oba [óbà] n.
Ikoroba na gbe oba“This pail has a dent”
obalọ [òbàlɔ̀] n.
pain; misery:
Ọ mu mwẹn fi obalọ“He brought me into pain.”
obele [óbèlè] n.
Ọ ma miẹ obele ya gua okọ“He did not find a paddle with which to row the canoe.”
obẹlẹ [óbɛ̀lɛ̀] n.
a rough path; a track:
Iran fian obẹlẹ dee“They are making a track as they approach.”
oberhọmwan [òbéřɔ́ɱã̀] n.
(< obọ-erha-ọmwan) “one’s father’s hand”: the right hand; the right-hand side.
obẹrure [òbáɽúɽé] n.
“the hand that does not do to eat”: a resourceless person; a person with no means:
Ghẹ rhie ọmọ nẹẹn ighẹ obẹrure nọ“Don’t give him your child (to marry) for he is a resourceless person.”
obi [óbì] n.
obiyọmwan [òbíyɔ́ɱã̀] n.
(< obọ-iye ọmwan) “one’s mother’s hand”: the left-hand; the left-hand side (also agobọ).
obobo [óbobò] n.
Ọ kọlọ obobo mẹ“He picked a flower for me.”
obòbo [óbobó] n.
boiled yam or plantain mashed in palm oil; it is often used in izobo (sacrifice).
obodo [òbòdò] n.
a kind of agile dance that entails spinning around several times.
obọ [òbɔ́] n.
1. arm, hand.
Ọ rhie ẹre obọ mwẹẹn“He held her by the hand”
2. side; direction:
D’obọ ne ọ lae yi“What direction did he take”
3. prep. with; in the sense of location:
Ọ sẹ iwinna rẹn rae yo omwẹn obọ“He left his work in my hand: He left his work with me”
4. from (in the sense of source):
Ọ doo rhie ọtẹn onrẹn vbe obọ mwẹn“He came to take his relative from me.”
obuẹ [óbwɛ́] n.
odan [ódã́] n.
1. heel;
2. interruption (in conversation):
Ẹghe hia ẹre ọ ya gbe odan yọ mwẹn ẹmwẹn“It is at all times that he causes interruptions in my speech.”
odaro [òdáɽò] n.
front; forward direction; ahead:
Sikẹ odaro“Move forward.”
odede [ódèdè] n.
1. (with kin terms): grand:
2. senior; leader; elder:
odede iko“leader of a society.”
odegbe [òdégbè] n.
a full-grown she-goat.
odekun [òdèkṹ] n.
accident (esp. road accident).
Okuo odekun ghi bun gbe vbe ẹghẹ na“The incidence of accidents is too much these days.”
odẹ [òdɛ́] n.
1. way:
Imọto de gbee odọ“A car is blocking the way.”
Ma ọnrẹn odẹ ne ọ gha la“Show him the way that he can take.”
2. a path, road:
Odẹ na i maa“This road is not good.”
3. manner of doing things:
Gie odẹ evbene a ya ruẹe hẹẹ ma mwẹn“Describe the way to do it to me.”
odẹrriẹ [òdɛ́ryɛ̀] n.
(< odẹ-ẹrriẹ) the harem; the women’s quarters in a house.
odibo [òdìbò] n.
1. a reliable and conscientious servant or assistant;
2. a delegate; messenger.
odidọn [òdìdɔ̃̀] n.
(with amẹ) cold:
amẹ odidọn“cold water.”
odighi [òdìɣì] n.
Odighi [òdìɣì] n.
the name of an Edo-speaking village to the West of Benin City.
odìn [ódĩ̀] n.
a deaf and dumb person.
odín1 [ódĩ́] n.
the deep portions of a river or pool.
odín2 [ódĩ́] n.
(as part of the expression kpa-odin) mind; the basis of one’s conviction or reason:
Emwin ne ọ ru nii ke ghi kpa agbọn hia odin“That thing that he did indeed disturbed everyone’s mind; i.e.: astonished everyone.”^
odiyeke [òdíyèkè] n.
behind; at the back of.
odiyekowa [òdíyekòwá] n.
1. behind the house;
2. a euphemism for toilet facilities.
odò1 [ódò] n.
a kind of potash used for thickening certain native soups.
odò2 [ódò] n.
a disease: a variety of abdominal dropsy.
odó [ódó] n.
mortar, used for pounding.
ododo [ódòdó] n.
scarlet-cloth, used for ceremonial outfits by priests of various gods.
odore [òdóɽé] n.
the front of a house (facing the street).
odọ [òdɔ́] n.
over there:
Yaa mudia vbe odọ“Go and wait over there.”
odọnghọn [òdɔ̃̀ɣɔ̃̀] n.
1. the sticky saliva emitted by a drivelling child or invalid;
2. inner membrane enclosing foetus.
odukhunmwun [òdúxũ̀ɱũ̀] n.
1. top (of); top side; up:
Mu ẹnrẹn ye odukhunmwun“Place it at the top”^
2. the skies:
Ọ gbaro ghee odukhunmwun“He raised his eyes toward the skies.”
oduma [òdùmã́] n.
oduwowa [òdúwówà] n.
the sleeping quarters of a house, usually not accessible to strangers or visitors.
ofẹn [òfɛ̃́] n.
mouse, rat.
ofi [òfĩ́] n.
ofigbọn [ófĩ́gbɔ̃̀] n.
palm-oil (also ẹvbii).
ogi [ògì] n.
the melon creeper; its fruit and the seeds which are used for making a variety of native soup, also known as egusi (cf. Yoruba egusi).
ogiasọn [ògyàsɔ̃̀] n.
mid-night; dead of the night.
ogiavan [ògyávã̀] n.
mid-afternoon, when the sun is at its brightest and hottest: also ogiavan-ogiohogho.
