Folktale Three : Ègùì ne ọ̀mwan èro.
Folktale Three: a Literal English Translation.
Folktale Three: Tortoise the Trickster.

1. Òkha ọkpa ke dǒ re.
1. Story one then finally came.
1. Once upon a time,

2. Ọ na yǎ de mù ègui vb' emwan hia n' ì re ẹvbǒ nî.
2. It went fall catch tortoise and people all that they
be in town that.
2. there lived a tortoise and all the people of the town.

3. Ùkhumwûn wǎ fi vb' ẹ̀vbǒ nî ẹ̀sẹsè.
3. Famine really was on in town that very much.
3. A severe famine broke out in that town.

4. Ègui man sẹ̌tin m' ugbo.
4. Tortoise; not fit make farm.
4. The tortoise was too lazy to farm.

5. Òb' ohànmwẹ̀n na dǒ gha dae.
5. Hand hunger start be hard on him.
5. Finally when starvation was getting the better of him,

6. Ọ̀ ghi kpẹe kherhe, ọ na wệ : "T' i gha r̅ǒ vb' ì gha r̅ù
6. It after stayed little, he then said:"I have to think
6. he decided he

ẹ̀mwẹn òhànmwẹ̌n nâ hệ."
how I will do matter hunger this like."
had to think of a way out.

7. Ẹ̀d' ẹkì ghi re, ọ na rhì' òvbi èmàn;
7. Day market when come, he ythen took child drum ;
7. When the market day came round, he took a little drum,

8. Ọ na fẹ̀ko yǎ lẹr̅e y' òvbi òdẹ n' èkhện ẹ̀kì la gbera.
8. He then carefully go hide at child road that market-
people pass through.
8. and went and hid carefully near the footpath which market-people take to the market.

9. Ọ̀ man ghi he kpẹ kherhe, èkhẹn hia na dǒ gha la gberâ.
9. It not stay long little, market-people all started be
pass through

10. Ẹ̀kì na dǒ r̅o.
10. Market became full.

11. Ẹ̀kì ghi rò nẹn, ègui na z' ìhuan so vb' èhè n' ọ
11. Market when full already, tortoise then start song
11. When the market was in full swing, he started to sing thus

lẹrè yi;
sing at place that he hide in.
from where he was hiding:

12. Ẹ̀ki ogìso, kpuman; n' ọ man gha rie, kpuman; èmwìn n'
12. Market Ogiso, kpuman(drum refrain); who he not be go
12. Ogiso’s market! kpuman! Ogiso's market! kpuman! Whoever doesn't flee home... kpuman!

ọ̀ dẹ̌ kpọ̀lọ, kpuman.
home, kpuman; thing that it coming big, kpuman.
What is coming is terrible! kpuman!

13. Ọ na gha sò ẹ̀r̅ě yan ègbe.
13. He continue sing it over and over.
13. He continued to repeat this song, disguising his voice as much as possible.

14. Òhan na gha mu èkhẹn ẹ̀ki hia.
14. Fear continue catching market-people all.
14. The market-people, fearing that the singer must be

15. Ir̅àn r̅ǒ igh' ẹ̀r̅imwin ọ̀ kpě deè.
15. They thought that spirit it drum coming.
15. an evil spirit from the under—world, started to flee.

16. Èhia na mù vẹ.
16. All run away.
16. They all ran away,

17. Ir̅an na lẹ̀ s' èmwin ir̅an hia r̅àe y' ẹkì.
17. They ran leave things their all at market.
17. leaving their goods behind them.

18. Ègui ghi gi' ir̅an hia kpâ nẹn, ọ na yàǹkàn làdìàn vb'
18. Tortoise when he let they all leave already, he then
18. After they had all left, the tortoise came

èhè n' ọ lẹr̅è`yi.
crawl out from place he hid in.
out of his hiding place,

19. Ọ na yǎ kok' èmwìn hia n èkhẹ̌n lẹ sẹ̀rae.
19. He then went collect things all that market-people
run leave.
19. and went and quickly collected all the things the women had left behind,

20. Ọ na vìọ̀ gha ri òwa.
20. He then take be going home.
20. and took them home.

21. Ègui n' ọ man ghi he te miè 'vbàr̅e r̅e ọ ghi ri ẹdẹ
21. Tortoise that not before see food eat it going to
21. At last, after several days of hunger,

'ha na ghi rì èvbàr̅e r̅e r̅e r̅e, ẹ̀ko na vù' ọr̅ẹ̀n.
three days now ate food ate ate ate, stomach filled
he could now eat as much as he wanted,

22. Ọ na wẹ, "Àh, ọ̀nà i ghi gha r̅u!"
22. He then said: ”Ah, this I will be doing!"
22. and he was happy he had found a clever way out at last.

