakabọ tu ladian, ne uwa huẹn ọnrẹn.’

Evening came, and the prophets of Baal kept calling.
Iran ghi zẹ tu, ebi na ro.

But there was still no answer.
Sokpan e Bel ma miẹn unu ya khuẹnniẹn.

Elijah put his offering on an altar and poured water all over it.
Elaija ghi mwamwa izọhẹ ọghẹe ye uhunmwu aka nẹ, ọ na tue amẹ yan rẹn.

Then he prayed:
Ọ keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘O Jehovah, please let the people know that you are the true God.’
‘Eo Jehova, lahọ gi emwa hia rẹn wẹẹ, uwẹ ọre Osa ọghe ẹmwata.’

Immediately, Jehovah sent fire from heaven to burn up the offering.
Vbe ọwarọkpa, e Jehova keghi gie erhẹn ke ẹrinmwi rre, do giẹn izọhẹ nii.

The people cried out:
Iran ghi bẹghe emwi nọ sunu, iran keghi datu wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah is the true God!’
‘E Jehova ọre Osa ọghe ẹmwata!’

Elijah said:
Elaija na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Do not let the prophets of Baal escape!’
‘Wa ghẹ gi ọkpa lẹẹ fua vbe akhasẹ ọghe Bel!’

That day, the 450 prophets of Baal were killed.
Iran keghi gbele Akhasẹ e Bel 450 rua vbe ẹdẹrriọ.

When a small cloud appeared over the sea, Elijah told Ahab:
Elaija ghi bẹghe okuku amẹ nọ ma sẹ vbe atata obọ ọmwa, ọ na tama Ehab wẹẹ:

‘A storm is coming.
‘Okpamẹ dee.

Hitch up your chariot, and go home.’
La ikẹkẹ okuo ruẹ, ne u gha rrie owa.’

The sky became dark with clouds, the wind blew, and a heavy rain began to fall.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ, amẹ na wa bi, ẹhoho na wa vbe lelẹe, okpamẹ na suẹn gha da.

Finally, the drought had ended.
Erriọ ẹre uyunmwu ọghe ukpo eha nii ya fo.

Ahab drove his chariot as fast as he could.
Ẹgiẹgiẹ ẹre Ehab ya fi ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe gha rrie owa.

With Jehovah’s help, Elijah actually ran faster than the chariot!
E Jehova keghi rhie ẹtin ne Elaija, nọ ya rhulẹ gberra ikẹkẹ okuo ọghe Ehab!

But were all of Elijah’s problems over?
Ọna rhiema wẹẹ, ọlọghọmwa ọghe Elaija fo nẹ ra?

Let’s see.
Gia ghee emwi nọ ghi sunu.

“May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.”—Psalm 83:18
“Te iran gha rẹn wẹẹ, wẹ ọkpa ọre Nọyaẹnmwa nọ khaevbisẹ yan emwi hia ni rre otagbọn.”—Psalm 83:18


What was the test on Mount Carmel?
Vbọ sunu vbe uhunmwu Oke Kamẹl?

How did Jehovah answer Elijah’s prayer?
De vbene Jehova ya họn erhunmwu ọghe Elaija hẹ?

Lesson 056

Jezebel heard what happened to the Baal prophets, and she was very angry.
Vbe Jezibẹl ghi họn emwi nọ sunu daa avbe akhasẹ e Bel, ohu na gha muẹn.

She sent a message to Elijah:
Ọ na ghi gie uhunmwu gie Elaija wẹẹ:

‘Tomorrow, you will be dead like the prophets of Baal.’
‘Emwi nọ rruan avbe akhasẹ e Bel ẹre ọ khian vbe rruan ruẹ, ọ te sẹ ẹdẹ nakhuẹ.’

Elijah became very afraid and ran away to the desert.
Elaija ghi họn ẹmwẹ na, ohan kegha muẹn. Ọ na lẹẹ gha rrie uwu ato.

He prayed:
Ọ keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, I can’t take any more.
‘E Jehova, egbe ena hia wọọ mwẹ nẹ.

Just let me die.’
I wa wu ẹre ọ maan sẹ.’

Exhausted, Elijah fell asleep under a tree.
Vbe iyeke ọni, ovbe na rhie Elaija ye ototọ erhan rhunmwuda egbe nọ wọọ re.

An angel woke him up and gently said:
Odibosa ọkpa keghi ya obọ kan rẹn. Ọ na fẹko tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Get up and eat.’
‘Kpaegbe ne u do rri evbare.’

Elijah saw a round loaf of bread on heated stones and a jug of water.
Elaija keghi bẹghe ududu eka vbe uhunmwu ugbe nọ tọn kevbe eluba amẹ.

He ate and drank and went back to sleep.
Elaija keghi rri nene eka, ọ na vbe wọn amẹ. Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ na werriegbe lovbiẹ.

The angel woke him up again and said:
Odibosa nii keghi werriegbe huẹn ọnrẹn. Ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Eat. You need strength for your journey.’
‘Rri evbare, ne u mieke na miẹn ẹrhiọn ya mu okhian gha rrie eke ne u rrie.’

So Elijah ate some more.
Ẹre Elaija na werriegbe rri evbare.

Then he traveled for 40 days and 40 nights, until he reached Mount Horeb.
Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ keghi ya ikpẹdẹ 40 mu okhian gha rrie Oke Horẹb.

There Elijah went into a cave to sleep.
Ọ ghi sẹ evba, ọ na ya lovbiẹ ye uwu uvun okuta.

But Jehovah spoke to him. He said:
E Jehova keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘What are you doing here, Elijah?’
‘Elaija, vbua ru mwa yi?’

Elijah answered:
Elaija keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘The Israelites have broken their promise to you.
‘Ivbi Izrẹl ma mu eyan ọghe iran sẹ.

They destroyed your altars and killed your prophets.
Iran guọghọ aka izọese ọghuẹ, iran na vbe gbele avbe akhasẹ ruẹ rua.

Now they are trying to kill me too.’
Mẹ ẹre iran ghi hoo ne iran gbe na.’

Jehovah told him:
E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go and stand on the mountain.’
‘Ladian ne u ya mudia ye uhunmwu oke.’

First, a powerful wind blew past the cave.
Vbe okaro, ogbigbi ẹhoho keghi hoho gberra uvun okuta nii.

Next, there was an earthquake and then a fire.
Vbe ẹhoho ghi hoho fo nẹ, igbohiotọ keghi sunu. Vbe iyeke ọni, erhẹn na suẹn gha baa.

Finally, Elijah heard a calm, low voice.
Ẹre Jehova na ya urhu ne khuẹrhẹ gu Elaija guan.

He covered his face with his coat and stood outside the cave.
Elaija ghi họn urhu na, ọ na ya agbada ẹwu ọghẹe gue aro. Ọ na ya mudia vbe odaro uvun okuta nii.

Jehovah then asked him why he ran away.
E Jehova keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ, ‘vbọsiẹ ne u na lẹẹ?’

Elijah said:
Ẹre Elaija na wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘I’m the only one left.’
‘Mẹ ọkpa ẹre ọ ghi kẹ.’

But Jehovah told him:
Sokpan, e Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You are not alone.
‘Ẹi re uwẹ ọkpa ẹre ọ kẹre.

There are 7,000 in Israel who still worship me.
Emwa 7,000 ye rre otọ Izrẹl, nọ ye ga mwẹ.

Go and appoint Elisha as prophet in your place.’
Gha khian, ne u zẹ Elaisia zẹvbe akhasẹ nọ khian rhihe ruẹ.’

Immediately, Elijah went to do what Jehovah had told him.
Elaija na ru vbene Jehova tama rẹn zẹẹ.

Do you think that Jehovah will also help you when you do what he wants you to do? Yes, he will.
E Jehova gha vbe ru iyobọ nuẹ, deghẹ u na họn ẹmwẹ nẹ.

Let’s find out about something that happened during the drought.
Gia ghee emwi nọ sunu vbe ẹghẹ ne uyunmwu nii ya vbe otọ.

“Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God.”—Philippians 4:6
“Ghẹ si osi ye emwi rhọkpa, sokpan gha ya erhunmwu ne a na, nọ emwi ne u hoo hia vbe obọ Osanobua, u ghi gha ye ekhọe ọkpọnmwẹ ẹse nọ rẹn vbe ẹghẹ hia.”—Filipai 4:6


Why did Elijah run for his life?
De emwi nọ ya Elaija lẹẹ fua?

What did Jehovah tell Elijah?
De emwi ne Jehova tama Elaija?

Lesson 057

During the drought, Jehovah told Elijah:
Vbuwe ẹghẹ ne amẹ ma ya rhọọ vbe otọ Izrẹl, e Jehova keghi tama Elaija wẹẹ:

‘Go to Zarephath.
‘Gha rrie Zẹrafat.

A widow there will give you food.’
Okhuo ọkpa nọ dẹgbẹ nọ rre evba gha rhie evbare nuẹ.’

At the gates of the city, Elijah saw a poor widow gathering wood.
Elaija ghi sẹ onurho orere ẹvbo nii, ọ keghi miẹn okhuo ọkpa nọ dẹgbẹ ne obọ ma sẹ ọre. Nene okhuo kegha koko erhan.

He asked her for a cup of water.
Elaija na wẹẹ ne ọ sa amẹ ne irẹn wọn.

As she went to get it, Elijah called after her:
Vbe nene okhuo khian ghi ya sa amẹ gie ẹre, Elaija keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Please, bring me a piece of bread.’
‘Lahọ u ghi vbe rhie ebrẹd ba re rre.’

But the widow said:
Sokpan nene okhuo na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I don’t have any bread to give you.
‘I i mwẹ ebrẹd ne I khian rhie nuẹ.

I have only enough flour and oil to make a little food for my son and myself.’
Irhuarhua kevbe ofigbọn kherhe nọ ghi kẹ, ẹre I khian ya le evbare ne imẹ vbe ọmọ khian re.’

Elijah told her:
Elaija keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah has promised that if you make some bread for me, your flour and oil will not run out until it rains again.’
‘E Jehova yan rẹn wẹẹ, deghẹ u na rhie evbare mẹ, irhuarhua kevbe ofigbọn i khian ghi fo vbe owa ruẹ, a te miẹn wẹẹ amẹ dọlegbe suẹn gha rhọọ.’

So the widow went home and made bread for Jehovah’s prophet.
Ẹre nene okhuo na gha rrie owa, ọ na ya le evbare ne akhasẹ ọghe Jehova.

Just as Jehovah had promised, the widow and her son always had food to eat during the drought.
Irẹn vbe ovbi ẹre na gele gha miẹn evbare re vbuwe ẹghẹ ne amẹ ma ya rhọọ.

Her jars of flour and oil remained full.
Evbare ma gele fo vbe owa re, zẹvbe ne Jehova khare.

Then something terrible happened.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, ovbi okhuo nọ dẹgbẹ nii na suẹn gha khuọnmwi.

The widow’s little boy became so sick that he died.
Ọ ghi zẹ khuọnmwi, ọ na ghi wu.

She begged Elijah for help.
Okhuo nii keghi rinmwian Elaija nọ ru iyobọ ne irẹn.

Elijah took the boy from her arms and carried him to a room upstairs in her house.
Elaija keghi mu ọmọ nii vbe obọ iyẹe. Ọ na muẹn hin egedege ọghe owa nii.

He laid him down on a bed and prayed:
Ọ ghi sẹ evba, ọ na muẹn lovbiẹ ye ukpo. Elaija keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, please bring this child back to life.’
‘Lahọ e Jehova, huẹn ọmọ na kpaegbe.’

Do you know why that would be an amazing thing for Jehovah to do? Because as far as we know, no one had ever come back to life before.
Te ọ khian wa kpa emwa nibun odin deghẹ e Jehova na huẹn ọnrẹn kpaegbe rhunmwuda wẹẹ, egbe emwi vberriọ ma he sunu ẹdẹ.

And this widow and her son were not even Israelites.
Gberra ọni, okhuo nọ dẹgbẹ nii kevbe ọvbi ẹre i re Ivbi Izrẹl.

But the boy’s life came back into him, and he began to breathe!
Nene ọmọ na gele rhiọkpaegbe!

Elijah said to the widow:
Ẹre Elaija na tama iyẹe wẹẹ:

‘Ghee oo!

Your son is alive.’
Ovbuẹ rhiọkpaegbe.’

She was overjoyed and said to Elijah:
Okhuo nii na ghọghua. Ọ na tama Elaija wẹẹ:

‘You really are a man of God.
‘Ọguọmwadia Osanobua ẹre u gele khin.

I know this because you speak only what Jehovah tells you to say.’
Obọ e Jehova ẹre ẹmwẹ hia ne u ta ke rre.’

“Consider the ravens: They neither sow seed nor reap; they have neither barn nor storehouse; yet God feeds them.
“Wa ghe avbe ogbodu, iran i kọ emwi okọ, iran i rhọ emwi orhọ, iran i mwẹ aza ra erru, Osanobua ọre ọ koko iran.

Are you not worth much more than birds?”—Luke 12:24
Wa ya ọrhẹnrhẹn maan sẹ avbe ahianmwẹ.”—Luk 12:24


How did the widow of Zarephath show her trust in Jehovah?
De vbene okhuo nọ dẹgbẹ nọ rre Zẹrafat ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn mu ẹtin yan e Jehova?

How do we know that Elijah was a true prophet of God?
De vbene ima ya rẹn hẹ wẹẹ, akhasẹ Osanobua ẹre Elaija gele khin?

Lesson 058

From the window of his palace in Jezreel, King Ahab could see a vineyard that belonged to a man named Naboth.
Ewindo ẹguae ọghẹe nọ rre Jezrẹl, ẹre Ọba Ehab ke gha ghee ugbo emwiokọ ọghe okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Nabọt.

Ahab wanted this vineyard, and he tried to buy it from Naboth.
Ehab na gha hoo nọ gu e Nabọt dẹ otọ na.

But Naboth refused to sell it to him because it was against Jehovah’s Law to sell inherited land.
Sokpan e Nabọt ma kue, rhunmwuda e Jehova ma kpasẹ yọ na gha khiẹn otọ na re vbe ukhu.

Did Ahab respect Naboth for doing the right thing?
Sokpan Ehab wa hẹwẹ vberriọ ra, ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ erriọ uhi ọghe Osanobua khare?

Ẹn o.

Ahab was very angry.
 Ohu na gha muẹn.

He was so upset that he would not leave his bedroom, and he refused to eat.
Ohu muẹn sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na khui egbe ẹre ye ughugha, ọ ma ghi rri evbare.

Ahab’s wife, wicked Queen Jezebel, told him:
Ọvbokhan Ehab na tie ẹre Jezibẹl keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You are the king of Israel.
‘Uwẹ ọre ọba ọghe Izrẹl.

You can have anything you want.
Ọ khẹke ne emwi ne u rhirhi gha gualọ sẹ ruẹ obọ.

I will get that land for you.’
I gha ruẹ ne otọ nii sẹ ruẹ obọ.’

She wrote letters to the elders of the city, telling them to accuse Naboth of having cursed God and to stone him to death.
Ọ keghi gbẹn elẹta gie ediọn ni rre ẹvbo nii, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran mu ohoghe ba e Nabọt wẹẹ, ọ tie ihẹn ne Osanobua, na mieke na ya ugbe gbe ẹre rua.

The elders did what Jezebel told them to do, and then Jezebel said to Ahab:
Vbe iran ghi ru vberriọ, e Jezibẹl na ya tama Ehab wẹẹ:

‘Naboth is dead.
‘E Nabọt wu nẹ.

The vineyard is yours.’
Otọ ọghẹe khian ọghuẹ nẹ.’

Naboth was not the only innocent person whom Jezebel murdered. She murdered many people who loved Jehovah.
Gberra e Nabọt, e Jezibẹl vbe gbele eguọmwadia e Jehova nibun ni ma rẹn ọkpa rẹn eva.

She worshipped idols and did other bad things.
Ẹbọ ẹre irẹn wa gha ga, ọ na vbe gha ru emwi dan nibun.

Jehovah saw all the bad things that Jezebel did. What would he do about her?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, e Jehova khian ru e Jezibẹl hẹ?

After Ahab died, his son Jehoram became king.
Vbe Ehab ghi wu nẹ, ovbi ẹre ighẹ e Jehoram na rri ọba lelẹe.

Jehovah sent a man named Jehu to punish Jezebel and her family.
E Jehova keghi gie Jehu nọ ya rri e Jezibẹl vbe ẹgbẹe ọre oya.

Jehu rode his chariot to Jezreel, where Jezebel lived.
E Jehu keghi fi ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe gha rrie Jezrẹl nọ re ẹvbo ne Jezibẹl ye.

Jehoram came by chariot to meet Jehu and asked him:
E Jehoram keghi fi ikẹkẹ okuo ọghẹe ya vba e Jehu, ẹre ọ na nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Is there peace between us?’
‘Okhian kue maan yi?’

Jehu said:
E Jehu keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘There will be no peace as long as your mother, Jezebel, is doing wicked things.’
‘Vbọ khian ya okhian gha maan, vbe iyuẹ ne ọmwa dan ye rre agbọn?’

Jehoram tried to turn his chariot around and get away. But Jehu shot Jehoram with an arrow, and he died.
E Jehoram na te gha hoo nọ lẹẹ, sokpan e Jehu keghi ya ifẹnmwẹ hae, ẹre ọ na wu.

Then Jehu went to Jezebel’s palace.
E Jehu na gha rrie ẹguae Jezibẹl.

When she heard that he was coming, she put on makeup, did her hair, and waited by her upstairs window.
Vbe ọ ghi họn wẹẹ e Jehu dee, e Jezibẹl na ya muegbe ẹsẹse, ọ na vbe ba aro. Ẹre ọ na ya tota ye ewindo nọ rre uhunmwu egedege ọghẹe.

When Jehu arrived, she greeted him rudely.
Vbe Jehu ghi rre, e Jezibẹl na ya ukpẹ ihue tuẹ ọre.

Jehu shouted to her servants who were standing next to her:
E Jehu keghi tama eguọmwadia e Jezibẹl wẹẹ:

“Throw her down!”
“Uwa sua re fua!”

They pushed Jezebel out of the window, and she fell to the ground and died.
Iran keghi sua e Jezibẹl fua, erriọ e Jezibẹl ya wu.

After that, Jehu killed Ahab’s 70 sons and cleansed the land of Baal worship.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jehu keghi gbele ivbi Ehab 70, ọ na guọghọ e Bel ne ẹvbo nii te ga.

Can you see that Jehovah knows everything and that at the right time, he punishes those who do bad things?
Uwẹ ma bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Jehova rẹn emwi hia, kevbe wẹẹ ọ gha rri emwa dan oya vbe ọ gha sẹ ẹghẹ ra?

“An inheritance obtained first by greed will not be a blessing in the end.”—Proverbs 20:21
“Adeghẹ ọmwa na ya arovbẹmwẹ si ẹfe koko, ẹi rri ere ẹre sẹ ota.”—Itan 20:21, NW


What did Jezebel do to get Naboth’s vineyard?
De emwi ne Jezibẹl ru, nọ mieke na mu ugbo emwiokọ ọghe Nabọt?

Why did Jehovah punish Jezebel?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na rri e Jezibẹl oya?

Lesson 059

Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah, destroyed the Baal altars and idols in the land.
E Jehosiafat ne ọba ọghe Juda keghi guọghọ aka ọghe Bel kevbe ẹbọ hia ni rre otọ e Juda.

He wanted the people to know Jehovah’s laws.
Ọ na gha hoo ne emwa ọghẹe rẹn uhi ọghe Jehova.

So he sent princes and Levites to all of Judah to teach Jehovah’s laws to the people.
Rhunmwuda ọni, ọ keghi gie avbe okoro kevbe Ivbi e Livai ne iran ya maa emwa rẹn, uhi ọghe Jehova.

The nations nearby were afraid to attack Judah because they knew that Jehovah was with his people.
Ohan ma gi agbẹnvbo ni lẹga e Juda do gu iran khọn rhunmwuda ne Jehova na gha rre iran iyeke.

They even brought gifts to King Jehoshaphat.
Iran na kue gha hako gie Ọba e Jehosiafat.

But then the Moabites, the Ammonites, and those from the region of Seir came to fight Judah.
Sokpan Ivbi e Moab, Ivbi Amọn kevbe Ivbi Idọm keghi do gu e Juda khọn.

Jehoshaphat knew that he needed Jehovah’s help.
E Jehosiafat rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, irẹn gualọ iyobọ ọghe Jehova.

He had all the men, women, and children come together in Jerusalem.
Ẹre ọ na si emwa hia koko vbe Jerusalẹm.

In front of them all, he prayed:
Ọ na sirra iran hia na erhunmwu wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, without you, we cannot win.
‘E Jehova, vbe ẹi re te u mudia ne ima, ma i khian sẹtin khọn miotọ.

Please tell us what to do.’
Lahọ, tama ima emwi ne ima gha ru.’

Jehovah answered the prayer:
E Jehova keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘Do not be afraid.
‘Uwa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.

I will help you.
I gha ru iyobọ ne uwa.

Take your position, stand still, and see how I will save you.’
Uwa mudia gbain vbe ehe ne uwa ye, ne uwa ghee vbene I khian ya miẹn uwa fan hẹ.’

How did Jehovah save them?
De vbene Jehova ya miẹn iran fan hẹ?

The next morning, Jehoshaphat selected singers and told them to march in front of the army. They marched from Jerusalem out to the battlefield in a place called Tekoa.
Vbe ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Jehosiafat keghi viọ emwa ni gua so ihuan gha rrie odaro okuo vbe ehe na tiẹre Tekoa, vbene ivbi iyokuo ọghe iran na gha rre iyeke.

As the singers were praising Jehovah joyfully with a loud voice, Jehovah fought for his people.
Zẹvbe ne iran ya gha so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Jehova vbe urhu nọ lae, e Jehova keghi gbinna ne iran.

He made the Ammonites and the Moabites so confused that they began to attack one another, and not one of them survived.
Ọ keghi si olighi ye uwu ẹbu Ivbi e Moab kevbe Ivbi Amọn, iran na suẹn gha gbele egbe iran rua.

But Jehovah protected the people of Judah, the soldiers, and the priests.
Sokpan e Jehova keghi gbogba ga Ivbi e Juda hia kevbe avbe ohẹn.

All the people in the nearby countries heard about what Jehovah had done, and they knew that Jehovah was still defending his people.
Agbẹnvbo ni lẹga iran keghi họn okhekhe ọghe vbene Jehova ya gbinna ne emwa rẹn hẹ.

How does Jehovah save his people? In many ways.
Odẹ ughughan ẹre Jehova ya miẹn emwa rẹn fan.

He doesn’t need help from humans to do so.
Irẹn i gualọ iyobọ emwa nagbọn, ọ ke sẹtin ru vberriọ.

“You will not need to fight this battle.
“Ẹi re uwa ẹre ọ khian khọn okuo na.

Take your position, stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf.”—2 Chronicles 20:17
Uwa mudia gbain vbe ehe ne uwa ye, ne uwa ghee vbene Jehova khian ya miẹn uwa fan hẹ.”—2 Krọnikol 20:17, NW


What kind of king was Jehoshaphat?
De aro ọba ne Jehosiafat ghaa khin?

How did Jehovah protect Judah?
De vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga e Juda hẹ?

Lesson 060

This section teaches us about young people, prophets, and kings who displayed remarkable faith in Jehovah.
Abọ na keghi guan kaan ibiẹka, avbe akhasẹ kevbe avbe ọba ni rhiẹre ma wẹẹ iran mwẹ amuẹtinyan nọ wegbe dae Jehova.

In Syria, a little Israelite girl had faith that Jehovah’s prophet would heal Naaman.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ọvbokhan okhuo ọkpa ne Ovbi Izrẹl, ne ọ ghaa rre otọ e Siria, nọ ghaa mwẹ amuẹtinyan wẹẹ akhasẹ ọghe Jehova gha sẹtin mu e Neaman egbe rran.

The prophet Elisha had complete confidence that Jehovah would protect him from an enemy army.
Akhasẹ Elaisia ghaa mwẹ ilẹkẹtin wẹẹ, e Jehova gha sẹtin miẹn irẹn fan vbe obọ eghian irẹn.

High Priest Jehoiada risked his life to protect young Jehoash from his wicked grandmother, Athaliah.
Ogiohẹn ighe Jehoiada keghi mu arrọọ ọghẹe ye ikpadede nọ mieke na miẹn e Jehoas fan vbe obọ iyẹe nọkhua ighẹ Atalaia.

King Hezekiah trusted that Jehovah would rescue Jerusalem, and he did not give in to the Assyrian threat.
Ọba e Hẹzekaia ma gi ohan Ivbi Asiria muẹn, rhunmwuda ne ọ na mu ẹtin yan e Jehova.

King Josiah erased idolatry from the land, restored the temple, and led the nation back to true worship.
Ọba e Josaia keghi guọghọ ẹbọ hia ni rre otọ e Juda rua, ọ na vbe dọlegbe mu ugamwẹ ẹmwata gbọ.

You are never too young to witness about Jehovah
Ọre ọvbokhan ẹre u khin ra enọwanrẹn ẹre u khin, u gha sẹtin tama emwa vbekpa e Jehova

When we do what is right, Jehovah promises to be with us
E Jehova yan rẹn wẹẹ, irẹn gha mudia ne ima deghẹ ima na gha ru emwi esi

Like Jonah, learn to follow Jehovah’s instructions and not to complain when things don’t go your way
Vbe na ghee Jona, hia ne u gha lele adia ọghe Jehova uhiẹn deghẹ a na miẹn wẹẹ, ẹi erriọ u te gualọe yi

Lesson 061

In the land of Syria, there was a little Israelite girl who was far away from her home. She had been taken from her family by the Syrian army, and now she was a servant to the wife of an army chief called Naaman.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ọvbokhan okhuo ọkpa, ne ivbi iyokuo mu ke Izrẹl gha rrie Siria; ọ na do gha re ọguọmwadia ọvbokhan ọkaokuo ọkpa na tie ẹre Neaman.

The little girl worshipped Jehovah, even though the people around her did not.
E Jehova ẹre ọvbokhan okhuo na ghaa ga, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, emwa ni lẹga re ma gha ga e Jehova.

Naaman had a horrible skin disease, and he was in pain all the time.
E Neaman na do gha khuọnmwi emianmwẹ nọ wegbe na tiẹre oti. Uwu obalọ ẹre ọ wa gha ye vbe ẹdẹgbegbe.

The little girl really wanted to help him.
Ọvbokhan okhuo nii na gha hoo nọ ru iyobọ nẹ.

She told Naaman’s wife:
Ọ na tama ọvbokhan e Neaman wẹẹ:

‘I know someone who can make your husband better.
‘I rẹn ọmwa nọ gha sẹtin mu ọdafẹn ruẹ egbe rran.

In Israel, there is a prophet of Jehovah named Elisha. He can cure your husband.’
Akhasẹ ọghe Jehova na tie ẹre Elaisia nọ rre otọ Izrẹl gha sẹtin mu ọdafẹn ruẹ egbe rran.’

Naaman’s wife told Naaman what the little girl had said.
Ọvbokhan e Neaman na ya tama ọdafẹn ọnrẹn emwi ne ọvbokhan okhuo nii khare.

He was willing to try anything, so he went to Elisha’s house in Israel.
E Neaman na gele muegbe ne ọ ya bu Elaisia vbe otọ Izrẹl.

Naaman expected Elisha to receive him as an important person.
Ọ na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ Elaisia gha mu ọghọ ye irẹn egbe.

But instead of speaking to him personally, Elisha sent his servant to greet Naaman and give him a message:
Sokpan e Neaman ke sẹ eke ne ọ ye, Elaisia na gie ọguọmwadia ọghẹe ya tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then you will be cured.’
‘Ya kpe egbe ruẹ vbe Ẹzẹ e Jọdan igba ihinrọn ne egbe mieke na rran ruẹ.’

Naaman was very disappointed.
Ẹi re ọna e Neaman te yaro yi.

He said:
Ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘I thought that this prophet would cure me by calling to his God and waving his hands over me.
‘I te wẹẹ te akhasẹ na khian wa rhie obọ yan mwẹ, ọ ghi tie eni Osa ọghẹe.

Instead, he tells me to go to this river in Israel. We have better rivers in Syria. Why can’t I just go there?’
I ma rẹn wẹẹ, te ọ khian wẹẹ ne I ya kpe egbe mwẹ vbe ẹzẹ nọ rre otọ Izrẹl, ẹi re ẹzẹ ne I khian na khuẹ ẹre I gualọ, ma mwẹ ẹzẹ nikhua vbe Siria.’

Naaman got angry, and he left Elisha’s house.
E Neaman keghi guọnmwẹ egbe kpa vbe owa Elaisia.

Naaman’s servants helped him to think clearly.
Eguọmwadia e Neaman keghi dia iziro ọghẹe.

They said to him:
Iran na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Wouldn’t you do anything to be cured?
‘Ẹi re vbene egbe gha ya rran ruẹ, ẹre uwẹ gualọ?

What this prophet tells you to do is so simple.
Emwi ne akhasẹ na, wẹẹ ne u ru i lọghọ.

Why not just do it?’
Wa ruẹ!’

Naaman listened to them.
E Neaman keghi ru vbene iran khare.

He went to the Jordan River and plunged into the water seven times.
Ọ na ya dinmwi egbe ẹre ye uwu Ẹzẹ e Jọdan vbe igba ihinrọn.

After the seventh time, Naaman came up out of the water completely healed.
Vbe ọ ghi ladian, egbe na rran rẹn.

He was very grateful, and he went back to thank Elisha.
Ọ ma sẹtin ghọghọ, ẹre ọ na ghi ya kpọnmwẹ Elaisia.

Naaman said:
E Neaman keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Now I know that Jehovah is the true God.’
‘Eban ẹre I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova ọkpa ọre Osa ọghe ẹmwata.’

How do you think the little Israelite girl felt when Naaman came back healed?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, ọ ghaa ye ọvbokhan okhuo nii hẹ, vbe ẹghẹ ne Neaman ghi ya sẹ owa?

“Out of the mouth of children and infants, you have brought forth praise.”—Matthew 21:16
“Wa ma ibiẹka kevbe emobọ ẹmwẹ urhomwẹ ne ọ gbae.”—Matiu 21:16


Do you think that it was easy for the little Israelite girl to speak to Naaman’s wife?
Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ, ọ wa gha khuẹrhẹ ne ọvbokhan okhuo nii, ne ọ gu ọvbokhan e Neaman guan ra?

What do you think helped her to be so brave?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ ọ ru iyobọ nẹ, ne ọ ya gha mwẹ egbe udinmwẹ vberriọ?

Lesson 062

The king of Syria, Ben-hadad, kept attacking Israel.
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre Benhadad ne ọba ọghe Siria ya gha gu Ivbi Izrẹl khọn.

But the prophet Elisha warned the king of Israel each time, so he was able to escape.
Sokpan ẹghẹ ke ẹghẹ ne Benhadad ya mu okuo dee, Elaisia ghi tama ọba ọghe Izrẹl nọ lẹẹ fua.

So Ben-hadad decided to kidnap Elisha. He found out that Elisha was in the city of Dothan, and he sent the Syrian army there to capture him.
Rhunmwuda ọni, e Benhadad keghi gie ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe ne iran ya mu Elaisia ke Dotan rre.

The Syrians came to Dothan at night.
Asọn ẹre ivbi iyokuo Asiria ya sẹ e Dotan.

The next morning, Elisha’s servant went outside and saw that the city was surrounded by a large army.
Vbe ẹdẹ ghi gbe, ọguọmwadia Elaisia keghi ladian, ọ na bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ ivbi iyokuo vuọn orere ẹvbo.

He was terrified and shouted:
Orrirri na gbe kue ọre, ẹre ọ na da tie Elaisia wẹẹ:

‘Elisha, what should we do?’
‘Enọwanrẹn, uwu ima wa miẹn na, vbe ima khian ghi ru nia?’

Elisha told him:
Elaisia keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘There are more with us than with them.’
‘Emwa ni rre ima iyeke ẹre ọ bun sẹ ọghe iran.’

At that moment, Jehovah made Elisha’s servant see that the mountains all around the city were full of horses and fiery war chariots.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Jehova keghi ruẹ ne ọguọmwadia Elaisia bẹghe ivbi iyokuo ọghe irẹn, ni tota ye ikẹkẹ okuo nọ baa vbe na ghee erhẹn vbe uhunmwu oke.

When the Syrian soldiers tried to capture Elisha, he prayed: ‘Jehovah, please make them blind.’
Ugbẹnvbe Elaisia ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ivbi iyokuo e Siria khian do mu irẹn, ọ na ghi rinmwia e Jehova nọ bibi iran odẹ.

Suddenly, although they could still see, the soldiers had no idea where they were.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, iran ma ghi rẹn eke ne iran ghaa ye.

Elisha told the soldiers:
Elaisia keghi tama ivbi iyokuo nii wẹẹ:

‘You are in the wrong city.
‘Ẹi re ẹvbo na ẹre ọ khẹke ne uwa gha ye.

Follow me, I will take you to the man you are looking for.’
Uwa lele mwẹ, ne I ya ma uwa eke ne okpia ne uwa gualọ ye.’

They followed Elisha all the way to Samaria, where the king of Israel lived.
Elaisia keghi rhie iran gha rrie Sameria nọ re ehe ne ọba ọghe Izrẹl ye.

Too late, the Syrians realized where they were.
Okiekie ẹre aro ghi ya gbannọ Ivbi e Siria.

The king of Israel asked Elisha:
Ọba ọghe Izrẹl na ghi nọ Elaisia wẹẹ:

‘Should I kill them?’
‘Ne I gbele iran rua ra?’

Did Elisha use this as an opportunity to get even with these people who had tried to hurt him?
Elaisia gha loo ẹkpotọ nọ kie nẹ na, ya rria ikhi ne egbe ẹre ra?


Elisha said:
Elaisia keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Do not kill them.
‘Ghẹ gbele iran rua.

Give them a meal, and send them on their way.’
Rhie evbare ne iran, ne u gi iran gha khian.’

So the king spread a huge feast for them and then sent them home.
Ọba Izrẹl keghi le evbare ọbọbọtizọ ne iran, iran ghi rri evbare nẹ, iran na gha rrie owa.

“This is the confidence that we have toward him, that no matter what we ask according to his will, he hears us.”—1 John 5:14
“Ọna ọ si ẹe ne afianma i na fian ima vbe odaro Osanobua, aro ima dae wẹ, irẹn gha ru ẹe, adeghẹ ima nọ rẹn emwi, zẹ vbene ọ gua egbe emwi ne irẹn hoo ro.”—1 Jọn 5:14


How did Jehovah protect Elisha and his attendant?
De vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga Elaisia kevbe ọguọmwadia ọghẹe hẹ?

Do you think that Jehovah can protect you too?
Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ e Jehova gha vbe sẹtin gbogba ga ruẹ ra?

Lesson 063

Jezebel had a daughter called Athaliah, who was just as wicked as her mother.
E Jezibẹl ghaa mwẹ ọmọ okhuo ọkpa na tie ẹre Atalaia, nọ wa vbe guẹ emwi dan ne iyẹe guẹ.

Athaliah was married to the king of Judah.
Atalaia keghi rọnmwẹ ọba ọghe Juda.

When her husband died, her son began to rule.
Vbe ọdafẹn ọnrẹn ghi wu nẹ, ovbi ẹre na suẹn gha kha.

But when her son died, Athaliah made herself the ruler of Judah.
Sokpan vbe ovbi ẹre ghi wu, Atalaia keghi ya egbe ẹre khian ọba ọghe Juda.

Then she tried to destroy the entire royal line, murdering anyone who could become ruler instead of her, even her own grandsons.
Ọ na gha hoo nọ wabọ uniẹn ọghe ọba nii hia rua, uhiẹn ya sẹ egbe avbe eyẹ ọre, na ghẹ mieke na miẹn ọmwa nọ khian ghi rri ọba.

Everyone was afraid of her.
Emwa hia na gha mu ohan okhuo na vbe otọ e Juda.

High Priest Jehoiada and his wife, Jehosheba, knew that what Athaliah was doing was very bad.
Ogiohẹn ighẹ e Jehoiada kevbe amwẹ ọnrẹn ighẹ e Jehosiba ma rhie obọ ba emwi dan ne Atalaia ru na.

They risked their lives to hide one of Athaliah’s grandsons, a baby named Jehoash. They raised him at the temple.
Iran keghi mu arrọọ ọghe iran ye ikpadede, iran na mu e Jehoas nọ re eyẹ ọghe Atalaia lẹẹ gha rrie ọgua Osa; evba ẹre ọ na ghi waan.

When Jehoash was seven years old, Jehoiada gathered all the chieftains and Levites and told them:
Vbe Jehoas ghi sẹ ukpo ihinrọn nẹ, e Jehoiada keghi si avbe ọkaolotu kevbe Ivbi e Livai koko, ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Guard the doors of the temple, and don’t let anyone in.’
‘Uwa gha bodẹ, ne uwa ghẹ gi ọmwa rhọkpa la ọgua Osa na.’

Then Jehoiada made Jehoash the king of Judah and put a crown on his head.
Ẹre Jehoiada na ghi mu ẹde ye uhunmwu e Jehoas, ọ na ma re ọba ọghe Juda.

The people of Judah shouted:
Ẹre Ivbi e Juda na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Long live the king!’
‘Ọba gha tọ, ọ kpẹẹ re!’

Queen Athaliah heard the roar of the crowd and rushed to the temple.
Vbe Oloi Atalaia ghi họn owogho ọghe emwa, ọ na rhulẹ gha rrie ọgua Osa.

When she saw the new king, she cried out:
Vbe ọ ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Juda mwẹ ọba ọgbọn nẹ, ọ na datu wẹẹ:

“Conspiracy! Conspiracy!”
‘Isọtẹ! Isọtẹ!’

The chieftains grabbed the wicked queen, took her away, and put her to death.
Avbe ọkaolotu nii keghi mu Atalaia kpa, iran na ya gbe ẹre rua.

But what about the bad influence she’d had on the nation?
 Sokpan vbe a khian ghi ruẹ hẹ nia, ugbẹnvbe ọ kẹ ọre ya si emwa nibun vbe agbẹnvbo nii, la ugamwẹ igẹbọ nẹ?

Jehoiada helped the nation to make a covenant with Jehovah in which they promised to worship only Him.
E Jehoiada keghi ru iyobọ ne emwa rẹn, ne iran ya ta ile ma e Jehova wẹẹ, irẹn ọkpa ẹre iran khian ga.

Jehoiada had them tear down the temple of Baal and smash the idols to pieces.
E Jehoiada keghi wẹẹ ne emwa guọghọ ọgua ọghe Bel rua.

He appointed the priests and Levites to work at the temple so that the people could worship there again.
Ọ keghi tama avbe ohẹn kevbe Ivbi e Livai ne iran dọlọ ọgua Osa yi, ne iran mieke na sẹtin werriegbe gha ga e Jehova vba.

He assigned gatekeepers to guard the temple so that no one unclean could enter.
Ọ keghi viọ avbe ọbodẹ ye onurho ọgua Osa, ne ọmwa nọ ma huan ghẹ mieke na sẹtin laọ.

Then Jehoiada and the chieftains took Jehoash to the palace and put him on the throne.
Ẹre Jehoiada kevbe avbe ọkaolotu na ghi rhie Jehoas gha rrie ẹguae, ne ọ ya tota ye ẹkete.

The people of Judah rejoiced.
Ivbi e Juda na gha ghọghọ.

They could serve Jehovah, finally free from wicked Athaliah and from Baal worship.
Te iran ghi sẹtin ga e Jehova nia, ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ Atalaia ne ọmwa dan kevbe uyinmwẹ igẹbọ i ghi rrọọ.

Do you see how Jehoiada’s courage helped many people?
U ma bẹghe vbene udinmwẹ ọghe Jehoiada ya ru iyobọ ne emwa nibun hẹ?

“Do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.”—Matthew 10:28
“Wa ghẹ mu ohan emwa ni sẹtin gbe ikinnegbe rua, sokpan nẹi sẹtin gbe evbọ rrọọ rua; nọghayayerriọ, wa gha mu ohan ọmwa nọ gha sẹtin gbe ikinnegbe kevbe evbọ rrọọ rua, ọ ghi fi ẹre fi e Gẹhẹnna.”—Matiu 10:28, NW


How did Jehoiada show courage?
De vbene Jehoiada ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn mwẹ udinmwẹ?

Do you think that Jehovah can help you be brave?
Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ, e Jehova gha sẹtin ru iyobọ nuẹ ya gha mwẹ udinmwẹ ra?

Lesson 064

In the Assyrian city of Nineveh, the people were wicked.
Emwa dan ẹre ọ wa gha rre ẹvbo e Nenivẹ nọ rre Asiria.

Jehovah told his prophet Jonah to go to Nineveh and warn them that they should change their ways.
E Jehova keghi tama akhasẹ e Jona nọ gha rrie Nenivẹ, ne ọ ya ye obọ sekhae ma iran wẹẹ, ne iran fi uyinmwẹ iran werriẹ.

But Jonah ran away in the opposite direction.
Sokpan e Jona keghi mu uhunmwu daa ẹvbo ọvbehe ne ọ mieke na lẹẹ fua.

He got on a ship bound for Tarshish and sailed away.
Ọ na la okọ nọ rrie Tasis.

While the ship was at sea, a violent storm came up, and the sailors were terrified.
Vbe iran ghi rre uwu ẹzẹ, ogbigbi ẹhoho keghi suẹn, ohan na gha mu emwa hia.

They prayed to their gods and asked:
Iran na suẹn gha na erhunmwu gie dọmwadẹ ẹbọ ne iran ga, iran na gha nọ wẹẹ:

‘Why is this happening?’
‘Vbe ena ya de?’

Finally, Jonah told them:
Vbe okiekie, e Jona keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘I am to blame.
‘Mẹ ẹre ọ si ẹre.

I am running away from what Jehovah told me to do.
Te I lẹẹ re ne uhunmwu ne Jehova gie mwẹ re.