Ogidigan [ògídígã̀] n.
a praise-name for Ọba Ewuare, which reflects his power and military exploits; equivalent of “the great”.
ogie [ògyè] n.
a titled ruler; a ruling chief; 2. an outstanding or superior variety of any set of things:
ogie-ukpọn ẹre emitin ima dẹe ùkpo na“It is a very superior cloth that our society bought this year.”
ogiemwin [ògyéɱì] n.
a most surprising thing; an unusual thing:
Ogiemwin ọna khin“This is a most surprising thing.”
ogienebo [ògyènébò] n.
“The white ruler”: the British Monarch, or the white local administrator during the colonial rule.
ogieva [ógyèvà] n.
comrade; friend, associate, etc.:
Ogieva mwẹn nọ“He is my friend.”
ogiẹ [ògyɛ́] n.
Ọ rhie mwẹn ogiẹ“He takes my laughter; i.e. he makes me laugh.”
Ogiso [ògìsó] n.
the title of an early set of kings of Benin who are set to have reigned from about 900 ― 1200 AD.
ogiukpo [ògyùkpò] n.
1. altar (in the Christian church);
2. the dais on which shrines are made.
ogiurro [ògyúrò] n.
the frame of the Isẹ game.
ogolobiẹyẹn [ògòlòbyɛ̀yɛ̃́] n.
praying mantis.
ogologo [ógòlógó] n.
a dancer on stilts; 2. a nickname for an excessively tall person.
ogoro [ògòɽó] n.
male cricket.
ogue [ògúè] n.
state of poverty; destitution.
oguerhan [ógwéřà] n.
the shade cast by the foliage of trees; the shaded area under trees.
oguẹga [ògwɛ́gà] n.
a method of divination in which the seeds of the oguẹga tree (Detarium senegalense) are used.
ogui [ógwí] n.
Bush-mango tree (Irvingia gabonensis) and the fruit.
ogunmagala [ógṹmã̀gàlà] n.
chameleon (also ẹrokhin).
oguo [ógwò] n.
rioting; mass fighting.
oguozizi [ógwózìzì] n.
high fever involving much shivering.
ogba1 [óg͡bà] n.
stake for digging yams.
ogba2 [óg͡bà] n.
1. fence:
Ọ ya okpa ematọn gba ogba lẹga owa ọre“He fenced his house around with iron rods.”
2. a fenced yard or plot.
Iran vẹ laọ ogba esuku“They rushed into the (fenced) school compound.”
Ogbe [óg͡bè] n.
the section in Benin where the palace is. Other important public facilities in this area are the Sports Stadium and the air-port.
ogbee [óg͡bèè] n.
next year.
ogbigbi [òg͡bígbì] n.
excitement, sensation, commotion: (e.g. a running crowd):
Iran lẹ dee ogbigbi“They are approaching with excitement and commotion.”
ogbodu [òg͡bòdú] n.
a bird: the pintailed whydah.
ogboi [ògboì] n.
1. an ignorant person; an uninformed person:
Ogboi nọ vbe egbe owa ne a bọ“He is uninformed about house construction.”
2. someone who has not been initiated into the mysteries of a particular cult.
ogboleghan [ógbóléɣã̀] n.
“the yard of prisoners”: prison yard.
Ogboni [ògbónĩ̀] n.
the name of a secret society.
oghagha [òɣáɣá] n.
brag, boast, swaggering.
ogheghe [òɣeɣè] n.
the edible berries of okhikhan tree.
oghẹ [òɣɛ̀] n.
prostitution; adultery.
oghẹn [òɣɛ̃̀] n.
1. crowd; a large collection:
Iran ya oghen khian“They are going in a crowd.”
2. (of animals) a flock.
oghian [óɣyã̀] n.
1. enemy, adversary;
2. a euphemism used in reference to anybody favoured by the speaker, when the event concerning the referent(s) is unpleasant or unfavourable:
Oni waa gbe oghian mwẹn“Fever is afflicting my enemy (i.e. me)”^
A wẹ erha oghian Ozo wu“They said the father of Ozo’s enemy is dead (i.e. poor Ozo’s father) etc.”
oghoo [òɣóò] n.
oghodan [òɣòdã̀] n.
Ọmwan ẹse oghodan Ozo khin“Ozo is an ungrateful person.”
oghodua [óɣóduà] n.
the Christian equivalent for the “Almighty.”
oghogho [òɣòɣò] n.
oghohẹn [òɣóhɛ̃̀] n.
a tree (Musanga smithii).
oghohọn [óɣòhɔ̃́] n.
the vulturine fish-Eagle; the feathers are used ornamentally in various ceremonies.
oghoroko [óɣóɽóko] n.
hopping; springing along on one foot.
oghọghọ [òɣòɣɔ̀] n.
joy; happiness.
oghunmwun [oɣũɱũ] n.
prisoner of war; a captive, traditionally used for sacrifice.
òha1 [òhá] n.
1. bush; forest:
àranmwẹn bun vbe oha“Beasts are plentiful in the forest.”
òha2 [òhá] n.
a mission of search (for something):
Ọ rrie oha-erhan“He is going in search of firewood.”
óha [óhà] n.
a spike; a staff with a pointed tip used for piercing things.
ohaha [òhahà] n.
a tree used mainly for firewood. Its Latin name is Macaranga barteri.
ohan1 [òhã́] n.
fear; terror:
Ohan mu Ozo gbe“Ozo gets too easily frightened.”
Ibiẹka mu ohan erhẹn“Children fear fire.”
ohan2 [òhã́] n.
ọ ya ẹwe ẹre mu ohan guẹ“He made a gift of his goat to you.”
ohanabe [òhánábè] n.
of a severe sort; an intense variety:
Ohanmwẹn gbẹe ọghe ohanabe“Hunger hit him in a severe way: He was severely hungry.”
ohanmwẹn [òhã̀ɱɛ̃̀] n.