23. Ẹ̀d' ẹkì n' ọ kẹr̅e ghi vbè re, ọ na vbè yǎ lẹr̅e
23. Day market that it next when again come, he again
23. When the next market day arrived, he again went and

y' ọ̀kpẹn ẹ̀kì.
go hide fof near market.
hid near the market.

24. Èkhẹ̀n hia na vbè dǒ gha la gberâ.
24. Market-people all again start be passing through.

25. Ọ̀ ghi vbè gi' iran hia gbera fò nẹn, ọ na vbè z'
25. He when again let they all pass finish, he then again
25. When the market was full, he again

ìhuan so:
start song sing.
started to sing

26. Ẹ̀ki ògiso, kpuman; ẹ̀ki ògiso , kpuman; n' ọ man gha
26. Market Ogiso, kpuman; who he not be go home, kpuman;
26 the same song that had frightened everybody

rie, kpuman; èmwìn n' ọ̀ dě kpọ̀lọ, kpuman.
thing that it coming big, kpuman.
away the last time.

27. Èkhẹn ẹ̀ki ghi vbè hìn 'huan nî, ir̅an hia na vbè sùẹ̀n
27. Market when again hear song that, they all then start
27. All the people in the market

gha mu vẹ.
be running away.
again fled.

28. Ọ te s' ifunàrò èva, èhe hia vbe ye gbẹlẹ nẹ̀n.
28. It before reach minutes two, place all again be bare.

29. Sòkpan ọ man ke ùk' ọba yǎ lẹ̀ hìn ẹki rè fǒ vb' ègui
29. But it not quick king's lame man to run from market
29. However, the king's lame—man was not quite out of the market

ladìàn vb' èhè n' ọ lẹr̅e yi gha vi' èmwin.
finish when tortoise come from place that he hide
be taking things.
when the tortoise came out and started collecting the people's things.

30. Ùk' ọba ghi bẹ̀ghè ègui, ọ na wệ: "ẹ̀r̅' i kha ighẹ̀
30. King's lame man when see tortoise, he then said:
30. As soon as the lame-man saw the tortoise,

ègui ẹ̀r̅' ọ r̅ù a-ghẹ-r̅u nâ; rẹ̀n ẹ̀r' ọ vẹ̌ 'ki.
”It is I say that tortoise it is he do that-is-not-
done this; he it is he dismiss market.

31. Ìwina èmwìn n' à viọ mu ègui, ọ̀ man bẹgh' ǔk' ọba.
31. Work of taking things hold tortoise, he not see
king's lame man.

32. Ọni fẹ̀ko kọ̀n hìn ẹki rè.
32. That then carefully crept leave market.
32. he carefully crawled away

33. Ọ na zẹ̀giẹgiẹ gha ri' eguae.
33. He then quickly be going palace.
33. and made straight to the king's palace.

34. Ọ̀ ghi s' ẹguae, ọ na khàmàn avb' eghàẹ̀vbọ̀ n' ir̅an
34. He when reach palace, he told the gatemen that they
34. When he got to the palace,

làhọ n' ir̅an gi' ir̅ẹ̌n mi' ọba ar̅o ẹ̀giẹgìẹ̀, ighẹ̀ èmwìn
please that they let him see king's eyes quickly,

n' àr̅o ir̅ẹn miẹn wanwan kpọ̀lọ sẹ 'r̅ẹn gbè.
that thing that eyes him see just now big pass him
too much.

35. Iran na gèlè rhi' ẹr̅e gìè ọba.
35. They then really take him to king.

36. Ọ̀ ghi s' evba, ọ na wệ : "Dọ' mọn n' ọ yaẹn mwẹ̀n n'
36. He when reach there, he then said: "Greetings, my

ẹhi mwẹn! Ẹ̀kì ẹ̀r̅' i ke de nâ.
lord and master! Market it is I from come now.

37. Èmwìn n' àr̅ò mwẹn miẹn ẹ̀r̅' i we n' i do khamàn r̅ùẹn.
37. Thing that my eyes see it is I said that I come tell
37. he narrated to the king what he had seen;

38. Ẹ̀ i re ẹr̅inmwin ọ̀ do gha vẹ èkhẹ̀n vb' ẹki ; ègùì n'
38. It not spirits he come dismiss market—people; tortoise
38. that it wasn't an evil spirit that came to frighten the people away from the market,

ọmwan er̅o nọ̀.
that person of trick it is.
but the tortoise.

39. Ọ̀ man kẹ mwẹn ya lẹ̀ hin ẹki re fo vbè ọ ghar̅a de
39. It not quick me to leave market finish when he be

do vi' èmwìn n' èkhẹ̌n lẹ sẹ̀r̅ae.
coming to take things market-people run leave behind.

