Folktale One: Èkpèn kèvbè Ofinotò.
Folktale One: A Literal English Translation.
Folktale One: The Tiger and the Rabbit.

1. Ẹ̀dẹ ọkpa ke dò re.
1. One day then finally came.
1. Once upon a time,

2. Ẹ̀kpẹ̀n ne ọba avbe àr̅anmwẹn-òha hia ke dǒ biẹ.
2. Tiger that king all beast—forest then finally born.
2. the tiger, king of all the beasts of the forest, had a cub.

3. Ùgbẹ̀n vbè ọ ghi bìẹ̀ nẹn, ọ na wẹ :
3. When that he after born already, he then said:
3. Soon he started to worry:

4. "Vbè ì r̅a khian r̅u ẹ̀mwẹn èvbàre hẹ̌ vbè ẹ̀ghẹ̀ nâ nè ǐ
4. "What I will do matter food how at time this that I not
4. "What will I do for food during this period when I can't

khian nâ sẹ̀tin y' ọ̀bàfi?"
going be able to hunt?"
go hunting?"

5. Uwuệr̅e nî ọ na yère ighẹ̀ ẹ̀ i mwẹn avbe àr̅amwẹn-òha man
5. Inside it that he then remembered that it not have
5. Then he remembered that the other animals will

do tu ir̅ẹ̀n n' ir̅ẹ̀n na dà biẹ nâ.
all beast-forest not come greet him that he new just
born like this.
not fail to come and pay homage to him and his new baby.

6. Ọ na ghì yǎn ighẹ̀ ir̅àn ẹ̀r̅' ir̅ẹ̀n ghi yà kòk' ọ̀mon, kòk'
6. He then threatened that they it is he will use grow
6. So he decided that they will serve as his food

child, grow himself.
for that period.

7. Ọ̀finotọ̀ gbǎ ẹkpèn sẹ̀ vberìọ̀,
7. The rabbit know tiger reach like that,
7. The rabbit knew the tiger very well, and suspected that he must be making some evil plans now that he can't go hunting.

8. Ọ̀ ghi wà họn igh' ẹ̀kpẹ̀n biẹè, ọ na kp' ǒtọ̀ kp' ǒtọ̀
8. he after really hear that tiger born, he then dig
8. So he started to pipe out a hole until he

yǎ ladìan vbè ọ̀gua 'r̅ô.
ground dig ground go come out at room his.
came out at the tiger's room.

9. Ọ̀ ghi gùà làdìàn nẹn, ọ na zẹ̀ ekẹ̀n kherhe gù' ùvun nî.
9. He when dig come out after, he then gathered sand
little cover hole that.
9. As soon as he had come out at the tiger's floor, he covered his hole with a layer of sand,

10. Ọ na fẹ̀ko lẹ̀r̅e y' ûwu ùvun nî gha damwẹ̀n-èhọ èyan
10. He then carefully hid in hole that be listening
10. and then hid quietly in it, 1istening to hear

k' eyan ne ẹkpẹn kha yan.
threat by threat that tiger will make.
whatever plans the tiger might be making.

11. Ọ̀ ghi wà họn ighẹ̀ ẹ̀kpẹ̀n w' ir̅ẹ̀n gha y' avb' ar̅amwẹ̀n-
11. He when really hear that tiger said he will use all beast-
11. As soon as he heard the tiger decide to feed on the animals

òha nì gha do tu' ọr̅e kok' ọ̀mon kok' ègbe, o na wà
forest that will come greet him grow child grow himself,
who would come to visit him,

tùlẹmù gha rie uw' oha.
he then just run going into forest.
he immediately ran into the forest.

12. Ọ na si avb' âr̅amwẹn-òha hia kòko.
12. He gathered all beast—forest together.
12. He assembled all the animals and

13. Ọ na khàmàn ir̅àn igh' ẹ̀kpẹ̀n w' ir̅àn ẹr̅' ir̅ẹ̀n khian
13. He then told them that tiger said they it is he will
13. announced to them that the tiger was planning

ya kòk' òmọn kòk' egbe.
use grow child grow himself.
to feed on them.

14. Òhan ke ghì mù ir̅àn ẹ̀sẹsè .
14. Fear did then catch them very much.
14. They were all greatly frightened.

15. Ir̅àn na gha ha yo ha re.
15. They then be fret forward fret back.

16. Uw' ẹr̅ě nî ọ̀finotọ̀ ghi nà wệ :
16. Inside it that, rabbit then said:
16. The rabbit then told them

17. "Wà ghẹ gì' òhan m' uwà; òdẹ rọọ̀ n' à gha l' ẹkpẹ̌n r̅è."
17. ”You don't let fear catch you; road exists that we
will pass tiger by.
17. not to be afraid.

18. Wà ghà h' àkô gi ' ẹr̅è, wà ghẹ là 'r̅è òwǎ; sòkpan
18. You when take gift to him, you not enter house his;
18. He advised them that when they take their gifts to the tiger, they should not enter his house,

wǎ ghi k' or̅er̅e dà khàmǎn r̅ện ighè t' uwà ha ǎkô gì' ẹr̅è.
but you from outside shout tell him that you bring
gift for him.
but should shout from outside that they had brought him a present.