Ohanmwẹn gbe mwẹn“Hunger is hitting me: I am hungry.”
ohẹn [òhɛ̃́ɛ̃̀] n.
priest; religious minister.
ohia1 [óhyà] n.
ohia-ẹvbẹe“kola-nut pod.”
ohia2 [óhyà] n.
a tree, reputed to burn well as firewood; it also has medicinal value.
ohiamẹ [òhyámɛ̀] n.
(< ohio-ame) hole in tree-trunks filled with rain water, in which birds bathe, and other small animals drink water.
ohian [òhyɛ̀] n.
leather; also unprocessed skin of animal.
ohie [òhié] n.
a brief period of cessation of rains during the rainy season, usually in August.
ohiẹn [òhyɛ̃́] n.
ohindin [òhydĩ̀] n.
the looped rope used for climbing palm trees.
ohinmwin [óhĩ̀ɱĩ̀] n.
the Edo name for the River Niger.
ohio [òhyó] n.
hole; dent.
ohioro [óhyóɽò] n.
solitude; loneliness:
Tẹ ohioro mu ọmwan vbe owa negẹdẹẹgbẹ na“One must feel solitary in such a big house”
ohogha [óhòɣá] n.
an empty state (e.g. of a container).
Ikoroba ohogha ẹre o mu ke ọgba rre“It was an empty pail that he brought back from the tap.”
ohoghe [òhóɣè] n.
falsehood; lie.
Ọ ba mwẹn ohoghe“He told a lie against me.”
(also ohoghoi).
ohoghoi [òhóɣòi] n.
cf. ohoghe.
òhoho [òhóhò] n.
a whole or complete thing, as opposed to a part or portion thereof:
Rhie ohoho mẹ; Ii gualọ ukhiọnmwẹn“Give me a whole one, I do not want a part.”
óhoho [óhòhó] n.
(of soups) the variety cooked without palm oil:
ikhiavbọ ohoho“Okra prepared without palm oil.”
ohọnmi [óhɔ̃̀mĩ́] n.
the person who is free from faults; the faultless person in a dispute, or in comparison to others.
ohọhọ [òhɔ̀hɔ̀] n.
slovenliness; untidiness:
Ohọhọ okhuo na bun gbe“This woman’s slovenliness is too much.”
ohu [òhù] n.
anger; aggravation:
Iran ya ohu mu mwẹn“They caused anger to catch me: They made me angry.”
ohuan [óhwã́] n.
ohuẹ [òhuɛ́] n.
1. hunter;
2. dragonfly.
ohuẹn [óhwɛ̃́] n.
ohuẹn si ẹre“cough is worrying him: He has cough.”
ohukpọ [òhúk͡pɔ̀] n.
a variety of okra.
okan [òkã́] n.
1. blame; censure:
vbe ne ọ gae sẹ, okan ọ miẹ vbọ“In spite of how much service she rendered to him, it was censure that she got out of it.”
2. what one is lacking in; one’s deficiency:
gbe okan“to hit (on) one’s deficiency: to taunt with”^
ọ ya ígho gbe mwẹn okan“He taunted me with money (which I lack).”
okaro [òkàɽò] n.
(also okao): the first; the primary (thing).
oke [òké] n.
hill; cliff.
okeke [òkékè] n.
false pretences, designed to cover up misdemeanours committed.
okerhẹn [òkéřɛ̃̀] n.
(< okọ-erhẹn)
1. steamship;
2. all motor boats and ocean liners.
okẹhoho [òkɛ́hòhò] n.
(< okọ-ẹhoho) “boat of the air”: aeroplane; aircraft.
okieke [òkyèkè] n.
the last; the end:
Okieke emwin ne u ru na i khian gha maa“The end of this thing that you are doing will not be good.”
okin [ókĩ̀] n.
1. spinning continuously;
2. giddiness:
Ọ ghi ze gbe ọkin, okin na mu ẹnrẹn“After spinning continuously for a while, he became giddy.”
okiogho [ókyòɣó] n.
disturbance; noise; fighting:
Okiogho bun iran gbe vbe owa na“There is too much fighting and rioting among them in this house.”
okiribọtọ [òkìɽìbɔ̀tɔ̀] n.
a rash infection of the scrotum.
okitikiti [òkìtíkìtì] n.
a state of rush; stampede:
Iran gha vẹ khian okitikiti“They are stampeding along.”
òko1 [òkó] n.
an address term used by peers for each other:
oko, gu mwẹn ru ẹre“Please mate, help me to do it.”
òko2 [òkó] n.
nest (usually of a bird; but also applicable to other small animals, such as lice):
Ahianmwẹn bọ oko ye ẹrhunrhunmwun-owa na“A bird built a nest in the eaves of this house.”
óko [ókò] n.
a horn (usually of ivory or from cattle) blown by native doctors in some of their rituals.
oko [òkò] n.
1. a packaged gift;
2. a parcel. (also ako).
okobo [òkóbó] n.
a foolish person.
okodẹ [òkódɛ̀] n.
something misappropriated; an instance of misappropriation.
okoro [òkóɽó] n.
1. prince;
2. the address and reference term for the male offsprings of the Oba, and some chiefs.
okọ [òkɔ́] n.
boat, canoe.
okuku [òkùkú] n.
traditional method of hair dressing by women, in which the simplest style is where the hair is packed up and bunched to form a nut at the top of the head; different varieties of the hair-style exist, some of which are still worn on ceremonial occasions by women of royal connections.
òkun1 [òkṹ] n.
sea; also ocean.
òkun2 [òkṹ] n.
the decorated box carried on the head in the funeral procession known as “isotọn”.
ókun3 [ókũ̀] n.
1. twine; thick rope.
okuo [òkúò] n.
war; battle:
Okuo i mose“War is not nice.”
okuta [òkútá] n.
rock; stone.
okha [òxá] n.