Throw me into the sea, and the storm will stop.’
Uwa fi mwẹ fi uwu ẹzẹ, ne ogbigbi ẹhoho na, mieke na dobọ yi.’

The sailors didn’t want to throw Jonah overboard, but he insisted.
Iran ma te hoo ne iran fi ẹre fi uwu ẹzẹ, sokpan ọ na ye gha tama iran ne iran ru vberriọ.

When they did throw him into the sea, the storm stopped.
Vbe iran ghi gele fi ẹre fi uwu ẹzẹ, ehe hia na ye hii.

Jonah thought he was going to die.
Emwi ọkpa nọ ghaa rre Jona orhiọn ọre wẹẹ, uwu ẹre irẹn ghi wa miẹn na.

As he sank deeper and deeper into the sea, he prayed to Jehovah.
Vbene ọ ya gha dinmwi khian vbuwe ẹzẹ nii, erriọ ẹre ọ ya gha na erhunmwu gie Jehova.

Then Jehovah sent a huge fish.
E Jehova na ghi gie ehẹn nọkhua rre.

It swallowed Jonah, but that didn’t kill him.
Ọ keghi mi e Jona re, sokpan ọ ma wu.

From inside the fish, Jonah prayed:
E Jona na gha na erhunmwu vbuwe ẹko ehẹn, ọ na tama e Jehova wẹẹ:

‘I promise to obey you always.’
‘Ẹghẹ hia, ẹre I khian ghi ya gha họn ẹmwẹ nuẹ.’

Jehovah kept Jonah safe inside the fish for three days and then made the fish spit Jonah out onto dry land.
E Jehova keghi gbaroghe Jona vbuwe ẹko ehẹn vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ eha, iyeke ọni, e Jehova keghi ruẹ ne ehẹn nii ya kpa e Jona ye otọ nọ kae.

Since Jehovah had saved Jonah, did this mean that he didn’t have to go to Nineveh after all?
Ugbẹnvbe Jehova ghi miẹn e Jona fan nẹ, ọni ghi rhiema wẹẹ, ẹi khian ghi yo e Nenivẹ ra?


Jehovah again told Jonah to go there.
E Jehova keghi werriegbe tama e Jona nọ gha rrie evba.

This time, Jonah obeyed.
Ẹre Jona na gha khian.

He went there and told those wicked people:
Ọ ghi sẹ evba, ọ na gha tama emwa dan ni rre ẹvbo nii wẹẹ:

‘In 40 days, Nineveh will be destroyed.’
‘Ikpẹdẹ 40 kẹkan ẹre ọ ghi dekẹ na guọghọ e Nenivẹ rua.’

Then something unexpected happened—the Ninevites listened and changed their ways.
Sokpan, Ivbi e Nenivẹ keghi fiwerriẹ, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ e Jona ma te roro ẹre wẹẹ, ọ gha de vberriọ.

The king of Nineveh told his people:
Ọba ọghe Nenivẹ keghi tama emwa rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Call out to God, and repent.
‘Wa gi ima fiwerriẹ, ne ima rinmwia Osanobua nọ yabọ ima.

Perhaps he will not destroy us.’
Egbọre, ọ gha tohan ima.’

When Jehovah saw that the people repented, he did not destroy Nineveh.
Vbe Jehova ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ Ivbi e Nenivẹ fiwerriẹ, ọ ma ghi guọghọ iran rua.

Jonah was angry that the city was not destroyed.
Ohu na gha mu e Jona rhunmwuda ne Osanobua ma na ghi guọghọ ẹvbo nii rua.

Just think:
Muẹn roro:

Jehovah had been patient and merciful with Jonah, but Jonah was not merciful with the people of Nineveh.
E Jona ma hoo ne ọ mwẹ itohan ghee Ivbi e Nenivẹ, vbene ọ na mianmian wẹẹ e Jehova ka mwẹ itohan ghee irẹn.

Instead, he sat outside the city in the shade of a bottle-gourd plant and pouted.
Ọ na ya tota ye irhu ọghe ọmọ erhan ọkpa, vbene ọ na suku aro ye uhunmwu.

Then the plant died, and Jonah got angry.
Vbe ọmọ erhan nii ghi giẹn, ohu na gha mu e Jona.

So Jehovah told him:
Ẹre Jehova na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You care more about this plant than you do about the Ninevites.
‘U ma bẹghe vbe ohu muẹn ye ọmọ erhan nọ giẹnrẹn, inu ghi nọ ne Ivbi e Nenivẹ?

I showed them mercy, and they survived.’
Mẹ ẹre ọ mwẹ itohan ghee iran, ẹre ọ zẹe ne iran na miẹn fan.’

What was the point? The people of Nineveh were more important than any plant.
Te Jehova ru ọna, ne ọ ya gi e Jona rẹn wẹẹ, Ivbi e Nenivẹ ẹre ọ ru ekpataki sẹ emwi okọ nọ rhirhi gha khin.

“Jehovah ... is patient with you because he does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.”—2 Peter 3:9
“Nọyaẹnmwa ... zin egbe rhunmwuda uwa, rhunmwuda, irẹn i hoo ne ọmwa rhọkpa fuan, sokpan ọ hoo ne emwa hia fiwerriẹ hin orukhọ iran rre.”—2 Pita 3:9


What lessons did Jehovah teach Jonah?
De emwi ne Jehova maa e Jona re?

What can we learn from what happened to Jonah?
De emwi ne ima gha miẹn ruẹ vbe okha ọghe Jona?

Lesson 065

The Assyrian Empire had taken over the ten-tribe kingdom of Israel.
Arriọba ọghe Asiria keghi khọn miotọ yan uniẹn igbe ọghe Izrẹl.

Now Sennacherib, the king of Assyria, wanted to take over the two-tribe kingdom of Judah.
Nia, te Senakẹrib ne ọba ọghe Asiria ghi vbe hoo nọ khọn miotọ yan uniẹn eva ọghe Juda.

He began taking the cities of Judah one by one.
Ọ na suẹn gha khọn miotọ yan ẹvbo ni rre Juda ọkpa ọkpa.

But the city he wanted most was Jerusalem.
Sokpan ẹvbo nọ gele gha rre ọre orhiọn nọ khọn mu keghi re Jerusalẹm.

What Sennacherib did not know was that Jehovah was protecting Jerusalem.
Ọ ma gi e Senakẹrib rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova ẹre ọ ghaa gbogba ga e Jerusalẹm.

Hezekiah, the king of Judah, paid Sennacherib a lot of money to leave Jerusalem alone.
Hẹzekaia ne ọba ọghe Juda keghi hae igho ọrhẹnrhẹn ne Senakẹrib, ne ọ mieke na sẹ ẹvbo irẹn rae.

Although Sennacherib took the money, he still sent his powerful army to attack Jerusalem.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ e Senakẹrib miẹn ọnrẹn igho nii, ọ na ye gha hoo nọ guọghọ e Jerusalẹm rua.

The people in the city were scared because the Assyrians were getting closer and closer.
Vbe Ivbi e Jerusalẹm ghi họn wẹẹ Ivbi Asiria sikẹ ẹvbo iran nẹ, orrirri na gbe kue iran.

Then Hezekiah told them:
Hẹzekaia keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be afraid.
‘Wa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.

The Assyrians are strong, but Jehovah will make us even stronger than they are.’
Ivbi Asiria wa wegbe, sokpan e Jehova gha ya ima wegbe sẹ iran.’

Sennacherib sent his messenger, the Rabshakeh, to Jerusalem to make fun of the people.
Senakẹrib keghi gie Rabsakẹ gha rrie Jerusalẹm ne ọ ya ye iran gbogiẹ.

The Rabshakeh stood outside the city and shouted:
E Rabsakẹ keghi mudia ye orere ẹvbo nii gha kha wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah cannot help you.
‘E Jehova i khian sẹtin miẹn uwa fan.

Don’t let Hezekiah trick you.
Wa ghẹ gi e Hẹzekaia mu uwa rẹrẹ.

There is no god that can protect you from us.’
Osa ọkpa i rrọọ nọ khian sẹtin miẹn uwa fan vbe obọ ima.’

Hezekiah asked Jehovah what he should do.
Hẹzekaia keghi nọ e Jehova emwi nọ khẹke ne irẹn ru.

Jehovah answered:
E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be scared by what the Rabshakeh says.
‘Ghẹ gi ohan mu ruẹ rhunmwuda emwi ne Rabsakẹ khare.

Sennacherib will not take Jerusalem.’
Senakẹrib i khian sẹtin khọn miotọ yan e Jerusalẹm.’

Next, Hezekiah received some letters from Sennacherib.
Iyeke ọni, e Senakẹrib keghi gbẹn elẹta gie Hẹzekaia.

The letters said:
Ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘Just give up.
‘Wa fẹko ze egbe obọ ne ima.

Jehovah can’t save you.’
E Jehova i khian sẹtin miẹn uwa fan.’

Hezekiah prayed:
Hẹzekaia keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Please, Jehovah, save us, so that everyone will know that you are the only true God.’
‘E Jehova lahọ miẹn ima fan, ne emwa hia mieke na rẹn wẹẹ, uwẹ ọkpa ọre Osa ọghe ẹmwata.’

Jehovah told him:
E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘The king of Assyria will not come into Jerusalem.
‘Ọba ọghe Asiria i khian sẹtin la e Jerusalẹm.

I will protect my city.’
I gha gbogba ga ẹvbo mwẹ.’

Sennacherib felt sure that Jerusalem would soon be his.
E Senakẹrib na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ, vbene ẹi khian ghi kpẹẹ gbe, e Jerusalẹm gha khian ọghe irẹn.

But one night, Jehovah sent an angel to where the soldiers were camped outside the city.
Sokpan vbe asọn ọkpa, e Jehova keghi gie odibo ọghẹe ọkpa gha rrie ehe ne ivbi iyokuo Asiria bu agọ yi.

The angel killed 185,000 soldiers!
Odibosa nii keghi gbele ivbi iyokuo ọghe Asiria 185,000!

King Sennacherib lost his mightiest soldiers. He had no choice but to go home defeated.
Ivbabọ ẹre Ọba e Senakẹrib ghi ya gha rrie owa.

Jehovah protected Hezekiah and Jerusalem, just as he had promised.
E Jehova keghi gbogba ga e Hẹzekaia kevbe Jerusalẹm zẹ vbene ọ ru eyan rẹn.

If you had been there in Jerusalem, would you have trusted in Jehovah?
Deghẹ uwẹ nọ, u gha mu ẹtin yan e Jehova ra?

“The angel of Jehovah camps all around those fearing Him, and he rescues them.”—Psalm 34:7
“Avbe odibosa ẹre ọ gbaroghe iran ni ya ọghọ ne Nọyaẹnmwa, ọ ghi vbe miẹn iran fan vbe ẹbe.”—Psalm 34:7


How did Jehovah protect Jerusalem?
De vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga e Jerusalẹm hẹ?

Do you think that Jehovah will protect you?
Uwẹ yayi wẹẹ e Jehova gha gbogba ga ruẹ ra?

Lesson 066

Josiah became king of Judah when he was eight years old.
Ukpo erẹnrẹn ẹre Josaia ghaa ye vbe ọ rri ọba yan otọ e Juda.

In those days, the people were practicing magic and worshipping idols.
Uyinmwẹ imamase kevbe ọghe igẹbọ ẹre ọ wa gua emwa obọ ro vbe ẹghẹ nii.

When Josiah was 16 years old, he tried to learn how to worship Jehovah in the right way.
Vbe Josaia ghi rre ukpo 16, ọ na gha hoo ne ọ rẹn odẹ nọ khẹke ne irẹn gha ya ga e Jehova.

When he was 20 years old, he started to destroy the idols and altars in all the land.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo 20, ọ na suẹn gha guọghọ avbe ẹbọ kevbe avbe aka izọese ni rre otọ e Juda.

And when Josiah was 26 years old, he arranged for Jehovah’s temple to be repaired.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo 26, irẹn keghi ru emwamwa na ya dọlọ ọgua Osa yi.

In the temple, the high priest, Hilkiah, found the scroll of Jehovah’s Law—maybe the very scroll that had been written by Moses.
Ogiohẹn ighẹ Hilkaia keghi miẹn ebe na kiri ọghe Uhi ọghe Jehova vbe ọgua Osa—egbọre ebe na kiri ne Mosis tobọre gbẹn ẹre na khin.

The king’s secretary Shaphan brought the scroll to Josiah and began to read the Law out loud.
Ọgbenbe ighẹ e Siafan keghi tie ebe Uhi na, ma e Josaia vbe urhu nọ lae.

As Josiah listened, he realized that the people had been disobeying Jehovah for many years.
Vbe Josaia ghi họn ẹmwẹ ne ọ tiere, ọ na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, Ivbi e Juda ma gha lele uhi ọghe Jehova vbe ọwara ukpo nibun.

King Josiah said to Hilkiah:
Ọba e Josaia keghi tama Hilkaia wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah is very angry with us.
‘E Jehova wa mu ohu ima nia.

Go and speak to him. Jehovah will tell us what we should do.’
Lahọ gu ima ya nọ e Jehova emwi nọ khẹke ne ima ru.’

Jehovah answered through the prophetess Huldah:
Okhuo ọkpa na tie ẹre Hulda nọ re akhasẹ, ẹre Jehova ghi loo ya tama iran wẹẹ:

‘The people of Judah have left me.
‘Ivbi e Juda mianmian mwẹ nẹ.

They will be punished but not while Josiah is king, because he has humbled himself.’
I gha rri iran oya, sokpan ẹi re ẹghẹ na, ne Josaia ya kha, rhunmwuda ọmwa imuegberriotọ ẹre nọ.’

When King Josiah heard the message, he went to the temple and called the people of Judah together.
Vbe Ọba e Josaia ghi họn igiuhunmwu na, ọ na si Ivbi e Juda hia koko vbe ọgua Osa.

Then he read Jehovah’s Law out loud to the whole nation.
Ọ na tie ebe Uhi ọghe Jehova ma iran hia.

Josiah and the people promised to obey Jehovah with all their hearts.
E Josaia kevbe emwa rẹn keghi ru eyan ma e Jehova wẹẹ, iran gha ya ekhọe hia họn ẹmwẹ nẹ.

The nation of Judah had not celebrated the Passover for many years.
Ẹi ghi re eban Ivbi e Juda ghi do Ugie Alagberra sẹ.

But when Josiah read in the Law that the Passover should be celebrated every year, he told the nation:
Sokpan vbe Josaia ghi tie ẹre vbe ebe Uhi wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke na gha do Ugie Alagberra vbe ukpo ukpo, ọ na ghi tama emwa rẹn wẹẹ:

‘We will hold a Passover to Jehovah.’
‘Ma gha do Ugie Alagberra gie Jehova vbe ukpo na.’

Then Josiah prepared to make many sacrifices and arranged to have a chorus of singers at the temple.
E Josaia na ghi ru emwamwa ọghe vbene iran khian ya ru izọese nibun hẹ; ọ na vbe ru emwamwa ọghe emwa ni khian gha so ihuan vbe ọgua Osa.

Then the nation held the Passover, followed by the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which lasted for seven days.
Vbe Ivbi e Juda ghi do Ugie Alagberra nẹ, iran na do ya ikpẹdẹ ihinrọn do Ugie Ebrẹdi Nọ Ma Hue.

There had not been a Passover like it since the days of Samuel.
Ke ne Samuẹl ya wu, a ma he do Ugie Alagberra vbenia ẹdẹ.

Josiah really loved God’s Law.
Ọ vẹ na rẹn wẹẹ, te Josaia gele wa hoẹmwẹ Uhi ọghe Osanobua.

Do you enjoy learning about Jehovah?
Uwẹ hoo ne u gha ruẹ vbekpae Jehova ra?

“Your word is a lamp to my foot, and a light for my path.”—Psalm 119:105
“Ukpa ne ọ ma mwẹ odẹ ọre ẹmwẹ ruẹn khin, kevbe uwanmwẹ ne ọ rre odẹ mwẹ.”—Psalm 119:105


How did King Josiah react when he heard God’s Law?
De emwi ne Ọba e Josaia ru vbe a ghi tie ebe Uhi ọghe Osanobua ma rẹn?

How did Jehovah feel about Josiah?
De aro ne Jehova ya gha ghee Josaia?

Lesson 067

Jehovah is King over all. He has always been in control, and he will always be in control.
Ke etẹbitẹ ya sẹ etẹghori, e Jehova ọre Ọba nọ khaevbisẹ yan uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

For example, he rescued Jeremiah from a pit of death.
Vbe igiemwi, irẹn keghi miẹn e Jerimaia fan vbe ẹghẹ ne iran khian te ya gbe ẹre rua.

He saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from a fiery furnace and Daniel from the mouths of lions.
Ọ miẹn e Siẹdrak, e Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo fan vbe uwu erhẹn, ọ na vbe miẹn e Daniẹl fan vbe uvun oduma.

Jehovah protected Esther so that she could save her entire nation.
E Jehova keghi gbogba ga Ẹsta nọ mieke na miẹn emwa rẹn fan.

He will not allow wickedness to go on forever.
Irẹn i khian zinegbe ne emwi dan gha rrọọ vbe etẹbitẹ.

The prophecies of the great image and the massive tree guarantee that Jehovah’s Kingdom will soon remove all wickedness and rule the earth.
Ẹmwẹ akhasẹ nọ dekaan amazẹ nọkhua kevbe okperhan nọ tan sẹ iso keghi suigiẹ yọ wẹẹ Arriọba Osanobua gha rherhe wabọ emwi dan rua vbe uhunmwu otagbọn na, kevbe wẹẹ ọ ghi gha khaevbisẹ yan otagbọn hia.

Jehovah’s Kingdom is far more powerful than any human government
Ẹtin Arriọba Osanobua ẹre ọ sẹ ọghe arriọba emwa nagbọn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse

Like Esther and Daniel, we must always stand up for what is right, no matter where we are
Vbe ehe ne ima rhirhi gha ye, te ọ khẹke ne ima gha ru emwi nọ gbae vbene Ẹsta kevbe Daniẹl ru ẹre

Rely completely on Jehovah when facing desperate situations, just as Jeremiah and Nehemiah did
Hẹnhẹn egbe yan e Jehova vbe u gha werriẹ aro daa ukpokpo nọ wegbe vbene Jerimaia kevbe Nehimaia ru ẹre

Lesson 068

Jehovah chose Jeremiah to be a prophet to the people of Judah.
E Jehova keghi zẹ e Jerimaia ne ọ gha re akhasẹ ọghe Ivbi e Juda.

He told him to preach to the people and warn them that they needed to stop doing bad things.
Ọ keghi tama rẹn ne ọ ya kporhu ma Ivbi e Juda kevbe ne ọ ya obọ sekhae ne iran vbe emwi dan ne iran ru.

Jeremiah said:
E Jerimaia keghi tama e Jehova wẹẹ:

‘But Jehovah, I am only a boy.
‘Ọvbokhan kherhe ẹre I khin.

I don’t know how to speak to the people.’
I ma rẹn vbene I khian ya gu emwa ruẹ guan hẹ.’

Jehovah told him:
E Jehova keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Do not be afraid.
‘Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn.

I will tell you what to say.
I gha tama ruẹ emwi ne u khian ta.

I will help you.’
I gha ru iyobọ nuẹ.’

Jehovah told Jeremiah to gather the elders of the people, smash a clay jar in front of them, and say:
E Jehova keghi tama e Jerimaia ne ọ si ediọn ni rre Juda koko, ne ọ sirra iran guọghọ akhe kevbe ne ọ tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Jerusalem will be smashed just like this.’
‘Erriọ ẹre a khian vbe ya guọghọ e Jerusalẹm rua.’

When Jeremiah did what Jehovah said, the elders got very angry.
Vbe Jerimaia ghi ru vberriọ, ohu na gha mu ediọn ọghe Juda.

A priest named Pashhur beat Jeremiah and put him in wooden stocks. All night long, Jeremiah could not move.
Ohẹn ọkpa na tie ẹre Pasiọ keghi gbe Jerimaia, ọ na muẹn ye ehe nẹi khian na sẹtin zẹ obọ zẹ owẹ, evba nii ẹre ẹdẹ gbe ẹre yi.

Pashhur let him out the next morning.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Pasiọ na zẹ ọre obọ.

Jeremiah said:
E Jerimaia keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I can’t take this anymore.
‘Egbe ena hia wọọ mwẹ nẹ.

I’m going to stop preaching.’
I i ghi kporhu hiehie.’

But did he really give up?
Sokpan ọ gele dobọ ikporhu yi ra?


When Jeremiah thought about it some more, he said:
Vbe Jerimaia ghi muẹn roro, ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah’s message is like a fire inside of me.
‘Te igiuhunmwu ọghe Jehova yevbe na ghee erhẹn nọ giẹn vbuwe egbe mwẹ.

I cannot stop preaching.’
I i khian sẹtin dobọ ikporhu yi hiehie.’

Jeremiah continued to warn the people.
E Jerimaia na ye gha ya obọ sekhae ne iran.

Years passed, and there was a new king in Judah.
Vbe ukpo eso ghi gberra nẹ, ọba ọghe ọgbọn na suẹn gha kha yan otọ e Juda.

The priests and the false prophets hated Jeremiah’s message.
Avbe ohẹn kevbe akhasẹ ohoghe na gha mu ohu e Jerimaia rhunmwuda igiuhunmwu ne ọ ya gha wewe.

They told the princes:
Iran keghi tama avbe okoro ọghe ẹvbo nii wẹẹ:

‘This man deserves to die.’
‘Ọ khẹke na gbe okpia na rua.’

Jeremiah said:
E Jerimaia keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘If you kill me, you will kill an innocent man. I speak Jehovah’s words, not my own.’
‘Ọmwa nọ ma rẹn ọkpa rẹn eva ẹre uwa khian gbe rua na, rhunmwuda igiuhunmwu ọghe Jehova ẹre I ya wewe, ẹi re ẹmwẹ obọ mwẹ.’

When the princes heard that, they said:
Avbe okoro ghi họn ẹmwẹ ne Jerimaia tae, iran keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘This man does not deserve to die.’
‘A gha sẹ okpia na rae rhunmwuda ọ ma mwẹ emwi rhọkpa ne ọ ru.’

Jeremiah kept on preaching, and the princes got very angry.
Rhunmwuda wẹẹ e Jerimaia ma dobọ ikporhu yi, ohu na gha mu avbe okoro nii.

They asked the king to put Jeremiah to death.
Iran na ya tama ọba nọ gbe Jerimaia rua.

The king said that they could do whatever they wanted with Jeremiah.
Ọba keghi tama iran, ne iran ru e Jerimaia emwi nọ rhirhi khọn iran.

They took Jeremiah and threw him into a deep, muddy well, hoping that he would die there.
Ẹre iran na ya mu e Jerimaia fi uwu uhae ne ekhuọrhọ vuọn, ne ọ mieke na wu ye evba.

Jeremiah began to sink into the mud.
E Jerimaia na gha ziẹn ye uwu ekhuọrhọ.

Then a court official named Ebed-melech told the king:
Okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Ebẹdmẹlẹk nọ ghaa winna vbe ẹguae ọba keghi tama ọba wẹẹ:

‘The princes have thrown Jeremiah into a well!
‘Avbe okoro ẹvbo na, fi e Jerimaia fi uwu uhae!

If we leave him there, he will die.’
A gha sẹrae ye evba, ọ gha wu.’

The king commanded Ebed-melech to take 30 men with him and pull Jeremiah out of the well.
Ọba keghi tama rẹn nọ viọ ikpia 30 ba egbe ne iran ya si e Jerimaia ladian vbuwe uhae.

Shouldn’t we be like Jeremiah, who did not allow anything to stop him from preaching?
Ọ khẹke ne ima yegbe tae Jerimaia, nọ ma kue ne ọlọghọmwa ne ọ werriẹ aro daa mu idobo ye iwinna ikporhu ọghẹe.

“You will be hated by all people on account of my name, but the one who has endured to the end will be saved.”—Matthew 10:22
“Emwa hia gha mu ohu uwa rhunmwuda mwẹ. Sokpan ọmwa ne ọ mu uhunmwu kọe ya sẹ ufomwẹ, a gha miẹn rẹn fan.”—Matiu 10:22


Why did Jeremiah obey Jehovah, even when he was young?
Vbọzẹe ne Jerimaia na họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova, uhiẹn vbe ọ rre ọvbokhan?

Who tried to stop Jeremiah from preaching?
De emwa ni te gha hoo ne Jerimaia dobọ ikporhu yi?

Lesson 069

Again and again, the people of Judah left Jehovah and worshipped false gods.
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre Ivbi e Juda ya gha fi iyeke gbe Jehova, iran na gha ga ẹbọ.

For many years, Jehovah kept trying to help them.
Ọwara ukpo nibun ẹre Jehova ya gha hoo ne ọ ru iyobọ ne iran.

He sent many prophets to warn them, but they did not listen.
Ọ gie avbe akhasẹ nibun ne iran ya ye obọ sekhae ne iran, sokpan Ivbi e Juda ma họn.

Instead, they made fun of the prophets.
Iran na gha ya avbe akhasẹ na gbogiẹ.

How did Jehovah put an end to their idolatry?
De vbene Jehova ghi ya muẹn sẹ ufomwẹ hẹ ighẹ uyinmwẹ igẹbọ ọghe iran?

The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, was conquering one nation after another.
Otọ nibun ẹre Nebukiadnẹza ne ọba ọghe Babilọn wa gha khọn mu vbe ẹghẹ nii.

The first time he conquered Jerusalem, he captured King Jehoiachin, the princes, the warriors, and the craftsmen, and he took them all to Babylon.
Vbe ẹghẹ okaro ne ọ ya khọnmiotọ yan e Jerusalẹm, ọ na mu Ọba e Jehoiakin, avbe okoro, ivbi iyokuo kevbe avbe owinna gha rrie Babilọn.

He also took all the treasures from Jehovah’s temple.
Ọ na vbe viọ emwi ighobioye ni rre ọgua Osa.

Then Nebuchadnezzar made Zedekiah king of Judah.
Ẹre Nebukiadnẹza na ghi ma e Zedekaia ọba yan otọ e Juda.

At first, Zedekiah obeyed Nebuchadnezzar.
Vbe Zedekaia da khian ọba, ọ na gha họn ẹmwẹ ne Nebukiadnẹza.

But the nearby nations and the false prophets advised Zedekiah to rebel against Babylon.
Sokpan agbẹnvbo ni lẹga e Juda kevbe avbe akhasẹ ohoghe keghi bu e Zedekaia ude ne ọ sọtẹ dae Babilọn.

Jeremiah warned him:
E Jerimaia keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘If you rebel, there will be murder, famine, and disease in Judah.’
‘Adeghẹ u na sọtẹ dae Babilọn, uwu, emianmwẹ kevbe ohanmwẹ ẹre ọ khian ghi gha rre otọ e Juda.’

After ruling for eight years, Zedekiah decided to rebel against Babylon.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo erẹnrẹn ne Zedekaia ke kha, ọ na sọtẹ dae Babilọn.

He asked the Egyptian army to help him.
Ọ na bu Igipt nọ ru iyobọ ne irẹn.

Then Nebuchadnezzar sent his army to attack Jerusalem, and they camped around the city.
E Nebukiadnẹza keghi gie ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe ne iran gbokin lẹga e Jerusalẹm.

Jeremiah told Zedekiah:
E Jerimaia keghi tama e Zedekaia wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah says that if you surrender to Babylon, both you and the city will survive.
‘E Jehova wẹẹ, u gha zẹ egbe obọ ne Babilọn, emwi rhọkpa i khian ru e Jerusalẹm.

But if you don’t, the Babylonians will burn Jerusalem down and take you as prisoner.’
Sokpan deghẹ u ma na ru vberriọ, Ivbi e Babilọn gha giẹn e Jerusalẹm rua, iran ghi mu ruẹ ye eghan.’

Zedekiah said:
E Zedekaia keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I won’t surrender!’
‘I i zẹ egbe obọ!’

A year and a half later, the Babylonian army broke through the walls of Jerusalem and set the city on fire.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo ọkpa vbe ukhiọnmwẹ, ivbi iyokuo e Babilọn keghi lae Jerusalẹm, iran na mu erhẹn yọ.

They burned down the temple, killed many people, and took thousands as prisoners.
Iran na giẹn ọgua Osa, iran na gbele emwa nibun rua, iran na vbe viọ nibun gha rrie imu.

Zedekiah escaped from Jerusalem, but the Babylonians chased after him.
E Zedekaia na te lẹẹ fua, sokpan Ivbi e Babilọn na zẹ ọre khu.

They captured him near Jericho and brought him to Nebuchadnezzar.
Obọ iran na vba re vbe ọkpẹn e Jẹriko, ẹre iran na muẹn gie Nebukiadnẹza.

The king of Babylon made Zedekiah watch as his own sons were executed.
E Nebukiadnẹza keghi gbele ivbi e Zedekaia ye ọre aro.

Then Nebuchadnezzar blinded Zedekiah and put him in prison, where he later died.
Iyeke ọni, ọ na rhu e Zedekaia aro, ọ na fi ẹre fi uwu eghan, evba ẹre ọ wu yi.

But Jehovah promised the people of Judah:
Sokpan e Jehova keghi ru eyan ma Ivbi e Juda wẹẹ:

‘After 70 years, I will bring you home to Jerusalem.’
‘Ukpo 70 gha ghi gberra nẹ, I gha werriegbe viọ uwa gha die Jerusalẹm.’

What would happen to the young people who had been taken as prisoners to Babylon?
De emwi nọ khian ghi sunu daa igbama na viọ gha rrie imu vbe Babilọn?

Would they remain loyal to Jehovah?
Iran gha ye gha mwẹ ẹkoata dae Jehova ra?

“Jehovah God, the Almighty, true and righteous are your judgments.”—Revelation 16:7
“Nọyaẹnmwa Osanobua ne Oghodua, ẹmwata ne uhunmwu ẹmwẹ ọre avbe ibuohiẹn ruẹn wa khin.”—Arhie Maan 16:7


Who was Nebuchadnezzar?
Gha re Nebukiadnẹza?

What did he do to Jerusalem?
De emwi ne ọ ru e Jerusalẹm re?

Who was Zedekiah?
Gha re Zedekaia?

Lesson 070

When Nebuchadnezzar took the princes of Judah to Babylon, he put a court official named Ashpenaz in charge of them.
Vbe Nebukiadnẹza ghi viọ avbe okoro ọghe Juda sẹ e Babilọn, ọ na wẹẹ ne Aspẹnaz gha gbaroghe iran.

Nebuchadnezzar told Ashpenaz to find the healthiest and the smartest young boys among them. These young boys would be trained for three years.
E Nebukiadnẹza keghi tama rẹn ne ọ gualọ iran ne egbe rran rẹn kevbe ni mwẹ ẹwaẹn sẹ vbuwe ibiẹka ikpia nọ viọ rre, nọ mieke na ya ukpo eha maa iran emwi.

The training would prepare them to be important officials in Babylon.
Ọ gha ghi maa iran emwi nẹ, iran ghi gha winna vbe ẹguae ọba vbe Babilọn.

The boys had to learn to read, write, and speak the Akkadian language of Babylon.
Vbuwe ẹghẹ na, ibiẹka ikpia na, ghi ruẹ vbene a ya zẹ urhuẹvbo Akadian hẹ, vbene a ya tie ẹre kevbe vbene a ya gbẹn ọnrẹn.

They were also expected to eat the same kind of food that the king and his court ate.
Evbare ne ọba kevbe ekhaẹmwẹ ọnrẹn re, ẹre iran khian vbe gha re.

Four of these boys were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
E Daniẹl, Hananaia, Misiaẹl kevbe Azaraia ghaa rre usun ibiẹka ikpia na.

Ashpenaz gave them new Babylonian names: Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Aspẹnaz keghi mu eni e Babilọn ne iran nọ re Bẹtẹsiaza, Siẹdrak, Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo.

Would this education cause them to stop serving Jehovah?
Imamwaemwi na, gha ya iran sẹ e Jehova rae ra?

These four boys were determined to obey Jehovah.
Ibiẹka enẹ na, keghi ta muolọ yan rẹn wẹẹ, e Jehova ẹre iran khian họn ẹmwẹ na.

They knew that they should not eat the king’s food because Jehovah’s Law said that some of it was unclean.
Iran rẹnrẹn wẹẹ ọ ma khẹke ne iran rri egbe evbare ne ọba ọghe Babilọn re, rhunmwuda Uhi ọghe Jehova gbodan ghee evbare nii.

So they said to Ashpenaz:
Iran na ghi tama Aspẹnaz wẹẹ:

‘Please do not make us eat the king’s food.’
‘Lahọ ghẹ mu egbe evbare ne ọba re ne ima.’

Ashpenaz told them:
Sokpan Aspẹnaz keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘If you don’t eat and the king sees you looking sick, he will kill me!’
‘Adeghẹ uwa ma na gha rri evbare na, uwa ghi do si amẹ; te Ọba e Nebukiadnẹza gbe mwẹ ruan vbe ọ gha bẹghe uwa!’

Daniel had an idea.
Sokpan, e Daniẹl keghi tama Aspẹnaz wẹẹ:

He said to their guardian:
‘Danmwẹ ima ghee la ikpẹdẹ igbe.

‘Please give us only vegetables and water for ten days.
Gha le uwọnmwẹ ebe ne ima re ne u vbe gha sa amẹ ne ima wọn.

Then compare us with the boys who eat the king’s food.’
U ghi do ya ima gie avbe igbama ni rri evbare ẹguae.’

The guardian agreed.
Aspẹnaz keghi kue yọ.

After the ten-day test, Daniel and his three friends looked healthier than all the other boys.
A ghi viọ iran ladian vbe iyeke ikpẹdẹ igbe, e Daniẹl kevbe ọsiọre eha na rhuarhua sẹ ibiẹka ikpia nikẹre ni ghaa rri evbare ne ọba re.

Jehovah was pleased that they had obeyed him.
Emwi ne iran ru na, keghi yẹẹ e Jehova.

He even gave Daniel the wisdom to understand visions and dreams.
E Jehova keghi rhie ẹwaẹn ne Daniẹl, ne ọ ya gha rhan otọ imina kevbe umian.

When the training was finished, Ashpenaz brought the boys to Nebuchadnezzar.
Vbe ukpo eha ghi gberra nẹ, Aspẹnaz na viọ ibiẹka na gie Nebukiadnẹza.

The king spoke with them and saw that Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were more intelligent and alert than all the other boys.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne ọba ya gha gu iran guan, ọ na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Daniẹl, Hananaia, Misiaẹl kevbe Azaraia ẹre ọ mwẹ ẹwaẹn sẹ iran nikẹre.

He chose these four to work in his royal court.
Ọ na ghi zẹ iran enẹ na, ne iran gha winna vbe ẹguae ọghe irẹn.

The king would often ask them for advice on important matters.
Ẹmwẹ ne kpataki ghaa rre otọ na khian ta, ọba ghi vbe nọ iran vbene iran ghee ẹre hẹ.

Jehovah had made them wiser than all the king’s wise men and magicians.
E Jehova keghi ru ẹre, ne ibiẹka enẹ na, mwẹ ẹwaẹn sẹ umẹwaẹn kevbe avbe ọbo eduna hia ni rre otọ e Babilọn.

Even though they were in a foreign land, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah did not forget that they were Jehovah’s people.
E Daniẹl, Hananaia, Misiaẹl kevbe Azaraia ma mianmian wẹẹ, eguọmwadia e Jehova ẹre iran khin, uhiẹn vbe iran rre isi.

Will you too always remember Jehovah, even when your parents are not with you?
Uwẹ gha ye yerre wẹẹ, ọguọmwadia e Jehova ẹre uwẹ khin vbe u gha rre ehe ne evbibiẹ ruẹ i ye ra?

“Never let anyone look down on your youth. Instead, become an example to the faithful ones in speaking, in conduct, in love, in faith, in chasteness.”—1 Timothy 4:12
“Ghẹ gi ọmwa rhọkpa ya aro tila ruẹ rua rhunmwuda ighẹ ọvbokhan u khin, sokpan gha re igiemwi ne eni yayi hia, vbe ẹmwẹ ne u ta, uyinmwẹ ruẹn, ahoẹmwọmwa ruẹn, iyayi kevbe a i mwẹ ihuẹn.”—1 Timoti 4:12


Why did Daniel and his three friends obey Jehovah?
Vbọzẹe ne Daniẹl kevbe ọsiọre eha na họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova?

How did Jehovah help them?
De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne iran hẹ?

Lesson 071

One night, King Nebuchadnezzar had a strange dream.
Vbe asọn ọkpa, Ọba e Nebukiadnẹza keghi mina imina nọ gbe orrirri.

It bothered him so much that he could not sleep.
Ọ kpokpo ẹre orhiọn sẹrriọ wẹẹ ọ ma ghi miẹn ovbe.

He called his magicians in and said to them: ‘Explain my dream to me.’
Ọ na ghi tie avbe ọbo edunna ọghẹe ne iran rhan otọ imina ne irẹn minaẹn.

They said:
Iran keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Tell us what you dreamed, O king.’
‘Umogun, tama ima aro imina ne u minaẹn.’

But Nebuchadnezzar told them: ‘No! You tell me what I dreamed, or I will kill you.’
E Nebukiadnẹza na wẹẹ ne iran tobọ iran tama irẹn imina ne irẹn minaẹn, vbe ẹi re erriọ, irẹn ghi gbe iran rua.

Again they said to him: ‘Tell us what you dreamed, and then we will explain it.’
Iran na ye gha tama rẹn ne ọ ta imina ne ọ minaẹn.

He said:
Ọ na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘All of you are trying to trick me.
‘Te uwa ya ena si ẹmwẹ taan.

Tell me what I dreamed!’
Uwa tama mwẹ imina ne I minaẹn!’

They told the king:
Iran keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘There is no man alive who can do that. What you ask is impossible.’
‘Orhunmwu ọkpa i rre agbọn na, nọ khian sẹtin rhan otọ imina ma ruẹ, vbe ẹi re te u tama rẹn imina ne u minaẹn.’

Nebuchadnezzar was so angry that he ordered that all the wise men in the land be killed.
Ohu mu e Nebukiadnẹza sẹrriọ wẹẹ ọ na wẹẹ na gbele umẹwaẹn hia ni rre otọ nii rua.

That included Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Ọni rhiema wẹẹ te a khian vbe gbe Daniẹl, Siẹdrak, Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo rua.

Daniel asked the king for some time.
E Daniẹl na rinmwian e Nebukiadnẹza ne ọ zin egbe kherhe.

Then he and his friends prayed to Jehovah and asked him to help them.
Ẹre Daniẹl vbe ọsiọre eha na rinmwian e Jehova ne ọ ru iyobọ ne iran.

What did Jehovah do?
De emwi ne Jehova ghi ru?

In a vision, Jehovah showed Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to Daniel and gave him its meaning.
Vbe umian, e Jehova na tama e Daniẹl vbekpa imina ọghe Nebukiadnẹza kevbe emwi nọ demu.

The next day, Daniel went to the king’s servant and said: ‘Don’t kill any of the wise men. I can explain the king’s dream.’
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Daniẹl keghi ya tama ọguọmwadia ọba, nẹ ghẹ gbele umẹwaẹn ni rre otọ nii rua. Ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ irẹn gha sẹtin rhan otọ imina nii.

The servant took Daniel to Nebuchadnezzar.
Ọguọmwadia ọba nii keghi rhie Daniẹl bu e Nebukiadnẹza.

Daniel told the king:
E Daniẹl keghi tama Nebukiadnẹza wẹẹ:

‘God has revealed the future to you.
‘Emwi nọ khian sunu vbe odaro ẹre Osanobua mu ma ruẹ na.

This is your dream: You saw a huge statue with a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, stomach and thighs of copper, legs of iron, and feet of iron mixed with clay.
Vbe imina ruẹ, u keghi bẹghe amazẹ nọkhua, nọ mwẹ uhunmwu igoru, nọ mwẹ ẹwẹ kevbe obọ ọghe esiliva; ẹko amazẹ na, wa ya sẹ ekuawẹ ọghẹe keghi re oze, owẹ ọre na gha re ematọn, vbene atata owẹ ọre na gha re ematọn kevbe obuẹ.

Then a stone was cut from a mountain, and it struck the feet of the statue.
Okuta nọkhua ọkpa keghi ke uhunmwu oke nọ yo de gbe atata owẹ ọghe nene amazẹ.

The statue was crushed into powder and blew away in the wind.
Ẹre amazẹ nii na rẹnkhuan, ogbigbi ẹhoho na kpolo ebubẹ ọghẹe gha rrie.

The stone became a large mountain, and it filled the earth.’
Okuta nọ rrọọ kẹghi do khian oke nọ yo ẹsẹsẹmwẹse, nọ vẹwa gba uhunmwu otagbọn hia.’

Daniel then said:
E Daniẹl na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘This is what your dream means:
‘Emwi ne imina ruẹ demu ẹre na khin:

Your kingdom is the head of gold.
Uhunmwu amazẹ na, nọ re igoru keghi mudia ye ihe arriọba ọghuẹ.

The silver is a kingdom that will come after you.
Esiliva nọ rrọọ ọre arriọba nọ khian gha kha vbe ọghuẹ gha ghi gberra nẹ.

Then there will be one like copper, which will rule over the whole earth.
Arriọba ọvbehe nọ yevbe oze gha vbe kha yan uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

The next kingdom will be strong like iron.
Nọ khian kha lelẹe ghi wegbe vbe na ghee ematọn.

Finally, there will be a divided kingdom with some parts strong like iron and some parts weak like clay.
Vbe okiekie, a gha miẹn arriọba nọ ghae egbe ye ihe ughughan, abọ eso ghi wegbe vbe na ghee ematọn, abọ eso ghi gha vburriẹ vbe na ghee obuẹ.

The stone that becomes a mountain is God’s Kingdom.
Okuta nọ khian uhunmwu oke nọ yo sẹ ọre Arriọba Osanobua.