40. Àrò mwẹn 'vèva nâ ẹ̀r̅' i ya bẹ̀gh' ẹr̅è."
40. Eyes my two this it is I use see it."

41. Ọba ghi họ̀n èmwìn n' ùkě khar̅e, òhù keghi kàkàbo mù
41. King when hear thing that lame man say, anger then
41. The king was

ẹ̀r̅ẹ̀n ẹ̀sẹsè.
catch him hard very much.
very angry.

42. Ọ na gìè nǎ tie avb' owinà ẹ̀giẹgìẹ̀.
42. He then send to call them carpenters quickly.
42. He sent for the carpenterse immediately.

43. Ọ na we n' ir̅an kà ọ̀mwan, n' ir̅an y' ọ̀dan sìkàn r̅ẹ̀n
43. He said that they carve person, that they use glue
43. He instructed them to carve a human-figure,

ègbe hìà.
rub body it all.
and rub its body over with glue,

44. Ọ na wệ: "Ẹ̀d' ẹkì n' ọ̀ dě ghà re, wǎ ghi yǎ muẹn y'
44. He then said:"Day market that it coming when come,
44. and that on the next market day, they should go and place it

àdesẹ 'kì".
you go put it in middle market.
at the middle of the market.

45. Avb' owîna na gèlè kà ọ̀mwǎn nî vben' ọba khamàn iràn.
45. Them carpenters then really carve person that like
king tell them.
45. The carpenters carved the figure as they were instructed.

46. Ẹ̀d' ẹkì ghi re ir̅an na yǎ mu ọmwǎn nî n' ir̅an kar̅e
46. Day market when come they go put person that they
46. On the next market day, they went and placed it

y' àdẹs' ẹkì.
carve for middle market.
in the middle of the market.

47. Ègui ghi vbè gi' ẹ̀ki r̅ô nẹn, ọ na vbè sùẹ̀n gha sû ìhuan.
47. Tortoise when he let market full already, he then start
be singing song.
47. When the market was full, the tortoise again started to sing.

48. Èkhẹn ẹ̀ki hia na vbè mu vẹ.
48. Market-people then again ran away.
48. All the people in the market fled as usual.

49. Sòkpan ọ̀mwàn n' avb' owina kare ke yè gha r' ades' ẹkì.
49. But person them carpenters carve, was still at middle
49. However, the figure carved by the carpenters remained at the middle of the market.

50. Ègui ghi zè kh' or̅e n' o kpa ò man kpa, èr̅' o ghi
50. Tortoise when wait it that it go it not go, it is
50. After waiting for a while for it to go, and it didn't go,

nà bù er̅e.
he go meet it.
the tortoise then went over to it.

51. Ọ̀ ghi s' èhè n' ọ̀ ye, ọ na we n' ìr̅ẹ̌n gb' ubi y'
51. He when reach place that it be, he say that he slap
51. When he got to where it was, he tried to slap it,

ọ̀r̅' ar̅o, òb' ọ̀r̅e na sìkàn mù ẹr̅ẹn.
its face, hand him then stuck to it.
but his hand got glued to it.

52. Ọ na ghi we n' ir̅ẹ̌n y' obọ n' ọ kẹr̅e sua 'r̅e, òbọ̀ r̅ě
52. He then say that he use hand that it remain push it,

nî na vbè sìkàn mù ẹr̅ẹn.
hand him that also stuck to it.

53. Ọ na we n' ir̅ẹn y' owẹ suẹe, òwẹ̀ or̅e na vbè sìkàn muẹn.
53. He then say that he use leg kick it, leg him also
stuck to it.
53. Then he decided to kick it, and his leg got glued to it.

54. Ọ na ghì we n' ìr̅ẹn y' egbe sua 'r̅e, ègbè ẹr̅e na
54. He then say that he use body push it, body him stuck
54. Finally he tried pushing it down with his body, but again his

vbè sìkàn muẹn.
to it also.
body got stuck to it.

55. Vben' ọ ghi zùgh' ègbe sẹ, ọ̀ man sẹtin z' ègbe hìn
55. Like he struggle body reach, he not able pull body
55. ??

ọ̀dàn n' ọ gbae mù èmwìn n' a kar̅e ni re.
from glue that it glue him to thing that is carved.

56. Uwẹr̅ě nî ọba na gì' evban èso n' ir̅an ya gh' ẹr̅e ghě
56. Inside it that king then sent some that they go look
56. Meanwhile, the king sent some people to go and check

degh' ifi n' ir̅an khuẹn khẹ̀ ègui muẹ̀n.
if trap that they lay for tortoise catch him.
if the trap they had set for the tortoise caught him.

57. Ir̅an ghi dǒ vba, ègui gha gù' utukpumwẹrhan zugh'
57. They when come meet, tortoise was with the carved
57. When they got there, they found the tortoise

wood struggling.
struggling with the wooden figure.