1. story; folktale:
Ọ ta okha nọrhiẹnrhiẹn ma ima“He told us an interesting story.”
2. History:
okha Ẹdo“The history of Benin.”
okhan [òxã̀] n.
a rodent with a long snout, that lives in the ground. It gives off a very strong and unpleasant smell. It is not edible.
okhi [óxì] n.
circle, ring.
okhian [òxỹã̀] n.
a variety of ants known as “soldier-ants”. They go in very large bands, and are usually found crowded over leftover food or oily surfaces.
okhiẹ1 [òxẏɛ́] n.
edge; margin:
Ọ mudia ye okhiẹ úkpo gha khẹ imọto“He stood at the edge of the road to wait for a vehicle.”
okhiẹ2 [òxyɛ́] n.
plug, stopper; cork:
Rhie okhiẹ mẹ ne i ya khiẹ ọgọ na“Give me a stopper to cork this bottle with.”
okhikhan [óxíxã̀] n.
a tree whose berries (ogheghe) are edible.
okhiokhi [óxyòxì] n.
Amẹ ne ọ rre ọghọdọ naa gha lẹẹ okhiokhi“The water in this pond is flowing in ripples.”
okhiọnkpa [òxỹɔ̃̀kpà] n.
a solitary person; a loner. (cf. akhiọnkpa).
okhogbo [òxóg͡bó] n.
a shack; a hut made of pitched stakes and roofed with thatched leaves.
okhokho [óxoxò] n.
a knock on the head made with the knuckles:
Ọ gbe okhokho yọ mwẹn uhunmwun“He hit me on the head with his knuckles.”
okhokho-eve [òxóxòevé] n.
a burst of tears:
Ọ sa okhokho-eve“She burst out crying.”
okhokho-ogiẹ [òxóxò-ògyɛ́] n.
a burst of laughter ―
Ọ sa okhokho-ogie“He burst out laughing.”
okhọ [òxɔ̀] n.
1. sternness; severity; (of children) crankiness; irritability:
okhọ ovbokhan naa tua gbe“This child’s crankiness is too severe.”
okhuae [òxwaé] n.
okhuakhua [oxwàxwà] n.
the harmattan season, which usually extends from mid-November to late January.
okhualema [òxwálèmã̀] n.
(< okhuae ― ọlema) “the cook’s basket.” ― a little basket with a cover, in which the ingredients for cooking are stored; it is usually hung above the fire-place.
okhuẹ [óxwɛ̀] n.
fruit: walnut. It is boiled to be eaten.
okhuẹn [òxwɛ̃̀] n.
a tree: Ricinodendron africanum.
okhuò [òxwò] n.
1. woman;
2. wife:
Ẹ i mwẹn okhuo“He has no wife.”
3. female:
ọmọ-okhuo“female offspring: daughter.”
(pl. = ikhuo).
okhuó [òxwó] n.
assigned portion of work or labour in a communal enterprise:
Iran fian okhuó mẹ“They assigned a portion of work to me.”
okhuohanmwẹn [òxwóhã̀ɱɛ̃̀] n.
(< okhuo-ohamnwẹn) a pregnant woman (also ẹkponiyẹkẹ/ẹkpoliyẹkẹ).
okhuọba [òxwɔ́bá] n.
(< okhuo-ọba) an adult female; a full-grown woman.
okpa [òk͡pá] n.
path; passage; track:
okpa àranmwẹn“The track through which animals pass.”
okpagha [òk͡pàɣà] n.
a tree, Pentaclethra macrophylla.
okpamẹ [òk͡pámɛ̃̀] n.
(< okpe ― amẹ) “big rain”: heavy downpour, the type that causes flooding everywhere.
okpan [òk͡pã̀] n.
calabash, esp. the round variety cut and used as dishes in the home.
okpe- [òk͡pé-] adj.
usually occurs as a bound constituent of a compound it forms with the noun it modifies; it indicates that the noun is big, large, great or heavy, etc.:
Okpemwin ẹre ọ ru nuẹ na: “It is a great thing that he has done for you.”
òkpe [òk͡pè] n.
wine-tapper (usually palm wine).
ókpe [ók͡pè] n.
1. a flute (usually made from a variety of calabash);
2. also generally for any resonating musical trumpet; saxophone, etc.
okpemwin [òk͡péɱíì] n.
(< okpe- ― emwin) “a big thing”: a great event; a big service, etc.
okperhan [òk͡péřã̀] n.
(< okpe- ― erhan): a big tree.
okpẹhoho [òk͡pɛ́hòhò] n.
(< okpe- ― ẹhoho) a big wind; a storm.
okpẹvbo [òk͡pɛ́ʋò] n.
(< okpe- ― ẹvbo) a big town, country, etc.
okpẹzẹ [òk͡pɛ́zɛ̀] n.
(< okpe- ― ẹzẹ) a big river.
okpia [òk͡pyá] n.
1. man;
2. male:
ọmọ-okpia“male offspring: son”
(pl. = ikpia).
okpiokhuo [òkpyóxwò] n.
(< okpia-okhuo) “woman’s man”: a henpecked husband.
okpiọba [òkpyɔ́bá] n.
(< okpia ― ọba): an adult male; a full-grown man.
okpo1 [òk͡pó] n.
male dog.
okpo2 [òk͡pó] n.
the ridge beam of a roof.
okpokhuo [òk͡póxwò] n.
(< okpe ― okhuo) “a great woman”; an illustrious woman.
okpoto [òk͡pòtó] n.
okpovbiẹ [òk͡pòʋiɛ́] n.
wake-keeping; overnight vigil (usually involves dancing and singing).
okpowẹ [òk͡pówɛ̀] n.
(< okpe ― owẹ) “big leg”: long, confident strides.:
Ọ ghaze okpowe dee“He is approaching with confident strides.”
okpọta [òk͡pɔ́tà] n.