It will crush all these kingdoms and will last forever.’
Ọ gha guọghọ avbe arriọba na rua, ọ ghi gha rrọọ vbe ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.’

Nebuchadnezzar fell down in front of Daniel with his face to the ground. He said:
Ọba keghi fan fi iguẹ vbe odaro e Daniẹl, ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘Your God revealed this dream to you.
‘Osa ọghuẹ ẹre ọ rhan otọ imina na ma ruẹ.

There is no God like him.’
Ai miẹn Osa nọ yevbe ọre.’

Instead of killing Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar made him head of all the wise men and ruler over the province of Babylon.
Ne ọ gha te ya gbe Daniẹl rua, ọ keghi yae khian ọkaolotu ọghe umẹwaẹn hia, ọ na vbe muẹn ye ukpo nọ yo vbe ẹvbo nii.

Can you see how Jehovah answered Daniel’s prayer?
U ma bẹghe vbene Jehova ya họn erhunmwu ọghe Daniẹl hẹ?

“They gathered them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.”—Revelation 16:16
“Avbe orhiọn keghi do silo avbe ọba nii hia koko ye ihe ọkpa ne emwa Hibru tie ẹre Amagẹdọn.”—Arhie Maan 16:16


Why could Daniel explain Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
Vbọzẹe ne Daniẹl na sẹtin rhan otọ imina ọghe Nebukiadnẹza?

What did the dream mean?
De emwi ne imina nii demu?

Lesson 072

Sometime after King Nebuchadnezzar had the dream about the statue, he made a huge image out of gold.
Vbe Daniẹl ghi rhan otọ imina ọghe Ọba e Nebukiadnẹza nẹ, e Nebukiadnẹza keghi ma amazẹ ọghe igoru nọkhua ye Dura.

He set it up on the plain of Dura and called the most important people in the land, including Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, to gather in front of it.
Ọ na tie emwa ni hiunsi vbe Babilọn ne iran si egbe koko vbe odaro amazẹ nii. Usun emwa ne ọ tiere ọre Siẹdrak, e Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo.

The king commanded:
E Nebukiadnẹza keghi yi iyi wẹẹ:

‘As soon as you hear the sound of trumpets, harps, and bagpipes, bow down to the statue!
‘Wa gha ghi họn vbe a kpee okpe, ẹgogo, ukusẹ kevbe akpata, uwa ghi gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne amazẹ na!

Anyone who will not bow down will be thrown into a burning furnace.’
Ọmwaikọmwa nọ ma gbe uhunmwu kotọ rre ne amazẹ na, a gha fi ẹre fi uwu erhẹn.’

Would the three Hebrews bow down to the statue, or would they worship only Jehovah?
Wẹ yayi wẹẹ Ivbi Hibru eha na, gha gbe uhunmwu kotọ rre ne amazẹ na ra, ra e Jehova ọkpa ẹre iran khian ga?

Then the king commanded that the music be played. Everyone fell down and worshipped the statue except for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne ọba ghi ya tama emwa, ne iran kpee emwi hia na ya so ihuan, emwa hia keghi gbe uhunmwu kotọ rre ne amazẹ nii, vbọ gberra e Siẹdrak, e Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo.

Some of the men noticed this and told the king:
Emwa eso ni bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ iran ma gbe uhunmwu kotọ rre, na ya tama ọba wẹẹ:

‘Those three Hebrews refused to worship your statue.’
‘Ivbi Hibru eha nii, ma gbe uhunmwu kotọ rre ne amazẹ ruẹ.’

Nebuchadnezzar sent for them and said:
E Nebukiadnẹza keghi gie na tie iran, ọ na tama irạn wẹẹ:

‘I’m going to give you another chance to worship the statue.
‘I gha kie ẹkpotọ ọvbehe ne uwa, ne uwa ya gbe uhunmwu kotọ rre ne amazẹ mwẹ.

If you do not, I will throw you into the furnace.
Adeghẹ uwa ma na ru vberriọ, te I khian fi uwa fi uwu erhẹn.

There is no god who will be able to save you from me.’
Osa ọkpa i rrọọ nọ khian sẹtin miẹn uwa fan vbe obọ mwẹ.’

They answered:
Iran keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘We do not need another chance.
‘Esa i rrọọ ne u khian ya kie ẹkpotọ ọvbehe ne ima.

Our God can save us. But even if he does not, O king, we will not worship the statue.’
Osa ọghe ima gha sẹtin miẹn ima fan. A na dobọ miẹn wẹẹ ọ ma miẹn ima fan, ẹghẹ ọkpa i rrọọ ne ima khian ya gbe uhunmwu kotọ rre ne amazẹ ruẹ, umogun.’

Nebuchadnezzar got very angry.
Ẹmwẹ ne iran ta na, keghi ya ohu mu e Nebukiadnẹza sayọ.

He told his men: ‘Make the fire in the furnace seven times hotter than usual!’
Ọ na tama emwa ọghẹe wẹẹ ne iran “koko erhẹn nii, nẹ ọ ya ukhukhu ihinrọn sẹẹ vbene ọ te ka baa sẹ.”

Then he commanded his soldiers:
Ọ na ghi tama ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe wẹẹ:

‘Tie up these men, and throw them in!’
‘Wa gbalọ iran, ne uwa filo iran ku uwu erhẹn!’

The furnace was so hot that when the soldiers got close to it, they died instantly.
Erhẹn nii baa sẹrriọ wẹẹ, vbe ivbi iyokuo ghi filo iran yọ nẹ, ivbi iyokuo nii na wulo ye evba.

The three Hebrews fell into the fire. But when Nebuchadnezzar looked inside, he saw that there were four men walking around in the furnace instead of three.
Vbe Nebukiadnẹza ghi ghee uwu erhẹn, ọ na bẹghe vbe ikpia enẹ khian yo khian rre vbuwe ẹre.

He became frightened and asked his officials:
Ohan na gha muẹn, ọ na nọ ekhaẹmwẹ ọghẹe wẹẹ:

‘Didn’t we throw three men into the fire?
‘Ẹi re orhunmwu eha ima filo ku uwu erhẹn ban?

I see four, and one of them looks like an angel!’
Orhunmwu enẹ ẹre imẹ ghi bẹghe na, ọkpa vbọ yevbe odibosa!’

Nebuchadnezzar went closer to the furnace and called out:
Vbe Nebukiadnẹza ghi sikẹ ọkpẹn erhẹn nii, ọ na da tie iran wẹẹ:

‘Come out, you servants of the Most High God!’
‘Uwa ladian, uwa ne eguọmwadia ọghe Osa Ne Oghodua!’

Everyone was amazed to see Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walk out of the fire unharmed.
Egbe na wa wọọ emwa hia, vbe iran ghi bẹghe wẹẹ Siẹdrak, e Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo ladian vbene emwi rhọkpa ma na ru iran.

Their skin, their hair, and their clothing had not been burned, and they did not even smell of fire.
Erhẹn ma giẹn iran hiehie, ighogho ma vbe gha wia lele iran.

Nebuchadnezzar said:
E Nebukiadnẹza keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘The God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is great.
‘Osa ọghe Siẹdrak, e Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo wa mwẹ ẹtin.

He sent his angel and saved them.
Ọ gie odibo ọghẹe rre nọ do miẹn iran fan.

There is no god like theirs.’
Ai miẹn osa nọ yevbe ọre.’

Like the three Hebrews, are you determined to be loyal to Jehovah no matter what happens?
Deghẹ ọ rhiẹnrhiẹn ra deghẹ ọ rriara, uwẹ muegbe ne u ya da imudiase ọghuẹ yi vbe na ghee Ivbi Hibru ne eha ra?

“It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.”—Matthew 4:10
“Osanobua ruẹ ọkpa wẹ gha ga, ne u gha vbe ya uhunmwu rhanmwa otọ na.”—Matiu 4:10


What did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to do?
De emwi ne Siẹdrak, Mesiak kevbe Abẹdnigo wẹẹ iran i khian ru?

How did Jehovah save them?
De vbene Jehova ya miẹn iran fan hẹ?

Lesson 073

One night, Nebuchadnezzar had a frightening dream.
Vbe asọn ọkpa, e Nebukiadnẹza keghi mina imina nọ gbe orrirri.

He called his wise men in to tell him what it meant.
Ọ na wẹẹ ne avbe umẹwaẹn ọghẹe tama irẹn emwi ne imina nii demu.

But none of them could explain his dream.
Sokpan iran rhọkpa ma sẹtin rhan otọ imina nii.

Finally, the king spoke to Daniel.
Vbe okiekie, ọ na do ta nene imina ma e Daniẹl.

Nebuchadnezzar told Daniel:
E Nebukiadnẹza keghi tama e Daniẹl wẹẹ:

‘In my dream, I saw a tree.
‘I mina miẹn erhan ọkpa nọ wa taan sẹ orere iso.

It grew so tall that it reached the sky.
Te a wa gha bẹghe erhan na vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

It could be seen from anywhere on earth. It had beautiful leaves and lots of fruit.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ebe ne mose mose, erriọ ẹre ọ wa vbe ya mọ ọmọ erhan nibun.

Animals rested in its shade, and birds made their nests in its branches.
Ototọ erhan na ẹre avbe aranmwẹ oha hia do gha rhuẹ yi, avbe ahianmwẹ na gha bọlọ oko ye abọ re.

Then an angel came down from heaven.
I ghi ghee, odibosa ọkpa tuorre vbe ẹrinmwi.

He called out:
Ọ keghi ya urhu nọ lae datu wẹẹ:

“Chop the tree down, and cut off its branches.
“Wa tọn erhan na gbotọ, ne uwa giagia abọ ọghẹe kua.

But leave the stump with its roots in the ground, and put bands of iron and copper around it.
Sokpan, wa sẹ utunkunmwu ẹnrẹn rae ye otọ, ne a ya ọgiọrọ ematọn kevbe oze gbalọ ọre.

The heart of the tree will change from that of a human to that of a beast, and seven times will pass over it.
Vbe ọwara ukpo ihinrọn, ẹkokoudu ọghe erhan na, nọ te re ọghe ọmwa nagbọn gha khian ọghe aranmwẹ oha.

All people will learn that God is Ruler and that he can give a kingdom to whomever he wants.”’
Emwa hia gha rẹn wẹẹ Osanobua ẹre ọ mwẹ asẹ yan otagbọn hia kevbe wẹẹ, ọ gha sẹtin rhie asẹ na ya kha ne ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ hoo ne ọ rhie na.”’

Jehovah revealed to Daniel what the dream meant. When Daniel understood the dream, he became frightened.
Vbe Jehova ghi tama e Daniẹl emwi ne imina nii demu, ohan na gha muẹn.

He said:
Ọ na ghi tama ọba wẹẹ:

‘O king, I wish that this dream was about your enemies, but it is about you.
‘Umogun, ọ gha te maan gbe, akpawẹ egbe eghian ruẹ ẹre imina na khian na mwẹ amusẹ, sokpan ọkpa nọ, egbe ruẹ ẹre ọ khian na mwẹ amusẹ.

The big tree that was chopped down is you.
Uwẹ ọre okperhan na tọn gbotọ nii.

You will lose your kingdom, and you will eat grass in the field just like a wild animal.
A gha miẹn ruẹ arriọba ruẹ, u ghi gha rri irunmwu vbe na ghee aranmwẹ oha.

But because the angel said to leave the stump with its roots, you will become king again.’
Sokpan ne odibosa na wẹẹ, na sẹ utukunmwu erhan nii rae, rhiema wẹẹ u gha werriegbe khian ọba.’

A year later, Nebuchadnezzar was walking on the flat roof of his palace, admiring Babylon.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo ọkpa, e Nebukiadnẹza na gha ke uhunmwu ẹguae ọghẹe ghee orere ẹvbo e Babilọn.

He said:
Ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘Look at this magnificent city I have built.
‘U miẹn vbene Babilọn ne ẹvbo mwẹ kpọlọ hẹ.

See how great I am!’
Mẹ mwẹ ẹtin gbe!’

As he was speaking, a voice from heaven said:
Vbene ọ wa ya tae nii, urhu keghi ke orere ẹrinmwi rre, ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘E Nebukiadnẹza!

Now you have lost your kingdom.’
A miẹn ruẹ arriọba ruẹ nẹ.’

At that moment, Nebuchadnezzar lost his mind and became like a wild animal.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Nebukiadnẹza na suẹn gha rhie fua, ọ na gha yin vbe aranmwẹ oha.

He was forced to leave his palace and live with the wild animals in the field.
Iran keghi khuẹ hin ẹguae ọghẹe rre, ne ọ ya deba avbe aranmwẹ oha.

Nebuchadnezzar’s hair grew long like an eagle’s feathers, and his nails were like a bird’s claws.
Eto ọghe Nebukiadnẹza na do sọn vbe na ghee ifuẹn ọghe oghohọn, ihiẹn ọghẹe na taan vbe na ghee ọghe ahianmwẹ.

After seven years had passed, Nebuchadnezzar became normal again and Jehovah made him king of Babylon.
Vbe ukpo ihinrọn ghi gberra nẹ, aro na do gbannọ e Nebukiadnẹza; e Jehova na do werriegbe yae khian ọba ọghe Babilọn.

Then Nebuchadnezzar said:
Ẹre Nebukiadnẹza na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I praise Jehovah, the King of the heavens.
‘Ekpọnmwẹ vbe urhomwẹ ọghe Jehova ne Ọba nọ rre ẹrinmwi.

Now I know that Jehovah is Ruler.
Eban ẹre I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ e Jehova ẹre ọ mwẹ asẹ yan otagbọn hia.

He humbles proud people, and he can give a kingdom to whomever he wants.’
Ọ keghi gbe iran kotọ ighẹ emwa ni tengbemu, ọ ghi vbe rhie asẹ na ya kha ne ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ hoo ne ọ rhie na.’

“Pride is before a crash, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.”—Proverbs 16:18
“Te uhiomwẹ khian rrie odẹ ọfuan, itengbemu ẹre ọ vbe si udemwẹ.”—Itan 16:18


What did Nebuchadnezzar’s dream mean?
De emwi ne imina ọghe Nebukiadnẹza demu?

What lesson did Nebuchadnezzar say that he had learned?
De emwi ne Nebukiadnẹza wẹẹ irẹn miẹn ruẹ vbọ?

Lesson 074

In time, Belshazzar became the king of Babylon.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya gha khian, e Bẹlsiaza na do gha kha yan e Babilọn.

One night, he invited a thousand of the most important people in the land to a feast.
Vbe asọn ọkpa, ọ na gie na tie arriaisẹn emwa ni hiunsi vbe otọ nii, ne iran do deba irẹn rri evbare ọbọbọtizọ.

He ordered his servants to bring out the gold cups that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from Jehovah’s temple.
Ọ na wẹẹ ne eguọmwadia ọghẹe viọ re ladian ighẹ ukpu igoru ne Nebukiadnẹza viọ ke ọgua Osa rre.

Belshazzar and his guests drank from the cups and praised their gods.
Ukpu igoru nii ẹre Bẹlsiaza vbe emwa ne ọ gie na tie, ya gha wọn ayọn.

Suddenly, a man’s hand appeared and began to write mysterious words on the wall of the dining hall.
Vbe udemwurri, obọ ọkpa keghi ladian, ọ na gha vinnọ emwi na ma rẹn otọre ye egbe ekẹn.

Belshazzar was terrified.
Orrirri na gbe kue Bẹlsiaza.

He called in his magicians and promised them:
Ọ na gie na tie avbe ọbo edunna ọghẹe hia, ọ na yan ma iran wẹẹ:

‘If anyone can explain these words, I will make him the third most powerful man in Babylon.’
‘Ọmwaikọmwa nọ sẹtin rhan otọ ẹmwẹ na, I gha muẹn ye ukpo ọghe azukpogieha vbe Babilọn.’

They tried, but none of them could explain the words.
Vbene iran hia sẹ, a ma miẹn ọmwa nọ sẹtin rhan otọ ẹmwẹ nii.

The queen then came in and said:
Ẹre iye ọba na do tama ọba wẹẹ:

‘There is a man named Daniel who used to explain things to Nebuchadnezzar.
‘Ọ mwẹ okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Daniẹl nọ ghaa rhan otọ egbe emwi vbenia ma Ọba e Nebukiadnẹza vbe ẹghẹ nii.

He can explain these words to you.’
Ọ gha vbe sẹtin rhan otọre ma ruẹ.’

Daniel came in to the king. Belshazzar said to him:
Vbe Daniẹl ghi sẹ eke ne ọba ye, ọba na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘If you can read and explain these words, I will give you a gold necklace and make you the third most powerful man in Babylon.’
‘Adeghẹ u na sẹtin tie ẹmwẹ na, u na vbe rhan otọre ma mwẹ, I gha mu emwi urhu ọghe igoru yọ ruẹ urhu, u ghi gha re azukpogieha vbe otọ arriọba mwẹ.’

Daniel said:
E Daniẹl keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I don’t want your gifts, but I will tell you what these words mean.
‘I gha rhan otọre ma ruẹ, ọ gha khọnrẹn wẹẹ u ma san mwẹ ẹse.

Your father Nebuchadnezzar was proud, and Jehovah humbled him.
Ọmwa itengbemu ẹre erhaa e Nebukiadnẹza ghaa khin, sokpan e Jehova na gbe ẹre kotọ.

You know everything that happened to him, but you disrespected Jehovah by drinking wine out of the gold cups from His temple.
Uwẹ tobọ ruẹ rẹn emwi nọ sunu daa erhaa, u na ye he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ, u na gha ya ukpu ọghe igoru na viọ ke ọgua ọghẹe rre wọn ayọn.

So God has written these words:
Ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne Osanobua na gbẹn ẹmwẹ na, nọ khare wẹẹ:

Mene, Mene, Tekel, and Parsin.
Mẹnẹ, Mẹnẹ, Tẹkẹl, kevbe Parsin.

The words mean that the Medes and the Persians will conquer Babylon, and you will not be king anymore.’
Ẹmwẹ na rhiema wẹẹ Ivbi e Medis kevbe Pẹsia gha khọnmiotọ yan e Babilọn, iran ghi miẹn ruẹ ukpo ọba.’

It seemed as if nobody could conquer Babylon.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, ọ na yevbe na miẹn wẹẹ, ai khian sẹtin khọnmiotọ yan e Babilọn.

This city was protected by thick walls and a deep river.
Te ogba ekẹn lẹga ẹvbo nii, erriọ amẹ vbe ya gbodin lẹga re.

But that very night, the Medes and the Persians attacked.
Asọn nii ẹre Ivbi e Medis kevbe Pẹsia la e Babilọn.

The Persian King Cyrus diverted the river so that his soldiers could march right up to the gates of the city.
E Sairọs ne ọba ọghe Pẹsia keghi loo ivbi iyokuo ọghẹe ya si amẹ nọ gbodin lẹga e Babilọn, nọ gha lẹẹ ye ehe ọvbehe, ne iran mieke na sẹtin ya owẹ fian ẹzẹ nii rra.

When they got there, the gates were open!
Vbe iran ghi sẹ onurho ẹvbo e Babilọn, ọ na kie yotọ!

The army stormed in, conquered the city, and killed the king.
Iran keghi bi laọ, iran na khọn ẹvbo nii mu tan, iran na vbe gbe ọba ọghe iran rua.

Then Cyrus became ruler of Babylon.
E Sairọs na do gha re ọba ọghe Babilọn.

Within a year, Cyrus announced:
Vbe ọ ma he sẹ ukpo ọkpa, e Sairọs keghi yae wewe wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah has told me to rebuild his temple in Jerusalem.
‘E Jehova tama mwẹ ne I ya werriegbe bọ ọgua Osa nọ rre Jerusalẹm.

Any of his people who want to help are free to go.’
Ọmwaikọmwa nọ hoo ne irẹn ya ru iyobọ, sẹtin werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm.’

So just as Jehovah had promised, many of the Jews returned home 70 years after Jerusalem was destroyed.
Ivbi e Ju nibun keghi werriegbe gha rrie ẹvbo iran, vbe ọ ghi gba vbe ukpo 70 na guọghọ e Jerusalẹm; ọna keghi guaero ẹmwẹ akhasẹ ne Jehova tae yotọ.

Cyrus sent back the gold and the silver cups and the utensils that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple.
E Sairọs na werriegbe viọ re gha rrie ọgua Osa vbe Jerusalẹm ighẹ ukpu ọghe igoru kevbe esiliva ne Nebukiadnẹza te viọ.

Can you see how Jehovah used Cyrus to help His people?
U ma bẹghe vbene Jehova ya loo e Sairọs ya ru iyobọ ne emwa rẹn hẹ?

“She has fallen!
“Ọ de guọghua nẹ!

Babylon the Great has fallen, and she has become a dwelling place of demons.”—Revelation 18:2
Babilọn nọkhua de guọghua, avbe orhiọn dan kevbe orhiọn ni ma huan, ọre ọ ghi lọyan yo lọyan rre vbọ.”—Arhie Maan 18:2


What was the meaning of the writing on the wall?
De emwi ne evba gbẹnnẹ ye egbe ekẹn nii demu?

What did Jehovah tell Cyrus to do?
De emwi ne Jehova wẹẹ ne Sairọs ru?

Lesson 075

Another king of Babylon was Darius the Mede.
Ọba ọvbehe nọ vbe kha yan e Babilọn ọre Dariọs ne Ovbi e Mede.

Darius saw that Daniel was special. He put Daniel in charge of the most important men in the land.
Vbe Dariọs ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ ọmwa nọ hiunsi ẹre Daniẹl khin, ọ na wẹẹ ne ọ gha re ọkaolotu ọghe emwa ni hiunsi vbe ẹvbo nii.

These men were jealous of Daniel and wanted to get rid of him.
Iran kegha gbọvo e Daniẹl, iran na vbe gha gualọ vbene iran khian ya gbe ẹre rua hẹ.

They knew that Daniel prayed to Jehovah three times every day, so they told Darius:
Iran rẹnrẹn wẹẹ igba eha ẹre Daniẹl na erhunmwu gie Jehova vbe ẹdẹ, rhunmwuda ọni, iran na ya tama e Dariọs wẹẹ:

‘O king, there should be a law that everyone should pray to you alone.
‘Umogun, gbe uhi, ne emwa hia gha na erhunmwu gie uwẹ ọkpa.

Anyone who disobeys the law should be thrown into a pit full of lions.’
A gha fi ọmwaikọmwa nọ rra uhi na, fi uvun oduma.’

Darius liked the idea, and he signed the law.
E Dariọs na wa kue yọ, ẹre ọ na mu obọ ye ebe uhi nii.

As soon as Daniel heard about the new law, he went to his house.
Vbe Daniẹl ghi họn vbekpa uhi nii, ọ na gha rrie owa.

In front of an open window, he got down on his knees and prayed to Jehovah.
Ọ na ya diguẹ vbe ewindo nọ mu aro daa orere ẹvbo vbe owa ọghẹe, ọ na gha na erhunmwu gie Jehova.

The jealous men burst into his house and caught him praying.
Ikpia ni gbọvo ẹre, na do muẹn vbe ọ na erhunmwu.

They ran to Darius and said:
Iran na rhulẹ ya tama e Dariọs wẹẹ:

‘Daniel is disobeying you.
‘E Daniẹl he ẹmwẹ yọ ruẹ obọ.

He prays to his God three times every day.’
Ọ ye na erhunmwu gie Osanobua igba eha vbe ẹdẹ.’

Darius liked Daniel and didn’t want him to die.
E Dariọs ma hoo ne Daniẹl wu, rhunmwuda ọ hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.

All day long he tried to think of a way to save Daniel.
Ẹdẹ ohoho ẹre ọ ya gha muẹn roro, vbene ọ gha ya miẹn e Daniẹl fan hẹ.

But not even the king could change a law that he had already signed.
Sokpan, uhi ne ọba mu obọ yi nẹ, ọmwa rhọkpa i khian sẹtin fi ẹre werriẹ.

He had to order his men to throw Daniel into the pit of ferocious lions.
Ọ na ghi wẹẹ na fi e Daniẹl fi uvun oduma ni khọọ.

That night, Darius was so worried about Daniel that he could not sleep.
E Dariọs ma vbiẹ vbe asọn nii, ne ọ ya gha mu ẹmwẹ e Daniẹl roro.

In the morning, he ran to the pit and called to Daniel:
Vbe ẹdẹ ghi gbe, ọ na rhulẹ gha rrie ehe ne uvun nii ye, ọ na datie Daniẹl:

‘Did your God save you?’
‘Osa ruẹ miẹn ruẹ fan ra?’

Darius heard a voice. It was Daniel!
E Dariọs ghi ghee, e Daniẹl khuẹnniẹn!

He called to Darius:
Ọ na tama e Dariọs wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah’s angel shut the lions’ mouths.
‘E Jehova khui unu ọghe avbe oduma.

They did not hurt me at all.’
Iran ma ya obọ kan mwẹ.’

Darius was so happy!
E Dariọs na ghọghua!

He ordered that Daniel be lifted out of the pit.
Ọ na wẹẹ na si e Daniẹl ladian vbe uvun oduma.

Daniel did not have a scratch on him.
Ama ihiẹn ọkpa ma gha rre Daniẹl egbe.

Then the king commanded: ‘Throw the men who accused Daniel into the pit.’
Ọba na ghi wẹẹ na filo ikpia nii, ni gbọvo e Daniẹl fi nene uvun oduma.

When those men were thrown into the pit, the lions devoured them.
Iran ma he dele sẹ otọ vbe oduma gua iran rhie.

Darius sent out this order to his people:
E Dariọs na ghi yi uhi wẹẹ:

‘Everyone must fear Daniel’s God.
‘Wa hia gha rhie ọghọ ne Osa ọghe Daniẹl.

He rescued Daniel from the lions.’
Ọ miẹn e Daniẹl fan vbe uvun oduma.’

Do you pray to Jehovah every day, just like Daniel?
Uwẹ na erhunmwu gie Jehova vbe ẹdẹgbegbe vbe na ghee Daniẹl ra?

“Jehovah knows how to rescue people of godly devotion out of trial.”—2 Peter 2:9
“Nọyaẹnmwa rẹn vbene ọ ya yuo emwa esi hin uwu edanmwẹ iran rre hẹẹ.”—2 Pita 2:9


What did Daniel do three times every day?
De emwi ne Daniẹl ghaa ru igba eha vbe ẹdẹ?

How did Jehovah rescue Daniel?
De vbene Jehova ya miẹn e Daniẹl fan hẹ?

Lesson 076

Esther was a Jewish girl who lived in the Persian city of Shushan.
Ẹsta keghi re Ovbi e Ju nọ ghaa rre Susa vbe otọ e Pẹsia.

Many years before, her family had been taken from Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar.
Ẹgbẹe Ẹsta keghi rre usun emwa ne Nebukiadnẹza viọ gha rrie imu vbe Babilọn vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ ya guọghọ e Jerusalẹm.

She was raised by her cousin Mordecai, a servant of King Ahasuerus of Persia.
E Modẹkai ne irẹn vbe Ẹsta gba re eyeyẹ, nọ ghaa re ọguọmwadia Ọba Ahasuẹrọs ẹre ọ koko Ẹsta.

King Ahasuerus wanted a new queen.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ asẹ ọkpa ne Ọba Ahasuẹrọs ya gha gualọ oloi ọgbọn.

His servants brought him the most beautiful women in the land, including Esther.
Eguọmwadia ọghẹe keghi viọ ivbialeke ni ghi mose sẹ vbe ẹvbo nii gie ẹre; Ẹsta vbe gha rre usun.

Out of all the women, the king chose Esther to be queen.
Irẹn ẹre ọba ghi zẹ ne ọ gha re oloi ọghẹe.

Mordecai told Esther not to reveal that she was Jewish.
E Modẹkai keghi tama Ẹsta nẹ ghẹ gi ọmwa rhọkpa rẹn wẹẹ Ovbi e Ju nọ.

A proud man named Haman was head of all the princes.
Ọ mwẹ okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Heman, nọ ghaa re ọkaolotu avbe okoro ni rre ẹvbo nii.

He wanted everyone to bow down to him.
Rhunmwuda ne okpia na, na gha re ọmwa itengbemu, ọ na gha hoo ne emwa hia gha gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne irẹn.

Mordecai refused to do so, and Haman was so angry that he wanted to kill him.
Sokpan e Modẹkai ma gbe uhunmwu kotọ nẹẹn, rhunmwuda ọni, ọ na gha hoo nọ gbe Modẹkai rua.

When Haman found out that Mordecai was a Jew, he formed a plan to kill all the Jews in the land.
E Heman ghi miẹn wẹẹ Ovbi e Ju ẹre Modẹkai khin, ọ na ru emwamwa na ya gbele Ivbi e Ju hia ni rre ẹvbo nii rua.

He told the king:
Ọ na tama ọba wẹẹ:

‘The Jews are dangerous; you need to get rid of them.’
‘Ivbi e Ju kan gbe; te ọ khẹke na wabọ iran hin otọ na rre.’

Ahasuerus said: ‘Do whatever you need to do,’ and gave him the power to make a law.
Ahasuẹrọs keghi rhie asẹ ne Heman ne ọ ya ru Ivbi e Ju emwi nọ rhirhi khọn rẹn.

Haman made a law that told the people to kill all the Jews on the 13th day of the month of Adar.
Rhunmwuda asẹ na, ọ keghi mu uhi gbọ, nọ khare wẹẹ na gbele Ivbi e Ju hia rua vbe ikpẹdẹ nogie 13 vbe uki Ada.

Jehovah was watching.
E Jehova na fẹko gha ghee ẹre.

Esther didn’t know about the law.
Ẹsta ma rẹn wẹẹ a mu uhi vberriọ gbọ.

So Mordecai sent her a copy of it and told her: ‘Go and talk to the king.’
E Modẹkai keghi tama Ẹsta vbekpa uhi ọgbọn na mu gbọ, ọ na wẹẹ ne ọ ya gu ọba guan vbekpa re.

Esther said:
Ẹsta keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Anyone who goes to the king without being invited will be killed.
‘Ọmwa nọ miẹn ọba aro vbene ọ ma na gie na tie ẹre, uhunmwu ẹnrẹn ẹre ọ ya tae.

The king has not invited me for 30 days!
Ikpẹdẹ 30 gbalaka ẹre ọ ghi ye na, ne ọba ghi tie mwẹ sẹ!

But I will go.
Sokpan I gha ya miẹn ọba.

If he holds out his scepter, I will live. If he doesn’t, I will die.’
Adeghẹ ọ na niẹn ọkpọ ọdakha ọghẹe daa mwẹ, ọni rhiema wẹẹ ai khian gbe mwẹ rua, vbe ẹi erriọ ọghomwẹ fo.’

Esther went to the king’s courtyard.
Ẹsta na gele gha rrie ẹguae ọba.

When the king saw her, he held out his scepter.
Vbe ọba ghi dẹghe ẹre, ọ na niẹn ọkpọ ọdakha ọghẹe daa re.

She went to him, and he asked:
Vbe ọ ghi sẹ eke ne ọba ye, ọba na nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘What can I do for you, Esther?’
‘Vbua hoo ne I ru nuẹ?’

She said:
Ẹsta keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I want to invite you and Haman to a feast.’
‘I hoo ne uwẹ vbe Heman do rri evbare vbe ehe ne I ye.’

At the feast, Esther invited them to a second feast.
Vbe iran ghi rri evbare nẹ, Ẹsta na tama iran ne iran werriegbe gha dee vbe ẹdẹ ọvbehe.

During the second feast, the king again asked:
Vbe iran ghi werriegbe rre do rri evbare, ọba na werriegbe nọ Ẹsta wẹẹ:

‘What can I do for you?’
‘Vbua hoo ne I ru nuẹ?’

She said:
Ẹsta keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Someone is going to kill me and my people.
‘Ọmwa hoo nọ gbe imẹ vbe emwa mwẹ rua.

Please save us.’
Lahọ enaemwẹ, miẹn ima fan.’

The king asked:
Ọba na ghi nọ wẹẹ:

‘Who wants to kill you?’
‘De ọmwa ne ọni khin?’

She said:
Ẹsta keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘This bad man Haman.’
‘Heman ne ọkaẹrria nọ.’

Ahasuerus was so angry that he had Haman killed right away.
Ohu mu Ahasuẹrọs sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na wẹẹ na gbe Heman rua vbobọvbobọ.

But nobody could cancel Haman’s law, not even the king.
Sokpan, ai khian ghi sẹtin fi uhi ne Heman mu gbọ werriẹ rhunmwuda ọ kẹ ọba ya loo oroka ọghẹe ya mu olọ gbe uhi nii nẹ.

So the king made Mordecai head of the princes and gave him the power to make a new law.
Rhunmwuda ọni, ọba keghi mu e Modẹkai ye ukpo ne Heman te ka gha ye, ọ na ghi rhie asẹ nẹ, ne ọ ya mu uhi ọvbehe gbọ.

Mordecai made a law that allowed the Jews to defend themselves when they were attacked.
E Modẹkai keghi mu uhi ọvbehe gbọ nọ kie ẹkpotọ ne Ivbi e Ju ya sinmwi oseghe ne egbe iran.

On the 13th day of Adar, the Jews defeated their enemies.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ikpẹdẹ nogie 13 vbe uki Ada, obọ Ivbi e Ju keghi ke ukhunmwu ne eghian ọghe iran.

From then on, they celebrated this victory every year.
Ke ẹghẹ nii kpa, iran na gha do ugie akhọnmiotọ na vbe ukpo ukpo.

“You will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.”—Matthew 10:18
“A gha gu uwa gui ma enibuohiẹn kevbe avbe ọba rhunmwuda mwẹ, ne uwa miẹn ehe na kporhu iyẹn ne ọ maan ma iran.”—Matiu 10:18


What was the plan against the Jews?
De emwi ne Heman te gha hoo nọ ru Ivbi e Ju re?

How did Esther show faith in Jehovah?
De vbene Ẹsta ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn mu ẹtin yan e Jehova?

Lesson 077

It had been about 70 years since most of the Israelites had gone back to Jerusalem, but some were still living in different parts of the Persian Empire.
Ọ gberra ukpo 70 nẹ, ne Ivbi Izrẹl nibun ya werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm, vbene eso na ye gha rre otọ e Pẹsia.

One of them was a priest named Ezra, who taught Jehovah’s Law.
Ọkpa vbe iran na, kegha re Ẹzra ne ohẹn nọ ghaa maa emwa Uhi ọghe Jehova.

Ezra learned that the people in Jerusalem were not following the Law, and he wanted to go and help them.
Vbe Ẹzra ghi họn wẹẹ, Ivbi e Jerusalẹm i lele Uhi ọghe Jehova, ọ na gha hoo ne ọ ya ru iyobọ ne iran.

Persian King Artaxerxes told him:
E Zakzis ne ọba ọghe Pẹsia keghi tama Ẹzra wẹẹ:

‘God made you wise so that you can teach his Law.
‘Osanobua ẹre ọ rhie ẹwaẹn nuẹ, ne u ya gha maa emwa Uhi ọghẹe.

Go, and take any who want to go with you.’
Viọ emwa lele egbe ne u gha khian.’

Ezra met with all who wanted to return to Jerusalem.
Ẹzra keghi si emwa hia ni khian lelẹe gha rrie Jerusalẹm koko.

They prayed to Jehovah to keep them safe on the long journey, and then they set off.
Iran ke kpa, iran keghi na erhunmwu ne Jehova su iran sẹ evba.

Four months later, they arrived at Jerusalem.
Vbe ọ ghi rre uki enẹ, iran keghi sẹ e Jerusalẹm.

The princes there told Ezra:
Avbe okoro ni rre Jerusalẹm keghi tama Ẹzra wẹẹ:

‘The Israelites have disobeyed Jehovah and married women who worship false gods.’
‘Ivbi Izrẹl i ghi họn ẹmwẹ ne Jehova, iran ya viọ ikhuo ni ga ẹbọ.’

What did Ezra do?
De emwi ne Ẹzra ghi ru?

In front of the people, Ezra got down on his knees and prayed:
Ẹzra keghi fan fi iguẹ vbe odaro emwa hia, ọ keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, you have done so much for us, but we have sinned against you.’
‘Eo Jehova, emwi bun ne u he ru ne ima, sokpan ma ru orukhọ daa ruẹ nẹ.’

The people repented, but they were still doing things that were not right.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ivbi Izrẹl te fiwerriẹ, iran ye gha ru emwi eso nọ ma gba.

Ezra chose elders and judges to look into these matters.
Ẹzra keghi zẹ ediọn kevbe avbe ọbuohiẹn, ne iran mu ukpa mu uwerhẹn ghee ẹmwẹ na.

Over the next three months, those who did not worship Jehovah were sent away.
Ọ ke sẹ uki eha, iran keghi khulo emwa nẹi ga e Jehova fua vbe ẹvbo nii.

Twelve years went by. In the meantime, the walls around Jerusalem were rebuilt. So Ezra gathered the people in the public square to read God’s Law to them.
Ukpo iweva ghi gberra nẹ, Ẹzra keghi si emwa hia koko vbe azagba ne ọ mieke na tie Uhi ọghe Osanobua ma iran. Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, a dọlegbe bọ ogba ekẹn ọghe Jerusalẹm nẹ.

When Ezra opened the book, the people stood up. He praised Jehovah, and they raised their hands in agreement.
Ẹzra ghi wee ebe uhi nii, emwa hia na kpaegbe, iran keghi deba Ẹzra rhie urhomwẹ gie Jehova.

Then Ezra read and explained the Law, and the people listened carefully.
Iyeke ọni, Ẹzra na tie nene ebe Uhi ma iran, ọ na vbe rhan otọre, vbene emwa hia na gbehọ kotọ gha danmwehọ.

They admitted that they had strayed from Jehovah again, and they wept.
Iran keghi viẹ egbe rua, iran na kha wẹẹ, iran te wa khian rree ne Jehova.

The next day, Ezra read more of the Law to them.
Vbe ẹdẹ ghi gbe, Ẹzra keghi tie nene ebe Uhi ma iran sayọ.

They learned that soon they should celebrate the Festival of Booths. Right away, they began to prepare for the festival.
Vbe iran ghi họn wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne iran gha do Ugie Irhu, iran na suẹn gha muegbe khẹ ugie na vbobọvbobọ.

For the seven days of the festival, the people rejoiced and thanked Jehovah for a good harvest.
Vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ ihinrọn ne iran ya do ugie na, iran kegha rho e Jehova, iran na gha kpọnmwẹ ọnrẹn, ne ọ na fiangbe emwi okọ ọghe iran.

There had not been a Festival of Booths like it since the days of Joshua.
Ke ne Ivbi Izrẹl ke do Ugie Irhu ke ẹghẹ Jọsua gha dee, ne iran do na, ẹre ọ ghi titi sẹ.

After the festival, the people gathered and prayed:
Vbe iran ghi do ugie na fo nẹ, iran keghi si egbe koko, iran keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah, you saved us from slavery, fed us in the desert, and gave us this beautiful land.
‘Eo Jehova, uwẹ ẹre ọ miẹn ima fan hin eviẹn rre, uwẹ ẹre ọ gbaroghe ima vbuwe ato, u na vbe mu otọ na, nọ maan emwi okọ ne ima.

But over and over, we disobeyed you.
Sokpan ẹghẹ hia ẹre ima ya he ẹmwẹ yọ ruẹ obọ.

You sent prophets to warn us, but we did not listen.
U te gie avbe akhasẹ ne iran gha ya obọ sekhae ma ima, sokpan ima i họn.

Still, you were patient.
Ọrheyerriọ, te u ye mwẹ itohan ghee ima.

You kept your promise to Abraham.
U ma mianmian eyan ne u ru ma Ebraham.

Now we promise that we will obey you.’
Nia, ma yan rẹn nẹ wẹẹ ima gha họn ẹmwẹ nuẹ.’

They wrote down their promise, and the princes, Levites, and priests put their seal on it.
Iran keghi gbẹnnẹ eyan na yotọ. Avbe okoro, Ivbi e Livai kevbe avbe ohẹn keghi mu obọ ye ebe na.

“Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it!”—Luke 11:28
“U miẹn egie ne iran ye ighẹ iran ni họn ẹmwẹ Osanobua, iran na vbe yae ru emwi!”—Luk 11:28


What did Ezra teach the Israelites who were gathered in Jerusalem?
De emwi ne Ẹzra maa iran re ighẹ Ivbi Izrẹl ni si egbe koko vbe Jerusalẹm?

What did the people promise to do?
De eyan ne Ivbi Izrẹl ghi ru?

Lesson 078

Let’s go back a few years. Nehemiah, a servant of King Artaxerxes, was an Israelite who lived in the Persian city of Shushan.
Ọ vbe gha mwẹ Ovbi Izrẹl ọkpa na tie ẹre Nehimaia nọ ghaa re ọguọmwadia Ọba e Zakzis, vbe ẹvbo e Susa nọ rre otọ e Pẹsia.

Nehemiah’s brother came from Judah with bad news:
Vbe ọtiẹn e Nehimaia ọkpa ghi ke Juda rre, ọ na tama e Nehimaia wẹẹ:

‘The people who returned to Jerusalem are not safe. The city walls and gates that the Babylonians destroyed have never been rebuilt.’
‘Arrọọ ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl ni werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm wa rre ikpadede, rhunmwuda, a ma he ye bọ ogba ekẹn ọghe iran, ne Ivbi e Babilọn guọghọẹ.’

Nehemiah was upset. He wanted to go to Jerusalem to help, so he prayed that the king would let him go.
Ọ keghi da e Nehimaia sẹ ugboloko vbe ọ họn iyẹn na. Ọ keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova, ne ọ ya obọ kaan ọba ekhọe, ne ọba mieke na kpasẹ yọ ne irẹn gha rrie Jerusalẹm ya ru iyobọ ne Ivbi Izrẹl.

Later, the king noticed that Nehemiah was looking sad.
Vbọ ghi sẹ ẹdẹ ọkpa, ọba na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Nehimaia i ghọghọ.

He said:
Ọ keghi tama e Nehimaia wẹẹ:

‘I’ve never seen you like this.
‘Aro ruẹ i mose vbe uhunmwu.

