Folktale Two : Ènàbulele
Folktale Two: A Literal English Translation.
Folktale Two: Enabulele.

1. Òkha ọkpa ke dǒ rè.
1. Story one then finally came.
1. Once upon a time,

2. Ọ na yǎ de mù ọ̀vbokhon-òkhùò ọkpa n' à tì ' ẹ̀r̅' Ènàbulelè.
2. It then go fall catch girl one that people call her
2. there lived a girl called Enabulele.

3. Kèn' a ya bì' ọrè gha de, ìgbàkhùàn Ènàbulele khianrẹ̀n.
3. Since she was born coming, problem-child Enabulele
3. Right from the day she was born, she had always been a problem-child.

4. Ẹ̀d ' ọkpa ghi re, iy' ẹre ke ghi khian gha rì' ugbo.
4. Day one when come, mother her was about to go farm
4. One day, her mother wanted to go to the farm.

5. Ọ na gb' uhi màn Ènàbulele n' ọ ghẹ kpà hìn òwa re
5. She gave instruction to Enabulele that she not leave
5. She instructed Enabulele not to leave

ìr̅ẹ̌n tě rè.̀
house she till return.
the house until she returned,

6. N' ọ ghẹ gèlè sẹ̀tin kpaà, ìy' ẹr̅e na rhò òkuta y' ọ̀r̅è
6. That she really not able to leave, mother her then
6. and to be sure she wouldn't leave, her mother

àkhe n' ọ gha le.
pick stone for her pot that she be cooking.
picked some stones into a cooking pot, and put it on the fire.

7. Ọ na we nè Ènàbubele ghẹ kpa hìn òwa re a te miẹn ighẹ̀
7. She then said that Enabulele not leave from house we
7. She then told Enabulele to continue cooking

èmwìn n' ọ̀ le gaè.
till see that thing she is cooking done.
the stones until they would become soft.

8. Ènàbulele na wẹ̌ hè.
8. Enabulele then said okay.

9. Gi' 'ye Ènàbulele gha z' òwẹ̌ kpa hin òwa ré avb' ọsi
9. Let Enabulele's mother be lifting leg leave from house
9. No sooner had Enabulele's mother left the house

Ènàbulele na re dǒ ti ' ẹr̅è n' ir̅an ya rhọ̀ òkpàghà.
them friend Enabulele arrived come call her that they
go pick cassia pods.
than Enabule1e's friends came in to call her to go with them to pick cassia pods.

10. Ènàbulele nâ khàmàn avb ' ọsì ọr̅è igh' iy' ir̅ẹn we
10. Enabulele then told them friend her that mother her
10. Enabulele told her friends that her mother had

n' ìr̅ẹ̌n ghẹ kpà hìn òwa re.
said that she not leave from house.
instructed her not to leave the house.

11. Ọ na wẹ : "Òko, wà dǒ ghe èmwìn n' iye mwẹn mu yọ
11. She then said: "fellows, come look thing that mother
11. She showed them the stones

mwẹ̀n erhẹn n' i gha le.
my put for me fire that I be cooking.
that her mother left her to cook.

12. Ọ man ga nẹn, òhan i gun mwẹn kpa hin òwa re."
12. It not cook already, fear not let me leave from house.

13. Avb' ọsi Ènàbulele na gèlè yǎ ghe òkuta n' iyẹe mu
13. Them friend Enabulele then truly go look stone that

y' ọ̀r̅è erhẹn n' ọ gha le.
mother her put for her fire that she be cooking.

14. Ir̅àn ghi mì ' ọrẹ̀n nẹn, ọkpâ vb' ir̅ân na w' ir̅ẹ̀n r̅ẹn
14. They after see it already, one for them said she
14. Her friends told her that

vben' ọ̀ gha ya rherhe ga hệ.
knew how that it take quick done.
they knew how to make it cook soft in a short time.