(< okpe- ― ọta) “big talk”: talking big; boasting.
okpọmwan [òk͡pɔ́ɱã̀] n.
(< okpe- ― ọmwan) “big person”: an eminent person.
okpunu [òk͡púnũ̀] n.
(< okpe ― unu) “big mouth”: word of mouth (not backed by action); empty talk.
ola [òlà] n.
the flow of the menses.
olaga [ólágá] n.
chairman (e.g. of an occasion).
olakpa [ólák͡pà] n.
law-enforcement officer; police.
oleghan [óléɣã̀] n.
oleghere [óléɣèɽé] n.
1. a swing;
2. swaying on a swing.
olẹtin [ólɛ́tĩ̀] n.
a very strong person.
oligbegbe [ólíg͡bèg͡bè] n.
goitre; morbid enlargement of thyroid gland, often showing as a large pendulous swelling in the neck.
olighi [ólìɣí] n.
confusio; disruption.
Oliha [ólíhà] n.
the name of a chief who is first in rank at the Uzama.
olikẹmwẹn [ólíkɛ́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
(< olike ― ẹmwẹn) the gist of a statement; the essence of a message.
olima [òlímã̀] n.
file (a carpenter’s tool).
olimehi [ólímèhì] n.
a variety of yellow yam.
olodẹ [òlòdɛ̀] n.
1. sewing needle;
2. injection.
ologbo [ólóg͡bò] n.
cat (also ovbiẹdẹn).
oloi [ólói] n.
a wife of the Oba (pl. = iloi).
olokun [ólókũ̀] n.
the name of a god, believed to be “the owner of the sea”; He is believed to bestow wealth, prosperity and fertility on his followers; has many women priests and worshippers.
olokun [ólókũ̀] n.
the sea (also okun).
olose [ólósè] n.
1. a kind of snake;
2. the embodiment of beauty.
olotu [ólótù] n.
the chairman or head of a society.
olọ [ólɔ́] n.
grinding stone, used as a kitchen utensil.
olọghọ [òlɔ̀ɣɔ̀] n.
hardship; difficulty.
olọkọmwẹnho [ólɔ́kɔ́ɱɛ̃̀hò] n.
(< olọkọmwẹn ― ẹho) wind-pipe.
oluku [òlùkù] n.
the young of animals:
oluku-ẹwe“kid or/the young of a goat”
oluku ohuan“lamb.”
òmẹ [òmɛ̃̀] n.
ómẹ [ómɛ̃́] n.
the fresh yellow leaves of young palm leaves, often used in the construction of masquerade dancers’ outfits, as well as for dressing shrines. It is also used for making crosses and decorating churches by Christians during the celebration of Palm Sunday.
omi [ómí] n.
a variety of new yam, that is considered to be of very good quality.
omiamwẹnzẹ [ómyãɱɛ̃zɛ̀] n.
ominigie [òmĩ̀nĩ̀gyè] n.
class of titleless people; the common people.
ominigbọn [òmĩ̀nĩ̀gbɔ̃] n.
a more exclusive term for the ogwẹga divination.
omugui [òmùgwí] n.
lawyer; advocate.
omuhẹn [òmùhɛ̃́] n.
beginning; start.
omuyan [òmùyã̀ã́] n.
1. upper layers or levels of things stacked;
2^.^ upper storeys in a building.
omwan [òɱã́] n.
measure; gauge.
ona [ònã́] n.
design; pattern.
oni [ònĩ̀] n.
1. fever; cold;
2. cold weather, capable of causing a cold:
Oni naa fi gbe“This cold weather is too severe.”
Onioni [ónyónĩ̀] n.
the name of the son of Arhuaran who was noted for his excessive might.
onioni [ónyónĩ̀] n.
doing things with excessive force and strength but with little evidence of rationality:
Ọ gha kun ẹnrẹn onioni“He is packing them with a lot of show of strength.”
onisan [ònĩ̀sã̀] n.
1. anus; the terminal outlet of the alimentary canal.
onurho [ònṹřò] n.
door-way; entrance.
ope [ópè] n.
calabash bowl used for drinking palm wine.
opirhi [ópìří] n.
a kind of dance which entails swinging the waist back and forth; it is native to the Delta peoples and danced mainly by women.
òre [òɽé] n.
native mat, woven from a variety of reed.
òre [óɽé] n.
1. outdoors; outside (i.e. from the house.)
Erhae rrie òre“His father has gone outside.”
2. the streets of a town; within the boundaries of the town:
Óre Ẹdo“within the City of Benin”
óre ẹvbo“centre of town”
. (also orere).
oregbe [òɽègbé] n.
órere [óɽéɽé] n.
cf. ore.
òrere [òɽéɽè] n.
ori [òɽí] n.
body cream; pomade (usually made from coconut or palm kernel oil).
orinmwin [òɽĩ́ɱĩ̀] n.
corpse; dead-body.
oriwo [óɽíwò] n.
bitter-leaf; the leaves of a cultivated shrub, used as vegetables in soup.
oro [óɽò] n.
secret practices; usually associated with witchcraft and juju cults; confidential communication; secret meeting.
oroboto [òɽòbòtó] n.
hippopotamus (also eniamẹ).
orogo [òɽógó] n.
dog (also ekita; awa).
orogho [òɽòɣò] n.
muddy puddle (esp. of rain on the road).
oroka [òɽòká] n.
ring (worn on the finger).
orokẹ [òɽòkɛ̀] n.
horse-tail used as a whisk, or carried as part of a ceremonial dress by chiefs and native priests.
oroviẹ [òɽóvyɛ̀] n.
filth; messy condition or situation:
Sẹrae ye oroviẹ ne ọ yẹ“Leave her in the mess that she is in.”
orọnmwẹn [òɽ̃ɔ̃́ɱɛ̀] n.
state of marriage; married state:
Ọ rre orọnmwẹn vbe igue“She is in marriage in the village: She is undergoing her married state in the village.”
oru [òɽú] n.
