faa [fàá] vb.
to disgrace; to embarass.
fafa [fàfá] vb.
to fade.
fan [fã́] vb.
1. to release; to acquit, to set free:
A fan ọnrẹn vbe eghan“He has been freed from imprisonment”
fan ẹdin“to cut loose palm nuts from the tree”
2. to fall; drop suddenly:
ọ fan fi iguẹ“he dropped suddenly unto his knees”
amẹn fan fua“the rain started to fall suddenly”
fannọ [fã̀nɔ̃́] vb.
1. to loosen; to untie; to unfold:
fannọ oko ne a ghe emwin ne ọ rre uwẹre“loosen the parcel so we can look at what it contains”
2. plural or reiterative sense of fan:
Iran fannọ avbe oleghan kua“They have released the prisoners”^
fe1 [fé] vb.
to escape; to become free.
Ẹwe fe vbe irriThe goat has escaped from the leash
; 2. to recover from illness:
Ọ fe nẹ vbe uhunmwonva ne ọ te vae“He has recovered from the illness that had afflicted him”
fe2 [fé] vb.
to be wealthy; to be rich.
fee [fèé] vb.
to make rich; to enrich.
fenma [fẽ́mã̀] vb.
(< fan ― ema) “free yam”: to remove yams from the yam stack.
fẹfẹrẹfẹ [fɛ́fɛ́ɽɛ́fɛ́] adv.
(usually with the verb fo) entirely; completely; finally: (also, fẹrẹ)
Ọ rri ọre foo fẹfẹrẹfẹHe ate it up completely
fẹghẹrẹ [fɛ́ɣɛ́ɽɛ́] adj.
1. (used with the verb “ye”): very light; without bulk or weight:
ọ ghi ye fẹghẹrẹIt has become very light
2. adv. lightly; with little effort:
Ọ ru ẹre fẹghẹrẹ“He did it with little effort”
fẹko [fɛ̀kó] vb.
to be gentle, mild or gradual in doing something:
Iran fẹko dee vbe umọdia“They are gradually approaching in the distance.”
(also hẹko).
fẹrẹ [fɛ́ɽɛ́] adv.
completely; entirely:
Tue ẹre yọọ fẹrẹ“Pour it in completely: i.e. pour it all in”
fẹrẹfẹrẹ [fɛ̀ɽɛ̀fɛ̀ɽɛ̀] adv.
(occurs with the verb mu) very sharp:
Erọ na mu fẹrẹfẹrẹ“This knife is very sharp.”
fi1 [fí] vb.
to throw:
ọ fi ígho fii otọ“he threw the money onto the ground.”
fi2 [fí] vb.
1. to beat (of the pulse)
Udu ere gba fi leilei“His heart is beating rapidly”
2. to hit:
Ọ fi ẹre ubi“He hit him a slap” i.e. “He slapped him”
fi3 [fí] vb.
to shoot:
ọ fi ahianmwẹn vbe uhunmwun erhan“He shot a bird on the tree.”
fi4 [fí] vb.
to cover; to surround:
Erhọn fi ẹre egbe hia“craw-craw covered all his body: he is covered all over with craw-craw”
fi ekharha gue ẹre“Spread an umbrella over him: cover him with an umbrella.”
fi5 [fí] vb.
to leave behind:
Ọ fi ọmọ yọ mwẹn otọ“She left a child behind with me.”
fi-dọn [fìdɔ̃́] vb.
“to throw and miss”: to miss a target; to make a mistake.
fiagba [fyàgbá] idiom, vb.
an idiomatic expression that means “to summon a meeting” ― used mainly in folktales.
fián1 [fỹã́] vb.
1. (active sense):
1. to cut;
2. to break (e.g. of string or rope); (stative sense): to be cut or broken; to be loose:
Erọ fian mwẹn obọ“The knife has cut my hand.”
Irri ne u ya dee ẹwe fiaẹn“The rope with which you tied the goat is broken.”
2. (of money): to change into smaller denominations (cf. fingho).
fian2 [fỹã́] vb.
1. to be salty;
2. to have a sharp smell:
Orere hia waa fian ne ahiọ“The entire yard has a sharp smell from urine”
Uwọnmwẹn ne u lee waa fian.“The soup you cooked is too salty.”
fian-re [fyã̀ɽé] vb.
“cut eat”; to bite.
fian-rraa [fỹã̀ràa] vb.
“cut cross”: to cross over (e.g. a river).
fiangbe [fỹã̀g͡bé] vb.
“cut in addition to”: to bless.
fianmwẹn [fỹã̀ɱɛ̃́] vb.
to hit (against):
Ọ rhie erhan fianmwẹn ọnrẹn uhunmwun“He took a stick hit him on the head: He hit his head with a stick”
fianyaẹngbe [fỹã̀ỹã̀ɛ̃gbé] vb.
(< fian-yan-egbe) “to cut over body”. to self-aggrandize; to over-estimate one’s worth.
fie [fìé] vb.
to clear a plot with hoes and machets in preparation for farming. This usually precedes the felling of the trees on the plot.
fieghe [fyèɣé] vb.
to swing something; to sway; to wave:
Ọ fieghe obọ daa mwẹn vbe ọ gberra“He waved hands to me when he passed.”
fienwẹn [fỹẽ̀w̃ɛ̃́] vb.