15. Ọ na rhùlẹ̀ gha ri ' ìyek' owa.
15. She then ran go back house.
15. They went and

16. Ọ na yǎ gb ' eb' iyôkho re;
16. She went to pluck leaves cocoyam come.
16. collected some cocoyam1 leaves,

17. Ọ na vi' ọr̅è yàn òkuta ni
17. She put them on stones that.
17. and placed them on the stones.

18. Ọ na kàkàbọ si erhện y ' àkhe.
18. She then hard push fire for pot.

19. Ọ̀ ghi kpẹe kherhe, iràn na w' ẹ̀ger̅e ghě.
19. It when stayed little, they open pot look.
19. A short while later, when they opened the cooking pot,

20. Ènàbulele ghi y' obọ kan r̅ẹn, ọ̀ wa ye khùẹ̀rhẹ̀khùẹ̀rhẹ̀.
20. Enabulele when use hand touch it, it just be soft.
20. Enabulele touched the covered stones, and found that they were very soft.

21. Uwẹre nî ìhùa 're na zẹ̀giẹgiẹ wệ: "Ènàbubele, man
21. Inside it that, friends her quickly said: "Enabulele,
21. Her friends told her

miẹn ighệ ọ̀ ga nẹn!
don't you see that it done already!
that the stones were cooked,

22. Gì' a gha rì' òh' okpàghà nian."
22. Let we go search cassia pods now."
22. and that they could now go.

23. Ènàbulele na gèlè lèlè ir̅àn.
23. Enabulele then really follow them.
23. Enabulele therefore followed them.

24. Iràn ghi zẹ khian, ir̅an na dǒ s' ẹzẹ̀.
24. They after walk, they come reach river.
24. After walking some distance, they came to a river.

25. Ẹ̀zẹ̀ nî, à ghà vè ọ̀r̅è èmwin, ọ ghî wà eva n' ọ̀mwǎn
25. River that, if we promise it thing, it divide two for

person pass.

26. Sòkpan degh' a man rhi ' èmwìn n' a v' ẹzě r̅e n' ẹzè,
26. But if we not give it thing that we promise it, it not

ẹ̀ i gi' a wěrìègbe gbèrà gha ri òwa.
let we again pass go home.

27. Ènàbulele vb ' avb' ọsi ộrè ghi s ' ọ̀kpen ẹ̀zẹ̀, èdaa-
27. Enabulele and frind her when reach side river,
27. Each of them, including Enabulele

dọghẹe kêghì yàn màn ẹzẹ̀ ighẹ̀ ọ̀ ghà wàn n' ir̅ẹ̌n
each one then promise to river that it if split
pledged to the river that, if it would divide

gbêrǎ, r̅ẹ̀n gha rhì' òkpàghà nện vb' ìr̅ẹ̀n à gha deè .
for her pass, she will give it cassia pod when she
will be coming.
for her to pass through, she would give it a cassia pod on her way back.

28. Ẹ̀zẹ̀ na gèlè wà n' ir̅àn gberà.
28. River really divide for them pass.
28. The river therefore divided for them to pass.

29. Ir̅àn ghi rhọ̀ òkpaghà fò nẹn, ir̅àn na z' òd' owà.
29. They when pick cassia pods finish, they then picked
road home.
29. When they had finished picking cassia pods, they set out for home.

30. Iràn ghi s ' ẹzẹ̀, èdaàdọghẹè na gha rhì' òkpàghà
30. They when reach river, each one start throwing cassia
30. As they got to the river, They each threw

n' ọ v' ẹzẹ̌ re fĩ ẹzẹ̀.
pod that she promised river into river.
into it the pod that they had promised it.

31. N' ọ rhirhi fi ọghẹe fì ẹzẹ̀, ẹ̀zẹ̀ ghi wa nẹn n' ọ
31. Who ever throw her own into river, river will divide
31. After each one threw her pod into the river, it divided

for her that she pass.
for her to pass.

32. Iràn hia na dǒ gberà; ọ̀ na kẹ Èǹabulele ọkpa.
32. They all then come pass; it then remained Enabulele only.
32. Soon, they had all passed, except Enabulele.