(also oruru)
1. cotton (the plant and the fibre);
2. cotton thread;
3. thread in general:
iku-oru“a piece of cotton fibre”
ikpẹ-oru“cotton seeds, used for preparing a variety of native soup.”
oru [órùú] n.
an edible lava found in the stem of fallen palm trees.
orubu [óɽùbú] n.
a smooth-skinned lizard with a red under-side; it is said to be poisonous.
orueghe [òɽẁèɣè] n.
bother; disturbance; nuisance.
orukuru [òɽùkúɽú] n.
havoc; reckless misbehaviour.
orukhọọ [òɽùxɔ̀ɔ́] n.
sin (in the Christtian sense); wrongdoing. (cf. ru-khọọ).
orunmwun [óɽṹɱũ̀] n.
pear, mainly native variety;
orunmwun-ebo“avocado pear”
oruoru [óɽwóɽù] n.
reckless action; rash deeds, heedless of consequences:
Oruoru ne ọ ya ru vbe odọ ẹre iran na iyẹn ọnrẹn ma mwẹn“It is the rash deeds which he went to perform over there that they are narrating to me.”
orhiekoko [òřyèkòkó] n.
an adopted child:
Ẹ i mwẹn erha, ẹi mwẹn iye; orhiekoko nọ vbe owa na“She has no father, she has no mother; she is an adopted child in this house.”
orhiẹrhiẹn [òřỹɛ̃̀rỹɛ̃̀] n.
sweetness; delight:
Ọ gha miẹ orhiẹnrhiẹn iwinna rẹn vbe okiekie“He will see the happy reward of his work in the end.”
orhikhan [òřìxã̀] n.
struggle; worry; effort; exertion:
Ọ si orhikhan lele ivbi-ẹre gbe“She takes too much trouble over her children: She exerts herself much over her children.”
orhiọn [òřyɔ̃́] n.
1. spirit; soul (esp. the religious sense, both traditional and Christian):
Orhiọn Nọhuanrẹn“The Holy Spirit”
2. strength; power:
Okhuo naa i mwẹn orhiọn“This woman has no strength; she is lazy.”
Orhionmwọn [óřĩɔ̃̀ɱɔ̃̀] n.
the name of an Edo river after which a local govemment area has been named. Anglicized form is Ossiomo.
orhiọnni [òřyɔ̃́nĩ̀] n.
laziness; idleness.
orhokhua [òřòxwà] n.
a staff; a walking stick. (also ukpokpo).
orhọ [òřɔ̀] n.
1. rainy season: usually from late April to early November;
2. harvest season, when new crops flood the market:
ọkorhọ“new corn”^
iyan orhọ“new yam”
. etc.
orhọnmwẹn1 [óřɔ̃́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
1. heavenly star;
2. spotty design:
ukpon ọnrẹn filo orhọnmwẹn“Her cloth has a spotty design.”
orhọnmwẹn2 [óřɔ̃́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
guinea fowl.
orhue [òřwè] n.
chalk (white chalk), traditionally regarded as a symbol of happiness and good fortune it is therefore used in all joyous occasions:
wa gun mwẹn gbe orhue“Rub on some chalk with me: rejoice with me by rubbing on some chalk.”
orhuọ [òřẁɔ̀] n.
bragging; boasting.
orhunmwun [óřũ̀ɱũ̀] n.
(cf. arhunmwun) individual; person.
orhunmwunyẹn [òřṹɱũ̀ỹɛ̃́] n.
visitor; guest.
Orra1 [órà] n.
the Ora people and their language.
orra [órà] n.
stain; soil; smear:
Ọ ya orra ye ukpọn ne ọ rhuaẹn“She got some stain on the cloth she was tying.”
orre [órè] n.
the young generation; the youth:
Orre ne a ghi miẹ na ya egbe ta ivbi-eghọẹn gbe“The youth that one encounters these days like to imitate foreigners excessively.”
orrẹ [òrɛ́] n.
orriamugho [órẏámúɣò] n.
wandering; perambulating:
Ọ gha gbe orriamugho khian“He is wandering about.”
orriara1 [òrẏàɽà] n.
orriara2 [òryàɽà] n.
1. bitterness; sour taste:
orriara ukhunmwun na ma ye khuia vbe unu mwẹn“The bitter taste of this medicine has still not cleared from my mouth: The bitterness of this medicine has still not left my mouth.”
2. sorrow:
Ọ mu iyẹe fi orriara“She plunged her mother into sorrow.”
orrirri1 [òrìrì] n.
electric eel.
orrirri2 [òrìrì] n.
tremor; thrill of fear.
orruaẹn [orw̃ãɛ̃] n.
any relative-in-law.
osa [òsá] n.
debt; indebtedness.
Osa [òsà] n.
the Supreme God; also Osanobua (esp. in the Christian context). (also Osalobua).
ose [òsé] n.
oseghe [òsèɣè] n.
(with sinmwin) defence, support:
ọ sinmwin oseghe ne ọtẹn ọnrẹn“He provided defence for his relative: He defended his relative.”
osẹ [ósɛ̀] n.
1. witness.
osẹka [òsɛ́kà] n.
Ọ mu osẹka yo mwẹn urhu“He placed debt on my neck: He put me into debt.”
osi [òsí] n.
worry; anxiety.
osiba [òsìbà] n.
a gesture, in the form of bowing and extending folded hands to a skilled dancer, as a mark of acknowledgement of or admiration for his/her dancing ability:
Ọ mu osiba mẹ“She gestured to acknowledge my dancing ability.”
osisi [ósísí] n.
gun; ammunition.
óso [ósó] n.
wizard; sorcerer.
Osodin [ósòdĩ̀] n.
the title of a chief; he stands for the Oba’s departed father.
osorhue [òsòřwé] n.
a variety of porcupine.
osọnnọ [òsɔ̃̀nɔ̃̀] n.
irritating sight; eyesore; thing that offends the sight.
osọnmwẹn [òsɔ̃́ɱɛ̃̀] n.