19. Wà ghà ghì khàmǎn r̅ện nẹn, wà sẹ̀tin lẹ̌."
19. You after when you tell him already, you can run away."
19. After that, they could run away.

20. Iràn hia kêghì ghọ̀ghọ̀ y' ẹ̀wàẹ̀n n' ọ̀fǐnotọ̀ zẹè.
20. They all happy for wisdom that rabbit made.
20. They were all happy with the rabbit's wise suggestion.

21. Ọ̀ man ghi he kpẹe, èdọmwândọghẹe na gb' ìkun-erhan
21. It not yet long, each one then tied bundle wood carry
21. Soon afterwards, each one carried his bundle of fire—

mù mwẹn n' ir̅an mǔ gi' ẹkpẹn.
with him that he carry to tiger.
wood to take to the tiger.

22. N' ọ rhirhi s ' ọgh' ẹkpẹ̀n ghi mù ìkun-èrhan r̅ện fùa
22. Who ever reach tiger's place throws bundle-wood his
22. Whenever each got to his house, he would throw down his bundle

z' ìhuan sò :
down start song sing:
and start to sing:

23. "Ẹ̀kpẹ̀n mì' èrhan, gbẹlẹ; èr̀hẹ̀n n' u kǒko nî; n' u
23. "Tiger, take wood,(gbele: drum refrain); fire that
23. Tiger, accept firewood! Gbele That fire you made.... Gbele

yǎ rànmw' imân; ''
you made that; that you use fry us;"
To roast us in.... Gbele

24."Gha ọ kha ọ̀r̅e?''
24. "Who he say it?"
24. Who said it? Gbele

25. "Ọ̀finotọ̀ n' ôwa àbẹtù wẹwẹwẹ, ọ̀ su ekhẹ̀ǹ y' ẹkì, ọ̀`
25. "Rabbit of house, the bearded one, he follows women
25. The house-rabbit! Gbele The bearded one! Gbele Who escorts women to market, Gbele

man ghi su ẹ̀r̅e re."
to market, he not again follow them back."
But never returns with them. Gbele

26. Ẹ̀kpẹ̀n ghi hìn 'hùàn n' ir̅ân so, ọ̀ ghi hun 'dè n'
26. Tiger when hear the song that they sing, he when hear
26. When the tiger heard how the rabbit had advised all

ọ̀finotọ̀ bu ir̅ân r̅e, ọ̀ ke mòbọ yàn r̅ẹ̀n ùnuân.
the advice rabbit advise them, it really open him mouth
the animals,

27. Òhù ke vbè mù' ẹ̀n ẹ̀sẹsè.
27. Anger catch him too very much.
27. he was very angry and

28. Ọ na sùẹ̀n gha yan èyan hia khệ ọ̀finotọ̀, bhen' ìr̅ẹ̀n
28. He then start be threatening threats all await rabbit,
28. started to lay plots down

` gha wǎ lẹe hệ vbè àmẹn-èrhẹn.
how he will really cook him in Water-fire
for him.

29. Vb' uw' ẹghẹ̌ nâ, ọ̀finotọ̀ vbe lẹ̀r̅è y' ùvùn ẹr̅ẹ̀n nẹ̀n sin.
29. At time this, rabbit again hide in hole his already

30. Ọ̀ r̅ẹ̌nr̅ện igh' ẹ̀ i mwẹn ẹ̀kpẹ̀n man z' ir̅ò n' ọ̀ khọ̌ da
30. He knew that it not have tiger not think thought that

ir̅ẹ̀n vb' ọ̀ 'a r̅ện nẹn ighệ r̅ẹ̀n n' ọfinotọ̀ ẹ̀r̅' ọ bu
it bad towards him when he has known that him the rabbit

avbe àr̅amwẹn-òha ùde.
it is he advise all beast-forset advice.

31. Ọ na fẹ̀ko gha damwẹ̀n-èhọ̀ vb' uw' uvùn ẹr̅ẹ̀n.
31. He then carefully be listening inside hole his.
31. But the rabbit was again listening in his hole,

32. Ọ̀ họn èyan hia n' ẹ̀kpẹ̀n yan kh' ọr̅è .
32. He hear threats all that tiger threatened towards him.
32. and heard all the plans that tiger had made.

33. Ọ̀ ghi gie avb' ar̅amwẹn-òha hia y' ọgh' ẹkpẹ̀ǹ gbà`
33. He after let all beast-forest go tiger's place finish,
33. After all the other animals had been to the tigers house,

òbọ nẹn, ọ na yǎ gual' àb' erhàn.
he went look for branch wood.
he then went and looked for a branch,

34. Ọ na gha dì' òdar̅' ow' ẹkpẹ̀n.
34. He then be coming to front house tiger.
34. and went to the tiger's door.