33. Ìhùa 'r̅e na k' òbọ̀ n' ọ kẹr̅e vàn khàmǎn r̅ẹn n' ọ
33. Mates her from the other side shout tell her that she
33. Her friends shouted to her from the other side of the river

fî òkpàghà ọgh' ẹr̅e fì ẹzẹ̀ n' ir̅an gha ri òwa.
throw cassia pod into river so that they be going home.
to throw her pod into the river so that she could pass through, and they could go home;

34. Sòkpan Èǹàbulele man damwẹn-èhọ ir̅àn.
34. But Enabulele not listen to them.
34. but Enabulele did not heed them.

35. Sẹriọ ọ̀ r̅ẹnr̅ẹn ighẹ̀ degh' ìr̅ẹ̀n man rhi' òkpàghǎ fi
35. Yet she knew that if she not throw cassia pod into
35. Yet, she knew that if she did not throw the cassia pod

ẹzẹ̀, vben' ìr̅ẹ̀n yan màn ẹzẹ̀, ẹ̀ i wa n' ir̅ẹ̌n gberà.
river, like she promised to river, it not divide
that she pass.
into the river as she promised, the river would not divide for her to pass through.

36. Sòkpan rhumwûnda n' ọ̀ na r̅' igbǎkhùàn, ọ̀ man dâmwẹ̀n-
36. But because that she be problem-child, she not listen
36. As was typical of her as a problem child, she refused to do

èhọ avb' ọ̀sì ọr̅è.
friend her.
as she was supposed to,

37. Ọ̀ ghi zẹ kpẹe, ọ na z' udù là uwu ẹ̀zẹ̀ .
37. It when stayed a while, she stubbornly enter inside
37. and stubbornly stepped into the river.

38. Ọ̀ ro ighẹ̀ rẹ̀n gha sẹ̀tin lae gbèra vbè n' ọ man na wa
38. She thinking she able to walk it pass when it not
38. She thought she could cross it without its

n' irẹ̀n.
divide for her.
dividing for her.

39. Ọ̀ man he k' ọ̌r̅e yà z' òw' èha vb' ẹ̀zẹ̌ suẹn gha r̅o
39. It yet not quick her take three steps when river start
39. She hadn't taken more than three steps when the river started

lẹga ọr̅è.
filling round her.
to rise around her.

40. Ìhua 'r̅e ghi ghè vb' ẹ̀zẹ̀ r̅o s' ọ̀re igbọn, ir̅an na z'
40. Friend her when see that river fill reach knee her,
40. When her friends saw that the water had risen up to her knees,

ìhuan sò:
they then start song sing:
they started to sing thus:

41. Ènàbulele rhì' okpǎghà fì ẹzẹ̀, rhì' okpǎghà fì ẹzẹ̀
41. Enabulele, throw cassia pod into river, throw cassia
41. Enabulele, throw the cassia pod into the river! Throw the cassia pod into the river, Enabulele!

pod into river, Enabulele!
Enabulele, throw the cassia pod into the river! I'm sorry for you, Enabulele.

42. Vben' ir̅an s' ihuan nẹ sẹ, ọ̀ man rhi' òkpàghǎ fî ẹzẹ̀.
42. Like they sing song for her reach, she not throw
cassia pod into river.
42. In spite of how long they sang, Enabulele did not throw the cassia pod into the river.

43. Ẹ̀zẹ̀ na gha r̅o gù' ẹ̀r̅è khian.
43. River continue fill round her.
43. The river continued to rise round her.

44. Ọ na dǒ s' ọr̅e ẹ̀kun.
44. It then reach her waist.
44. It soon rose as high as her waist line.

45. 0hàn ghi mu avb' ọsi ọr̅è.
45. Fear began catching her friends.

46. Èsò vb' ir̅an na ghì r̅hùlẹ̀ yǎ ti' iy' ẹr̅e rè.
46 Some among them then ran go call mother her come.
46. Some of her friends therefore ran to call her mother.

