Nọ ru arusotọ kevbe Aruẹhian a vbae. Eghianmwẹn wẹ ni ghẹ

gbẹn ebe ọkpa ra eva ladian sokpan, vbekpae ase kpataki ọghe

Osa n' Udazi i ke ghi gbẹn ebe ehanyan-ugie do s' ẹdẹ n' ẹrẹ:

iran ena khin: Ekhere vb' Itan Ẹdo, Ọkha Ẹdo, Agbẹdogbọyọ,

A Short History of Benin, Ebe Imina, Benin Law and Custom, Concise

Lives of the Famous Iyases of Benin. The Murder of Imaguero and

Tragedy of Idah War, Benin Games and Sports, Urodagbọn, Ihuan

Ẹdo, Some Stories of Ancient Benin, Some Tribal Gods of Southern

Nigeria, Ọzedu (Interpreter), The City of Benin, The Origin of Benin,

Bini Titles, Ama z' evbo omwan tawiri, A Brief Life of the Hon.

Gaius I. Ọbaseki, C.B.E., Marriage of the Princesses of Benin, Ere Ẹdo,

Iha Ominigbọn, Brief Lives of Some Prominent Bini People, The

Descriptive Catalogue of Benin Museum, Ibiẹ Itan Ẹdagbọn Mwen etc.

De ebe ne eghian ghi gbẹn ladian? Iran gbẹn ebe n' iran do viọ

vb' uwu ebemwẹn. Vbọ rhirhi gha ye he, emwin hia r' obọ Osa,

ẹhi kevbe ununmwun na mu re. Ai rie ọmwan uhimwẹn hiehie.