What’s wrong?’
Vbọ sunu?’

Nehemiah said:
E Nehimaia keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘Why should I not look sad when my city, Jerusalem, is in ruins?’
‘De vbene aro mwẹ khian ya gha mose vbe uhunmwu hẹ, vbene arrọọ ọghe emwa ni rre Jerusalẹm ne ẹvbo mwẹ, na rre ikpadede?’

The king asked:
Ẹre ọba na ghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘What do you want me to do for you?’
‘Vbua hoo ne I ru nuẹ?’

Immediately, Nehemiah prayed silently.
Vbobọvbobọ, e Nehimaia keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova vbuwe ekhọe ọghẹe.

Then he said:
Ọ na ghi tama ọba wẹẹ:

‘Please, let me go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.’
‘Lahọ, gu mwẹ gha rrie Jerusalẹm ne I ya dọlegbe bọ ogba ekẹn ọghẹe.’

King Artaxerxes told Nehemiah that he could go, and the king made sure that he would be safe on his long journey.
Ọba e Zakzis keghi kpasẹ yọ ne Nehimaia gha khian, ọ na vbe ru emwamwa ne Nehimaia sẹtin sẹ e Jerusalẹm vbe egbe hẹnẹdẹn.

He also made Nehemiah governor of Judah and gave him wood for the city gates.
Ọ na mu e Nehimaia ye ukpo ukọ arriọba ọghe Juda, ọ na vbe viọ erhan nẹ, ne ọ ya winna.

When Nehemiah arrived at Jerusalem, he inspected the city walls.
Vbe Nehimaia ghi sẹ e Jerusalẹm, ọ na kin ogba ekẹn nii lẹga.

Then he gathered the priests and rulers and told them:
Iyeke ọni, ọ na si avbe ohẹn kevbe emwa ni khaevbisẹ koko, ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘This is terrible.
‘Ọna i zẹdẹ maan.

We need to get to work.’
Te ọ wa khẹke ne ima suẹn iwinna nia.’

The people agreed, and they began to rebuild the walls.
Emwa hia keghi kueyọ, iran na suẹn ogba ekẹn nii na bọ.

But some of the Israelite’s enemies made fun of them, and said:
Eghian ọghe Ivbi Izrẹl eso na gha ya iran gbogiẹ, iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘A fox could knock down the wall you’re building.’
‘Umuọkhọkhọ gha wa hin ogba ekẹn na, ọ wa kharha kua.’

The workers ignored the insults and kept on building.
Sokpan Ivbi Izrẹl ma kue ne ẹmwẹ na, gbe orhiọn ye iran iwu.

The wall got higher and stronger.
Eghian ọghe iran ke rẹn emwi nọ sunu, ogba ekẹn nii sẹ odukhunmwu nẹ.

The enemies decided to come from different directions and make a surprise attack on Jerusalem.
Eghian ọghe iran ni rre ẹvbo ughughan na gha ru emwamwa ne iran do ya gu Ivbi Izrẹl khọn.

When the Jews heard about the plan, they were frightened.
Vbe iran ghi họn vbekpa re, ohan na gha mu iran.

But Nehemiah said:
Sokpan e Nehimaia keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be afraid.
‘Uwa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.

Jehovah is with us.’
E Jehova gu ima rrọọ.’

He posted guards to protect the workers, and the enemies were not able to attack.
Ọ keghi ru emwamwa ne avbe ọbodẹ gha gbogba ga emwa ni winna, rhunmwuda ọni, eghian ma ghi sẹtin sẹ eke ne iran ye.

In just 52 days, the walls and the gates were completed.
Ikpẹdẹ 52 kẹkan ẹre ọ rhie iran re, ne iran ya bọ ogba ekẹn nii fo.

Nehemiah brought all the Levites to Jerusalem for the inauguration. He organized them into two groups of singers.
E Nehimaia keghi gie na tie Ivbi e Livai hia gha die Jerusalẹm ne iran do ya ogba ekẹn nii fiohan gie Osanobua. Ọ na ghae iran ye ẹbu eva ni so ihuan.

They went up on the wall by the stairs at the Fountain Gate and then marched in opposite directions around the city. They played trumpets, cymbals, and harps and sang to Jehovah.
Zẹvbe ne iran ya gha bi la odukhunmwu ogba ekẹn nii khian, iran kegha rho e Jehova, vbene iran na gha kpee okpe, ukusẹ kevbe akpata.

Ezra went with one group, and Nehemiah with the other, until they met up at the temple.
Ẹzra keghi lele ẹbu ọkpa la obọ ọkpa, e Nehimaia na lele ẹbu nọkpa la obọ ọvbehe, iran hia na ya vba egbe vbe ọgua Osa.

All the people—men, women, and children—offered sacrifices to Jehovah and celebrated.
Emwa hia—ikpia, ikhuo, ọmobọ ke ọmowẹ—keghi ru izọese gie Jehova, iran na gha ghọghọ.

The sound of their happy voices could be heard far away.
Ẹi mwẹ emwa ni rre ẹvbo ọvbehe ma gha họn vbe iran bọbọ ugie nii.

“No weapon formed against you will have any success.”—Isaiah 54:17
“Emwi igbinna ọkpa ne ọ gha sẹtin kuan ruẹn egbe i rrọọ.”—Aizaia 54:17


Why did Nehemiah go to Jerusalem?
Vbọsiẹ ne Nehimaia na gha rrie Jerusalẹm?

How long did it take to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem?
Inu ẹghẹ ẹre ọ rhie iran re, ne iran ya bọ ogba ekẹn ọghe Jerusalẹm fo?

Lesson 079

This section introduces the Christian Greek Scriptures.
Abọ na keghi guan kaan Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn Na Ya Urhuẹvbo e Grik Gbẹn.

Jesus was born into a humble family who lived in a small town.
Ẹgbẹe ọkpa nọ ma fe, ni ghaa rre ẹvbo ọkpa nọ ma kpọlọ gbe, ẹre a biẹ Jesu yi.

He worked with his father, a carpenter.
Jesu kegha winna lele erhae ne ekabita.

Jesus was the one who would save mankind.
Jesu ọre ọmwa nọ khian miẹn emwa nagbọn fan.

Jehovah had selected him as King of the Kingdom of the heavens.
Irẹn ẹre Jehova vbe zẹ nọ gha re Ọba ọghe Arriọba nọ rre ẹrinmwi.

If you are a parent, help your child to appreciate how carefully Jehovah selected the family and environment in which Jesus would grow up.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ne ọ ya rẹn vbene Jehova ya gbarokotọ gualọ ẹgbẹe ne a khian biẹ Jesu yi kevbe ẹdogbo na khian na koko ẹre waan.

Consider how Jehovah protected Jesus from being murdered by Herod and how nothing can stop Jehovah’s purpose.
U ghi vbe guan kaan vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga e Jesu hẹ, vbe ẹghẹ ne Hẹrọd khian na te gbe ẹre rua; vbe rhan otọre wẹẹ emwi rhọkpa i rrọọ nọ khian mu idobo ye emwamwa ọghe Jehova nẹ ghẹ mwẹ amusẹ.

Learn how Jehovah assigned John to prepare the way for Jesus.
U gha vbe ruẹ vbekpa vbene Jehova ya gie Jọn hẹ, nọ ru emwamwa khẹ Jesu.

Emphasize how Jesus demonstrated that even from a young age, he loved Jehovah’s wisdom.
Niania vbene Jesu ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ irẹn gbọyẹmwẹ ye ẹwaẹn ọghe Jehova uhiẹn vbe ọ rre ọvbokhan.

Always be loyal to Jehovah’s arrangement
Gha ku obọ gbe ba emwamwa ọghe Jehova vbe ẹghẹ hia

Jesus, the powerful Son of God, was willing to be born on earth as a human baby
Jesu ne Ovbi Osanobua keghi ya ekhọe hia kueyọ, na biẹ irẹn vbe agbọn na zẹvbe ọmọmọ, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ẹtin

John the Baptist humbly helped people to be ready for the arrival of the Messiah
Jọn ne Baptist keghi yae wewe urremwẹ ọghe Mezaia

Lesson 080

Over 400 years after the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt, a priest named Zechariah and his wife, Elizabeth, lived near the city.
Vbọ ghi gberra ukpo 400 na bọ ogba ekẹn ọghe Jerusalẹm, ohẹn ọkpa na tie ẹre Zẹkaraia kevbe amwẹ ọnrẹn ighẹ Elizabẹt na do gha rrọọ.

They had been married for many years but did not have any children.
Ọ kpẹẹ re ne iran ghi ya ru orọnmwẹ sokpan iran ma miẹn ọmọ biẹ.

One day as Zechariah offered incense in the temple sanctuary, the angel Gabriel appeared.
Vbe Zẹkaraia ghi giẹn eturari vbe ọgua Osa vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Gebriẹl ne odibosa na rhiegbe ma rẹn.

Zechariah was frightened, but Gabriel said:
Orrirri keghi gbe kue Zẹkaraia, sokpan Gebriẹl keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be afraid.
‘Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn.

I bring you good news from Jehovah.
Iyẹn nọ maan nọ ke obọ e Jehova rre ẹre I do na ma ruẹ.

Your wife, Elizabeth, will give birth to a son and his name will be John.
Ọvbokhan ruẹ ighẹ Elizabẹt gha biẹ ọmọ okpia nuẹ, a ghi gha tie ọmọ nii e Jọn.

Jehovah has chosen John for a special work.’
Ọ mwẹ iwinna ne kpataki ne Jehova hoo ne ọmọ na ru.’

Zechariah asked:
Zẹkaraia keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘How can I believe you?
‘Ọni gha sẹtin sunu ra?

My wife and I are too old to have a child.’
Mẹ vbe ọvbokhan mwẹ nọ khian ọmaẹn nẹ gha ye sẹtin biẹ ra?’

Gabriel said:
E Gebriẹl keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I have been sent by God to give you this news.
‘Osanobua ẹre ọ wẹẹ ne I gie ruẹ uhunmwu na.

But because you did not believe me, you will not be able to speak until after the baby is born.’
Sokpan rhunmwuda wẹẹ u ma ya mwẹ yi, u i khian ghi sẹtin guan vbe ẹi re te a biẹ ọmọ na nẹ.’

Zechariah stayed in the sanctuary longer than usual.
Emwa na gha khẹ Zẹkaraia nọ ladian vbe ogiukpo rhunmwuda ẹi ka kpẹẹ sẹrriọ.

So when he finally came out, the people waiting outside wanted to know what had happened.
Vbe ọ ghi ladian, emwa na gha hoo ne iran rẹn emwi nọ si ẹre ne ọ na kpẹẹ sẹrriọ.

Zechariah could not speak.
Sokpan e Zẹkaraia ma sẹtin gu iran guan.

He could only make gestures with his hands.
Obọ ẹre ọ ghi ya gha gbe ekhakha.

Then the people realized that Zechariah had received a message from God.
Ọna keghi ya emwa rẹn wẹẹ, te Osanobua gie uhunmwu gie ẹre.

In time, Elizabeth became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy, just as the angel had said.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, Elizabẹt na suẹn gha hanmwa, ọ na do biẹ ọmọ okpia zẹvbe ne odibosa tae yotọ.

Her friends and relatives came to see the baby. They were very happy for her.
Avbe ọsiọre kevbe ẹgbẹe ọre na gha ghọghọ, iran na rre do tuẹ ọmọmọ.

Elizabeth said: ‘His name will be John.’
Elizabẹt na wẹẹ e Jọn ẹre a khian gha tie nene ọmọ.

They said:
Emwa ni rre do tuẹ ọre keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘There’s no one in your family named John.
‘Ọmwa rhọkpa i rrọọ na tie ẹre Jọn vbe ẹgbẹe ọghe uwa.

Name him Zechariah, after his father.’
Wa mu eni erhae nẹ.’

But Zechariah wrote down the words: ‘John is his name.’
Sokpan Zẹkaraia keghi gbẹn ọnrẹn ye ebe wẹẹ e Jọn ẹre a khian gha tie ẹre.

At that moment, Zechariah could speak again!
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, Zẹkaraia na suẹn gha guan!

News about the baby spread all over Judea, and people wondered: ‘What will this child grow up to be?’
Iyẹn ọghe ọmọ na keghi gba otọ e Judia hia, emwa hia na gha hoo ne iran rẹn vbene ọmọ na, khian gha ye hẹ vbe ọ gha waan nẹ.

Then Zechariah became filled with holy spirit. He prophesied:
Lekpae orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghẹe, Osanobua keghi rhie ẹtin ne Zẹkaraia ne ọ ya ta ẹmwẹ akhasẹ na, nọ khare wẹẹ:

‘Let Jehovah be praised.
‘Ekpọnmwẹ vbe urhomwẹ ọre ọghe Jehova.

He promised Abraham that He would send a savior, the Messiah, to rescue us.
Ọ ru eyan ma Ebraham wẹẹ irẹn gha gie Mezaia rre nọ do miẹn ima fan.

John will be a prophet, and he will prepare the way for the Messiah.’
Akhasẹ ẹre Jọn khian gha khin, irẹn ẹre ọ khian vbe ru emwamwa yotọ khẹ Mezaia.’

Something special also happened to Elizabeth’s relative Mary.
Ọ vbe mwẹ emwi ọkpa ne kpataki nọ sunu dae Meri ne ọtiẹn Elizabẹt.

Let’s find out about this in the next chapter.
Ma gha guan kaan rẹn vbe uhunmwuta nọ lelẹe.

“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26
“Emwi nẹi gia ru ọre ọna khin ne emwa ne agbọn sokpan a i miẹn emwi nẹi gie Osanobua ru.”—Matiu 19:26


What did Gabriel tell Zechariah?
De emwi ne Gebriẹl tama e Zẹkaraia?

What special work would John do?
De iwinna ne kpataki ne Jọn khian winna?

Lesson 081

Elizabeth had a young relative named Mary, who lived in the city of Nazareth in Galilee.
Elizabẹt ghaa mwẹ ọtẹn nokhuo ọkpa vbuwe ẹgbẹe na tie ẹre Meri; Nazarẹt nọ rre Galili ẹre Meri ghaa ye.

Mary was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter.
E Josẹf ne ekabita ẹre Meri khian rọnmwẹ.

When Elizabeth was six months pregnant, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.
Vbe ẹko Elizabẹt ghi rre uki ehan, e Gebriẹl ne odibosa na rhiegbe ma e Meri.

He said:
Ọ keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Good day, Mary.
‘Ọfunmwegbe guẹ rrọọ e Meri.

Jehovah has greatly favored you.’
E Jehova ru ruẹ ẹse nẹ.’

She did not understand what Gabriel meant.
E Meri ma rẹn eke ne ọ guan rrie.

He then told her:
Ọ na ghi tama e Meri wẹẹ:

‘You will become pregnant and give birth to a son, and you must name him Jesus.
‘U gha hanmwa, u ghi biẹ ọmọ okpia ọkpa, u ghi gha tie ẹre Jesu.

He will rule as King.
Irẹn gha kha zẹvbe Ọba.

His Kingdom will last forever.’
Arriọba ọghẹe ghi gha rrọọ vbe ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ.’

Mary said:
E Meri keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘But I am a virgin.
‘I ma he rẹn okpia.

How could I have a child?’
Vbia khian ghi ya sẹtin biẹ hẹ?’

Gabriel said:
E Gebriẹl keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Nothing is impossible for Jehovah.
‘Ai miẹn emwi ne Jehova i sẹtin ru.

Holy spirit will come upon you, and you will have a son.
Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn gha hin yan ruẹ, u ghi biẹ ọmọ okpia.

Your relative Elizabeth has also become pregnant.’
Elizabẹt ne ọtuẹn wa vbe hanmwa nẹ nia.’

Then Mary said:
E Meri keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I am Jehovah’s slave girl.
‘Ọguọmwadia e Jehova ẹre I khin.

May it happen to me just as you have said.’
Giẹ gele sẹ vbe egbe mwẹ vbene u khare na.’

Mary went to a city in the hills to visit Elizabeth.
E Meri keghi ya tuẹ Elizabẹt vbe ẹvbo nọ rre uhunmwu oke vbe otọ e Judia.

When Mary greeted her, Elizabeth felt the baby inside of her jump.
Vbe Elizabẹt ghi họn urhu e Meri, ọmọ nọ rre ọre ẹko na gha san yo san rre.

Filled with holy spirit, she said:
Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn keghi gua Elizabẹt kpa ne ọ ya kha wẹẹ:

‘Mary, Jehovah has blessed you.
‘E Meri, e Jehova fiangbuẹ nẹ.

It is an honor to have the mother of my Lord in my home.’
Ọghọ ẹre u mu yọ mwẹ egbe, ne uwẹ ne iye Nọyaẹnmwẹ na gha dee do tuẹ mwẹ.’

Mary said:
E Meri keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I praise Jehovah with all my heart.’
‘E Jehova ruẹse vbe egbe mwẹ.’

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months, and then she went home to Nazareth.
E Meri keghi gbe uki eha vbe ọghe Elizabẹt, ọ ke gha rrie owa.

When Joseph learned that Mary was pregnant, he wanted to end the engagement.
Vbe Josẹf ghi họn wẹẹ e Meri hanmwa, ọ na wẹẹ irẹn i ghi rhie.

But an angel appeared to him in a dream and said:
Sokpan odibosa keghi rhiegbe ma rẹn vbe imina, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be afraid to marry her.
‘Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn, rhie ẹre zẹvbe ọvbokhan ruẹ.

She hasn’t done anything wrong.’
Ọ ma ru emwi rhọkpa khọọ.’

So Joseph took Mary as his wife and brought her to his home.
E Josẹf na ghi ya rhie Meri gha die owa re zẹvbe amwẹ ọnrẹn.

“Jehovah does everything he pleases to do in heaven and on earth.”—Psalm 135:6
“Emwi ne ọ khọn rẹn ọre ọ ru, vbe ẹrinmwi kevbe agbọn.”—Psalm 135:6


What did Gabriel tell Mary about her son?
De emwi ne Gebriẹl tama e Meri vbekpa ọmọ nọ khian biẹ?

How did Elizabeth and Mary feel about the things that happened to them?
De vbene emwi nọ sunu daa Elizabẹt vbe Meri, ghaa ye hẹ vbe ekhọe ọghe iran?

Lesson 082

The ruler of the Roman Empire, Caesar Augustus, ordered that all Jews return to their hometowns to be registered. So Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem, where Joseph’s family came from.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Ọgbaisi Ọgọstọs nọ khaevbisẹ yan otọ arriọba ọghe Rom ya wẹẹ ne emwa hia gha rrie ẹvbo iran, ne iran ya gbẹnnẹ eni yotọ, e Josẹf vbe Meri na vbe gha rrie Bẹtlẹhẹm ne ẹvbo e Josẹf.

It was almost time for Mary to have her baby.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, uki sẹ e Meri nẹ.

When they arrived at Bethlehem, the only place they could find to stay was a stable.
Vbe iran ghi sẹ e Bẹtlẹhẹm, iran ma miẹn eke rhọkpa dia, vbọ gberra eke ne a na koko aranmwẹ.

It was there that Mary gave birth to her son Jesus.
Evba ẹre Meri na ghi biẹ Jesu.

She wrapped him in soft cloths and laid him gently in a manger.
Ọ na ya ukpọn vbuẹ ọre, ọ na muẹn lovbiẹ ye ako ne aranmwẹ na rri evbare.

Near Bethlehem, some shepherds were spending the night outdoors, watching over their flocks. Suddenly, an angel stood before them and they were surrounded by the light of Jehovah’s glory.
Ọsuohan eso ghi gbaroghe ohuan iran vbe orere vbe asọn ọkpa, odibosa ọkpa na wa rhiegbe maa iran vbe udemwurri, vbene uyi ọghe Jehova na gha fi wainwain vbe egbe avbe nene ọsuohuan.

The shepherds were frightened, but the angel said:
Orrirri keghi gbe kue iran, sokpan odibosa nii keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be afraid.
‘Uwa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.

I have exciting news.
Iyẹn nọ maan ẹre I do na ma uwa.

The Messiah was born today in Bethlehem.’
A biẹ Mezaia nẹ vbe ẹrẹna, vbe Bẹtlẹhẹm.’

At that moment, many angels appeared in the sky, saying:
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, avbe odibosa nibun keghi rhiegbe ma vbe orere iso, iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘Glory to God in heaven, and peace on earth.’
‘Uyi nọ ne Osanobua vbe ẹrinmwi, kevbe ọfunmwegbe nọ ne uhunmwu otagbọn.’

Then the angels disappeared.
Vbe iran ghi ta ẹmwẹ na nẹ, iran na ru gbẹnnẹ.

How did the shepherds react?
De emwi ne avbe ọsuohuan na ghi ru?

The shepherds said to one another:
Iran keghi tama egbe iran wẹẹ:

‘Let’s go to Bethlehem right away.’
‘Gi ima wa gha rrie Bẹtlẹhẹm nia.’

They went quickly and found Joseph and Mary in the stable with their newborn baby.
Vbe iran ghi sẹ evba, iran keghi miẹn e Josẹf vbe Meri kevbe ọmọ ne iran da biẹ vbe eke ne a na koko aranmwẹ.

Everyone who heard what the angel had told the shepherds was amazed.
Ọ na yan emwa hia unu ruan, vbe iran ghi họn ẹmwẹ ne odibosa tama avbe ọsuohuan.

Mary thought deeply about the angel’s words and never forgot them.
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre Meri ya gha mu ẹmwẹ na roro, ọ ma mianmian hiehie.

The shepherds went back to their flocks, thanking Jehovah for all they had seen and heard.
Vbe avbe ọsuohuan ghi na iyẹn na nẹ, iran na werriegbe bu ohuan ọghe iran, vbene iran na gha ghọghọ khian rhunmwuda emwi ne aro iran sẹ.

“I came from God and I am here.
“Ehe ne Osanobua ye ọre I ke gha dee, wanwan na nian, I rre emwa na.

I have not come of my own initiative, but that One sent me.”—John 8:42
Ẹi re ẹtin obọ mwẹ ọre I ya rre, sokpan irẹn ẹre ọ gie mwẹ.”—Jọn 8:42


How did the angels announce the birth of Jesus?
De vbene avbe odibosa ya ye ubiẹmwẹ ọghe Jesu wewe hẹ?

Whom did the shepherds find in Bethlehem?
De emwa ne avbe ọsuohuan miẹn vbe Bẹtlẹhẹm?

Lesson 083

In a land to the east of Israel were people who believed that the stars could guide them.
Emwa eso ni rre odẹ ahọ ọghe otọ Izrẹl yayi wẹẹ orhọnmwẹ gha sẹtin dia iran.

One night, some men from the East saw what looked like a bright star moving in the sky, and they followed it.
Vbe asọn ọkpa, ikpia eso ni ke odẹ Ahọ rre keghi bẹghe emwi nọ baa vbe na ghee orhọnmwẹ vbe orere iso, iran na suẹn gha lelẹe.

The “star” led them to Jerusalem.
Nene “orhọnmwẹ” keghi su iran gha rrie Jerusalẹm.

The men started asking people:
Ikpia nii na suẹn gha nọ emwa wẹẹ:

‘Where is the child who will be king of the Jews?
‘De ehe ne ọmọ nọ khian gha re ọba ọghe Ivbi e Ju ye?

We have come to bow down to him.’
Te ima rre do ya uhunmwu rhanmwẹ otọ nẹ.’

When Herod, the king of Jerusalem, heard about a new king, he was very worried.
Vbe Hẹrọd ne ọba ọghe Jerusalẹm ghi họn vbekpa ọba ọgbọn na, osi na gha si ẹre.

He asked the chief priests:
Ọ na ghi nọ avbe ogiohẹn wẹẹ:

‘Where is this king supposed to be born?’
‘De ehe ne avbe akhasẹ wẹẹ a khian na biẹ ọba na?’

They told him:
Iran keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘The prophets said that he would be born in Bethlehem.’
‘E Bẹtlẹhẹm nọ.’

So Herod called the men from the East and told them:
Ẹre Hẹrọd na ghi tie ikpia ni ke odẹ Ahọ rre, ọ na ba tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Go to Bethlehem and find this child. Come back and tell me where he is.
‘Vbe uwa gha gualọ ọmọ na miẹn nẹ vbe Bẹtlẹhẹm, uwa do tama mwẹ ehe nọ ye.

I want to bow down to him too.’ But that was a lie.
I vbe hoo ne I ya uhunmwu rhanmwẹ otọ nẹ.’

The “star” began to move again.
Nene “orhọnmwẹ” keghi su ikpia na gha rrie Bẹtlẹhẹm.

The men followed it to Bethlehem. The “star” came to a stop above a house and the men went inside.
Vbe “orhọnmwẹ” nii ghi mudia ye uhunmwu owa ọkpa, ikpia nii keghi la owa nii.

They found Jesus with his mother, Mary.
Iran keghi miẹn Jesu vbe Meri vbe evba.

They bowed down to the child and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Ẹre iran na ghi ya uhunmwu rhanmwẹ otọ nẹ ọmọmọ nii, iran na ya ọhẹ nẹ; ọhẹ ne iran ya nẹ keghi re igoru, eturari kevbe oziya.

Had Jehovah really sent these men to find Jesus?
E Jehova ẹre ọ gie ikpia na gie Jesu ra?

Ẹn o.

That night, Jehovah told Joseph in a dream:
Vbe asọn nii, e Jehova keghi tama e Josẹf vbe imina wẹẹ:

‘Herod wants to kill Jesus.
‘E Hẹrọd hoo nọ gbe Jesu rua.

Take your wife and son and flee to Egypt.
Uwa lẹẹ gha rrie Igipt.

Stay there until I tell you it is safe to return.’
Emwi hia ghaa maan nẹ, uwa sẹtin gha dee.’

Immediately, Joseph and his family went to Egypt.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Josẹf keghi viọ ẹgbẹe ọre lẹẹ gha rrie Igipt.

Jehovah had told the men from the East that they should not return to Herod.
Na kha na, e Jehova tama ikpia nii nẹ, ne iran ghẹ werriegbe bu e Hẹrọd.

When Herod realized that they were not coming back, he was furious.
Vbe Hẹrọd ghi ghee wẹẹ ikpia na ma rre, ohu na gha muẹn.

Since he could not find Jesus, he ordered that all little boys of Jesus’ age in Bethlehem be murdered.
Ugbẹnvbe ọ ma ghi rẹn ehe ne Jesu ye, ọ na ghi wẹẹ na gbele emobọ hia ni ghi re ikpia nẹ vbe Bẹtlẹhẹm rua.

But Jesus was safe, far away in Egypt.
Sokpan obọ ma vba Jesu rhunmwuda, a muẹn lẹẹ gha rrie Igipt nẹ ọ kpẹẹ re.

In time, Herod died.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, Hẹrọd na wu.

Jehovah told Joseph:
E Jehova na ghi tama e Josẹf wẹẹ:

‘Now it is safe for you to go back.’
‘Uwa sẹtin werriegbe gha rrie Bẹtlẹhẹm nia.’

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus went back to Israel, and they made their home in the city of Nazareth.
Vbe Josẹf, Meri kevbe Jesu ghi werriegbe sẹ otọ Izrẹl, iran na dia e Nazarẹt ya.

“So my word that goes out of my mouth will be ..., and it will have sure success in what I send it to do.”—Isaiah 55:11
“Erriọ ọre ẹmwẹ ne I tae ra vbe gha ye ..., ọ gha ru emwi hia ne I gie ẹre ne ọ ya ru.”—Aizaia 55:11


Why was Jesus in danger?
Vbọsiẹ ne arrọọ ọghe Jesu na gha rre ikpadede?

How did Jehovah protect him?
De vbene Jehova ya gbogba ga re hẹ?

Lesson 084

Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth with Jesus and their other sons and daughters.
E Nazarẹt ẹre Josẹf, e Meri, Jesu kevbe emọ ọvbehe ne Josẹf vbe Meri biẹlẹ ghaa ye.

Joseph supported the family by working as a carpenter, and he taught them about Jehovah and his Law.
Iwinna ekabita ẹre Josẹf ghaa ru, ne ọ ya gha koko ẹgbẹe ọre; ọ vbe gha maa ẹgbẹe ọre Uhi e Jehova.

The family went to the synagogue regularly to worship and to Jerusalem for the Passover each year.
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre iran ya gha yo e sinagọg, ya gha ga Osanobua; ukpo ukpo ẹre iran vbe ya gha yo e Jerusalẹm ya gha do Ugie Alagberra.

When Jesus was 12 years old, his family made the long trip to Jerusalem as usual.
Vbe Jesu ghi rre ukpo 12, ẹgbẹe ọre na mu okhian gha rrie Jerusalẹm vbene iran ka ruẹ.

The city was crowded with people who had come to celebrate the Passover.
Emwa bun ni rrie Jerusalẹm rhunmwuda Ugie Alagberra.

Afterward, Joseph and Mary began the journey home, thinking that Jesus was traveling with the group.
Vbe iran ghi do ugie fo nẹ, e Josẹf vbe Meri na werriegbe gha die owa, vbene iran na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ Jesu rre uwu ẹbu ni mu okhian dee.

But when they looked for him among their relatives, they couldn’t find him.
Sokpan vbe iran ghi gualọ Jesu vbuwe ẹbu etẹn iran, iran ma miẹn ọnrẹn.

They returned to Jerusalem, and for three days, they searched for their son.
Iran na werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm ya gualọ ovbi iran.

Finally, they went to the temple. There was Jesus, sitting in the middle of the teachers, listening carefully and asking good questions.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ikpẹdẹ eha, iran na do miẹn Jesu vbe ọgua Osa, vbe ọ tota ye uwu ẹbu avbe ọmamwaemwi gha danmwehọ iran kevbe wẹẹ, ọ na gha nọ iran ọta ughughan ne kpataki.

The teachers were so impressed with Jesus that they began asking him questions.
Ẹmwẹ Jesu na wa gha yẹẹ avbe ọmamwaemwi na, iran na vbe gha nọ rẹn ọta.

And they were amazed by his answers.
Jesu gha wa rhie ewanniẹn ye inọta ọghe iran, egbe ghi wa wọọ iran.

They could see that he understood Jehovah’s Law.
Ọ na wa vẹ ne iran rẹn wẹẹ Jesu rẹn Uhi e Jehova ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.

Joseph and Mary had been very worried.
Orhiọn e Meri vbe Josẹf ma sotọ ne iran ya gha gualọ Jesu.

Mary said:
E Meri keghi tama Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Child, we have been looking everywhere for you!
‘Ọ kpẹẹ re ne ima ke gualọ ruẹ ovbimwẹ!

Where have you been?’
Vbua la?’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘Did you not know that I must be here in my Father’s house?’
‘De ehe ọvbehe ne I khian gha ye, vbọ gberra owa erha mwẹ?’

Jesus went home with his parents to Nazareth.
Jesu na ghi lele evbibiẹ ọre gha rrie Nazarẹt.

Joseph taught Jesus how to do the work of a carpenter.
E Josẹf keghi maa Jesu iwinna ekabita.

What sort of person do you think Jesus was as a young man?
De aro ọmwa ne uwẹ yayi wẹẹ Jesu ghaa khin vbe ọ rre igbama?

As he grew up, Jesus increased in wisdom and in favor with God and men.
Vbene Jesu ya gha waan, erriọ ẹre ọ vbe ya gha mwẹ ẹwaẹn yọ, ẹmwẹ ọnrẹn na gha yẹẹ Osanobua kevbe emwa nagbọn.

“To do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is deep within me.”—Psalm 40:8
“U miẹn vbe iho ruẹ ne a ru yẹẹ mwẹ hẹ Osanobua mwẹ! I rhie iruẹmwi ruẹn ye uwu ekhọe mwẹ.”—Psalm 40:8


Where did Joseph and Mary find Jesus?
De ehe ne Josẹf vbe Meri na ghi miẹn Jesu?

Why was he there?
De emwi ne Jesu ghaa ru vba?

Lesson 085

John, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, became a prophet when he grew up.
Vbe Jọn ne ovbi e Zẹkaraia kevbe Elizabẹt ghi waan nẹ, ọ na khian akhasẹ.

Jehovah used John to teach people that the Messiah was coming.
E Jehova keghi loo e Jọn ya maa emwa re wẹẹ Mezaia dee.

But instead of teaching in synagogues or in towns, John preached in the wilderness.
Ne Jọn gha te ya gha kporhu vbe sinagọg ra vbe orere ẹvbo, ọ na gha kporhu vbuwe ato.

People came from Jerusalem and all over Judea to learn from John.
Te emwa nibun ni ghaa rre Jerusalẹm kevbe Judia ghaa bu e Jọn rre do gha danmwehọ re.

He taught them that to please God, they needed to stop doing bad things.
E Jọn keghi maa iran re wẹẹ, deghẹ iran hoo ne iran ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua, te iran gha zẹ obọ vbe emwi dan.

After listening to John, many repented of their sins, and John baptized them in the Jordan River.
Emwa nibun keghi fiwerriẹ vbe iran ghi danmwehọ e Jọn nẹ, e Jọn na ghi dinmwi iran ye amẹ vbe Ẹzẹ Jọdan.

John lived a simple life.
E Jọn ma gi iwinna emwi ewe na khu khian muẹn.

He wore clothing made of camel’s hair and ate locusts and wild honey.
Ẹwu na ya eto ekẹtẹkẹtẹ ru ẹre ọ ghaa yọ; irhiso kevbe owọn oha ẹre ọ ghaa re.

People were curious about John.
Okhekhe Jọn keghi gba ehe hia.

Even the proud Pharisees and Sadducees came to see him.
Uhiẹn Ivbi e Farisi kevbe Ivbi e Sadusi ni tọn egbe mu na rre do miẹn ọnrẹn.

John told them:
E Jọn keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘You need to change your ways and repent.
‘Te ọ khẹke ne uwa fiwerriẹ.

Don’t think that you are special just because you say that you are children of Abraham.
Uwa ghẹ roro wẹẹ emwa ni hiunsi ẹre uwa khin, rhunmwuda ne uwa na kha wẹẹ Ebraham ọre erha uwa odede.

This does not mean that you are children of God.’
Ọna ma rhiema wẹẹ ovbi Osanobua ẹre uwa khin.’

Many came to John and asked:
Vbe Ivbi e Ju nibun bu e Jọn rre do nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘What do we need to do to please God?’
‘De emwi ne ima gha ru nọ gha ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua?’

John told the Jews:
E Jọn keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘If you have two coats, give one away to a person who needs it.’
‘U gha mwẹ ẹwu eva, rhie ọkpa ne ọmwa nẹi mwẹ.’

Do you know why he said that?
U rẹn evbọzẹe ne ọ na kha vberriọ ra?

He wanted his disciples to know that to please God, they must love people.
Te ọ ghaa hoo ne erhuanegbe ẹre rẹn wẹẹ, iran gha hoo ne iran ya ẹko rhiẹnrhiẹn Osanobua, te iran gha hoẹmwẹ emwa ọvbehe.

John said to the tax collectors:
E Jọn keghi tama emwa ni miẹn igho uhunmwu wẹẹ:

‘Be honest and do not cheat anybody.’
‘Wa gha ta ẹmwata, ne uwa ghẹ mu ọmwa rhọkpa ru.’

He told the soldiers:
Ọ na tama ivbi iyokuo wẹẹ:

‘Do not accept bribes or tell lies.’
‘Wa ghẹ rri okodẹ, wa ghẹ vbe ta ohoghe.’

Priests and Levites also came to John and asked him:
Vbe ẹghẹ ne avbe ohẹn kevbe Ivbi e Livai ya rre do nọ e Jọn wẹẹ:

‘Who are you? Everyone wants to know.’
‘De aro ọmwa ne u khin?’

John said:
E Jọn keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘I am a voice in the wilderness, leading people to Jehovah, just as Isaiah foretold.’
‘Mẹ ọre urhu nọ guan vbuwe ato, nọ gie odẹ ọghe Jehova ma emwa zẹvbe ne Aizaia tae yotọ.’

People loved what John was teaching them.
Emwa nibun wa hoẹmwẹ imamwaemwi ọghe Jọn.

Many wondered if John was the Messiah.
Eso na kue gha roro ẹre wẹẹ irẹn ọre Mezaia.

But he told them:
Sokpan e Jọn keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Someone much greater is coming.
‘Ọmwa nọ sẹ mwẹ dee.

I am not good enough even to untie his sandals.
I ma sẹ nọ gha kie ọmwa nii ibata.

I baptize with water, but he will baptize with holy spirit.’
Amẹ ẹre imẹ loo ne uwa, vbe uwa gha khian dinmwiamẹ, sokpan orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ẹre irẹn khian ya gha dinmwi uwa ye amẹ.’

“This man came as a witness, in order to bear witness about the light, so that people of all sorts might believe through him.”—John 1:7
“Ọ do ta ẹmwẹ uwanmwẹ nii ne emwa ne agbọn. Irẹn rre do tae ma iran, ne emwa hia miẹn ehe na họn uhunmwu ne a gie ne iran yayi.”—Jọn 1:7


Why did Jehovah send John to the people?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jehova na ruẹ ne Jọn gha re akhasẹ?

How did they react to his message?
De vbene emwa ya khuẹnniẹn ye igiuhunmwu ọghẹe hẹ?

Lesson 086

Jesus taught people about the Kingdom of the heavens.
Jesu keghi maa emwa emwi vbekpa Arriọba nọ rre ẹrinmwi.

He also taught them to pray for God’s name to be sanctified, for his Kingdom to come, and for his will to take place on the earth.
Ọ vbe maa emwa re ne iran gha na erhunmwu ne eni Osanobua gha re na kpe huan, ne Arriọba ọghẹe rre kevbe na ru ahoo ọghẹe vbe agbọn na.

If you are a parent, explain to your child what this prayer means for us.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, rhan otọre ma ovbuẹ vbene erhunmwu na ya dekaan ima hẹ.

Jesus did not allow Satan to break his loyalty.
Jesu ma kue ne Setan si irẹn hin odẹ ọghe Osanobua rre.

Jesus selected his apostles, and they became the foundation members of the Kingdom.
Jesu keghi zẹ avbe ukọ ọghẹe, iran na do gha re ẹyotọ ọghe Arriọba Osanobua.

Note Jesus’ zeal for true worship.
U ghi yẹrẹro vbene Jesu ya rhie izọghae ma hẹ vbe ugamwẹ ẹmwata.

Because he wanted to help others, Jesus cured the sick, fed the hungry, and even brought people back to life.
Rhunmwuda ne Jesu na gha hoo ne ọ ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe, ọ keghi mu emwa egbe rran, ọ rhie evbare ne emwa ne ohanmwẹ gbe, ọ vbe huẹn emwa ni wulo kpaegbe.

By all these miracles, he demonstrated what the Kingdom will do for mankind.
Emwi ọyunnua ne irẹn ru na, keghi rhiẹre ma emwi ne ọ khian ru ne emwa nagbọn vbe Arriọba Osanobua.

Jesus gave his followers the work of preaching about the Kingdom and making disciples
Jesu keghi tama erhuanegbe ẹre, ne iran kporhu iyẹn nọ maan kevbe ne iran ya emwa khian erhuanegbe

Pray about matters that have to do with Jehovah before you pray about yourself
Ka gha na erhunmwu vbekpa emwi nọ dekaan e Jehova, u ke gha nọ ọghe egbuẹ

Forgive freely from the heart, and treat others as you would like them to treat you
Gha ya ekhọe hia yabọ, ne u vbe gha ya obọ esi mu emwa ọvbehe zẹvbe ne u hoo ne iran vbe ya gha mu ruẹ

Lesson 087

John had been preaching:
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre Jọn ya gha tae wẹẹ:

‘Someone greater than I am is coming.’
‘Ọmwa nọ sẹ mwẹ dee.’

When Jesus was about 30 years old, he came from Galilee to the Jordan River, where John was baptizing people.
Vbe Jesu ghi rre ukpo 30, ọ na ke Galili gha rrie Ẹzẹ e Jọdan, ehe ne Jọn na gha dinmwi emwa ye amẹ.

Jesus wanted John to baptize him, but John said:
Jesu na wẹẹ ne Jọn dinmwi irẹn ye amẹ, sokpan e Jọn keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I should not baptize you.
‘I ma sẹ nọ gha dinmwi ruẹ ye amẹ.

You should baptize me.’
Uwẹ ẹre ọ khẹke nọ dinmwi imẹ ye amẹ.’

Jesus told John:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah wants you to baptize me.’
‘E Jehova hoo ne u dinmwi mwẹ ye amẹ.’

So they went into the Jordan River, and John dipped Jesus completely under the water.
Ẹre iran na ghi la uwu Ẹzẹ e Jọdan, e Jọn na ghi dinmwi ẹnrẹn ye uwu amẹ fo fẹfẹfẹ.

After Jesus came up from the water, he prayed.
Vbe Jesu ghi ladian vbuwe amẹ, ọ keghi na erhunmwu.

At that moment, the heavens opened up, and God’s spirit came down on him like a dove.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, ẹrinmwi keghi kie yotọ, orhiọn ọghe Osanobua keghi tuorre yan Jesu vbe na ghee idu.

Then Jehovah spoke from heaven:
Ẹre Jehova na ghi guan ke orere ẹrinmwi rre wẹẹ:

“You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.”
“Wẹ ọre ovbi mwẹ ne I hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, ọmwa ne ekhọe mwẹ rhiẹnrhiẹn ghe ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.”

When Jehovah’s spirit came on Jesus, he became the Christ, or Messiah.
Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghe Jehova ghi tuorre yan Jesu nẹ, ọ na ghi khian e Kristi ra e Mezaia.

Now he would start the work that Jehovah had sent him to earth to do.
Nia, te irẹn khian ghi suẹn iwinna ne Jehova gie ẹre ne ọ do ru vbe agbọn.

Immediately after his baptism, Jesus went into the wilderness and spent 40 days there.
Vbe Jesu ghi dinmwiamẹ nẹ, ọ na ya gbe ikpẹdẹ 40 vbuwe ato.

When he returned, he went to see John.
Vbe ọ ghi ke uwu ato rre, ọ na ya miẹn e Jọn.