47. Iy' ẹr̅e ghi tè re, ẹ̀zẹ̀ r̅o s' Ènàbulele ẹ̀wẹe nẹ̀n.
47. Mother her before come, water filled reach Enabulele
chest already.
47. When she came and found that the water had risen to her daughter's chest,

48. Iyẹe na fùn 'rhu r̅ùa, ọ na z' ìhuan sò:
48. Mother her then opened voice, she start song sing.
48. she started to cry, and sang

49. Ènàbulele rhi okpagha fi ẹ̀zẹ̀, rhi' okpǎghà fì ẹ̀zẹ̀
49. Enabulele, throw cassia pod into river, throw cassia
49. the same the same song Enabulele's friends

pod into river, Enabulele!
had been singing;

50. Ènàbulele man yě damwẹn-èhọ iy' ẹr̅è .
50. Enabulele not still listen to mother her.
50. but Enabulele didn't heed her mother either.

51. Ẹ̀zẹ̀ na yè gha ro gu ẹ̀r̅ě khian.
51. River still continued to fill round her.
51. The water continued to rise round her.

52. Iy' ẹr̅e man ghi r̅ện vb' ọ̀ gha r̅û.
52. Mother her not know what she will do.

53. Ọ na ghi wệ : "Ọ̀ mǎn, ì gha ya tì' ìgbàkhìàn r̅ẹn re.
53. She then said: ”Okay, I will go call fiance her come.
53. Her mother therefore decided to call her fiance.

54. Ù ghǎ ghe ọ̀ gha dàmwẹ̀n-ehọ ọnî."
54. Maybe she will listen to that."

55. Iy' ẹr̅e na gèlè yǎ tî' ìgbàkhìàn r̅ện re .
55. Mother her then really go call fiance her come.

56. Ọ̀ ghi re, ọ na vbè z' ìhuan so :
56. He when come he also start song sing:
56. Her fiance came and also sang to her,

57. Ènàbulele rhi' okpǎghà fì' ẹzẹ̀, rhì' okpǎghà fi ẹzẹ̀
57. Enabulele, throw cassia pod into river, throw cassia

pod into river, Enabulele!

58. Vben' ọ s' ihuan sẹ̀, Ènàbulele man rhi' èhọ nẹn tǎ yi.
58. Like he sang song reach, Enabulele not give him ear
talk in.
58. but she did not listen to him.

59. Vb' ẹ̀ghẹ̀ n' a khǎ nâ, amẹ̀n ghi a r̅ǒ s' ọ̀r̅è èhọ .
59. At time we say this, water almost reach her neck.
59. By this time, the water had risen up to her neck.

60. Ìgbàkhian r̅ẹn na ghì w' ir̅ẹn r̅ẹn èmwìn n' ìr̅ẹ̀n gha
60. Fiance her then say he knew thing that he will do.


61. Ọ na wệ : "Ì gha ya gb' adẹn n' i do yǎ sùà òkpàghǎ
61. He said:"I will go make hook that I come use push

nî fùa vb' ùhùnmwùn ẹrẹ̀n."
cassia pods that from head her."

62. Ọ na gèlè zẹ̀giẹgiẹ yǎ gb' adẹn n' ọ taẹ̀n rè .
62. He really quickly go make hook that it long come.
62. So he went and quickly constructed a hook which was long enough to reach Enabulele.

63. Ọ na ghì yè n' adẹn rùà ìkun òkpàghà n' Ènàbulele mu
63. He then use hook that push bundle cassia pod that
63. With the hook, he then pushed into the river the bundle of cassia pods

yàn uhunmwun fì ẹ̌zẹ .
Enabulele carry on head into river.
Enabulele was carrying on her head.

64. Ọ̀wàr̅ọkpa nî, ẹ̀zẹ̌ na ghì wà y' ihi' èva n' Ènàbulele
64. Immediately, river divide into two places that Enabu-
64. Immediately, the river divided at last for her

lele pass.
to pass through.

65. Èvbǎ nî òkha nâ na yǎ dê wù.
65. Place that story this then go fall die.
65. That ends the story.