58. Ir̅an na yǎ khaman ọba èmwìn n' ir̅an miẹ̀n.
58. They then go tell king thing that they saw.
58.They went back and reported to the king what they had seen.

59. Ọba na tì' ìk' ẹvbò ẹ̀giẹgìẹ̀.
59. King call assembly people immediately.
59. The king then called an assembly of the people in the town,

60. Ọ na we n' èmwan eso ya mu ègui rè.
60. He said that people some go bring tortoise come.
60. and also sent some people to go and bring the tortoise.

61. Ir̅an ghi muẹn r̅è nẹn, o na n' ẹ̌vbo vben' ir̅an hǒ n'
61. They when bring him already, he then ask people
61. When they had brought him, the king asked the people

a r̅u ègui hẹ̌ hẹ.
how they want that we treat tortoise.
what they would like to be done to the tortoise.

62. Ir̅an hia na we t' a gha gb' ẹ̀r̅ě r̅ua.
62. They all said that he must be killed.
62. They unanimously said that he should be killed at once.

63. Ọba na vbe n' ẹvbo vben' ir̅an hǒ n' a ya gb' ègui
65. King again ask people how they want that they use kill
63. He then asked them how they would like the

r̅ua hẹ̌.
tortoise to be killed.

64. Ir̅an na we àmẹn èrhẹ̀n ẹ̀r̅' a gha mùẹn fi.
64. They then said that hot water it is that they should
put him.
64. They answered that he should be be thrown into hot water.

65. Ẹ̀giẹgìẹ̀, ir̅an vbìẹ̀vbiẹ amẹn èrhẹ̀n nẹn.
65. Quickly, they have boiled water.
65. Immediately, they boiled water,

66. Ir̅an na mù ègui fiọ.
66. They then put tortoise inside.
66. and as soon as they threw the tortoise into it,

67. Ir̅an ghi mù ègui fiọ nen, ọ na gha niẹ̀n.
67. They when put tortoise inside already, he start to
67. he started to stretch with the heat.

68. Egùì ghi a wu vb' èvba, sòkpan, ọ na bà yan 'kọn vbè
68. Tortoise is almost dead there, but he pretend open
68. He was dying, but he started to

n' ọ̀ giẹ.
teeth like he is laughing.
grin as though he was enjoying himself.

69. Ir̅an na wệ: "Èguì vb' u a giẹ yi?"
69. They then said: ”Tortoise, what are you laughing for?"
69. So they asked him why he was laughing,

70. Ègui na wê: "Wà r̅o ighè t' u wa r̅ù mwen kho n' ù
70. Tortoise then said: You think that you are doing me
70. and he told them that it was because they thought they were ill—treating him

wǎ na mù mwen fì amen èrhèn, wà man r̅en ighẹ̀ t' u
evil that you put me in hot water, you not know that
while they were actually doing him a favour by putting him in hot water.

wa r̅ù mwèn èse; wa man mien ighe t' i ghi tan yô?"
you are doing me good; don't you see that I be tall
He asked them: ”Can't you see me growing taller?"

71. Ir̅an ghi gèlè ghě, t' ọ ghi tan yộ;
71. They when really look, he is growing taller;
71. The people saw that he was actually taller than be used to be, and they were confused.

72. Ir̅an ghi nà zẹ̀giẹgiẹ yǎ mu àmẹn òdìdọ̀n re.
72. They then quickly go bring cold water come.
72. The tortoise then volunteered that the best way to kill him was by putting him in cold water. They therefore quickly put him in cold water.

73. Ir̅an na mù ègui fiọ.
73. They then put tortoise inside.

74. Ir̅an ghi mù ègui fiọ nẹn, ègui na bà hùnwan hir̅ir̅i.
74. They when put tortoise inside already, tortoise
then pretend remain quiet.
74. As soon as they had put him in, he remained very still.

75. Ir̅an na gha r̅o igh' ọ̀ wu nẹ̀n.
75. They start thinking that he dead already.
75. The people then assumed that he was dead,

76. Ẹ̀r' ir̅an na ghì muẹn fì òha.
76. It is they threw him into bush.
76. and so they threw him into a near-by bush.

77. Ègui ghi gì' ir̅an hia gha rie nẹn, ọ na ghì hìọ̀nr̅ọ̀n
77. Tortoise after he let them all go home already, he
77. The tortoise waited for everybody to get out of sight,

s' otọ.
then breathe deeply;
after which he took a deep breath and had a good laugh.

78. Ọ na ghi yànkàn gha riè.
78. He then crawl go home.
78. Then he crawled away, still laughing.

79. Evbǎ nî òkha nâ na yǎ dê mu.
79. That place story this go fall die.
79. That ends the story.