As Jesus came toward him, John said:
Vbe Jọn ghi bẹghe Jesu, ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘This is the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world.’
‘Ọna ọre Oteghe Ohuan ọghe Osanobua nọ do rhie orukhọ hin agbọn na rre.’

By saying this, John let the people know that Jesus was the Messiah.
Te Jọn ta ẹmwẹ na, ne ọ ya gi emwa rẹn wẹẹ Jesu ọre ne Mezaia.

Do you know what happened to Jesus while he was in the wilderness?
Uwẹ rẹn emwi nọ sunu dae Jesu vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ ya gha rre uwu ato ra?

Let’s find out.
Gi ima gualọ otọre.

“A voice came out of the heavens:‘You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.’”—Mark 1:11
“Urhu ọkpa keghi ke ẹrinmwi rre wẹẹ, ‘Wẹ ọre ovbi mwẹ ne I hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn, ọmwa ne ekhọe mwẹ rhiẹnrhiẹn ghe ẹsẹsẹmwẹse.’”—Mak 1:11


Why was Jesus baptized?
Vbọzẹe ne Jesu na dinmwiamẹ?

Why did John say that Jesus was the Lamb of God?
Vbọzẹe ne Jọn na kha wẹẹ, Jesu ọre Oteghe Ohuan ọghe Osanobua?

Lesson 088

After Jesus was baptized, the holy spirit led him into the wilderness.
Vbe Jesu ghi dinmwiamẹ nẹ, orhiọn nọhuanrẹn keghi su ẹre gha rrie uwu ato.

He did not eat anything for 40 days, and he got very hungry.
Vbe ọ ghi gbe ikpẹdẹ 40 nẹ vbe evba, vbene ọ ma na ya emwi rhọkpa kan unu, ohanmwẹ na gha gbe ẹre.

Then the Devil came to tempt Jesus and said to him:
Esu keghi rre do danmwẹ Jesu, vbene ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘If you are really God’s Son, tell these stones to become loaves of bread.’
‘Adeghẹ Ovbi Osanobua ẹre u gele khin, tama avbe okuta na, ne iran khian ebrẹdi.’

But Jesus answered by quoting the Scriptures:
Sokpan Jesu keghi ya Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn rhie ewanniẹn nẹ wẹẹ:

‘It is written that you need more than food to live.
‘A gbẹn ọnrẹn yotọ nẹ wẹẹ, ẹi re evbare ọkpa ẹre ọ khian ya ọmwa gha rrọọ.

You need to listen to every word that Jehovah says.’
Te u gha danmwehọ ẹmwẹ hia ne Jehova rhirhi ta.’

Next, the Devil challenged Jesus:
Vbe iyeke ọni, Esu keghi si Jesu evẹn, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘If you are really God’s Son, jump off the highest point of the temple.
‘Adeghẹ Ovbi Osanobua ẹre u gele khin, ke uhunmwu eke nọ yo sẹ vbe ọgua Osa san tuorre.

It is written that God will send his angels to catch you.’
A gbẹn ọnrẹn yotọ nẹ wẹẹ, Osanobua gha gie avbe odibo ọghẹe ne iran da obọ rra ruẹ.’

But Jesus again quoted the Scriptures:
Sokpan Jesu na vbe ya Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn rhie ewanniẹn nẹ wẹẹ:

‘It is written that you should not put Jehovah to the test.’
‘A gbẹn ọnrẹn yotọ nẹ, ne ọmwa rhọkpa ghẹ mu e Jehova ye edanmwẹ.’

Then, Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their riches and glory and said:
Vbe iyeke ọni, Setan keghi ma Jesu arriọba ọghe uhunmwu otagbọn hia, ke ẹfe kevbe uyi ni lelẹe khian, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I will give you all of these kingdoms and their glory if you worship me just once.’
‘Adeghẹ u na ya uhunmwu rhanmwẹ otọ mẹ uhukpa, I gha mu ena hia nuẹ.’

But Jesus answered:
Sokpan Jesu keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go away, Satan!
‘Ladian mwa, Setan!

It is written that you should worship only Jehovah.’
A gbẹn ọnrẹn yotọ nẹ wẹẹ, e Jehova ọkpa ẹre ọ khẹke na ga.’

Then the Devil went away, and angels came and gave Jesus food to eat.
Esu na ghi kpa, ẹre avbe odibosa na viọ evbare gie Jesu nọ re.

From then on, Jesus preached the good news of the Kingdom. It was the work that he was sent to earth to do.
Ke ẹghẹ nii kpa, e Jesu na gha kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba Osanobua, rhunmwuda wẹẹ, iwinna na ẹre Osanobua wẹẹ nọ do ru vbe agbọn.

People loved what Jesus taught them, and they followed him everywhere he went.
Te emwa wa hoẹmwẹ emwi ne Jesu ghaa maa iran re, ọni ẹre ọ si ẹre ne iran na gha vẹ lelẹe khian.

“When [the Devil] speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.”—John 8:44
“[Esu] gha ta ohoghe, emwi nọ gua re obọ ro ẹre ọ ru nii, rhunmwuda ọmwa ohoghe kevbe erha ohoghe ẹre nọ.”—Jọn 8:44, NW


What were the three temptations?
De edanmwẹ eha ne Jesu la gberra?

How did Jesus answer the Devil?
De ewanniẹn ne Jesu rhie ne Esu?

Lesson 089

In the spring of the year 30 C.E., Jesus went to Jerusalem. Many people had come to the city for the Passover.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne emwa nibun ya gha rrie Jerusalẹm ne iran ya do Ugie Alagberra vbe ukpo 30 C.E., Jesus na vbe gha khian.

As part of the celebration, they made animal offerings at the temple.
Abọ ọkpa vbe ugie na, keghi re izọese ọghe aranmwẹ na ru vbe ọgua Osa.

Some people brought animals with them, but others bought them in Jerusalem.
Emwa eso na viọ aranmwẹ lele egbe rre, vbene eso na do dẹ vbe Jerusalẹm.

When Jesus went to the temple, he saw people selling animals there.
Vbe Jesu ghi sẹ ọgua Osa, ọ na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ emwa khiẹn aranmwẹ vba.

They were making money for themselves right in Jehovah’s house of worship!
Iran na gha khuan igho vbe owa ugamwẹ ọghe Jehova!

How did Jesus react?
Vbe Jesu a ghi ru?

He made a whip out of ropes and drove the sheep and the cattle out of the temple.
Ọ na ya asan khulo avbe ohuan kevbe ẹmila ne iran ghaa khiẹn hin ọgua Osa rre.

He overturned the tables of the money changers and poured their coins out on the ground.
Ọ na mu eteburu ọghe emwa ni fian igho gbotọ.

Jesus told those who were selling doves:
Jesu keghi tama iran ni ghaa khiẹn idu wẹẹ:

‘Take these things away from here!
‘Wa viọ ena hia hin emwa rre!

Do not make my Father’s house a place of business!’
Uwa ghẹ ya owa Erha mwẹ khian ehe ne a na do ẹki!’

People at the temple were amazed at what Jesus did.
Emwa hia ni ghaa rre ọgua Osa vbe ẹdẹrriọ na yan unu ruan.

His disciples remembered the prophecy about the Messiah:
Erhuanegbe Jesu keghi yerre ẹmwẹ akhasẹ na tae vbekpa e Mezaia, nọ khare wẹẹ:

‘I will be full of zeal for Jehovah’s house.’
‘Te I khian wa ya ekhọe hia gha mwẹ izọghae ye emwi ke emwi nọ dekaan owa ọghe Jehova.’

Later, in the year 33 C.E., Jesus cleansed the temple a second time.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo 33 C.E., Jesu na werriegbe kpe ọgua Osa huan.

He would not let anyone show disrespect for his Father’s house.
Ọ ma kue ne ọmwa rhọkpa ya aro tila owa Erhae rua.

“You cannot be slaves to God and to Riches.”—Luke 16:13
“Wa i sẹtin ga Osanobua ga Igho.”—Luk 16:13


What did Jesus do when he saw people selling animals at the temple?
De emwi ne Jesu ru vbe ọ miẹn wẹẹ, emwa khiẹn aranmwẹ vbe ọgua Osa?

Why did Jesus do that?
Vbọzẹe ne Jesu na ru vberriọ?

Lesson 090

After the Passover, Jesus and his disciples traveled through Samaria on their way back to Galilee.
Vbe iran ghi do Ugie Alagberra fo nẹ, Jesu vbe erhuanegbe ẹre keghi mu okhian la e Sameria vbe iran werriegbe rrie Galili.

Near the city of Sychar, Jesus stopped at a place called Jacob’s well. While he rested there, his disciples went into the city to buy food.
Jesu na gha hẹwẹ vbe ọkpẹn uhae ọghe Jekọb nọ rre ọkpẹn ẹvbo na tie ẹre Sika, vbene erhuanegbe ẹre na gha rrie orere ẹvbo ya dẹ evbare.

A woman came to the well to draw water. Jesus said to her:
Vbe okhuo ọkpa ghi rre do sa amẹ vbe uhae nii, Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Give me a drink.”
“Sa amẹ mẹ wọn.”

She said:
Okhuo nii keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Why are you talking to me? I’m a Samaritan woman. Jews don’t talk to Samaritans.’
‘Vbọzẹe ne u na wẹẹ ne imẹ ne Ovbi e Sameria sa amẹ nuẹ wọn? Uwẹ ma rẹn wẹẹ Ivbi e Ju kevbe Ivbi e Sameria i lẹro egbe?’

Jesus told her:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘If you knew who I am, you would ask me for a drink and I would give you living water.’
‘Akpawẹ te u rẹn aro ọmwa ne I khin, te u gha te nọ mwẹ ne I sa amẹ nuẹ wọn kevbe wẹẹ, I gha te sa amẹ arrọọ nuẹ.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked the woman. ‘You don’t even have a bucket.’
Okhuo nii keghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Vbua khian ya sa amẹ mẹ hẹ, vbene u i na mwẹ ikoroba?’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Whoever drinks the water that I give him will never get thirsty again.’
‘Ọmwa nọ rhirhi wọn vbe amẹ ne I gha sa nẹẹn, ovbamẹ i ghi dọlegbe gbe ẹre ẹdẹ.’

The woman said:
Okhuo nii na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Sir, give me this water.”
“Enọwanrẹn, sa mẹ vbe nene amẹ.”

Jesus then told her:
E Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Bring your husband to the well.’
‘Ya tie ọdafẹn ruẹ rre.’

She said: ‘I don’t have a husband.’
Ọ na tama e Jesu wẹẹ irẹn i mwẹ ọdọ.

He said:
Jesu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You are telling the truth.
‘Ẹmwata ẹre u wa ta.

You’ve been married five times, and now you live with a man to whom you are not married.’
Ọdọ isẹn ẹre u he rọnmwẹ, ne u gue na i re ọdafẹn ruẹ.’

The woman said:
Okhuo nii keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘I see that you are a prophet.
‘I bẹghe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ akhasẹ ẹre u khin.

My people believe that we can worship God on this mountain, but the Jews say that we can worship only in Jerusalem.
Ma ne Ivbi e Sameria yayi wẹẹ, ma gha sẹtin ga Osanobua vbe uhunmwu oke na, sokpan Ivbi e Ju khare wẹẹ, e Jerusalẹm ọkpa ẹre a khian na sẹtin ga Osanobua.

I believe that when the Messiah comes, he will teach us how to worship.’
I rẹnrẹn wẹẹ e Mezaia gha rre, ọ gha tama ima odẹ nọ khẹke na gha ya ga Osanobua.’

Then Jesus said something he had not told anyone else: ‘I am the Messiah.’
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ: ‘Mẹ, ọre ne Mezaia.’ Okhuo na, ọre ọmwa okaro ne Jesu he ta ẹmwẹ na ma.

The woman hurried to her city and told the Samaritans:
Okhuo na keghi rhulẹ ya tama Ivbi e Sameria wẹẹ:

‘I think I have found the Messiah. He knows everything about me.
‘I miẹn okpia ọkpa nọ ta emwi hia ne I he ru ma mwẹ. I yayi wẹẹ irẹn ẹre ọ wa re Mezaia.

Come and see!’
Wa do ghee ẹre!’

They followed her back to the well and listened to Jesus teach.
Iran keghi lelẹe gha rrie nene uhae, ne iran do danmwehọ Jesu.

The Samaritans invited Jesus to stay in their city.
Ivbi e Sameria na wẹẹ ne Jesu dia ẹvbo iran ya.

For two days, he taught there, and many people put faith in him.
Jesu keghi maa iran emwi vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ eva, emwa nibun na mu ẹtin yan rẹn.

They told the Samaritan woman:
Iran na ghi tama okhuo nii, nọ do tie iran wẹẹ:

‘After listening to this man, we know that he really is the savior of the world.’
‘Rhunmwuda vbene okpia na ya guan, ma bẹghe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ, irẹn ọre ọmiọmwafan ọghe agbọn na.’

“‘Come!’ and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone who wishes take life’s water free.”—Revelation 22:17
“‘Gha dee!’ ọmwaikọmwa ne ovbamẹ gbe gha dee; wẹẹ ne ọmwa ne ọ hoo ne ọ wọn amẹ ọghe arrọọ gha dee do wọn ọghọhẹ.”—Arhie Maan 22:17, NW


Why was the Samaritan woman surprised that Jesus spoke to her?
Vbọsiẹ nọ na gha re ọkpaodin ne okhuo e Sameria vbe ọ bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, Jesu gu irẹn guan?

What did he tell her?
De emwi ne Jesu tama rẹn?

Lesson 091

Shortly after his baptism, Jesus began to preach:
Vbe Jesu wa da dinmwiamẹ, ọ na suẹn gha kporhu wẹẹ:

‘The Kingdom of God is near.’
‘Arriọba Osanobua sotọ nẹ.’

Disciples followed him as he traveled around Galilee and Judea.
Emwa na gha bi lelẹe zẹvbe ne ọ ya gha mu okhian lẹga e Galili kevbe Judia.

When Jesus returned to his hometown of Nazareth, he went to the synagogue, opened the scroll of Isaiah, and read aloud:
Vbe Jesu ghi sẹ e Nazarẹt ne ẹvbo ẹre, ọ na gha rrie sinagọg, ọ na ya wee ebe na kiri ọghe Aizaia, ọ na tie ẹre ladian vbe urhu nọ lae wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah has given me holy spirit so that I can preach the good news.’
‘E Jehova rhie orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghẹe mẹ, ne I mieke na sẹtin kporhu iyẹn nọ maan.’

What did that mean?
De emwi ne ọ ya ọna kha?

It meant that even though people wanted to see Jesus perform miracles, the main reason he had received holy spirit was to preach the good news.
Ọ rhiema wẹẹ, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ emwa ghaa hoo ne Jesu wa gha ru emwi ọyunnuan, emwi kpataki nọ rhunmwuda re rre, ọre ne ọ do kporhu iyẹn nọ maan.

Then he told his listeners:
Ọ na ghi tama emwa ni danmwehọ re wẹẹ:

‘Today this prophecy has come true.’
‘Ẹmwẹ akhasẹ na, wa mwẹ amusẹ vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ.’

Next, Jesus went to the Sea of Galilee, where he met four of his disciples, who were fishermen.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu na gha rrie Okun Ọghe Galili, evba ẹre ọ na miẹn ikpia enẹ ni gbe ehẹn, ni ghi do gha re erhuanegbe ọghẹe.

He invited them, saying:
Ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Come with me, and I will make you fishers of men.’
‘Uwa lele mwẹ, ne uwa do gha re ọgbehẹn ọghe emwa nagbọn.’

They were Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
Eni iran na, ọre Pita, Andru, e Jems kevbe Jọn.

They immediately left their fishing business and followed him.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, iran na sẹ iwinna iran rae, iran na lelẹe.

They went all over Galilee, preaching about Jehovah’s Kingdom.
Iran na ya gha kporhu vbe Galili vbekpa Arriọba Osanobua.

They preached in synagogues, at marketplaces, and in the streets.
Iran kporhu vbe sinagọg, vbe adesẹ ẹki kevbe idunmwu.

A large crowd followed them wherever they went.
Ẹbu emwa nibun ẹre ọ ghaa bi lele iran vbe ehe ne iran rhirhi la.

News about Jesus spread everywhere, even as far as Syria.
Okhekhe ọghe Jesu keghi gba ehe hia, uhiẹn ya sẹ e Siria.

In time, Jesus gave some of his followers the power to heal people and to expel demons.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya gha khian, Jesu na rhie ẹtin eso ne avbe ukọ ọghẹe, ne iran ya gha mu emwa egbe rran kevbe ne iran ya gha khulo orhiọn dan.

Others went with him as he preached from city to city and from village to village.
Emwa nikẹre na ye gha lelẹe zẹvbe ne ọ ya gha kporhu vbe ẹvbo ughughan.

A number of faithful women, including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and others, took care of Jesus and his followers.
Ikhuo eso ni ghaa mwẹ amuẹtinyan, vbe na ghee Meri na vbe tie ẹre Magdalen, Joana kevbe Susana vbe gha ru iyobọ ne Jesu vbe erhuanegbe ẹre.

After training his disciples, Jesus sent them out to preach.
Vbe Jesu ghi maa erhuanegbe ẹre emwi nẹ, ọ na gie iran ne iran ya kporhu.

As they traveled throughout Galilee, many others became disciples and got baptized.
Zẹvbe ne iran ya gha kporhu khian vbe Galili, emwa nibun na do khian erhuanegbe, iran na vbe dinmwiamẹ.

So many wanted to be disciples that Jesus compared them to a field that was ready to be harvested.
Emwa nibun ghaa hoo ne iran khian erhuanegbe Jesu, rhunmwuda ọni, Jesu na ya iran gie ugbo emwiokọ nọ wo nẹ kevbe nọ sẹ na rhọọ.

He said:
Ọ na kha wẹẹ:

‘Pray to Jehovah to send more workers to harvest the crop.’
‘Wa na erhunmwu gie Jehova ne ọ viọ emwa ni winna rre, ne iran do rhọọ emwiokọ.’

He later chose 70 of his disciples and sent them out in pairs to preach all around Judea.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, Jesu keghi gie 70 vbe erhuanegbe ẹre, ne iran ya kporhu vbe Judia; ọ na ghae iran eveva.

They taught all kinds of people about the Kingdom.
Emwa ughughan ẹre iran ghaa maa re emwi vbekpa Arriọba Osanobua.

When the disciples came back, they were eager to tell Jesus what had happened.
Vbe erhuanegbe Jesu ghi yo rre, iran na do gha na iyẹn emwi ughughan nọ sunu.

There was nothing the Devil could do to stop the preaching work.
Esu ma sẹtin mu idobo ye iwinna ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan.

Jesus made sure that his disciples would continue to do this important work after he returned to heaven.
Jesu keghi tama erhuanegbe ẹre, ne iran ye gha winna iwinna ne kpataki na, vbe irẹn gha kpa gha rrie ẹrinmwi nẹ.

He told them:
Ọ na wẹẹ:

‘Preach the good news all over the earth.
‘Wa kporhu iyẹn no maan na, la uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

Teach people about God’s Word, and baptize them.’
Wa gha maa emwa emwi vbekpa Ẹmwẹ Ọghe Osanobua, ne uwa vbe gha dinmwi iran ye amẹ.’

“I must also declare the good news of the Kingdom of God to other cities, because for this I was sent.”—Luke 4:43
“Ẹi mwẹ I ma ya kpe orhu iyẹn nọ maan na ọghe Arriọba Osanobua vbe avbe ẹvbo ọvbehe rhunmwuda, ọnii ọre Osanobua gie mwẹ ne I do ru.”—Luk 4:43


What work did Jesus give his disciples to do?
De iwinna ne Jesu mu ne erhuanegbe ẹre?

How did the disciples feel about their work?
De aro ne erhuanegbe Jesu ya gha ghee iwinna na?

Lesson 092

Jesus came to earth to declare the good news of God’s Kingdom.
Te Jesu rrie agbọn na, ne ọ do kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba Osanobua.

To show what Jesus will do as King, Jehovah gave him holy spirit to perform miracles.
E Jehova keghi rhie orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ne Jesu, ne ọ ya winna iwinna ọyunnuan, ne ọ mieke na rhiẹre ma emwi ne irẹn khian ru vbe ọ gha re Ọba.

He could cure any sickness.
Jesu ghaa mwẹ ẹtin na ya mu emwa egbe rran.

Wherever he went, sick people came to him for help, and he cured them all.
Emwa ni khuọnmwi gha bu e Jesu rre vbe ehe ne ọ rhirhi gha ye, ọ ghi mu iran egbe rran.

The blind could see, the deaf could hear, paralyzed people could walk, and those controlled by demons were set free.
Avbe arhuaro na gha bẹghe, avbe ayenhọ na gha họn ẹmwẹ, avbe uke na gha khian kevbe emwa ne orhiọn dan te loo na do miẹn afanvbimu.

Even if they just touched the edge of his clothing, they would be healed.
A gha wẹẹ ehọ ukpọn Jesu ẹre iran wa ya obọ kaan, egbe ghi rran iran.

People followed Jesus wherever he went.
Emwa na gha bi lele Jesu vbe ehe ne ọ rhirhi la.

Even when he wanted to be alone, Jesus never turned anyone away.
Uhiẹn vbe emwa gha bu Jesu rre vbe ẹghẹ ne ọ hoo ne ọ ya hẹwẹ, ẹi khulo iran hin egbe rre.

One time, people brought a paralyzed man to a house where Jesus was staying.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne emwa ya mu okpia ọkpa nọ re uke, bu e Jesu rre.

But the house was so crowded that they could not get in.
Sokpan iran ma miẹn eke la sẹ ehe ne Jesu ye rhunmwuda emwa ni vuọn evba.

So they made a hole in the roof and lowered the man down to Jesus.
Ẹre iran na ghi gbe uvun ye uhunmwu owa nii, iran na ghi mu okpia nii tuorre.

Then Jesus told the man:
Jesu na ghi tama okpia nii wẹẹ:

‘Get up and walk.’
‘Kpaegbe, ne u suẹn gha khian.’

When he did, the people were amazed.
Vbe okpia nii ghi gele suẹn gha khian, emwa hia na yan unu ruan.

Another time, as Jesus entered a village, ten men with leprosy stood at a distance and shouted:
Ọ vbe gha mwẹ ẹghẹ ọvbehe ne Jesu ya la igue ọkpa, ọ na bẹghe ọkhọnmwọ oti igbe, iran na ke urria datie ẹre wẹẹ:

‘Jesus, help us!’
‘Jesu, ru iyobọ ne ima!’

In those days, lepers were not allowed to come near other people.
Vbe ẹghẹ nii, ai kue ne ọkhọnmwọ oti sikẹ emwa ọvbehe.

Jesus told the men to go to the temple, as Jehovah’s Law said lepers must do after being cured.
Jesu keghi tama iran, ne iran gha rrie ọgua Osa; Uhi ọghe Jehova vbe ẹghẹ nii ọre wẹẹ, egbe gha rran ọkhọnmwọ oti nẹ, ọ gha rrie ọgua Osa.

On their way there, they were healed.
Vbe iran ghi khian vbe odẹ, egbe na rran iran.

When one of the lepers realized that he had been cured, he came back to thank Jesus and praise God.
Ọkpa vbọ ghi ghee ighẹ egbe rran irẹn, ọ na werriegbe bu e Jesu gha khian, ọ na ya rhie ekpọnmwẹ nẹ, ọ na vbe rhie urhomwẹ gie Osanobua.

Of the ten, only this one thanked Jesus.
Vbuwe iran igbe nii, irẹn ọkpa kẹkan ẹre ọ do kpọnmwẹ Jesu.

A woman who had been sick for 12 years was desperate to be cured.
Ọ vbe gha mwẹ okhuo ọkpa nọ wa ya ukpo 12 khuọnmwi emianmwẹ nọ ma fo vbe otọ.

She came up behind Jesus in a crowd and touched the edge of his outer garment.
Okhuo na, keghi la iyeke Jesu rre do ya obọ kaan ehọ ukpọn rẹn.

Immediately, she was healed.
Ọwarọkpa nii, egbe na rran rẹn.

When that happened, Jesus asked:
Ẹre Jesu na ghi nọ wẹẹ:

“Who touched me?
“Gha ọ ya obọ kan mwẹ?

” The woman was frightened, but she came forward and told him the truth.
” Ohan na gha mu okhuo na, ọ na ghi ladian do tama e Jesu wẹẹ irẹn nọ.

Jesus comforted her by saying:
Jesu keghi mu orhiọn okhuo na sẹ otọ, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Daughter, go in peace.’
‘Gha khian ovbimwẹ, ọfunmwegbe gu ruẹ rrọọ.’

An officer named Jairus begged Jesus:
Okpia ọkpa na ghaa tie ẹre Jairọs keghi rinmwian e Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Come to my house!
‘Lahọ gha die owa mwẹ!

My little daughter is very sick.’
Ukpọmọkpa ne I mwẹ wa khuọnmwi.’

But before Jesus could get to Jairus’ house, the girl died.
Sokpan vbene Jesu ke sẹ evba, ovbi e Jairọs wu nẹ.

When Jesus arrived, he saw that many people had come to mourn with the family.
Jesu ghi sẹ evba, ọ na do vba emwa nibun ni khiẹ vbe owa e Jairọs.

Jesus told them:
Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t cry; she is only sleeping.’
‘Uwa ghẹ ghi viẹ; te ọ vbiẹ.’

Then he took the girl’s hand and said:
Ẹre ọ na ghi rhie ọvbokhan nii obọ, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Child, get up!
“Ọmọ okhuo, I tama ruẹ, kpaegbe!

” She sat up immediately, and Jesus told her parents to give her something to eat.
” Ọmọ okhuo nii keghi kpaegbe vbe ọwarọkpa nii, ẹre Jesu na ghi rhiẹre ne evbibiẹ ọre ne iran rhie evbare nẹ.

Just think how her parents must have felt!
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ ekhọe evbibiẹ ọmọ na, khian gha ye hẹ?

“God anointed him with holy spirit and power, and he went through the land doing good and healing all those oppressed by the Devil, because God was with him.”—Acts 10:38
“Osanobua hihiẹ orhiọn ne ọ huanrẹn kevbe ẹtin yan rẹn ... Ọ kegha lele ehe hia khian, ọ na winna iwinna esi, ọ na gha sinmwi emwa hia ne Esu mu gba, rhunmwuda Osanobua yaba ẹre.”—Iwinna 10:38


Why was Jesus able to cure all kinds of sicknesses?
Vbọzẹe ne Jesu na sẹtin gha mu emwa egbe rran?

What happened to Jairus’ daughter?
Vbọ sunu daa ovbi e Jairọs ne okhuo?

Lesson 093

After Jesus had been preaching for about a year and a half, he had an important decision to make.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo ọkpa vbe ukhiọnmwẹ ne Jesu ke kporhu, ọ na gha mwẹ atamuolọyan ne kpataki nọ khẹke ne ọ ru.

Whom would he choose to work closely with him?
De emwa ne irẹn khian zẹ nọ khian deba re winna?

Whom would he train to take the lead in the Christian congregation?
De emwa ne irẹn gha maa re emwi, ne iran gha su vbuwe iko ọghe Ivbiotu e Kristi?

To make these decisions, Jesus wanted Jehovah’s direction.
Jesu keghi gualọ adia ọghe Jehova ọ ke sẹtin ru atamuolọyan na.

So he went to a mountain where he could be by himself, and he prayed all night long.
Rhunmwuda ọni, irẹn ọkpa na gha rrie uhunmwu oke, ọ na ya na erhunmwu ne ẹdẹ gbe.

In the morning, Jesus called some of his disciples together and chose his 12 apostles.
Vbe ẹdẹ ghi gbe, Jesu keghi si erhuanegbe ẹre hia koko, ẹre ọ na ghi zẹ ukọ 12 vbọ.

Which of their names do you remember?
Uwẹ rẹn eni avbe ukọ na ra?

Their names were Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot.
Eni iran ọre Pita, Andru, e Jems, e Jọn, e Filip, e Batolomiu, e Tọmọs, e Matiu, e Jems ne ovbi Alfiọs, e Tadiọs, e Saimọn, kevbe Judas Iskariọt.

Andrew, Peter, Philip, James
Andru, Pita, Filip, Jems

The Twelve would travel along with him.
Te iran Iweva na, ghaa mu okhian lelẹe yo ehe ne ọ rhirhi yo.

After he trained them, they were sent out to preach on their own.
Vbe ọ ghi maa iran emwi nẹ, ọ na gie iran ne iran ya kporhu.

Jehovah gave them power to expel demons and to heal sick people.
E Jehova keghi rhie ẹtin ne iran, ne iran ya gha khulo orhiọn dan kevbe ne iran ya gha mu emwa egbe rran.

John, Matthew, Bartholomew, Thomas
Jọn, Matiu, Batolomiu, Tọmọs

Jesus called the Twelve his friends, and he trusted them.
Te Jesu ghaa ghee iran Iweva na, zẹvbe ọse ne irẹn gba ẹko ẹre.

The Pharisees thought that the apostles were uneducated and ordinary.
Ivbi e Farisi na gha ghee avbe ukọ na zẹvbe emwa kẹkan ni ma yo owebe.

But Jesus gave them training for their work.
Sokpan Jesu ma ya aro vberriọ ghee iran.

They would be with Jesus at the most important times in his life, such as before his death and after his resurrection.
Ọ keghi maa iran re vbene iran khian ya ru iwinna nọ mu ne iran. Te avbe ukọ na khian wa rhikhan mu e Jesu, ya sẹ ẹdẹ uwu. Ọ gha vbe rhiọkpaegbe, te iran khian ye gha lelẹe khian.

Like Jesus, most of the Twelve were from Galilee.
Ẹvbo na tiẹre Galili ẹre irẹn vbe ni bun sẹ vbe ukọ re ke rre.

Some of them were married.
Eso vbọ vbe ru orọnmwẹ.

James the son of Alphaeus, Judas Iscariot, Thaddaeus, Simon
Jems ne ovbi Alfiọs, Judas Iskariọt, Tadiọs, Saimon

The apostles were imperfect men who made mistakes.
Emwa ni ma gba, ni vbe ru abakuru ẹre avbe ukọ na ghaa khin.

Sometimes they spoke before thinking and made bad decisions.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ẹghẹ eso ne iran ma ya gha roro ẹmwẹ iran ke tae, iran vbe gha ru atamuolọyan nẹi maan.

At times they were impatient.
Ọ wa vbe mwẹ ẹghẹ eso ne iran ma ya gha mwẹ izinegbe.

They even argued over who was more important.
Iran vbe gha muan ẹmwẹ vbekpa ọmwa nọ kpọlọ sẹ vbuwe ẹbu iran.

But they were good people who loved Jehovah.
Sokpan emwa esi, ni hoẹmwẹ e Jehova ẹre iran ghaa khin.

They would be the foundation of the Christian congregation after Jesus was gone.
Iran ẹre ọ khian gha re ẹyotọ ọghe iko ọghe Ivbiotu e Kristi vbe Jesu gha kpa nẹ.

“I have called you friends, because I have made known to you all the things I have heard from my Father.”—John 15:15
“Ọse mwẹ ọre I ghi tie uwa ẹre rhunmwuda emwi hia ne I họẹn vbe unu Erha mwẹ, I vbe talọ ehia ma uwa.”—Jọn 15:15


Whom did Jesus choose as his 12 apostles?
De emwa ne Jesu zẹ ne iran gha re ukọ ne Iweva ọghẹe?

What did Jesus send his apostles to do?
De iwinna ne Jesu mu ne iran?

Lesson 094

After choosing the 12 apostles, Jesus came down the mountain to a place where a large crowd was gathered.
Vbe Jesu ghi zẹ ukọ ne 12 nẹ, ọ na ke uhunmwu oke tuorre gha die ehe ne emwa na gbẹbu.

They had come from Galilee, Judea, Tyre, Sidon, Syria, and the other side of the Jordan.
E Galili, e Judia, e Taia, e Saidọn, e Siria kevbe ẹvbo ni rre Jọdan ẹre iran na ke rre.

They brought people who were suffering from diseases and some who were tormented by demons.
Iran keghi viọ emwa ni khuọnmwi emianmwẹ ughughan kevbe emwa ne orhiọn dan loo bu e Jesu gha dee.

Jesus healed them all.
Jesu keghi mu iran hia egbe rran.

Then he sat down on the mountainside and began to speak.
Jesu keghi tota ye ọkpẹn oke gha gu iran guan.

He explained what we must do if we want to be friends of God.
Ọ keghi rhan otọ emwi ne a gha ru, na mieke na gha re ọse ọghe Osanobua.

We must realize that we need Jehovah and learn to love him.
Ọ khẹke ne ima rẹn wẹẹ ima gualọ adia ọghe Jehova, ọ vbe khẹke ne ima hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn.

But we cannot love God if we do not love other people.
Sokpan ma i sẹtin hoẹmwẹ Osanobua deghẹ ima ma na hoẹmwẹ emwa ọvbehe.

We must be kind and fair to everyone, even our enemies.
Ọ khẹke ne ima gha ya obọ esi mu emwa hia, uhiẹn ya sẹ egbe eghian ima.

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘It’s not enough to love just your friends.
‘Ẹi re ọse ruẹ ọkpa ẹre u khian hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn.

You also need to love your enemies and to forgive people from your heart.
Te ọ khẹke ne u vbe hoẹmwẹ eghian ruẹ kevbe ne u ya ekhọe hia yabọ iran.

If someone is upset with you, go to him right away and apologize.
Adeghẹ ọmwa na gha mu ohu ruẹ, u ghi ya rinmwiaẹn vbobọvbobọ, ne ọ yabọ ruẹ.

Treat others the way you want them to treat you.’
Gha ya obọ esi mu emwa ọvbehe vbene u hoo ne iran vbe ya ye obọ esi mu ruẹ.’

Jesus also gave the people good advice about material things.
Jesu vbe rhie ibude ne iran vbe nọ dekaan aro nọ khẹke na ya gha ghee emwi ewe.

He said:
Ọ khare wẹẹ:

‘It’s more important to be Jehovah’s friend than to have a lot of money.
‘Na gha re ọse ọghe Jehova ẹre ọ maan sẹ na gha mwẹ igho.

A thief can steal your money, but no one can steal your friendship with Jehovah.
Oyi sẹtin do ruẹ igho mu, sokpan ọmwa rhọkpa i sẹtin do ẹre mu ighẹ asikẹgbe ne u gu e Jehova mwẹ.

Stop worrying about what you will eat, drink, or wear.
Ghẹ ghi kpokpo egbe ba ẹmwẹ evba gha re, evba gha da, ra ukpọn na gha yọ.

Look at the birds.
U ma bẹghe avbe ahianmwẹ ni rre orere iso?

God always makes sure that they have enough to eat.
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre Osanobua ya kpemehe emwi ne iran gha re ne iran.

Worrying will not make you live one day longer.
Osi na si i khian rhie ẹdẹ ba ruẹ ẹdẹ.

Remember, Jehovah knows what you need.’
Yerre wẹẹ, e Jehova rẹn emwi ne u gualọ.’

The crowds had never heard anyone speak as Jesus did.
Emwa ni gbẹbu na yan unu ruan rhunmwuda iran ma he miẹn ọmwa nọ guan vbe na ghee Jesu ẹdẹ.

Their religious leaders had not taught them these things.
Emwa ni su vbe ugamwẹ ma he maa iran egbe emwi vbenia ẹdẹ.

Why was Jesus such a great teacher?
Vbọsiẹ ne Jesu na gha re ọmamwaemwi nọkhua?

Because everything he taught came from Jehovah.
Rhunmwuda, emwi hia ne irẹn maa emwa re keghi re nọ ke obọ e Jehova rre.

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for yourselves.”—Matthew 11:29
“Wa rhie urọnghọn mwẹ ye urhu uwa, wa do ruẹ emwi vbe ehe ne I ye rhunmwuda, ọmwa ne ọ fu kevbe ne ọ mu egbe rriotọ ọre imẹ khin, wa gha miẹn otọ na hẹwẹ.”—Matiu 11:29


What must we do to become Jehovah’s friend?
De emwi ne ima gha ru ne ima mieke na gha re ọse ọghe Jehova?

How does Jehovah want you to treat others?
De obọ ne Jehova hoo ne u ya gha mu emwa ọvbehe?

Lesson 095

Everything the Pharisees did was to impress people.
Te Ivbi e Farisi wa gha ru emwi nọ gha ya emwa gha tian iran.

If they did something kind, it was so that others would notice.
Iran gha ru ẹse ne ọmwa, iran ghi gha hoo ne emwa hia bẹghe ẹre.

They prayed in public places so that everyone could see them.
Iran gha khian na erhunmwu, iran ghi gha rrie idagbo, ne aro emwa hia mieke na sẹ ọre.

The Pharisees memorized long prayers and repeated them in synagogues and on street corners where others could hear them.
Ivbi e Farisi gha ghi ruẹ erhunmwu nọ taan nẹ, iran ghi muẹn ye uhunmwu. Iran gha ghi sẹ e sinagọg kevbe abọ idunmwu, iran ghi suẹn gha na erhunmwu sirra emwa hia.

So the people were surprised when Jesus told them:
Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre nọ na kpa emwa nibun odin vbe Jesu ghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t pray like the Pharisees.
‘Wa ghẹ gha na erhunmwu vbe na ghee Ivbi e Farisi.

They think that God will be impressed by their many words, but he is not.
Te iran roro wẹẹ, iran gha na erhunmwu nọ taẹn, ẹre Osanobua khian na họn erhunmwu iran. Sokpan ọni i re ẹmwata.

Prayer is between you and Jehovah.
Ọ khẹke ne erhunmwu ne uwa na, gha rre uwu ẹkpo uwa vbe Jehova.

Don’t say the same things over and over.
Wa ghẹ gha ta ẹmwẹ ọkpa yangbe yangbe.

Jehovah wants you to tell him how you really feel inside.
E Jehova hoo ne uwa fannọ otọ ẹko uwa ma irẹn vbe erhunmwu.

‘This is how you should pray:
‘Adeghẹ uwa khian na erhunmwu, uwa ghi wẹẹ:

“Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified. Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place, as in heaven, also on earth.”’
“Erha mwa ne ọ rre ẹrinmwi, gia ya ọghọ ne eni ruẹ nọhuanrẹn, gi Arriọba ruẹ rre, gia gha ru iho ruẹ vbe agbọn vbe ne iran ru vbe ẹrinmwi.”’

Jesus also told them that they should pray for their food for the day, for their sins to be forgiven, and about other personal matters.
Jesu na vbe tama iran, ne iran gha nọ Osanobua ne ọ kpemehe evbare ẹdẹ ne iran, kevbe ne ọ ya orukhọ ọghe iran bọ iran. Ọ vbe tama iran, ne iran gha ta enegbe iran ma Osanobua.

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Never stop praying.
‘Wa ghẹ dobọ erhunmwu ne a na yi.

Keep on asking your Father, Jehovah, for good things.
Wa ye gha nọ emwi vbe obọ Erha mwa ighẹ e Jehova.

Every parent wants to give good things to his child.
Ai miẹn evbibiẹ ọmọ ọkpa, ne ẹi gualọ emwi nọ maan ne ovbiẹre.

If your son asks you for bread, will you give him a stone?
Adeghẹ ovbuẹ na nọ ruẹ eka, u gha mu okuta ye ọre obọ ra?

If he asks for a fish, will you give him a snake?’
Ọ na nọ ruẹ ehẹn, u gha mu ẹyẹn nẹ ra?’

Then Jesus explained the lesson:
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi rhan otọ emwi ne ọ ya ẹmwẹ na kha. Ọ na wẹẹ:

‘If you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more so will your Father, Jehovah, give holy spirit to you? All you need to do is ask.’
‘Adeghẹ uwa sẹtin gha ru ẹse ne ivbi uwa, inu ghi nọ ne Erha mwa ighẹ e Jehova? Wa ma yayi wẹẹ, ọ gha vbe rhie orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghẹe ne uwa, deghẹ uwa na nọ rẹn ra?’

Do you follow Jesus’ advice?
Uwẹ lele ibude ọghe Jesu ra?

What sort of things do you pray about?
De emwi eso ne uwẹ nọ Osanobua re vbe erhunmwu?

“Keep on asking, and it will be given you; keep on seeking, and you will find; keep on knocking, and it will be opened to you.”—Matthew 7:7
“Nọọn, ọ gha suọ obọ, gualọ, u gha miẹn, sobọ, a gha kie nuẹn.”—Matiu 7:7


What did Jesus say to teach his disciples how to pray?
De vbene Jesu ya maa erhuanegbe ẹre vbene a ya na erhunmwu hẹ?

Do you pray about things that are important to you?
Emwi ne u gele gualọ, ẹre uwẹ nọ Osanobua re ra?

Lesson 096

Just before Passover of the year 32 C.E., the apostles returned from a preaching tour.
A ke do Ugie Alagberra vbe ukpo 32 C.E., avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu keghi ke ehe ne iran na ya kporhu rre.

They were tired, so Jesus took them by boat to Bethsaida, where they could rest.
Jesu ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ egbe wọọ iran, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran lae okọ gha rrie Bẹtsaida ne iran ya hẹwẹ.

But when the boat came near the shore, Jesus saw that thousands of people had followed them there.
Sokpan iran ke sẹ eke ne iran rrie, Jesu keghi miẹn vbe ọkhọngborrie emwa bi lele iran dee.

Even though Jesus wanted to be alone with his apostles, he welcomed the people kindly.
Ọ ma khulo iran, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, ọ te gha hoo ne irẹn vbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe gualọ ehe na hẹwẹ.

He cured their sick ones and began to teach them.
Ọ keghi mu iran ni khuọnmwi egbe rran.

All day long, Jesus taught them about God’s Kingdom.
Ọ na vbe maa iran emwi vbekpa Arriọba Osanobua.

When evening fell, his apostles came to him and said:
Ẹdẹ ohoho ẹre Jesu wa ya maa iran emwi. Vbe ọ ghi rre ẹghẹ ota, avbe ukọ ọghẹe na do tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘The people must be hungry.
‘Ẹi mwẹ ohanmwẹ ma gha gbe iran nẹ.