1. a broken piece of something that has (been) broken off it: e.g.
osọmwẹn erhan“a chip of wood.”
osọnmwẹnhẹn [òsɔ̃́ɱɛ̃̀hɛ̃́] n.
a broken piece from a clay pot, large enough to be used as a make-shift plate or dish.
osọnmwinyan [òsɔ̃́ɱĩ̀ỹã] n.
(< osọnmwẹn ― iyan) a cut piece of yam.
osọnmwunkpọn [ósɔ̃́ɱṹkpɔ̃̀] n.
(< osọnmwẹn ― ukpọn) a piece of rag.
òsu [òsú] n.
a lump; a chunk; a whole piece:
oso-orhue“a chunk of white-chalk.”
Osun [òsṹ] n.
the magical spirit of herbs from which herbalists derive their healing power. It is worshipped as a god.
osuakọn [òswákɔ̃̀] n.
incisors, front teeth.
osuan [ósw̃ã̀] n.
contest; competition.
osughu [òsùɣù] n.
trouble; disturbance:
we ne ọ mu osughu ẹre ghe odọ“Let him take his trouble elsewhere.”
osukhọn [ósùxɔ̃́] n.
a person with a raised navel.
Osuma [ósùmã́] n.
a chief, fourth in rank among the Eghaẹvbo n’Ogbe.
osuru [òsùɽù] n.
at a single instance; at a first attempt:
Ọ rra isẹ nii hia vbe osuru“He caught all the seeds at a single instance.”
osùsu [òsùsù] n.
a crown of feathers on the head of certain birds (e.g. esikpogho; awe; etc.).
osúsu [òsúsú] n.
an organized monthly contribution engaged in by two or more people, in which a single member receives the total monthly collection in turn by agreement.
ota [òtà] n.
evening time; from about 4 p.m. till night fall; (also akota);
ota-khuẹrhẹẹ“late evening.”
oti [òtí] n.
otiegba [òtiègbá] n.
full assembly:
Iran na tie iko otiegba“They summoned a full assembly.”
otiẹn [ótỹɛ̃́] n.
an edible berry of the tree ― Chrysophyllum albidum.
otighi [ótìɣĩ́] n.
disturbance; disruption.
otiku [òtĩ́kù] n.
(< otọ ― iku): refuse dump.
otiti [ótìtí] n.
fame; popularity.
otoro [òtòɽó] n.
1. diarrhoea;
2^.^ fluid faeces:
Ọ sa otoro kue egbe“He passed fluid faeces on his body.”
otota [òtótà] adv.; adj.
(< ota ― ota): every evening; evenings:
Rẹn ọ levbare otota“She is the one who cooks every evening.”
ototọ [òtótɔ̀] n.
bottom of; under:
ototọ erhan“under the tree.”
otọ1 [òtɔ̀] n.
(also otọe, esp. in the speech of the elderly).
1. ground; soil:
Ghẹ gie ẹre ya owẹ kan otọ“Don’t let him touch the ground with his feet.”
2. bottom of: (e.g. of a container):
Iku hẹnhẹn ye otọ ọre“Dust particles have settled at the bottom of it”
; (in this sense, also ototọ):
Ọ rhie ẹre lẹre ye otọ (or ototọ) ẹkpẹtin: “He hid it at the bottom of the box”
3. floor; ground:
Ọ tota ye otọ“He sat on the floor.”
otọ2 [òtɔ̀] n.
reason; explanation:
Rhan otọ emwin ne ọ gu kpaọ ma mwẹn“Explain to me the reason for his leaving.”
otọlọ [òtɔ̀lɔ̀] n.
an itch; itching sensation.
Ebe na si otọlọ“This leaf causes itching.”
otọn [òtɔ̃́] n.
a decorated box carried along with dancing in one of the procession ceremonies of the traditional second burial.
otọwa [òtɔ́wà] n.
the floor of a room (as opposed to iba (slab) or úkpo (bed))^.
otu [òtù] n.
1. a society; a social club:
otu Ahuẹmwengbe“The Ahuẹmwengbe society”
2. age-group; age-mate; peers:
Otu ma vbe ọre khin“We are age-mates.”
otuẹ [òtwɛ́] n.
greeting; salutation.
otutu [òtùtú] n.
a frightening object or sight (esp. to children):
Otutu dee, ne u ghẹ ghi viẹ“A frightening object is approaching, so don’t you continue to cry.”
ovan [òvã́] n.
De eni ne ọ ya rri ovan yi?“What did he use as a nickname: What is his nickname?”
ovẹn [òvɛ̃̀] n.
sun; sunshine:
Ovẹn yunmwun: “The sun is shining.”
ovian [òryã̀] n.
complaints; expression of regrets; grumbling.
Ovọnrramwẹn [òvɔ̃́ráɱɛ̃̀] n.
(also written as Ovọramwẹn): the reigning Oba of Benin during the British “Punitive Expedition” of 1897.
ovba [óʋà] n.
ovbamẹ [òʋámɛ̃̀] n.
Ọ kpẹre ne ovbamẹ ke gbe mwẹn sin“It is a long time since I have been suffering from thirst.”
ovbe [òʋé] n.
Ovbe hun mwẹn“Sleep is affecting me: I am sleepy.”
ovbeni [óʋěnĩ̀] n.
elephant trunk.
ovbẹkhẹ [óʋɛxɛ̀] n.
a timber tree: Triplochiton Scleroxylon.
ovbẹvbẹ1 [òʋɛ̀ʋɛ̀] n.
ovbẹvbẹ2 [òʋɛ̀ʋɛ̀] n.
ovbi- [òʋì] n.