35. Ọ̀ ghi s' òbọ dẹ̀dẹ̀dẹ̀ nẹn, ọ na dà khàmàn ẹkpện n' ọ
35. He after knock hard already, he then shout tell tiger
35. After knocking hard, he shouted to the tiger

kì' urhô ighệ te ìrẹ̌n do tu' ọr̅è.
that he open door that he come visit him.
to open the door because he had come on a visit.

36. Ẹ̀kpẹ̀n ghi họn, ọ na zẹ̀giẹgìẹ̀ sì y' àmẹ̀n nè ọ mu yàn
36. Tiger when hear, he then quickly push (wood into fire)
36. As soon as the tiger heard who it was, he quickly added more fire—wood to the fire

erhẹ̀n n' ọ̀ khian mu ọ̀finotọ̀ fǐ.
for the water that he put on fire, that he will put
rabbit into.
so that the water he was boiling to throw the rabbit into might boil faster.

37. Ẹ̀kpẹ̀n ghi kìè urhô nẹn, gìẹ̀ gha vin yan oọ̀finotọ̀,
37. Tiger after open door,let him be springing on rabbit,
37. As soon as he had opened the door and wanted to spring on the rabbit,

ọ̀finotọ̀ na lẹ̀ fua.
rabbit ran away.
the latter ran away.

38. Èkpèn na ghì we èwàèn r̅èn gha ya r̅u 'rè.
38. Tiger then said wisdom he will use do it.
38. The tiger then decided that he must be more careful and plan more wisely.

39. Ẹ̀rẹ ọ ghi nà gha go tie ọ̀ finotọ̀ n' ọ wěrìègbe gha
39. It is he then be shouting call rabbit that he turn
39. So he started to shout to the rabbit to come back and

dê ìghẹ̀ rẹ̀n i rû ẹ̀r' èmwin rhọ̀kpà.
be coming back that he not do him thing any.
that he wouldn’t hurt him.

40. O na we ofinoto man ren ighe t' iren te khian ded'
40. He said rabbit not know that he was going to embrace


41. Ọ̀finotọ̀ na gèlè wèrìègbe gha dê.
41. Rabbit then truly turn be coming back.
41. The rabbit then came back.

42. Ẹ̀kpẹ̀n man r̅ẹn igh' ộfinotọ̀ z' ir̅o èmwìn n' ọ̀ gha r̅u
42. Tiger not know that rabbit think thought thing that he
42. The tiger did not suspect that the rabbit had his own

will do already.

43. Ọ̀ ghi s' èhè n' ẹ̀kpẹ̀n ye nẹn, ẹ̀kpẹ̀n na we n' ọ lâhọ
43. He when reach place that tiger be already, tiger said
43. The tiger then requested the rabbit to come and

n' ọ do diàk' ọ̀mon khè ir̅ẹ̀n igh' ir̅ẹ̀n khian y' êgbe-
that he please that he come stand near child for him
watch over his cub for him while he went

that he about to go behind house.
to ease himself.

44. Ọ̀finotọ̀ na wẹ ọ̀ mǎn.
44. Rabbit said it good.
44. The rabbit agreed to do so.

45. Ọ̀ ghi gìè ẹ̀kpẹ̀n fi iyekê gbè nẹn, ọ na tọ̀n òvbì ẹr̅è
45. He when let tiger turn back already, he then lift child
45. As soon as the tiger turned his back, the rabbit picked up his cub and

mu, ọ na mu' ẹn fì àmẹn-èrhẹ̀n nè iy' ẹè te ya z' ir̅' ir̅ẹ̀n.
his up, he then throw it into water—fire, that mother
him had used to await him.
threw it into the boiling water which the tiger had meant to throw him into.

46. Ẹ̀kpẹ̀n ghi họ̀n vb' òvbi ẹr̅e da tu, ọ na vìn gha dê ;
46. Tiger when he hear child his shout cry, he then
sprang back;
46. When the tiger heard his cub cry, he rushed back;

47. Sòkpan, ọ te s' èh̀è n' ọ̀finotọ̀ ye, ọ̀finotọ̀ san fì
47. But he before reach place that rabbit be, rabbit jump
47. but before he got to where the rabbit was, the rabbit had

ùvùn n' ọ tọẹn nẹ̀n.
into hole that he dig already.
jumped into his hole.

48. Ùkp' ẹrhùnrhùn ẹr̅ẹ̀n n' òb' ẹkpẹ̀n ghi vbǎ na bòlò y'
48. Tip tail him that hand tiger reach peel for tiger hand.
48. The tip of his tail, which was the only part the tiger could lay his hands on,

ẹ̀kpẹ̀n òbọ.
peeled off with him.

49. Ọ̀ni ọ si ẹ̀r̅e n' ùkpẹrhurhun ọ̀finotọ̀ na bà rìẹ̀rìẹ̀rìẹ̀ sẹ̀
49. That caused it that tip tail rabbit be red slightly
49. That is why the tip of the rabbit's tail is lighter in color

ìkìnegbe ẹ̀rhùnrhùn ẹr̅ẹ̀n n' i kẹr̅è.
more than skin tail that is left.
than the rest of his body.

50. Èvba nî òkha nâ na yǎ dê wù.
50. Place that story this go fall die.
50. That ends the story.