Send them away so that they can get something to eat.’
Gi iran kpa, ne iran ya gualọ evbare re.’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘They do not have to leave.
‘Wa ghẹ gi iran kpa.

Give them something to eat here.’
Wa gualọ evbare ne iran.’

The apostles asked:
Iran na ghi nọ Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Do you want us to go and buy bread for them?’
‘Te uwẹ ghi wẹẹ, ne ima ya dẹ ebrẹdi ne iran ra?’

Philip, one of the apostles, said:
E Filip keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Even if we had a lot of money, we could not buy enough bread for this crowd.’
‘Ma na dobọ gha mwẹ igho, ma i sẹtin dẹ evbare nọ gha vuọn iran na ẹko.’

Jesus asked:
Ẹre Jesu na nọ iran wẹẹ:

‘How much food do we have?’
‘De evbare ne ima mwẹ?’

Andrew said:
Andru keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘We have five loaves of bread and two small fish.
‘Ma mwẹ ebrẹdi isẹn kevbe ehẹn ne giẹrẹ eva.

That is not nearly enough.’
Ọni i mwẹ eke nọ khian sẹ.’

Jesus said:
Ẹre Jesu na wẹẹ:

‘Bring me the bread and the fish.’
‘Wa viọ re rre.’

He told the people to sit on the grass in groups of 50 and of 100.
Jesu keghi tama ọkhọngborrie emwa nii, ne iran tota lele irunmwu. Ọ na ghae iran ye ẹbu ughughan. Ẹbu eso kegha re 50, vbene eso na gha re 100.

Jesus took the loaves and fish, looked up to heaven, and prayed.
Jesu keghi viọ ebrẹdi vbe ehẹn nii vbe obọ ukọ ọghẹe. Ọ keghi tọn aro mu ghee odukhunmwu, gha na erhunmwu gie Osanobua.

Then he gave the food to the apostles, and they handed it out to the people.
Ọ na mu nene evbare ne avbe ukọ ọghẹe, ne iran ghae re ne ọkhọngborrie emwa nii.

The 5,000 men and the women and children all ate until they were full.
Ikpia 5,000, deba ikhuo nibun kevbe ivbi iran ẹre ọ rri nene evbare. Te ẹko wa vuọn iran hia.

Afterward, the apostles collected what was left over, so that nothing was wasted.
Vbe iyeke ọni, avbe ukọ ọghẹe keghi si evbare nọ kẹre koko.

There were 12 baskets full!
Ehia keghi vuọn okhuae 12!

That was an amazing miracle, wasn’t it?
Ẹi re emwi ọyunnuan ni khin?

The people were so impressed that they wanted to make Jesus their king.
Ọkhọngborrie emwa nii kegha hoo ne iran ma Jesu ọba rhunmwuda emwi ọyunnuan nọ ru.

But Jesus knew that it was not Jehovah’s time for him to be king.
Sokpan Jesu rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, ọ ma he sẹ ẹghẹ ne Jehova khare.

So he sent the crowds away and told his apostles to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.
Rhunmwuda ọni, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran gha rrie owa. Ọ na tama ukọ ọghẹe wẹẹ, ne iran fian Okun e Galili rra gha rrie obọ nọkpa.

They got into their boat, and Jesus went up into a mountain by himself.
Ukọ ọghe Jesu na la okọ kpa, vbene Jesu na gha rrie uhunmwu oke.

Why? Because he wanted time to pray to his Father.
De emwi nọ si ẹre ne ọ ma na lele iran? Te Jesu ghaa gualọ eke nọ furre, nọ khian na na erhunmwu.

No matter how busy he was, Jesus always made time for prayer.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ emwi bun ne Jesu ghaa ru, te ọ ye gha zẹ ẹghẹ kọ ya na erhunmwu.

“Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for everlasting life, which the Son of man will give you.”—John 6:27
“Wa ghẹ miẹn ẹsọn ye evbare ne ọ sẹtin rhia, sokpan emwi ne ọ kere ne uwa miẹn ẹsọn yi ọre evbare ne ọ sẹtin gha rrọọ ya sẹ agbọn etẹbitẹ. Ovbi ọmwa gha rhie evbare na ne uwa.”—Jọn 6:27


How did Jesus show that he cared about people?
De vbene Jesu ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, irẹn mu ọghe emwa ọvbehe roro?

What does this teach us about Jehovah?
De emwi ne ọna maa ima re vbekpae Jehova?

Lesson 097

Not only could Jesus heal the sick and resurrect the dead but he could also control the wind and the rain.
Jesu ghaa mwẹ ẹtin na ya mu emwa egbe rran kevbe na ya huẹn emwa ni wulo kpaegbe. Gberra ọni, ọ vbe gha mwẹ ẹtin na ya dia ẹhoho kevbe amẹ.

After praying on a mountain, Jesus looked down at the Sea of Galilee and saw a storm.
Jesu ghi na erhunmwu fo nẹ vbe uhunmwu oke, ọ na ke evba bẹghe Okun ọghe Galili vbe ogbigbi ẹhoho muẹn yo muẹn rre.

His apostles were in their boat, struggling to row against the wind.
Ọ ma zẹdẹ gha khuẹrhẹ ne avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu, ne iran sẹtin gua okọ ọghe iran rhunmwuda ẹhoho nọ ghaa la.

Jesus came down and began to walk on the water toward their boat.
Jesu keghi nana uhunmwu amẹ bu iran gha khian.

When the apostles saw someone walking on the water, they became frightened.
Avbe ukọ ọghẹe ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ọmwa khian vbe uhunmwu amẹ bu iran dee, ohan na gha mu iran.

But Jesus told them:
Sokpan Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘It is I. Don’t be afraid.’
‘Mẹ nọ. Wa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.’

Peter said:
Ẹre Pita na kha wẹẹ:

‘Lord, if it’s really you, command me to come to you.’
‘Nọyaẹnmwa deghẹ uwẹ gele nọ, rhie ẹtin mẹ, ne I ya bu ruẹ gha dee.’

Jesus told Peter:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn e Pita wẹẹ:

‘Come to me.’
‘Gha dee.’

So in the middle of the storm, Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
Ẹre Pita na gele tuorre vbe nene okọ. Ọ na suẹn gha nana uhunmwu amẹ bu Jesu khian.

But as he got near him, Peter looked at the storm and became afraid.
Sokpan vbe Pita ghi miẹn ẹhoho nọ la, ohan kegha muẹn.

He felt himself starting to sink.
Ọ na suẹn gha ziẹn ye uwu amẹ.

Peter shouted:
Ẹre Pita na datu wẹẹ:

‘Lord, save me!’
‘Nọyaẹnmwa, bu mwẹ rre!’

Jesus caught his hand, saying:
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, Jesu keghi si ẹre obọ, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Why did you begin to doubt?
‘Vbọsiẹ ne u na gbe awawẹ yi?

Where is your faith?’
Amuẹtinyan ruẹ kanmwa gbe.’

Jesus and Peter climbed into the boat, and immediately, the storm stopped.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu kevbe Pita na la uwu okọ. Vbe ọwarọkpa, ogbigbi ẹhoho nii keghi dobọ yi.

Can you imagine how the apostles felt?
Uwẹ rẹn vbene ekhọe ọghe avbe ukọ Jesu ghaa ye hẹ, vbe iran miẹn emwi ọyunnuan na ra?

They said:
Iran keghi tama Jesu wẹẹ:

“You really are God’s Son.”
“Ovbi Osanobua ẹre u gele khin.”

This was not the only time that Jesus controlled the weather.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ẹghẹ ọvbehe ne Jesu vbe ya dọ ogbigbi ẹhoho yọ.

At another time, when Jesus and the apostles sailed to the other side of the sea, Jesus went to sleep in the back of the boat.
 Asẹ ọkpa, vbe Jesu kevbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe ghi fian okun rra, Jesu keghi ya lovbiẹ vbe odẹ iyeke okọ ne iran ghaa ye.

While he was asleep, a violent storm came up.
Vbe ọ ghi vbiẹ, ogbigbi ẹhoho na suẹn gha hoho.

Waves crashed into the boat, and the boat filled with water.
Okun nii kegha vba yo vba rre, amẹ na suẹn gha la uwu okọ ọghe iran.

The apostles woke Jesus up, shouting:
Ẹre avbe ukọ na ya huẹn Jesu vbe ovbe, iran na datu wẹẹ:

‘Teacher, we are about to die! Help us!’
‘Nọyaẹnmwa, miẹn ima fan! Uwu ẹre ima miẹn na!’

Jesus got up and said to the sea:
Jesu ghi kpaegbe, ọ na tama okun wẹẹ:

“Be quiet!”
“Hunwan hii!”

Right away, the wind and the sea became calm.
Ọwarọkpa nii, ogbigbi ẹhoho kevbe okun nọ te vba yo vba rre keghi dobọ yi.

Jesus asked the apostles:
Jesu keghi nọ avbe ukọ ọghẹe wẹẹ:

‘Where is your faith?’
‘Wa kue mwẹ amuẹtinyan?’

They said to one another:
Ẹre iran na suẹn gha gu egbe iran guan wẹẹ:

“Even the wind and the sea obey him.”
“Ẹhoho kevbe ogbigbi amẹ wa họn ẹmwẹ nẹẹn.”

The apostles learned that if they trusted Jesus completely, they did not need to be afraid of anything.
Avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, iran gha mu ẹtin yan Jesu, ohan emwi rhọkpa i khian mu iran.

“Where would I be if I did not have faith that I would see Jehovah’s goodness in the land of the living?”—Psalm 27:13
“De vbene ẹdagbọn mwẹ gha te gha ye hẹ, akpawẹ I i mwẹ amuẹtinyan wẹẹ, I gha miẹn umamwẹ ọghe Jehova vbe agbọn na?”—Psalm 27:13, NW


Why did Peter start to sink?
Vbọsiẹ ne Pita na suẹn gha ziẹn ye uwu amẹ?

What did the apostles learn from Jesus?
De emwi ne avbe ukọ miẹn ruẹ vbe obọ Jesu?

Lesson 098

The Pharisees hated Jesus and wanted to find a reason to arrest him.
Rhunmwuda ne Ivbi e Farisi na gha khẹko Jesu, iran kegha gualọ vbene iran khian ya muẹn khui hẹ.

They said that he should not heal sick people on the Sabbath.
Iran keghi tama rẹn, nẹ ghẹ ghi mu emwa egbe rran vbe Ẹdẹ Ikẹtin.

One Sabbath, Jesus found a blind man begging in the street.
Vbe ọ ghi sẹ Ẹdẹ Ikẹtin ọkpa, Jesu keghi miẹn arhuaro ọkpa nọ dabọ khian vbe abọ idunmwu.

He told his disciples:
Jesu na tama erhuanegbe ẹre wẹẹ:

‘See how God’s power will help this man.’
‘Wa ghee vbene Osanobua khian ya ru iyobọ ne okpia na hẹ.’

Jesus mixed his own saliva with dirt to make a paste, and then he put it on the man’s eyes.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi tu asẹn yotọ ya fuẹn ekẹn kugbe, ọ na yae wuo okpia nii aro.

Jesus told him:
Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go and wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam.’
‘Ya kpe aro ruẹ vbe ọghọdọ ọghe Siloam.’

The man did that, and then for the first time in his life, he could see.
Vbe nene okpia ghi kpe aro nẹ, aro ọre nọ te rhu ke ẹko rre keghi rran.

People were shocked.
Emwi nọ sunu na, keghi yan emwa unu ruan.

They said:
Iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘Is this the man who used to sit and beg, or is it just someone who looks like him?’
‘Ẹi re ọna ọre okpia nii, ne ọ tota lele ada dabọ khian? Ra ọmwa nọ khọ ọre nọ?’

The man said:
Nene okpia keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘I was the one born blind!’
‘Mẹ wa nọ. Ẹi re ọmwa ọvbehe!’

The people asked him:
Ẹre iran na ghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Why aren’t you blind anymore?’
‘De vbene aro ruẹ ghi ya rran hẹ?’

When he told them what had happened, they took him to the Pharisees.
Vbe ọ ghi tama iran emwi nọ sunu, iran keghi rhie ẹre bu Ivbi e Farisi.

The man told the Pharisees:
Nene okpia keghi tama Ivbi e Farisi wẹẹ:

‘Jesus put a paste on my eyes and told me to go and wash it off.
‘Jesu ghi ya asẹn fuẹn ekẹn nẹ, ọ na yae wuo mwẹ aro. Ọ na wẹẹ ne I ya kpe aro vbe Siloam.

I did, and now I can see.’
I ghi ruẹ nẹ, I na suẹn gha bẹghe.’

The Pharisees said:
Ivbi e Farisi keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘If Jesus cures on the Sabbath, his power cannot be from God.’
‘Ne Jesu na mu ọmwa egbe rran vbe Ẹdẹ Ikẹtin rhiema wẹẹ ẹi re ẹtin Osanobua ẹre ọ loo.’

But others said:
Ẹre emwa eso na wẹẹ:

‘If his power were not from God, he would not be able to cure at all.’
‘Akpawẹ ẹi re ẹtin Osanobua, ẹi ghẹ te sẹtin gha mu emwa egbe rran.’

The Pharisees called the man’s parents and asked:
Ivbi e Farisi keghi nọ evbibiẹ nene okpia wẹẹ:

‘How is it that your son can now see?’
‘De vbene aro ovbi uwa ya rran hẹ?’

His parents were afraid because the Pharisees had said that anyone who puts faith in Jesus would be thrown out of the synagogue.
Ohan na gha mu evbibiẹ ọre rhunmwuda, te Ivbi e Farisi khu emwa ni mu ẹtin yan Jesu hin e sinagọg rre.

So they said:
Ẹre iran na ghi wanniẹn Ivbi e Farisi wẹẹ:

‘We don’t know.
‘Ima ma rẹn.

Ask him yourself.’
Wa tobọ uwa nọ rẹn.’

The Pharisees asked the man more questions until he said:
Ivbi e Farisi keghi dọlegbe suẹn gha zọlọ okpia nii ọta. Iran ghi zẹ nọ rẹn ọta, nene okpia keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘I’ve told you all I know.
‘I ka tama uwa nẹ.

Why do you keep asking me?’
Vbọsiẹ ne uwa na ye nọ mwẹ yi?’

The Pharisees were angry, and they threw him out.
Ohu na suẹn gha mu Ivbi e Farisi, iran keghi sua nene okpia fua.

Jesus went to find the man, and asked him:
Jesu ghi miẹn okpia na, ọ na nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Do you have faith in the Messiah?’
‘Uwẹ mu ẹtin yan e Mezaia ra?’

The man said:
Ọ na wanniẹn Jesu wẹẹ:

‘I would if I knew who he was.’
‘I kpa rẹn ọmwa nọ khin, I gha te mu ẹtin yan rẹn.’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I am the Messiah.’
‘Mẹ ọre Mezaia.’

Was that not kind of Jesus?
Uwẹ ma bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ọmwa nọ mwẹ ekhọe esi ẹre Jesu khin ra?

Not only did he cure the man but he also helped him to have faith.
Ọ ghi rran okpia nii aro nẹ, ọ na vbe ru iyobọ nẹ ya gha mwẹ amuẹtinyan.

“You are mistaken, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.”—Matthew 22:29
“Wa wa bae ku rhunmwuda ighẹ wa ma ren otọe Ebe nii, ra ẹtin Osanobua.”—Matiu 22:29


How did Jesus help the blind man?
De vbene Jesu ya ru iyobọ ne arhuaro ọkpa hẹ?

Why did the Pharisees hate Jesus?
Vbọsiẹ ne Ivbi e Farisi na gha khẹko Jesu?

Lesson 099

Jesus had three very close friends who lived in Bethany.
Jesu ghaa mwẹ ọse eha ne kankankan vbe Bẹtani.

They were Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha.
Eni iran ọre Lazarọs, Meri kevbe Mata. Etẹn ẹre iran eha ghaa khin.

One day, while Jesus was on the other side of the Jordan, Mary and Martha sent him an urgent message:
Vbe Jesu ghi rre odin ọghe Perea vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, e Meri vbe Mata keghi gie uhunmwu gie ẹre. Iran keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Lazarus is very sick.
‘E Lazarọs khuọnmwi.

Please come quickly!’
Lahọ, zẹgiẹ gha dee!’

But Jesus did not go right away.
Sokpan Jesu ma yo vbobọvbobọ.

He waited for two more days and then said to his disciples:
Vbe ikpẹdẹ eva ghi gberra nẹ, Jesu keghi tama erhuanegbe ẹre wẹẹ:

‘Let’s go to Bethany.
‘Wa gi ima gha rrie Bẹtani.

Lazarus is sleeping, and I am going to wake him up.’
E Lazarọs vbiẹ, I khian ya huẹn ọnrẹn.’

The apostles said:
Avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘If Lazarus is asleep, that will help him to get well.’
‘Adeghẹ e Lazarọs vbiẹ, egbe gha rran rẹn, vbe ọ gha rhiọrre nẹ.’

So Jesus told them clearly:
Jesu na ghi gbe ẹre ẹho rua ma iran wẹẹ:

‘Lazarus has died.’
‘E Lazarọs wu nẹ.’

When Jesus arrived at Bethany, Lazarus had already been buried for four days.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ikpẹdẹ nogienẹ na ya ree Lazarọs, Jesu keghi sẹ e Bẹtani.

Crowds of people had come to comfort Martha and Mary.
Emwa nibun ni rre do rhie ifuẹko ne Meri vbe Mata ghaa rre evba.

When Martha heard that Jesus had come, she rushed to meet him.
E Mata ghi họn wẹẹ Jesu rre, ọ na rhulẹ bu Jesu.

She said:
Ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.”
“Nọyaẹnmwa, akpawẹ u rre emwa na, ọtẹnmwẹ ghẹ wu.”

Jesus told her:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Your brother will live again.
‘Ọtuẹn gha rhiọkpaegbe.

Do you believe this, Martha?’
E Mata, uwẹ ya ọna yi ra?’

She said:
E Mata na wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘I believe that he will rise in the resurrection.’
‘I yayi wẹẹ ọ gha kpaegbe vbe ẹdẹ arhiọkpaegbe.’

Jesus said to her:
Ẹre Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“I am the resurrection and the life.”
“Mẹ ọre arhiọkpaegbe kevbe arrọọ.”

Then Martha went to Mary and told her:
E Mata na bu e Meri ya tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Jesus is here.’
‘Jesu rre nẹ.’

Mary ran to Jesus, and the crowd followed.
E Meri kevbe emwa ni gbẹbu na wa rhulẹ bu Jesu.

She fell down at his feet, and she could not stop crying.
E Meri keghi fan fi iguẹ vbe odaro Jesu, ọ na gha viẹ.

She said:
Ọ keghi tama Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Lord, if you had been here, our brother would still be alive!’
‘Nọyaẹnmwa, u kpa gha rre emwa, ọtẹnmwẹ ghẹ te wu!’

Jesus saw how much she was suffering, and he also began to cry.
Jesu ghi bẹghe vbene Meri ya viẹ hẹ, irẹn tobọ irẹn na vbe suẹn eve.

When the crowd saw his tears, they said:
Vbe emwa ni gbẹbu ghi bẹghe Jesu vbe ọ viẹ, iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘See how Jesus loved Lazarus.’
‘U ma miẹn vbene ọ hoẹmwẹ e Lazarọs hẹ!’

But some wondered:
Sokpan eso vbuwe iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘Why didn’t he save his friend?’
‘Vbọzẹe ne ọ ma na ru ẹre ne ọsiọre ghẹ wu?’

What would Jesus do next?
De emwi ne Jesu khian ghi ru?

Jesus went to the tomb, where a large stone covered the entrance.
Jesu kegha rrie idin na ree Lazarọs yi. Okuta nọkhua ghaa rre odaro nene idin.

He commanded:
Jesu na ghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Roll the stone away.’
‘Wa werriẹ okuta na hin.’

Martha said:
Ẹre Mata na kha wẹẹ:

‘But it has been four days!
‘Nẹghẹdẹnẹ ẹre a ghi muẹn yotọ!

His body will smell.’
Ẹi mwẹ ọ ma gha wia nẹ.’

Still, they rolled the stone away, and Jesus prayed:
Iran ghi werriẹ nene okuta hin nẹ, Jesu keghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Father, thank you for hearing me.
‘Evbavba, I kpọnmwọn ne u na danmwehọ mwẹ.

I know that you always hear me, but I speak aloud so that these people may know that you sent me.’
Ẹghẹ hia ẹre u ya danmwehọ mwẹ. Sokpan rhunmwuda iran ni rre emwa, ẹre I gu na erhunmwu na ladian, ne iran mieke na rẹn wẹẹ, uwẹ ẹre ọ gie mwẹ rre.’

Then he called out in a loud voice:
Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ keghi ya urhu nọ lae kha wẹẹ:

“Lazarus, come out!”
“E Lazarọs, ladian!”

Something amazing happened: Lazarus came out of the tomb, still wrapped in linen cloths.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Lazarọs keghi ladian, ke irẹn ke ukpọn na ya gbalọe.

Jesus said:
Ẹre Jesu na ghi kha wẹẹ:

“Free him and let him go.”
“Wa rhan rẹn, ne uwa gi ẹre gha khian.”

Many who saw this put faith in Jesus.
Emwa nibun ni miẹn emwi ọyunnuan na keghi mu ẹtin yan Jesu.

But some went and told the Pharisees.
Sokpan emwa eso na ya tama Ivbi e Farisi emwi nọ sunu.

From then on, the Pharisees wanted to kill both Lazarus and Jesus.
Ke ẹghẹ nii kpa, Ivbi e Farisi na gha gualọ vbene iran khian ya gbe Jesu vbe Lazarọs rua hẹ.

One of the 12 apostles, Judas Iscariot, secretly went to the Pharisees and asked:
Judas Iskariọt nọ re ọkpa vbe ukọ 12 ọghe Jesu, keghi bu Ivbi e Farisi ya nọ iran wẹẹ:

‘How much will you pay me if I help you to find Jesus?’
‘Inu igho ẹre uwa khian rhie mẹ deghẹ I na rhie Jesu ye uwa obọ?’

They agreed to pay 30 pieces of silver, and Judas began to look for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to the Pharisees.
Iran na tama e Judas wẹẹ, iran gha hae esiliva 30. Ke ẹghẹ nii kpa, e Judas kegha gualọ vbene ọ khian ya mu e Jesu ye obọ Ivbi e Farisi hẹ.

“The true God is for us a God who saves; and Jehovah the Sovereign Lord provides escape from death.”—Psalm 68:20
“Osanobua mwa, Osanobua ne ọ miẹn ọmwa fan ọre nọ, rẹn ọre Nọyaẹnmwa, ne Nọyaẹnmwa ne ọ wọlọ mwa ladian hin uwu rre.”—Psalm 68:20


Tell the story of how Lazarus was resurrected.
Gie vbene Lazarọs ya rhiọkpaegbe hẹ.

What did the Pharisees want to do when they heard about Lazarus?
De emwi ne Ivbi e Farisi ghaa hoo ne iran ru, vbe iran ghi họn vbekpa arhiọkpaegbe ọghe Lazarọs?

Lesson 100

Jesus came to earth to give his life for imperfect people.
Te Jesu rrie agbọn na, ne ọ do wu ye orukhọ ọghe emwa nagbọn.

Even though he died, he conquered the world.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Jesu wu, te irẹn khọnmiotọ yan agbọn na.

Jehovah was loyal to his Son and brought him back to life.
Rhunmwuda ẹkoata ne Jehova mwẹ dae Jesu, ẹre ọ zẹ ne Jehova na huẹn ọnrẹn kpaegbe vbe idin.

Right up until his death, Jesus humbly served others and forgave them when they made mistakes.
Ya sẹ ẹdẹ ne Jesu wu, te ọ wa gha ya imuegberriotọ ga emwa ọvbehe, ọ na vbe gha yabọ emwa ni ru orukhọ.

After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to his disciples.
Jesu ghi rhiọkpaegbe, ọ keghi rhiegbe ma avbe erhuanegbe ẹre.

He taught them how to do the important work he had given them to do.
Ọ na maa iran re vbene iran khian ya gha ru iwinna ne kpataki ne ọ mu ne iran.

If you are a parent, help your child to appreciate that we have a part in this same work today.
Adeghẹ evbibiẹ ọmọ ẹre u khin, ru iyobọ ne ovbuẹ ya rẹn wẹẹ, te ọ khẹke ne ima vbe gha mwẹ obọ vbe iwinna na vbe ẹdẹnẹrẹ.

There is no problem too big for Jehovah to solve
Ai miẹn ọlọghọmwa ne Jehova i khian sẹtin sọfurre yi

Be willing to serve others and help them, as Jesus did
Gha ya ekhọe hia ru iyobọ ne emwa ọvbehe, zẹvbe ne Jesu ru ẹre

True Christians can be identified by the love they have for one another
Ahoẹmwọmwa ẹre a ya rẹn Ivbiotu e Kristi ọghe ẹmwata

Lesson 101

The Jews celebrated the Passover every year on the 14th day of the month of Nisan.
Ukpo ukpo, ẹre Ivbi e Ju ya gha do Ugie Alagberra vbe ikpẹdẹ nogie 14 vbe uki e Nisan.

This was to remind them of how Jehovah had set them free from slavery in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land.
Te iran ghaa do ugie na, ne iran ya gha yerre odẹ ne Jehova ya fan iran vbe otọ Igipt gha rrie otọ ne ọ yan rẹn wẹẹ iren gha mu ne iran.

In the year 33 C.E., Jesus and his apostles celebrated the Passover in an upper room in Jerusalem.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo 33 C.E., Jesu kevbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe keghi do Ugie Alagberra vbe ughugha ọghe egedege ọkpa nọ rre Jerusalẹm.

At the end of the meal, Jesus said:
Vbe iran ghi do ugie na fo nẹ, Jesu keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘One of you is going to betray me.’
‘Ọkpa vbuwe uwa gha ya mwẹ dẹ.’

The apostles were shocked, and they asked Jesus:
Ẹmwẹ na keghi kpa iran odin, iran na gha nọ Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Who is it?’
‘De ọmwa nọ khin yi?’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘It is the man to whom I give this bread.’
‘Ọmwaikọmwa ne I rhie ebrẹdi na, ẹre ọ khian ya mwẹ dẹ.’

Then he gave a piece of bread to Judas Iscariot.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi fian ebrẹdi ne Judas Iskariọt.

Immediately, Judas got up and left the room.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Judas na kpa sẹ iran rae.

Jesus then said a prayer, broke some bread into pieces, and handed it to the remaining apostles.
Ẹre Jesu na ghi na erhunmwu, ọ na bunnọ ebrẹdi nii, ọ na ghae re ne avbẹ ukọ ọghẹe.

He said:
Ọ keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Eat this bread.
‘Wa miẹn.

It represents my body, which I will give for you.’
Ọna mudia ye egbe mwẹ ne I khian ya zọ ese ne uwa.’

Then he prayed over some wine and gave it to his apostles.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi na erhunmwu ye ayọn ne ọ dayi mwẹ obọ, ọ na vbe mu ne avbe ukọ ọghẹe ne iran wọn vbọ.

He said:
Ọ na khama iran wẹẹ:

‘Drink this wine.
‘Wa wọn rẹn.

It represents my blood, which I will give so that sins can be forgiven.
Ọna mudia ye esagiẹn mwẹ ne I khian da kua, ne uwa mieke na miẹn ayabọ orukhọ ọghe uwa.

I promise that you will be kings with me in heaven.
I gu uwa ta ile wẹẹ, wa gha deba mwẹ kha vbe ẹrinmwi.

Do this every year to remember me.’
Wa gha ru ọna vbe ukpo ukpo, ne uwa ya gha yee mwẹ rre.’

Jesus’ followers still meet together on that evening every year.
Te erhuanegbe Jesu wa ye do ugie na, vbe ukpo ukpo.

That meeting is now called the Lord’s Evening Meal.
Ugie na, ẹre a ghi rẹn ye Evbare Ota Ọghe Nọyaẹnmwa ra Ugie Ayere.

After the meal, the apostles argued over which one of them was the most important.
Vbe iran ghi rri evbare fo nẹ, iran na suẹn imuaẹmwẹ. Iran kegha sinmwi ye ukpo ọghe ọmwa nọ hiunsi sẹ.

But Jesus told them:
Sokpan Jesu na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘The one who is greatest among you is the one who sees himself as the youngest, the least important one.
‘Ọmwa nọ hiunsi sẹ vbuwe ẹbu uwa, ọre ọmwa ne ọ ghee egbe ẹre zẹvbe ọmwa nọ ghi kanmwa sẹ.

‘You are my friends.
‘Ọse mwẹ ẹre uwa khin.

I tell you everything my Father wants me to tell you.
I gi uwa rẹn emwi hia ne Erha mwẹ wẹẹ ne I tama uwa.

Soon I’m going to my Father in heaven.
I gha rherhe bu Erha mwẹ vbe ẹrinmwi.

You will remain behind, and people will know that you are my disciples by the love that you have for one another.
I ghi sẹ uwa rae ye agbọn na. Sokpan deghẹ uwa na hoẹmwẹ egbe uwa, emwa gha rẹn wẹẹ erhuanegbe mwẹ ẹre uwa khin.

You must love one another just as I have loved you.’
Zẹvbe ne imẹ ya hoẹmwẹ uwa, erriọ ẹre ọ khẹke ne uwa ya hoẹmwẹ egbe uwa.’

Finally, Jesus prayed, asking Jehovah to protect all the disciples.
Ẹre Jesu na ghi na erhunmwu, ne Jehova gbogba ga erhuanegbe ẹre hia.

He asked Jehovah to help them to work together in peace.
Ọ na rinmwian e Jehova ne ọ ru iyobọ ne iran ya gha mwẹ akugbe.

He prayed for Jehovah’s name to be sanctified.
Ọ na vbe na erhunmwu, ne eni e Jehova khian na kpe huan.

Then Jesus and his apostles sang praises to Jehovah and went outside.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu kevbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe keghi so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Jehova. Iran ghi so ihuan fo nẹ, iran na gha rrie orere.

The time was near for Jesus to be arrested.
Ẹghẹ sẹ nẹ nia, ne eghian khian ya mu Jesu.

“Have no fear, little flock, for your Father has approved of giving you the Kingdom.”—Luke 12:32
“Wa ghẹ fian afianma, oghẹn kherhe. Rhunmwuda, ọ rre ekhọe Erha uwa nẹ, ne ọ rhie Arriọba ni ne uwa.”—Luk 12:32


What did Jesus promise the apostles?
De eyan ne Jesu ru ma avbe ukọ ọghẹe?

What important lessons did Jesus teach the apostles during his last supper with them?
De emwi kpataki ne Jesu maa avbe ukọ ọghẹe re, vbe asọn nokiekie ne ọ gbe vbe agbọn?

Lesson 102

Jesus and the apostles walked through the Kidron Valley to the Mount of Olives.
Jesu kevbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe keghi la Iya ọghe Kidrọn gha rrie Oke Oliv.

It was after midnight, and the moon was full.
Vbe ẹdẹ khian ghi gbe vbe uki ko urho nẹ, iran keghi sẹ ogba ọghe Gẹtsemani.

When they arrived at the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus said to them:
Jesu keghi tama avbe ukọ ọghẹe wẹẹ:

“Stay here and keep on the watch.”
“Wa mudia mwa, ne uwa gu mwẹ gha ba odẹ.”

Then Jesus went a little way into the garden and fell on his knees.
Vbe Jesu ghi sikẹ odaro vbuwe ogba nii, ọ na de diguẹ.

In great distress, he prayed to Jehovah:
Ọ keghi ya obalọ na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

“Let your will take place.”
‘Gi ahoo ọghuẹ sẹ.’

Then Jehovah sent an angel to encourage Jesus.
Ẹre Jehova na ghi gie odibo ọkpa rre, ne ọ do rhie igiọdu ne Jesu.

When Jesus went back to the apostles, he found three of them sleeping.
Vbe Jesu ghi werriegbe bu avbe ukọ ọghẹe, ọ na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ iran eha vbiẹ.

He said:
Ọ keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Wake up!
‘Wa kpaegbe!

This is not the time to be sleeping!
Ọna i re ẹghẹ na ya vbiẹ!

The hour has come for me to be given into the hands of my enemies.’
Ẹghẹ ne obọ eghian mwẹ khian ya vba mwẹ, ẹre na khin.’

Soon Judas arrived, leading a large mob armed with swords and clubs.
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, e Judas kevbe ẹbu emwa ni viọ agbada mwẹ obọ kevbe ni da ukpokpo yi, keghi la uwu ogba nii.

He knew where to find Jesus because they had often come to this garden.
E Judas rẹnrẹn wẹẹ, irẹn gha miẹn Jesu vbe ogba nii, rhunmwuda ọ ka gha lelẹe yo evba.

Judas had told the soldiers that he would identify Jesus for them.
E Judas vbe tama ivbiyokuo ni lelẹe rre wẹẹ, irẹn gha gie Jesu ma iran.

He went right up to Jesus and said:
Iran ghi sẹ evba, e Judas keghi khian bu Jesu. Ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Greetings, Teacher,’ and then he kissed him.
‘Ọmamwaemwi, ọfunmwegbe gu ruẹ rrọọ.’ Vbe iyeke ọni, e Judas keghi mu unu soso ẹre.

Jesus said:
Jesu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Judas, are you betraying me with a kiss?’
‘Larre Judas, te uwẹ mu unu soso imẹ, ne u ya khiẹn mwẹ ra?’

Jesus stepped forward and asked the mob:
Jesu keghi zẹ owẹ bu ẹbu emwa ni rre, ọ na nọ iran wẹẹ:

“Whom are you looking for?
“De ọmwa ne uwa gualọ yi?

” They said:
” Iran keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

“Jesus the Nazarene.”
“Jesu ne Ovbi e Nazarẹt.”

Then he answered:
Vbe Jesu ghi tama iran wẹẹ:

“I am he,” and the men drew back and fell to the ground.
‘Mẹ nọ,’ egbe na wa wọọ iran.

Again Jesus asked the mob:
Jesu na werriegbe nọ iran wẹẹ:

“Whom are you looking for?
“De ọmwa ne uwa gualọ yi?

” Again they said:
” Iran na werriegbe wanniẹn wẹẹ:

“Jesus the Nazarene.”
“Jesu ne Ovbi e Nazarẹt.”

Jesus answered:
Ẹre Jesu na ghi wẹẹ:

‘I told you that I am he.
‘Mẹ ma ka tama uwa wẹẹ imẹ nọ?

Let these men go.’
Wa mu mwẹ, ne uwa sẹ iran nikẹre rae.’

When Peter realized what was happening, he pulled out a sword and cut off the ear of Malchus, a slave of the high priest.
Vbe Pita ghi bẹghe emwi nọ sunu, ọ na yuo umozo ọghẹe ladian, ọ na ya fian ehọ ọguọmwadia ogiohẹn ọkpa na tie ẹre Malkọs fua.

But Jesus touched the man’s ear and healed him.
Sokpan Jesu keghi werriegbe sikan ehọ ọghẹe yọ.

Then he said to Peter:
Ọ na ghi tama e Pita wẹẹ:

‘Put your sword away.
‘Rhie umozo ruẹ ye ako ọghẹe.

If you fight with a sword, you will die by a sword.’
Ọmwa ne ọ ya umozo gbe ọmwa rua, umozo ẹre a vbe ya gbe ẹre rua.’

The soldiers seized Jesus and tied his hands, and the apostles ran away.
Ẹre ivbiyokuo nii na ghi mu Jesu, iran na gbalọ ọre obọ. Avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu keghi lẹẹ fua.

Then the mob took him to Annas, the chief priest.
Iran keghi mu Jesu gha rrie owa Anas, ne ogie ohẹn.

Annas interrogated Jesus and sent him to the house of High Priest Caiaphas.
Vbe iran ghi sẹ evba, Anas na gha zọlọ Jesu ọta. Vbe ọ ghi nọ rẹn ọta fo nẹ, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran mu Jesu gha rrie ọghe Kaiafas ne Ogie Ohẹn.

But what happened to the apostles?
Sokpan de emwi nọ ghi sunu daa avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu?

“In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage! I have conquered the world.”—John 16:33
“Agbọn na gha rri uwa oya. Sokpan wa dọlọ aro yi, I khọn agbọn muotọ nẹ.”—Jọn 16:33


What happened in the garden of Gethsemane?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe ogba ọghe Gẹtsemani?

What can you learn from what Jesus did that night?
De emwi ne u miẹn ruẹ vbe emwi ne Jesu ru vbe asọn nii?

Lesson 103

When Jesus was with his apostles in the upper room, he said to them:
Vbe Jesu kevbe avbe ukọ ọghẹe rre egedege nii, Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘All of you will abandon me tonight.’
‘Wa hia gha lẹẹ sẹ mwẹ rae vbe asọn na.’

Peter said:
E Pita na wẹẹ:

‘Not I!

Even if all the others leave you, I will never leave you.’
Iran nikẹre gha dobọ sẹ ruẹ rae, mẹ i khian sẹ ruẹ rae.’

But Jesus told Peter:
Sokpan Jesu keghi tama e Pita wẹẹ:

‘Before a rooster crows, you will say three times that you don’t know me.’
‘Vbene ọkpa te viẹ, u gha siẹn mwẹ igba eha.’

When the soldiers took Jesus to the house of Caiaphas, most of the apostles fled.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne ivbiyokuo ya mu Jesu gha rrie owa e Kaiafas, avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu nibun na lẹẹ fua.

But two of them followed in the crowd.
Sokpan eva vbuwe iran keghi lele ẹbu emwa ni do mu Jesu gha rrie owa e Kaiafas.

One of them was Peter.
Ọkpa vbe iran kegha re Pita.

He went into the courtyard of the house of Caiaphas and warmed himself by the fire.
E Pita keghi gberra ghee otọ ẹghodo vbe owa e Kaiafas, ne ọ ya ye egbe ghaa erhẹn.

In the light, a servant girl saw Peter’s face and said:
Ọvbokhan okhuo ọkpa ghi bẹghe Pita, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I know you!
‘I wa rẹn ruẹ!

You were with Jesus!’
U ghaa lele Jesu khian!’

Peter said:
E Pita keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘No, I wasn’t!
‘Ẹn o, ẹi re imẹ!

I don’t know what you’re talking about!’
I ma zẹdẹ rẹn emwi ne u guan kaẹn!’

He headed toward the gate.
Ẹre Pita na ghi gberra ghee odẹ onurho.

But soon another servant girl saw him and told the crowd:
Vbe ọ ma he kpẹẹ vba, ọvbokhan okhuo ọvbehe keghi bẹghe Pita. Ọ na gha tama emwa wẹẹ:

‘This man was with Jesus!’
‘Okpia na, vbe gha lele Jesu khian!’

Peter said:
E Pita na kha wẹẹ:

‘I don’t even know Jesus!’
‘I ma rẹn Jesu hiehie!’

A man said:
Okpia ọkpa keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘You are one of them!
‘Ọkpa vbe iran ni lele Jesu khian ẹre uwẹ wa khin!

I can tell from your accent that you are from Galilee, like Jesus.’
Vbene u ya guan rhie ẹre ma wẹẹ, Ovbi e Galili ẹre u khin vbene Jesu vbe ye.’

But Peter swore: ‘I don’t know him!’
Sokpan, e Pita keghi vẹn ihẹn yọ wẹẹ, irẹn ma rẹn Jesu.

At that moment, a rooster crowed.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, ọkpa keghi viẹ.

Peter saw Jesus turn and look at him.
Vbe aro e Pita ghi dekaan ọghe Jesu, e Pita na ghi yerre emwi ne Jesu tama rẹn.

He remembered Jesus’ words, and he went outside and wept bitterly.
Ẹre Pita na ghi ladian ya viẹ egbe ẹre rua.

In the meantime, the Sanhedrin convened to put Jesus on trial inside the house of Caiaphas.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, emwa ni rre iko e Sahẹndrin kegha so uma ọghe vbene iran khian ya buu ohiẹn gbe Jesu hẹ vbe owa e Kaiafas.

They had already decided to kill Jesus, and now they were looking for a reason.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, iran ta mu olọ yan rẹn nẹ wẹẹ, iran gha gbe Jesu rua, iran kegha gualọ emwi ne iran khian mu na.

But they could not find anything against him.
Sokpan iran ma miẹn eke la Jesu re.

Finally, Caiaphas asked Jesus directly:
Iran ghi zẹ gbe ẹre yo gbe ẹre rre, e Kaiafas na ghi nọ Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Are you the Son of God?’
‘Ovbi Osanobua ẹre uwẹ khin ra?’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘I am.’
‘Ẹre I khin.’

Caiaphas said:
E Kaiafas na kha wẹẹ:

‘We don’t need any more evidence.
‘De osẹ ọvbehe ne ima ye gualọ yi?

This is blasphemy!’
Ọ rhooro!’

The court agreed:
Ẹre emwa ni rre iko e Sahẹndrin na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘This man must die.’
‘Wa gia gbe okpia na rua.’

They slapped Jesus, spat on him, covered his eyes, and hit him, saying:
Iran keghi suẹn gha gbe Jesu. Iran gbe ẹre ubi, iran gie asẹn yan rẹn, iran na vbe gbalọ ọre aro. Iran na gha nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘If you are a prophet, tell us who hit you!’
‘Adeghẹ akhasẹ ẹre u gele khin, tama ima, ọmwa ne ọ fi ruẹ emwi!’

When it became day, they took Jesus to the Sanhedrin hall and asked him again:
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, iran keghi mu Jesu gha rrie Sahẹndrin. Iran na werriegbe nọ Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Are you the Son of God?’
‘Ovbi Osanobua ẹre uwẹ khin ra?’

Jesus answered:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘You are saying that I am.’
‘Wa ya unu uwa tae nẹ.’