“to cut breast”: to wean; to be weaned.
fiemwin [fyèɱĩ́ĩ̀] vb.
“to hit something”: to hit (somebody).
fiẹkun [fyɛ̀kṹ] vb.
“to throw waist”: to move the hips back and forth as in the movements during coitus.
fiẹnfiẹnfiẹn [fỹɛ̃́fỹɛ̃́fỹɛ̃́] adv.
describes a sharp sucking noise, as that produced when one tries to suck at bone marrow; or the squeaking noise of house mice.
fifi [fìfí] vb.
1. to leer with a longing for something:
Ghe fifi yọ mwẹn evbare“Don’t leer at my food.”
fiha [fíhà] vb.
“to throw oracle”: to cast oracle; to consult a diviner.
fii [fìí] adv.
Ọ de fii ẹzẹ“He fell into the river.”
fikọ [fìkó] vb.
to stand and stare.
filo [fìló] vb.
plural or reiterative sense of fi1 and fi3:
1. throw or drop things one by one; many people dropping things at the same time;
2. to shoot things one by one; or many people shooting things at the same time.
findin [fĩ́dĩ̀] vb.
“cut a grave”: to dig a grave.
fingho [fĩ́ɣó] vb.
1. “cut money”: to fine; to issue a fine;
2. to change money into smaller denominations; to give change.
finhue [fíhué] vb.
“to cut nose”
1. to have a deformed nose;
2. to have excessive nasality in one’s speech.
finve [fĩ̀vé] vb.
“to cut a price”: to price something.
fioghofiogho [fyóɣófyóɣó] adj.
(usually introduced by the verb ye) very tall and thin.
fioghoroko [fyóɣóɽóko] vb.
to hop about on one foot.
fiokin [fyókĩ̀] vb.
“to throw circles”: to turn round and round on the same spot (often leads to giddiness).
fionrueghe [fỹṍɽwèɣè] vb.
“to cause disturbance”: to harass.
fionsughu [fỹṍsuɣù] vb.
“to cause trouble”: to inflict trouble or problems.
fionvan [fỹõ̀vã́] vb.
“to throw a proverb”: to quote a proverb at somebody, expecting the latter to determine its meaning.
fiunu [fyùnú] vb.
“to throw mouth”: to speak disrespectfully of, or to, one’s superior.
fiweriẹ [fìwèriɛ́] vb.
to change; to transform.
fiya [fìyá] vb.
1. to die;
2. to abandon.
fiyekegbe [fíyèkègbé] vb.
“to throw back against”: to ignore; to neglect.
fo [fó] vb.
to finish; to end:
evbare foo vbe owa“food is finished in the house.”
foo [fòó] adv.
completely; totally:
I tie ebe nii foo“I read that book completely”
fọ [fɔ́] vb.
(used with ọfọ as subject) to perspire:
ọfọ fọ mwẹn“Perspiration is perspiring me”: I am perspiring
fọrhiọn [fɔ̀řyɔ̃́] vb.
“to finish strength”: to faint; to pass out.
fu [fú] vb.
to be gentle; docile:
ekita naa fu gbeThis dog is very docile
fua1 [fùá] vbl. part
(usually occurs with vbs such as rhie, mu, fi, de, etc.) and indicates that the relevant object/ subject of the main verb is thrown away, or out:
ọ de fua“It fell out”
: it dropped.
fua2 [fwá] vb.
to be white or whitish (also fuọfua).
fuan [fũ̀ã́] vb.
to perish; to be annihilated.
fuegbe [fwègbé] vb.
“to be gentle to body”: to suit; to be agreeable for.
fuẹko [fwɛ̀kó] vb.
“to be gentle in the belly”: to be of a gentle disposition.
fuẹn1 [fwɛ̃́] vb.
to stamp and roll about in:
Ibieka nii gha fuẹn vbe ekhuọrhọ“^Those children are stamping and rolling about in the mud.”
fuẹn2 [fwɛ́] vb.
to waste; to squander:
Ọ fuẹn igho erhae hia foo“He squandered all his father’s money completely.”
fuẹnfuẹn [fũ̀ɛ̃̀fũ̀ɛ̃̀] adv.; adj.
(usually introduced by the vb. ye)
1. very weak; almost lifeless e.g. a dying fire;
2. (with hẹwẹ) fast; repeatedly:
Ọ hẹwẹ fuẹnfuẹn“He is panting”
fuẹnrhẹn [fwɛ̃̀řɛ̃́] vb.
to smear on:
Ọ ya uwọnmwen fuẹnrhẹn egbe hiaHe smeared himself all over with soup
fuozu [fwózú] vb.
to be blind. (also fuezu).
fuọfua [fwɔ̀fwá] vb.
to be white or whitish (also fua).
furhu [fùřú] vb.
to grab; to snatch, to rush for, (usually of many objects and by more than one participants):
Iran furhu ehia foo“They have grabbed it all completely”
. (also fuu).
furhẹmwẹn [fùřɛ́ɱɛ̃̀] vb.
“to rush words”: to stutter. (also furhuẹmwẹn).
fuu [fùú] vb.
(usually in relation to large quantities): to grab; to appropriate greedily; to snatch.