(pl. ivbi)
1. child of; offspring of (always occurs with a noun or pronoun as possessor):
ovbi Ozo“Ozo’s child”
ovbi-mwẹn“my child.”
2. the young or small of anything; also things generally small-sized:
obvi-ẹwe“a kid”
ovbi-aga“a small chair”; “^a small stool”
ovbi-erhan: “a small piece of stick, or a young plant”
ovbi-ẹho“a small voice, like that of a child”
3. member of a group, society or social category:
ovbi-esuku: “a pupil of a school”
ovbi-Ẹdo“a native of Edo”
ovbi-esọsi“a Christian”
, etc.
ovbi-abẹe [òvyábɛè] n.
pen-knife; small knife.
ovbi-akota [òvyákòtà] n.;
(idiom) dog.
ovbi-aleke [òvyálèkè] n.;
(idiom) young lady; miss. (also uvbi).
ovbi-alumẹ [òvyálùmɛ̃̀] n.
a small bird.
ovbi-aro [òvyáɽò] n.;
(idiom) pupil (of the eye).
ovbi-ẹrinmwin [òvyɛ́ɽ̃ĩ̀ɱĩ̀] n.;
1. the child of a deceased person who is being buried;
2. an infant; a young child.
ovbi-ẹrrẹe [òvyɛ́rɛ́è] n.;
1. poor fellow; poor innocent person;
Sẹ ovbi-ẹrrẹe rae ighẹ ọ ma ruẹ emwin rhọkpa“Leave the poor fellow alone, for he did you no wrong.”
2. someone else’s child.
ovbi-ẹvbo [òvyɛ́ʋò] n.;
(idiom) same as ovbi-ẹrrẹe.
ovbi-odo [òʋiódó] n.
ovbi-urumnwun [òvyúɽṹɱũ̀] n.;
(idiom) implement shaped like a dumb-bell used for grinding things in a wooden tray known as “urro”.
ovbiakhowẹ [òvyáxowɛ̀] n.;
(idiom) (< ovbiakhe ― owẹ): “small pot of the leg”: shin.
ovbieghoẹn [òvyéɣɔ̃ɛ̃̀] n.
foreigner; non-native.
ovbiogue [òvyógwè] n.
a poor person; a destitute.
ovbiọha [òvyɔ́hà] n.
ovbivbiẹ [óvỳʋiɛ́] n.
a snake: “black mamba”; it spits, and is poisonous.
ovbukhọ [òʋúxɔ̀] n.
òwa [òwá] n.
1. house, dwelling;
2. building.
ówa [ówá] n.
market stall.
owamẹ [òwámɛ̃̀] n.
(< òwa ― amẹ): water tower.
owebe [òwébè] n.
(< òwa ― ebe)
1. school;
2. a house roofed with thatch.
owekẹn [òwékɛ̃̀] n.
(< òwa ― ekẹn) mud house.
owere [òwèɽé] n.
senior elder; a respected elderly person; ọdiọnwere ― most senior, by age, of the senior elders.
owẹ [òwɛ̀] n.
1. foot;
2. leg.
owẹe [ówɛ́è] n.
owẹn [òwɛ̃̀] n.
sun; setting sun.
owiẹ [òwyɛ́] n.
owie vbirhivbirhi“dawn”
owiẹ fiororo or owiẹwiẹmwọnkpa“day-light”
owiowiẹ“every morning.”
owinna [ów̃ĩ̀nã́] n.
carpenter (also ekabita).
owo1 [òwó] num.
one (in counting).
owo2 [òwó] n.
a palm oil sauce used for eating boiled yam and plantain.
owogho [ówòɣó] n.
noise (in particular created by loud talk or laughter).
owowo [òwòwò] n.
1. heat (e.g. from proximity to a burning fire),
2. hot-temper; reactionary disposition:
Owowo ẹre tua gbe“His hot temper is too intense.”
owọkhọnmwọn [òwɔ́xɔ̃́ɱɔ̃̀] n.
(< owa ― ọkhọmwọn) “house of the sick”: hospital.
owọn [ówɔ̃̀] n.
1. bee:
Ọ gha gui vbe owọn“He is grumbling like a bee.”
2. wax (used by brass-smiths);
3. honey:
Ọ rhiẹnrhiẹn vbe owọn“It is sweet like honey.”
owọnwọn [òwɔ̃̀wɔ̃̀] n.
a bird: toucan; it has an immense beak.
owọrọ [òwɔ̀ɔ́ɽɔ̀] num.
oya [òyà] n.
insult; humiliation:
Ọ ya oya nẹ“She gave insult to him: She insulted him.”
oyanghan [òỹã̀ɣã̀] n.
worry; bother; harassment.
oyaya [òyàyà] n.
excitement, enthusiasm; warmth:
Ọ sa oyaya mu ẹnrẹn “She received him enthusiastically.”
oyi [òyí] n.
thief; robber:
oyi ẹrinmwin (idiom)“a very crafty thief.”
oyiya [òyìyà] n.
ozan [òzã̀] n.
1. defect; shortcoming; fault:
Ozan i rrọ ọre egbe hiehie“There is no fault in her body at all: she is absolutely faultless!”
2. criticism:
Ozan ne ọ zan rẹn ẹre ọ ya ohu mu ẹnrẹn “The criticism that he criticized her is what made her angry: The way he criticized her is what angered her.”
oze [òzé] n.
lead (the metal).
ozi1 [òzì] n.
ozi2 [òzì] n.
a gentle breeze.
oziguẹ [ózìgwɛ̀] n.
a boat-handler; the rower of a boat or canoe.
ozikpalọ [ózìkpálɔ̀] n.
oziya [òzíyá] n.
frankincense; a kind of aromatic gum resin produced by the oziya tree, Daniellia thurifera, which is burned as incense, and also by hunters on their hunting trips.
ozubu [òzùbú] n.
a fluffy-haired puppy.
ozuọba [ózwɔ̀bá] n.
same as oloi.