Then they found him guilty of blasphemy and took him to the palace of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor.
Ẹre iran na ghi buu ohiẹn gbe ẹre wẹẹ, ọ rhooro. Iran keghi muẹn gha rrie ẹguae ọghe Pọntiọs Pailet nọ ghaa re ọka arriọba ọghe Rom.

What happened next?
De emwi nọ ghi sunu?

Let’s find out.
Gi ima ziro yan rẹn sayọ.

“The hour ... has come, when each one of you will be scattered to his own house and you will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because the Father is with me.”—John 16:32
“Ẹghẹ dee, ọ wa vbe sẹ otọ nẹ ne a gha na zagha uwa hia kua, edọmwadẹ ọghọe ghi gha rrie owa ẹre, wa ghi sẹ mwẹ rae, ọ ghi do kẹ mẹ ọkpa kẹkan. Sokpan ẹ i khian gha re imẹ ọkpa rhunmwuda, Evbavba gha mudia ke mwe.”—Jọn 16:32


What happened in the courtyard of Caiaphas’ house?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe otọ ẹghodo nọ rre owa e Kaiafas?

For what reason did the court condemn Jesus to death?
De emwi nọ ya iko e Sahẹndrin buu ohiẹn uwu gbe Jesu?

Lesson 104

The chief priests took Jesus to the governor’s palace.
Avbe ogie ohẹn keghi mu Jesu gha rrie ẹguae ọghe Pailet.

Pilate asked them:
Iran ghi sẹ evba, e Pailet keghi nọ iran wẹẹ:

‘What accusation do you have against this man?’
‘De emwi ne okpia na mobọ ru?’

They said:
Iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘He claims to be a king!’
‘Ọ wẹẹ ọba ẹre irẹn khin!’

Pilate asked Jesus:
Ẹre Pailet na ghi nọ Jesu wẹẹ:

“Are you the King of the Jews?
‘Ọba ọghe Ivbi e Ju ẹre uwẹ khin ra?’

” Jesus replied:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

“My Kingdom is no part of this world.”
‘Arriọba mwẹ i re ọghe agbọn na.’

Then Pilate sent Jesus to Herod, the ruler of Galilee, to see if he could find anything against him.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Pailet na wẹẹ ne iran mu Jesu gha rrie ọghe Hẹrọd ne ọ khaevbisẹ yan e Galili, ne Hẹrọd vbe tobọ re gualọ otọre deghẹ Jesu rriabe.

Herod could not find anything wrong with Jesus and sent him back to Pilate.
Ugbẹnvbe Hẹrọd ma miẹn abakuru rhọkpa ne Jesu ru, ọ na wẹẹ ne iran werriegbe muẹn gha rrie ọghe Pailet.

Then Pilate told the people:
Ẹre Pailet na tama iran ni mu Jesu rre wẹẹ:

‘Neither Herod nor I find anything against this man.
‘Mẹ vbe Hẹrọd ma miẹn emwi rhọkpa ne Jesu ya rriabe.

I will set him free.’
I gha faẹn.’

The crowd shouted:
Ẹre iran na datu wẹẹ:

‘Kill him!
‘Gbe ẹre rua!

Kill him!’
Gbe ẹre rua!

Soldiers beat Jesus with a whip, spat on him, and hit him.
Vbe iyeke ọni, ivbiyokuo keghi ya asan gbe Jesu, iran gie asẹn ku ọre, iran na vbe ya emwi kinmwi ẹnrẹn uhunmwu.

They put a crown of thorns on his head and mockingly said:
Iran keghi ya erhan igban do ẹde mu ye ọre uhunmwu. Ẹre iran na gha yae gbogiẹ wẹẹ:

‘Good day, King of the Jews.’
‘U gha tọ, u kpẹre, Ọba ọghe Ivbi e Ju.’

Again Pilate told the crowd:
E Pailet keghi werriegbe tama emwa ni gbẹbu wẹẹ:

‘I found nothing wrong in this man.’
‘Okpia na ma rẹn ọkpa, rẹn eva.’

But they shouted:
Sokpan iran na datu wẹẹ:

“To the stake with him!”
‘Wa kan rẹn mu erhan!’

So Pilate handed him over to be executed.
Ẹre Pailet na ghi zẹ Jesu obọ, ne iran ya gbe ẹre rua.

They took Jesus to a place called Golgotha, nailed him to a stake, and raised it up.
Ivbiyokuo nii keghi mu Jesu gha rrie ehe na tie ẹre Gọlgọta. Iran ghi sẹ evba, iran keghi kan Jesu mu erhan. Iran ghi kan rẹn nẹ, iran na ghi tọn nene erhan mu.

Jesus prayed:
Jesu keghi na erhunmwu wẹẹ:

‘Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.’
‘Evbavba lahọ yabọ iran, iran ma rẹn emwi ne iran ru.’

People made fun of Jesus, saying:
Emwa na gha ya Jesu gbogiẹ wẹẹ:

‘If you are God’s Son, come down off that stake! Save yourself.’
‘Adeghẹ Ovbi Osanobua ẹre u gele khin, tuorre vbe erhan nii, ne u miẹn egbe ruẹ fan.’

One of the criminals hanging next to him said:
Iran keghi kan izigan eva sikẹ Jesu. Ọkpa vbọ na tama Jesu wẹẹ:

“Remember me when you get into your Kingdom.”
‘Yee mwẹ rre vbe u gha sẹ Arriọba ọghuẹ.’

Jesus promised him:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“You will be with me in Paradise.”
“U gha gu mwẹ gha rre Paradais.”

In the afternoon, a darkness that lasted for three hours fell over the land.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ẹghẹ avan, ebiebi keghi so vbe ẹvbo nii hia vbe ọwara ughaẹdẹ eha.

Some of the disciples stood near the stake, including Mary, Jesus’ mother.
Eso vbe erhuanegbe Jesu ghaa rre eke ne a na kan Jesu. Iye Jesu ighẹ e Meri vbe gha rre evba.

Jesus told John to take care of Mary as if she were his own mother.
Jesu keghi tama e Jọn ne ọ gbaroghe Meri, ne ọ gha ghee ẹre vbe na ghee iyẹe.

Finally, Jesus said:
FẸre Jesu na ghi kha wẹẹ:

“It has been accomplished!”
‘Ọ sẹ ufomwẹ nẹ!’

He bowed his head and took his last breath.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi vbokho ẹyaẹn, ọ na kpan udu.

At that moment, there was a powerful earthquake.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, igbohiotọ nọkhua keghi sunu.

In the temple, the heavy curtain between the Holy and the Most Holy was ripped in half.
Ukpọn na ya ghae Ehe Nọhuanrẹn kevbe Ehe Nọ Huan Sẹ Ehia vbe ọgua Osa keghi va ye ihe eva.

An army officer said:
Ẹre ovbiyokuo ọkpa na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘This really was God’s Son.’
‘Ovbi Osanobua te gele nọ.’

“No matter how many the promises of God are, they have become ‘yes’ by means of him.”—2 Corinthians 1:20
“Rẹn keghi wa ya eyan ọghe Osanobua hia khian nọ mwẹ amusẹ.”—2 Kọrinti 1:20, NW


Why did Pilate allow Jesus to be killed?
De emwi nọ si ẹre ne Pailet na kue ne iran gbe Jesu rua?

How did Jesus show that he cared more about others than about himself?
De vbene Jesu ya rhiẹre ma hẹ wẹẹ, ọghe emwa ọvbehe ẹre irẹn mu ye okaro?

Lesson 105

After Jesus died, a wealthy man named Joseph asked Pilate to let him take Jesus’ body down from the stake.
Vbe Jesu ghi wu nẹ, okpia ọkpa nọ fe na tie ẹre Josẹf, keghi ya rinmwian e Pailet, ne ọ gi irẹn mu ikun Jesu tuorre vbe uhunmwu erhan.

Joseph wrapped the body in fine linen and spices and laid it in a new tomb.
E Josẹf keghi ya ukpọn vbuọ ikun Jesu, ọ na vbe ya ori nọ winhin wuo ẹre egbe. Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ na ree Jesu ye idin ne a da fian ye uwu okuta.

He had a heavy stone rolled in front of the entrance.
Ọ na vbe werriẹ okuta nọkhua gue unu idin nii.

The chief priests told Pilate:
Avbe ogie ohẹn keghi tama e Pailet wẹẹ:

‘We are afraid that some of Jesus’ disciples will take his body and say that he has come back to life.’
‘Erhuanegbe Jesu sẹtin ya do ikun ẹnrẹn mu, iran ghi do gha tama emwa wẹẹ Jesu rhiọkpaegbe nẹ.’

So Pilate told them:
E Pailet na ghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Seal the tomb and guard it.’
‘Wa gie emwa eso ne iran ya gbogba ga idin nii.’

Three days later, early in the morning, some women went to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ikpẹdẹ eha, ikhuo eso kegha rrie eke na ree Jesu yi. Owiẹwiẹ ọkpa ẹre iran ya sẹ evba. Iran keghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, a werriẹ okuta na ya gue unu idin nii hin odẹ rre.

Inside the tomb, an angel told the women:
Iran na vbe miẹn odibosa ọkpa vbuwe ẹre. Nene odibosa keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t be afraid.
‘Wa ghẹ gi ohan mu uwa.

Jesus has been raised up.
Jesu rhiọkpaegbe nẹ.

Go and tell his disciples to meet him in Galilee.’
Wa ya tama erhuanegbe ẹre ne iran ya vba Jesu vbe Galili.’

Mary Magdalene hurried to find Peter and John.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, e Meri Magdalen keghi rhulẹ ya gualọ e Pita vbe Jọn.

She told them:
Ọ ghi miẹn iran, ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Someone has taken Jesus’ body!’
‘Iran mu ikun Jesu kpa!’

Peter and John ran back to the tomb.
Ẹre Pita vbe Jọn na ya ulẹ vbe okhian gha rrie eke na ree Jesu yi.

When they saw that it was empty, they went back to their homes.
Iran ghi sẹ evba, iran ma miẹn ikun Jesu. Ẹre iran na werriegbe gha rrie owa.

When Mary returned to the tomb, she saw two angels inside and said to them:
E Meri ghi werriegbe sẹ eke na ree Jesu yi, ọ na miẹn odibosa eva vbuwe uvun okuta nii. E Meri keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘I don’t know where they have taken my Lord.’
‘I ma rẹn eke ne iran mu ikun Jesu yi.’

Then she saw a man, and thinking that he was the gardener, she said:
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Meri keghi bẹghe okpia ọkpa, ọ na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ ọmwa ne ọ gbaroghe evba ẹre nọ. E Meri keghi tama nene okpia wẹẹ:

‘Sir, please tell me where you have taken him.’
‘Enọwanrẹn, lahọ de eke ne u mu ikun ẹnrẹn yi?’

But when the man said, “Mary!” she knew that he was Jesus.
Vbe nene okpia ghi sunu ye eni ẹnrẹn wẹẹ, “E Meri!” e Meri na wa rẹn wẹẹ Jesu ẹre ọ gu iran guan.

She cried out: “Teacher!” and held onto him.
Ẹre Meri na ghi tie ẹre: “Ọmamwaemwi!” Vbe iyeke ọni, ọ keghi mu Jesu dede.

Jesus told her:
Jesu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go and tell my brothers that you have seen me.’
‘Gha khian, ne u ya tama etẹn mwẹ wẹẹ, u miẹn mwẹ.’

Right away, Mary ran to the disciples and told them that she had seen Jesus.
Vbobọvbobọ, e Meri keghi rhulẹ bu erhuanegbe Jesu, ya tama iran wẹẹ irẹn miẹn Jesu.

Later in the day, two disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, erhuanegbe Jesu eva keghi mu okhian ke Jerusalẹm gha rrie Emaọs.

A man joined them on the road and asked what they were talking about.
Okpia ọkpa keghi vba iran vbe odẹ. Nene okpia keghi nọ iran emwi ne iran guan kaan.

They said:
Iran keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘Haven’t you heard?
‘Uwẹ ma he họn emwi nọ sunu ra?

Three days ago, the chief priests put Jesus to death.
Nẹghẹdia ẹre avbe ogie ohẹn gbe Jesu rua.

Now some women are saying that he is alive!’
Nia, ikhuo eso tae khian wẹẹ Jesu rhiọkpaegbe nẹ!’

The man asked:
Ẹre ọ na ghi nọ iran wẹẹ:

‘Don’t you believe the prophets?
‘Wa ma ya ẹmwẹ ne avbe akhasẹ ta yi ra?

They said that the Christ would die and then be raised up.’
Avbe akhasẹ tae yotọ wẹẹ Kristi gha wu, ọ gha vbe rhiọkpaegbe.’

He continued to explain the Scriptures to them.
Nene okpia keghi rhan otọ Evbagbẹn Nọhuanrẹn ma iran sayọ.

When they reached Emmaus, the disciples asked the man to come with them.
Vbe iran ghi sẹ Emaọs, erhuanegbe eva nii, keghi tama nene okpia nọ lele iran.

At supper after he prayed over the bread, they realized that he was Jesus.
Vbe iran khian ghi rri evbare, nene okpia keghi na erhunmwu. Ẹghẹ nii, ẹre ọ ghi ya vẹ ne iran rẹn wẹẹ Jesu ẹre ọ gu iran guan sin.

Then he disappeared.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi ru gbẹnnẹ.

The two disciples hurried to the house in Jerusalem where the apostles were gathered and told them what had happened.
Iran eva keghi werriegbe gha rrie Jerusalẹm ya na iyẹn emwi nọ sunu ma avbe ukọ, vbe owa ne iran na si egbe koko.

While they were there, inside the house, Jesus appeared to all of them.
Vbene iran na ye guan, Jesu na wa rhiegbe ma iran hia.

At first, the apostles couldn’t believe that it was Jesus.
Vbe okaro, avbe ukọ ma te yayi wẹẹ Jesu nọ.

Then he said:
Jesu na ghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Look at my hands; touch me.
‘Wa ghee obọ mwẹ; wa vbe ya obọ kaan mwẹ.

It was written that the Christ would rise from the dead.’
A tae yotọ wẹẹ Kristi gha wu, ọ gha vbe rhiọkpaegbe.’

“I am the way and the truth and the life.
“Mẹ ọre odẹ, mẹ ọre ẹmwata, mẹ ọre arrọọ.

No one comes to the Father except through me.”—John 14:6
Ọmwa nọ gha sẹtin sẹ ehe ne Evbavba ye, ẹi rrọọ vbe ẹi re wẹ, te ọ la obọ mwẹ.”—Jọn 14:6


What happened when the women went to Jesus’ tomb?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe ikhuo eso sẹ eke na ree Jesu yi?

What happened on the way to Emmaus?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe erhuanegbe eva rrie Emaọs?

Lesson 106

Some time after Jesus appeared to the apostles, Peter decided to go fishing in the Sea of Galilee.
Jesu ghi rhie egbe ma avbe ukọ ọghẹe nẹ, e Pita keghi kha wẹẹ, irẹn khian ya gbe ehẹn vbe Okun e Galili.

Thomas, James, John, and some other disciples went with him.
E Tọmọs, e Jems, e Jọn kevbe erhuanegbe ọvbehe keghi lelẹe.

All night long they fished but did not catch anything.
Ẹdẹ te do gbe, iran ma gbe ehẹn rhọkpa.

Early the next morning, they saw a man standing on the shore.
Vbe ọ ghi rre owiẹ fioro, iran keghi miẹn okpia ọkpa nọ mudia vbe ọkpẹn ẹzẹ.

He called to them across the water:
Nene okpia na nọ iran wẹẹ:

‘Did you catch any fish?’
‘Wa gbe ehẹn rhọkpa ra?’

They told him:
Iran keghi wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:


” The man said:
” Ẹre nene okpia na tama iran wẹẹ:

“Cast your net on the right side of the boat.”
“Wa fi ọga fi obọ erha ọmwa okọ.”

When they did that, the net became filled with so many fish that they could not pull it aboard.
Iran ghi ru vberriọ, ehẹn ne ọga ọghe iran mu, bun sẹrriọ wẹẹ, iran ma ghi sẹtin si ẹre ladian vbe uwu amẹ.

John suddenly realized that the man was Jesus and said:
Vbe Jọn ghi miẹn emwi ọyunnuan na, ọ na ghi rẹn wẹẹ, Jesu ẹre ọ gu iran rre evba sin. E Jọn na ghi tama iran nikẹre wẹẹ:

“It is the Lord!”
“Enọyaẹnmwa nọ!”

Immediately, Peter jumped into the water and swam to shore.
Ugbẹnvbe e Pita ghi wa họn ẹmwẹ na, ọ keghi san fi uwu amẹ, ọ na khuẹ ladian bu Jesu.

The other disciples followed in the boat.
Sokpan iran nikẹre keghi gua okọ gha dee.

When they arrived at the beach, they saw bread and fish cooking on a fire.
Vbe iran ghi ladian vbuwe amẹ, iran na do vba ebrẹdi kevbe ehẹn vbe erhẹn.

Jesus told them to bring some of their fish to add to the meal.
Jesu keghi tama iran wẹẹ: ‘Wa viọ rre vbe ehẹn ne uwa da gbe, na viọ bae nọ rre erhẹn.’

Then he said: ‘Come and have breakfast.’
Vbe ọ ghi ga nẹ, Jesu keghi tie iran, ne iran do rri evbare.

After they finished breakfast, Jesus asked Peter:
Vbe iran ghi rri evbare fo nẹ, Jesu keghi nọ e Pita wẹẹ:

‘Do you love me more than fishing?’
‘Uwẹ hoẹmwẹ mwẹ sẹ ehẹn ne a gbe ra?’

Peter said:
E Pita keghi wanniẹn wẹẹ:

‘Yes, Lord, you know I do.’
“Ẹsẹse, Nọyaẹnmwa. U rẹnrẹn ighẹ I hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.”

Jesus said:
E Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Then feed my lambs.’
‘Koko avbe ohuan mwẹ.’

Jesus again asked:
Jesu keghi werriegbe nọ e Pita wẹẹ:

‘Peter, do you love me?’
‘E Pita, uwẹ hoẹmwẹ mwẹ ra?’

Peter said:
Ẹre Pita na kha wẹẹ:

‘Lord, you know I do.’
“Enọyaẹnmwa, wẹ rẹnrẹn ighẹ I hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.”

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Shepherd my little sheep.”
“Gha gbe aro ghe avbe ohuan mwẹ.”

Jesus asked a third time. Peter felt very sad.
Jesu ghi werriegbe nọ rẹn ukpogieha, ẹko ma ghi rhiẹnrhiẹn e Pita.

He said:
Ẹre ọ na ghi tama Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Lord, you know everything. You know that I love you.’
“Enọyaẹnmwa, wẹ rẹn emwi hia, wẹ rẹnrẹn ighẹ I hoẹmwẹ ruẹ.”

Jesus said:
Jesu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Feed my little sheep.”
“Gha gbe aro ghe avbe ohuan mwẹ.”

Then he told Peter:
Ọ na vbe tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“Continue following me.”
‘Ye gha lele mwẹ khian.’

“[Jesus] said to them: ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they abandoned their nets and followed him.”—Matthew 4:19, 20
“Jesu tama iran wẹẹ, ‘Wa lele mwẹ, I gha ma uwa vbene a ya munọ emwa nagbọn hẹ.’ Iran keghi sẹ ọga iran rae vbe ọwarọkpa, iran keghi lelẹe.”—Matiu 4:19, 20


What miracle did Jesus do for the fishermen?
De emwi ọyunnuan ne Jesu ru vbe Okun e Galili?

Why, do you think, did Jesus three times ask Peter:
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, ọ ya Jesu nọ e Pita igba eha wẹẹ:

“Do you love me?
“Uwẹ hoẹmwẹ mwẹ ra?

Lesson 107

In Galilee, Jesus met with his followers.
Jesu keghi si avbe erhuanegbe ẹre koko vbe Galili.

He gave them a very important command:
Ọ na yi iyi ne kpataki ne iran. Ọ tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Go and make disciples of people from all lands.
‘Wa gha khian, ne uwa ya emwa khian erhuanegbe mwẹ.

Teach them the things I taught you, and baptize them.’
Wa maa iran re, emwi hia ne I vbe maa uwa re, wa ghi vbe dinmwi iran ye amẹ.’

Then he promised:
Jesu na vbe yan ma iran wẹẹ:

‘Remember, I will always be with you.’
‘Wa yerre wẹẹ, I gu uwa rrọọ vbe ẹghẹ hia.’

During the 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus appeared to hundreds of his disciples in Galilee and Jerusalem.
Vbe Jesu ghi rhiọkpaegbe, ikpẹdẹ 40 ẹre ọ gbe vbe agbọn na, ọ ke gha rrie ẹrinmwi. Vbuwe ẹghẹ na, Jesu keghi rhie egbe ma erhuanegbe ẹre nibun vbe Galili kevbe Jerusalẹm.

He taught them important lessons and performed many miracles.
Ọ na maa iran emwi nibun ni ru ekpataki. Ọ vbe winna iwinna ọyunnuan nibun.

Then Jesus met with his apostles for the last time, on the Mount of Olives.
Vbe ne Jesu ke kpa gha rrie ẹrinmwi, ọ na si avbe ukọ ọghẹe koko vbe uhunmwu Oke Oliv.

He said:
Ọ na tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Do not leave Jerusalem.
‘Wa ghẹ kpa hin e Jerusalẹm rre.

Keep waiting for what the Father has promised.’
Wa zin egbe khẹ emwi ne Erha mwa yan rẹn.’

His apostles didn’t understand what he meant.
Avbe ukọ ọghẹe ma rẹn emwi ne Jesu ya ẹmwẹ na kha.

They asked him:
Iran na nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Are you now going to become King of Israel?’
‘Te uwẹ khian ghi wa suẹn gha kha yan otọ Izrẹl ra?’

Jesus said:
Jesu keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘It is not yet Jehovah’s time for me to become King.
‘Ọ ma he sẹ ẹghẹ ne Jehova wẹẹ ne I ya gha re Ọba.

Soon you will receive power from holy spirit, and you will be my witnesses.
Vbe ne ẹi khian ghi kpẹẹ gbe, orhiọn nọhuanrẹn gha rhie ẹtin ne uwa.

Go preach in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the farthest parts of the earth.’
Ẹghẹ nii, wa ghi do gha re osẹ mwẹ. Wa kporhu vbe Jerusalẹm, e Judia, e Sameria, uhiẹn ya sẹ eke nọ ghi rree sẹ vbe agbọn na.’

Then Jesus was lifted up into the sky and a cloud covered him.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Jesu keghi kpa gha rrie ẹrinmwi.

His disciples kept looking up, but he was gone.
Vbe ọ ghi khian, okuku keghi degue ẹre, erhuanegbe ẹre ma ghi sẹtin dẹghe ẹre.

The disciples left the Mount of Olives and went to Jerusalem.
Erhuanegbe Jesu keghi tuorre vbe uhunmwu Oke Oliv gha rrie Jerusalẹm.

They regularly met together in an upper room and prayed.
Ọ mwẹ ughugha nọ rre egedege ọkpa vbe Jerusalẹm, ne iran na gha si egbe koko na erhunmwu vbe ẹghẹ hia.

They were waiting for Jesus to give them further instructions.
Iran kegha diakhẹ adia ne Jesu khian rhie ne iran, ne iran mieke na rẹn emwi ne iran gha ru.

“This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”—Matthew 24:14
“A gha kporhu iyen ne ọ maan ọghe Arriọba na la otọ agbọn hia nẹ zẹ vbe osẹe ghe emwa hia, iyeke ọnii, ufomwẹ ghi do rre.”—Matiu 24:14


What command did Jesus give to his disciples?
De iyi ne Jesu yi ne erhuanegbe ẹre?

What happened on the Mount of Olives?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe uhunmwu Oke Oliv?

Lesson 108

The early Christians spread the good news of the Kingdom to the most distant part of the earth.
Ivbiotu e Kristi ni ghaa rrọọ vbe orre nokaro, keghi kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba Osanobua sẹ eke nọ ghi rree sẹ vbe agbọn na.

Jesus directed them where to preach and miraculously enabled them to teach people in their own languages.
Jesu ẹre ọ ghaa rhie adia ne iran, vbe nọ dekaan eke ne iran khian na kporhu. Ọ vbe rhie ẹtin ne Ivbiotu e Kristi, ne iran sẹtin gha ya urhuẹvbo ọghe emwa ọvbehe kporhu ma iran.

Jehovah gave them boldness and the power to overcome vicious persecution.
E Jehova keghi rhie udinmwẹ ne iran, ne iran mieke na sẹtin mudia ẹse vbe iran gha werriẹ aro daa ukpokpo nọ wegbe.

Jesus gave the apostle John a vision of Jehovah’s glory.
Jesu keghi mu umian ọghe ẹkete ọghe Jehova ma ukọ e Jọn.

In another vision, John saw the Kingdom of the heavens conquer Satan and end his domination forever.
Vbe umian ọvbehe ne Jọn miẹn, ọ keghi bẹghe vbene Arriọba Osanobua khian ya khọnmiotọ yan Setan hẹ vbe etẹbitẹ.

John saw Jesus ruling as King and his 144,000 corulers with him.
E Jọn vbe miẹn umian ọghe vbene Jesu kevbe orhunmwu 144,000 khian ya gha kha yan uhunmwu otagbọn na hẹ.

John also saw the whole earth become a paradise where everyone worships Jehovah in peace and unity.
E Jọn vbe bẹghe vbene otagbọn hia khian ya khian e paradais hẹ. Ẹghẹ nii, emwa hia ghi koko gha ga Jehova vbuwe ọfunmwegbe.

Doing the work that Jehovah has given us to do brings glory to him
Adeghẹ ima na gha ru iwinna ne Jehova waa ima re, ọ gha rhie uyi gie Jehova

Dedicate your life to Jehovah, and show him that you want to be ruled by his Kingdom
Ya ẹdagbọn ruẹ fiohan ne Jehova, ne u ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ u hoo ne u gha rre ototọ ọdakha ọghe Arriọba Osanobua

Make Jehovah your best Friend
Gi e Jehova gha re ọse ne u hoẹmwẹ ọnrẹn sẹ

Lesson 109

Ten days after Jesus returned to heaven, his disciples received holy spirit.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ikpẹdẹ igbe ne Jesu kpa gha rrie ẹrinmwi, orhiọn nọhuanrẹn keghi tuorre yan erhuanegbe ẹre.

It was Pentecost 33 C.E., and people had come to Jerusalem from many places to celebrate.
Ẹdẹ e Pẹntikọst ghaa nọ vbe ukpo 33 C.E. Emwa keghi ke ẹvbo ughughan rre do do Ugie Pẹntikọst vbe Jerusalẹm.

There were about 120 disciples of Jesus gathered in the upper room of a house.
Avbe erhuanegbe Jesu ni re odẹ 120 keghi si egbe koko vbe ughugha nọ rre egedege ọkpa.

Suddenly, an amazing thing happened.
Emwi ọyunnuan na wa sunu vbe udemwurri.

Something like a flame appeared over the head of each disciple, and they all began speaking in different languages.
Emwi nọ yevbe na ghee erhẹn kegha rre uhunmwu dọmwadẹ erhuanegbe ni rre ughugha nii. Iran na suẹn gha zẹ urhuẹvbo ughughan.

A loud sound like a windstorm filled the house.
Emwa kegha họn owogho nọ yevbe na ghee ọghe ogbigbi ẹhoho, vbe owa ne avbe ukọ ghaa ye.

Visitors from other lands who had come to Jerusalem heard the sound and ran to the house to see what was happening.
Erhunmwuyẹn ni ke ẹvbo ọvbehe rre, ghi họn owogho nii, iran keghi rhulẹ gha rrie owa nii, ne iran ghee emwi nọ sunu.

They were amazed when they heard the disciples speaking these languages.
Te ọ wa kpa iran odin vbe iran ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, avbe erhuanegbe Jesu zẹ urhuẹvbo ọvbehe.

They said:
Ẹre iran na ghi kha wẹẹ:

‘But these people are from Galilee.
‘Ẹi re Ivbi e Galili ẹre iran na khin?

How are they able to speak in our languages?’
Vbọsiẹ ne iran na ghi zẹ urhuẹvbo ọghe ima?’

Then Peter and the other apostles stood in front of the crowd.
Ẹre Pita kevbe avbe ukọ nikẹre na ghi mudia vbe odaro emwa ni gbẹbu nii.

Peter told the people how Jesus was killed and that Jehovah raised him from the dead.
E Pita keghi rhan otọre ma iran vbene Jesu ya wu hẹ kevbe vbene Jehova ya huẹn ọnrẹn kpaegbe hẹ.

Peter said:
Ọ na vbe tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Now Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of God, and he has poured out the promised holy spirit.
‘Jesu rre oberhọmwa ọghe Osanobua vbe ẹrinmwi nia. Irẹn ẹre ọ gie orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghe Osanobua nọ tuorre yan ima zẹvbe ne ọ yan rẹn.

That is why you have seen and heard these miracles.’
Ọna ẹre ọ si ẹre ne uwa na bẹghe emwi ọyunnuan na hia.’

The people were deeply moved by Peter’s words, and they asked:
Ẹmwẹ ne Pita tae keghi wa mu iran ekhọe. Iran na ghi gha nọ wẹẹ:

“What should we do?”
‘Vbe ima khian ghi ru nia?’

He told them:
E Pita keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus.
‘Wa fiwerriẹ vbe orukhọ ọghe uwa, ne uwa dinmwiamẹ vbe eni Jesu.

You will also receive the gift of the holy spirit.’
Ẹghẹ nii, Osanobua ghi ya orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghẹe we uwa.’

On that day, about 3,000 people got baptized.
Orhunmwu 3,000 ẹre ọ dinmwiamẹ vbe ẹdẹrriọ.

From then on, the disciples began increasing in Jerusalem very quickly.
Ke ẹghẹ nii kpa, erhuanegbe Jesu kegha muan yọ muan yọ vbe Jerusalẹm.

With the help of the holy spirit, the apostles formed more congregations so that they could teach the disciples all the things that Jesus had commanded them.
Lekpae iyobọ orhiọn nọhuanrẹn, avbe ukọ kegha mu iko ughughan gbọ, ne iran mieke na sẹtin gha maa iran emwi ighẹ emwa ni do khian erhuanegbe, zẹvbe ne Jesu vbe maa iran re.

“If you publicly declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and exercise faith in your heart that God raised him up from the dead, you will be saved.”—Romans 10:9
“Deghẹ uwẹ ye akhuarhamwunu ruẹn tae wẹẹ, ‘Nọyaẹnmwa ọre Jesu khin,’ u na vbe yayi vbe ekhọe ruẹ wẹẹ, Osanobua huẹn ọnrẹn hin idin rre, u gha re ne a miẹnfan.”—Rom 10:9


What happened at Pentecost 33 C.E.?
De emwi nọ sunu vbe ẹdẹ e Pẹntikọst vbe ukpo 33 C.E.?

Why did so many people get baptized?
Vbọzẹe ne emwa nibun na dinmwiamẹ?

Lesson 110

A man who could not walk was sitting and begging every day at a temple gate.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ uke ọkpa, nọ ghaa dabọ vbe onurho ọgua Osa vbe ẹdẹgbegbe.

One afternoon, he saw Peter and John going into the temple.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ẹghẹ avan vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, ọ keghi miẹn e Pita kevbe Jọn vbe iran khian la ọgua Osa.

He said to them:
Ọ keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Please give me something.’
‘Lahọ uwa gualọ emwi kherhe mẹ.’

Peter said:
Ẹre Pita na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I have something better than money to give you.
‘Emwi ne I khian rhie nuẹ sẹ igho.

In the name of Jesus, get up and walk!’
Kpaegbe, ne u suẹn gha khian vbe eni Jesu!’

Then Peter helped him up, and the man began to walk!
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Pita keghi si ẹre kpaegbe. Ẹre nene okpia na suẹn gha khian!

The crowd was so overjoyed by this miracle that many more people became believers.
Vbe emwa ghi miẹn emwi ọyunnuan na, nibun vbọ keghi khian Ivbiotu e Kristi.

But the priests and Sadducees were angry.
Sokpan, ohu kegha mu avbe ohẹn kevbe Ivbi e Sadusi.

They grabbed the apostles, took them to court, and demanded:
Iran keghi si e Pita vbe Jọn gha rrie owa ẹzọ. Vbe iran ghi sẹ evba, iran keghi nọ e Pita vbe Jọn wẹẹ:

‘Who gave you the power to heal this man?’
‘De eke ne uwa na miẹn ẹtin ne uwa ya mu okpia na egbe rran?’

Peter said:
E Pita keghi wanniẹn iran wẹẹ:

‘We received power from Jesus Christ, whom you killed.’
‘Jesu Kristi ne uwa gbe rua ẹre ọ rhie ẹtin ne ima.’

The religious leaders shouted:
Ẹre avbe ọkaolotu ugamwẹ na van mu iran wẹẹ:

‘Stop talking about Jesus!’
‘Wa ghẹ ghi dọlegbe ta ẹmwẹ Jesu!’

But the apostles said:
Sokpan e Pita vbe Jọn keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘We must talk about him. We will not stop.’
‘Ma i khian sẹtin da unu ima yi. Te ima khian ye gha guan vbekpae Jesu.’

As soon as Peter and John were released, they went to the other disciples and told them what had happened.
Vbe a ghi fan iran nẹ, iran na ya na iyẹn emwi nọ sunu ma erhuanegbe nikẹre.

They prayed together, asking Jehovah:
Iran hia na ghi na erhunmwu gie Jehova wẹẹ:

‘Please help us to be bold so that we can keep doing your work.’
‘Rhie udinmwẹ ne ima, ne ima ya sẹtin gha ru iwinna ruẹ.’

Jehovah gave them his holy spirit, and they continued preaching and healing.
E Jehova wa họn erhunmwu iran. Ọ na ya orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghẹe rhie ẹtin ne iran, ne iran ya gha kporhu iyẹn nọ maan kevbe ne iran gha mu emwa egbe rran.

More and more people became believers.
Iran na vbe gha muan yọ.

The Sadducees were so jealous that they arrested the apostles and threw them into jail.
Ivbi e Sadusi kegha gbọvo iran, rhunmwuda ọni, iran na mu avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu fi eghan.

But during the night, Jehovah sent an angel, who opened the prison doors and told the apostles:
Sokpan vbe asọn nii, e Jehova keghi gie odibo ọghẹe rre, ne ọ do kie urho ọghe eghan nii. Ọ na tama avbe ukọ wẹẹ:

‘Go back to the temple, and teach there.’
‘Wa werriegbe gha rrie ọgua Osa, ne uwa ya maa emwa emwi vba.’

The very next morning, the Sanhedrin, the court of religious leaders, were told:
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, emwa keghi tama avbe ọkaolotu ugamwẹ ni rre Sahẹndrin wẹẹ:

‘The jail is still locked, but the men you arrested are gone!
‘Urho eghan nii ma te kie yotọ sokpan emwa ne uwa viọ ye uwu ẹre i ghi rre evba!

They are in the temple, teaching the people!’
Iran wa kporhu vbuwe ọgua Osa nia!’

Again, the apostles were arrested and brought to the Sanhedrin.
Iran na dọlegbe ya mu avbe ukọ gha die Sahẹndrin.

The high priest said:
Ogie ohẹn keghi nọ avbe ukọ wẹẹ:

‘We ordered you not to talk about Jesus!’
‘Ima ma ka tama uwa, ne uwa ghẹ ghi kporhu vbekpae Jesu?’

But Peter answered:
E Pita na wẹẹ:

“We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”
“Ne Osa khare ẹre ima ra ya ru emwi, ighẹ ẹi re ne emwa ne agbọn khare.”

The religious leaders were so angry that they wanted to kill the apostles.
Avbe ọkaolotu ugamwẹ ghi họn ẹmwẹ na, ohu mu iran sẹrriọ wẹẹ, iran na gha hoo ne iran gbele avbe ukọ rua.

But a Pharisee named Gamaliel stood up and said:
Sokpan Ovbi e Farisi ọkpa na tie ẹre Gamaliẹl keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Be careful!
‘Wa mwẹ ẹwaẹn!

God might be with these men.
Ọ gha kẹ, Osanobua ẹre ọ ye iran ike.

Do you really want to fight against God?’
Ra te uwa hoo ne uwa gu Osanobua gbinna ra?’

They took his advice. After beating the apostles with rods, they ordered them once again to stop preaching, and then they let them go.
Iran keghi rhie ibude ọghe Gamaliẹl, sokpan iran na ye gbe avbe ukọ asan. Iran na werriegbe tama avbe ukọ ne iran ghẹ ghi kporhu. Vbe iyeke ọni, iran na zẹ iran obọ.

But that did not stop the apostles.
Sokpan avbe ukọ ma gi egbe wọọ iran.

They continued boldly preaching the good news, both in the temple and from house to house.
Iran na ye gha kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe ọgua Osa kevbe ke owa ya sẹ owa.

“We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:29
“Ne Osa khare ẹre ima ra ya ru emwi, ighẹ ẹi re ne emwa ne agbọn khare.”—Iwinna 5:29


Why didn’t the disciples stop preaching?
Vbọzẹe ne erhuanegbe Jesu ma na dobọ ikporhu yi?

How did Jehovah help them?
De vbene Jehova ya ru iyobọ ne iran hẹ?

Lesson 111

Saul was a Roman citizen who was born in Tarsus.
Ovbi e Rom na biẹ vbe Tasọs ẹre Sọl ghaa khin.

He was a Pharisee who was an expert in Jewish Law, and he hated Christians. He dragged Christian men and women out of their houses and threw them into jail.
Ovbi e Farisi nọ wa vbe rẹn Uhi e Ju ẹre ghaa nọ. Te irẹn wa gha mu ohu Ivbiotu e Kristi sẹrriọ wẹẹ, ọ na gha viọ iran ku eghan.

He even stood by and watched as an angry mob stoned the disciple Stephen to death.
Sirra e Sọl ẹre emwa na filo okuta gbe Stivin rua. Ọkpa vbe erhuanegbe Jesu ẹre Stivin ghaa khin.

But Saul was not satisfied with arresting Christians in Jerusalem only.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, e Sọl ghaa viọ Ivbiotu e Kristi ni rre Jerusalẹm ye eghan, ọni ma zẹdẹ sẹ ọre ọkẹn.

He asked the high priest to send him to the city of Damascus so that he could hunt down Christians there.
Ọ na wẹẹ ne ogie ohẹn rhie asẹ ne irẹn, ne irẹn mieke na ya kpokpo Ivbiotu e Kristi ni rre Damaskọs.

As Saul got near the city, a bright light suddenly flashed all around him, and he fell to the ground.
Vbe Sọl ghi sikẹ e Damaskọs, awanwan nọ ke ẹrinmwi rre keghi wan lẹga re vbe udemwurri, ẹre ọ na wa de gbotọ.

He heard a voice say:
Urhu ọkpa nọ ke ẹrinmwi rre keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Saul, why are you persecuting me?’
‘E Sọl, vbọzẹe ne u na zẹ mwẹ kpokpo?’

Saul asked:
Ẹre Sọl na ghi nọ rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Who are you?’
‘De ọmwa ne ọ gu mwẹ guan na?’

The answer:
Nene ọmwa na wanniẹn ọnrẹn wẹẹ:

‘I am Jesus.
‘Mẹ ọre Jesu.

Go into Damascus, and you will learn what you must do.’
Gha rrie Damaskọs. U gha sẹ evba, I gha tama ruẹ emwi ne u gha ru.’

In an instant, Saul had become blind, and he had to be led by the hand into the city.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Sọl keghi rhuaro. Te a ghi rhie ẹre obọ lae Damaskọs.

In Damascus, there was a faithful Christian named Ananias.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ Ovbiotu e Kristi ọkpa nọ rre Damaskọs na tie ẹre Ananaias.

Jesus told him in a vision:
E Jesu keghi tama rẹn vbe umian wẹẹ:

‘Go to the house of Judas on the street called Straight, and look for Saul.’
‘Gha rrie owa e Judas nọ rre idunmwu ọkpa na tie ẹre Nọdiae (Straight). U gha sẹ evba, u ghi nọ ẹmwẹ okpia ọkpa na tie ẹre Sọl.’

Ananias said:
Ananaias keghi tama Jesu wẹẹ:

‘Lord, I know all about that man!
‘Nọyaẹnmwa, I wa rẹn okpia nii!

He is throwing your disciples into prison!’
Ẹi re avbiẹ erhuanegbe ruẹ ẹre ọ he viọ ye eghan!’

But Jesus said:
Sokpan Jesu na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Go to him.
‘Bu ẹre gha khian.

I have chosen Saul to preach the good news to many nations.’
I zẹ e Sọl nẹ, ne ọ gha re ọguọmwadia mwẹ. Te ọ khian kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ma agbẹnvbo nibun.’

So Ananias found Saul and told him:
Ananaias ghi miẹn e Sọl, ọ keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Saul, brother, Jesus has sent me to open your eyes.’
‘E Sọl ne ọtẹnmwẹ, Jesu ẹre ọ gie mwẹ rre, ne I do rran ruẹ aro.’

Instantly, Saul could see again.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, e Sọl na dọlegbe gha bẹghe.

He learned about Jesus and became his follower.
E Sọl ghi ruẹ vbekpae Jesu nẹ, ọ na ghi khian ọkpa vbe erhuanegbe ẹre.

Now baptized as a Christian, Saul began to preach in the synagogues, along with his fellow Christians.
Vbe Sọl ghi dinmwiamẹ nẹ, ọ keghi deba erhuanegbe nikẹre gha kporhu vbe sinagọg.

Can you imagine how shocked the Jews were to see Saul teaching people about Jesus?
Vbe uwẹ a yayi wẹẹ, ekhọe Ivbi e Ju ghaa ye hẹ, vbe iran ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ e Sọl kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbekpae Jesu? Te ọ wa kpa iran odin!

They said:
Iran keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘Isn’t this the same man who used to hunt down Jesus’ disciples?’
‘Ẹi re okpia na, ẹre ọ ghaa zẹ erhuanegbe Jesu kpokpo?’

For three years, Saul preached to the people living in Damascus.
Ukpo eha, ẹre Sọl wa ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe Damaskọs.

The Jews hated Saul and made plans to kill him.
Ivbi e Ju kegha khẹko e Sọl, sẹrriọ wẹẹ iran na gha so uma ne iran gbe ẹre rua.

But the brothers learned about the plot and helped him to escape.
Sokpan etẹn ghi họn vbekpa uma na, iran keghi ru iyobọ ne Sọl ya lẹẹ fe.

They put him in a basket and lowered him down through a hole in the city wall.
Iran ghi mu e Sọl ye uwu okhuaẹ, iran na muẹn la uvun ekẹn ọghe ẹvbo nii ladian.

When Saul went to Jerusalem, he tried to join the brothers there.
E Sọl ghi sẹ e Jerusalẹm, ọ na te gha hoo ne ọ deba etẹn ni rre evba.

But they were afraid of him.
Sokpan ohan e Sọl kegha mu iran.

Then a kind disciple named Barnabas brought Saul to the apostles and convinced them that Saul had truly changed.
Ọtẹn ọkpa na tie ẹre Banabas ẹre ọ ghi gi avbe ukọ rẹn wẹẹ e Sọl gele fiwerriẹ nẹ.

Saul began to preach the good news zealously with the congregation in Jerusalem.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Sọl keghi deba etẹn ni rre Jerusalẹm gha kporhu iyẹn nọ maan.

Later, he became known as Paul.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya khian, a na do gha tie ẹre Pọl.

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these, I am foremost.”—1 Timothy 1:15
“Te Kristi Jesu rrie agbọn, ne ọ do miẹn emwa orukhọ fan. Mẹ ọre ọka ẹrhia ne ọ rrọọ.”—1 Timoti 1:15


Why were the Christians afraid of Saul?
Vbọsiẹ ne ohan e Sọl na gha mu Ivbiotu e Kristi?

Why did he change?
De emwi nọ ya e Sọl fiwerriẹ?

Lesson 112

In Caesarea, there was an important Roman army officer named Cornelius.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ okpia ọkpa vbe Sisaria na tie ẹre Kọniliọs. Ọka iyokuo e Rom ghaa nọ.

Although he was not a Jew, the Jews respected him.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ e Kọniliọs i re Ovbi e Ju, te Ivbi e Ju wa gha rhie ọghọ nẹ.

He generously helped poor and needy people.
Ọ wa gha ru iyobọ ne ivbiogue kevbe emwa ne obọ ma sẹ ọre.

Cornelius believed in Jehovah and prayed to him continually.
E Kọniliọs wa gha mwẹ amuẹtinyan dae Jehova, ọ vbe gha na erhunmwu gie ẹre vbe ẹghẹ hia.

One day, an angel appeared to Cornelius and said:
Vbe ẹdẹ ọkpa, odibosa ọkpa keghi rhie egbe ma e Kọniliọs, ọ na tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘God has heard your prayers.
‘Osanobua họn erhunmwu ruẹ nẹ.

Now send men to the city of Joppa, where Peter is staying, and ask him to come to you.’
Gie emwa gha rrie Jopa, ne iran ya tie Pita rre.’

Immediately, Cornelius sent three men to Joppa, about 30 miles to the south.
Vbe ọwarọkpa, e Kọniliọs keghi gie ikpia eha gha rrie Jopa nọ re okhian ibiriki 30.

Meanwhile, in Joppa, Peter had a vision.
Vbe ẹghẹ na kha na, Osanobua keghi mu umian ma e Pita vbe Jopa.

He saw animals that Jews were not allowed to eat, and he heard a voice telling him to eat.
Vbe nene umian, e Pita keghi bẹghe aranmwẹ eso ne Ivbi e Ju wua. Urhu ọkpa na tama rẹn ne ọ rri ọre.

Peter refused, saying:
Sokpan e Pita keghi kha wẹẹ:

‘But I have never eaten an unclean animal in my life.’
‘I ma he rri aranmwẹ nọ ma huan ẹdẹ.’

The voice then told him:
Nene urhu na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Do not call these animals unclean. God has made them clean.’
‘Ghẹ ghi tie iran, aranmwẹ nọ ma huan rhunmwuda Osanobua yae khian nọ huan rẹn nẹ.’

Peter was also told:
Ọ na vbe tama e Pita wẹẹ:

‘There are three men at your door.
‘Ikpia eha rre onurho ruẹ.

Go with them.’
Lele iran.’

Peter went to the door and asked the men why they were there.
Ẹre Pita na bu iran, ọ keghi nọ iran wẹẹ ‘Vbe ọ ya uwa rre?’

They answered:
Iran na wanniẹn ọnrẹn:

‘We have been sent by Cornelius, a Roman army officer.
‘Ọka iyokuo e Rom ọkpa na tie ẹre Kọniliọs ẹre ọ gie ima rre.

You are to come to his house in Caesarea.’
Ọ wẹẹ ne u lele ima gha die Sisaria.’

Peter invited the men to stay overnight as his guests.
E Pita keghi viọ iran la owa, ne iran gbe asọn vbe evba.

The next day, he went with them to Caesarea, together with some brothers from Joppa.
Ẹdẹ ghi gbe, e Pita kevbe etẹn eso vbe Jopa na lele iran gha rrie Sisaria.

When at last Cornelius saw Peter, he got down on his knees.
Vbe Kọniliọs ghi bẹghe Pita, ọ na wa fan fi iguẹ.

But Peter said:
Sokpan e Pita keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Get up!

I am a man just like you.
Ọmwa kẹkan ẹre imẹ tobọ mwẹ vbe khin.

God told me to come to your house, even though Jews do not go into the homes of Gentiles.
Osanobua ẹre ọ wẹẹ ne I bu ruẹ gha die owa, agharhemiẹn wẹẹ Ivbi e Ju kevbe emwa nẹ ẹi re Ju i lẹro egbe.

Now please tell me why you sent for me.’
Tama mwẹ, vbọzẹe ne u na gie na tie mwẹ?’

Cornelius told Peter:
E Kọniliọs keghi tama e Pita wẹẹ:

‘Four days ago I was praying to God, and an angel told me to send for you.
‘Nẹghẹdẹnẹ vbe I ghaa na erhunmwu, odibosa ọkpa keghi rhie egbe ma mwẹ. Ọ na wẹẹ ne I gie na tie ruẹ.

Please teach us the words of Jehovah.’
Lahọ, gu ima guan vbekpae Jehova.’

Peter said:
E Pita keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘I have learned that God is not partial.
‘I bẹghe ẹre nẹ wẹẹ, aro ọkpa ẹre Osanobua ya ghee emwa hia.

He accepts anyone who wants to worship him.’
Ọmwaikọmwa nọ hoo nọ ga irẹn, ẹre irẹn miẹn yi.’

Peter taught them many things about Jesus.
E Pita keghi maa iran emwi nibun vbekpae Jesu.

Then holy spirit came upon Cornelius and those who were there with him, and all of them were baptized.
Vbe ọwarọkpa, orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ọghe Osanobua keghi tuorre yan e Kọniliọs kevbe emwa ni ghaa rre owa re. Vbe iyeke ọni, iran hia keghi dinmwiamẹ.

“In every nation the man who fears [God] and does what is right is acceptable to him.”—Acts 10:35
“Ọmwaikọmwa ne ọ mu ohan rẹn, ọ na vbe gha yin ẹse, te irẹn gha rhan obọ miẹn [ọnrẹn yi], ovbi ẹvbo ne ọ rhirhi gha khin.”—Iwinna 10:35


Why did Peter refuse to eat unclean animals?
Vbọzẹe ne Pita ma na rri aranmwẹ nọ ma huan?

Why did Jehovah tell Peter to go to the house of a Gentile?
Vbọzẹe ne Jehova na wẹẹ ne Pita gha rrie owa ọmwa ne ẹi re Ovbi e Ju?

Lesson 113

The apostles obeyed Jesus’ command to spread the good news in all the earth.
Avbe ukọ ọghe Jesu keghi lele iyi ne Jesu gbe ne iran, ọghe wẹẹ ne iran kporhu vbe uhunmwu otagbọn hia.

In 47 C.E., the brothers in Antioch sent Paul and Barnabas on a preaching tour.
Vbe ọ ghi rre ukpo 47 C.E., etẹn ni rre Antiọk keghi gie Pọl vbe Banabas ne iran ya kporhu vbe ẹvbo ughughan.

The two zealous preachers traveled all over Asia Minor to such places as Derbe, Lystra, and Iconium.
Zẹvbe emwa ni zọghae, iran keghi mu okhian gha rrie ẹvbo ughughan ni rre otọ Asia Minor, vbe na ghee Listra, Dẹbi kevbe Aikọniọm.

Paul and Barnabas preached to everyone, whether rich or poor, young or old.
E Pọl vbe Banabas ma gha hannọ emwa ni iran kporhu ma.

Many people accepted the truth about Christ.
Emwa nibun keghi miẹn ẹmwata yi vbekpae Kristi.

When Paul and Barnabas preached to Sergius Paulus, the governor of Cyprus, a sorcerer tried to stop them.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Pọl vbe Banabas ya kporhu ma ukọ arriọba ọghe Saiprọs na tie ẹre Sẹgiọs Pọlọs, ọbo edunna ọkpa na gha hoo nọ da iran obọ yi.

Paul told the sorcerer:
Ẹre Pọl na ghi tama ọbo edunna nii wẹẹ:

‘Jehovah is against you.’
‘Te Jehova khian rri uwẹ oya.’

Instantly, the sorcerer went blind.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, ọbo edunna nii na rhu aro.

At seeing that, Governor Paulus became a believer.
Vbe Sẹgiọs Pọlọs ghi bẹghe emwi nọ sunu, ọ na khian Ovbiotu e Kristi.

Paul and Barnabas preached everywhere, from house to house, in markets, on the road, and in synagogues.
Ehe hia ẹre Pọl vbe Banabas na gha kporhu; ke owa ya sẹ owa, ẹki, odẹ kevbe sinagọg.

When they healed a lame man in Lystra, those who witnessed the miracle thought they were gods and tried to worship them.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ẹghẹ ọkpa ne iran ya mu okpia ọkpa nọ re uke egbe rran vbe Listra. Vbe emwa ghi bẹghe emwi ọyunnuan nii, iran na gha roro wẹẹ osa ẹre iran khin, iran na gha hoo ne iran gbe uhunmwu kotọ ne iran.

But Paul and Barnabas stopped them, saying:
Sokpan e Pọl vbe Banabas keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Worship only God!
‘Osanobua ọkpa ẹre uwa gha ga!

We are just men.’
Emwa kẹkan ẹre ima khin.’

Then certain Jews came and turned the crowd against Paul.
Vbe iyeke ọni, Ivbi e Ju eso na rre do fi ekhọe ọghe emwa ni gbẹbu nii werriẹ, iran na suẹn gha mu ohu e Pọl.

The crowd stoned him, dragged him outside the city, and left him for dead.
Iran na gha filo ugbe gbe ẹre, iran na ghi si ẹre ladian vbe orere ẹvbo nii, vbene iran na gha roro wẹẹ ọ wu nẹ.

However, Paul was still alive!
Sokpan e Pọl ma wu!

Right away, the brothers came to his rescue and took him back into the city.
Vbe ọwarọkpa nii, etẹn keghi rre do ru iyobọ nẹ, iran na werriegbe muẹn gha rrie orere ẹvbo.

Later, Paul returned to Antioch.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Pọl na werriegbe gha rrie Antiọk.

In 49 C.E., Paul went on another tour.
Vbe 49 C.E., e Pọl na werriegbe mu okhian gha rrie ẹvbo ọvbehe.

After returning to see the brothers in Asia Minor, he took the good news even farther, into Europe.
Vbe ọ ghi ya miẹn etẹn ni rre Asia Minor nẹ, ọ na ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe otọ Europe.

He went to Athens, Ephesus, Philippi, Thessalonica, and other places.
Ọ mu okhian gha rrie Atẹns, Ẹfisọs, Filipai, Tẹsalonaika kevbe ẹvbo ọvbehe.

Silas, Luke, and a young man named Timothy joined Paul on his journey.
E Sailas, Luk kevbe igbama ọkpa na tie ẹre Timoti keghi deba e Pọl vbe okhian na.

They worked together to form congregations and help them become strong.
Iran na gha mu iko gbọ, iran na vbe gha rhie igiọdu ne etẹn.

Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, strengthening the brothers there.
Ukpo ọkpa vbe ukhiọnmwẹ ẹre Pọl gbe vbe Kọrinti, vbene ọ na gha rhie igiọdu ne etẹn ni rre evba.

He preached, taught, and wrote letters to many congregations.
Ọ ghaa kporhu, ọ vbe gha maa emwa emwi, ọ na vbe gha gbẹnnẹ elẹta gie iko ughughan.

He also did work as a tentmaker.
Iwinna owa ukpọn na bọ ẹre Pọl ya gha rri evbare.

In time, Paul returned to Antioch.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Pọl na werriegbe gha rrie Antiọk.

Later, in 52 C.E., Paul went on a third tour, starting in Asia Minor. He traveled as far north as Philippi and then down into Corinth.
Vbe 52 C.E., e Pọl keghi werriegbe mu okhian gha rrie ẹvbo ughughan, ọ ghi ke Asia Minor kpa, ọ na gha rrie Filipai. Ọ ghi ke evba kpa, ọ na gha rrie Kọrinti.

Paul spent several years in Ephesus, teaching, healing, and helping the congregation.
Ukpo nibun ẹre Pọl gbe vbe Ẹfisọs, ọ na gha maa emwa emwi, ọ na gha mu emwa egbe rran, ọ na vbe gha ru iyobọ ne etẹn ni rre iko.

He also gave public talks every day in a school auditorium.
Ẹdẹgbegbe ẹre ọ ya gha ya ọta azagba guan vbe ọgbẹlẹzẹ ọghe esuku.

Many people listened and changed their ways.
Emwa nibun ni danmwehọ keghi fiwerriẹ.

Finally, after preaching the good news in many lands, Paul went to Jerusalem.
Vbe Pọl ghi kporhu iyẹn nọ maan vbe ẹvbo nibun nẹ, ọ na gha rrie Jerusalẹm.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations.”—Matthew 28:19
“Wa bu emwa hia gha rrie ehe hia ne uwa ya ... iran khian erhuanegbe mwẹ.”—Matiu 28:19


Using the map in your Bible (New World Translation, Appendix B13), can you follow Paul’s preaching tours?
Vbe emapu nọ rre Baibol ruẹ (New World Translation, Appendix B13), u bẹghe ẹvbo ughughan ne Pọl na kporhu ra?

Lesson 114

In Philippi, there was a slave girl who had a demon inside of her.
Ọ ghaa mwẹ ọvbokhan okhuo ọkpa vbe Filipai, ne orhiọn dan ghaa loo. Ọviẹn vbe gha nọ.

The demon used the girl as a fortune-teller, and she made a lot of money for her owners that way.
Orhiọn dan na, kegha ya ọmọ okhuo na miẹn aro; ọna ẹre ọ ya gha khuan igho ne emwa ni yan rẹn.

When Paul and Silas came to Philippi, she followed them around for many days.
Vbe Pọl vbe Sailas ghi rre Filipai, ọvbokhan okhuo na kegha lele iran khian vbe ọwara ikpẹdẹ nibun.

The demon made her shout:
Orhiọn dan nii na gha ya ọmọ okhuo nii go, vbene ọ na gha kha wẹẹ:

“These men are slaves of the Most High God.”
“Iran na, eguọmwadia Osanobua ne ọ yo sẹ iran khin.”

Finally, Paul told the demon:
Vbe okiekie, e Pọl keghi tama orhiọn dan nii wẹẹ:

‘In the name of Jesus, come out of her!’
‘I tama ruẹ nia vbe eni Jesu, ne u ladian hin uwu ọvbokhan na rre!’

The demon left the girl.
Orhiọn dan nii keghi ladian.

When the girl’s owners realized that they would no longer make money from her, they were very angry.
Vbe emwa ni yan ọvbokhan okhuo na ghi bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, ẹi ghi sẹtin khuan igho ne iran, ohu na gha mu iran.

They dragged Paul and Silas to the civil magistrates, saying:
Iran na ghi silo e Pọl vbe Sailas gha rrie owa ẹzọ vbe ẹvbo nii, vbene iran na kha wẹẹ:

‘These men are breaking the law and upsetting the whole city!’
‘Ikpia na wa rra uhi ẹvbo, iran wa vbe mu ehe hia weghe!’

The magistrates ordered that Paul and Silas be beaten and thrown in jail.
Avbe ọbuohiẹn ni rre evba na ghi wẹẹ ne emwa gbe Pọl vbe Sailas, kevbe ne iran filo iran ku eghan.

The jailer threw them into the deepest, darkest part of the prison and put them in stocks.
Eseghan keghi mu iran ye ehe nọ ghi so ebiebi sẹ vbuwe eghan nii, ọ na vbe ya ọgiọrọ gbalọ iran, ne iran ghẹ zẹ obọ zẹ owẹ.

While the other prisoners listened, Paul and Silas sang praises to Jehovah.
E Pọl vbe Sailas kegha so ihuan urhomwẹ gie Jehova vbene avbe oleghan nikẹre na gha danmwehọ.

Suddenly, in the middle of the night, a powerful earthquake shook the prison from top to bottom.
Vbe udemwurri vbe ogiasọn nii, ugbohiotọ keghi mu eghan nii weghe, ke otọ ya sẹ odukhunmwu.

The prison doors burst open, and the prisoners’ chains and stocks came loose.
Avbe urho ni rre eghan nii keghi kie yotọ, avbe ọgiọrọ na ya gbalọ avbe oleghan keghi fannọ kua.

The jailer rushed to the inner prison and saw that the doors were open.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne eseghan ghi ya sẹ evba, ọ na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ eghan nọ ke uwu ẹre kie yotọ.

Certain that all the prisoners had escaped, he took a sword to kill himself.
Ọ na gha roro ẹre wẹẹ avbe oleghan ni rre uwu ẹre lẹẹ fua nẹ, rhunmwuda ọni, ọ na rhie agbada nọ ya gbe egbe ẹre rua.

Just then, Paul called out:
Ẹre Pọl na ghi zẹgiẹ datu wẹẹ:

‘Don’t hurt yourself!
‘Ghẹ gbe egbuẹ rua!

We are all here!’
Ma hia ye rre emwa!’

The jailer rushed in and fell down before Paul and Silas.
Eseghan nii na ghi rhulẹ ya fan fi iguẹ vbe odaro e Pọl vbe Sailas.

He asked them:
Ọ na nọ iran wẹẹ:

“What must I do to get saved?”
“De emwi ne I gha ru ne I miẹn ehe na miẹn imiẹnfan?”

They told him:
Iran na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘You and your household need to believe in Jesus.’
‘Ọ khẹke ne uwẹ vbe igiowa ruẹ ya Jesu yi.’

Then Paul and Silas taught them the word of Jehovah, and the jailer and all his household got baptized.
Ẹre Pọl vbe Sailas na ghi maa irẹn vbe igiowa re emwi vbekpae Jehova; eseghan nii kevbe igiowa re keghi dinmwiamẹ.

“People will lay their hands on you and persecute you, handing you over to the synagogues and prisons. You will be brought before kings and governors for the sake of my name. It will result in your giving a witness.”—Luke 21:12, 13
“Iran gha munọ uwa, iran ghi gha zẹ uwa kpokpo, iran ghi silo uwa gha rrie ọgua ediọn ne a ya gu uwa gui, a ghi filo uwa ku eghan, a ghi silo uwa gie avbe ọba kevbe irriegie rhunmwuda mwẹ. Ẹkpotọ ne uwa gha ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọre ena hia khin.”—Luk 21:12, 13


Why were Paul and Silas thrown into prison?
Vbọsiẹ ne emwa na filo e Pọl vbe Sailas ku uwu eghan?

How did the jailer learn the truth?
De vbene eseghan nii ya do khian Ovbiotu e Kristi hẹ?

Lesson 115

Timothy was a young brother in the congregation at Lystra.
Igbama ẹre Timoti ghaa khin vbe iko nọ rre Listra.

His father was Greek, and his mother was Jewish.
Ovbi e Grik ẹre erhae ghaa khin, iyẹe na gha re Ovbi e Ju.

His mother, Eunice, and grandmother Lois taught Timothy about Jehovah from the time he was little.
Ke egbe ọvbokhan ẹre iyẹe ighẹ Yunis kevbe iyẹe nọkhua ighẹ Luis ya suẹn gha maa re emwi vbekpae Jehova.

When Paul visited Lystra during his second preaching tour, he noticed that Timothy really loved the brothers and was eager to help them.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Pọl ya werriegbe mu okhian gha rrie Listra, ọ na do bẹghe ẹre wẹẹ, Timoti wa hoẹmwẹ etẹn kevbe wẹẹ ọ hoo nọ ru iyobọ ne iran.

Paul invited Timothy to join him on his journey.
Ẹre Pọl na ghi wẹẹ ne Timoti lele irẹn gha mu okhian yo ẹvbo ughughan.

Over time, Paul trained Timothy to be a fine preacher and teacher of the good news.
Vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha mu okhian yo ẹvbo ughughan, e Pọl keghi ru iyobọ ne Timoti, ne ọ ya gha re ọmwa nọ gbegba vbe ikporhu iyẹn nọ maan kevbe nọ sẹtin gha maa emwa emwi.

Holy spirit guided Paul and Timothy wherever they went.
Orhiọn nọhuanrẹn ẹre ọ ghaa su e Pọl vbe Timoti vbe ehe ne iran rhirhi yo.

One night, in a vision, a man told Paul to come to Macedonia and help them.
Vbe Pọl ghi miẹn umian vbe asọn ọkpa, okpia ọkpa keghi tama e Pọl nọ gha die Masidonia ne ọ do ru iyobọ ne iran.

So Paul, Timothy, Silas, and Luke went there to preach and to form congregations.
Ẹre Pọl, Timoti, Sailas, kevbe Luk na gha rrie evba ya kporhu, iran na vbe mu iko nibun gbọ.

In the Macedonian city of Thessalonica, many men and women became Christians.
Emwa nibun keghi khian Ivbiotu e Kristi vbe ẹvbo ọkpa na tie ẹre Tẹsalonaika vbe Masidonia.

But some of the Jews were jealous of Paul and his companions.
Sokpan Ivbi e Ju eso na gha gbọvo e Pọl vbe emwa ne iran gba khian.

They rounded up a mob and dragged the brothers to the city rulers, shouting:
Iran keghi tie iko ye iran uhunmwu. Usun emwa dan ni gbẹbu na ghi silo etẹn na gha rrie ehe ne emwa ni khaevbisẹ ye vbe ẹvbo nii, vbene iran na gha kha wẹẹ:

‘These men are enemies of the Roman government!’
‘Eghian ọghe arriọba e Rom ẹre ikpia na khin!’

Paul’s and Timothy’s lives were in danger, so they fled to Beroea during the night.
Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ arrọọ ọghe Pọl kevbe Timoti rre ikpadede, iran keghi lẹẹ gha rrie Beria vbe asọn.

The people in Beroea were eager to learn the good news, and both Greeks and Jews there became believers.
Emwa ni rre Beria wa gha danmwehọ iyẹn nọ maan, rhunmwuda ọni, Ivbi e Grik kevbe Ivbi e Ju ni rre evba keghi khian Ivbiotu e Kristi.

But when some Jews came from Thessalonica and stirred up trouble, Paul left for Athens.
Sokpan vbe ẹghẹ ne Ivbi e Ju eso ni ke Tẹsalonaika rre ya suẹn gha ho ẹmwẹ, e Pọl keghi kpa gha rrie Atẹns.

Timothy and Silas stayed in Beroea to strengthen the brothers.
Timoti kevbe Sailas na ye gha rre Beria ne iran mieke na rhie igiọdu ne etẹn.

In time, Paul sent Timothy back to Thessalonica to help the brothers deal with the intense persecution there.
Vbene ẹghẹ ya gha khian, e Pọl keghi gie Timoti werriegbe gha rrie Tẹsalonaika, ne ọ ya ru iyobọ ne etẹn ni rre evba rhunmwuda ukpokpo ne iran ghaa werriẹ aro daa.

Later, Paul sent Timothy to visit many other congregations and encourage them.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, e Pọl keghi gie Timoti gha rrie iko ughughan ne ọ ya rhie igiọdu ne iran.

Paul told Timothy:
E Pọl keghi tama e Timoti wẹẹ:

‘Those who want to serve Jehovah will be persecuted.’
‘Emwa ni hoo ne iran ga e Jehova gha miẹn ukpokpo.’

Timothy was persecuted and imprisoned for his faith.
E Timoti gele wa miẹn ukpokpo; a vbe muẹn ye eghan ba ẹmwẹ emwi ne ọ yayi.

He was happy for the opportunity to prove his loyalty to Jehovah.
Irẹn keghi ghọghọ ye ẹkpotọ nọ kie ne irẹn, ne irẹn ya rhiẹre ma wẹẹ irẹn mwẹ ẹkoata dae Jehova.

Paul told the Philippians:
E Pọl keghi tama etẹn ni rre Filipai wẹẹ:

‘I am sending Timothy to you.
‘I khian gie Timoti bu uwa gha dee.

He will teach you what it means to walk in the truth, and he will train you in the ministry.’
Ọ gha ru iyobọ ne uwa ya rẹn vbene uwa gha ya khian lele odẹ ọghe ẹmwata hẹ, ọ ghi vbe gie odẹ ughughan na ya kporhu ma uwa.’

Paul knew that he could rely on Timothy.
E Pọl rẹnrẹn wẹẹ irẹn gha sẹtin hẹnhẹn egbe yan e Timoti.

They worked together as friends and fellow servants for many years.
Ọwara ukpo nibun ẹre iran ya winna kugbe kevbe wẹẹ ọse kankankan ẹre iran ghaa khin.

“I have no one else of a disposition like his who will genuinely care for your concerns.
“Irẹn ọkpa ọre I miẹn ne emwi ne ọ rre imẹ ekhọe vbe rre ọre ekhọe, kevbe ne ọ vbe zẹ ye ẹmwẹ uwa.

For all the others are seeking their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ.”—Philippians 2:20, 21
Emwa nekpa hia, ẹmwẹ ne egbe iran ọre iran rhie aro daa, ẹi zẹdẹ re ẹmwẹ iwinna Jesu Kristi.”—Filipai 2:20, 21


Who was Timothy?
De ọmwa nọ re Timoti?

Why were Paul and Timothy such good friends?
Vbọsiẹ ne Pọl vbe Timoti na gha re ọse kankankan?

Lesson 116

Paul’s third preaching tour ended in Jerusalem.
E Jerusalẹm ẹre Pọl ghi mu okhian gha rrie kiekie.

There he was arrested and thrown into prison.
Evba ẹre iran na muẹn ye eghan.

In a vision during the night, Jesus told him:
Vbe ọ ghi rre asọn ọkpa, Jesu keghi tama e Pọl vbe umian wẹẹ:

‘You will go to Rome and preach there.’
‘U gha yo e Rom ya kporhu.’

Paul was taken from Jerusalem to Caesarea, where he spent two years in prison.
Iran keghi mu e Pọl vbe Jerusalẹm gha rrie Sisaria; evba ẹre ọ na gbe ukpo eva vbe eghan.

When he was on trial before Governor Festus, Paul said:
Vbe ẹghẹ ne Fẹstọs ne ọka arriọba ghi ya guan ye ẹmwẹ e Pọl, e Pọl keghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

‘Let me be judged by Caesar, in Rome.’
‘Wa mu mwẹ gha rrie Rom ne Ọgbaisi (Ceaser) bu ohiẹn mwẹ.’

Festus said:
Ẹre Fẹstọs na ghi tama rẹn wẹẹ:

“To Caesar you have appealed; to Caesar you will go.”
‘Ugbẹnvbe a miẹn wẹẹ u tọn ẹzọ ruẹ mu gha rrie ọghe Ọgbaisi (Ceaser), I gha gu ruẹ gha khian.’

Paul was put on a ship bound for Rome, and two Christian brothers, Luke and Aristarchus, went with him.
Iran na ghi mu e Pọl ye uwu okọ nọ rrie Rom, vbene iran na ya ọgiọrọ gbalọ ọre obọ; etẹn eva nọ re Luk kevbe Aristakọs keghi lelẹe.

At sea, they were caught in a violent storm, which went on for many days.
Vbe iran ghi gua okọ khian, okpẹhoho na suẹn gha la; ọwara ikpẹdẹ nibun ẹre ọ ya gha la vbene ọ ma na fo, ọ ma vbiẹ.

Everyone thought that they were going to die.
Iran hia na gha roro wẹẹ ọghe iran wa fo nẹ.

But Paul said:
Sokpan e Pọl keghi tama iran wẹẹ:

‘Men, an angel told me in a dream:
‘Ma i khian wu, ne uwa ghẹ mu ohan. Odibosa ọkpa tama mwẹ vbe imina wẹẹ:

“Don’t be afraid, Paul.
“Ghẹ gi ohan muẹn, Pọl.

You will get to Rome, and everyone on the ship with you will be safe.” Take courage! We will not die.’
Ke uwẹ ke emwa hia ni rre uwu okọ na gha sẹ e Rom vbe egbe hẹnẹdẹn.”’

The storm raged for 14 days.
Ọwara ikpẹdẹ 14 ẹre okpẹhoho na wa ya la.

Finally, land appeared. It was the island of Malta.
Vbe ọ ghi zẹ kpẹẹ, iran na do gha bẹghe otọ ne amẹ gbodin lẹga ọghe Malta.

The ship ran aground and broke into pieces, but all 276 people on the ship made it safely to land.
Vbene ẹhoho ya bi okọ nii dee, ọ na dekun uzekhae, ẹre ọ na ghi ni, sokpan emwi rhọkpa ma ru orhunmwu 276 ni ghaa rre uwu okọ nii.

Some swam and others held onto pieces of the ship and floated to shore.
Eso vbuwe iran keghi khuẹ ladian, vbene eso na mudia yan oyọnmwẹ ra abọ nọ yan fua vbe okọ nii, nọ mieke na lẹẹ iran gha die otọ kẹkan.

The people of Malta took care of them and built a fire to warm them.
Ivbi e Malta keghi ya obọ esi mu iran; iran na vbe koko erhẹn ne iran, ne iran mieke na yegbe ghaa ẹre rhunmwuda oni nọ ghaa fi.

Three months later, the soldiers took Paul to Rome on another ship.
Vbe uki eha ghi gberra nẹ, ivbiyokuo keghi ya okọ ọvbehe mu e Pọl gha rrie Rom.

When he arrived, the brothers came to meet him.
Vbe ọ ghi sẹ e Rom, etẹn ni rre evba keghi do gbọbokhian nẹ.

On seeing them, Paul thanked Jehovah and took courage.
Orhiọn keghi la e Pọl iwu vbe ọ bẹghe iran, ọ na rhie ekpọnmwẹ ne Jehova.

Even though Paul was a prisoner, he was allowed to live in a rented house while being guarded by a soldier.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ oleghan ẹre Pọl ghaa khin, iran keghi kue ne Pọl mu owa, vbene ivbiyokuo na gha gbogba ga re, nẹ ghẹ lẹẹ fua.

He stayed there for two years.
Ukpo eva ẹre ọ gbe vbe evba.

People came to see him, and he preached to them about God’s Kingdom and taught them about Jesus.
Emwa gha rre do miẹn ọnrẹn, ọ ghi loo ẹkpotọ nii ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ọghe Arriọba Osanobua ma iran, ọ ghi vbe tama iran vbekpae Jesu.

Paul also wrote letters to the congregations in Asia Minor and Judea.
E Pọl vbe gha gbẹnnẹ elẹta gie etẹn ni rre iko vbe Asia Minor kevbe Judia.

Jehovah truly used Paul to spread the good news to the nations.
Vbene ẹmwata, e Jehova wa loo e Pọl ya kporhu iyẹn nọ maan ma agbẹnvbo nibun.

“In every way we recommend ourselves as God’s ministers, by the endurance of much, by tribulations, by times of need, by difficulties.”—2 Corinthians 6:4
“Sokpan vbe uwu emwi ne ima ru hia, ma ghi gha hia ne ima gha rhie maan wẹẹ, eguọmwadia Osanobua ma khin, vbe ekpa ne a na ye ẹgbodin zinegbe vbe uwu ọlọghọmwa, ukpokpo, kevbe orueghe.”—2 Kọrinti 6:4


Why did Festus send Paul to Rome?
Vbọsiẹ ne Fẹstọs na wẹẹ na mu e Pọl gha rrie Rom?

What happened to Paul on the way to Rome?
Vbọ sunu dae Pọl vbe ẹghẹ ne iran ya gha rrie Rom?

Lesson 117

While the apostle John was a prisoner on the island of Patmos, Jesus showed him a series of 16 visions, or pictures, of the future.
Vbe Jọn ghi rre eghan vbe otọ ne amẹ gbodin lẹga ọghe Patmọs, Jesu keghi mu umian 16 ọghe emwi nọ khian sunu vbe odaro ma rẹn.

These visions revealed how Jehovah’s name would be sanctified, his Kingdom would come, and his will would take place on earth as in heaven.
Avbe umian na, ya ima rẹn vbene a khian ya ye eni e Jehova khian nọhuanrẹn hẹ, vbene Arriọba Osanobua khian ya rre hẹ kevbe vbene a khian ya gha ru ahoo ọghẹe hẹ vbe agbọn na zẹvbe ne a ru ẹre vbe ẹrinmwi.

In one vision, John sees Jehovah on his glorious throne in heaven, surrounded by 24 elders in white clothes and on their heads are golden crowns. Flashes of lightning and sounds of thunder come from the throne. The 24 elders bow down before Jehovah and worship him.
Vbe umian ọkpa ne Jọn miẹn, ọ keghi bẹghe ẹkete ọghe Jehova vbe ẹrinmwi. Ọ na vbe bẹghe ediọn 24 ni yọ ẹwu nọfua kevbe ni mu ẹrhu ẹde igoru rhuẹ. Ediọn 24 nii keghi tota lẹga ẹkete ọghe Jehova. Awanwan kevbe owogho avannukhunmwu kegha ke ẹkete nii rre. Ẹre ediọn 24 nii, na ghi ya uhunmwu rhanmwẹ otọ ne Jehova, iran na gha rhie urhomwẹ nẹ.

In another vision, John sees a great crowd from all nations, peoples, and languages who worship Jehovah.
Vbe umian ọvbehe, e Jọn keghi bẹghe oghẹn ne gbii ni ga e Jehova ni ke agbẹnvbo ughughan rre.

The Lamb, who is Jesus, shepherds them and takes them to waters of life.
Jesu nọ re Oteghe Ohuan keghi su iran gha rrie eke ne amẹ ọghe arrọọ ye.

Later, in another vision, Jesus begins to rule as King in heaven, along with the 24 elders.
Vbe umian ọvbehe ne Jọn vbe miẹn, ọ keghi bẹghe vbene Jesu kevbe ediọn 24 ya suẹn gha kha hẹ zẹvbe Ọba vbe ẹrinmwi.

In the following vision, John sees Jesus battle the dragon, who is Satan, and his demons.
Vbe umian nọ ghi lelẹe, e Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene Jesu ya gu e Setan vbe ikpayẹ ọre khọn hẹ.

Jesus throws them out of heaven, down to the earth.
Jesu keghi khu iran hin ẹrinmwi rre gha die uhunmwu otagbọn.

Then John sees a beautiful picture of the Lamb and the 144,000 standing on Mount Zion.
Vbe iyeke ọni, e Jọn keghi bẹghe Oteghe Ohuan kevbe orhunmwu 144,000 mudia ye uhunmwu Oke Zaiọn.

He also sees an angel flying around the earth, telling people to fear God and give Him glory.
Ọ na vbe bẹghe odibosa ọkpa, ne ọ tin khian vbe orere iso. Nene odibosa kegha tama emwa nagbọn, ne iran gha mu ohan Osanobua kevbe ne iran gha rhie uyi gie ẹre.

In the next vision, the war of Armageddon is fought.
Vbe umian nọ ghi lelẹe, e Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene okuo Amagẹdọn khian gha ye hẹ.

During that war, Jesus and his army conquer Satan’s evil system.
Jesu kevbe ivbiyokuo ọghẹe keghi khọnmiotọ yan agbọn ọghe Setan vbe okuo Amagẹdọn.

In the last vision, John sees perfect harmony in the heavens and on the earth.
Vbe umian nokiekie ne Jọn miẹn, e Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene akugbe ya rre ẹrinmwi kevbe uhunmwu otagbọn hẹ.

Satan and his offspring are completely destroyed.
Ọ na vbe bẹghe vbene Setan kevbe ikpayẹ ọre ya khian na wabọre rua vbe etẹbitẹ.

Everyone in heaven and on earth treats Jehovah’s name as holy and worships only him.
E Jọn keghi bẹghe vbene emwa hia vbe ẹrinmwi kevbe uhunmwu otagbọn ya kpe eni e Jehova huan hẹ kevbe vbene iran hia ya ga e Jehova hẹ.

“I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel.”—Genesis 3:15
“I gha ruẹẹ ne uwẹ kevbe okhuo nii gha ya eghian so egbe, eghian egbe ẹdẹdẹmwẹdẹ ọre ivbi ẹre ke ivbi uwẹ ra gba gha khin; ivbi ẹre gha lọkọ uhunmwu uwẹ, wẹ ghi vbe gha sa iran ighinghianwẹ.”—Gẹnẹsis 3:15


How many visions did John see?
Inu umian e Jọn miẹn?

What will Jesus do in the war of Armageddon?
De emwi ne Jesu khian ru vbe okuo Amagẹdọn?

Lesson 118

Jehovah promised:
E Jehova yan rẹn wẹẹ:

‘There will be no more crying, pain, sickness, or death.
‘Eve, obalọ, emianmwẹ, kevbe uwu i khian ghi gha rrọọ.

I will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
I gha khiẹn amẹ eve hin aro iran rre.

All bad things from the past will be forgotten.’
Te a khian ho emwi dan hia bẹkun.’

Jehovah put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden to live in peace and happiness.
E Jehova yi Adam vbe Ivi ye ogba ọghe Idẹni, ne iran gha mwẹ oghọghọ kevbe ọfunmwegbe.

They were to worship their heavenly Father and fill the earth with their children.
Te Osanobua yi iran, ne iran gha ga irẹn kevbe ne iran biẹlẹ vuọn agbọn na.

Adam and Eve disobeyed Jehovah, but his purpose never changed.
Agharhemiẹn wẹẹ, Adam vbe Ivi he ẹmwẹ ye Jehova obọ, emwamwa ọghe Jehova ma he fiwerriẹ.

In this book we have seen that everything God promises comes true.
Ebe na keghi ru iyobọ ne ima, ne ima ya rẹn wẹẹ eyan hia ne Jehova yan rẹn keghi mwẹ amusẹ.

His Kingdom will bring wonderful blessings to the earth, just as he promised Abraham.
Arriọba Osanobua gha rhie afiangbe gie emwa nagbọn zẹvbe ne Jehova yan ma Ebraham.

Soon Satan, his demons, and all bad people will be gone.
Vbe nẹi khian ghi kpẹẹ gbe, Setan, ikpayẹ ọre kevbe emwa dan hia ghi khian na wabọre rua.

Everyone alive will worship Jehovah.
Ẹghẹ nii, emwa hia ghi gha ga e Jehova.

We will not get sick or die.
Uwu vbe emianmwẹ i khian ghi gha rrọọ.

Instead, we will wake up each day full of energy and happy to be alive.
Ma gha wa rhiọrre vbe owiẹ, ma ghi wa gha ghọghọ, ma ghi vbe gha sọyẹnmwẹ egberranmwẹ nọ gbae.

The earth will become a paradise.
Uhunmwu otagbọn hia ghi do khian e paradais.

Everyone will have good food and safe homes.
Evbare ghi kpọ kua ne emwa hia, iran ghi gha mwẹ agbẹkunsotọ vbe owa obọ iran.

People will be kind, not cruel or violent.
Ai khian ghi miẹn emwa ni mwẹ ekhọe atosi.

Wild animals will not fear us, and we will not be afraid of them.
Emwa nagbọn kevbe avbe aranmwẹ oha ghi gha rrọọ vbuwe ọfunmwegbe.

It will be so exciting when Jehovah begins to resurrect people.
Ọ gha rhiẹnrhiẹn gbe, vbe Jehova gha suẹn gha huẹn emwa ni wulo kpaegbe.

We will welcome back people from the past, such as Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Ruth, Esther, and David.
Ma gha gbe ọbokhian ne eguọmwadia e Jehova nẹdẹ ni khian rhiọkpaegbe. Usun iran keghi re Ebẹl, e Noa, Ebraham, e Sera, e Mosis, e Rut, Ẹsta kevbe Devid.

They will share with us in making planet Earth a paradise.
Iran gha deba ima kpe agbọn na huan, nọ do khian e paradais.

There will always be lots of interesting work to do.
Emwi wa bun ne ima khian ru vbe Arriọba Osanobua.

Jehovah wants you to be there.
E Jehova hoo ne u gha rre evba.

You will come to know him in ways you have never imagined.
Ẹi re avbiẹ emwi ẹre u khian ruẹ vbekpae Jehova vbe agbọn ọgbọn nii.

Let’s draw closer and closer to Jehovah every day, now and forever!
Gi ima hia ne ima gha sikẹ e Jehova sayọ ke ẹghẹ na kpa ya sẹ etẹbitẹ!

“You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things.”—Revelation 4:11
“Nọyaẹnmwa kevbe Osanobua mwa! Wẹ sẹe ne ọ gha miẹn uyi kevbe ọghọ, kevbe ẹtin. Rhunmwuda wẹ ọre ọ yi emwi hia.”—Arhie Maan 4:11


In what ways will God’s Kingdom change life on the earth?
De vbene Arriọba Osanobua khian ya fi agbọn na werriẹ hẹ?

Of all the people you read about in this book, whom would you like to meet in Paradise?
Vbuwe emwa hia ne ebe na guan kaan, de ne u hoo ne u miẹn vbe Paradais?

Last update: 03-02-2019